Recap all the action from the wommen’s race at the Miami T100 at CLASH Endurance Miami, the first T100 Triathlon World Tour event.

    0:00 Swim
    2:38 Bike
    10:05 Run
    14:36 Finish

    #T100 #Triathlon #MiamiT100


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    The first ever T100 for the women Mark and they’re in the water and once again we’ll be able to pick out a few athletes based on their caps and one of those being Lucy Charles barklay will have the pink swim cap and you see it already Rick uh Lucy Charles Barkley she does not mess

    Around at the start she is quick of Mark and she’s on the far left there in that pink cap she’s already making a little bit of a lead we’ll see if anyone can grab onto her feet so Lucy Charles barlay has just exited ahead of Lucy Buckingham they

    Were swimming hard you could tell it when you were looking at them really close they were swimming very hard this Gap has grown Sarah Perez C is just about to get to the O exit as well and the chase group with Sky Munch and Holly Lawrence and India Le and uh they’ve

    They’ve almost caught her poor is still on the back of that group too um so here we have Sarah Perez Salah she’s about 25 seconds back and is bleeding time for this Chase group with Sky man IND at the front just exing right now in the Aussie exit up this steep

    Uphill Indi looks good s falling off but fix that that’s one of the benefits of the Aussie exit PA of Finlay on the back of this group is massive they’re about 35 seconds off the lead that’s potentially further ahead than what some would have anticipated to see Paula

    Finle she’s lost a little bit of ground in the oie exit but if she can get back there that’s a really good position and then about 10 seconds behind Paula finle we’ve got cat Matthews exiting the water 45ish seconds down she’s got herself a little bit isolated there and that

    Second lap could be tricky because the rest of the girls have all got a big group to work towards where she’s by herself Danielle out of the water a further 10 15 seconds down as well as Emma palent Brown and Tamara J that’s a strong run group that’s a group we got

    To keep our eye on they’re about a minute back whether they can make up some ground to Lucy in this second lap but that is a substantial Gap Emma pal BR Tamara J two we’ve got to keep our eye on as the race progresses particularly on the run and Lucy come

    Out the water first here side by side let’s hope for a smooth transition and um it’s actually quite a short way from here even though they have to run a little dog leg to go past the bikes and then sort of re realign and Jack is down there Lucy

    Charles barklay this is pretty much the dream scenario for her she knows that Lucy Buckingham’s been sick everyone in the padic knows that so she’s going to love that she has one of the world’s best cyclists with her to P push the pace rather than have to do it by

    Herself she can also follow her technical lines on the technical part of this course sometimes people say Lucy’s technical ability isn’t the best in the world world compared to her straight speed power so to be able to follow Lucy Buckingham’s lines if that does play out

    Like that is perfect for Lucy you can see they’ve got a massive lead probably probably a bigger lead than you would have expected given where they were halfway through the swim The Other Women haven’t even come in yet Sarah Perez T Holly Lawrence India Lee driven group

    All of finlay’s managed to get on the back of it as well coming into T12 this is a really strong Chase group as well actually all of fin I mentioned that Lucy Buckingham is one of the best cyclists in the sport in that category as well is Paula finle is India Lee this

    Is a very strong group that will get straight on to chasing the two lucies and perfect situation for someone like India Le who’s a really strong Runner as well as being a great cyclist so I mean probably a position that’s a little ahead of where a lot of people would

    Have expected to see her and Paula finle playing out perfectly for those two as well got Lucy Barm and C Matthews coming in two of the unback favorites with Daniel reef and Emma pent Brown so important that Emma palent Brown gets on to cat Matthews and Lucy Bam’s wheel and this

    Becomes a working group this here is the group if we’re going to see someone make a big move it’s most likely to come from one of these women Lucy bam was in here quickly out just as quickly cat Matthews and Emma pet Brown will fight for that

    Wheel because they know that outside of maybe Buckingham and Lucy Charles up the front that’s the that’s the lady who will be moving fastest on this bike course they will hang on for deal off they’ll do whatever it takes to hold that wheel Daniel Reef now as well extra

    Fir power to the group Tamar J Tamara J is the last out the slowest through transition again her race depends on her being able to hold this really strong B group this is a bit of a new Lucy Charles Barkley on the bike she looks like she’s completely optimized

    Everything to see her go in front and be the one pushing the pace even on a technical course like this with with an athlete like Lucy Buckingham is surprising I’m wondering how much of that is Lucy just taking charge and being a new version of herself on the

    Bike versus Lucy Buckingham being sick but it’s really impr impressing me how Lucy is looking on the B the last six month and showing it again here and right now India leaves the fastest on the bike even though she was ranked fourth in this field she’s the one who

    Is putting down the best laps and that has her fourth pretty good day to be from Great Britain if you’re in this field as you see the top four up there all the Union Jack is uh taken residence from the top four in this race today so

    Uh very impressive but I do have to say Yan um given the fact that she wasn’t feeling well and wasn’t sure if as she was going to start it is impressive that she’s able to keep up with Lucy Charles barklay uh you know maybe on another day

    She’s riding away from her but I seriously doubt it Lucy Charles Barkley is the cream of the crop when it comes to racing the bike obviously swimming but but uh yeah I mean it looks like Lucy bucking Buckingham is working pretty hard here to to stay in contact

    Yeah it looks like Lucy Byam and Kat Matthews have passed Paula finle so they have and they’ve passed her on the left which in this technical course we’ve heard from the referees is going to be permissible as long as it’s a safe pass and she did go around the outside it

    Looks like her day is over she has decided to call it a day one of her teammates um she would be aware of the fact that she’s allowed to keep going oh no breaking out in tears and that’s what it is it’s it’s heartbreaking it’s hard

    To watch you when you come to to an event like this and you know you’re not at 100% it’s just so hard to let you know the race go and just not be able to give your all and not show your all um shows how much it means to as we are now

    Seeing Lucy Buckingham off the bike and and the tank is empty we knew coming in after her husband Mark there told us that she had food poisoning earlier we were surprised she made it to the fin or the start line and Toad the line had a great performance through the swim stayed

    Right on the heels of Lucy Charles barklay and then through about over half actually of the ride the bike ride she was able to stay in that second position well I’ll remind you again Daniela Reef has announced that this will be her final year as a pro triathlete but she

    Still got a lot of boxes to tick and top of the list is the t00 seeing Tamara J here uh like many athletes today deciding to pull the pen and I think the nature of this course because of the loops it is way more prone to have pull outs because you get

    Lapped and then can’t unlap I would love you to ask these athletes how the transition from daylight to night night time has changed their lines and how they see this course cuz it definitely the course looks different at Night Under The Lights than it did when the

    Sun was shining down on this track so it’ll be interesting to see if the mindset has changed now that it’s a little bit darker in some areas she sits on Lucy bm’s wheel because Paula finlay’s made a point for the large majority of the day to sit up and make

    Sure she’s at the back as she throws off her darker that does tell you it’s very dark out there and it looks like it’s only getting dark turn do with every lap and we believe this is ellent brown stopped on the track take a look here yep that’s Emma palet Brown

    Definitely and not sure what the reason was behind this but anytime you see those ambulance Lots you start to worry a little bit so hope she’s okay well it can’t be that bad if she’s managed to get off off and and and stop you can see the water running down on

    Her legs so she’s obviously still sweating profusely she has had a history at this track before as well she’s had a very very dark incident happened here a few years ago with heat stroke and dehydration and and apparently we’re hearing that she she was loaded onto a

    Stretcher and put into the ambulance so we really hope everything’s okay there as she rolls into transition and uh IND Le taking the time to stop her stop her her watch watch G her her gin and uh get an accurate powerf but look how close these two are they’re going to be coming

    Out of T2 and running together well this is the first time Lucy’s taken a breath she is definitely taken it very conservatively into transition two taking her time um to to catch her breath and take a rest she had a bit of a struggle there with her helmet so it

    Looks like Indie might even be overtaking her in transition no she’s not she’s out she’s looking all right for somebody who’s just LED 82k of the race this is not unfamiliar territory for Lucy Charles barley uh a little bit unfamiliar to have company as Lucy Barum leads the chase group into the

    Transition ahead of holly lawren catm and pauler Direction ohat Matthew cat Matthews it looks like she’s cramping up and she had to stop oh come on yeah that’s the left calf when it’s so humid like this you’re just losing so much salt oh you can see she like I can’t I can’t run

    Like Paulo pader is just next level but uh yeah she’s tough cat Matthews being uh part of the British army she is definitely gone through some toughness but yeah she looks stressed she actually looks stressed oh has she gone to a cal there or she was just unclipping her

    Pedal she was just opening her shoes there I think but she did look back at her partner Mark there oh she was counting the laps she miscounted the laps go transition missed it and she missed it yeah Mark Mark with husband Matthew get off get off the course and

    She said no I’m going to keep going don’t touch me this is the thing about seconding uh on the course because of course in Triathlon that is not allowed as soon as you receive outside help that is an instant DQ and here you can see

    You talk to her Mark just talking to the official talk to her she’s not listening to me maybe the the level of emotion we’re seeing here could be because she knows it’s something more Sinister and serious and she has huge plans this year so we really hope it’s not but it sort

    Of seems like it might be difference between these two Lucy now going for that ice bag as well she’s missed it that would have cost her a second trying to get an ice towel um it’s obviously still warm out there and um you know there is oh in coming through whilst M

    Sanchez is just getting out of the way thank you right guys back to you CU I can see lots happening at the front definitely a lot happening and right now a new leader for the women as India Lee has gone by Lucy Charles Barkley let’s see if Lucy will tack onto

    The back here of India Lee and what she has left wow did you see the aggression she she she put into that I mean her fa her whole facial demeanor changed as she came close she really made sure to try and get a little surge to hopefully not

    Take Lucy with her and this is the first time we’ve seen a change at the top of the leaderboard what a way to take the series with both hands and rip it and grip it we really haven’t seen Holly Race this well in years 2018 2016 yeah I feel like

    Around 16 she won the world 70.3 World Champs in malula and she raced very well for a couple years after that and then she’s kind of had a low so you you luded to a few you know personal issues that she had um and and those were sort of

    Sorted out but uh it seems like Holly Lawrence is is back and and and showing tonight that you know she is an athlete to be watched as we move through this t00 series historically in the last few years I should say it’s either been a Daniela that’s dominant and winning or

    Daniela’s sort of outside the top five more likely 10 to 15th so Daniela coming in obviously not as dominant as we have seen her before but really solid um all around today so moving into fifth place danielis I mean I mean this is kicking off the season very well for her and

    Obviously she knows it’s a long season there’s a little more of a Grimace now out of India Lee She Can Hear Is she starting to realize yeah she can she can hear the the crowd she can hear the announcer here in the the racetrack India Lee looks back she won’t see anyone

    Yeah the this is just mind-blowing for her I think coming in I’m I’m sure she dreamt of this and and you have to have had some belief that you could do this but to actually have it happen and especially as we said no one picked in

    De to win the 35-year-old Brit makes it onto the carpet she’s given the high fives and she has just stunned the world India Lee is going to win the first ever T 100 and it starts here at Homestead Miami Speedway she’ll walk across and grab the banner India Lee wins T

    100 yeah a lot of emotion there you can see she she almost can’t believe it and you know a hug from the goat hug from from Yan um Here Comes second in Lucy Charles barklay and still a smile on her face as she’s thanking the fans for being there

    Yeah I think Lucy Charles barklay will be happy with that performance the second place is nothing to be you know ashamed of as as we said it’s a long season a lot of racing ahead and she led for a lot of that race and almost pulled

    Off the victory Indie Lee had a special performance and uh and that’s what it takes special performances and it’s going to be a all British podium one two three such a Powerhouse nation and this will do it rounding out the podium with a third Place finish here at T 100 Miami it is

    Holly [Applause] Lawrence I think that’s Yan cheering in the background so good to see yeah we’ll take a look at the finish of the top 10 you see the fastest on the swim you see Charles barklay the fastest on the bike was India Lee and then it was impressive

    The run that she was able to put together India Lee forging her name now as one of the favorites here in T100 with her win it was Charles Barkley and Holly Lawrence rounding out the podium all the way down to an impressive finish for kaidi Kiya uh finishing in 10th today he


    1. Appreciate the Pre-Race Videos, Race Broadcast & Highlights very much.👏👍
      However, there are lots of Broadcast improvements needed by T100/ PTO and also Ironman. It's consistent across both organizations

      TOO many Voices / Commentators (Why do all sports broadcasters do that? – Quality over Quantity) – they end up competing for airtime and the Race Action is drowned out – BTW Rick Allen is a keeper experienced voice – just needs coordination with a Director & smaller "supporting cast"

      NO Connection between Audio to Video – NEED a DIRECTOR – The chatter is non-stop yet things are happening in the race that are lost
      NO Connection to Competitors changing positions – NEED Director – happens TOO many times
      Don’t Leave it up to Commentators – they are chatting too much NOT focused on the race / course / video
      NO Position List beyond Top 10 – WHY NOT – there's only 20 starters – pls show the full list at least every 15mins or so
      Comments are WAY TOO long – missing on track action – max 30 sec comments – STOP the long winded comments, overly focused on only a few
      Jan obviously knows his stuff but all the other commentators defer to him too much or just want to talk to him during the race = Star Struck
      They didn’t know who a number of other competitors were – Read numbers on Helmets – Need spotter or DIRECTOR to help them
      Only talking about Top 3 or 4 racers – what about the other 16 competitors? Should give update every 15mins or so of the entire field – All Contracted
      MORE Split screens – at Transition & other times – NOT just leaders – everyone
      Rotate video among Riders – ie; @ technical turns – at least top 10 every 15 mins or so
      Keeping certain Graphics Up TOO Long ie; T1 stats got stuck
      Graphics should indicate a Rider who has been lapped, dropped out
      LOST Audio on YouTube Feed 🙄
      NO regular updates on who dropped out & why – Graphic?
      Family & Friends of racers higher than top 10 did not know where they were because it was never shown on screen – Why?

      Provide Athletes a Position / Timing board so they can see where they are – should not be hidden or a mystery or rely on a spectator / family member
      MORE Mobile Camera(s) – Motorcycle, E-Bikes & Drone(s)
      Athlete Thumbnails are very helpful

      Again, appreciate the Broadcast and all the supporting Videos especially on YouTube – Just would like to see the live Broadcast match the excellence of the competitors.

    2. Incredible win by India Lee. Wow. ðŸ”Ĩ Nothing but massive respect and appreciation for these amazing women. 🙌 Get them next time Lucy 😊 This series is awesome!

    3. I mean no disrespect but there were 4 ‘A grade’ athletes missing and it really showed in the run quality. Knibb, Haug and Gentle own 100km racing

    4. Full British podium, and actually not the brits that most people were expecting. Can't wait to see if Georgia TB moves up distance after Paris. A fit Kat Mathews…we could easily be looking at the getting the top 5 place 🙂

    5. T100 surly dropped the ball with this location, Absolute NO FANS! : ( And did not think ahead concerning "lighting" in the evening once sun went down! 🙁 T100 should reconsider this location and move it to Roth, Deautschland!!!! Or should have opened event to Age-groupers!!!! Bad showing T100! Get a Professional Logistical Peep that will know and troubleshoot every possible aspect of event!!! GG!

    6. Unfortunately as well, Frodo was bad choice of host announcer, he was turning observations to talk about himself! : ( unfortunately he is still to competitive, he should have just participated in the event!!!

    7. Can't believe the Tank of Kathy M, just her calf could not hang, probably quiting the militilary, where is the sense of duty, honor, and service? : ( GG! And that Dingus Partner of hers, should just let her be in that situation, she is an athelete trying to push through adversity and he Dingusly intertferes !!! : (

    8. This was so disappointing, I was really looking to this weekends race especially ladies. The venue is so dull and boring, I could accept that if meant the coverage was high quality. Another fail, this could well be the PTOs worst race coverage. Loss of sound, no atmosphere and cycling in what looked like total darkness. To make it worse I took out a subscription to watch ðŸĪĢ. Cheers

    9. pre race videos are more entertaining than both race. poor coverage, dull and boring course, no spectators, racing in the dark with safety issues, then with this course too little times … well… after Paris Roubaix will quit my subscription anyways and not prolong it for this … pre race videos are enough and much more fun and entertaining than this kind of course

    10. The smaller field is good. Viewers can only care/keep track of so many athletes. Keep it to the best of the best. Wild cards will always be there to open the door to lower ranked athletes.

    11. With only 20 in the field, why not show us all 20 athlete’s positions throughout the race? There is plenty of room on the side of the screen for 20â€Ķ

    12. The frustrating thing for me was very little coverage of both men and women that weren't in the lead/top 5. We want to know who these other women are, but you need to show them and act like they are a top ranked pro that they are!

    13. The worst thing about triathlon are the incredible boring course in the US.
      Doing circles of a race course is a complete snore fest.
      If they want people to watch this sport, they need to move away from 90% of the US courses.

    14. Great concept, great performance from the athletes and fairly good broadcasting attempt too. However, for many live viewers half of the cycling was broadcast without any audio on YouTube and once the sun was down it got so dark that it was difficult to see what was going on. All that said it was a fantastic race and the athletes really put themselves on the line in the hot and humid environment.

    15. sorry, the quality of the broadcast was really poor. more data please and not just information about the top 10 plus more splits etc. – by the way…jan is an enrichment to the show – greets🙋‍♂ïļ

    16. The new state of the art Triathlon Event. Riding into the darkness. Running with a headlamp maybee. But I like this idea. No Fans, no Need of light ðŸĪĢ

    17. This must be about the worst venue ever. Boring, lousy surface to run on, heats up like a furnace. Congratulations to all who attempted it. Loved the podium as a biased old Brit.

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