Join me on an adventurous bike journey across Europe, where I explore the rich tapestry of Christian communities. I delve into diverse traditions and connect with fellow believers from all walks of life.

    Subscribe for weekly updates on my quest to understand and embrace the vibrant spectrum of christian faith across the continent!

    You can learn more about my project here:

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    And you can find out more about the Anglican Church in this video here:

    My name is Kola and I’m biking around Europe for one year with the goal of visiting Christians from different backgrounds as I believe that we are all one connected family after 8 months of traveling I made it to the UK and in my last video I shared my visit of York

    Where I was now packing up my bike again shortly after I started biking I found my first obstacle so for the first five times that day I had to take off my boag As you can see the path wasn’t ideal for biking so it’s no surprise that my wheels made a weird sound and one lesson I learned is never to ignore a weird sound so I used this yogurt spoon to get rid of some mud and it actually worked

    Which I’m not going to lie felt really good so a couple of obstacles and taking my bags of later I finally made it to leits where I stayed in an Airbnb and fell into my bed so it looks like I pushed myself too far I didn’t take a day off for 2 weeks

    And then when I took a day off I got really sick right away so I was able to stay in in the Airbnb where I am right now for another night and take a train then tomorrow to Sheffield but I just went down to check out the train station

    For tomorrow if it’s going to be okay with a bike and went to the grocery store and it all looks good but that already it was like 30 minute walk exhausted me so I really hope that tomorrow I’m going to feel better the next morning I got a really

    Sweet goodbye and went to the train station taking a train with my fully packed bike always makes me nervous because I’m dependent on people helping me get everything on the train while it stops but it also always shows me how kind strangers can be tonight I’m

    Staying with Amy who I met in a church in Cork she has since moved to England Sheffield where I am today and I can’t wait to see her again Amy was so kind to host me in her beautiful home and it felt really special to be able to catch

    Up with with someone who already knew me on our way to church together we visited the Christ Church Central which I was surprised to find out is an Anglican church after the service Pastor Tim was nice to tell me more about the church uh one of the things about Anglican churches is

    They’re predominantly renowned for being Episcopal that is they have Bishops uh they also have a formal liturgy um so for their Sunday Services they’ll use set prayers and those kind of things have often what people have in their minds when they are thinking of an Anglican church but one of the most

    Significant things about our church and we have it written on the front of our building is that we want to be a church for people who don’t go to church and that’s very much at the very heart one of the most significant thing at the heart of being an Anglican what it means

    It goes back to one of the founders of the Church of England anglicanism a guy called Thomas Grandma who is the Archbishop of Canterbury and he had a passion and a heart back in the 16th century that the people of this country came to know Jesus and were able

    To pray to the Lord and understand the gospel in their own language rather than in Latin which is what most churches did back in those days after the service Amy made some very tasty food and I got to meet more people from the church share

    Some of my stories from the trip as well as getting to know them more and honestly it’s moments like this that make me remember why I’m doing all of this even with a bad weather feeling sick and so often being frustrated with the challenges that this project brings

    I get to meet Christians in so many different places and there’s always this instant connection but how can we feel this and root for each other when we don’t know anything about Christianity for example in Anglican Church churches in the UK I believe it’s really important to pray for each other so I

    Asked Pastor Tim how we can pray for Christ Church Central well you can pray for us because um Sheffield is uh self-declared as a city of Asylum or a city of sanctuary that is welcoming people from other parts of the world who are looking for asylum in the UK uh

    Looking for Refugee status and here in Sheffield City Center in our church we’ve got people from all around the world who’ve come to join us and uh if you’re going to pray anything for us pray that we are a loving kind welcoming gracious family to people who’ve been

    Displaced so far away from their own countries from their culture from their own families that we would be family to them please don’t forget to subscribe to my channel to follow my journey and as always I’m really grateful if you could like this video and let me know in the

    Comments what you think of it I publish videos every Thursday so I will see you next Thursday


    1. Thank you for sharing your experience. And showing us (the viewers) that your journey is not easy. It is indeed a cross that you carry to produce this content. Thank you and may "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
      the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace."

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