From enhanced muscles, increased flexibility, longer life, boosted confidence to Improved mood, we are talking all that and more.

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    #Cycling #CyclingEveryday #Bestie


    Intro – 0:00


    1. Improves Mood: The runner’s high isn’t just for runners. Any form of exercise can help you feel great afterwards, including cycling. Activities that get your heart pounding will release energy-boosting hormones called dopamine. After a nice bike ride, that dopamine rush can help improve your mood and energy levels. If you typically feel an afternoon slump at work, going for a quick ride outside during your lunch break may be exactly what you need to stay energized and focused.

    2. Weight loss without the extreme diets: Cycling is one of the best methods of exercise to trim fat and lose weight across your whole body. There’s a reason the pro bike riders are so damn lean. Just an hour of cycling can burn as many as 1,000 calories, depending on the intensity you’re riding at. Refueling has also never been more fun. With the number of calories lost on a ride, you’ll need a few post-ride, guilt-free indulgences to get your calories, and energy levels straight back up.

    3. Improves Heart Health: By getting your heart rate up cycling strengthens your heart muscles. It also reduces your risk of developing several cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, high blood pressure, and heart attack.

    4. Releases Anxiety And Stress: Another important mental health benefit of cycling is relief from anxiety and stress. Cycling helps you balance cortisol and adrenaline levels in the body. When the perfect balance between these two is attained, stress is reduced. This is perhaps one of the healthiest ways to deal with stress. This calming activity allows your brain to focus on breathing and peddling. These two become the prime focus and that in turn, shifts your focus from all sorts of negativity and anxiety.

    For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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    Hey there viewers! Just because you’ve got your driver’s license doesn’t mean that you should forget about biking. Sure, there are scenarios where having a car does come in handy, but for everything else, cycling is the way to go.

    After all, there are health benefits of riding a bike that driving a car could never live up to. As endless as the roads your bikes will head down, cycling’s health benefits trump those of nearly every other sport. Not only is cycling great at boosting both your physical and mental health, it’s also

    One of the cheapest, most accessible and easiest ways to let off steam and engage in endless hours of life’s most treasured commodity – fun. So what are these health benefits that we are talking about? Well, keep watching today’s video to find out. From enhanced muscles, increased flexibility, longer life, boosted confidence to Improved

    Mood, we are talking all that and more. Improves Mood: The runner’s high isn’t just for runners. Any form of exercise can help you feel great afterwards, including cycling. Activities that get your heart pounding will release energy-boosting hormones called dopamine.

    After a nice bike ride, that dopamine rush can help improve your mood and energy levels. If you typically feel an afternoon slump at work, going for a quick ride outside during your lunch break may be exactly what you need to stay energized and focused. Already thinking of things that spoil your mood?

    What are they? Let us know down below in the comments section! Weight loss without the extreme diets: Cycling is one of the best methods of exercise to trim fat and lose weight across your whole body. There’s a reason the pro bike riders are so damn lean.

    Just an hour of cycling can burn as many as 1,000 calories, depending on the intensity you’re riding at. Refueling has also never been more fun. With the number of calories lost on a ride, you’ll need a few post-ride, guilt-free indulgences to get your calories, and energy levels straight back up.

    In fact, with an hour or more of pedaling your metabolism into overdrive, you’ll be burning calories faster than you can cram them back in. You also don’t need a heavily structured work out to start shifting that weight.

    Spin classes are great, but opting for the bike, instead of the car, on your way into and out of work will do so much more for your overall fitness and weight loss. Commuting by bike, in fact, has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to lose weight.

    A study found that people who switched to cycling from driving lost, on average, 7kg over the course of a year when riding just 30 minutes each way. Improves Heart Health: By getting your heart rate up cycling strengthens your heart muscles. It also reduces your risk of developing several cardiovascular diseases, including stroke,

    High blood pressure, and heart attack. Moreover, compared to those who lead a sedentary lifestyle, those who participate in physical activities such as biking can experience an overall improvement in cardiovascular function, too. And while we don’t recommend ditching your blood pressure meds just yet, there’s a

    Reason to believe that including cycling into your daily routine might have a positive impact on your blood pressure. It can almost be as effective as prescription medication. Releases Anxiety And Stress: Another important mental health benefit of cycling is relief from anxiety and stress.

    Cycling helps you balance cortisol and adrenaline levels in the body. When the perfect balance between these two is attained, stress is reduced. This is perhaps one of the healthiest ways to deal with stress. This calming activity allows your brain to focus on breathing and peddling.

    These two become the prime focus and that in turn, shifts your focus from all sorts of negativity and anxiety. Slowers Aging: Researchers found that high-intensity cycling and other high-intensity interval training can have major anti-aging benefits down to the cellular level.

    The study found that people who did high-intensity exercises had an increase in mitochondrial capacity. A decline in mitochondria can lead to physical decline, so the better your mitochondria can function, the more rejuvenated you will be—all the way down to a cellular level.

    Enhances Muscles: While you may accept that cycling just builds up the legs’ muscles, it’s a complete body exercise. Remaining balanced and upstanding on the bicycle reinforces and tones the muscles in your stomach region; for instance. Guiding the bike also encourages you to develop the muscles in your arms and shoulders.

    Don’t disregard the leg muscles. Besides, leg muscles assume a crucial job with regards to cycling. When cycling, you use your butt muscles or the glutes, your lower leg muscles, and your quads in the thighs when pushing down on the pedals of a bicycle.

    When you’re in the back-stroke or upstroke some portion of accelerating, you’re utilizing flexor muscles in your hips and your hamstrings at the thighs’ rear. Increases Flexibility: Flexibility is one of the most important aspects of staying fit and minimizing the risk of injury.

    If you feel your lower body remains stiff then cycling is the best option for you. From loosening quadriceps to hamstrings, and calves, cycling helps maintain flexibility. Not only will being flexible make you feel light, but it will also improve your posture and balance.

    Boosts Your Confidence: You may find this absurd, but cycling really does boost your self-confidence. While cycling, your body releases the serotonin mood neurotransmitter. This helps you stay stable and confident both physically and emotionally. Cycling also induces positivity, self-esteem and self-confidence.

    Besides this, it allows you to get a perfectly shaped body which is also an important self-confidence booster. It’s easy on your Joints: When you sit on a bike, you put your weight on bones in the pelvis , unlike walking or running, where you put your weight on your legs, knees and feet.

    Even elderly patients with knee pain and osteoarthritis have been shown to improve their condition with cycling. It’s gentle on the body, but still packs a punch. In addition, It also improves posture and coordination. Improves Brain power: There’s a good reason why studies show that our mental skills are improved after a bike ride.

    It’s all to do with the ‘white matter’ in your brain. You may have heard about grey matter, but white matter, found beneath the brain surface, acts as a conduit. It links different regions of the brain together – like a cerebral subway system.

    Evidence from a study conducted over a six month period showed that healthy people who regularly pedalled increased the integrity of their white matter – helping their brains function more smoothly. Reduces Cancer Risk: The incidence of diseases, such as cancer, can be reduced significantly by adopting physical activities such as cycling.

    Studies show that for those people who took up moderate to high physical activities like cycling in early and middle ages, had a reduced risk of cancer, compared to the ones that did not. Another study investigating the relationship between cycling as active commuting and cancer

    Suggested that cycling as a method of commuting can be associated with lower cancer risk. Helps you Sleep Better: Everyone can use some extra sleep. In a study, researchers asked sedentary insomnia sufferers to cycle for 20-30 minutes every other day.

    The results showed that the time required for the insomniacs to fall asleep was reduced by half, and sleep time increased by almost an hour. Exercising outside exposes you to daylight. This helps get your circadian rhythm back in sync, and also rids your body of cortisol,

    The stress hormone that can prevent deep regenerative sleep. Boosts Your immune System: Cycling can help your immune system fight off nasty bugs. The thymus organ is responsible for your body’s immune cells. From the age of 20, the thymus shrinks and your immune system declines by 2-3 percent each year.

    By middle age, the thymus is down to 15% of its maximum size so the body relies on the antibodies it has gained from fighting germs over the years. A study of 125 long distance cyclists aged in their 80s found their immune systems were

    Robust because they were producing as many immune cells as someone in their 20s. Physical activity like cycling can help your body flush out bacteria from the lungs and airways which reduces the chance of a cold or flu taking hold. A rise in body temperature while exercising also prevents bacteria from growing and fights

    Infection. Gives You A Longer life: According to one study of Tour de France riders, cycling actually increased the racer’s longevity. On average, the former pros lived to 81.5 years compared to the general population’s 73.5 years, a 17 percent increase. Another study suggested that even casual bike commuters benefit.

    For individuals who shift from car to bicycle, it was estimated that three to 14 months of life could be gained compared to the potential downsides of bike commuting. Another recent study showed that riding between just one and 60 minutes a week could cut the risk of early death by up to 23 percent.

    Not just cycling, there are also many foods that can help you live longer. Find out what they are in this video titled “15 Foods That Can Help You Live Longer”. Now back to Cycling health benefits. Betters Balance And Coordination: Cycling also improves your balance and coordination.

    These qualities help with aspects such as body awareness and reaction time. They help prevent falls that could occur as well, which could lead to a worse injury down the road. Reduces Back Pain: Posture when cycling is optimum, and the cyclic movement of the legs stimulates muscles in the lower back.

    This is where slipped discs are most likely to occur. In this way, your spine is strengthened and secured against external stresses. In particular cycling can stimulate the small muscles of your spine which are difficult to affect through other exercise. This can help reduce the likelihood of back pains and other spinal problems.

    How often do you cycle? Is it a part of your go to cardio routine? Let us know in the comments section below!


    1. Been cycling for almost 2 weeks now. Balance feels better, legs feel strong, skin looks better, quality of sleep has improved.

      Wish I had started cycling ages ago. 😊

    2. Im 20….. Cycling since the age of 10 or 11…. Joined gym few months back… There people asks me if i did gym or any type of sport earlier…. As i had good looking and strong legs than half of the gym and also i had more stamina and power…. All i gained from cycling…. Gym and weights didn't bothered me as it would do to any normal beginner

    3. Hey, if you're up for trying a relatively a new method that makes the process a whole lot easier, and get a flat strong chest within 30 days or less, just go ahead and go’ogle Baker Henistole's Get Rid.

    4. When I was in my twenties and held a summer job at a nearby village 10 kms far from us I decided to commute with bicycle. It took half an hour/45 minutes only and by the time my summer job was over I got into perfect shape. I still love to make that distance for fun.

    5. 1:28 this is NOT an advantage. As a cyclist (pro or amateur) you have to eat like 3x the amount of a normal person. (If you life healthy)

      This is not only expensive, but also sucks, since this takes a lot of time and focus to get everything in.

    6. I am planning on doing H.i.i.t exercises on my new stationary bike#2 . My goal is to loose 50 pds. In two mo. I'll be doing 2, 15min.sets 4× a .week .maybe more. Also with a low cal. Daily intake.

    7. A year later after my last comment of how 28 years ago, I lost from 210 pounds down to 165 pounds in a month (actually almost 2 months, then on down to 155 over 6 months of riding), I'll put now that I'm up to 255 pounds right now, as an old man. Not good.

      My wife is a LOT younger than me, and she's overweight, right alongside me. I bought her a bike 5 years ago, and she's only ridden it 5 times. That's about to change.

      I just went and got my truck from the USA, and brought it here to my house in Mexico. I put my brand new Schwinn Sidewinder in the back, of the truck, and now I have no excuse.

      We're gonna ride. I'll post vids of our rides and I'll even make a second channel just for those sane videos as well.

      I already have another channel for riding my Kawasaki Ninja, but… I'll tell you, even though that is exercise, it comes nowhere near the exercise benefits of a bicycle.

    8. Cycling indoor or outdoor definitely has a positive effect on your mental & physical health. I use my stationary bike for an hour almost every other day and I feel great.

    9. I cycle 3x a week for an hour! Best decision I’ve ever made! I always feel better after class. I’ve noticed my mood has improved and it helps me get stress out during class.

    10. I've been riding since the early 70's and have reaped the benefits from cycling for so long, at one point I was logging nearly 350 miles per week, of which I used to commute roughly 38 miles round trip to and back from work, in fact back then I never saw another commuter on a bicycle, many thought I was nuts but looks who laughing now. I did my first sub 100 mile ride when I was 15, when I graduated from high school, 2 weeks later I rode from San Jose to Yosemite round trip of which I had 3 encounters with bears. I now I live in the cycling country of Holland where I will commute every single day, off to work I go, on a bicycle of course.

    11. The sleeping fact I can say it does work. My home and work was 13km from each other and I had to commute with the bicycle. When I got home after work I ate dinner. Afterwards I would watch tv and that is where I fell asleep while it was still light outside.

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