Travel with my and my bike from Lithuania to Tenerife. On this episode i am crossing Poland mostly by train, because in this way I hope to escape freezing temperatures. But I still have to pass the Tatra mountains so it’s quite a challenge. Enjoy watching!
    Please press the ‘like’ button if you enjoyed it!

    Follow me on instagram for more stories and photos!


    1. Andrius man, it’s so good to see you back on YouTube making videos! This is quite the challenge that you’re undertaking but if anyone is equipped for something like this, it’s certainly you. You’ve got a lot of heart and determination & that’s really inspiring. The scenery that you’ve captured is beautiful and seeing people help you out is also warming. I’m sticking with you on this journey and will be rooting for you all the way 🙌. Have a Happy Holidays!

    2. This looks amazing! Sounds like you have quite the adventure ahead of you. Wishing you the best of luck and continuously following your adventure Andrius 🙂 hopefully we get to see you meet up with your friend in your upcoming video.

    3. Andriau, laikau kumščius kad kelionė vyktų sklandžiai ir finišas būtų ten kur suplanuota.
      Techninis klausimas: kas per sarasas mantos, kiek ji sveria? Kiek sveria vaziuokle? Ar negalvojai apie dygliuota bent jau galine padanga?

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