Ashley Wadsworth, an adventurous young woman from Canada and was seeking new opportunities and adventures. She found herself in a relationship with Jack Sepple, a man from the UK who would eventually become her killer. The distressing details of this case shocked everyone who learned about it, spotlighting the dark side of relationships and mental health issues.

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    Sources of help 👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼

    Women’s Aid UK:

    National Domestic Abuse Hotline (UK):

    Refuge (UK):

    Men’s Advice Line (UK):

    ManKind Initiative (UK):

    Everyman Project (UK):

    National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (USA):

    Samaritans (UK):

    Music reference needs to be handed to the amazing Total Topic 📀

    Do you online date maybe you use Tinder have you ever fallen in love with someone online who you’ve chatted to for many years if you’re here watching this video today and can safely answer yes to any of the above questions we can safely assume your dating resume didn’t end

    Like the one we will discuss in today’s video in this video I will be discussing with you if events that occurred in 2021 in England Ashley wodsworth was 19 years old and had Big Dreams and aspirations when she left her family home in Vernon British Colombia Canada and flew to the

    UK over a 4,000m journey to meet the young man she had been chatting with online for several years Ashley Anne wodsworth was the youngest of two two daughters born to her parents Kenneth wodsworth and Christy jandrin after graduating from high school Ashley had always planned to continue her studies and adored spending

    Time with her family and friends everyone loved Ashley her beautiful smile and infectious personality brought so much happiness to those around her Ashley had always been passionate about travel and enjoyed painting and sports like tennis swimming skiing and The Great Outdoors Vernon is roughly 270 miles Northeast of Vancouver and has a

    Population of 43,000 Ashley however had always dreamed of leaving and seeing the rest of the world but most of all she wanted to visit the UK this dream came came around when Ashley was 12 and she would use the family laptop to communicate on social media with her friends from school she

    Was never one to talk to strangers but in 2015 a friend from Vernon introduced her online to a young English boy named Jack remember Ashley was only 12 years old and Jack was 16 she had always been interested in the UK and the fact that Jack lived across the pond only made her

    More interested in talking to him Jack was Ashley’s gateway to learning about another culture and whilst living with his mother in Chelmsford he could sit and talk to Ashley all day about the differences in the way they lived Chelmsford is a city of around 180,000 people and only an hour’s drive

    From London Ashley’s personality could not be further from that of Jack’s Ashley was always always outgoing and in company Jack was withdrawn and a loner his main interest being social media their age difference of three and a half years never seemed all too odd to others they were only pen pals to begin

    With however over time they became closer and would soon be talking daily after around 2 months Ashley started mentioning Jack in her conversations with her parents and older sister Haley Ashley’s parents Christy and Kenneth were divorced by now but this never affected their relationship with their children Ashley’s mother was seemingly

    Wary of Ashley and Jack’s developing relationship she feared that someone else could be hiding behind the photos Jack posted once Ashley and Jack started FaceTiming each other regularly Ashley using the family living room to communicate christe calmed down she sometimes even greeted Jack over Ashley’s shoulder she loved his British accent

    And friendly demeanor but assumed over time Ashley’s interest in Jack would Fade to the contrary she fell more in love as time grew on for seven years Jack and Ashley texted and facetimed each other there were times they would quarrel and times they would stop communicating but the these periods were always

    Shortlived Jack would send Ashley Gifts of clothes stuffed animals and jewelry even a purse with money in it his face and name would regularly appear in the woodworth’s household and due to the 8 hour time difference Ashley would have to wake up Before Dawn just to be able to talk to

    Jack Jack would in turn stay up late at night waiting for her call As Time passed Ashley and Jack would share a common dream of meeting in person one day but as it stood they were just two images on a monitor for each other Ashley would soon turn 15 and

    Asked her mother if she could visit Jack christe’s response was not the one Ashley was hoping for she would not allow her 15-year-old daughter to travel such a distance to meet a man she had never personally met before Ashley was devastated by her mother’s refusal but she would not give

    Up on her and Jack’s dream the older Ashley became the more the couple would quarrel Jack’s jealousy played a huge role in this he was paranoid that Ashley might begin a relationship with one of her classmates from Vernon and the more Ashley tried to convince Jack that she only had eyes for

    Him the worse his paranoia grew Jack was a very jealous young man sometimes their arguments ended with Ashley blocking Jack on social media and her phone so that he couldn’t call and text her but of course this never lasted long Jack would create new social media accounts to message her and contact her

    Sister or friends well they would tell Ashley about it some of her friends thought Jack was obsessed however Ashley would always defend him saying he was an incredibly passionate person ironically the couple would argue due to Jack dating other girls but like a moth to a flame they could never stay away from

    Each other long according to christe Ashley always compared her new boyfriends to Jack they were never as good or good enough for her in addition to his fascination with social media Jack was obsessed with tattoos in October of 2018 when he was just shy of 20 and Ashley was 16 he got

    A new tattoo which he proudly showed off to her he had gone as far as to get her name written on his arm a symbol of his love and dedication to her he would call Ashley his future wife christe said this tattoo was too much too young a step too

    Far and she forbade her daughter to get his name tattoo on her Jack became increasingly aggravated and showed obvious signs of controlling coercive Behavior maybe it was the distance between them Ashley was still young also and her brain was still unequipped to attach importance to this progression to

    Her own safety and mental health an example of Jack’s narcissistic abusive side was evident during one argument where he ran a knife over his tattoo causing himself to bleed all on camera for her Ashley blinded by Young Love assumed it was a crazy gesture to convince her of his

    Love however a part of Ashley knew this was wrong as she started hiding the details of Jack’s behavior from her loved one in 2020 when Ashley was now 18 years old she received several calls from a woman whom Jack had been dating and with whom he often argued with two terrified she

    Told Ashley Jack wouldn’t let her leave the house she begged Ashley to calm him down through the phone although Jack dated other the woman from time to time he never kept it a secret from Ashley perhaps he liked her knowing the idea of other women enjoying him gave

    Him a sense of power sadly Ashley hadn’t realized that Jack was a professional narcissist a PhD level manipulator and that his behavior was abusive and disrespectful she had every intention of breaking off their relationship many many times but he always crawled his way back in profess pressing his love and

    Dedication to her reeling her right back in Ashley was a very spiritual person who found Faith through the Church of Jesus Christ of latterday saints she had been baptized Mormon in April of 2021 Ashley started working part-time as soon as it was legally possible she picked up jobs at McDonald’s and Burger

    King earning her own money excitedly her first purchase was an iPad so she no longer had to use the family laptop to communicate with Jack she now was an adult with her own money and could make her own decisions her Dream came true when she obtained a six-month tourist visa

    Purchasing a plane ticket to London on November 12 2021 Ashley now 19 said her goodbyes to her family and her father took her to the airport to see her off her parents bitterly said goodbye but knew they could no longer stop their daughter from following her path I thought the worst thing that

    Would happen is she’ll go they won’t work out and then she’ll come home christe said waiting for departure Ashley posted a message to her family on Snapchat I’m in my plane it’s huge after 7 years of online communication and 10 hours crossing the Atlantic the couple finally met in real life it was

    An amazing moment for both of them Ashley’s loved ones watched from afar as she posted photos of herself and Jack over social media they seemed to be a happy couple Ashley moved into Jack’s house in Northwest Chelmsford and their story seemed like a Disney movie not a single one of Ashley’s family

    Suspected their love story would have such a tragic ending when everything seemed just so perfect Ashley would post photos of her trips with Jack together as they visited various locations a seemingly happy couple in each posted snapshot this in the flesh version of Jack was everything Ashley had

    Anticipated and imagined Jack was kind and loving and he took Ashley everywhere with him but the dark side of his personality would slowly begin to creep in Jack would get angry his bad temper taking overheated conversations the pair spent all their time together as Jack was unemployed he lived on money his

    Mother gave him Ashley couldn’t get a job because she was a tourist in the UK all this time together day and night men Ashley started noticing that Jack had no friends he had no life apart from his social media accounts his game console and her he soon started showing the first

    Signs of controlling behavior when he didn’t like Ashley talking to one of their neighbors this situation was absurd to her as she had always had friends and spoke to her neighbors back home Ashley never spent any of her time sitting at home before she came to England when she

    Left Canada a friend from the church put her in touch with some American missionaries about her age who were supposed to be in Chelmsford at the same time as her so when she arrived in London she told Jack she wanted to meet these people Jack however disapproved of

    Her plans and forbade her from attending Sunday Services Ashley was Finding herself often bored as she now spent most of her time at home alone with Jack she secretly contacted the missionaries via text message because she knew he would not approve and when they spoke she deleted the WhatsApp conversations between them

    As Jack was constantly checking her phone every day Jack’s Behavior changed for the worse 6 weeks after Ashley arrived in the UK he struck her for the first time and went as far as to text his mother regarding the altercation telling her he saw red when he discovered Ashley had

    Blocked two British numbers on her phone years ago Jack assumed that these numbers belonged to other men and he was livid his mother thankfully berated him for his behavior that’s no reason to lay a hand on her she replied Ashley was in a foreign country far from her home and

    Family she was all alone with a man who was experiencing psychological problems and behind the photos of The Smiling facade was a broken scared person the day after Jack hit Ashley she changed her Facebook photo to a picture of Jack hugging her and captioned it my bestie with with a red

    Heart however at the same time she created a secret album on her phone where she kept all the photos of her bruises handed to her through the abuse she received from Jack Ashley told her sister Haley that he was not the man she imagined in her

    Dreams A desperate cry for help but at the same time too terrified to Face Reality she threatened to cease communication with Haley if she told their mom Jack regularly took sedatives and had a long history of self harm when he was angry or wanted his girlfriends to

    Comfort him he hurt himself to gain their sympathy and affection the cuts however were never to endanger his own life but rather aoy to manipulate people into believing he would Jack used familiar manipulation tactics with Ashley at the end of December 2021 dramatically he swallowed a supply of sedative medication and had

    Ashley call an ambulance he was taken to the hospital where he received the necessary help the NHS could give him but Ashley didn’t tell her mom or any of her friends about the incident the only person who knew about it was Haley Haley begged her sister to

    Come home she knew of the arguments they had had been having but was never fully aware of the full situation the following month in January 20122 jack smashed a beer mug over Ashley’s head during an argument Ashley facetimed her sister crying whilst Jack bellowed in the

    Background he forced her to clean up the pieces of broken glass he had caused leaving Haley shocked and terrified for her sister’s safety again she pleaded with her sister to fly home but the begging didn’t work over the next few weeks like so many a true narcissist before Jack

    Showed his better side fearing Ashley would soon Tire of his exhausting Behavior Jack had realized the error of his ways this Grand Awakening would lead him down a better path he promised he temporarily changed Ed his behavior pattern acting like the doting boyfriend but he couldn’t keep up the

    Performance long it just wasn’t in his nature Jack became enraged once again when he found old messages from a Canadian man on Ashley’s phone he demanded all of her social media passwords which she provided this is when he began to truly take over her life in late January 2022

    Jack once again struck Ashley throwing a TV remote at her while she was FaceTiming with Haley again Haley begged her sister to come home and Ashley agreed at first but then as the cycle continued she changed her mind her family believes Ashley changed her mind because Jack once again

    Apologized promising her once again that he would change Jack beat Ashley down during this constant cycle of back and forth one minute everything would seem fine then he would beat Ashley up and once again he apologized and promised to do better and so on tactics of a skilled

    Psychopath on January the 30th Jack texted his sister saying I’m obsessed with Ashley’s past from that moment on it was only a matter of a short time time before sadly the inevitable of this story would take place on the morning of February 1st Jack was once again like a childish

    Petulant narcissistic Manchild embroiled in a furious Outburst not long before 8:00 a.m. the couple’s neighbor heard Ashley’s screams of Terror through the walls of the house a few moments later Ashley appeared at her front door panicked in tears she ran out into the street Barefoot blood dripping from the cut on

    The palm of her hand Ashley screamed Jack had hit her when he smashed her phone and proceeded to throw it at their defenseless kitten a real man I’m sure you can agree Ashley was petrified for her life and the safety of their kitten she pleaded with her neighbor to not contact

    Authorities she didn’t want Jack to harm himself and she was scared he would wind up in prison the neighbor requested to speak with Jack but his meticulous skill set came into play he played the wounded gentleman Persona he had adopted for such occasions apologizing again and again he

    Insisted everything would be fine he had calmed down and this is why the neighbor assumed it was safe to let Ashley back in sight the neighbor would be the last person outside of the toxic relationship to see Ashley alive again only 1 hour after the altercation another neighbor called past

    The property to fetch Jack a parcel they had taken in for him whilst Jack was at the front door conversing with the neighbor Ashley took advantage of the situation and called her family back in Canada from Jack’s phone she pleaded for their help she wanted to come home

    Christe was distraught after hearing her daughter’s voice when she discovered how things had been going over in the UK Christy booked Ashley a plane ticket home for February 3rd Christy told Jack that if he tried to harm her daughter again she wouldn’t hesitate to call the British

    Police as soon as Ashley hung up the phone jack took off his mask he stopped pretending to be a good person the promises he made to christe slipped away and the real Jack stepped forward Jack viciously attacked Ashley minutes later texting his mother via WhatsApp to inform her of his

    Actions I beat up Ashley bad 14 minutes passed she thinks she broke broke her arm I picked her up and threw her on the ground and punched her I ripped her all across the lounge but unfortunately nobody was coming to help between 11:22 a.m. and 12:38 that afternoon Ashley used Jack’s phone to

    Send multiple messages she wrote to family and friends in Vernon there it was the middle of the night she even messaged her church acquaintances in Chelmsford as a cry for help it’s Ashley I need your help it’s an emergency a few hours later they received a second

    Text it read everything is fine now but it wasn’t Ashley just before 1: p.m. Jack strangled Ashley but it just wasn’t enough he went to the kitchen and picked up a knife returning to the bedroom here he stabbed Ashley over 90 times in the chest and abdomen

    Later on that day Jack changed his Facebook profile picture to a photo of himself and Ashley at Gatwick Airport taken months prior growing more concerned Ashley’s church friends Jamie Ashworth and Taylor bordon visited the property on Tennyson Road when they arrived there was no answer so they called the

    Police whilst in the bedroom next to Ashley’s body was a cowering Jack Jack recorded a video message for her sister Haley in it he said I’m so sorry Haley for taking your sister I loved Ashley but I couldn’t let her go like a chicken he never sent this video like a pathetic

    Peter Pan he inflicted minor superficial stab wounds to his chest according to investigators he likely did so to claim self-defense later that day at around 4:00 p.m. the police arrived at the property they knocked on the door insisting Jack come out and show himself they had seen him hiding pitifully

    Inside the house through the window but Jack wasn’t going to open the door he was talking via video link with his sister where he confessed to having taken Ashley’s life the police broke down the door and SW swiftly arrested Jack they described his demeanor as calm Ashley’s family saw the flurry of

    Messages sent earlier by Ashley and they desperately tried to contact her of course there was no answer the family was gathered at Ashley’s father’s house they awoke the morning of February 1 when they learned of Ashley’s fate Kenneth immediately traveled to the UK with his wife Charmaine Ashley’s

    Stepmother to handle the paperwork and collect Ashley’s body the enormity of the grief was felt both far and wide Ashley’s family grieving on one side of the world and the local Chelmsford community on the other many of the locals never actually knew Ashley but they held vigils for her in

    Fields near where she had been killed flowers candles and balloons were placed in memory of her after his arrest Jack told police that he had a moment of psychotic behavior but despite his fruitless claims a psychiatric examination determined that he was fully aware of his actions at the time of the brutal

    Attack and that he could stand trial for Ashley’s murder Ashley’s family was shaken by the grief that had taken over their family unit but another shock was awaiting them when they learned that Jack had a long history of coercive behavior and harassment dating back to 2014 this was before Ashley had even met

    Jack he photographed a 14-year-old girl’s naked body without her permission and when she cut ties with him he posted the pictures for all to see the young girl SW swiftly filed a restraining order a month later but it didn’t take long for Jack’s destructive self-absorbed Behavior to

    Rear its ugly head he argued with his mother over his Xbox and pushed her to the floor following this he ripped the door off its hinges when the restraining order expired in 2017 Jack again contacted his young victim the girl however ignored all of his messages but because Jack is

    Well Jack he wasn’t planning on backing down easily in January of 2018 he sent her another message saying please reply you are never going to get rid of me even if I have to go to prison over you you’ll see I’ll turn up outside wherever you

    Live by this point Jack had been in contact with Ashley for 3 years Jack’s mother requested a restraining order against him in July 2018 this was due to Jack’s smashing her car up and breaking the windows of her house the court sentenced him to 8 weeks in a juvenile correctional facility for his

    Actions in September 2018 he once again violated the terms of his restraining order he also was seen in court for trying to break into a nursing home the court sentenced him to 21 days in prison for this after this Jack spent more and more time online scouring social media

    Accounts for more victims he could manipulate and control in March of 2020 he met a woman on Facebook and they soon began to live together this woman thankfully realized I ized fast that he was an unstable and extremely jealous person she described his behavior as unpredictable when she confessed she was

    Leaving Jack he grabbed her by the throat and locked her in the house the victim managed to escape through the window in total Jack committed 12 crimes almost all guilty of domestic violence we had no idea of his history Tre I feel like I sent her to the Wolves

    Ashley’s father said Christie is hopeful others will learn from her daughter’s murder if something doesn’t feel right act if you know in your gut that your sister your friend your aunt your mom or your daughter is in a situation or a relationship like Ashley and Jax then definitely call the police and intervene

    Step in commenting on her daughter’s case christe also said we should have reached out ahead of time through cla’s law we learned the hardest lesson of all our beautiful Ashley flew to England excited alive and well but sadly she flew home in a box please be warned and leave these

    Violent toxic and dangerous relationships now if something isn’t right then please trust that feeling and intervene right away even if they say it’s fine and they’re okay the most dangerous time in any violent relationship is when the victim decides to leave call the police to help you pack up your belongings and escort

    You to safety it’s too late to save Ashley now but it’s not too late to save yourself or someone you love Jack’s trial began in September of 2022 where he pleaded guilty to taking the life of Ashley the prosecution’s case included strong witness testimony from Neighbors and Friends detailing the toxic Behavior

    Traits displayed by Jack as well as the events leading up to the murder it included voice notes Ashley had recorded and sent to friends within those notes Jack had told her he would kill her the judge said that Jack’s attack on Ashley was brutal and cowardly the judge

    Stated that this comment showed a clear pattern of violent and controlling abuse oh my coming back this [ __ ] thing on my [ __ ] lip I’m going to [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] B my [ __ ] lip it’s [ __ ] driving me crazy I’m so [ __ ] h [ __ ] I’m going to kill her I’m going to [ __ ] murder

    Her on October the 10th 2022 the court sentenced Jack to life in prison he will have the right to apply for parole after 23 years through his lawyers Jack gave Ashley’s parents a note of apology but they didn’t believe that he was truly sorry for the death of their beautiful

    Daughter nor the torment and abuse of all his prior young victims yes he’s going to doe time but much like in Canada Life in the UK is only 25 years nothing will bring back Ashley Christie said thank you for watching today’s video what are your thoughts on Jack’s

    Sentence do you think he should have been locked up for his past convictions if he had perhaps Ashley would still be here today do you feel like it is hard to leave an abuser leave your thoughts in the comments below much respect to Ashley and her family until next time take care of



    1. Her sister should have told their parents! That’s just NOT something to keep a secret! Especially in this day & age! Parents will chop their heads off to help their children!!

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