1. Solche Idioten dürften nie wieder motorisiert am Straßenverkehr teilnehmen. Nicht einmal mit einem E-Rolli. Und solche Ego-Verlängerungen gehören grundsätzlich verboten.

    2. All A Holes, each one of them think they own the roads and can give 2 shits about the safety of everyone else on the road’s, maybe they will learn next time if there is a next time!

    3. Plenty of dollars
      No sense though
      A tip
      If you want to overtake
      Who’s day do I want to ruin
      Today while looking stupid
      Can one see out the back of
      Well now he can 😂

    4. É successo l’estate scorsa in Sardegna questo incidente marito e moglie che guidavano la Ferrari cabriolet sono morti non si vede nel video ma si è capottata 😢

    5. Lambo was one of the riches men in india.. minor injuries.
      Ferrari was a married couple from Zurich. Both Dead. -ferrari made some flips.. caught fire both died jn the flames.
      Van. Minor injury..
      Happened in Italy.

    6. Il mezzo ribaltato era un camper, se non sbaglio il guidatore è il passeggero della Ferrari cabrio (stranieri con auto a noleggio) sono deceduti

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