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    #DevilFruit #ONEPIECE #Palworld

    Hello fellow Pirates my name is Desnes  and today we’re playing Palworld until   we see a Devil Fruit yeah that’s right  Palworld is inspired by many other IPs   like Pokemon for example uh it reminds me  from the first look of ARK essentially you  

    Can play Pokemon together with guns and  other weird stuff and I never played it   but I got it now and I want to play it with  you and I heard there’s devil fruits in it so  

    Let’s make a game out of it and play until we  see the first devil fruit okay let’s go ah I   love character creation so let’s head right in  presets okay oh that looks that looks actually fire are they so cute of course we’re

    Stranding oh the sheat taet the  towers are the key the free holds   the truth okay so it’s already getting  Pokemon um ark or and Zelda vibes okay   we’re in a kind of Temple thing that  really looks that that looks really great or we can hit things can we hit the chicken

    Yes that’s not like Pokemon yes come here okay I can’t  take I must wait but I can woo level   up pick up for ah okay we have  some tasks of me pick up Fallen branches what’s this he sphere press  Q to throw a sphere and capture P okay no it

    Escaped and we should collect branches maybe we  can hit the trees get branches Minecraft style I   don’t know okay the chickens are very angry at me  there are branches ha no ah what should I do first   first pick up Fallen branches to together wood  and stone you can also collect wood and stone  

    By punching Big Trees ah okay that works with  your bare hands building a workbench and craft   an egg okay this reminds me of Minecraft and  for the whole debate of P world and stuff okay   um I think it was inevitable is that the word for  it um that something like this existed Nintendo  

    Especially game freak um didn’t do their Pokemon  [ __ ] well the last few years I’m a Pokemon fan   since I was six years old and the last games  were very bad in my opinion especially when   you’re an indie developer and recognize that  they skipped the whole step of polishing their  

    Games and Nintendo always was one of the uh comp  companies that did their polishing right in their   games but somehow game freak doesn’t even do  polishing anymore on their games and they look   like they are ported from the 3DS to the switch  and it’s so disappointing and this game is the  

    Result of um a company not hearing their fans so  an indie game uh an indie company can make the   game that the billion uh billion dollar company  didn’t made essentially okay they wouldn’t shoot   for like Pokemon with guns but I feel like they  just geted all the stuff that um would make fun  

    Together essentially like the Pokemon collecting  stuff um fighting stuff with combat survival uh   open worldness from Zelda and Minecraft and such  um sounds like a good combo to me I don’t like   guns it it was clear from the start that people  would like guns because it’s guns uh if you’re  

    Adding guns to a game people will immediately  like it but I’m not a fan of guns so but let’s   let’s see if we can play this game without guns  and find the devil fruit of course you want to  

    Find the devil fruit it seems to me from what  I saw online that let’s let’s punch some trees   from what I saw online that um I think TMS or VMS  are they called in Pokémon uh like discs that um  

    And with them you can teach Pokemon new moves I  think the devil fruits are something like this   for this game I don’t know let’s see uh we should  go with this tutorial above me I think open the  

    Build menu with B ah um primitive workbench that  sounds fun let’s go yeah let’s let’s go with this   location then we have a cool Outlook to the world  beneath so let’s go for this view so now we need  

    What move near the pl build location for primitive  workbench and hold F to build the structure okay okay yes awesome select reip ah and then  we can make a wooden Club handeld torch   stone pixx stone X okay we have enough for  stone EG I think that makes um cutting down  

    Trees easier ah I must work for it  ah okay that’s cool yeah that works better can we actually cut the tree or is it endless okay cool that’s cool with the whole  oh they they stole ideas and stuff I’m not  

    So sure about it there are Pokemon that aren’t  copyrighted and because Pokemon didn’t copyright   at all of them and they specifically took the  designs or took similar designs from Pokemon   that aren’t copyrighted so game freak wouldn’t  freak out wouldn’t game freak out essentially  

    These are cute and are level one is this a ball  I I I think this blue thing is out Poké ball so   let’s try to get one and maybe he hurt the  Pokémon before and then no this isn’t it’s a

    Fragment okay but we I think we could yeah this  this looks right or ah yes this looks perfect I   already love this especially um you can play  this in multiplayer and it’s very cheap quote  

    Unquote it was €30 for me so I guess the price  is is reasonable um yeah you won’t be able to   move if you’re carrying too much heavy stuff  okay like in other games Skyrim for example but   um building let’s put a workbench here then  let’s make a wooden club to fight let’s see  

    Open the technology screen from the menu and  unlock P for uh technology ah yeah oh we have   13 technology points and can make a p sphere  ah what do we need for that oh the stones of  

    Course and we already have a fragment okay so  we need some stores that isn’t Stone maybe this   will get us Stone yes yes yes yes perfect so we  can find our own P then so do we have something  

    Like a bag or something like B is for building  menu inventory ah and where’s our weight here   okay okay we’re underneath the weight thing and  Q was it for throwing balls right so let’s first   heard AEL and then captured I guess seems very  weird for Pokemon fans but uh at least I don’t  

    Use guns right so let’s do it yeah now I’m  carrying too many of course okay no you don’t   run away hey hey come back oh we could catch  some sheep but I want this thing here these  

    Are cute oh there’s an neck okay come here pal  oh that is easy KO okay let’s try to catch the other okay and now yay our first p kativa  e to summon captured pel yeah it’s running away from  me or is it running with

    Me okay let’s see can we can we look at the p p   deck H that’s like the Pokedex  oh they even have types here neutral oh this will be cool to to capture  them all technology oh we make it ah yeah  

    What’s this pbox that that sounds  right we need a new fragment for it repair bench wooden structure wooden  chest that sounds right yeah we have   everything for it let’s build a chest next to  our bench how we can build the chest oh here

    Ah that makes sense that’s really  cool I like the system very easy   perfect let’s put some stuff in there  like the ore thing so let’s catch some   other pel I guess can we rename the  PS and stuff I think we need the box

    Right ah there it is can we rename it I’d like  to rename my Pokemon as well as you should do   because kativa in this case is the name of  the race okay and if if you would have a  

    Dog you don’t name your dog dog because it’s a  dog you don’t have to name a dog dog you give   it the name okay so give your Pokemon and  your P names okay so this little guy here  

    He looks very cute let’s Stone let’s let’s call  him Chopper because this is a one piece related Channel okay let’s catch this thing oh oh one hit too much okie dokie it’s Rose around and we catched  another one let’s see part ah we’re  

    Definitely go naming this one  marry of course H Lambo makes sense perfect whoop whoop it goes well I guess   so where are the devil fruits you have  unused St points where can I see these party oh he’s a coward and  cheery oh that that’s is

    Cool this I I really like this already the menu  is is really good looking I mean guys it’s an   indie game you must remind you I must remind you  of that because many people underestimate the time  

    And work it takes to make a game like that and if  you’re on Indie studio um um making a game like   this isn’t as easy ah okay now I understand can  I control you or something like that command pel  

    Four oh emotes dance whoop whoop whoop whoop  whoop okay what can we do pet Chopper feet   Chopper command command attack aggressively  pet choer come here yeah yeah Ah that’s cute okay um nope we don’t go there was he I would love to make a  katana instead of using weapons  

    That would be cool to be like a  ninja hello chipi I want to catch you oh that was too much but our pel got level up okay chaka laka whooop chicky chicky  I don’t have a name for you yet it’s so  

    Weird but day and night cycles day and  night cycles explain that to Game Freak   please oh man you realize from stuff like  this that it’s it isn’t it’s not impossible   to do stuff a the sun look Chopper  look look Cho choer look Chopper the

    Dawn okay but I want to find the devil fruit   where are the devil fruits oh  there’s a treasure a treasure chest now it’s cold yeah it’s so cool that our pel helps yeah  thank you Chopper okay oh I can oh I can make  

    Food as well ooh B berries ooh fried egg M  Lumber keup let’s go with this it’s stuna star yeah awesome I love it this game is  awesome oh these are in the building menu   okay I got you so the bed needs wood and the  P bed needs wood okay let’s chop some wood

    Then I really like the mechanics so far it’s  really intuitive and that’s what you want as   a Game Dev the game play should be intuitive  it was a little bit mysterious where I should   go in the beginning but I guess it’s up  to you and that’s a good thing as well it  

    Just leaves you a little bit confused but it’s  good in general so why not so let’s build a bed then that’s neat oh I think we  should put it on concrete yeah   on a foundation okay okay okay let’s do  this at the next place it’s daylight so  

    I think we can let’s call um our chicke  kicker key that’s what chickens say in in German let’s go somewhere oh  for a second I thought you can   collect that as well oh there’s a  big one memor memorist that’s cool   cool oh and there’s a bridge there  really look cool looking scenery

    Here oh un e un e why can’t oh  a chest Eevee I want to get the Eevee get in the ball oh that’s totally an Eevee but  it’s cool so we call you so this   original race is called Cris or it’s  the animals called Cris and we name it

    Cornus nice let’s get this  one this is too cute I want it who Yi oh there’s a church there  very cool with a guy skilled Islander don’t tell me your new face  don’t tell me an outsider not that it   matters to me now that you’re on  the island why not try and catch  

    Some PS you can get extra exp for C  capturing up to 10 of the same kind ah so we don’t want to catch everything once  we want to catch everything 10 times you know   what they say p Tam must get stronger the  more P I capture okay let’s get this thing  

    Then would be cool to build your thing around  a church like this what is this a chest she slate Cast Away Journal okay I always love  that um when games do lore via background   information like in the environment with  texts that you can read additionally or  

    Something like that so the already running away  from me so the lore isn’t in your face but it’s   like very subtle let’s let’s try something  okay I heard that you can catch people as well so let’s try that okay okay that didn’t work out ah let’s try again didn’t work

    Out 14% okay sorry guys what they have guns no I I  just wanted to catch me a new pal okay I just wanted to catch a p  where do this guy guys even come from ah let’s let’s go there oh they come off they’re coming after me  

    K key faster we we must oh we can  climb like in Zelda oh as well okay cool feels like GTA right now with  the guards coming after me another a chest they are not being attacked by the  Wolves what are they shooting at at my P that worked Fen it off the SE

    Spere I guess we died now we can choose where we want  to respawn let’s respawn on another place okay it really feels like a p world that really looks like a forest I mean like a real  Forest not like a game freak

    Forest H collecting things gives them  experience as well okay that’s cool   to know I love this aesthetic really you  really have uh just exploring the world and Stuff [Music] H oh you get wool from these okay  makes sense I guess okay let’s build a workbench oh it doesn’t have hands so it can’t  help us okay makes sense I guess okay can can we  

    Get Stone from these as well yeah we can get stone  as well even with our fists okay this is hard training cool let’s get back to the  bench to the window to the bench to   the bench de enemies lying around so  let’s build oh we can make a sphere  

    Here uh first make I guess making stone is  harder than making wood so let’s make the pickax yes that works way better let’s so let’s build some stuff P box how much space do we need exactly because ah this

    Works so hold to build par box management  menu like Pokemon boxes I love it we have   so much even and you can sort them  okay stuff that totally makes sense   that Pokemon didn’t bother to do  do we have this box phenomenon here no so and how can we heal our Pals base

    Upgrade Max PS working at base I  need two and how can I what else   can we build a bed maybe a bed yes  that that wouldn’t be bad oh no we   need structure I guess um oh yeah  we have that in the Technologies thing also what can we build from here a

    Parachute Berry Plantation [Music] Ranch yes just get a little bit of  foundation here can you get out the way please yeah now you’re stuck in there  or not that’s cool let’s build a bed here pea I really like this stuff let’s sleep in

    There you cannot use a bed without a  roof okay so let’s build some walls and roof oh we need material and we  are hungry so let’s get a fire   first maybe uh if that works campfire  I need wood I need wood can I build  

    It here or will my house being burned  down so let’s let me build the things first roof now I got a house no I need some more wood okie dokie oh I can I should be able to  sleep it works and we can skip the day and the

    Night I’m really really liking this game this is  really great it’s like mixing few things together   and it’s really fun oh I can enhance stats here  oh that’s cool Health stamina attack work speed   weight that’s cool so right now I think stamina  is the best choice cool capture five lamb balls  

    And earn XP increase your player level by  capturing 30 PS build up your base until it   reaches level seven okay that’s cool so yeah guys  I think that’s it for today we didn’t found devil   fruits yet but there will be a second part I  guess where we search for devil fruits maybe  

    You can let me know in the comments how can  I find them I’m so baffled by this game it’s   I can’t say anything else than just positive  things um yeah you could criticize it for being   very inspired by these by these pel designs  but other than that they made an amazing job  

    To bring all these Concepts together and it’s  still in development they will improve it it’s   online multiplayer player you can buy it for way  less than a Pokémon game wow I’m really liking   this concept at all so um yeah there’s plenty  of things to improve here it really looks nice  

    Maybe you found already Some Devil fruits let me  know in the comments we see us in the next one bye


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