From the beach in Albania to the beach in Greece,strange wild camp spots, lots of rain and up hill, I loved it

    They one Albania what have I Done H yep we found ourselves a good spot Again hey good morning that was a great w Camp spot I slept all night didn’t hear a thing small section of gravel left today by 5Ks and then we’re back on the normal Road there’s at least 20 people in that Van All Done 650 M down by 10 a.m. it’s not very pretty here they want my food Bicycle path through Obstacles An hour and a half ago I entered North Macedonia today 65k is 1200 M up this morning I was on the other side of the lake Albania still tomorrow we have to go on the other side of the mountains we’re in a national park now G

    Galis and we’re going to find a spot to sleep I think it’s going to be a bit cold uh tonight we’re at 11 1100 M altitude nice flat spot about 50 m from the road pretty amazing Here day two in Macedonia finishing the climb I started yesterday We made it to the top 534 M climbing with it it’s cold and windy here so we’re going to get down but it’s beautiful Here woohoo Downhill Don’t ask me okay I’m setting Camp up here and then suddenly I see this doll lying there couple of meters on the side it’s massacred not sure if I’m going to sleep too good tonight this morning we left prip I had a really good rest there very comfortable

    Apartment on our way to the Bulgarian Border okay the Bulgarian Mission 360k through the mountains 6,000 M elevation we’re going to try to do it in 6 days and we only have 50 left to make it through the Bulgarian [Applause] mission I’m going to change the name of my uh YouTube channel bel’s bike ride belg hiking [Applause] Trip Day two of the Bulgarian Mission it’s been raining all day but look what I found yep all good day three of the Bulgarian challenge it’s still raining yeah [Laughter] good morning day four of the Bulgarian Mission looks like a much nicer day this is where I slept last night after two rainy days and a foggy morning the sun is out Yahoo we just started our th000 M climb I think it’s going to take me 3 hours we’ll see Is a festival we’re 2 and 1/2 kilomet from it and this is pretty much where the last cars are parked the main stage was on the market square and I got to get through it it was packed it took me half an hour for a couple hundred met that was a welcome Break Day six of the Bulgarian challenge another Beauty it’s going to rain all day we’re going to have a late start still waiting for the rain to ease a bit made a fire nice and warm buaran me day six let’s Go y Bulgarian mission complete with my last bit of Bulgarian money I bought two beers for tonight this is this is Greece I can see some blue sky there first Ball Camp spotting Gree ches Bulgaria you were amazing We’re on the beach Again Okay folks that’s it I hope you enjoyed the balcan adventure we have a two-day rest now in an apartment in alexandris time for a little bit of bike maintenance wash our clothes what’s going to happen next in two days time I’m going to leave here it’s only a day

    Ride 50ks towards the Turkish border so turkey next country some of the plans in Turkey I really like to visit the Anzac Memorial in galipoli I’m going to meet Mom and mat sisters and their Partners in antalia for a week of holiday together so once again I hope you

    Enjoyed the movie if you got any tips for me or stuff you like to see more or less send me a message or write it in the comments thank you I’m going to have a nice glass of red wine now and I see you all back in a couple of weeks thank you


    1. Het is al heel wa jaren andersom, maar ik zie jou tegenwoordig meer dan hen – digitaal weliswaar – dus doe ze ne goeiendag van mij, daar in Antalia! Gr, Raf 🤘🏻

    2. Dear Steven, you are a hero!! to go up like you did, pushing your 70kg bike, it's amazing!! with Jean-Pierre we enjoy every film, picture of your adventure. Say hello to you mum and family for us

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