Sea fishing on the Cornwall coast can offer some wonderful species to catch if you adapt what you are doing. This time of year you really have to make the most of any opportunity you can. I’ve had a lot of messages over the years from people who have said that they would love to do more fishing but cannot find the time. Here we try to fish between the hours of the school run to see if it’s possible. Who will catch more fish? Husband or wife?

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    Hello good morning welcome back to the fish Locker currently we’re in the van what we’re going to be doing today I’ve I’ve had quite a lot of messages lately just saying people would love to do more fishing but they just can’t find the time like either with the school runs or

    With like hours on a night on what Hannah and I are going to be trying to do today is we’re going to be trying to get in a session a productive session in the school hours we have literally just dropped James off at school it’s qu to 9

    In the morning we’ve picked up all of all gate and we’re on our way to the boat now we’re hoping to get out and have a session and be back in in time to pick him up from school it is most likely going to turn into a competition also like like

    Married like fut is go look so right hana’s tying rigs that morning traffic is a killer what time is it I didn’t wa it took us 45 minutes to get here usually it’s a 20 minute journey to get to the it’s qu 9 we got here

    Though I do have this is probably going to be a point of contention this is probably going to be a uh a sh Point throughout the day now we’ve been looking at two different forecasts I did show you the weather forecast I’ve been looking at didn’t I I

    Had looked at one I just heard the radio this morning I’ve been looking at forecast for the last couple of days because I know that Hannah doesn’t like going out in the rain or when it’s bad weather and IID promised and I’d shown her that the forecast had no rain did it

    And it showed that there was less than 5% chance of precipitation at any point throughout the day and it’s already rained and it’s already rained three times on the way here there’s so many gray clouds so yeah it’s going to have to be good otherwise I’m going to get it in

    The neck I fail I what sp there hopefully we are out on the fishing grounds exactly an hour and 10 minutes after dropping James off at go all we’re going to be doing to start with is we’re going to be fishing with lures on spinning rods over a bit of

    Reef pner is already St all we’re going to be fishing with is just little soft Plastics like this I’m going to away perfect Target is poll and Bass if you want a different lure no no the reason why we’ve got these LS is because you need a little bit of weight in this wind to Cast at the moment the wind’s right up our back so it’s pushing us along we are drifting at about 1.1 Notch all we’re doing is we’re just drifting along casting up towards where we’re drifting bouncing the lows and the bottom so casting up so that we’re

    Drifting down on top of them and then giving him a wind and a bounce a wind and a bounce so the lure goes like that in the water unfortunately I mean this area Reef has been fishing really well for the past 6 weeks plenty of Rod and line fishermen

    And Commercial rod and line fishermen and there is now a commercial net boat here a local boat that Nets the reefs and uh I’m not seeing any fish in it at all so unfortunately I think what’s probably happened is he’s completely killed The Reef this is a new reel that Hannah’s

    Not used before sure she was finding a bit uncomfortable and could have switched the handle around onto the other side see quite a lot of reels you can do this depending if you’re left or right-handed dominant all you do is you just unwind up the handle just fix it in on the opposite

    Side of the Reel now I I always have the handle on the left side people go oh well are you left-handed I so no and my my logic behind it is is that I’m right hand dominant on the spinning rod I play the fish with my right hand with my dominant

    Hand CU all of the plane that I’m doing is with this hand and all this hand’s do all my left hand’s doing is just winding tried three drifts on this bit of reef we haven’t seen one fish yet good I’m not going to go too far into it

    Cuz it’ll get political but I think it is it’s um it’s horrendous that we can people can net the Ina reefs just completely kills it kills everything all the rust the baby poock the everything carry this drift on for maybe another 100 yards and we’ll go out to one of the wrecks

    No if we’ have seen like I said if we’ have been seen fish on the sound there and if we have had if we had a couple of knocks or bikes we haven’t had anything not even a Rass yeah unfortunately it’ll probably be a while before this Reef gets back to

    Normal I’m going to switch the gear up I’ll put these spinning rods just take your lure off going to do fishing with with um scary’s heels the different bits of fishing that we’re going to be doing today we are going to be using different bits of tackle now fishing on these shallow

    Roofs in Shore we’ve been using spinning gear when we go out to the recks we’ll be using slightly heavier gear and then when we go back in the reef again we’ll come back to the spinning rods we’ve made our way out to the wreck the first one that we’re going to

    Try and the setup that Hannah is using is a bit of a mixup you’re using James’s reel don’t so yeah he’s already so be careful yeah James is filming that we’ve gone fishing today and he hasn’t but this Rod this is one of the original ugly stick braids this Rod is actually

    Older than James I bought this for Hannah when we first started cting you remember is that yeah we went to that house yeah we bought it off a block and cash in the house yeah all you really need when you’re Pollock fishing is you just need like a

    Rod with some Flex in it just to absorb the lunges of pollock so it’s it’s a fathom reel it is a well probably it’s going to be 12 year old Rod an ugly stick bread 12 to 20 you just need to have a bit of bending it three swivel a 10 oz

    Lead 5 to 10 ft of 20 Flor and on the end we have a scary Zeal now what I also did bring today because I knew that Hannah would be excited to do this type of thing is I brought a selection of lures now we can choose you can

    Choose from any number of fancy ones I want oh I don’t know right the first one I would stick with that gamma Catu there and if that doesn’t catch switch to one of these I am going to try I’m going to try pearl one first and then I’m going

    To go real W custard I was going to go for that one but that one also looked exciting or you’re using that one we’ll figure it out what do I do the first drift is just to find out which way the boat’s going to go just down to the

    Bottom and no no not yet now that I know roughly which way the boat’s going to drift I’ll swing us round and we’ll we’ll have have go over it and all you need to do as you’ll see that we just drop down to the under control when it get to the bottom start

    Winding up so this little lure on this boom TR all it’s going to do is it’s just going to swimming up from the wreck and then dropping back down to it and then swimming up and then dropping back down and the Pollock should come up and snatch it now you’ve Hannah’s done this

    Hannah’s done this fishing she’s done a lot of fishing before but the last time I think you did this was probably a while ago the last the last time I’ve been fishing other than that little bit of lrf that we did was Canada the last time that Hannah’s been poock fishing

    Like this was probably 2012 in Portsmouth in Portsmouth out in the English Channel so yes youve you’ve had some good fish doing it but I’ll forgive you if you’re a little bit Rusty I’ll swing the boat around and we’ll try again right swing the uh swing The Lure out one

    Way there you go some SP all the way down to the bottom sorry look as soon as you at the bottom the bar L needs to go straight up you just need to be ready cuz as soon as you soon as you feel it at the bottom bar arm

    Needs to come up and you start winding Right gently gently gently wants to Take perfect good take it easy take your time once to Once to take line let it take oh that is a big fish take your the right take your Rod to the right St Trying that backage well done Thanks in The that’s see that how would the lure flew out then that’s why if you would if you have pumped and wi that would have just well don’t know if you saw that I was taking out the net when it thrusted its head oh look that’s yeah oh look I was just about to

    Lift it out that’s what it’s spitting out look little fish that that’s a little piled yeah I’m not holding your fish you hold your fish Right send yourself right in brush your leg against the sh there can you help my Hair yes well like we didn’t know you were going to catch the first or the biggest in bucket right well we know that what we’re doing is working I just need to catch one now all we did was just run a drift down the wreck just as before

    Dropped all the way at the bottom I don’t know if you saw it there because we were quite should shoulder which she was just winding up saw the road tip go and just kept on winding all the way up yeah next time if you swing the rod

    Round to the right rather than walking to the right I can maybe go in a net a bit easier fantastic fish I’ve just finished winding mine in there all I did was when we were dealing with hn fish and stuck at one of the holders and it’s come up and this is

    What’s happened to The lure that is because a fish has had a strike at it from below strucked it from below and turned the tail on itself and it Tails got stuck like that I thought to myself I thought there’s got to be fish there I’ll come

    I’m not catching one all that explains it all that’s happened there is a fish is struck at that struck at the tail and has knocked it round and it’s got hooked on itself like that it happens that’s indicative of a smaller fish scooping up the tail saw there that fish Han has the

    Mouth on it got no problem swallowing a big fish that’s big a big lure like that that’s you you were just debating a tactical eel change then weren’t you now what that show is Hannah’s just landed that fish h a 6in lure so that shows me that there’s no

    Need to go small out man man lure turning over on itself must have just been bad luck that that was a small fish we reposition ourselves above the wreck drift over it again boats have a way that they want to lay and this one just won’t lay in any

    Other way other than that doesn’t matter whether not to position it that way or that way always swing around to be the same way this clip has been sped up but the split screen shows you was drifting down over the wreck the right hand side is

    The Sounder and you can see the wreck bringing up from the seabed with fish swimming above it the winds Chang slightly so this this drift’s quite awkward I’m want to try one more down your first ey I’m going to try one more and then we’ll then try going

    Somewhere El drop drop it straight away Look you’ll notice there also how we’re we’re not dropping down at exactly the same time just because things could tangle around let Hannah drop away get walk around the boat and then arm droing away no I don’t think we’re going to have to argue about o was bigger Hannah’s on

    Man yeah Hanah had said to me she said oh I think my just come off it aha again yeah look same as well what happened with mine got smaller fish striking at the tail of the lure would you like me to put you a smaller lure on

    Sorry I don’t know if you saw what had happened there I let the lead go off the side just pulled the hook clean out my hand very nearly it very nearly had it in the end of your finger ah managed to find a fish but Hannah’s got stuck into the

    Wreck that snap thanks so all you do soon as you just cuz the hook length is less than the leader in the main line like by one bounce like that I could tell it wasn’t the lead cuz you can feel the lead banging so I just know you’re

    Just on the 20b Flor so all you need to do is just brace it till your Flor snaps you should bring it up now and there should be What’s happen is you just lost your lure off the end what L you want um I would stay here we do one more drift uh

    I don’t know how well that got explained there but when I got into that fish Hannah got stuck into the wreck so all she had to do there was just point the rod straight at where it was snagged so there wasn’t a bend in the

    Rod and then put her thumb on the spool so that no line would come off the Reel and it would just tighten up to the point where the hook length is the weakest part of that H Trace got 60 lb braid and you’ve got 80b Le all the swivels are really strong it’s

    Just 20 L FL so all that happens is just snapped off on the flo if you when I the first thing I did was I try to lift it to see if I could feel the lead if you couldn’t feel the lead it means that the lead’s stuck in

    Which case you’re not probably not going to be able to snap it on the Reel you have to put like a glove on wrap your hand up in the braid and try and snap it off that way cuz that would mean that the weakest part after that is probably

    Going to be your leader knot so instead of having to instead of having to snap 20 you’re going to have to snap 60 official man wasn’t as big as hanners but it is still a capable size number two as well you’re winning with number all right go Ahead you didn’t see that there but I’m I’m pretty sure that was sabotage just as I was about to drop over the side of the boat you stood on my lure didn’t you this is a much better fish I hope you man to get into the

    R still not as big as Hannah first one though I’m climing you’re claiming sabotage now tell you what he really wasn’t coming off was a really solid bite from this one tell you what he’s not coming Out there on the End Hannah is saying I’ve sabotaged her by giving a longer lure a longer right watch this five 10 and one more obviously it’s there’s the Kink on the end right it is bang on 12:00 she’ been out at say what 2 and 1/2 hours Good 2 and 1/2 hours Hanah is definitely

    From Hannah’s definitely winning on size yeah there’s three cracking eating size po I’ve covered this in a lot of videos before but we do believe in the dispatching and bleeding of fish I’m not going to show it on camera cuz I know some folks don’t like scen it but if you

    Want to know how we do it just Google e Jimmy or Ike Jimmy yeah dis Batum blade you can see now though the color’s already dropped out of it going to get out of this wind and slop try and find a sheltered little bit

    Of reef and see if we can’t find a bass and some Rass little bit lumpy coming across there see if we can’t do a little bit of low fishing over a reef now Jag is bass and poock ideally a bass cuz we’ve got some poock yeah after we’ve had a couple of

    Flicks around with a lure we might see about getting some uh some squid bait out try and pull out a couple of rat you’ve had squid all this time yes I’ve had squid all of this time just be careful that was a wind knot just snapped it

    You want to over custom my RO for a Bit the area of roof that we’ve come to it is quite a large tie to there so there is a bit of there is a bit of rock showing there is a bit of Rockets spr Yeah all we’re doing is we’re fishing in between and we’re trying not to get too close to them obviously he’s followed us all the way over were like that boat that followed us must be famous or some people are following us around on to the right very nice pull your Ro to the

    Right very nicely go place of us you you’re going to get fishes F this one has out a run with seal I think couple of big bite marks in him sprin ourselves round start this drift B let’s try that again Hannah’s going to be fishing with a little war hook scratching

    Rig which is something like that which actually tied up while we were stuck in traffic on the way down baited with a little bit of squid now that’s going to be pretty quick how do I use this why are you even trying to do

    What did you just do to it what did you what were you doing to it I’ve never used it right drop all the way at the bottom like that L the handle and all you’re waiting for is it’s going to be going to be a pretty

    Rapid bite look that Tes it off oh right I didn’t see that back fish your bottom bot how long was how long did that take fish it’s the bottom it’s the bottom you going to listen to me next time before I Che it out my

    Hand it’s all right I know what to do I know what to do I can see fish swimming around it actually oh yeah ped short to comeing I’m winning on species yeah I am look at those scales looks like one of my fingernails Oh yay huh was a bit but a very nice

    B here you go all right just do a mad of myself oh that lure has literally just dropped out in the net that hook fell out right in the net as soon as I got the bass in the net that is a perfect size to take

    On the legal limit is 42 CM I’ll put this guy down at being more like 50 what did I say 50 49 and a half so yeah this Fell’s coming on with me now I’m going to spin his back around and we’re going to run that little bit

    Of a drift again unfortunately the boat has it’s decided to sit so that you’re facing straight looking at the sun but there not much you can do about that all at the low was it is the same soft plas I’ve been using for most of the

    Day yeah that drift was on a little bit of a Mad uh cast yourself that way that drift was all a little bit of a mad we the first drift through a little bit of rock so I didn’t quite know which way we were going to go come upon an

    Area where we just seem to be heading straight for a piece of stone that was about 6 in under the water which needed to be avoided and then it was a snag and it was a tangle and it was a fish and it was a snag and a yeah but we we got

    There in the end we’ve had three fish got there in the end I got me nice bass we had a nice Pollock you you you got got a piled Hannah’s fishing right down in amongst the rof stuff cuz the r they live inside the sea wed and the

    Rocks I’m trying to fish above it all so if there’s a bass or a pollock in the weed it comes out to take my look this is the type of fishing when you’ve got to be in it to win it you do lose a bit of gear doing this oh that’s a fish

    There you go only a little one we haven’t got long left about another 15 minutes then we got to steam back because we got tidy down and now I’ve got to fill it them fish before we need to go set off and get Jam from school she that way yeah do too scared

    To leave it down there look at it oh well [Laughter] done that was celebrating before you before you’d won wasn’t it karma all right all right yeah have a nice relaxing day but we misses what have I done the competition is fierce topr the fish immediately after we

    Caught them I dispatched them and bled them Pollock they just need gutting because the skin the scales on poock you can leave it on bass the scales are quite hard so you need to scale those fish so with the poock all I’ve done is I dispatched and bled them and

    I’ve just gutted them so all you do is you just open them up Hollow them out take all the guts out and then they’re ready to fill it because this skin and them scales can stay on yeah look the bass on the other hand what you

    Need to do is I need to take the back of my knife I need to scrape all of it scales off or if you have a scaler you can use that bass on the other hand what you need to do is you need to scrape the scales off there look see

    Well now I wouldn’t do that on the boat just because you would fire them everywhere you find them no matter how TIY you think you’ve been or how well you’ve washed the boat down when the boat dries you’ll be like scales scales scales everywhere so yeah I would either

    Do that over the side in the water or in a bucket full of water oh just got get it in quicker it’ll come off a really really thin mouth horse mackerel they are they are a really pretty fish still not a you see all all the purple in scad or a horse

    Mwell I’m afraid we can’t give it any yeah we can give it two more minutes while I finished scaling that bass got a first a to go and I’ve got some fili in and some cleaning today let’s go one thing that Hannah has suffered with a little bit today I don’t know if

    You can see but she’s got cold hands haven’t you yeah and I I suffer every now and again I’ve have not got the best circulation of me hands anymore so what I’ve done is I’ve brought a hot water bottle out and a flask full of hot

    Water so I am I just it’s it’s thoughtful is what I am and modest there you go thanks it works really well when I bring James out me as well it’s all I do is this Theros will keep the hot water hot for 10

    Hours and all I do is fill a hot water bottle up and shove it up his jumper inside one of his layers sleep last time he went completely fast asleep on the boat yeah let’s go just going to do a final measuring contest yeah how big was your [Applause]

    Bass look at it it is a very good po can’t remember what my PB was can you I good double figure fish we had we had countless double figure fish that there when we fished fish were rare yeah all I’m going to do I’ve already fed one of them off there just

    Take the fillets off the side I’ll fillet the Pollock and the bass and I’ll show you afterwards just try and get through these cuz we’ve not got an awful lot of time we’re enjoying ourselves trying to fish for that Rass so much that we’ve left ourselves not an awful lot of time

    You were just lucky I couldn’t say clock fish is too big for one chopping board what a problem to have yeah all I’m doing is I’m I’m not pulling it I’m just easing the meter away while I run down with a knife along the B come on last

    One oh was that last bone there F off them nice for all perfect John has an audience making sure he’s doing it all right yeah they’re complaining cuz they’re not getting fed very much yeah that’s what’s left next to not there’s your bass sorry there’s your bus filleted V bored

    And scaled and there’s your Pollock this will go for tea and the rest of that will go in the freezer we are cutting it fine cutting it fine unfortunately obviously cuz we’re traveling the times of day when it’s the school runs there’s a lot of School run drivers what does that mean

    Usually I’m not going to open a kind of while yeah usually it’s women that don’t know how to drive I’ll just I me how many times in the car park when you’re dropping James off you’ve seen other Ms crash car in the car park is so on I would say that on normal

    Everyday driving if there’s someone being awkward it’s a woman on the motorway it’s men middle-aged men someone being aggressive or driving driving in the Middle Lane on cruise control and not moving it’s a bloke oh no I was going to say the where I was going to say if there’s someone driving

    Like aggressively dangerously it’ll probably be a bloke there someone driving as if they haven’t got a license it’s probably a woman got him just in time and fish FR tea yes just going to be simple oven baked bass seasoned some butter some lemon going into the oven perfect what do you think James

    Perfect do you want a little bit of balsamic dle I tell you what I’m going to try it with this first and then I’ll try some with that thank you nothing amazing there we go empty plates did you enjoy that James yes we were out out and caught and brought back within the

    School room and cooked up before 2 minutes to 6 not quite 6:00 yet go I hope you enjoyed joining us I hope you found it interesting all the very best see you later bye bye bye get straight to the board and try and get a session in before we have

    To come and pick James back up from school that was a speed bump it wasn’t a toddler let’s

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