5MV-96b – Brifter Position: the conclusion

    In an earlier video (https://youtu.be/Q82XbIuFEzY) I started experimenting with my brifter (brake+shifter) position to see if it would improve comfort. In that video I tried angling the brifters on my gravel bike to see if it would give any comfort benefit. I thought there was a benefit, but also that I should give it more time.

    In this video I document how I have lived with the change in the brifter position and if it is something that I would want to make permanent


    About the 5MV channel
    My name is Terry and I love cycling. I have named my channel “Five Minute Velo” (5MV). I have called it 5MV because the videos I upload will (mostly) last no longer than five minutes. Each video will cover just one subject that is described in the title. Although the channel is mainly about cycling on the road, I will also cover some light (gravel) off road riding and cycle touring from time to time. No matter what, much of the advice will be pertinent to many branches of the sport/pastime.

    I am new to posting videos on YouTube (May 2020) and I have much to learn, particularly in terms of presentation style and production quality. As such I welcome constructive comments that will help me improve the videos that I produce and upload.

    There may be some dry humor in some of the videos, so dry it may not always be obvious :-).


    My strava profile can be found here:

    Cambridge Cycling Club website:


    Photos of 2019 Tour of low countries:

    Random cycling photos (will be updated from time to time):



    In an earlier video which is referenced above I started an experiment to see whether I could get additional hand Comfort on my Bars by angling my brifters in towards the center of the bar at the end of that last video things were looking good however I thought I should give it some extra

    Time I’ve now been using these brifters like this for about 3 weeks I quickly got used to the feel of the brifters being angled in however they still look a little bit odd to me one thing I have noticed though is I tend to hold onto the bars between the

    Hoods and the tops so around about there a little bit more than I used to I think that’s because my finger isn’t being pushed back like that and therefore my wrist is in a slightly more natural position I just feel a little bit more comfortable like this

    Now rather than being on the tops there which was my previous preferred position so after a few weeks of use I’ve actually got quite used to these now however just a check I decided to look at how the levers were positioned on my Touring bike so I’ll talk about that

    Next because I got used to the brifters being turned in on my uh gravel bike well it was a bit more than just getting used to it actually slightly prefer it so I decided to try it out on my Touring bike that’s the bike I’m riding

    Now as you can see I’ve turned these in a bit actually it’s a little bit less than on my gravel bike these are about 15 ° as with my gravel bike it hasn’t interfered with the braking or the gear changing and also as with my gravel bike

    I find myself resting on the tops here a little bit more so as far as this Touring bike is concerned I minded to leave these brifters angled in like that I should say that I started off with these levers on here angled in at about

    15° as I quickly got used to that angle I decided to increase the angle to about 20° which is what it’s at now however I feel that that extra angling in isn’t really necessary so I think I’m going to move them back to about 15° another Advantage is that I I can

    Adopt this position more readily my wrists are quite a bit straighter and therefore this position is actually more comfortable than when the hoods were straight that’s another reason to keep them angled in I quite like having my brifters turned in should you turn your brifters in because it really doesn’t cost

    Anything and it’s easy to put back you might as well give it a go I would suggest starting off with a small angle 5 or 10° and then if necessary increase that angle if not you can always put it back there are minor improvements in the

    Comfort and if I hadn’t tried it I wouldn’t be worrying about it but as I have tried it and it’s marginally better I think I’ll keep the brifters angled in like this I hope you found this video useful if you did please give it a thumbs up and if you’re in the mood



    1. I saw your earlier video, and remembered it when I was on my turbo trainer the other day. I thought about this and checked my position – my brake hoods are set straight ahead – and I found that my arms, wrists and hands were all pretty well perfectly lined up straight, with no bend needed in the wrist at all. I think your problem was that your bars are too narrow for your shoulder width – my hands seem to be at the same width as my shoulders, and do not sit inward towards each other. Just an observation, I hope you don't mind.

    2. Very informative and interesting will give it a try as well! What bars and widths are you using ? Mine are too wide and think going narrower?

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