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    How to Pass First Time in Hazard perception test 2024

    Welcome to our Hazard Perception video! 🚗💨
    Are you eager to enhance your hazard perception skills and become a safer driver? Look no further! In this video, we dive deep into the art of hazard perception, offering valuable insights, real-life examples, and expert tips to sharpen your ability to spot and respond to potential dangers on the road.

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    Foreign watch this video clip and keep an eye out for any emerging hazards as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards let’s review the clip again and talk about some things you might have noticed foreign you’re driving in the Middle Lane of a

    Motorway you see a Range Rover to your right indicating to move into your lane as soon as the vehicle signals and starts moving into your lane it becomes a developing Hazard you slow down and give the car plenty of space to move across your lane towards the slip Road thank you

    Next video clip watch this video clip and keep an eye out for any emerging hazards as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards foreign let’s review the clip again and talk about some things you might have noticed thank you you’re traveling through a residential

    Area a road sign warns you of traffic lights ahead as you approach the traffic lights you see a motorcycle overtaking traffic and a car waiting to turn up ahead when the motorcycle begins to ride on your side of the road it becomes a developing Hazard the motorcycle almost

    Causes an accident and has to take evasive action to avoid the Turning car maintain caution around motorcycles as Riders can sometimes be unpredictable thank you next video clip watch this video clip and keep an eye out for any emerging hazards as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards foreign

    Let’s review the clip again and talk about some things you might have noticed thank you you’re driving through a residential area there are parked cars on either side of the road this causes the road to narrow you suddenly see a motorcycle emerge from behind a gray vehicle parked

    Up ahead on your right as soon as the motorcycle comes into view it becomes a developing Hazard you slow right down and let the motorcycle through foreign watch this video clip and keep an eye out for any emerging hazards as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards laughs

    Let’s review the clip again and talk about some things you might have noticed you’re driving through a residential area after driving around a Bend you see a garbage truck up ahead with some Dustbin men around the vehicle in Hive his jackets As you move closer to the

    Vehicle you see one of the Dustbin men walking into the road towards the truck as the man moves from the footpath into the road he becomes a developing Hazard as he causes you to slow down another Dustbin man emerges from behind the truck and walks into the road without

    Looking causing you to break sharply make sure you’re cautious and exercise patience when you come across Dustbin men on bin collection day next video clip watch this video clip and keep an eye out for any emerging hazards as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards foreign

    Let’s review the clip again and talk about some things you might have noticed you’re traveling along a narrow Rural Road after you negotiate a bend in the road you see two horse riders up ahead on your left you also notice a white van driving towards you as soon as it

    Becomes clear that it won’t be safe to pass the Riders on Horseback without slowing down it becomes a developing Hazard as you get closer to them you wait patiently until the white van passes and it is safe to overtake you slowly and carefully drive around the horses giving them plenty of room and

    Ensuring you do not startle them next video clip watch this video clip and keep an eye out for any emerging hazards as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards foreign let’s review the clip again and talk about some things you might have noticed there are two developing hazards in this

    Clip you’re driving through a residential area after driving around a Bend you see a dog on the opposite side of the road walking towards your lane as soon as you spot the dog moving in your direction it becomes a developing Hazard you slow down and stop until the animal

    Has moved and the situation is no longer potentially dangerous further down the road you see a flashing yellow belly should Beacon indicating a pedestrian Crossing you spot a pedestrian at the Crossing moving to cross the road as soon as she starts walking towards the crossing she becomes

    A developing Hazard you slow down and allow her to cross safely you see that she is using a white and red cane indicating she has a hearing and visual impairment be aware of disabled pedestrians at all times next video clip watch this video clip and keep an eye

    Out for any emerging hazards as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards thank you let’s review the clip again and talk about some things you might have noticed you’re driving through a town center you see a huge plume of smoke emerging from

    A building up ahead on your left at this point you should be ready for hazards such as emergency vehicles you then see a fire engine with blue flashing Sirens driving quickly in the direction of the fire as soon as you see the fire engine it becomes a developing Hazard you slow

    Right down and let the fire engine turn into the side street thank you next video clip watch this video clip and keep an eye out for any emerging hazards as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards foreign let’s review the clip again and talk

    About some things you might have noticed in this town center area you navigate a roundabout with a blue car ahead of you shortly after exiting the roundabout you see this car signaling to the left and applying the brakes as it comes to a stop indicating that it wants to park on

    The left-hand side of the road between some parked cars as soon as the car stops in the road it becomes a developing Hazard you slow down and allow the vehicle plenty of room to complete its maneuver foreign next video clip watch this video clip and keep an eye

    Out for any emerging hazards as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards thank you let’s review the clip again and talk about some things you might have noticed you’re driving along a road in a residential area you see a black car up ahead to your right emerging from a

    Junction as soon as the vehicle moves towards the junction it becomes a developing Hazard the car dangerously encroaches the road markings at the junction entering the lane in which there is oncoming traffic this causes the vehicles in this Lane to drive into your side of the road in order to avoid

    Colliding with the black car the presence of a parked car Narrows the road requiring you to slow down and allow oncoming traffic to pass safely foreign next video clip watch this video clip and keep an eye out for any emerging hazards as as you watch the clip pay attention to the developing hazards

    Let’s review the clip again and talk about some things you might have noticed you’re driving in a residential area in snowy and icy conditions you see a white van driving on a side road up ahead on your left given the conditions the van is traveling faster than it should be as

    The junction approaches the van applies the brakes to stop but the Vehicle skids causing it to come out onto the main road and into your path as soon as you spot the van losing control it becomes a developing Hazard you slow down and stop allowing the van to pass safely you

    Should drive very cautiously in snowy and icy conditions remember that stopping distances in these conditions can be up to 10 times greater than on normal dry roads Thank you


    1. I passed my theory test today and i can tell you something,the hazard perception clip are nothing like the one in DVSA app or others like that ,the same applies for the multiple choices,but if you study the Highway Code, practice in the app all the questions and learn why your wrong when you are, practice the hazard clips (the CGI ONES) until you get 5 points on everyone of them, last days before exam press on every hazard twice,you'll get the reflexes you need for the real ones, you'll be able to take it.

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