February 26 2004. Cases include a murder that took place during a robbery, and the man whose birthday ended in tragedy.

    Good evening today it’s a year on from a crime in Birmingham when a night out and a chance remark led to an event so shocking it speaks for [Applause] itself I’ve been I set up in me birthday with friends cheers see you later uh we’ve been up Birmingham Town

    Center and they all had work in the morning and I decided to carry On I went straight up to the bar bought a drink and stood talking to a friend of mine by all right d how you doing M all right M how’s it going I’m all right you up to you’re still down there unlock you

    Oh yeah hey got a kid on the way are you kidding yeah oh nice one congratulations I have to get you a drink then no chose mate what you want sign again all ni oh nice one we just talking how he used to play football together I hadn’t seen him for

    A while so we stayed talking about old Times I’d had a drink and I needed to get to the toilet I walked in and there was a fell already in there at Theo hey hey you little friend of mine I don’t know you you shut your ass you a little later a club regular went into

    The toilet what’s happened look at his face come on help me get him out of here mate mate are you mate can you hear us mate come on man we’re going to get you out of here put him down put him Down what’s going on look I found him in the toilet m d what’s happening you all right listen call an ambulance M get an ambulance let’s get him outside get in There just hang in there mate I’m going way I can’t feel my legs you’re right Dave you know what you got that don’t you mate eh you want a bit more he B more can’t you see he’s had enough Hello can you hear me yeah can you tell me your name okay keep nice and still you better not open your mouth all right you know what you’ll Get he was discharged from hospital he was left paralyzed from the neck down it’s been very hard it’s completely shattered both sides of the family and it’s something which you could never prepare yourself for just son about for full you’re going to have to uh ring up and get a ticket

    And my life’s changed so dramatically um my wife is pregnant at the time this happened to me I haven’t even been able to hold my own child in fact um David was in hospital for eight months for a Time the doctors thought he was wasn’t going to survive

    He was given the last rights and here’s the guy leading the investigation now detective Chief Inspector Kenny Bell um the the assault was just amazing I mean you’re stamped again and again and again on his neck the truth is because they shouldn’t really have moved him it’s

    Very inadvisable to move someone if you don’t know how they’ve been injured what what injuries are suffering from but you’re pretty sure it was the attack that that caused the paralysis without doubt the level of injuries that were inflicted on David’s neck it’s a clear intention that that that those cause the

    Injuries now you need names presumably yeah names are important but what I really need are witnesses witnesses that are prepared to give me a statement so that I can take their evidence to court and enable David and his family to start to rebuild their lives there are all

    Sorts of rumors going around erdington that uh somebody’s bragging about having done this I mean it is very probable that quite a number of people know who’s done this that’s right yes somebody is bragging in the dington area about the injuries that they’ve inflicted on on David and the fact that they think

    They’ve got away with this offense and it’s very distressing for David and his family you say you don’t just want names you want people prepared to be Witnesses what do you mean by that what sort of witnesses what I need is somebody that’s going to be prepared to say what to tell

    Me what they’ve heard if they know who’s bragging about this offense if they witness the offense themselves and give you their name well I need their evidence and I can take their evidence to court because realistically without that I’m not going to convict this attacker can you protect their names

    From becoming public knowledge protect their names from going to the offender yes I can there are special measures that I can and will Implement that will enable me to protect those Witnesses support them so that together we can both convict this coward what about the guy who came running out to the

    Ambulance and earli got CCTV of him unfortunately the back of him coming out of the club himself if he comes forward what happens to him well I’m treating this man as a witness clearly from what he knows he’s seen the attack and I firmly believe he knows the identity of the attacker and

    Because of that I want him to come forward so I can obtain that evidence from him okay so he’s just a witness but you need him to come forward without a doubt it’s a it’s a terrible life sentence this for David and his family and so ridiculous that this appalling

    Consequence should happen in just those few seconds of somebody losing their temper tell us who was involved before he loses his temper like that again you can ring our free call number 0500 600 600 or you can call the instant room in Birmingham on 0121 428

    6080 Al on tonight’s program why would a rapist come back to his victim after she’d been rescued the fortune in cash and the land lady who met a Grizzly end because of it now we’re always showing you eits on crime watch but how many of you know how

    They’re made and how effective they are well this is Matt all right now Matt you’re more used to chasing villains on scam buses and Rogue Traders and Matt’s trying to describe a well-known TV villain and our EIT expert here doesn’t know who he is but you do look at

    This so how well do we fits work and what’s it like to do on we’ll find out later but first we got some really rather good results from previous Programs last month we showed real footage of an armed robbery in Southall in West London 20 viewers called and as a direct result three men have been arrested and are on bail we also showed a violent attack on the tube one of the suspects were so horrified to see himself on crime watch

    He gave himself up the very next day now a second member of the groups turned himself In an arrest after an appeal we did last year amjed Khan had been charged with drug offenses but skipped bail several viewers said they’d cited him and this month two uniformed officers has spotted him in Sheffield he’s now in custody awaiting Trial also in South Yorkshire a disturbing case from last September’s program a 16-year-old was followed while she walked home then literally picked up and carried into some bushes a crime watch viewer named a man to Crim Stoppers and as a direct result a suspect’s been arrested and charged with

    Kidnap and two cases solved independently of crime watch first one you may remember from four years ago student Sarah Cameron was returning home after celebrating getting a new job her body was found in a field almost opposite her house earlier this month the man was charged with her Murder and a year ago a burning body was found near Peterborough it took complex forensic science in cooperation with police in Belgium to identify the victim he was a Ukrainian called joannis amiram a man and a woman have been arrested in connection with the case you may remember from last month the

    Unprovoked stabbing of Chris Taylor in Romford and Essex now at least one viewer rang to say that the killer had links with the Army if that K was you who who rang or if you think that there were links with the Army and have got reasons to say so please will you call

    Back detectives really are very very interested indeed in what you have to say call us here in the studio or you can call the Romford incident room on O2 83583 let me tell you some figures that may surprise you a report from the British crime survey shows as many as

    One in 20 women is raped sometime in their lives but the rapist is almost always the victim’s husband partner or acquaintance stranger rape is rare what you’re about see is not just rare it’s extraordinary it happened to a 16-year-old in Hastings 4 days before Christmas that evening I’d been into town with some

    Friends I really enjoyed it tonight much better than last night Gary where are you well I’m going to Jimmy to wait at the doorstep for until he gets back you’re with him okay um well I should be there in about 15 minutes okay bye cool um

    They’re at a taxi rank in town do you mind dropping me off at the odion I could drop you off at the taxi rank if you want no the Cinema’s fine thank you Paul I had arranged to get a taxi from town with another group of friends I

    Didn’t have any money on me and it was either that or walking the whole way home as soon as I went to taxi ranking so they went there I rung one of my friends hi where are you sorry we left cuz of the queue we walked up the road and found a taxi

    When did you get home just now I thought you see we weren’t there and you get a little left home where are you now I’m going to walk up to West Hill listen I’ll call you a c and I’ll bring you back do you know where the West Hill

    Phone box is by a Col road yeah okay I’ll get this pick you up from there and I’ll phone your back thanks Gary hi I’ve throwing a taxi they’re on the way where are you now I’m on West Hill by the play park right keep walking

    Towards the phone box and wait there and I’ll phone you back in about 10 minutes oh thanks Gary when I came up to cross the road that’s when I saw a car saw him drive down and I heard the car stop behind me come with me down here now I

    Froze I thought of all sorts of things you’re not going to see anyone again you’re not going to see your friends you’re not going to see your family unzip you come on unzip your zip now on the floor the early hours of Sunday December the 21st the 16-year-old

    Was raped in full view of the road before it happens to you you can say what you like but you never know what you’ll do till it happens never I didn’t scream because I didn’t want anything else to happen to me you don’t you don’t know what they’re going to

    Do she made her way to the phone box at colia road but incredibly as the taxi her friend had ordered arrived the man who raped her returned is she all right are you okay are you hurt I look towards the guy next to me and I see

    That he’s he’s carrying a torch and he’s um shining it over the girl which I thought was odd because it’s very well lit something there are you the one that phoned for a taxi is that your phone don’t you want to answer it and at that moment the guy takes the phone out

    Of her hand and answers it um which I thought again was rather strange just picking up somebody else’s phone and answering it he looks at the screen obviously there’s a name comes up all right is this Gary who’s that are you a taxi driver no I’m the man at the

    Phone box has the cab arrived yeah the taxi dri’s here next to me where’s Jenny she’s in a bit of a state do you know what’s the matter with her she had an argument with a friend earlier oh see so it’s emotional well I’m just putting her into the taxi now okay

    Okay are you sure you’re not hurt he so there’s no question of an assault then when he said that I thought it was just a very strange thing to say he seem to almost like he he done this sort of thing before you’re right to go with him aren’t you

    Just put your phone into your go pocket for you love but the man didn’t give the phone back to her don’t worry mate they’ve got money you get paid all right okay then while she was in the cab she was um very quiet she basically curled up in

    The corner um didn’t speak was still shaking still sobbing a lot of people say that they would have never walked home because they are too scared I never worried about that I always thought I’d be all right with me now as detective inspector Trevor BS Trevor how rare is it that

    You’ll come across an instance like this where the rapist will go back to his victim after he’s left her this is a very unusual attack I’ve certainly never come across a similar incident before well to us through what you know about the man to help viewers identify him we

    Know that the man is aged between 38 and 45 he has black hair as can be seen in the video fit and he was wearing a black leather jacket local do you think it’s possible but we’re keeping our minds open to the possibility of him coming elsewhere and his behavior was so

    Bizarre wasn’t it truly bizarre and I’m really really bothered by the behavior that he exhibited on that night now let’s talk about um the torch for example that he used strange the way he used he heard held it like this I must I’d probably hold a torch like this but

    Anyway he very deliberately held it like this of looking up and down the victim indeed very very strange behavior in that regard and um that may be quite distinctive and this is what a MAG light torch it’s exactly the same as that torch there and then the phone he took

    Her phone cuz we heard it there in the Reconstruction he said I’ll I’ll slip your phone back he never did actually this is what with with Winnie the Pooh emblems on here what I’m appealing for tonight is somebody who knows where that phone may be or who has found the phone

    With that distinctive cover on please call we need to hear from you what you really want of course is someone who can put together the description of the man with the phone or possibly with the torch that’s the call we’re looking for tonight we need somebody to link these

    Items the phone the torch and the description and to phone in please contact us and of course other Witnesses who may have seen seen the victim walking up that night watch just about half past 3 in the morning yes that’s right uh the the white clothing the

    White top um that was worn by the actress in the Reconstruction is a very accurate representation of how the victim was dressed on that night she was also wearing white stiletto shoes so anyone who saw her walking up towards the West Hill please call in I suppose

    It’s possibly he may have come back to because he was going to rape her again I mean that’s the worry isn’t it I I find his behavior very disturbing and I’m certainly very concerned as to why he came back to the scene of the attack okay well there’s a 10,000 reward for

    Information on this leading to an arrest and a conviction our studio number is on the screen and and more of Trevor’s colleagues are at the incident room in Hastings on 0800 26669 and don’t forget if you’ve been a victim of crime the victim support line is on 0845 33900 now here’s Chief superintendent

    Jeremy pay this month aose gallery of robbers and frosters I hope you’ll recognize our people who are on display tonight First a robbery at a convenience store in Worcester a man goes into the shop to buy a packet of chewing gum as soon as the Till’s opened he threatens the shopkeeper with a screwdriver jumps over the counter and after a bit of a tussle grabs some cash who is

    He staying in the Midlands this time in tford two men break into the reception of an office block while one of them checks to see if the coast is clear the other pulls a TV plasma screen worth £5,000 off the wall they loaded into their car which is a perso 406 possibly

    Green in color can you name them now fraud in Stratford upon aen this woman is out shopping for the day at various places around the town the trouble is she’s spending someone else’s money with a credit card that had been stolen earlier that day she spent a total of

    £800 do you know who she is onto High Wickam and another stolen credit card detectives would like to speak to this man after he withdrew £5,000 from branches of Lloyd’s TSB and Barkley’s with a card that had also been stolen earlier in the day someone must recognize

    Him 0500 600 600 if you can help with any of those cases it’s about 23 minutes past 10 keep the calls coming and please if uh P nine I should say uh if you’ve recently been offered a good deal on a bike let us know particularly if you’ve

    Been offered a good deal on any bike like one of these These are really high-spec mountain bikes some of them are worth 55600 at retail some of this one included retails £1,800 and some up to £2,000 23 of these were stolen 3 months ago from the Willow Lane industrial

    Estate in Mitchum Sor and earlier this month there was there was another burglary there as well and yet more were taken in pursuit of the culprits is DC Tony rollinson you know most about Tony what happened on the on the attack three months ago November the 13th tell us

    About that um at least five people have force entry into a storage Warehouse where these mountain bikes were stored flat packed in Cobble boxes as you see um they’ve loaded them up into a lorry and driven them away what we know is that uh they haven’t gone very far

    Because they’ve come back and loaded up more put them into the Lorry and taking them away so how far could they have gone do you know in that time we estimate about half an hour’s Journey away so they probably could have got to about the M25 okay this is November the

    30th they were seen in a Lor a very distinctive truck tell us about that yes a conran lorry that was stolen that weekend that was uh recovered 3 days later so a conran lorry in Mitchum in on the third of November there aren’t many Conrad lores in the all of the United

    Kingdom Mitchum there’s only five in the whole whole of the country yes so anybody saw that you’re interested in presumably the main thing well the flat packs they’re fairly distinctive they look as they’ve got an s on them um and looks a bit like an end backwards on

    Some of them people might have seen a whole bunch of these stored somewhere the big thing of course is the bikes themselves yes they’re specialized they they are specialized not just as a description specialized is actually the trade name right yes yes now if a proper cycle shop had been offered these off

    The back of a lorry let Al not from proper supplier would they have bought them in order to sell on to the public I would hope not um we do have the serial numbers for those um these bikes should only be sold by specialized retailers um specialized Outlets well if you’re off

    Of them they are very very distinctive quite a part of the fact they they specialized they have all these features on like disc brakes on the on the front then they’ve got shock absorbers some of them have even got shock absorbers that actually go through the rear of the main

    Frame here and then again disc brakes and pretty fancy gearing and all rest on the back if you are offered a bike like this please let us know there is a big reward on this isn’t there there is there’s an £88,000 reward uh leading to the recovery of the

    Bikes so if you want to make yourself £8,000 tell us if you’ve seen these on sale anywhere if you can help on either of the thefts call us on 0500 600600 or the incident room on 020 8649 3054 and you probably have heard about the armed robbery that took place at he

    Throw airport around 3 weeks ago buying Squad detectives investigating the robbery of 1 and 3/4 million pound from a cargo shed at Heathrow Airport have arrested five people several members of staff at the menz’s world cargo shed were overpowered before the men made off with the

    Money leading the hunt for the gang is detective Chief Inspector James Dicky now a gun was fired during this so this could so easily have been a murder inquiry there are five people you’re still looking for but one in particular yeah that’s a gentleman by the name of

    Glenn Cameron who’s about 44 years of age he’s a white male he hails originally from the rice lip Hayes middle sex area but at the time of this offense he was a resident in new new Milton in Hampshire and like he still to be in the country definitely I would say

    Because uh we managed to get hold of his passport so he’ have no legitimate means of traveling abroad now you’ve brought along some CCTV which hasn’t been seen before of the robbery now what does that what Clues does that give us well it shows the uniform dress that all the

    Robbers were wearing they’re all wearing uh high visibility Yellow Jackets as you can see they’re wearing uh Navy Boo or black knitted uh caps and they’ve got which is very unusual uh almost a theatrical uh foam mask actually when you look at that you can’t see that they’re wearing masks but these masks

    Are s such a particular they very good and high quality Mas in fact there’s a a fragment that you got we can see that here that one of the victims managed to pull off the mask now where do you think these would have come from well our

    Information is it probably come from a a specialist theatrical mask maker or or retail outlet and what we are appealing to somebody that may have supplied these and there’ll be at least six of them in existence and I’m told they’re quite expensive they’re the top of the range

    They’re not normal bog standard type of mask there’s a couple of cars you’re interested in as well aren’t there yeah there’s two vehicles both were stolen at the night on the night of the robbery outside the cargo warehouse because the was panicked uh when the shots were

    Fired uh they stole uh a gold Ford Fiesta which was found Ford Focus was it sorry Focus which was found burnt out uh in new denim which is between Denim and Oxbridge of the A40 the A40 what about the registration we’ve got that haven’t we we have got that that’s x84 there we

    Got got it there HHR and there’s a van as well you haven’t found that yeah there’s we haven’t found the van and obviously we’re appealing to anybody who knows where this van is to contact us and again we’ve got the registration on that let’s just let’s show people there

    That’s a voxal van KF 53 cxx now the money that was stolen a lot of money that was stolen nearly 2 million you’ve recovered some of it we have there’s a lot of foreign currency as well what’s happened to that yeah it’s a predominantly uh Scandinavian Crona that’s Danish Norwegian Swedish

    And some Australian dollars and uh we know it will probably come into the banking system some has already via Bureau discharges or bank or Banks if you’re running employee of any of those institutions or know anybody that’s flushed with this amount of cash and we’re talking thousands here we’re not

    Talking about small hundreds of thousand this is not the kind of money you’re going when you just want to take a bit of money on holiday absolutely I mean this would be noticed and if you know anybody’s got this or anyone that’s trying to pass it and exchange it for

    Sterling please let us know okay well there’s a £50,000 reward on this through Crime Stoppers for information that might tempt some people out 0500 600600 or you can call the incident room on o2o 8358 1751 now with the latest news on tonight’s appeal so far here DC Jackie

    Hayes I’ve been looking through the calls coming in so far on that apping attack on the girl in Hastings 16 years old um we’ve had a few calls from people suggesting potential employment details of this man the fact that he held that torch in quite a distinctive way but

    Certainly as a detective what I I’d really like to see if possible if you could try and combine that video video fit of that man and his very odd behavior the fact that he drives a red or maroon Saloon that Magicite torch but perhaps why is a 45y old man going

    Around with a Winnie the Pooh uh telephone if he’s still got it combine all those things together if you can think of anyone who may have two or three of those please give us a call it could really help progress this inquiry Jeremy what have you been up to um we’ve

    Had a a really fantastic response on that Dreadful attack in the elbow rooms nightclub um last year we’ve had a caller from misher who’s um offering another another £10,000 reward we’ve had two different names put forward for the attacker uh a witness has come forward a former prisoner uh thinks that he might

    Have been a cellmate of the person who committed this attack and we also got a suggested name for the man who started who who put abuse to towards the ambulance crew as they were treating the victim so looks very promising now then the studio number is on the screen and

    If you’re watching on digital satellite TV you can email us directly through a remote control just press the red button on your handset and choose crime watch 931 is still to come the unknown baby murdered at Birth and the Northern Ireland mom we hope will call tonight the power of crime watch leads

    Three criminals to give themselves up and the guitar it’s brought the music back to a well-known performer but first uh all ports and airports are tonight on alert at our next case police want you to join them in the lookout for a pol man probably an illegal immigrant who stayed here for a

    While about a year ago 12 months on he may think the heat is off and be back in Britain last time he took a room in eing part of London where many Polish people settle his land lady was also polish doila Skar Mrs Scara was an elderly lady and she was modest she was very very softly spoken unassuming she didn’t push herself forward she was just a quiet lady she was alone she didn’t have a family and she used to rent out rooms uh in her house somebody would ask whether she

    Could put them up and and she would would take them she was very frugal in her how she spent her money and what she did Mrs skira came to my counselor’s surgery this is a surgery that I do for the local Authority and she came to me I

    Think the first time was June 2000 she had a domestic problem and she asked me whether I could help her come and sit down and unless I told them the last time I saw Mrs Scara was just two days days before I heard that she had been

    Murdered she was quite relaxed I thought she looked well she wasn’t particularly stressed or worried so everybody was floundering and was very lost to think that somebody could have been murdered in this way we called her Mrs Scara but amongst ourselves called her granny we never had

    Any hustles with her every day she took the rubbish out of our room and the kitchen she wouldn’t let us do it two nights before the murder a third lodger came to rany Road he introduced himself as arur arur kovalski when he moved in on the Monday

    He seemed like a nice cheerful fellow he had some vodka with him because he had just been to a party so we drank it together to get to know each other he seemed like a regular guy you you meet lots of people like that and usually with First Impressions

    You take people as you find them asked us on the previous night to awaken him because he had problems with getting up on the day Mrs Scara was killed when I was going out to work I met aric as he was coming out of the bathroom and that was the last time I

    Saw him we honestly believe that Mrs skier had a considerable quantity of cash secreted within her premises um that was confirmed by a vast amount that was discovered when we did our full forensic search and we believe that that was the motive for her murder Mrs skier had been subjected to a

    Vicious sadistic attack and she had been bound hand and foot and there is evidence that we believe that she was actually tortured in order to make her reveal the whereabouts of her money we were surprised that the rubbish had not been taken out that day because

    Mrs Scara took out the rubbish every day and the house was cold cold and kind of dark it was strange there was usually some light and movement downstairs at least you could hear the TV playe but on that day it was silent our main lines of inquiry have

    Been to try and Trace the third lodger um he is definitely of Polish origin and so we have made a number of inquiries with the Polish police in addition to that we’ve been over to Poland and we’ve actually appeared on the Polish version of crime watch and made appeals to the

    Polish Nation for anybody that can give information relating to this individual’s identity even if someone wanted to rob her they could have done it without killing her so it would be the right thing to find the man who did it if anybody knows him or knows where he is please help us and

    We would like to thank you for your help well his detective better guy Ashley now in the studio and obviously the main guy you have to catch is the chap who called himself ARA ARA kavalski that’s correct uh he gave the name of AR Kowski to Mrs skiera but he also used

    The name aric with you don’t think either is his real name we don’t we think it was uh it was planned he went in there with the intent and purpose to actually Rob Mrs skir dark hair mustache course he could have trimmed either or both uh but that skin is quite

    Distinctive it looks though he’s got spots that his skin is his complexion is dark but he has very distinctive and very clear Pock marking as if he suffered extreme acne so he can’t disguise that now the Metropol police has been so disturbed by this murder and

    You know there are murders you don’t put up rewards on all of them you’ve put up a big reward in this one tell us why why are you so disturbed about this one the level of violence that was used against Mrs skier and the manner in which she

    Was killed um was clearly the work of somebody who’s Psychopathic Psychopathic I would say so he’s um I could say the the level of violence used was unparalleled so you really frighten he’s going to kill somebody else I’m sure he will and uh undoubtedly he’s offended in

    The past there’s no way he would go to that level of violence without having some previous violent history and it’s we are concerned and that’s why the reward reward has been offered so that we catch this gu that’s very strong you’re fairly sure he’ll do this again now presumably when polls come across

    Here normally they come across for employment after May of course they come freely because they’ll be part of the European Union up to now many of them have come here legally and employers might be a little worried about ring in even if they think they know who this

    Guy is because well have they paid the right tax or was he illegal immigrant and all the rest I can assure them uh my lines of inquiry this is a murder inquiry I’m not going to be looking into that I need to know that I’m of this die

    And I need to catch him there’s one employer in in particular you’re concerned about who’s English now tell us who and why that’s correct in the summer of 2002 uh Witnesses have said a man who resembles this EIT looks very similar to the aric who was there in

    2003 was employed with another English guy to decorate Mrs skier’s premises um we’re asking for the English decorator to come forward in contact as he may very well be able to give us her or the name of the uh the offender randler Ro and eing Mrs skier he’d remember that

    It’s only a couple of years ago have you got a description of him how much you know about him yes we can say that he’s he’s about 5’6 to 5’8 tall middle-aged slim build uh dark graying hair which is described as salt and pepper hair uh and

    He wore spectacles he also drove a car which is a Ford Saloon that’s the best description we have now we’ve talked about the guy with a mustache there he is who came before just before the murder and then disappeared obviously a key suspect there’s somebody else you

    Need to trace as well and this time you’ve got a photograph you’ve got a a name you’ve got a lot of details tell us about him and why okay as a result of the inquiries made in Poland we’ve established that Mrs Gary was in fact attacked in very similar circumstances

    In the summer of 2001 uh the photograph we have here on the screen is of a Thomas dubaz who originates from the quidsin area of Poland near Gdansk we have information which leads us to believe that he is in this country very possibly in the Camden area of Northwest

    London uh we are desperate to trace him as he has information of extreme significance to this inquir how how new is is this Photograph do you know that photograph is from the Polish identification card database could be some years old it is some years old but there is a good description again Thomas

    Dubaz is about 5’8 or 175 cm tall he’s around about 30 years old with straw blonde hair strawberry blonde hair straw blond straw blonde hair straw blonde hair um what is particularly distinctive about this look got dark hair on the photograph but it is straw blonde straw

    Blonde yes um what is very distinctive about this man is he has some front teeth missing and we have information where he’s received injuries as a result of an industrial accident and he has a particular walk now um he broke his back or his pelvis and he walks obviously

    Having had that injury in a strange why well you’ve heard what Mr Ashley said you really can’t overemphasize the importance of ringing in he believes this man not necessarily this one but whoever committed the murder is going to do something similar again unless people really help tonight if you can help

    Please there this £10,000 award being put up by the Metropolitan Police our number in the studio is the standard 10500 600 600 the incident room is is on o27 321 9251 if your polish is rather better than your English then please call o20 8743 952 here now is DC Jackie hes we four

    Faces now hopefully you’ve got the names and even better the addresses too Alexander Del GLE is considered a danger to young women and girls so if you’ve seen him please call he’s wanted for questioning about a rape in Southport and often stays in caravan parks and Holiday camps he’s 31 5’5 and speaks

    With a Lancashire accent Alexander delash works as a DJ and Entertainer across the northwest of England and North Wales where is he tonight Mana cat Cal is wanted in connection with a stabbing in hon in Middle sex last July although 18 he does look younger he’s

    Very thin has pointed ears and is a mechanic by trade he may be living in birmingam or Lester if he appeals to you to hide him remember this is a serious and violent offense please give us a call now Christopher Moore Chester police want to talk to him about a

    Murder a particularly gruesome one he’s athletic nearly 6 fo tall has a scar on the bridge of his nose and tends to look like a skin head but he has an extravagant lifestyle and is known to spend time in Mara Spain there’s a £10,000 reward on offer if you proide

    Provide information leading to a conviction and this is alil Banton who’s wanted for drug smuggling he has a pierced left ear grows a beard or mustache sometimes and has a distinctive 1-in scar on the back of both hands he was last seen in Strut him last September and Customs investigators

    Believe he may still be in the London South London area and now not a face but a wanted car it’s a silver 216 Rover Saloon registration f104 r r it’s wanted by detectives investigating the murder last August of John Hancock they believe John’s Killers drove the car from South

    London to South seaan Hampshire before tracking John down and beating him to death now that Rover might provide important forensic evidence have you seen it parked somewhere or even abandoned if you have information on that or any of these cases please call 0500 600600 well it’s coming up to quar 10

    Keep those calls coming in and then Jack was talking about photos of a car and people that were after but suppose you haven’t got a picture just a memory that’s eits come into their own but how good are they and what’s it like if you’re asked to make one earlier we set

    Matt allight the task of recreating this image of a well-known Villain well we know who it is but EIT expert here Adrian Mountain doesn’t know so let’s see how you’re getting on how have you got on M how tell me how you started with all this uh well we we’re getting there but it is amazing as you

    As you start to piece it together the range of different facial features you’ve got in here really makes it incredibly easy to get a very accurate fit Adrian said we’d just get a likeness but it’s it’s getting closer to to almost a photograph it’s that good so

    What did you start with what was the thing well Adrian just basically asked me for a description uh a description of certain parts the most distinctive features and then you’ve got a list you can scroll through a list of different things and apply them to the face and

    It’s amazing when it’s right it’s right that you know the hair and the eye on this one just just really pop out at you when when they’re the right ones so how it work you have you have like a a database hundreds dozens or hundreds of of identifying features literally

    Hundreds of each feature and what as Matt said is you run through the features with the description as you do doing now you’ve got such as eyes and hair you will run through various ones and Matt will pick out the ones that he considers the most it show us I mean the

    Are so important aren’t they when it comes that’s right quite often people identify the eyes especially if they’re striking and on here you various sets of eyes that you can look through and has Matt selected various ones that are quite like the possible suspect mean I I would have said with this particular

    Person because we know who it is the hairl is pretty distinctive is it that was the first thing that I picked out actually when I was starting you you start almost with just like a Mr Potato Head and you you gradually add things to it and the first thing I said to Adrian

    Was like let’s start with the hair because that is a really defining feature and then go onto the eyes so what different types of hair could you could you have had I mean just show us how you’d go through that there you could literally have any hairstyle that’s in the database

    Um you can go from very short hair to very long hair it’s amazing what difference that makes isn’t it if you’re trying to to put that together as you run through it obviously Alters the features quite dramatically and have you found it quite difficult Matt to try and

    It you a really good likeness the difficult things the things that you don’t really look at things like eyebrows and ears you never spend any time you know normally looking looking at those things so when you’re actually asked to describe them um it is quite difficult but the beauty of this system

    Is that you you narrow it down you start with say 100 and then you you move to 20 20 and then five until you ended up with two and you choose between them and there’s not that much difference between so have you got quite close to who you

    Think it is now I think so I think we’ve got I think the eyes are right and they’re I think that’s pretty much as close as we’re going to get I have to I think that’s a pretty good have you guessed who it is yes it is pill

    Mitchell it certainly looks like and I’m amazed at how accurate that is if someone was going to you know think about doing this kind of should they go for an exact likeness or or or type how should it no what you’re looking for really is a likeness it doesn’t have to

    Be a photograph and I think a lot of the time Witnesses who are doing the EIT think they have to produce a photograph and that isn’t the case what you’re looking for as say is a likeness that you can put to the public and they can

    Look at that person and say I think that may be well I certainly think you have with him I must say well hopefully Phil Mitchell’s days on the run and number after this and indeed of course now he’s been on crime much he might decide to hand himself in in fact surprisingly

    Often an appearance on crime which is enough in itself to make a wanted person know the game is up Andrew g a prolific burglar if you’re a Sheffield United fan have a look on The Terraces for Andrew gar as a result of the phone calls made to crime watch UK myself and my colleagues made numerous inquiries uh throughout the Sheffield area that eventually brought us to the local

    Markets I’m sure that the pressure and the help from crime watch finally resulted in him giving himself up to the police this is a unpleasant man that caused no end of grief and misery to People by breaking into their houses and he is now in Doncaster prison where he

    Will serve the rest of his sentence until March 2005 next a shoplifter almost literally when we put the uh cameras in we we thought that it would deter people from small shoplifting I never really imagined it would would be a robbery of that scale and it would catch the chap

    In action so clearly when the chap came in he asked me for money and I refused and he went out and came back in and he obviously was sizing the place up before he decided to actually do the rubbery he grabbed hold of the counter

    Which he wrecked and uh jumped up on the counter and came for to get the till and ran out the door with the Till the program finished at uh 10:00 uh and at 11:30 U the suspect in the case walked into maidon police station having seen himself while sitting at home watching crime watch and actually gave himself up Peter madiro was sentenced to 2 years but because he’d given himself up and

    Had no previous his sentence was suspended James tunel was suspected of rape and indecent assault I visited the crush program in September 2002 by my colleagues in humberside on the night time itself I was a bit disappointed I think we only had maybe five or six telephone calls um and I was extremely

    Surprised the next morning when I got a further phone call to say that Mr tunel had been in contact with us through his Lister I’ve come to yourself in what please I can’t really say to you what’s your name tun we then took him the following day

    To Grimsby Crown Court he was found guilty of indecent assault and deception and sentenced to 6 years reduced on appeal to 5 years and 9 months judge specifically commented at the end of the summing up that day that it was another successful crime watch and that that it

    Was a result purely as a consequence of the program Our last appeal is to a Mother we’d like her to come forward tonight after what must have been 2 years of mental turmoil our Story begins in March 2002 5 miles south of Belfast in countydown Twi you want to build a camp yeah what’s a camp it’s like a hot like a treehouse

    What it’s on the ground I know us still gather sticks and you go up and look for sticks up there I found there’s there’s something in it come quickly there’s something in the a Garland of daisies joined fresh flowers marking the place where the baby girl’s

    Body was found a boy and girl aged 10 and 11 made the Grim Discovery yesterday afternoon when We examined this little baby girl we found that she had lived a very short and traumatic life uh she had breathed independently of her mom as she had suffered a number of stab wounds to

    Her body and her head and she’d suffered injuries to her head after been struck against a hard surface uh her life had been measured in minutes she had never been fed she had never been clothed she had died perhaps up to 3 weeks prior to discovery of her body she

    Had been buried initially in household compost before being moved to the jogging path where her body was F she was all alone we don’t even know if she had any name we called her Carrie police investigating the baby girl’s death say they’ll screen women of childbearing age in the carried off area

    If they can’t find the mother soon we conducted a mass screen DNA test of over 1300 women which is the largest ever in North irland since Carrie had been dead 3 weeks she’d started to decompose so police artist was asked to put a face to her we believe this is the first

    Occasion this has been done in the United Kingdom we wanted to say to Car’s mom this is your daughter whoever left car’s body at the duck walk would have known the area it’s an area only really used by locals we believe that car’s mom wanted her little

    Body to be found so that we could take care of her because she could not well I think that the community and carried off and further field have really taken carry to their heart there were so many people attended her Funeral left in a bin bag but now buried with dignity baby Car’s coffin was taken to her grave by a police detective we wanted to afford her the dignity that she was not able to get in her short life and in her death I really believe that this is what her mom truly

    Wanted her to have earlier this month in another bid to solve the case a new technique was used to try to find out who baby carry really was well using photo imaging software we start with the postmortem photograph and we literally build up a image of baby carry I obviously can’t show the

    Postmortem photograph but we bring in the layers so we can see exactly that we have positioned the nose the mouth and the eyes and I believe that that leaves us with as true a likeness of baby Carrie as we can possibly get I believe Car’s mom must be unreal

    And continuing distress this is not something she’s ever going to forget Carrie would have been almost 2 years old now and every time that there’s a birthday and every time that there’s a Mother’s Day Carrie’s mom is going to remember her little daughter well this is what baby Carrie would have

    Looked like if she lived to be a month old I don’t think any mother can imagine what this baby’s mom must have been going through these past two years I’m appealing tonight directly to baby Car’s mother callus there are people here who can help you perhaps someone else was

    Involved in this terrible tragedy and you’ve carried that secret until now I’d also like to appeal to others in South belf faram County Down was there a girl who seemed pregnant or at least was putting on weight and suddenly lost it two years ago but above all Car’s mom if

    You’re watching call us if you don’t want to talk to a police officer perhaps you You’ talk to me just ask for me and I’ll take your call telephone the studio free on 0500 600600 or alternatively alternatively the incident room on 02890 259

    793 4 minutes 10 I can tell you it was a fairly slow start to the evening with the calls coming but not now they are pouring in and remarkable numbers of people calling in on the murder of Mrs SK she was the the Polish woman were

    Murdered uh in eling and we’ve had huge numbers of sightings of Thomas dubar in the area in which he’s thought to be an awful number of huge number of polls have rung in themselves many of them using the facilities for for calling Polish people here polish interpreters

    And so forth uh you heard earlier on on the Elbow Room attack in Birmingham somebody had wrong in fact this is this is the caller has offered a £10,000 reward on that we’ve still got to check that out but I mean that looks legitimate on that on the Hastings rape

    We have got a lot of names coming in and incidentally one name has come in twice and there’s really quite good evidence coming in on that on the straford upon a fraud we think we now know who the woman is on the tord TV bur we’ve got two

    Names on that the mountain bikes stacks of course coming in all the incident room numbers are on cax on page 61 you can see a reminder of some of tonight’s case and crime prevention advice on the website that’s at wwwb c.co crime you may remember that in December’s crime watch musician Paul

    Carratt was appealing for the return of his band’s instruments including his much loved Hoffner guitar which had been stolen after a gig well with some good news just listen to This looking back over my shoulder I can see that look in your eyes but I never dreamed it could be over I never wanted to say goodbye looking back over over my shoulder well that sounded after all the Terrible Things We heard about tonight it’s great

    To have some music in the studio and here it is yeah the Hoffner guitar yeah so how did you get it back well apparently um I think the police went to investigate um a totally different crime uh they went to a house to interview someone and they found this guitar and

    That led them on to finding all the rest of the gear now they weren’t in such good condition were they no it’s been stored somewhere very very damp and and wet so a lot of the guitars are in pretty bad shape this one’s not too bad

    Did you ever think you’d get this one back I certainly didn’t no I didn’t think I’d see it again I’m delighted it’s very good to hear you with him thanks for coming in pleasure our phone lines are open until midnight tonight and from 7:30 a.m. until midnight

    Tomorrow we’ll be back at 10:35 with the crime watch update and next month crime watch will return on a Wednesday that’s Wednesday the 31st of March when we’ll be featuring a woman forced at gunpoint to steal from her self but please whatever else happens remember most of

    The crimes we feature only make the headlines simply because they’re rare so don’t have nightmares sleep well good night good night good Night [Applause] a


    1. As always thx u oldstuff for your time in downloading these never seen episodes of crimewatch uk for crimewatch fans like me who missed it on the evening it was broadcast and with a bit of luck criminals can still be caught years later with your help in downloading these episodes of crimewatch uk

    2. Until this episode here are the "missing from YouTube" Crimewatch UK episodes

      ● Thu December 10 1992

      ● Thu October 11 2001 (the first twenty four minutes are missing)

      ● Wed March 6 2002

      ● Thu June 26 2003

      ● Thu November 20 2003 (the last few minutes are missing)

      ● Wed December 17 2003 (the first few minutes are missing)

    3. Out of all these crime watch shows i watch hearing what horrible torture and pain baby Carrie went through im just heartbroken, 💔 i know this episode is old but its still horrendous and hurtful..To know that sweet newborn baby wasnt given a chance and was stabbed and beat is monstrous 😢 I hope her little innocent soul is at peace 😢🙏❤️

    4. The David Daveron case the fella who came out of club and said to him you know why this happened you,ll get more if you don,t keep your mouth shut .was not the one who attacked him in the toilet.

    5. I thought I'd seen this episode before and it has been uploaded by someone else. This is better quality. I do appreciate all the uploads. Keep up the good work.

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