Southampton Maybush Driving Test Route 1: Your Ultimate Guide to Success!

    🚗 Embark on your journey to driving success with this video guide to one of Southampton’s Driving Test Routes! 🚦 Whether you’re a new learner or gearing up for your practical test, mastering the roads used for driving tests is crucial for a confident and successful examination.

    🗺️ In this video, we take you through the one of the driving test routes in Southampton, providing valuable insights into the challenges you may encounter on the day of your test. From roundabouts to narrow lanes, familiarise yourself with the intricacies of Southampton Test Centres road network, empowering you to navigate confidently during your practical exam.

    📍 Don’t miss out on a golden opportunity to boost your preparation! Visit to download a complete set of SatNav Driving Test Routes specifically tailored for Southampton. Our detailed route maps and instructions will give you the edge you need to tackle the test with ease.

    🌐 Why choose us?
    ✅ Expertly curated routes: Our team has meticulously crafted driving test routes to mirror the actual examination scenarios, ensuring you’re well-prepared for any challenge that may arise.
    ✅ SatNav integration: Get acquainted with the modern testing environment by practicing with our SatNav-equipped routes, mirroring the current test format.
    ✅ Confidence-building tips: Alongside route details, discover valuable tips and tricks to enhance your confidence on the road and increase your chances of success.

    🔒 Secure your success by preparing with the best resources available! Click the link below to access the full set of Southampton Driving Test Routes and gear up for a smooth and successful driving test experience.


    🚗 Remember, preparation is the key to success! Drive with confidence, and let us guide you to driving test triumph in Southampton! 🌟 #DrivingTestRoutes #SouthamptonDrivingTest #DrivingSuccess 🌐🚗

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    Right good morning everybody here we are driving test routes in Southampton here we have the driving test center on our right hand side and we’re just going to start this route so this is Greenland’s Road Green Lane sorry coming to the end of the road we’re going to turn right so we’re going

    Mirror right door mirror signaling right all safe out we go quite early on a Sunday morning so there’s not going to be much traffic around so it’ll get the roof through pretty quick um personally I’m not overly familiar with Southampton area so I’m just doing this off of um one of our

    Test routes that you can download from our website so we got a blue light there we’re just going to be cautious in case they’re pulling over in front of us um don’t appear to be so nice and safe they’re on their side of the road we’re

    On our side of the road now if you get a blue light on your driving test and you’re unsure what to do just ask the examiner they’ll give you very clear instructions so the lights here we’re going to go ahead just checking our rearview mirror as we come up to the lights to

    Stop the thing with Southampton it’s a city center driving test area so you do really want to practice it whilst there’s quite a lot of traffic around um getting used to that traffic the routes aren’t that difficult now we’re just going to watch this guy on the bicycle

    There he’s waiting so that’s fine yeah the routs aren’t too difficult but they can be busy with traffic and that’s going to cause you several hazards as we approach The Junction here we’re going to go uh right at the crossroads so as we get a bit closer we

    Paying attention to the road markings we’re checking our Center mirror right door mirror going to signal right you can see the arrow for the right turn from here so I’m going to be in that right hand lane the light has changed to Green I’m making sure the traffic

    Opposite me isn’t moving as well if it’s that type of traffic light system if it’s not so through I go coming out on the left hand side always coming out on the left hand side unless you know for sure that you need to be in that right hand lane for

    Possibly a right turn shortly after a juncture so we’ve got a green light in front of us it’s been green for a little bit now U there you go that’s why we should be paying attention um been aware of the green light cuz it could well

    Change right got a green light off we go just check our surroundings as we move off another red light so we’re just going to approach this relatively slowly check there’s nothing behind me I could just keep rolling through to this one there you go so I haven’t had to

    Complete a stop I pasted myself didn’t inconvenience anybody because there’s no one behind me now we got 50 mph stretch of road so we’re just picking our speed up we want to really show The Examiner that we’ve noticed the speed changes again being careful this green

    Light it’s been green for a little bit now so as we approach it check in our rear view mirror and we’re coming up to to roundabout here where we’re going to take the first exit left at the roundabout so it’s a light control we’re checking our left or mirror signaling

    Left green light means it’s safe for us to enter the roundabout here check our right door mirror to make sure there’s no merging traffic as we come along here we’re going to merge see we’re going to be coming into own lane here for a moment I can see

    There’s a large puddle ahead of me I’m going to check my right door mirror I’m going to signal right I’m going to move over to the right hand lane to avoid that puddle it’s a very big puddle now I’m going to check my left arm and I’m going to Signal left cuz I

    Want to get back to the left hand side that’s where I want to be driving on this test route you know holding to the left as much as possible yeah the left lane is like your safe Lane yeah if that’s where if if there’s no reason for you to be in

    Another Lane then stay to the left hand lane we’re going to turn left at the traffic lights here so I’m going mirror left or mirror I’m got to Signal left and I’m going to move back across into that left hand lane lights are green now so where we Go little pothole there so I’m just going to avoid that keep your eyes p build potholes this time of the year when it’s wet and Frosty and causes a lot of damage on our roads now I am driving with the Saab I’m not very familiar with the area so this

    Is a a real kind of test route for me as well now I can see on the SAT lamp I’m going to take the next road on the right so I’m going to check my Center mirror my right door mirror and I’m going to signal right we’ve got a little Refuge

    Area there that I can move into and at the end of this road we’re going to turn right so again checking my Center mirror right door mirror signaling right coming up to this looks a little bit of a complicated Junction Crossroads add angle I’m going to just go real slow

    Back to first gear for this really um I can see some lights so I’m stopping for the moment just to wait and see where this car’s going to go they’re turning right I’m clear and safe to move out if I go so with it being a City Center Route

    Uh or city center test area you’re going to get a variety of Roads roundabouts um traffic and you know a fair amount of suburban areas too like this kind of road that we’re going down now and what I’m doing is I’ve dropped my speed down I’m doing about 20 M an

    Hour at this moment in time yeah the speed limit here is 30 yeah um however you know look at the condition of the road look at the amount of traffic parked cars um you need to adapt and adjust to the speed conditions of the situation that you’re

    In okay we’re going to turn left at the end of this road so we’re going mirror left or mirror got signal left as we come out we’re checking what’s on the on our right we’ got very short slit road so we’re checking our right door mirror signaling right just moving

    Out you can see from the roads there been a lot of rain last night so you keeping your eyes peeled for puddles um couple of things with the puddles you don’t want to Splash people um also you just don’t want to um be hitting big bodies of water at speed has quite an

    Effect on your steering um plus the fact you don’t know what could be under the under the puddle could be a brick could be a big pothole so just be cautious um if you’re forced to go through a large puddle really watching our speed here

    It’s 40 m an hour on this bit of Road uh through Southampton we’re going to take the next road on the left so we’re going to mirror left or mirror we going to Signal left moving into the um slip road so the slip Road isn’t governed by

    The traffic lights but it is a giveway at the end of it so as we come around we check it safe we have a little roundabout here we’re taking first exit left so mirror left or mirror we got a signal left and then at the traffic lights here

    We’re going to turn right so as we approach it we’re going to Center mirror right door mirror going to signal right we moving into that right hand lane because we can see the road markings the arrow is pointing to the right it’s quite a sharp turn this one

    So take your time with it and it’s got a central body there so just nice tight entrance to it there we go that’s we are and again we’re back onto more Suburban areas nice big wide bit of road but just take your time here still you

    Could have a lot of you know midweek uh pedestrians you’re near the university got a car doing a maneuver in front of us we’re just going to hold back let them get on with their stuff yeah once they’re out the way we’re going to just carry on rolling forward

    We’re going to go left at the end of the road here so Center mirror left or mirror signaling left nice slow approach nothing coming didn’t actually have to physically stop because I could see what was happening but I was it back into first gear just to give me that bit of

    Control make it easier for the engine and the car this getting red light ahead of us we’re just going to Pace ourselves towards it relatively slow we’re going ahead we can see the road markings need us to be in the left hand lane and another light ahead of us so

    Again just going ahead so taking our time and we’re just going to stop there no point getting close to the vehicle in front of you leave plenty of space make it nice and easy for you by practicing these routes um really does help uh for example I I know

    Southampton but I’m not overly familiar with with with the area um but obviously as an experienced driver I can can deal with what’s coming up to me um but if you’re not familiar with the area or even just an inexperienced driver practicing the area just gives you that

    Little bit of Advantage um you know what’s coming up you know you know the tricky sections so really does help a lot that’s why we post these videos um and also on our website you can download a full set of driving test routes for Southampton remember it’s www. driving test routes.

    UK and if you get a chance please do like share and subscribe to the channel that really helps us um we’re putting a lot of effort and time into um getting these routs built out for you across the country that’s our plan um but it does use time and time and petrol

    So um if you can help us um build up our following that would be great we’re taking second exit so we’re going to signal right here just to let everybody know where we’re going the roundabouts only got two exits mini roundabouts we don’t need to signal

    Obviously quite a lot of um bards and and cycle lanes are just paying attention to what’s going on and again on a bu busier day yeah you’d have a lot of uh students and unike coming along here a little bit of rain I’m going to flip those wind screen wipers

    On looking out for zebra Crossings and at the traffic lights here we’re going to turn left so mirror left left signaling left than screen first for watching that pedestrian making sure he’s not going to run out now just to remind you the drive the examiner is going to ask you to pull

    Over onto the left side of the road on your driving test so we’re just going to pull over on the left here so we’re going to go mirror left or mirror going to Signal left just going to carefully come to the curve there making sure it’s safe convenient and legal to

    Par okay and they literally going to pull you over four times during your driving test um now we’re going to move off so we’re going to get ourselves ready check our Center mirror have a quick look on our left door mirror left right door mirror over our right

    Shoulder and if it’s safe to we’re going to move off with our indicator on we’re turning right here so Center mirror right door mirror sign right so we’re not going to do any Maneuvers on our our driving test routes um we don’t show you where they they might do

    The Maneuvers um just because you know you don’t want to be practicing and interfering with um the driving test other people might be on their test um so you know stay local practice Maneuvers in a in a car park or by the side of the road some it’s just quiet

    Out the way for you now at the end of the road we’re going to turn left so we’re going to go mirror left door mirror signal left for the rain starting to come a bit more so as annoying as they are you’re going to have to have the windscreen wipers on

    Now we’re going to take the next road on the right to go mirror right door miror get a signal right a green light there for us to move into the area and turning there we and then just watching your speed as you come down here you’ve got a mini

    Roundabout ahead of you we’re going to take the first exit left at the mini round so we’re going to wait past till we get past this Junction we’re going to check our Center mirror left door mirror we’re going to Signal left even though it looks like it’s ahead just we’re

    Confirming to everybody exactly where we’re going to go yeah that’s not just cars that’s p uh pedestrians yeah everybody knows exactly where we’re going to go as we come up here we’ve got another little mini roundabout we’re going second exit right so we’re going mirror right door mirror we’re going to signal

    Right going to see the little spot there we’re going to make sure that we go all the way around it and then we’ve got another mini roundabout there so we’re going ahead on this one this is right near the hospital we just position ourselves a little bit closer to the curb on this

    Road just to allow for those Park cars and anybody coming along so that we’re nice and safe once again looking at the Crossing there we’re turning left here a mirror left or mirror a signal left watch out for this pedestrian quite a miserable day today eh

    You see a lot of nurses coming off the shift of the hospital now we’re taking um second exit right on this roundabout it’s like a little sort of double roundabout scenario so we’re going to signal right go straight into another mini roundabout we’re going to signal right

    Here cuz we’re going right on this one we have a traffic calming measure ahead of us which gives the right away to oncoming traffic however we’ve got time to get through that before that van arrives and then we’re just going slow because there’s only wide enough really

    For one vehicle through this bit of section A roow with a par cars so we can see an oncoming vehicle we’re just going to slow down move to the side a little bit let that one through and then we’re going to come on through again now

    Remember you know got par cars on both sides of the road so it’s nobody’s right away um you need to make judgment decision on this whether it’s safe for you um whether the oncoming vehicle is going to pause definitely a section worth prac practicing and my speed has not been

    Over 25 miles hour through this entire section yeah I’m just taking it slow I’m at like 20 M hour right now we can see the car’s waiting for us just give a little thank you going to go left here so mirror left oror we going to Signal left taking the first exit

    Can see a mini round coming up we’re going to go first exit left so we’re going to check our mirror left or we’re going to Signal left okay coming up to the junction here we’re going to be going left when we get to the end of the road so we mirror left

    Or miror going to Signal left have to turn left here we’re going to keep that indicator on just for the benefit of any pedestrians that might be around comes out onto a Crossing so just watch that and then we’re almost back at the test center um and that’s your test

    Route um thanks for watching I hope that’s been useful uh please do like we mentioned please do subscribe like and share um really helps us to uh be able to keep going with the channel and produce more driving test routes so we’re going to go Mir right down we’re

    Going to signal right and there we go coming back into Green Lane in the pouring rain and as you come along here the test center is on your left hand side just after this road here um opposite the school obviously we’re not going to stop pull into the test center

    Because we don’t want interfere with anybody else but thanks for watching have a great day thank you

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