Watch the UK Tonight with Sarah-Jane Mee as we speak to Hollywood A-lister Gwyneth Paltrow about wellness, celebrity menopause criticism and her famous vagina candle.

    Plus, a Sky News investigation finds hundreds of members of catapult groups on WhatsApp, where pictures and videos of animals killed or injured with the weapons are being shared.

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    ⚪ ‘My instincts were right’ – Gwyneth Paltrow talks to Sky News
    ⚪ Diane Abbott slams Speaker for not calling her to talk on race row despite standing up over 40 times
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    It’s 8:00 this is the UK tonight coming up the children filming themselves torturing and killing animals and then sharing the videos on WhatsApp Sky News has accessed the groups where children armed with catapults some of them primary school age have exchanged hundreds of photos and videos the rspca has called the findings horrendous

    Another charity says it has seen an exponential rise in injured Birds our speak to our correspondent who uncovered all of this Amilia Harper and a behavioral psychologist to explore the reasons for this disturbing new trend also tonight claims the government’s plans to tackle extremism could create even more division protest groups say

    They’ll be vilified when ministers publish a new definition of extremism tomorrow and even conservative MPS have accused the government of trying to police people’s thoughts class the American Icon that’s thriving in the UK the new study that reveals the giant Redwood might actually prefer life here rather than it in its

    Native California and from Queen of screen to multi-million dollar business boss I’ll be speaking to Oscar winning actress quennet palro about meditation social media and that candle we just thought it would be kind of punk rock and funny and had having no idea it would become the

    Viral uh candle that it that it did well that’s come a much more on the UK Tonight well we start tonight with a shocking rise in animal cruelty amongst children some of them still in primary school Skyes has gained access to groups on WhatsApp where children armed with catapults are torturing and killing animals and then sharing pictures and videos with hundreds of others one

    Animal rescue charity told us that they’ve seen an exponential rise in the number of birds injured with catapults the rspca says that these findings are horrendous we should warn you that this report coming up from our correspondent Amelia Harper does contain images of dead and injured animals which many of you will find

    Distressing Darkness has fallen this the setting for an execution a bird singled out about to be shot by children the impact of the Fall minor compared to the incoming kick and this is the weapon of choice a catapult the victim this time a squirrel Sky News has uncovered a uk-wide network

    Of animal shooting and torture carried out by children using catapults filming and photographing their kills this material is shared on WhatsApp against their terms of use an investigation has covered 11 catapult groups on the app with nearly 500 members like this one we’re seeing more than more injured animals been reported

    To us that have been hit by a catapult you can go and buy a catapult very easily and use it to Target animals which is illegal and offenses will be committed and injured animals end up here the swan Sanctuary which rescues waterfoul has 20 birds all with catapult

    Injuries in their Hospital pens most of the injuries are head injuries neck injuries pure kill shots they’re there to try and kill these animals fractures to the facial areas eyes exploding uh wind pipes bursting yeah that’s all I’ve gone causing unnecessary suffering to an animal is illegal but when it comes to

    Catapults there’s a gap in the law people can buy them carry them and here they’re being used to kill the wild life and Countryside act 1981 is the relevant legislation protecting wildlife in England and Wales but catapults aren’t covered anywhere under those laws Henry Smith is part of a group of MPS working

    To lift Animal Welfare standards government and Parliament should look to legislate in terms of the sale of catapults and also for those who use catapults as a weapon to inflict injury and suffering uh that there is a criminal sanction to that big Canadian goose dead as a Dodo documented on

    WhatsApp this rabbit just another victim of an emerging Trend where catapults are used by children to kill calls have been made to tighten the laws the question is will it stop them Amelia Harper Sky News well Amelia is with me now and Amelia that is so distressing but it’s a

    Really important report you’ve had to sit through all of that footage you know that’s just a a tiny fraction of what you’ve had to sit through 500 members in one group and you’ve been looking at other groups as well is there enough here to call this a trend this is

    Absolutely an emerging Trend and as we saw in my report there that’s very much been backed up by the rspca and by the swan Sanctuary which has seen an exponential rise they say in birds in their care with catapult injury this is fundamentally a uk-wide network of animal shooting and torture perpetrated

    By children uh and teenagers and they are filming and photographing uh their kills and sharing it on these WhatsApp groups it’s really abhorent the footage that we’ve had to look through and what’s the sense that you’re getting from the groups as to why they’re doing

    This this is for fun there is no legal explanation for why they are killing in this manner having showed some of this footage to Jeff Edmund the rspca’s um lead Wildlife officer you know his comment is this is for sport that is how

    He sees it that is how I have seen uh it having viewed over 350 pieces of material and that was just since I became aware of this so there will be more prior to when we started investigating this because it’s growing so quickly it’s only now that Charities

    Are finding out about it and the authorities what’s been the response to to this emerging Trend and to your report as well well we’ve had a lot of feedback on it people you know understand and be quite outraged at what we’ve we’ve uncovered the rspca has been

    Very interested in what we have had to to expose and what’s interesting is they are now also having conversations with police forces and one of Jeff’s comments was it’s interesting you’ve approached us about this to be a part of this piece because we are now starting to see for

    Example examp Le Essex police the Metropolitan Police having conversations with us about potential crimes that have been committed that they’ve come across with catapults okay Amelia thank you I’m going to bring behavioral psychologist now Joe hemings uh to talk about this and Joe really good of you to join us on

    The the UK tonight um you’ll be just as shocked and appalled as we all are uh watching what’s going on in these WhatsApp groups children some of them primary school age I’ve just been asking Amelia there what she thinks the sort of motivation is behind it what light can

    You you shed on that it’s massively distressing is it it’s really shocking we’re an animal loving country and and we’re seeing things like this I was just devastated watching it I’ve never seen anything like it now the fact that they are big WhatsApp groups look I think we

    Got to get it clear that of course it’s animal cruelty but it’s not coming from a place where say a lot of serial killers or murderers you look back in their childhood they were very cruel to animals it’s not coming from a place of Cruelty it’s coming from a place of

    Influence so perpetrators are deliberately influencing young children to almost become tribal it’s like group think so you give up any of your moral ideas or ethics in order to be part of this group you’re showing off you’re comparing you know your kills with with each other and it’s awful these young

    Kids are being brought into this disassociation they disassociating the cruelty they’re doing giving it up for the sake of belonging to a group which is highly influencing them a very impressionable age and Joe it’s quite interesting what you say there about you know this isn’t the next generation of

    Those that go on to to commit serious offenses like murders I mean these are children and and children instinctively love animals and it’s this group mentality we see a lot of on social media this is going on on private chat groups well they’re they’re overriding the instincts aren’t they they’re

    Overriding the instincts of young children now for anybody who thinks their child might be on a group like that the first thing i’ would say to parents is lots of kids have pets whether it’s a dog or a cat or a h just say to them can you imagine Freddy B

    Whatever it’s called being hit by um a bull bearing being injured and immediately will clip back into no that would be devastating they have so why is there this disconnect then because you know I don’t know many children that would do that and find it funny but it

    Seems that once they get on these groups and they see others doing it they become slightly distanced from it perhaps I’m just interested in in that and why that’s happening and how it happens well that’s the disassociation so they’re no longer actually thinking about what they’re actually doing what their

    Behavior is they have folded into if you like this group thing someone someone out there is a perpetrator someone is deliberately starting this who will be older who’s bringing younger children in for their entertainment and kids are being lured in because they can compare and contrast you know they feel tribal

    They feel like they’re belonging to something and they’ve now almost stepped aside from what actually their behavior really means and it’s awful and it’s a very it’s it’s shocking on Tik Tok it’s shocking on social media it’s actually almost worse on WhatsApp because they’re drawn into something that you there’s no

    Space to call them out it’s a closed shop isn’t it they’re all agreeing that it’s okay nobody’s picking up on something on social media and getting that is not good yeah and I think you’ve got to say to Children you’ve got to show them this perhaps not show them every detail if

    They’re young but ask them how they would feel if they had a par and this was happening it’s almost like shocking them into the reality of what’s going on Jay what are the effects of this because you know if some of these kids were caught by their

    Parents you like to think they would stop I mean you know who who knows what’s going on in a lot of these families where the children you know are doing this but I’m just wondering what what happens Beyond this where can it lead to if it’s not stopped look unless

    They’ve got genuine psychopathic sociopathic tendencies it will but what it will leave them with and if you talk to any adult who’s ever been cruel to an animal for whatever reason generally unless they are sociopathic will will have huge amounts of residual guilt shame they’ll remember this kids

    Remember that sort of cruelty to animals for the rest of their lives so it’s really appalling what they’re doing to these young children who will not be able to forget when they realize what has been been going on and how they’ve been influenced it’s it’s just it’s it’s

    A but just a final quick one because some people will be watching this and going this is nothing new kids with catapults have been shooting at birds and squirrels for years explain why this is different if you could look I think yeah kids would climb trees they’d kind

    Of you know it would be a bit of fun they probably weren’t really thinking about this is organized cruelty I mean there isn’t any other word for it and so they’re bringing kids in who wouldn’t even think about doing that sort of thing and then getting them to share

    Their stories and compare and compete with other kids it’s totally different from the running around in the woods perhaps you know don’t know harming an animal just because you’re young and reckless and don’t know better this is this is quite deep organizational activity and and that’s makes it so

    Shocking yeah Joe hemings thank you so much for your contribution on the program tonight Joe hemings their behavioral psychologist H Now Rich sunak is resisting cause to turn 10 return 10 million to the donor who he accepts made racist remarks about Diane Abbott Frank Hester reportedly says uh Mr Abbott made

    Him hate all black women the Prime Minister says his apology should be accepted meanwhile Miss Abbotts has criticized the Speaker of the House of Commons after she stood up to ask a question at pmqs where this matter was being discussed 46 times but wasn’t selected a deputy political editor Sam coats has this

    Report a prime minister having a bad week that’s about to get worse will you give the money back prime minister dogged by this R since Monday the Prime Minister took a day to condemn offensive remarks from his biggest donor about former labor MP Diane Abott as racist his party divided and increasingly

    Despairing at his leadership is the prime minister proud to be bankrolled by someone using racist misogynist language when he says the member for Hackney North and Stoke Newington makes you want to hate all black women the comments were wrong they were racist he has rightly apologized for them and that remorse and that

    Remorse should be accepted Rishi tunak eager to forgive but the opposition not willing to forget what racist woman hating threat of violence would he have to make before the Prime Minister plucked up the courage to hand back the 10 million that he’s taken from him as I said the gentleman apologized genuinely

    For his comments and that remorse should be accepted later the prime minister went further still suggesting he’s happy to have Mr Hester’s support will he reimburse him yes or no minister no no Mr Speaker and I’m pleased that I’m pleased that the gentleman is supporting a party that

    Represents one of the most diverse governments in this country’s history the woman at the heart of this story tried and tried and tried to have her say in the Commons Rising 46 times through PMC trying to get her own question but not picked by Speaker Lindsay Hoy She’s accused him of failing

    Democracy she did get a visit from her former party leader Miss Abbott said she asked to have the labor whip restored but Witnesses tell me he simply dodged the question it’s a time for family it’s a time for Friends Frank Hester is the conservative party’s biggest ever donor

    He’s given 10 million to the Tories in the last year but the party he’s funded is now deeply divided about his offensive comments minutes after Rishi sunak refused to hand back Mr Hester’s cash the Scottish conservatives broke with their leader releasing a statement demanding the party carefully review the

    Donations and even loyal MPS are only offering the faintest praise for the PM do you really genuinely in Your Heart of Heart think that there’s a guy who can turn around a 26o pull deficit well I think the prime minister’s got far better at pmqs in recent weeks and not

    Willing to repeat the prime minister’s own words do you think Frank Hester’s remorse should be accepted I think well I don’t know enough about the issue personally but in the sense in the in I don’t know the context me but what he said was racist and what he said was

    Wrong I’ve just come from talking to lots of Tor MPS one said that the state of the conservative party was a bin fire and most others seem to agree with that assessment they are worried about the performance of the Prime Minister he’s got nothing left in the tank said one

    Person Rishi sunak appointed to his cabinet but they just don’t agree on what to do next it’s 12 days since Rishi sunak stood in Downing Street and condemned extremism tomorrow a controversial news strategy to tackle it but the Prime Minister has been learning the hard way that where you draw the

    Line and what to do when it’s crossed is far from Easy Sam coat Sky News Westminster the government has been warned by campaigners faith leaders and even its own MPS that its plans to tackle extremism could create even more division in the UK Muslim groups say they’ll be vilified when ministers

    Publish a new definition of extremism tomorrow and the government has been told to Target the specific groups that Foster terrorism with concern about the impact of tomorrow’s announce on Free Speech our home editor Jason Farrell has his next report a protest in Birmingham organized by Shaquille afar a vocal activist be

    Free The River To The Sea but will his views and actions fall foul of the new definition of extremism this is only being passed to silence us and to put a zip on our mouth and say what you are saying is not acceptable it won’t be entertained and that’s wrong this is not

    This is not the Democratic country that I grew up in you could take a walk down the streets in many areas and every single thing that we have said and done is agreed by many many thousands of British citizens he made headlines five years ago when a protest exclusion Zone was

    Set up around a Birmingham primary school after Shaquille led a campaign against inclusion of LGBT literature he’s reemerged organizing Pro Palestinian marches tun you are most definitely a wastman Shaquille says he doesn’t support what Hamas did on October the 7th but his views and actions might still be considered

    Extremist and this chant for example Anti-semitic surely do the Palestinians not have a right to arm themselves and stop this tyranny and this genocide that is happening a lot of people say when you chant from The River To The Sea you’re saying stop that genocide over there but let’s annihilate another population over here I believe that the

    Palestinians and the Palestinian resistance movement has a right to defend themselves but does that mean and arm themselves to defend themselves as per international law up to what up to which geographical location well up to up to up to between the river and the Sea up to between the river and the Sea

    So therefore where do the Israelis live where the is that’s the main I’m going to answer the question where the Israelis live is from the river to the sea in a democratic country where they all live peacefully Michael Gove says Pro Palestinian events have been organized by extremist groups and it

    Will be one of the challenges of this definition to decide who falls under it this definition does not ban extremism what it bans is the government giving money or platforms to extremists I think that’s very important to make that distinction you can still have freedom of thought on this basis but I think

    What’s quite clear is that we don’t want extremist groups to be empowered by government we want them as far away and the margins of life as possible Abdullah represents one group which fears it will be deemed extremist called men they oppose the government’s anti- radicalization program and accuse them

    Of islamophobia they also help train institutions about islamophobia uh people with who engage with the Muslim Community whether it be in hospitals or the police or any other uh organizations universities things like this they reach out to us saying listen you have some really good material we’d like you to kind of train

    Our staff with you know to talk to us about these issues do you think you’ll still be allowed to train the police or medical staff in islamophobia if you’re deemed to be extremist I think it’s an old tactic really that if someone is against you then you just put this label

    On them and then you don’t have to engage with them the government says it’s trying to identify all forms of extremism including the far right but Muslim groups fear this will disproportionately affect them Jason Farrell Sky News well Jason’s with me in the studio now um and Jason just watching that

    Report let’s talk a little bit about what’s happening tomorrow this announcement because there has been a new statement that’s been put together by a number of Muslims groups all coming together ahead of what’s happening tomorrow what have they had to say what are their concerns so this is a

    Statement that was rece released this evening and the groups are cage friends of Alaska the Muslim Association of Britain and the Muslim engagement and development mend which um all are groups that believe that they might fall into this category of extremist and what they’re saying really following on actually from what

    We’ve heard from the Archbishop of Canterbury uh you know talking about the disproportionate effect that it would have on Muslim groups but they say this proposed definition signals an attack on civil liberties by attacking law-abiding individuals they say and groups that oppose government policy by labeling them as extremists in other words you’re

    Going for us because we’ve called you islamophobic or we’ve been against for example the prevent scheme we don’t what that definition will be yet it’s going to be announced tomorrow but what will it do we know that there will be no criminalization attached to it so so what’s the point

    It’s worth reminding people as to why we’re getting this new definition yeah it won’t criminalize anybody it’s no there no new laws being brought in but what it is it’s denying access to U ministers civil servants denying access to central government funds for example and what these groups say is that you

    Know when they’re working on things like um islamophobia they work with the police they work with the NHS they work with other groups um and the work that they do is to to teach people about islamophobia but be that in schools or elsewhere so they say if if if you

    Delegitimize us then they’ll be more islamophobia fewer people will uh report it there be more bullying in schools that kind of thing so that’s what’s the push back is going to be but I think the government will say oh and by the way lot of these groups aren’t funded Anyway

    By the government um they’re funded by communities so they say they’ll say they’re they’re being marginalized those communities but the government will say look there’s been a lot of tension there’s been a lot of his there’s been a lot of anti-Semitism and they do not want to give platforms to or any

    Legitimacy to groups that hold extremist views and that’s what this is about for the government well we wait for that new definition from the government that will be announced tomorrow we’ll have plenty of reaction to that here on Sky News for the moment Jason thank you Jason far

    There as still come here on the UK tonight we’re going to talk about the anti-immigrant protests that are being hijacked by the far right and we’ll explore the consequences of that but my conversation with Oscar winner and queen of Wellness Gren poucher stay Tuned Michelle sank uh won the portrait category of the year and leam man won the landscape category and both are with us um this was taken at the uh Pavilion um in SEO an area where I grew up as a child um which I’ve returned to in the

    Last couple of years to make work there and what’s extraordinary about this post aparted is the multiculturalism that is now there and the fact that this pool has not changed at all in all these years so quite remarkable this is photo that I took um on one night in the aisle

    Of sky Scotland it’s one of the most beautiful landscapes that I know it’s the old man of store amazing rock formations and uh I Ed some uh drones with lights attach to them to light up the landscape in the background you can see what actually looks like a sunrise

    Um that’s the moon so um about half an hour before I took this image this huge blizzard blew through and all the ice crystals in the air they kind of refract the light in the same way that the atmosphere refracts the light during a sunrise so I gave the moon this kind

    Of Brilliant Orange glow I work very intuitively and and very spontaneously and and um something Sparks a kind of Aur in me when I’m I’m working in this place and and I saw them sitting there and and just asked if I could photograph them so my relationship is very

    Symbiotic it’s it’s about me um negotiating with them there’s an intimacy that I think comes through in in in my subjects with myself and that’s extremely important to me um that it’s almost like an act of love when when I see the image that I want to take Hello welcome back you’re watching the UK tonight here’s what’s on the way I catch up with the Oscar winning actress gwenneth palro to find out the inspiration behind her now Infamous candle and why the world’s largest trees are thriving more in the UK than in their native Californian

    Home now before the break we were discussing the government’s plans for new definition of extremism and the concerns over how it’s responding to both the far right and islamist groups while Sky News analysis has found a sharp rise in anti-migrant protests with experts warning the local issues are

    Being hijacked by the far right to push a nationalist agenda one place where demonstrations have been affected is ARF scampton in Lincolnshire from where our data and forensics correspondent to chesher reports this is a very local protest the traffic Thunders by RAF scampton people here have been

    Campaigning for a year to stop the home office turning it into accommodation for 2,000 Asylum Seekers a year in now pretty permanent self isn’t it yes the locals like Sarah had to contend with another group turning up to hijack their cause Outsiders far right nationalists the main group were pretty far right and

    Then there were people there that maybe weren’t quite as aware of the situation that were supporting them fights broke out and the police were called out regularly Sarah says she and her husband were assaulted by men wearing ballad clovers our analysis of new figures from advocacy group hope not hate shared

    Exclusively with Sky News shows how protests like these are becoming a new Battleground for the far right there’s been this big surge in anti-migrant protest like this one over the last year but that contains multitudes it can be legitimate political protest there’s also fears that it can be hijacked by

    Right-wing groups the demonstration in RAF scampton is just one of many across the UK there are 275 anti-migrant events in 2023 159 of those were visits where people try and gain access to hotels where migrants are being held 116 were demonstrations a 13-fold increase on the year

    Before and that may reflect a rising confidence on the hard right perhaps because many of the themes they Champion are becoming mainstream if this idea of invasion sounds familiar well you may have heard it somewhere else before the British people deserve to know which party is serious about stopping The

    Invasion on our southern coast the language of the far right swilling around the web now making its way to Westminster according to political scientists I don’t think politicians anymore are if you like insulated from um the language and some of the behavior of of the far right I think they pick it

    Up on social media and they’re willing to use some of the words that uh those groups you know tend to Bandy about um you know quite easily the question is what all that means in an election year with the conservative party facing pressure from further right National

    Questions but RF scampton is a reminder that all politics even on the far right is local Tom cheser Sky News Lincolnshire let’s get a bit more on this story Tom’s with me in the studio now and and Tom let’s explore the tactics that are being used here because they’ve they’ve changed over the

    Years and you’ve been seeing some of them in action yeah there has been that change I mean the first thing to say of course it’s not you know it’s not a far-right position to disagree with an asylum Center being built next door to you it’s not a farri position to oppose

    Immigration you know it’s labor party policy the immigration numbers should come down but where it does become far right is when you there talk of an ethnically homogeneous UK uh where you have organization whose members have been jailed for you know instances of hate crimes racial harassment even terrorism offenses that’s the difference

    Between those two and when it comes to those tactics that’s the slight melding so you get these visits where you go to um where you get farri groups they’ll go to Asylum centers so hotels that might have Asylum Seekers and the idea of that

    Is to go and film it put it online gain a following that way the other way to do it is protest things like uh which we’ve seen more of in the last year there’s still more visits but protests are really really growing and that’s where

    You show up at a local site no matter what group you are and you say well locals are concerned about this we’re going to show up with our agenda which probably goes a bit further which is more extreme and say look here’s a local concern but this is also something we’re

    Concerned by and perhaps we can get people won’t know their part of this perhaps or perhaps they’ll be recruited to the court so I think that’s the worry uh with those sorts of things that it goes beyond sort of you know a reasonable view to something that

    Actually might lead people down the road to radicalization it’s extremism we’ve been hearing a lot about today and to Criminal offenses too and how concerning is this in an election year how does this feed into the election cycle you’ve got different ways of doing for instance patriotic alternative um who organize a

    Lot of those protests they’re the the ones on that screen there and that that ret we talked about in the package does seem there’s a bit more of Osmosis between their sort of language and what we hear on the on the rightwing rather than say the far right but then they

    Disagree within themselves there was a big Splinter Cell within them they’ve gone to form a political party to try and get registered by the Electoral commission so there’s agreement there I think it’s more in the mainstream parties does the conservative see that threat and does it see it from reform

    Which is you know a more populist right party all these gradations I’m sorry it’s a bit technical but like it pulls people around it pulls them along and then eventually you know the parties have to decide who they’re going to appeal to are they going to tack back to

    The center or are they going to look to pick up votes uh in the right wing and further right than that really interesting to get under the skin of it all um thank you very much Tom cheser there uh now after the break I’m going to be in conversation with Hollywood

    Star turned multi-million doll business boss when palro stay Tuned Hello welcome back to the UK tonight now gwenneth palro reached the very top of the acting profession winning multiple Awards including the big one an Oscar and she’s proving just as successful in her second act and as the chief executive of a multi-million doll Wellness Empire in a UK broadcast exclus

    Exclusive I spoke to Gwyneth about her new meditation app the dangers of smartphones and social media and of course I had to ask about that candle well grenth paltro welcome to the UK tonight it’s great to talk to you um let’s talk about Wellness because I feel in this current news climate which

    Is what we deal with day in and day out here on Sky new uh we need to focus on wellness and we need moments of space which is the the name of your new app and it’s all about meditation tell us a bit more about

    It yeah it’s exactly that it’s a it’s a really useful very easy meditation app I I like to say it’s for people who think they’re too busy to meditate or their minds are too active to meditate it focuses on an old tradition of eyes open meditation which I actually didn’t know

    Existed until I really started getting involved with the app so it makes it super easy and accessible and I find it’s changed my life for the better for sure uh I might be your target market here as someone who’s very busy and lots of our viewers will be as

    Well the the way you think about meditation is taking yourself off into a room by yourself closing your eyes and taking 15 to 20 minutes we lead busy lives so talk to me about meditating with your eyes open how does that work exactly so um first of all you know an

    Eyes closed meditation is also a great practice um but eyes open is very different so what you essentially do um you you you’re kind of LED through a guided meditation where you start to kind of explore with a very softened gaze the space the negative space around

    You the positive space around you and you’re able to sit in a meeting and listen uh but kind of get the benit benefits from meditation there’s also great walking meditations on the app which I really love those have become um my favorites I love being able to walk

    And sort of pull in the softness and the centeredness that comes with you know when you carve a few minutes out to meditate it sounds like tuning the world out a bit which I think we could all do a bit of because there’s so much going

    On in the world at the moment how do you deal with that because you live a busy life you’re exposed to all the same kind of news that we are whether it be politics Wars in different parts of the world it can get really overwhelming sometimes how do you deal with that and

    How does this feed into it yeah I think I personally try to limit my exposure to tons of news and tons of social media and media in general um I find that I’m just less anxious when I take in information at a slower Pace I’d rather read a newspaper then scroll through you

    Know a a a platform that’s incredibly anxiety-provoking um and I think it’s important to focus like there’s so much input now in all of our Lives I do think it’s important to always return to the things that actually make us feel good our relationships conversation laughing with

    People we love good food you know so those are the ways that I try to kind of remove myself from the madness that is the world these days yeah cuz the world’s in your the palm of your hand isn’t it something we talk about a lot

    Here in the UK the smartphone and the fact that you do have access to the world in the palm of your hand at all times particularly children that’s something we’ve been talking about a lot here on the UK tonight social media children you know at what age is it

    Appropriate to have a smartphone what are your views on that because children live in a different way to we did when we were their age this is this is just their lives and what it will be in the future so what are your thoughts on how

    They should cope with that and how we adults should guide them through it I mean I think we’re still learning as parents you know I think there in the US as well there’s been talks of like putting warning labels on smartphones for kids you know um there’s a ton of

    Research that it’s incredibly detrimental that especially girls who are kind of digitally native of that generation have a lot lot more anxiety than girls and generations before them and you know as a parent I tried to keep my kids off of having a smartphone as as

    Long as possible but then at a certain point if they’re the odd man out and their friends are building community on smartphone you don’t want them to be isolated so I think I I when I was when they were about 12 I capitulated um and and tried to Stave off the social media

    Platforms a little bit past that um because I do think that it causes a high degree of anxiety especially in our girls yeah on the one hand you know today’s young people have never had it so good in terms of being encouraged to speak openly about mental health and

    They have a society that has embraced Wellness to a degree that’s the the generation that we talk about it openly the flip side of course is they’re more exposed and over stimulated with the internet social media smartphones and and Technology um H how do you balance it because it’s not just the younger

    Generation is it and you know you’ve a mass massive social media following it’s part of your part of your Enterprise part of your business I think 8.5 million followers you have on Instagram so how do you navigate that and the overuse of social media in the smartphone I find it really difficult to

    Be honest like I I don’t I don’t intuitively want to do it I don’t post I don’t like to read comments like I find it all like a bit a bit of an overwhelming proposition however I do understand that it is this great way to connect with an audience um

    And to share things that you’re working on or you know if you’re to your point if you’re trying to build Enterprise Value you have to have engagement from people and customers so I think it’s something that a lot of Founders struggle with how much to be on social

    Media share on social media I find that I it I find that it’s just for me it’s uncomfortable you know like my team asks me every month to do and ask me anything and I sort of like have to really get up the open gwenith I feel like nothing’s

    Off limits with you you do talk very openly to followers I think if you’re going to do it you have to do it like I can’t fake it if I’m going to go on there I’m going to be myself and I’m going to be honest that’s you know

    That’s me for better or worse I always um I think I’m a very authentic person you know one way or the other so you know that’s that’s my style can I take you back to the very beginning because you talk about obviously being a founder and the social

    Media platform being integral to your brand goop and that’s how you reach people now with businesses right isn’t it it’s it’s the way of working can we go back to the beginning and when you first moved away from acting to enter this burgeoning industry of Wellness you

    Were one of the earlier doctors and when you first started your brand a lot of eyebrows were raised let’s face it some people weren’t very kind and I just wonder what you think looking back on that now and whether you think you know what I told you so twist my mustache

    And um you know I I think it’s actually funny at this point you know when I look back and I think about how mean people were about like you know a number of things if we always just talked about things early I think there is maybe a satisfaction

    Um to know that you know not not to be glib but just to know that I was on to something my instincts were right um and I think it’s reaffirming you know for myself and going forward like no if I really believe in something and and I think it’s interesting and I think

    People might want to know about it like I’m happy to share about it and not to take yourself too seriously either because there was that candle a few years ago and it just spawns so many copycat I don’t know if you’ve seen saltburn the movie this candle smells

    Like Jacob A’s bath water you know it just it became a thing and that came from you not taking yourself too seriously you know just retell that story how it came about because I would have loved to have been in that meeting when you decided that’s a product we’re going to put to

    Market well I have you know a very spicy sense of humor um which those who know me well know and that candle was really about me being tired of women having shame around their their bodies and the sort of very uh misogynistic framework that a lot of culture operates in and so

    We just thought it would be kind of punk rock and funny and had having no idea it would become the viral uh candle that it that it did but yeah we’ve actually we actually retired that candle now um but it’s very funny to see these the copycats I love it well my final

    Question grenth and I kicked myself if I didn’t ask ask it what would it take to get gwenneth pocho back as part of a major Film Production there are so many great roles for women of our age now what would tempt you back or are you officially

    Retired I I never say never um you know I’m I’m about to embark on a different phase of life my son is going to University in the fall so you know things can shift and change obviously like with my job as CEO at goop it takes

    Up all of my time but you know who knows I mean I’m not actively pursuing it I am very busy with my day job but I’ve learned enough not to Say Never Never Say Never well grenth it’s been an absolute pleasure talking to you um thank you for talking to us about your

    Meditation at moments of space it’s something we can all get on board with in this busy life and as a the mother of a toddler I don’t get much time to close my eyes so meditating with my eyes open might be the only option for me absolutely you can push your toddler on

    The swing and be meditating I love it I’m all for it gwenth good to good to meet you and thank you so much for joining us on the UK tonight gwenneth palro thank you for having me well to come here on the UK tonight another American Icon uh stay tuned uh

    For the news that one of them is thriving here in the UK and we’ll have more on the retirement of a Welsh rugby great Is There’s always more to the news than a headline we want to discover to delve a little deeper to find out what’s really going on explanation analysis the people at the heart of every story I’m Neil Patterson and this is the Sky News Daily podcast Alex Crawford joining us now

    From Ukraine their personal possessions are all scattered around the place our economics and data editor Ed corway try andate sense of at the big numbers for us things can change incredibly quickly and that’s what they have done so by the end we’ll hopefully all understand what’s going on in the world just that

    Little better available whenever you get podcast I’m Mark Stone and I’m Sky correspondent based here in Washington DC oh well the plan seems to be to head to the police station where the policeman who fired the shots was based and everything you know his memories is all gone I’ve witnessed the

    Remarkable passion for politics here but the anger too we have to get Trump out of the White House and Playing devil’s advocate you got your political agenda God love you and Beyond the United States I report from around the world this is a town that is effectively encircled by the

    Russians we take you to the heart of stories that shape our planet I can hear now quite a few explosions in the distance here in Jerusalem what do you think of Isis everybody here they know the truth of Isis hello welcome back to the UK tonight coming up why the world’s largest trees

    Are thriving more in the UK in comparison to the native California that report on the way but first Teddy’s here with the sport and Teddy some surprising news today alleged of wsh rugby making a big announcement tell us more well it feels like it’s been a staple for a long

    Time of of Rugby Union Wales George North 6’4 in 18 Stone he described by Jonathan Davis another Welsh Legend today as the Jonah lumu of Welsh rugby second highest ever TR scorer and also a lion Star as here’s this wonderful try back in 2013 against Australia on the

    Tour down under for the Lions he’s the second most cap player ever in Wales history you’ll get 12 or sorry third 121 cap at the weekend he was the first youngest of 50 caps he was the youngest player in the world at the age of 28 to

    100 caps but he’s announced after being dropped last week for the heavy loss to France he was recalled for the team and then today comes out the announcement that it’s going to be his his last season he’s going to provance in France to play said in November when he

    Announced that decision he was leaving us ospre that he wasn’t necessarily leaving Wales but he is it feels like at the moment with Wales trying to avoid the wooden spoon on on Saturday that it’s a real transition time yeah does it feel in a sense like it’s the end of an

    Era for Welsh rugby I think it does particularly in the last year I mean George North relatively young only 31 years of age but he’s been around for a long time since the age of 18 scored a couple of tries on his debut in the last

    Year had Alan wi Jones who’s got the most caps he’s left Justin tip is left Dan biger the fly half who’s on the all-time cap list as well in the top 10 he’s left and for four six nations wins a couple of grand slams it really does

    Feel that it’s a big transitional period they’ had a very difficult time in the Six Nations Warren gatlin’s gone back but certainly at the moment he’s yet to find that winning recipe and he’s going to have to do it with new players it seems and that announcement coming as

    You said in the middle of the Six Nations just worth reminding people where whales sit and you mentioned that wooden spoon what have they got to do to avoid it yeah historically it’s it’s a very unusual position for whales not since 2003 they finished bottom of the

    Pile but Italy have been resurgent they almost beat England they did beat Scotland last week which means that Wales have to have a bonus Point win in Cardiff in George North’s final appearance to uh to get make sure that it’s Italy finished bottom again so it’s

    A big twist on that as Island and England go for the Six Nations Title that’s the rugby meanwhile it’s a busy night of football in the Premier League we’ve got a game and a couple in the Champions League as well this Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by

    Vitality getting more people more active live life with [Applause] Vitality every week across the UK 85% of school age students take part in approximately an hour of sport a week organized Grassroots sport has lower numbers but it translates to millions of girls and boys between the AG age of

    Seven and 20 playing sport but there is a problem a big problem without out every year we seem to be seeing more and more young people coming through with significantly injuries and primarily we’re talking about ACL ruptures the numbers are staggering and extremely worrying for every one person that was

    Having an ACL reconstruction in uh the late ’90s there’s now 29 children having those surgeries so the number of injuries is without a doubt 29-fold yeah evidence of a problem comes from multiple sources other surgeons and doctors are waving a warning flag we increased by 29 folds amount of

    Operation devastating injuries that are that that can cause complete change of their life trajectory and early risk of arthritis people are committ to uh one or two sports at most at the moment uh if they are going to be part of the local community and they they spend less

    Time developing other skills that would be naturally developed when they are participating in multiple Sports this Sky News sports bulletin is brought to you by [Applause] Vitality now we like to leave you with something weird or wonderful on the UK tonight and a news study has revealed that an American icon might actually

    Prefer life here in theuk UK giant redwoods have been growing in the UK for around 160 years now and there are many many more of them here around 880,000 remain in California in the UK though there are half a million our science correspondent Thomas mo has this report the Giant Sequoia the world’s

    Largest tree originally from California but now it seems perfectly at home in Britain scientists have counted up to half a million around the country that’s six times as many as there are left in the forests of the Sierra Nevada mountains in the US they’re threatened by drought and extreme

    Wildfires here the conditions are just right even though our climate is so different UK and California you’d think two completely different climates you would do but remember California maybe 300 years ago quite a different environment than it is now much cooler much much more humid and that’s what

    We’ve got here we have those conditions here in the UK which is why they’re doing so well here it’s one reason why they’re doing so well I think the other reason is that taking them out of their native range means that competition and pests are no longer problematic for the

    Species the tallest seoa or giant Redwood that the researchers found was just under 55 M far smaller than the 80 M Giants in the US but British specimens are growing around 70 CM a year absorbing 160 kg GRS of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere that’s twice the

    Amount of a native oak tree the first SEO were planted in Bretton a little under 200 years ago but that makes them mere babies compared to their Californian cousins there the Giants are up to 3,000 years old with trunks so wide they’ve been tunneled out to drive

    A car through you see the top just about from this bit yeah it’s unlikely that the British SEO will grow that big but they could prove a vital safety net for the species threatened with Extinction in California seeds from British trees that were brought here by the victorians

    Could one day be transplanted back across the Atlantic saving the Majestic Giants of the forest Thomas mo Sky News at wakehurst Gardens in Sussex right now let’s take a quick look at the weather Warm memories wherever you go the weather sponsored by katar Airways well the rest of the week will

    Stay unsettled with localized flooding but southwesterly winds are going to make it very mild there’ll be a fine evening for many of us but you can expect some outbreaks of rain from the south of Ireland through to central Britain mostly Wales and the southern Irish counties the north of Scotland can

    Expect showers Northern irand the north of Ireland and the Scottish border region will turn wet overnight while the south of Ireland and Wales will see rain clearing to a scattering of locally heavy showers elsewhere mostly fine showers over Norther Scotland largely fading and gails easing it will be

    Mild the weather sponsored by katar Airways that’s all from the UK tonight you can catch up on the highlights on our web page just scan the QR code on your screen you can share your thoughts with us as well Jil Jillian Joseph in the hot seat tomorrow next up is yeler

    Hakee for the World

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