Watch this HD GoPro video of the awesome scenery of Pafos Forest captured with a GoPro Hero4 Black set at 1080p 30fps with Protune enabled. GoPro Helmet mount used.
    Prickly Pear Cactus 0:26
    Panoramic view of Pafos Forest 1:30
    Cliff Edge 2:06
    More Cliff edge and rock face 2:38
    Greek Orthodox Church 3:24
    Church’s Water Faucet with Saint George the Dragon Slayer 3:29
    Pomegranate Tree 3:45
    Directional and Distance Signs 3:52
    Livadi Picnic Area 3:55
    Stream 4:00
    Tall Pine Tree 4:16
    Large group of Prickly Pear Cactus on the hillside at Livadi Picnic 4:24
    Livadi Toilets 4:30
    Sounds like thunder 4:36
    Snack Time 4:41
    Homemade Rice Tapioca Pudding Recipe Link
    Homemade Energy Bar Recipe Link 5:03 at
    Drinking water at Livadi 5:14
    Priest wife’s outdoor bread oven on the left at 5:21
    Looking back toward Livadi Picnic 5:22
    It’s Raining 5:23
    The sun is shining and it’s raining 5:47
    Dry off that lens 5:55
    Heading back down the mountain to Pomos 6:00
    Flowering Pink shrub (Nerium Oleander) 6:45
    Rustic beauty of Pafos Forest 6:53
    Nice cliff edge 7:07
    Panoramic View 7:59
    Back to the pavement 8:56
    Church and cemetery 9:08
    Approaching Pomos Dam and Reservoir on the right in the distance 9:18
    View overlooking the Reservoir and Dam 9:28
    Down at the Pomos Dam 9:39
    Pomos Dam and Reservoir Panoramic View 9:45
    Back up on the road looking down at the Pomos Dam and Reservoir 10:19
    Just checking … good battery power 10:29
    View looking toward Pomos Village with the Mediterranean Sea in the distance 10:50

    Captured on June 8,2015 MTB Ride

    Video footage captured with GoPro Hero4 Black set at 1080p 30fps with Protune on.
    Music: Log Cabin by Silent Partner


    1. Excellent video has turned out, Marc! Without shaking, good editing, smooth transitions – everything I love) It's better than tons of photos on strava, the wonderful nature!

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