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    #triathlon #swimming #triathlontraining

    Good afternoon hello my name is Daniel this is the triath on Dan YouTube channel this is my friend Lee who you might recognize from many videos in calp from Recently afternoon Le yeah I’ve started actually getting recognized on the street now mate you are a big deal

    Is available for selfies if you see him right so we’ve recently been to cpay on a cycling holiday and we’ve been to muor a few times in the past few years haven’t we so we thought we would discuss what is the difference and which do we recommend over the other so miiaa

    Or CPE for cycling and tri and training now we’re not just going to bow in a china shop we’ve got five separate topic areas so we’ve got cost cafes and shops Vibe roots and riding Triathlon training and then overall verdict I know that’s six I Mis counting them first okay so

    Firstly the cost what do you think about the difference between the cost of cowpe versus newor which is more expensive yeah just in general mayorca does seem to be more expensive you know when you think about Cafe stops when you’re riding when you think about your evening meal coffees

    You know what whatever you might want it just does feel that little bit more expensive like we’re saying on other videos you know three coffees uh in a coffee shop 450 in CPE I mean you can’t say fairer than that CU I remember distinctly remember the archers people

    Who have rid will know where they are when you’re on the way back from a long ride you’ll pay €3 for a can of Coke absolutely yeah and I’m absolutely happy to pay it at that point it’s very different isn’t it the actual cost to travel I think is quite similar flights

    Are2 200 and something pound including B boxes roughly around there weren’t they I think yeah and accommodation costs are cheaper in cowpe than they are in newor um so similar I mean to put some numbers on it I think we flew for about 250 quid accommodation is about £300 so

    It’s not that expensive to go to cowpe versus mua I’ve never really got accommodation for for less than 4 or 500 quid and flights are similar I’d say the thing about mior as well is you you know depending on the time of year you go you’re also competing with holiday

    Makers aren’t you because it’s a popular holiday destination as it is with cyclists where perhaps cowpe is more popular with cyclists and you’re not getting so many holiday makers yeah per that’s in the vibe section so cafes and shops there aren’t very many cafes out

    On the road in kelp are there as we found out yeah we had firsthand experience of this didn’t we so you know we were we must have been riding for you know a good sort of 30 40 miles we managed to find a road that pretty much

    Had nothing on it and every town we came across looked like there was nothing there yeah I mean when we talk about meor we’ve stayed in Porta palena most commonly haven’t we so it’s a very busy area but every ride and Route I’ve done from there you would see multiple petrol

    Stations shops more often than not cafes restaurants those sorts of things whereas calp was very much like right we need to plan where the stop is because if we don’t plan where it is you might not find anywhere whereas milor you don’t really have to plan that because

    There’s so many places you might want to pick out somewhere you really want to go but I’ve really found that CP is a bit more sparse in terms of like cafes and restaurants yeah I’d say you know coming back to the you’ve got a planet you

    Almost need a bit of local knowledge you almost need someone to show you where the places to go are and it’s not obvious like they not just on the side of the road where you know in mior you can just go out on a ride and you’ll come across something because it’s right

    There in front of your face yeah okay General Vibe then calp muca very different I think what do you think about the general Vibe yeah I I think I felt like kelpe had more propensity for larger teams being there with all the equipment you know we saw a day when a

    Team had got time trial by bikes out there I saw a few big team buses lots of Team cars lots of really big teams um and I think the reason for that is because obviously you can drive all that stuff to cowpe on land whereas logistically for pro teams to get out to

    Mior I think you know whilst there are a smattering of pro riders there it’s probably more people that are just traveling alone or in a small group rather than with a big pro team and all the equipment M yeah I remember seeing Nils poet in mior when oh my God I’ve

    Seen a pro whereas in calp is like oh my God they’re everywhere and it like it doesn’t affect what we’re doing at all does it really but it feels cool to be able to go out on a ride and like on one of your guys rides you know Remco venol

    Was coming up the climb as you’re going down it and like that just feels so cool to be able to say I’ve ridden near so and so so it’s hard to put any sort of vow you on that I think uh myor is a bit more touristy and I know we are tourists

    But but you’ll go there there’s a lot more bike High shops and there’s a lot more like groups of um I don’t know I might call more social Riders who aren’t looking at the intervals in the power meter they just want to do their bucket list climbs and that’s fine CP is more

    Like training camp isn’t it and doing intervals and like we see people doing lactate tests on CLS and things it’s very very different yeah you’ve hit the nail on the head there it is a bit more of a pro vibe in CPE whereas nework is more of a tourist SL recreational

    Cyclist vibe which is weird how I find myself gravitating more towards the pro one because that’s not me I fit in more with the mioca vibe of R just going out for a bike ride but it as a fan of the sport I love seeing all that so feel

    That you’re close to it even when the team cars come past you beeping the hor and stuff you’re like oh yeah absolutely so different vibe we think now we have got we have gone to New York a little bit later in the season as you said so

    Normally in May time which is more touristy than it is earli in the year but I think the to be able to drive to CP a bit of a bigger benefit to the teams would the weather be okay in newor at the same time that we went to K I don’t think

    It’s quite as good because it’s a smaller Island in Sea than carpay is um but I’m going in a few weeks I’ll let you know so the routes and riding then if you’re cycling in these areas now we’ve both ridden in mior quite a lot we’ve done pretty much every climb or

    Every like big climb in the area I’ve been five or six times you probably been similar as other so three or four I think so we can speak with genuine experience in calp there’s no people talk about the colder rats but there’s no sackal lumbra is there there’s no oh

    There’s these big switch backs and this massive picturesque climb it’s all beautiful and it all looks great but there’s not that bucket list oh big climb is there so it it’s a bit different I also found that myca has more steeper climbs in cowpe which isn’t necessarily a problem but I found the

    Climate in cowpe really quite easy as somebody who’s a bit heavier I wasn’t as the difference between me and the guys who were lighter wasn’t as big as it is in muor in terms of how fast you’re climbing what do you think about riding and and uh things in mior versus CP yeah

    Absolutely I think I Echo a lot of what you said there I think you know calpe doesn’t have a sack labra um you know there’s some absolutely beautiful cims in newor even the uh the first day Lighthouse ride is absolutely beautiful yeah and some of those climbs

    Are are tough aren’t they it’s not an easy day and uh yeah that you’re right there’s there’s the steepness I guess the only steep climb really that cowpe has is the secret Summit and that is amazing and the views are amazing but it’s still not meor yeah and that isn’t

    I wonder why that’s not got that like bucketless feel whenever we were talking about the secret suit people are like oh I don’t bother doing that that’s stupid whereas if you go to Mio you almost have to ride the big clim yeah I I just think it’s part of it

    For me might be that it’s close to the sea I love the way sackal labra you descend into the beautiful Harbor and it really is stunning isn’t it and then I think the climb all the switch backs and all the Riders on there and the history

    Of it and you know all the thoughts in your mind about Tom Pitcock smashing the com up there and you know even the buses kind of add to it even though they’re a bit annoying yeah you don’t have to fight them in CPO do you there’s no like

    Tourist buses that’s a big difference what about variety of routs if you wanted to go for a flat ride can you do that in kelpe can you do it in mea I do feel like when you’re riding in celp it’s either up or down I don’t think there’s much flat riding whereas in

    Mayorca for your rest day you can head in land you can do a flat ride there’s a lot of variety of terrain um so yeah I do feel like myor has got more variety of roots and CPE The Roots feel a little bit syy like I say some of the climbs

    Feel a bit Samy the gradients are the same you don’t even have all the the switchbacks of say sabatella or saala well they’re quite shallow when you’re moving fast enough that you’re dabbing the brakes on a hair pin and stuff yeah okay uh now this is the triathlon Dam channel so we should

    Probably touch on if you’re a triathlete looking to go to those places what are the facilities like for run and swim well I didn’t run in CP you did and we have stayed in PTO palena in newor and right in CP Center in

    CP uh CP has no pool is open does it so you cannot swim in CP there’s the Sea of course but it’s it was rough near every day we were there as you found out very rough yeah so I know there are some people stay in Dena and nearby areas

    That do have pools so I’d probably suggest you look at elsewhere if you’re wanting to swim like regularly versus meiaa the sea can still be quite rough as I found but it’s more often than not calm in the mornings you can SP first thing in the mornings and there’s a few

    More like bigger hotels in Port of palena I’ve been able to book somewhere that’s got like a spa and a laned pool and it wasn’t really any more expensive than just a normal hotel and there’s a few of those in the area so I feel like

    Swimming is a bit more of a easier thing to do than is in cowpe running as well I think meor edges it the running I didn’t run in carpet but how did you I mean you s weed it didn’t you well yeah the thing

    Was I ran up the coast and the coast is not very long really um and I sort of got like I ran to CPE Rock and then that’s a bit strange because you can’t really get around it on the coast and I ended up just sort of then

    Running back in land and trying to do some kind of loop um whereas in meorc I feel like cuz let’s face it if you’ve gone to stay by the coast don’t you want to run up the coastline and I think meorc has got an endless Coastline really so obviously it’s an island so

    You know I do think meor would AG it on the running yeah you can run all way to arud and backing or having him run Inland a couple of times and it’s gone the quiet Lanes C is a bit more of a bigger town so you’ve got to cross loads of roads

    And Junctions and things whereas palena is oh there’s a few rows of streets but them as the scene just turn that the other thing is as well leaving calpe you have to go up a big hill don’t you and obviously you know if you’re trying to

    Run in Pace zones or something that just messes with it doesn’t it yeah so Le if somebody asks you Lee I’m looking to go on a cycling or Tri on training trip I’m tossing up between CP or miiaa what are you saying I think I’d ask a few

    Questions you know what are your aims what are you wanting to get out of it is it a training camp or are you going for a cycling experience have you been to either of the places before and you know are you on a really strict budget you

    Know if you’re on a really strict budget and you’ve not been to either place perhaps I’d recommend cowpe um especially if you’re going for the training camp but if you’re looking for more of a cycling experience and you’ve never been to newor and you have

    Got a little bit more budget to be able to afford to eat out and you know the the little bit more inflated prices in the coffee shops than Mya is you know I don’t think you could be a cyclist and not visit meor M’s really twigged on to

    Oh cycling is a thing and not not that CA hasn’t but meor has Tweed on to cycling is a tourist thing so like in PTO Pala there’s places such as toos which has got like one of wiggo time Tri bikes on the wall and team Sky jerseys

    And all the South noron Jersey in there as well and that’s great but then you will pay a tener for a sandwich so whereas C hasn’t really got that so uh I think it’s and and like we’re suckers as much as the next people we’ll go in

    There just sit in there and look at wiggo star like to have a me L to cuz you want to take a picture in dolls and so on but um yeah I think agree I’m going back to meor with Liz because she really wants to do sa lob she’s done it

    Before but didn’t quite make it up there yeah so that’s what’s drawn us to that it’s an absolute bucket list climb you know for me it’s there with a stelvio really you know it is really that beautiful look at it right let us know your thoughts down below though if

    You’ve been to mayorca and CPE or somewhere else Mainland Spain or somewhere else in fact I know people go tenie lanzerotti all sorts let us know what you think is your dream cycling destination from the UK


    1. Majorca is awesome! So many cyclists there, and traffic generally treats you with respect (far away from that in the uk!). Plenty of choice to suit all riders and some iconic rides such as Sa Calobra. I’m looking forward my next Majorca trip, hopefully later this year now 🤞🏻

    2. Regular rider in Calpe (well, just down the road in Moraira) so i can only reference that. There is a steep climb coming out of Benitachell called Cumbre del Sol (400 metres in about 4km) which has featured in La Vuelta s few times. Agree with the running aspect… It's so up and down which can make it hard – first worked problem really – but you can run along the coast for miles. Good swimming in Moraira too (El Portet) is a nice sheltered bay and there is a big swimming race in July. There is a bike shop too, so maybe consider it rather than Calpe? I know the Brownlees used to stay inland near Pego I think? I managed to ride with them back in 2014 for about 10k before Phil Graves put the hammer down and dropped me! Interesting thoughts and i enjoyed the Calpe series!

    3. Cafes stops aren’t generally on the main roads when in Calpe they are just off the main roads in the towns / villages so not generally in route roads, just off them but they are there (I know I’m bias towards the area as I love it there but I know this from experience )
      Tenerife is great if like long climbs upto 3 hours but worth the effort, but if anyone is every in Tenerife take the ferry over to La Gomera and do 65 mile loop of this island, one the best places I’ve ridden

    4. I don't have much experience riding abroad, but Lanzarote is great. I stay at Sand Beach for around £450 a week and there is a pool and gym on site and you can run and cycle from your door. Some beautiful, hilly rides, with lots of costal routes and volcano fields. Lots of excellent rides with cheap and frequent cafe stops. And Costa Teguise has plenty of bars and restaurants. If you have more money, there is club la santa

    5. Girona is the best and I'll hear nothing else, but I went to Mallorca earlier in the season this year and it was a different experience all together. Loads of pros, no buses. Only downside was quite a lot of places were shut, but there's more than enough open. I also got lucky with unseasonably warm weather.

      Multiple times in lanza but it only wins for the winter months. It's a bit samey and the wind can ruin your day.

      Girona ticks every box ❤

    6. Back in the day (2003) i went to Denia on a training camp, one day riding out of town heading to the Col de Rates, we were overtaken by the late, great, Marco Pantani, he allowed me to take a photo of himself, then without any effort he ride us off his wheel, Great memories

    7. I’ve never understood why more people don’t pick Bourg D’Oisons in the French Alpes for a cycling destination. The climbs and views are unbeatable in my opinion, been twice and would gladly go again. Bit of a long journey being a Canadian but well worth it.

    8. Not a dream destination, but Malaga (we stayed in Rincon de la victoria) is cheap, running all along the seafront, you can swim in the Sea even over xmas and jan, riding is good, loads of coffee stops.

    9. You are correct about local knowledge, hence you missed the climb ' Pego to Alto Miserat ' Tops out at 21% 6.7 km and Avg 9.6% , this is a cat one climb according to veloviewer . Tough old slog , 😉

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