UK Theory Test 2024 | 50 Real Test Question
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    Question one what do these Motorway signs mean see they countdown markers to the next exit the exit from a away is indicated by countdown markers these are positioned 90 M 100 y apart the first being 270 M 300 y from the start of the slip Road move into the

    Left hand lane well before you reach the start of the slip road if you want to pass dvsa the test in first time you can download our eo’s app app contains 2500 DV S8 s Quest questions 250 Hazard perception videos 630 traffic road signs and 300 Highway code rules even

    98.50% people pass their test first time after using our app you can find Link in the description download app for free from App Store which contains latest 2024 material licensed by dvsa Authority get 3 days free trial for a limited time let’s get back to the video question two

    What will be a serious distraction while you’re driving a looking at road maps looking at road maps while driving is very dangerous if you aren’t sure of your route stop in a safe place and check the map you must not allow anything to take your attention away from the road while you’re

    Driving question three what should you do if you think the driver of the vehicle in front has forgotten to cancel their right indicator D stay behind and don’t overtake be cautious and don’t attempt to overtake the driver may be unsure of the location of a junction and may turns

    Suddenly question four your car needs to pass an MIT test what may be invalidated if you drive the car without a current mot certificate B the vehicle insurance if your vehicle requires an mot certificate it’s illegal to drive it without one and your insurance may be

    Invalid if you do so the only exceptions are that you may drive to a pre-arranged MIT test appointment or to a garage for repairs required for the test question five you’re going through a long tunnel what will warn you of congestion or an incident ahead see variable message

    Signs follow the instructions given by the signs or by tunnel officials in congested tunnels a minor incident can soon turn into a major one one with serious or even fatal results question six when should you use your vehicle’s horn a to alert others to your presence you mustn’t use your vehicle’s

    Horn between 11:30 p a.m. and 7 a.m. in a builtup area or when you’re stationary unless a moving vehicle poses a danger its function is to alert other Road users to your presence question seven what makes your tires illegal B if they have any large deep Cuts in the side

    Wall your tires may be of different Treads and makes they can even be secondhand as long as they’re in good condition they must however be intact without cuts or tears when checking the side walls for cuts and bulges don’t forget to check the side of the tire that’s hidden from view under the

    Car question eight your join a Motorway from a slip Road how should you deal with traffic already on the motorway D match your speed to traffic in the left hand lane and filter into a safe Gap you should give way to traffic already on the motorway where possible traffic may move

    Over to let you in but don’t force your way into the traffic stream traffic could be traveling at high speed so try to match your speed to filter and without affecting the traffic flow question nine you arrive at the scene of a motorcycle crash the rider is injured when should their helmet be

    Removed a only when it’s essential don’t remove a motorcyclist’s helmet unless it’s essential remember they may be suffering from shock don’t give them anything to eat or drink but do reassure them confidently question 10 who’s responsible for making sure that a vehicle isn’t overloaded A the driver of the vehicle carrying heavy loads will affect control and the vehicle’s handling characteristics if the vehicle you’re driving is overloaded you’ll be held responsible question 11 why should you switch your headlights on when it first starts to get dark B so others can see you more

    Easily your headlights and tail lights help others on the road to see you it may be necessary to turn on your headlights during the day if if visibility is reduced for example due to heavy rain in these conditions the light might fade before the street lights are

    Time to switch on be seen to be safe question 12 how much can stopping distances increase in icy conditions D 10 times Tire grip is greatly reduced in icy conditions for this reason you need to allow up to 10 times the stopping distance you would allow on dry roads question

    13 what does this sign mean D water across the road this sign is found where a shallow stream crosses the road heavy rainfall could increase the flow of water if the water looks too deep or the stream has spread over a large distance stop and find another route question

    14 you’re going to tow a trailer that’s wider than your car what must you fit to your car before you start Towing it a exterior towing mirrors you must fit exterior towing mirrors to your vehicle if your vehicle is narrower than your trailer or load your trailer or load obstructs the view behind

    You question 15 at an incident a casualty is unconscious but breathing when should you move them C when there’s a risk of further danger don’t move a casualty unless there’s further danger for example from other traffic or fire they may have unseen or internal injuries moving them unnecessarily could

    Cause further injury don’t remove a motorcyclist’s helmet unless it’s essential question 16 what hazard should you be especially aware of if you’re turning left into a side road B pedestrians make sure that you’ve reduced your speed and are in the correct gear for the turn look into the

    Road before you turn and always give way to any pedestrians who are crossing question 17 what should you do when you’re approaching Road works on a Motorway C obey the speed limit be aware of reduced speed limits at Road Works speed limits shown inside a red circle are mandatory and cameras

    Are often used to enforce the reduced limit slow down in good time and keep your distance from the vehicle in front question 18 what should you do when you park at night on a road that has a 40 mph speed limit B leave parking lights switched on you must use parking lights when

    Parking at night on a road or in a layby on a road with a speed limit greater than 30 mph you must also Park in the direction of the traffic flow and not close to a junction question 19 what will happen to your car when you drive up a steep

    Hill D the engine will work harder the engine will need more power to pull the vehicle up the hill When approaching a steep hill you should select a lower gear to help maintain your speed you should do this without hesitation so that you don’t lose too much speed before engaging the lower

    Gear question 20 on a vehicle where would you find a catalytic converter D on the exhaust system although carbon dioxide is still produced a catalytic converter fitted to the exhaust system reduces the toxic and polluting gases by up to 90% question 21 you’re driving in traffic at the

    Speed limit for the road what should you do if the driver behind is trying to overtake C keep a steady course and allow the driver behind to overtake keep a steady course to give the driver behind an opportunity to overtake safely if necessary slow down reacting incorrectly to another driver’s

    Impatience can lead to Danger question 22 you’re turning right from a main road into a side road there’s no oncoming traffic what should you do if pedestrians are standing on the pavement waiting to cross the Side Road C wait and give way to the pedestrians you should give way to

    Pedestrians Crossing or waiting to cross the road into which or from which you’re turning be patient if they’re cautious and take their time checking that it’s safe before they step into the road question 23 how should you drive or ride in areas with traffic calming measures a at a reduced

    Speed traffic calming measures such as Road humps chicanes and narrowings are intended to slow traffic down to protect vulnerable Road users don’t speed up until you reach the end of the traffic calm Zone question 24 when may you use Hazard warning lights a when driving on a Motorway to

    Warn traffic behind of a hazard ahead Hazard warning lights are an important safety feature use them when driving on a Motorway to warn traffic behind you of danger ahead you should also use them if your vehicle has broken down and is causing an obstruction question

    25 what does it mean if your trailer has a maximum authorized mass m of 3,500 kg D your trailer and load combined cannot weigh more than 3,500 kg the am of the trailer is stamped on the plate fitted to the chassis it is the maximum weight of the trailer and

    Load that the manufacturer has designed it to carry do not load your trailer so that it exceeds this maximum weight question 26 when may you cross a double solid white line in the middle of the road C to pass a road maintenance vehicle traveling at 10 m per hour or

    Less you may cross the solid white line to pass a stationary vehicle or to pass a pedal cycle horse or road maintenance vehicle if it’s traveling at 10 mph or less you may also cross the solid white line to enter a side road or access a property question

    27 what must you do when you hit a trailer to A Towing vehicle a fit a secondary coupling device if a tow hitch fails the trailer must stay connected to the towing vehicle this is achieved by using a secondary coupling device such as a safety chain question

    28 in which conditions will your overall stopping distance increase a in the rain Extra Care should be taken in wet weather on wet roads your stopping distance could be double that in dry conditions question 29 you stop on the hard shoulder of a Motorway and use the emergency

    Telephone where’s the best place to wait for help to arrive B well away from the carriageway when you’re on the hard shoulder you’re at risk of being injured by Motorway traffic the safest place to wait is away from the carriageway but near enough to see the Emergency Services

    Arriving question 30 what would you expect to find at a contraflow system on a Motorway Way b lower speed limits When approaching a contraflow system reduce speed in good time and Obey all speed limits you may be traveling in a narrower Lane than normal with no permanent barrier between you and the oncoming traffic be aware that the hard shoulder may be used for traffic and the road ahead

    Could be obstructed by slow moving or broken down Vehicles question 31 which road users are most difficult to see when you’re reversing your car D children it may not be possible to see a small child through the rear wind screen of your vehicle be aware of this before you

    Reverse if there are children about get out and check that it’s clear before reversing question 32 when must you use dipped headlights during the day see when you’re driving in poor visibility you must use dipped headlights when daytime visibility is seriously reduced generally to 100 m 328

    Ft or less you may also use front or rear fog lights but they must be switched off when visibility improves question 33 what should you do if you’re being followed by an ambulance showing flashing blue lights a pull over as soon as it’s safe to do

    So pull over in a place where the ambulance can pass safely check that there are no ballards or obstructions in the road that will prevent vent it from passing question 34 why are Vehicles fitted with rear fog lights C to make them more visible in thick

    Fog rear fog lights make it easier to spot a vehicle ahead in foggy condition I conditions avoid the temptation to use other vehicles lights as a guide as they may give you a false sense of security question 35 you’ve driven up to a pelican Crossing what must you do while the

    Amber light is flashing C give way to any pedestrians on the crossing the flashing amber light allows pedestrians already on the crossing to get to the other side before a green light shows to the traffic be aware that some pedestrians such as older people and young children need longer to cross

    Let them do this at their own pace question 36 you’re on a three-lane Motorway which lane are you and if there are red reflective studs on your left and white ones to your right d in the left hand lane the colors of the reflective studs on the motorway and their locations are

    Red between the hard shoulder and the carriageway white between lanes Amber between the carriageway and the central reservation green along slip Road exits and entrances bright green yellow at Road works and contraflow systems question 37 what does it mean if you see this signal on the motorway

    A leave the motorway at the next exit you’ll see this sign if there has been an incident ahead and the motorway is closed you must obey the sign make sure that you prepare to leave in good time don’t cause drivers to take avoiding action by cutting in at the last moment question

    38 which is the oil filler cap see next to the oil cap there should be the dipstick which you use to check the oil level question 39 what does this line across the road at the entrance to a roundabout meme a give way to traffic from the

    Right slow down as you approach the roundabout and check for traffic from the right if you need to stop and give way stay behind the broken line until it’s safe to emerge onto the roundabout question 40 you’re at an incident what could you do to help an unconscious

    Casualty B check that they’re breathing normally if a casualty is unconscious you need to check that they’re breathing normally look for chest movements look and listen for breathing and feel for breath on your cheek question 41 what should you remove from your car before leaving it unattended D the vehicle registration

    Document never leave the vehicle registration document inside your car this document would help a thief to dispose of your car more easily question 42 you want to turn left at this Junction what should you do if your view of the main road is restricted D approach slowly and Edge

    Out until you can see more clearly you should slow right down and stop if necessary at any Junction where your view is restricted Edge forward until you can see properly only then can you decide whether it’s safe to go question 43 what’s the speed limit for a car Turing a trailer on a

    Motorway C 60 m per hour if you’re towing a small Light trailer it won’t reduce your vehicle’s performance by very much and it may not be visible in your mirrors however strong winds or buffeting from large Vehicles might cause the trailer to snake from side to

    Side be aware of your speed and don’t exceed the reduced speed limit imposed on Vehicles Towing trailers question 44 what’s the purpose of triangular shape signs a to give warnings triangular signs warn you of Hazards ahead make sure you look at each sign that you pass on the road so that

    You don’t miss any vital instructions or information question 45 you have to make an Unexpected Journey you’re carrying a 5-year-old child on the back seat of your car they’re under 1.35 M foret 5 in tall how should you seat them if a correct child restraint isn’t available B using an adult seat

    Belt in journeys of unexpected necessity and when a correct child restraint isn’t available the child must sit on the rear seat and use an adult seat belt in a collision unrestrained objects and people can cause serious injury or even death question 46 what’s the legal minimum depth of tread for car

    Tires B 1.6 mm car tires must have sufficient depth of tread to give them a good grip on the road surface the the legal minimum for cars is 1.6 mm this depth should be across the central 3/4 of the breadth of the tire and around the entire circumference question

    47 you’re driving along this road what should you do if the red car cuts in close in front of you C drop back to leave the correct separation distance there are times when other drivers make incorrect or ill-judged decisions be tolerant and try not to retaliate or react aggressively always consider the safety

    Of other Road users your passengers and yourself question 48 a single carriageway Road has this sign what’s the maximum permitted speed for a car towing a trailer C 50 mph when you’re towing a trailer A reduced speed limit also applies on Dual carriageways and motorways these lower speed limits apply

    To Vehicles pulling all sorts of trailers including Caravans and horse boxes question 49 what does this sign indicate a a diversion route when a diversion route has been put in place Place drivers are advised to follow a symbol which may be a black Triangle Square Circle or diamond shape on a yellow

    Background question 50 you’re traveling at the legal speed limit what should you do if the vehicle behind approaches quickly flashing its Headlights D allow the vehicle to overtake don’t enforce the speed limit by blocking another vehicle’s progress this will only cause frustration allow the other vehicle to pass when you can do so safely if you want to pass dvsa Theory test in first time you can download ao’s

    App app contains 2500 DV S8 s question 250 Hazard perception videos 630 traffic road signs and 300 Highway code rules even 98.50% people pass their test first time after using our app you can find Link in the description download app for free from App Store which contains latest

    2024 material licensed by dvsa Authority get 3 days free trial for a limited time


    1. Hi everyone am seeing a lots of negative energy regarding the test, I used to score 43/50 44/50 watching these videos and then I scored 48/50 in the test ? Why because I used the flags I went back to these questions and gave it a lots of thoughts. Don't get me wrong the test is so difficult please prepare well you can't loose point over simple questions but surely you will face questions you've never seen, just use your logic and it will be good. Best of luck !!
      PS : I just moved to the UK 1 year ago, so don't you dare fail the test, if I did it surely you can too 🥰

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