John Gregory is with us for this weeks episode talking through is career as a player and manager at Northampton, Aston Villa, QPR, Derby and Brighton. Including, Mr Ticklers marathon, shock appointments, Stan’s struggles, shooting Dwight Yorke, and David Ginola the housewives favourite.
    #AstonVilla #DwightYorke #StanCollymore

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    The official YouTube channel of the Undr The Cosh Podcast where ex and current professional footballers meet Comedy writer Chris Brown along with ex -Sunderland, Cardiff, Doncaster and Stoke strikers Chris Brown and Jon Parkin.

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    Welcome to the kitchen with’ under the C we’re cooking up a storm again this week Ready Steady cook John Gregory this week I tell you what you you [Laughter] you that was only ever going one we one me glasses a lot of clubs to mention isn’t

    They yeah and I can’t mention any Aston Villa manager yeah Aston Villa Derby Wickham manager Wickam as manager cuia India king of India Oh India TI India England yeah another England International yeah that Aston Villa team by the way we’re talking Stan hymore ginola um you can’t concentrate to eat

    The cream don’t he I’ve never seen you so happy coffee Two Sugars C just a go M you could be in job yeah have you ever run a marathon yeah I what a start well I know it’s not the question that I’ve ever asked before but we obviously know there’s a story

    Leading into it don’t we yeah I ran my first one in 2000 and and uh I um unfortunately I’d lost my mother-in-law uh with Alzheimer’s and um when I saw what it had done to her she’d been ill for about 10 years and um obviously I was very um

    Touched by it to be fair and I kind of wanted to do something about it and so I decided to run the marathon that year I can remember the race itself uh say a race wasn’t I wasn’t exactly racing but um with obviously it was in April with

    Qualify for the FA Cup Final we played West Ham the day before I stayed over that night in in London and went straight out to Black eath obviously for the start and we started off and we gone about five or six miles and um I saw

    This baldheaded guy in front of me he was about 30 m ahead of me and he looked like Luca viali from behind and obviously we were playing Chelsea in the final LCA VI’s the manager of Chelsea and in my head my little thought process is going if if I don’t catch him we

    Going to win the final so I need to get past him I’ve got to get past this Luca VII and um I never did catch him I didn’t I tried and tried and tried obviously they beat us in the final as well one think that but yeah little

    Things like that I mean sometimes you know it’s all superstitions and everything so um on the running I got beat by Mr tickle did it turn into a Sprint finish it was a Sprint finish down the down pal M you know I’m going down pal M spring

    Finish and suddenly I heard shouts from all the people that were lined that are lined at the side all the fans and supporters and that sh go on Mr tickle and I’m who the [ __ ] Mr tickle and then suddenly he ran past me so Sprint finish to the line and yeah

    So I got beat by Mr [ __ ] tickle I don’t we on the yeah so I obviously wrote to all the managers that year all the managers in the Premier League and made them aware of uh the charity I was running for and um if they’d like to

    Make a donation out of the the the 20 managers 19 of them obviously uh replied uh and they sent checks through and over a period of of a couple of months leading up to the marathon itself I was getting donations um from uh the Premier League managers and you I’d come in the

    Office one day and and my PA would say oh um Sir Alex Ferguson has sent a check today you know and I immediately want to know how much it was and she said oh he sent £1,000 I oh fantastic add add that to the total you know and various other managers were

    Sending ,000 ,500 quid 500 quid and then one day I walked in the office and my uh PA Debbie says um oh we’ve had a check come in from Mr arson Banger I was said oh how much is it she said um 25 quid oh I said how

    Much he’s missed up a couple of Nots there I think you know yeah so Aron had really splashed out sent me 25 I think I’d have sent it back ask but no thanks if we take it right the way back Northampton how did how did that come about starting there I

    Was a 13 14 year old kid um playing football in the school team and in the county team and I grew up in cambrid here which is not a real hot bed of of football I used to write off letters to clubs asking for trials in those days

    You know have you got any trials can I come and hope hopefully for get them to assign I wanted to be an apprentice Northampton was was one of the clubs that uh wrote back to me and said oh yeah we’ve got trials in three or four

    Weeks or whatever so I ended up going over they they took me and wanted me to sign as an apprentice and I started in uh July the 1st 1970 they’ just been beaten by Man United 82 George best scored six I think it’d been suspended

    For a month and he came back and his first match back was against Northampton in the quarterfinals I think of the FA Cup and I was delighted to be there you know and I just kind of worked my way up became a professional and played in the

    First team Phil Neil was there with me the Liverpool and England fullback I read some was it when he went to Liverpool that you thought this is this is where I want to be I need to stick in and I came in one Monday morning and and

    Um I was by then I was a like a first year Pro I came in one Monday morning and uh we played rotheram on the Saturday away our goalkeeper got injured and got carried off and back in those days you didn’t have a subke keeper and Phil nil wining goal that day

    And Phil at the time was a bit like me he he just played anywhere anywhere and everywhere wherever he was asked to play he played he played Striker Midfield right wing left wing right back he played center back anyway this particular day he went in goal went in

    On the Monday morning and obviously going about your normal J getting ready for training and couldn’t find Phil nil I say anyone seen Phil where where is he he’s not in his he today what’s he up to and someone said uh he’s gone to Liverpool and I’ve gone what’s he going

    To Liverpool for thinking relative yeah or Rel I thought a relative had died or something that was my first thought some been the family they said no he’s gone the sign for Liverpool and I said well Liverpool how do they know about that field now

    And and I was so naive at the time they said well they’ve been watching him for the for the last few months they’ve been watching him with a with the intention of maybe taking him if he’s good enough and I think the fact that he played in

    Goal on the Saturday I later found out the the Scout was so impressed that he can even play and goal and and he kept a clean sheet they said we got to take this guy you know he’s gone as a right back slash subke keeper yeah but anyway he’d gone to Liverpool

    And and he was going to sign for Liverpool that day and I suddenly thought sh they also been watching us why aren’t they [ __ ] taking me you know that was my my first s [ __ ] I never thought like a first division club would come and watch us play you know what

    League were they in north humand in that fourth in fourth division leue League two and um so obviously that that day he went off and and signed for Liverpool and that Ro sort of really inspired me to think [ __ ] you know big clubs are coming

    To watch us it’s by the time I got my act together otherwise I’m going to be here forever and um that that sort of really inspired me you know to sort me act out and I mean I always worked hard I always felt I sort of worked hard on

    The training ground but this was an opportunity fing clubs like Liverpool are coming to watch us you know uh there must be others and um that was then my intention to uh to try and get away I started doing extra bits after training you know suddenly going I used to sort

    Of go off and do stuff behind a a bush or trees or something you know do extra running situps press UPS all that kind of stuff just anything to try and lift my fitness levels up did you feel you are to get behind the trees cuz people just call you a busy

    Bastard [ __ ] little busy again I don’t know what he’s doing lot of gr exactly comes back with a sweat on from I know as soon as I mentioned that you P pull me up on it yeah did you fixed down one position at Northampton no that was it that was I

    Just played play everywhere wherever the gaffer wanted me to play and that turned out to benefit me as I went to Villa you know I went to Villa and um I suddenly played in every position I wore every shirt Villa cuz in those days it was 1

    To1 you were numbered 1 to 11 um and I think in my first in the first couple of years um I played in every shirt I wore every shirt was that a little challenge yourself once you got so far it was I had number eight I’d never worn the

    Number eight which was Brian shirt we did obviously didn’t have our names on the back but number eight belonged to Brian little that was his number yeah and he wore that every week and we played Liverpool at home F enough against again I was up against Phil and

    Uh we it was Easter Monday and I hadn’t worn the number eight and the ga I was playing Center half alongside Alan Evans me and Evo were playing uh Central Defenders and uh I went up to uh Roy McLaren who was the assistant manager

    And I said um is there any chance I can wear the number eight today I’ve never worn the number eight and I need number eight to get the set he said you better ask the gaffer Ron sers you know [ __ ] me no chance so I bottled it really I

    Thought I can’t I can’t ask the gaffa cuz he’ll just go mental or tell it to [ __ ] off or something in his usual manner um and I actually found the courage from someone went up and asked him if I could wear it and he said yes

    Make sure you win um you can have the number eight on that completed the set I wore the whole Outfield numbers you know from 1 to 11 did you win uh beat Liverpool 3-1 yeah and they were you know Champions top top top always top

    Did it get to the point though where I know you said it was a benefit to play in different positions every a point where you thought I want to get fixed down in one yeah and as I obviously as I as I progress as I got older um I kind

    Of wanted to play in one position finally I went to Brighton as a right back they sign me as right back I ended up in Center Midfield then then I went to QPR and Terry venal played me it right back to start with when I first went there I played

    First half a dozen games I think as right back and then he put me back into Midfield so it served me well and I think um I got in the England squad when I was 29 um played in Center Midfield I ended up playing right back against Hungary in

    One of the European Championship matches and the fact that I was able to play I had good first utility you know um like Phil Neville won it Phil Neville could play right back left back Center mid for England I think Rooney could have as well I think Rooney could have he never

    Had to yeah cuz he was in um it was always first choice in his own position but he I always thought that Rooney had the ability he knew what what it what it meant to be a central defender or to be a right back or to be a left back and

    Many times in games he used to chase back in in in wide positions and win the ball back um but yeah you’re right never was the same how come you ended up leaving Villa as a player yeah I wanted 225 increase wage wage increase when you

    At the end of at the end of the season I think it would be after you long time after you guys um but the end of seon you used to go and see the manager and he would negotiate the contract with you so we didn’t have an agent and it was

    Just you and the manager and it’s it tell you what you were getting next season you half scared of him yeah we all were we all just just at the the season finished so on the Monday morning we’ all have to go to the training ground in a cafeteria

    And we’d sit outside the manager’s office and one by one we had to go in and discuss your contract for next season and you all sat there saying what you going to ask for oh I’m asking for 100 quid I want I want 100 quid pay

    Increase you know at the time I was on 150£ 150 a week and uh I wanted 250 so you’d all sit out there and say I’m asking for this and I’m asking for that and one by one they’d go in come out and say what did you get and I said [ __ ]

    FIV cuz the gaffer would just say this is what you’re getting and you just say okay boss thanks oh thanks boss and you’d come out one by one they come out and they’re all and I thought no I a I ain’t moving I want I want A1 increase

    That season paid 40 matches for the first team I’ve missed two games through suspension I’ve been Captain twice when Dennis Mor was not playing when he was injured and uh there was the top wage was £250 a week and I that’s what I wanted and I went in and he offered me

    225 which was a 50% increase on my salary and I said um I said no I want 250 I said to him there’s about five players here that are on 250 a week they didn’t play 40 games between them last year most of them been injured and they

    Hadn’t played the games so I said um you know I played 40 games for you last year Gaff and I want 250 and he said well you’re not getting it you’re getting 225 that was wrong he would not move and uh so I said well I I’m not signing a new

    Contract I’ll just stay on what I’m on and on the Saturday we were all flying off to meor for a week’s holiday weeks piss up basically you know end of season and I said him by the way I’m not going I’m not going to my Yorker ain’t coming

    Not unless you agree to give me 250 and he said no you’re not having it and I said well I’m not coming on Saturday he said you are it’s all booked it’s all booked and paid for I said I ain’t coming no way am I coming you should

    Some bolics are you by the way I tell you what you are doing you cut your nose off to SP your face yeah exactly I’m going on that [ __ ] magga love trip I’m not B about the contract but I’m one of magers so and that that was it really

    And anyway I just said I ain’t sign it walked out and um two weeks later he sold me to Brian and you just playing hard ball you you didn’t want to leave oh I didn’t want to leave no no no I was very happy there yeah very happy 2 quid

    Well we were on about this last night for a marathon got this in comparison to the day if me and Johnny negotiating where we were playing we’re thinking is it the equivalent of 500 quid a week for us to to say that no I want I want that extra

    500 quid you know In the comparison of money back then yeah was that big big money oh it’s big money yeah I mean um I I was on 50 a week at Northampton I went to 100 um when I signed for Villa I went he doubled my salary basically and then my

    First year after my first year he upped it from1 a week to150 a week gave me 50% increase and in his mind he’d put me up another 50% NE at the end of that season to 225 and I wanted 250 CU I knew that was a top wage and I couldn’t understand

    How he wouldn’t give me the same wage because I was play I was playing the matches I was playing 40 games a season all over the place left back right back Center half I played up front one night at Tottenham in uh Adas and Ricky Bea’s home debut I played number nine that

    That night we beat Tottenham 4-1 at home in ‘s first match at White hour Lane in 78 born so so no I just said that’s what I want and like I said a couple of weeks later I got a phone call he said oh Brighton have phone

    They just got promoted Brighton for the very first time they were playing in the top tier of English football and um they wanted to make me uh their new signing the record signing 250 Grand they offered and and Ron said do you want to

    Speak to and I said yeah and I got 285 a week and loads of bits and pieces signing on fees and and all that [ __ ] and and it wasn’t it wasn’t I mean it it wasn’t really about the money it was just about hang on a minute I’ve worked

    My nuts off this season I just out of respect I think you should give me a bigger salary but so that’s still like in comparison 250 Grand you signed for and you still I say only on 275 quid a week yeah but that that was like the top

    Salary it was did Villa win the league like the next year uh the the following year 81 they won it I went in 79 yeah uh and I missed out really I mean you you mentioned it earlier did you regret it yeah I did sort of uh two years later

    They were champions of England and 3 years later they were champions of Europe uh winning the European Cup so you know I looked at I looked back on it and thinking maybe I did I did Rush away a little bit too quick not I’m not saying i’ would have been in the team

    I’m not saying that i’ would have been in the team because obviously I moved out uh Desi Desi brema signed um as a Midfield player so um and they he signed one or two other players as well uh and obviously he built a team to to win the first division championship in

    Those days and I and I always look back on it and thought maybe I might have been part of it maybe not feeling like winners Champs Champs Champions you should be feel thankfully those uh Premier League Strikers were a leaf out of your Blackburn needless but

    Carry on under 355 defense is on top this weeks yeah thank you to the fa play exchange for sponsoring the series and uh thank you to everybody who took up the C bets what have we got this week big game this weekend man city Chelsea

    And that is a spicy one feisty feisty so what do we think we’re saying there’s going to be a red card just one red card in the game red card two yellows and a red f yeah that’s absolutely red card but they’ve there’s history isn’t they

    With the needle can you say that never use that term needle it’s a popular one in the football world is it what yeah there’s a bit of needle what what is needle I don’t know so we’re saying there is going to there is going to be a

    Red card in there’s a red card in the game we win if there isn’t then everybody else wins with a cost bet all going to do sign up put in that c Kos they’ll send you the BET put your Fiverr on and it’s a Fiverr against us MH if

    There’s not a red card you get a tener remember there’s no commission to be paid as well there’s no bookies involved that’s a good thing about PL it no buy we need another bet this week between us you could do be losing a bit of Timber on after that holiday know all

    Right WR all right slender what you saying do you have a a loss a weight loss what over the week yeah bit of fun is it I’ve not got much to lose like you know thing is your your favorite I I think we should go percentage wise we

    Haven’t got any calipers we’ll go scales we’ll go old we go old school on the SC we can lose the most weight in a week yeah are we in not really but if if we’re doing it we’re doing can lose most this week right we’ll have a weigh in next

    Week go on then in coming in right so yeah get yourself involved download the app if you haven’t already for play exchange use the C Kos and you get the Kos bet and then you can also have a bet amongst your mates like we are actually

    I’m I’m I’m I’m going for it I know you’re competitive when you want to be and obviously you’ve got to be over 18 and please gamble responsibly you mentioned venables before yeah and there’s loads of the old England Lads say how good he was yes yes

    Would you agree with that I was 27 when I met him when I signed for him I was 27 years old and I’ve been a pro for nine years I’d never worked with a with a coach coach before I mean Terry was a coach um not so much the manager there’s lots of

    PE they say Fergie was a manager and not a coach cluffy was a manager and not a coach but venables was a coach he he he taught me I used to go in it every day we all did we used to go in every day and think and you’d be in bright and

    Early and you’d see Terry was out on the training field putting out the cones and the disc and the ballards and everything and all the footballs everything was all organized and and just oh [ __ ] I wonder know what we’re doing to oh what’s that he’s what’s that he’s doing I’ve never

    Seen that before you know and and honestly every every day was something new something different um and and it was all coaching it was all to do with the match that was coming up on the Saturday or or or just improving you as a as a footballer and I was 27 and I

    Remember saying to him one day [ __ ] I wish I’d have known you when I was like 16 that you know my God and um and you’ll hear so many I remember I was with Neil rck when one night and he was talking about ven best I mean Neil rdock

    Is saying the best coach he’s ever worked with was he a manager as well yeah he was a obviously he was a manager as well but a man manager I wasn’t scared of of I wasn’t scared of Terry but I was scared of of Ron Saunders you

    Know yeah they were they were different in that I mean everybody was scared of cluffy everyone was scared of Fergie but um Terry was um uh could have been more of a disciplinarian I think I felt at times but but he got away with it with being

    Such an amazing coach he was a gladiola in in his day seriously he was a Gua in his day he would come up with training routines and and just enjoyable coaching rout everything was about the football everything about looking after the ball everything was about passing he taught

    Me as a Midfield player how to get the ball off the back four even though you had somebody marking you you know he would take you on the training ground and teach you stuff and he sounds basic don’t it now but B listen at the time at the time

    Training you’d come out the assistant manager was standing there with a [ __ ] on and they’d say right four laps and you do four laps of the pitch you know and that was the warm-up and then you went in 11 V1 where you kick [ __ ] out of each

    Other or you play or you played the reserves and and that was a training session for the day and you do that the next day and the day after and the day after there was nothing was was very structured back in those days did you know before you signed for copar did you

    Know then that you want to be a manager and a coach or was it meet V was where the inspiration came from I remember having a conversation with him one day and he said to me um he said have you thought about what you’re going

    To do when and I said um no not really usual answer I think most most of us said most of us said that get a pub everybody gets a pub and uh he said have you thought about Coach I went no not really he said well why don’t you think start thinking

    About it now I said what you mean I said I’m 27 28 whatever I was at the time and he said uh I start thinking about it now so I said uh what do you mean and then he’d say well you know go on courses or

    Or or or or or write stuff down and this that and the other so I started writing down training sessions I’d go home every day and whatever we did that morning I’d just write it all down i’ diagrams and and everything and I’ve looked back on

    Them over the years you know oh you’re I’m going to do that this morning I remember when we did that with Terry back in whenever and I’d put on that training session and I’d use it myself maybe put your own slant on it you know

    One or two things in it but he inspired me yeah to to be a CO think that he saw something in you as a player maybe that you you had something to go on and be manager maybe maybe I was a bit mouthy on the pitch you know so I was always no

    No manager ever said to me why do coaching get a pu did you did you improve as a player then in them two years at Brighton Ben was QPR yeah sorry I’m I’m looking at notes I know yeah sorry under did you improve as a player ven yeah yeah I went

    I went there I said when I was 27 and uh after about a month he called me in the office one morning he said you’ll play for England this year and I went yeah go no chance and he say you will you’ll play for England just keep doing what

    You’re doing and uh he was about a year out I was 29 when I finally got called up for England and that was down down to him it it it’ improved me so much as a player as a footballer it was it so far off the rear Dart until that point

    England just well yeah fact the fact that I was 29 I mean it was just no chance um not even not even likely to be considered you know but the fact the fact that I was playing for QPR we won the uh the championship the the Old

    Second Division um in 83 three we won won it by 10 points I know we had the plastic pitch and that but we won it by 10 points previous year we got to the FA Cup Final under venables and our first year back in the Premier League as such

    So first year we went to the FA Cup second year we won the championship by 10 points and our third my third season there and Venable’s third full season there we finished fifth in the Premier League so we just got promoted and we finished fifth never get to mention that

    Like always get mention stuff like that so so and obviously as a player you couldn’t help but improve it was down to him and then we lost him to Barcelona Barcelona came in that the summer of 84 they came in ter he went to Basta

    Call sorry was you oping for a I was [ __ ] sat by that phone you think if he’d have been 25 26 maybe yeah might yeah maybe yeah but I was yeah I was coming up 30 coming up to 30 but the the point I was going to make was he went to

    Barcelona who had not won La Liga for 10 years yeah cord had won it 10 years before venables and venal went in in his first season they won La Liga and it was down to him he’s got to be underrated H he in in my opin he got

    Involved with too many other things you know away from football he just got he had um hazel you remember he used to write write stuff for the television series there was a television series called Hazel and he was one of the co-writers no just stick to what you know Terry no no

    Exactly doing episode three they’re on thir we suddenly start we suddenly stopped seeing him Monday Tuesday Wednesday and he suddenly start he started coming in Thursdays and Fridays great again on the training around th but he hadn’t been here Monday Tuesday Wednesday you know and CU he was

    So busy with various other things spreading himself to yeah and and and I think he just took his foot off the gas a little bit but I mean you as you said earlier you speak to the England boys they’ll tell you just how great he was

    You know uh with the national team you played under Bobby robon with England was there any you know Robbie bobson bless him he used gave I love he’s brilliant I mean just pure football he’s just eat he used to eat it drink it he was there all the time all he ever

    Talked about was football you know and was he a coach like venol or was he more of a manager no no he’s more of a manager and and uh obviously I was there with Terry Butcher and Russell Osman who had been with him for 10 years at hi

    Witch and Butch Butch would mimic him you know because he knew exact he getting a team in a team meeting he just knew what Butch knew what what what the manager was going to say and then it’s say uh it shout Trevor Trevor and we’ve got no one here called Trevor and it

    Would be Terry he said he was he go what me and he said yeah yeah you and it would be he was calling him Trevor he used to get all the names mother and he had him for 10 years and he had him for 10 years he

    Said it’s all right he calls me Trevor every now and again but um but yeah it was brilliant very very passionate we sat there we were playing um we were playing Denmark European championships at Wembley Mark Chamberlain was playing rightwing John Barnes was playing Left wi and we had another player Squad

    Called Alan devire you remember Dev West hand boy so Bobby’s giving the team giv him the team talk talking to me and Ray Wilkins we’re in Center Midfield get the ball out of Bary and get it out of Dev get it out of Dev and then just get these these two

    Fullbacks a week you know just get the ball out wide get it out to Dev and get it out we’re thinking dev’s not playing Mark Chamberlain’s going right wing and he’s keep he keeps going on about he keeps going getting his ball out to death so all a sudden he start

    Looking at each other thinking maybe he’s changed he’s changed the team he’s decided to play on in deire so in the end Don how who assistant manager had to say boss you keep mentioning uh Alan devonere uh is he playing on the right side or is Mark he said no no Mark

    Chamberlin’s playing on the right side okay but that was he just um yeah terrible with names ter he used to get everybody’s name wrong but um but a a great guy I’m very passionate about I say he he just lived and breathed football the whole time going into management did you see that

    You needed to almost reset your apprenticeship you know working as assistant coaching did you see that as a because some players now get the get the job straight away don’t they straight into management Chris W went straight in at Burnley yeah as player player manager um didn’t last long it didn’t

    Last very long no never got another never had another job did he no John Barnes went straight into it yeah they’re two that they’re two outstanding players that spring to mind you know even you know Frank Lampard Wayne Rooney players just straight in at the helm Brian little saved my life I finished

    Playing and he rang me and he said uh it just took over at Leicester and he said uh what are you doing yourself and I said nothing um he said come up and see me he said I might have something for you so I just went up and uh sat with

    Him and he offered me a a job there as first team coach with Alan Evans as assistant manager and the three of us ex Villa boys and um I just I just sat there with him and I was just thinking I’m just going to sit and watch and

    Listen and see how he does it he’d been at Darlington before Brian had and he got them promotion and he’d been very successful that’s why Lester took him that’s really what I did and we did it for three years we got to three playoff finals got beat obviously got beaten the

    First two and then the third one against Derby we we won and went got promoted went into the Premier League with Leicester um and Brian was obviously been very successful there and and I just watched him how he dealt with everyday stuff and how we dealt on the

    Training ground the fact that there was three of us that all kind of knew each other we all G well I was a Midfield player Eva was a Defender and Brian was a striker and as a coaching setup it was perfect you know um and that worked and

    Um then we went across the villa and uh I can remember saying he wanted me to come with him Brian said I want you coming with me to Villa me you and Evo were going to go there all EX Villa players as well so we knew that we’d be

    Welcomed um and I just again I said to him a couple of years down the line I might want to go and do me own thing you know I might want to just have a go I said I’ve sat and watch you for the last

    Three years and I I’ll sit and watch you I I’ll commit myself to two more years with you but I might just want to go off and he just said if if you get the chance to go somewhere else it means you’ve done a good job for me and um I

    Shall make sure that deadly doesn’t ask any compensation for you so and I did actually I did a year and 11 months with him uh before I went off to Wickam yeah um but I did sit and watch him I just I watched Brian how he dealt with everything just just

    Listening and learning of of how he did things uh helped me enormously when I eventually went out was that a shock to the system then when you went obviously you’ve been around it so much but when you arrived at w at Wickham um what was invol then players

    Knocking on the door was it I to deal dealt with it better I dealt with it much better than had this been my first job yeah you know I I I I dealt had I just come off the off the football pitch as a player and suddenly gone into the

    Dress room because you you know you’ve been there you’re I used to as a player i’ walk in the dressing room and it was like everyone’s taking the Pierce always having to go at each other laughing and joking and everything you know what you

    Up to tonight oh I heard you was out the other night you whatever all the stories going man the when I walked in as the coach it shut up Suddenly went quiet cuz they’re obviously talking about me or or or the coaching something to do with you know the management

    They’re talking about us and you walk in it suddenly go suddenly you become the enemy you really do you you you are the enemy um certainly to to some of the players and you walk and it suddenly went quiet that that hit me big time you are suddenly the enemy but but without

    Any doubt Brian Brian saved my life you know by taking me under his wing it’s a baptism of fire isn’t it bottom of bottom of the league bottom of division 2 do you know when you got the job yeah what was your first thought that you

    Wanted to do at Wickam yeah what were you thinking moral obviously yeah how am I going to get these Lads up the table what you’re not not prepared for is the questions it is like you are you are the decision maker you say what time of training tomorrow it’s down to

    You it’s not down to anyone else in the club and and they’re at your door every two minutes what time we training tomorrow what time are we leaving on Saturday what time is the bus going what colors we wearing Saturday oh we need to wear blue we can’t wear blue cuz they

    Wear blue suddenly you’re telling the kit man or he’s asking you what what kit you’re going to wear Saturday then you got all the the media stuff I know Wickam not a massive Club but there’s still local media to deal with all this it’s just hundreds and hundreds of

    Questions a day then you got players that want to see someone wants a day off someone’s going to a wedding someone’s going to a christening can can I have Monday all the and it’s constant Saturday night if you’ve lost at 5:00 Saturday night mate that is the worst

    Place in the world to be you take it home with you you take it home you you take it to bed you take Sunday morning you get up and it’s still there you look at that result from yesterday is still [ __ ] there you know and obviously when I went into Wickham they were

    Bottom of the league and um my first match was actually nil nil at home to rexam we drew nil nil and then I think we played crew the following Saturday and lost 3-0 and suddenly that a wakeup goal for me you know i’ gone in there Johnny big

    Bollocks thinking h no problem you know we’ll be halfway in a few weeks suddenly we got one point out of six and um what are you going to do about it JG you know it’s down to you now and and it it’s becomes your problem what you put it

    Down there that you you did pick up and got got them up the table um well slowly slowly things that we worked on in the team which I changed I went into a back three two Wing backs you know we tactically we changed it a little bit which was a difficult transformation at

    First cuz they’d never they’d never done that they always worked with the back four you just suddenly changed a few bits and pieces I got a couple of loan signings I took a kid called Neil Davis from villa villa reserves Striker and brought him down and suddenly things change we start

    We sudden to start getting win and that thing as I said on a Saturday night when you know when you’ve lost worst feeling in the world sudden you get a win Saturday night it’s like the best feeling in the world different to when you’re a player yeah because as as a manager you

    You kind of feel that you it’s all down to you m and and sometimes even though players always get um they get congratulated when you win us down at the Players know the manager when you lose it’s the manager’s fault when you win it’s the player’s fault you know um

    So so it’s just a completely different you know that I felt 10 times worse as a manager than when I was a player because when you’re a player you you guys have played you go say it’s not totally down to you the defeat it’s down to everybody collectively or you know what we’re

    Pretty good at is Shifting the blame well it was him it was a go it was a keeper it was oh that stupid free kick or it was it was a manager because he made a substitution at the wrong time and all that [ __ ] so you can always find

    An excuse but as as a manager don’t look for excuses it’s down to you you’re the one that’s going to get the blame whichever way it goes you know did you make a conscious decision he played under obviously valls Ron Arthur Cox which of their managers did you want to take most

    From um a cross-section of Cox and venes what was he like Cox Cox was brilliant manager he was a manager he he managed everybody weren’t really interested in coaching didn’t really do a lot in coaching wise but he turned you into a man you know and he wouldn’t talk to he

    Wouldn’t talk to you if you were injured he’d [ __ ] walk straight past you in the corridor oh I would he just [ __ ] totally blank you you you want to know on him I’m I’m Chris arur I’ve been here two years he might he might just say he

    Might just mutter under his breath you can’t [ __ ] help me on Saturday as he walked past as he walk passed you can’t [ __ ] help me on Saturday um tell it one when you saw him in the tunnel one time and he said something to you I was

    At Lester as as coach and Derby were in the obviously we in the same division coxy was uh was a manager and uh obviously in reception at a football club it’s busy as people going in and out this that and the other and suddenly Derby of pulled up outside so

    They’ve come in and they’re going through the reception to go down the dressing room Cox is the first one in and I’ve seen her like gaffa and he went if my lot want to win this [ __ ] game as much as I want to [ __ ] win it you

    Lot are in for a [ __ ] shocking afternoon and then get carried on walk I just carried on walking never shook me hand nothing complet blank me and I’m like and and obviously one of the boys in the Gary mte who was playing for Derby he come out five minutes later cuz

    We were big mates and he said gaap has W after he said that to you he said he walked in the dressing room [ __ ] pissed himself you know what he was doing he said oh I just [ __ ] just sorted him out he said I’ve just wound him out in

    Reception but that was him though he was he was a great great man motivator as well you know so you take the cour Terry vable cing side and and his management side if he had a combination of those two CU from a players perspective it’s not great if you’re in you got injuries

    But in terms of just being focused 100% focused on that on see you in the in the on the treatment table and he said I bet he’d be [ __ ] fit Saturday if we were in the cut final and then just walk out but that was and he’d leave you with

    That you know he said one there was a guy called Bobby Davidson great strike Rec for Derby and they still they still sing his name actually uh at derby um again com in one Monday morning Arthur walks in there’s a we were at the training ground we’re in sort of the the

    Canteen and he walked in he saw Bobby Davidson he said all right Bobby he said uh yes gaffa thank you he said you weren’t [ __ ] Saturday and just carried on and just carried on walking and went in his office I like it just leaves it with you out p p out Chuck it

    In off you pop like you know we didn’t you know we didn’t miss the fact that you were [ __ ] sadly but we we’ve not missed that fact and he’s just noted yeah it’s been noted just just letting you know and it just and it’s just those

    Little bits that just you know you know he’s watching he sees everything he’s watching he’s letting you know that he’s he knows everything about you time for a message from one of our favorites gentlemen this part of the podcast sponsored by there it is be 52 this morning you beauty you have a

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    Yeah were you surprised when the when the from V you just never believe to this day we played Bristol we were playing Bristol Rovers on on this particular day and in Bristol and uh obviously wi him as a club we had to count the pennies all the time we just travel down

    In the afternoon and we stayed in a hotel in uh Bristol and we have beans on toes that up us four you know if you were lucky if you were lucky you might get some butter with it you know so we have beans on toast um one of the

    Waitresses and she come over and said Mr Gregory there’s a call for you and I call for me she said yeah and I thinking why is anyone calling me here don’t know what is so I went over to the phone and this female voice at the other end said Hello

    Johnny and one of the only people I know that called me Johnny in that manner was Marian Stringer who’s she SEO she runs she runs the club along with Steve stride who was a company secretary something in Mar what are you calling me for she said um Steve is looking for you

    Now she’s the only person that ever called Steve stride Stevie so I said Stevie’s looking why is he looking for me said well he’s he’s outside your hotel he’s trying to find you honestly I have no idea so I said he’s he’s here yeah he’s sat outside in

    His car I said okay I I’ll pop out and see him so I’ll put the phone down are you aware that Brian Little’s resigned no I have no idea so I’ve gone out to the car and uh I see Stevia stride company Rover everyone in knows they had

    A company R um and he sat in his car so I’ve jumped in the passenger seat and uh I said what’s so with this he said um Brian’s walked out I said what you mean he said he’s walked out today he’s resigned he’s let and I never forget he

    Said he’s dropped us right in the [ __ ] so I said oh um right so so what what you doing here I I have no idea I swear to God I have no idea what he’s doing there and he said we want you to come back back and I said

    What as and he said as manager and I said to him I never forget it how long four thinking again you want me to come back for three or four games win a few games get a few get away from the relegation Zone and then you can go

    Back to Wick him this really thought that’s what he’s thinking he said so I said well how long for and he said forever for however however long you want and I went and then suddenly then it hit me then it hit me it wants me to

    Come back as the the manager of paston villa [ __ ] H wow it’s like oh my god really oh oh my God it was like just knocked me over with a feather just what am I going to I’m obviously I’m under contract here and I had the best chairman I’ve ever had in football

    A guy called IA beaks fantastic guy and I’m thinking I’ve got to go and ask his permission you know if I can leave so after the game I I arranged to go and see the chairman tell him why I knew and up until then obviously it been kept

    Completely Secret in those days you’re good so now I’ve got to go motivate this team to go and beat Bristol Rovers you know I’m I’m employed by Wickam I got to go and do my job properly and uh [ __ ] me I couldn’t I couldn’t stop thinking about it [ __ ] with

    Names Julian Jo on the right who’s right back who’s right back not my problem chingle yeah exactly exactly and it yeah it was like yeah um Gaff do you want me to do what you [ __ ] want it no it it was it was and and obviously there’s there’s a huge part of yourself

    That says come on you got to act professional do it properly and and try and focus and we lost 3-1 was the period of time before you actually from from sitting down in the car to taking the job and it being released 24 hours right so after the

    Game after the game I I called I went into the boardroom got the chairman out and he said well you’re under contract we don’t want you to go come and see me in the morning let’s sleep on it tonight come and see me so I went to see him

    About 8:00 the next morning and um he said I want qu of a million pound for you you know as compensation you got your under contract and da d da was that fair enough that was that I was wor I was worth about N I think my contract was worth about

    90k but he wanted a quar of a million and it was Aston Villa did you was the part of you thinking this could [ __ ] it up this I’m [ __ ] panicking you know I’m making sure I’m saying all the right things at the right time um and and I’m thinking dges might

    Have changed his [ __ ] mind you know yeah last night he might have gone home s that you know Wickam lost oh W he scrap Wick lost 31 and someone else comes on the on the radar I think rudol it was being linked M just been in the Press I don’t know

    There was um Brian left that night on the Wednesday night there was 10 photographs of 10 prospective managers for Villa some were out of work some were in work hullet was one of them yeah and there was various other were you and the 10 no there was

    Not one there was not one photograph of me not even mentioned but there’s there’s these 10 PE people all all sort of very wellknown managers very um experience managers as well that all kind of suited Villa at the time and uh I wonder what price you were with The

    Bookies I’ve been a good price I could have got a good few quid myself paid wck off yeah anyway we ended up negotiating a deal um dug off with 100 100 ,000 they wanted 250 he ended up giving them 250 and a preseason friendly he gave them

    Also pre that we would come down preseason and um and he wanted all the gate receipts Wickam wanted all the gate receipts from it which was a lot of money yeah I think we took there was about 8,000 people came preseason all paying 20 ahead or something so they make good money and

    All the burgers and chips and Pints everything else they do so yeah and and then um I signed that day uh and did a press conference at quarter 5 that night and I didn’t know Doug and his nickname is deadly I thought [ __ ] me deadly Doug if

    I if I lose three games I’m out here you know if I lose three games on the trop mate he’s I’ll be gone he was a [ __ ] cat really yeah yeah he was a [ __ ] cat when you told your wife and she like how the [ __ ] that happened yeah well I

    Told her that night you know like you I never slept a wink last night that is the one night in my life I never slept for one second honestly I’m going to Aston Villa I’m going to be the manager it’s pinching yourself [ __ ] Howell it’s honestly it was unbelievable 4:00 I

    Get up that morning that morning I it’s 4:00 still haven’t slept I’ve tried and I can’t sleep and I’m going to go for a walk I need to just [ __ ] go for a walk my head’s spinning and just I’m going to be the manager of Aston Villa um I go out

    For walk and I’m walking man my block around around the housing estate and U I’m thinking what if what if I suddenly bum into a burglar or something and he fck and he pulls a knife out and we end up having a fight and I get stabbed and I get and I

    Die I’m never going to be the manager of as Villa I’m going home I’m going home really so I [ __ ] went straight back home I did so I thought if I see just see somebody and heing attacks me or something so I’m thinking I’ll never been the manager of Aston Villa and all

    I could I just churning over everything in my head mainly about the huge Prestige this job brings you know pressure and huge pressure and and the and and they he’s asking me to come and save him from relegation because they were heading that way and things were

    Really low in the club and the dressing room and everything but the expectation of still being there cuz they finished fifth the season before didn’t they under little so even though the’re struggling still that expectation to get absolutely up there and and thing you know obviously we went in and we won we

    Won a lot of games and sudden it all changed I mean I knew the players there was only one player that was different was was Stanley Victor he was he was the only difference from from when you left from when I left 16 months I’d left 16

    Months before and all the players were still the same you obviously did manage to lift it that three months from 13th to yeah 7th Europa cups which I never had in my [Laughter] contract didn’t think it were possible well we were seven 16th or 17th I think

    At the time and I I didn’t they put a contract in front of me and I said give me a pen quick give me the burglar didn’t get me chairman sign this chairman sign this quick how did you deal with I mean this no disrespect of the Wickam you we s

    About the queue outside the manager off yeah yeah that que will have been full of big big names at the yeah it helped that I knew them I’d worked with them all so I kind of knew them anyway different catler fish though when you manager yeah totally but yeah no it was

    It was awkward there was um obviously I inherited Stan from from Brian he was the only I I said he was the only change from the year before and uh he was very influential in the club not always in the right way not always in a good way

    You know he he had a there was a feeling you know it was it was awkward in the dresser room at times with Stan he had a lot of people that didn’t like him uh didn’t like him because you know he didn’t he didn’t always give his best in training

    Sessions and and and obviously in matches and this that and the other and I I got I got some some quality out of him I was going to say as a manager you’re not really bothered about the change of him being divided and stuff if doing it every

    Single Saturday you think you just got to take that on the Chain but he work with I worked with mcra Paul mcgr was there under Brian we inherited him when we first went in there in 94 Paul MCG was there and Paul never trained and he

    Used to sit in the in the gym we had a gym that looked out over the training field big glass window he used to sit there on on the on the immobile bike you know he just sit there on the bike pedaling away not very fast with a cup

    Of tea and all the lads would be out and fing forc n Gale you know at the belfrey the the training ground he used to come from the belfrey to our training ground at B Moore Heath and the wind and the rain and you know and it would be

    Freezing cold out there and we’d be out there training and Paul be satting in a nice warm t-shirt pair of shorts cup of tea then he’d have a bath and go home and he’d be like that every day on the Saturday he was usually the best

    Player P mcra and the lads can probably they didn’t give a [ __ ] if he didn’t if he didn’t train but on a Saturday when it mattered macka was was usually the best player on getting the results getting the win bores so he could he could do what he wants Stan was a

    Different catfish that that wasn’t the same that wasn’t the same because there was I remember the Liverpool game was Li one of your first games my first game Liverpool yeah and W he scored both no he scored both that day and won the game he won the game for us against his old

    Club did you think you’ve got a Paul mcgr at this this point on the Thursday Thursday’s my first training session evident Stan headed a ball he scored with a header and one of the coaches come up to me said you’ve cracked it with Stan I said what do you mean it’s

    The first time he’s headed the ball for six months serious but he was serious one of the coaches said that’s the first time he’s headed the [ __ ] ball for six months and I went [ __ ] anyway first game he was outstanding he chased full backs he was brilliant and if he is the most

    Talented player I’ve ever worked with the most talented not the best but the most talented stripped off he’s he’s unbelievable he’s got amazing physique like five 5% body fat Sprint e could Sprint Left Foot Right Foot In The Air he was col colossal brilliant talented so much talent but it never all came

    Together at the same time on a match day when it mattered we played Atletico Madrid on the Tuesday night away in Madrid and he never moved an inch never moved he just loitered around the pitch I took him 5 minutes into the second half took him off and from what

    He’d been on the Saturday compared to what he was on the Tuesday night which is miles apart they must be the most frustrating I got but I got the the Tuesday night performance I got more of them right than I did the Liverpool performance and just every now and again

    It it it’ suddenly turn it on you think oh he’s at it today but the story you were going to I was going to tell you about was dealing with with with players we played at chevr Wednesday in my first uh few weeks at the club we played chevr

    Wednesday away at hillsb Ron was the manager Ron ainson before the game I sat him down in the dress room I’m announcing the team and I got four Strikers of which I’m going to pick two I’ve got Joe Chim York mosovich and kymore four very good Strikers I’ve got to pick

    Two so I’ve picked Joe Chim and and York I’m playing them to up front mosovich and Stan are Subs so York has missed the team talk he was out putting tickets on or something and I’ve announced the team in the dressing room so no one knows what the

    Team was until I’ve announced it Yorkie suddenly comes back in into the dress room the players now start to get changed he said Gaa Gaa he sorry sorry he said I was putting tickets on he said am I playing so I said yeah you’re playing he said who am I playing

    With so I said uh Joe him he went yes straight away and that tells you everything he just went yes and we warmed up was in those days five Subs so there was 16 of us as we go out for the warmup the physio had had

    Marked out the the warm-up area over the far side of the pitch so we go over the far side and was got the balls out and that and we’re just warming up and then we start started off the proper warm up and uh I’ve looked at the numbers I

    Think there’s two missing mosovich and Colmore are in front of the Dugout Over The Far Side of the pitch near the tunnel kicking a ball to each other and I’m thinking look at those two [ __ ] idiots cuz they’re not playing these two have never [ __ ] spoke to each other

    You know they they weren’t mates or they don’t they don’t even talk to each other ever mosovich and and cmore they’re from different worlds they don’t even talk now they’re best mates cuz none of them are playing is exactly what you’re saying you know it’s exactly what you’re

    Saying you know how you doing I thought [ __ ] leave them bollocks to them so we joined the war we’ve done the warm up and finished warm up gone in got ourselves ready for the game and I know that I’m obviously might have to do something about these two but at the

    Moment my team is more important I’ve got three points to win anyway um after 20 minutes Ian Taylor playing Central Midfield great lad by the way great lad great player he he gets an injury he’s got to come off so I’ve got to put someone on Center Midfield I’ve looked at the bench

    Thinking Gareth Barry 17 never played in the first team ever before in his life I’ve looked come on Gareth on you go and like I could have picked Colmore or mosovich put them on thought no [ __ ] you I’ve got these I’ve got Gareth Barry young kid actually the day I signed I

    Think he turned 17 on your come we stuck him in Center Midfield and he was brilliant we won 3-1 we won five on the truck away from home and Gareth have made his debut played Center Midfield and um that was it we gone back to it and I I just left colore

    And mosovich I should have really maybe caugh [ __ ] it did you when was the next time you needed them or used them I don’t know I I don’t remember I think I I I would have had to use at some stage but the victory said more than I could

    Have said I speak a lot on here about managers having to make a statement and sometimes it’s going for the big characters in the changing room yeah do you think that was maybe a chance for you to say call them out on it for for the benefit of the rest of the lads

    Really so the rest of lads go [ __ ] me he means he means business and make a point of digging them out I I think the victory was was almost like an answer it was almost like the players were answering were speaking kind of on my behalf because you know I was pretty

    Tight with with most of them to be fair because I’d been obviously I’ve been there before so I knew them all anyway uh and I was pretty tired got them really well with everybody and um I lost it once or twice but I didn’t really

    Have to lose it that often I was very Professor even during during the matches you know um and and obviously at halftime every now and again but Stan I’d already had so many conversations with him did you have sit down oneto on yeah many times many many times and um you

    Know he he he had there was demons that he was dealing with on a on aily talking about them at the time yeah he would yeah he would sort of say you know he was having a hard time with this and hard time with that and and then of

    Course Stan went off and had the problems in Paris with or it’s it’s like every day I’d spend an hour dealing with stuff regarding Stan and um another hour dealing with the other 20 players you know um it was always it was always issues with Stan and uh

    Obviously then that or R thing blew up and and then he come back preseason uh he he sort of you know he’s going to get his head down now I’m going to come back a week early than anyone else and I’m going to come back and uh work hard and

    This is going to be the season and all that I was great yeah you know I’m with you and all that and and he come back preseason he was sponsored by deodora Footwear and he’s come back and all the media found out that he was coming back

    A week early so they’re all at the training ground all hi behind trees and God knows what else uh going to take pictures of St out on the training ground and he wears a pair of Nike trainers he’s sponsored by dear da come on Stan so all all the pictures of

    Him wearing Nike are all over the newspapers and deodora just said sorry Stan you broke your contract end of um and I think he was earning about 250 Grand a year which back in the days five five grand a week did that affect him again yeah well it’s it’s it’s

    Something else you know again then there’s then afterwards you know I need to comment on it you know why did you let stand where Nike is when you know he’s sponsored by diodora you know Suddenly It’s it’s down to me and again it’s more more problems to deal with you

    Know and you want a happy life so so yeah so the we ped our way we ped ways in the end you know he went went across to Leicester I mean Yori was a different kind of problem for you CU Yori was doing well for you oh Yori was

    Outstanding the biggest the reason I had a problem with Yori um he he he actually said I don’t want to play for Villa anymore he actually used that phrase this that and the other everything was about going to United and Mark bosnich was at United and that’s his big mate

    You know so there was a lot of there was a lot of stuff going on behind behind closed doors you know with bosy and uh with and Yori so I know that Alex was speaking to bosy and bosy was speaking to to Yori and it’s not a problem it

    Goes on in football it’s not a problem but the biggest thing for me was I’m losing my best player simple as that nothing to do with the money nothing to do with anything else I don’t want to lose this guy when I came in we played we had 11 matches

    Left to play and we won nine of them and York was outstanding outstanding we played at gooderson Park he he scored twice at goodison he was scoring every other week last match of the Season Panki chip Seaman it just about touched the net it just about reached the net you know but

    He was only Yori could do that he was he was brilliant what about this for a quote Johnny go on if I had a gun I would have shot M yeah is that how he felt though at the time when he yeah he he kept obviously

    Kept talking about United I I’d we’d had an offer of 8 million for Yori which Doug would have [ __ ] taken straight away and I kept saying no no no no he’s not going basically he’s not going I can’t lose this player he’s a brilliant player he is he is my team

    Everything we built we buil we built a team and we’re still building a team around him so I couldn’t I couldn’t let Yori go and um Alex have been on I spoke to Alex two or three times he started offering me some of his Squad players you know he

    Was trying to trying to move them on I’ll give you this this and this and you give me yor key and we’ll give you 3 million quid or something you not interested he’s not going I can’t lose this guy he’s a great player he’s a

    Great player so it went on and on and and first League match of the new season this is now my my my team you know we started a new season we drew nil nil Everton and he never moved an inch honestly Yori he sulked for 90 minutes

    He was a pain in the ass for 90 minutes obviously it’s part of his plan and it was just coming towards the end of August so the the August transfer window would close on the last day of the month of August and he didn’t move an inch so um

    Played Everton on the on the Saturday and on the Monday he come into my office and uh that’s when he said he said that word those words to me I don’t want to play for Villa anymore and I was in I was really insulted because this is my club

    Now you know I know you’ve got your Villa hat on can you see it from his point of view no no I can see it from my what about yeah I was going to say you know when you had that opportunity to go to Villa from yeah and yeah you’re wandering around

    The street you can’t sleep yeah yeah t York there at that point for him yeah his point of view yeah took him a while to get G at United didn’t it wi the treble next year that it was that season it was that it was that season they won the treble

    So can you from his point of view yeah yeah I could but it’s um so involved in everything that went on at the club and I this was now my third stint there you know I’ve been there as a player and as a coach and now the manager and um I was

    Just really insulted that he could he could say that I don’t want to play you don’t want to PlayOn Villa crazy this is on Sky Sports News you know the if I G to shoot him he had a g on to got there but that’s how it

    Felt you got 12 million for him 12.6 million with that you signed Dion and mercy and mercy yeah that must have been a pinch moment in itself com from Wickham and like you said Sho strings and then all of a sudden you’ve got these budgets to play with the money

    Side of things was uh was a kind of big shock to me cuz even as a coach as the first thing I didn’t really know what they were on which story there was um I was I was the coach first team coach of villa we’re in

    The home dressing room uh we had we had a match on the Saturday so we’re in the home dressing room and and the following Saturday we got a free weekend it’s International weekend or or whatever so I’m like first team coach I’m on ,000 a

    Week as first team coach 50 Grand a year company car all the bits and pieces as many Muller yogurts as you [ __ ] want you know so I’m I’m sat there and um all the flavors all the flavors yeah all the flavors especially strawberry you have loads of that uh I’m in the

    Bath we had a big jacuzzi yurt full of yogurt so so we sat sat in be Gareth Southgate Andy Town end and me so I’m satting at the bath I’m on ,000 a week and I thought I was doing okay they’re obviously earning more than me much more

    Than me Andy says to Gareth what you up to this week and he went um I don’t know really U not a lot we’re fixed up to go away what about you and Andy says I’m going to Disneyland and I’ve gone you going [ __ ] where disne what what America he said no

    No Disneyland Paris I said oh all right okay so what he Tak the misses and the kids and that he says yeah yeah so you fly across then he went no no we we’re actually getting the Euro star we’re going across on the train and d d and

    This that and the other and yeah all this is sorted and I’ve gone [ __ ] hell got [ __ ] Disneyland Jesus and then Andy says to Gareth what are you doing Gareth he said um we’re going to New York I’ve come [ __ ] New York [ __ ] New York and he said yeah so Andy said are

    You going on Concord and he went no no he said we try a book Concord he said but they’re they’re full so we’re just going on normal so business class obviously so I’ve gone [ __ ] con and I said when we had a few days off we go to the

    Mother-in-laws which you did you got take the kids to see the Mother-in-law you know you had a couple of days off and you might get fishing chips or something like that they’re flying up and and suddenly the the money thing come to me you know they’re at the time

    They’re only like three four grand a week which was a huge amount of money back in back in those times and you could fly to New York and you could travel to Disney World Paris you know uh because of the money that are on and that that was when the money thing

    Starts to kick in and you just realize you know footballers today my God they’re earning staggering amounts of money mark bosnich is last year with us in his in his he signed a four-year deal I think in his last year he was getting n Grand a week which I was still earning

    ,000 pound a week he was as the first team coach but he was earning nine grand a week which was incredible amount of money at that time when most most players were earning two three grand a week bosy was on nine grand a week and it was massive count in many of the

    Industries were the the workers are getting more than the boss no true that dressing room it almost separates in two so you had the boys about town I’m guessing Henry Crouch I didn’t have Crouch I didn’t have crouch crouch wasn’t there no no um but then

    You had the other side of it like Dion South Gate yeah when they start coming in when when the liks of Dion came in obviously as you said earlier we used the money from Yori with uh with meren meren was the first one in how was

    He he was brilliant on a match day he was fantastic on a match day usually the best player I didn’t know the extent of of the problems that he was having you know off the field he he’ come in he was he was in my office every day he’d

    Always come and see me about something or other some went right something moaning always moaning about something can I have a week on Thursday off because I’m whatever you know there all yeah never a problem po whatever you want to do because again on a Saturday he was brilliant good trainer always up

    And down with his personality depending on how much he’d lost the day before but I didn’t know the extent of it I didn’t know how bad it was when he came and negotiated when he first came down from middlesbor his agent came with him obviously and and told us that he was

    Earning a he just signed a new contract at Middlesboro believe it or not and that he was earning this this and this over the next three three years and he lied cuz he wanted to get the same from Villa he wanted us to pay a million

    First year 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 5year deal he was on a million pounds a year for four years so it was [ __ ] so I said to his agent you made me look a [ __ ] complete prick in in front of my board because I’ve told him you told me this

    So I’ve told them anyway he said he said he’s got a few debts few gambling debts so he’s just trying to get an extra few quid one day he came in he come in to see me and he said why have we got a day off

    Tomorrow and I said I said but you need a day off I said we’ve had three games in 10 days or something you know I said all the boys need a bit of a breeder even we shut the kitchen we used to shut the all the staff to stay at home and

    Shut the kitchen and everything everyone get out and we’ll have a day off or two days off or something anyway he said I don’t need a day off so I said what what’s he said you know three weeks ago you gave us a day off he said I had

    £7,000 bet on the Indonesian Tennis Open final and I said Jesus and I said right and he said I didn’t even know who the two players were and he said I because I had a day off I had nothing to do I ended up losing seven seven Grand he said it

    Lost so why you give me a day off tomorrow and suddenly it it you kind of realized I mean this is this is serious problem he’s got here time in that era was there any support for you there in dealing with those issues which you’ve never had to come you you know talked

    About Stan no talked about Paul these aren’t things that you’re qualified to deal with no no not in the slightest and and you kind of you kind of dealt with them as as best as you could but as I said when I spoke about Stan I spoke

    About me mental health issues it’s not something that you’ve been exposed to I’ve never before I’ve never had that problem you can only go off your personal experiences and exposure to the mental health issues that people have wasn’t as prevalent then no and and I didn’t

    Really give it I didn’t give it the time of day I mean at that time I mean that’s how I’ve been brought up man I’m 69 years old you know my generation we’re brought up problem you need to look after yourself mate you know no one else

    Is going to look after you yeah I think he’s very very much seen as an illness now is it like like if you’ve got if you’ve got a problem with your art you your any your any organ it’s seen as just a l sleep over the not giving you five million for is

    It um I I still I still suffer a bit from the FA Cup Final losing losing the Chelsea 1 nil maybe I wasn’t courageous enough with a team you know with a maybe the substitutions maybe the tactics you know should have really gone we were a team

    At the time we were very fit we we we had a lot of energy the team had a lot of energy we won a lot of games in the second half you know um we could come back from being behind there was the famous one of of beating Arsenal at home

    We two-nil down halim Burham and anelka um and we turn it around and we we scored three in the second half they were the champions of England we beaten 3-2 at Villa Park and and because of our energy and our strength and desire we had a lot of of really play good players

    That that never gave up you know and and I think that’s how I always felt as as a manager um and in the in the final I thought if we’re nil nil half time I’ve got them we’ll kick on and we’ll be back we’re one nil down though at half time

    And uh or were we no I think we were n nil half time yeah but anyway we uh I always felt we we’d win games in the last 20 minutes because of our energy that we had in the Fitness levels we had and the desire that remained in the team

    We just didn’t kick on that game we just didn’t kick on and it haunted me to be honest and stayed with me for a long time and the thing was you arrang a a dinner that night special dinner on me off chance of a win C thinking you

    Know you’re going to celebrate and we’d had a a parade around the city of Birmingham on the on the Sunday that have been organized that we still did by the way you know you think what could have been yeah yeah so so things like that stay with you and and obviously I

    Was to blame and I still am I was never able to go back and say well you know it is a Champions League spot or or something of the bit more context on the is it one you went top of the league didn’t you went top of the league

    Against Bolton on the Saturday we were two two1 down at Bolton we won 3-2 went top late October last Saturday of October and I wanted m is it yeah and is it was at leester Le were in free fall they were in the I think they were

    Either bottom or in the bottom three we were top uh Peter Taylor I think had just been fired at leester and I think do you remember the central Defender Jerry tager yeah I think he might have been caretaker manager or something at the time um and they were in a mess and I

    Just I knew muzy quite well I knew I could get him out of there and I went to see Doug and it was the first time he ever said no he never said no before and um he was going to be 5 million quid

    And he said to me okay so we sign him where’s he going to play Saturday I said he ain’t going to play he’d sit on the bench and it was almost like but John you you’re top of the league you don’t need any more players you know uh uh and

    And I said they sit on the bench and I said you that 11 on the pitch is suddenly going to run around a lot more cuz Muzzy is sat there waiting to come on and that and he’s going to take somebody’s Place eventually um and he

    Said no so I called a board meeting I wanted a board meeting the next day so the other members of the board came and I said the same thing that I wanted to buy ma is it and they just said no was that the beginning of the end for you

    That was hang on a minute I’m [ __ ] I’m flogging myself to death in in every facet of this club trying to take us forward trying to trying to get in that champions league and the Champions League at the time didn’t have four teams and it was it was about to change

    To four teams and we can get in that we we we can challenge we’re now top we can challenge uh arsenal we can challenge Manchester United we can challenge Chelsea they were the three of our biggest opponents and uh I wanted to drag Us in into into the Champions

    League leads of course were around at the time spending huge amounts of money trying to get in the Champions League uh and and they wouldn’t do it and I I just felt so deflated by it you know they don’t want it as badly as I do was it something you said your misses

    About there’s no the only way from Villa is down yeah I just said we were at Villa obviously in the job um you know everything’s go going great we were always challenging at the top and uh I said one day you know it’s all downhill after this once you leave

    Aston Villa it all be downhill and it has been to be honest well it is it is I mean it’s well I was going to say I mean if you thought you carried a bit of Timber John during your playing time you’d have had fing very short I did

    You’ have had no chance with John cuz uh David Jola got Mr BL yeah he did he wasn’t in the marathon was he he weren’t in the marathon he could have been is that when he took and he scored and took his shirt yeah yeah against Man

    City equalizing that was it just the case of just giving him a bit more I was asked a question in a press conference about David it looked uh it looked like last week his shorts looked a little bit tight on him last week John insinuating that you know he’s

    Putting on a bit of weight and uh he said yeah shorts looked a little bit tight on him last week John um how is his weight at the moment um is he fit as a butcher’s dog and I said well it depends which butcher you shop at to be

    Honest and uh which of course made a quote the next day was in the Sun or something yeah um and then of course David scored on the Saturday and took off his shirt and he’d had an extra six minutes on the suned and look really well he gone for a round I think

    That but uh yeah so yeah there was that quote that came out about him but uh I was another one that I I got him just at the towards the end of his career um but Doug met him the year Doug had met him in maius the year before and

    Fell in love with him absolutely it been looking it had been looking fantastic in he fell in love with him and he he he sat and he had supper with him or something and then by the end of the night there was about 20 people who all

    Come around and sat with David and he just wanted he wanted me to sign he wanted me to sign him um um at the time at the time he off he Doug ended up negotiating the salary with him was Far and Beyond what anyone else at the club was

    Earning and meren found out about it and then obviously meren wants the same money your fault causing problems so so yeah so um but yeah Doug and and and in a way the reason that I agreed to it in the end was It was kind of well you can

    Have janola or nobody you know you kind of get that feeling and I think maybe I can get the best out of David as a as a man as a person sat here with you would absolutely love him would we fall in love with him oh man well maybe not sure

    About that bit you you you love you love how he is I mean he’s very articular very interesting um the women he used he used to come on for the last five minutes and get man of the match V cuz the sponsor’s wife wanted to meet

    Him that’s usually what it was it come for 5 minutes and they say man today’s man of the match is David janola and the crowd would laugh the whole stadium would start laughing you know cuz he’d only been on five minutes touched the ball twice you know but yeah he was one

    Of them that I thought maybe I might be able to get bit more out other managers you know you mentioned that first season about you didn’t have a new contract about getting into Europe and then you got to Europe yeah is is it right that

    You went up to the when you won the inter tour cup yes I’m going to sat next to him janola funny enough scored the four goal against Basel we’re now winning 52 on aggregate so we’re going to win so in my contract I got £150,000 uh pay increase three grand a

    Week pay increase if we qualify for the UFA cup so by winning the inter Toto cup we qualify for the UFA cup so I went and went down and sat next to him for the first time ever in like four years and he said oh hello hello Brian

    John John John yes hello John everything said good that winning the cup and all that [ __ ] and now we qualify for U he yes it’s great in it and I think he was totally unaware the fact that he was now going to have to pay me an extra three

    Grand a week which was a I mean three grand a week back in those days was a lot of money how long did it take him to realize a long time I don’t he ever realize but but Doug was I mean listen I’ve got a million stories about he’s just uh

    Everything was about money and and saving money you know and did he change the dates and the chocolates yes you what we used to have um in the hospitality Suites and and CU you know at Villa there’s there’s quite a few restaurants on a match day where you can

    Eat and and we always had these little chocolates uh in a in a gold wrapping with a with an Aston Villa wrapping over the top bad you know the Villa badge on it and on the back of it was best before and a date so and we had about a thousand of

    These these these chocolates and best before and the date was 2000 it was now 2001 so obviously they’re out of date so he got there was an intern at the club and she had to sit down with a gold pen because it was in Gold writing and

    Changed the 2000 to 2002 so she used have to put a little two on the [Laughter] on every chocolate on every chocolate so when when you picked up the chocolate they weren’t out of date they obviously there still another year it’s still another year for them to run but

    Yeah she wish anything anything anything to save money anything to save money it was all everything was regarding but we were never in debt yeah and we would have never got relegated under under Ellis if Ellis had been the owner the year we got relegated to the championship

    That would never have happened he would have he would have made sure he made the right appointment at the right time made sure we’ stayed up in the Premier League did you have regrets about leaving Villa in yeah we were seventh in the Premier League yeah and I went to see Doug and

    Steve and told him I wanted to leave and and went um I was a bit disillusioned with with Arsenal had just built a new training ground 20 million and I looked at our training around and it was brilliant in 1975 and Doug used to argue with me he

    Say yes but Bill shankley said it’s the best training ground he’s ever seen I said yeah that was in 1975 it’s [ __ ] 2001 now you know what I mean it that’s um that’s how it was in 1975 it was unheard of it was unheard of to have your own training facilities you

    Know you normally train in the Parks and God knows it was a big decision at the time and uh but I just felt it was the right thing to do I’m assuming your stock was very high though were you being seven yeah were you thinking it

    Won’t be too long until I get the call yeah I was hoping that maybe something I mean obviously I told lots of stories since that these were watching you and that was watching you and um Fergie actually said to me one day he said you know we were looking at

    You man he said I know that you know man united you know me thinking about how much longer I’m going to go on and Newcastle were quite Keen I think keeping an eye on the situation but I ended up going to Derby of course which

    Was my uh old Club as a player which had lots of fun memories I remember my say Mar Christie that if You’ came in earlier yeah you’d just you’d have sted up yeah I was told I was going to get 10 million to spend

    In 2002 is a lot of money 10 million was a lot of money I went in and uh there wasn’t any money to spend they were 30 million in debt doesn’t sound a lot but in 2002 30 million was a lot of money and the owner lonol Pickering was a massive Derby fan

    All his life he was pumping in money week after week um and in the end they couldn’t pay the salaries and you know we were having to refer our salaries just taking a proportion of it and referring the rest and you know you’ll get that when we

    Hopefully when we stay up and all that kind of thing it was unbelievable and the thing is I at Villa Park I I knew I I at the job I knew everybody at the club everybody I knew I knew the the the office staff I knew everybody because we

    Were all part of a team you know we all you all play your parts no matter how small it was and obviously I went into Derby and it was God it was just such a mess everything was in a mess we owed everybody everybody then obviously eventually we couldn’t pay the

    Players we couldn’t pay the players which uh was a huge problem they’ve obviously had it again since they yeah um but no so that was a hell of a mess their wage bill was bigger than Villas W you know ravelli being there was yeah ravelli was there earning

    Stacks of money I imagine he was another one wandering around the training field yeah I found him okay I found him all right he you know if if you treated him well and and put on good sessions and this that and the other he was he was fine

    Yeah he was fine but he was taking so much money out the place and as everybody else was there was people not even in the first team you know earning 15 20 grand a week I think two years after I left the financial director at the club who worked there seven days a

    Week went to prison cuz he was got caught with his fingers in the T up this is how bad it was and the only who rarely came into the club Only on a match day he kind of I don’t think he knew what was going on there half the

    Time do you regret taking it that in turn you know I regret leaving Villa um but I regret taking it because you know as you know in in the end they uh suspended me and fired me and there was a c Cas that followed that

    Were you not allow we didn’t go to court though oh did you not there was a clause I had a 2 million pound clause in my contract if they broke it before a certain date they got to pay me £2 million and they did they broke it so

    They should have to pay me 2 million and they come up with all these stupid you know walking on the cracks in the pavement and what reasons for walking around with a you know with a with an outrageous shirt they just they just made up all these all these stupid accusations you

    Know um what has reasons to S you yeah uh it never never went to court though they settled cour and were you were you able to get a job straight after or no I tell you what I did they they obviously they should have to pay me 2 million

    Quid and I I knew the finances were shocking at the club and I said look give me a million quid I’ll let you off give me a million quid instead of 2 million give me1 million you owe me 2 million technically you’ve got to pay me

    2 million and you will have to pay me if this goes to court they got no chance a few days before we were due to go to court they settled up they said they agreed to it how long was that after you about 18 months after I left and the

    Million pounds that they had to pay me in compensation we I allowed them to pay it over five years they had to pay me £100,000 every six months for five years and you know I was I was as good as I could be to them to be honest I

    Think you’ve been more than generous yeah so for 5 years basically I I knew I had a couple of quid coming in was a lot of it though did you think it’s lot months out the game yeah completely fell off the radar a little bit which which I

    Didn’t I ended up going back into at QPR 2006 I left AR in 2003 so um so were you wanting to get back on are you thinking I oh no I desperate to go back yeah oh God I’m too young you know and yeah uh and I was just thinking you know [ __ ]

    What I had what I had in the palm of my hands you know and I [ __ ] blew it I threw it away really um when I left Villa uh and then walked into Derby and up to their necking it I’ll just tell you one quick story on the Monday we played on the

    Saturday and I’ve picked a team to play on the Saturday my first game so I picked a team and I picked a a boy called Lee Morris left Winger he scores the winner just before halftime puts us one nil up we win the game one nil gone training Monday morning after afternoon

    I go down the ground go down to I got an office at the at the stadium so go down the stadium and I’m in the reception area and this bloke walks in shirt and tie Blazer I looked at the Blazer shev United I said oh can I help you he said

    Um I’ve come to get my check so I’m going what’s thatan I said have you won something I think thinking it come get check you must have won something I think maybe won the raffle or something so he says um he said no Lee Morris he

    Played his 25th game for you on Saturday I said yeah he scored the win he yeah he said um so you owe us 250,000 oh no and I said what what’s that he said no he said you cuz that was his 25th match when he was transferred when he plays 25

    Games you have to pay us 250 Grand I don’t more nothing to do with me not my problem not my problem my favorite say I yeah so anyway I said chief chief XX second door on the right go and see him he he’ll sort you out so obviously no

    One have been playing Lee Morris because they’ve got to pay 250 Grand communicated that with you no one said a word even even when I sort of picked the team no one said a word do you enjoy your time abroad loved it some places better than others um it was the only

    Avenue left to me going from what I had here obviously it was after QPR yeah it was really the only the only England had finished for me really I think everyone had turned their back why didn’t really want to get involved with me yeah why why strange that no well it’s it’s Doug

    Wasn’t that complimentary to me after I left I know that he went around a few boardrooms and they asked about me and he sort of warned them off you know don’t go there didn’t seem like you had that BT of a relationship no no no it

    Was okay the relationship is okay I mean I I I publicly spoke about him and and not too nice terms I would say through the media um couple of times you know I went a little bit too far than I should have done but I always thought you know that

    I wanted to say it how it was you know and did you feel like it was kind of uh what’s the word that that kind of Mafia thing when you’ve upset somebody yeah within the game yeah your cards marked yeah but I think somebody who holds a

    Lot of power within yeah I think but I think there was you know there was other people that probably didn’t like me that much for the way that I spoke and maybe some of the times I spoke you know other chairman would read that I’d slagged off

    My chairman yeah and they think well I don’t want him coming here and having a dig at me he doesn’t seem like the kind of person that I’d get on with may you know so which I did I mean I spoke to the Sunday Joe love

    Joy no I won’t forget his name but I I sat he come to my office one day and I sat in the office at Villa and I was telling a few stories about Doug and there you know I presumed it was all off the Record and he put it all in the in

    The Sunday Times and of course my chairman read it all and called me up to his office and what’s this what’s this did you say this did you say that of course I had to admit all of it yeah and he kind of warned warned me about my

    Future conduct and all that you know but just shows the power they’ve got though in at these chair what would you want your players to say about you you know cuz I know col Mo come out and said that you were the best coach manager to

    Worked under there yeah I I kind of uh I still wanted to be one of the boys you know I was a player I knew how I’d want to be treated um and I kind of wanted to treat my players whoever they were in in the same manner but if you ain’t

    Prepared to work hard and and and work hard like the rest of them do then [ __ ] off go somewh Bobby Bobby Robson said that to me many years ago if you got a problem in your dressing room get rid of it let somebody else have the problem

    Bobby Robins said that to me many years ago and did that stick with you right way me a long time yeah with Stan in particular because obviously the quality that the qualities that he had he should have done better with them he should I mean should have had 70 80 caps for

    England on his day he was he was an incredible player and I only got that I got that about two or three times out of probably 20 matches what was the corre Jimmy Pro said about the Turkish baths was it massages massages yeah you used to give

    The players the massage at Derby under coxy Arthur Cox you play three games in a week or something like you know you know Monday Wednesday Saturday whatever um and Monday Monday morning you come inly like stiff as a board whatever after training you come back it it massage for everybody soap soap

    Massage so you go into the bathroom get a couple of you know the Ben the benches the medical benches yeah put them in there and there’d be Gordon Guri the physio Roy McFarland assistant manager an Arthur Cox manager that was the stuff the SP no no what I’m saying that

    That was the staff three people that’s all we had three members of Staff no one else three members of staff and they ran the first team and the reserves those those three people and anyway we go in and it would be soap massage so after

    Training you go in there and you go in there obviously with a pair of pants on and you have to lay on the bit and they get a bucket of water Chuck it over you hot water Chuck it over here and then start the soap massage bar of soap

    Couple bars of soap and the manager would would the manager would give you the m and there was no there was no gay thoughts or anything I mean there was none of that whatsoever steady on so no I mean it was just like Geyers together and it it the manager would

    Give you soap massages and and um used to think F me you know this is the gaffa this is the manager of the club and he’s he’s getting you ready for either Wednesday night or or or the following weekend or whatever give you so mage we might have done the mccrawley I can’t

    Must have done cuz Jamie said yeah I might have done that’s where I took it from I took it from Arthur he spoke very highly of you as a manager and as a man uh but he did say he used to enjoy you standing on the halfway line M stirring

    Out the opposition before the game oh yeah is that something that you I used to uh I remember we when Brian when I was working with Brian little he was the manager and we got and the two teams were in the tunnel and I was a bit of a you know I

    Was first in coach I could get away with it and I used to say oh Lads get plenty of [ __ ] cross this Keeper’s [ __ ] useless you know and he’s he stood where you are like two yards I said he’s [ __ ] useless and the left back [ __ ]

    Me he’s so [ __ ] slow get it out of Stony or whatever and make sure he takes him on and uh yeah so I used to I used to be very psychological winds yeah just in the in the tunnel and you think the goal is thing [ __ ] me he knows I’m [ __ ] on

    Crosses anything anything just to get that little gain and Advantage somewhere yeah so yeah we used to that used to happen a lot and I did it with with Crawley you know you stay I actually got Jack greish taken off once he was on loan at notot County from Villa so this

    Would be about 2014 he must have been about 19 at the time something like 18 19 anyway so he’s playing for Nots County so Gish is playing I’m on the I’m on the in The Dugout and whenever he come near I said [ __ ] Jack greish Aston Villa [ __ ]

    Rubbish no wonder they [ __ ] sent you out to knots County [ __ ] just sorry I’m right in his ear so whenever he come in front of me I say [ __ ] you call yourself a [ __ ] Villa player no wonder they don’t [ __ ] want you up there let you out on

    Loan getting into him they take him off substitute him and he went home and told his dad he went home and told his dad and his dad spoke to one of my friends I can’t think who it was he spoke to one of my friends said hey what about your

    Mate Gregory having a pop at my jacket so my mate said took him off though didn’t they if he’s gone home to his dad yeah his dadad nasty manager growling so yeah I do I do remember that I do remember that yeah so um yeah any any of that any

    Verbals I mean did you used to like getting in the venger and when you were at the Villa getting into him just yeah little mind games and I can’t remember sort of ever saying anything to him and Alex I was just scared of Fergie I wouldn’t saying nothing to him he he

    Come to Villa par once lead Cup match and um he played I think it was Ronnie jonsson play he played him as Center half that night and we were I think we went one n up at half time I don’t if you remember the old Villa Park before

    They changed that main stand Trinity Road stand the steps down to the pitch it was about [ __ ] 100 steps that went from the tunnel when you went into the tunnel you had to climb up like about three [ __ ] floors and Fergie started on Ronnie Johnson he met him at the

    Bottom of the stairs halime and he just slaughtered him all the way up these stairs to the top of the stairs he he was you ever going to hit a [ __ ] ball you’re ever going to do this you’re [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ll be [ __ ] sending you

    Back and all this and I thinking [ __ ] me no one’s ever spoken to me like that before you know that’s how he was yeah but I was very um I respected Fergie enormously for what he even even in 2000 you know it just won the won the

    Treble in 9s so um it sort of sent a Ben Benchmark for everybody to try and follow and he was just he was just the best at that particular time I think so I had huge respect for him so no I was nervous of him being in his gy what does the uh

    The future hold would you be going back no back in no I don’t think so abro maybe abroad I mean still get the calls and that you know to go to various places but you don’t seem him as enthusiastic about managing now did look

    Looking back at the I I just think it it comes with time and age you know 69 now people look people look at CVS for I didn’t realize you’re 69 69 yeah 54 1954 yeah I think it’s time to chill out now is it yeah it’s gone beyond anything i’

    Ever thought it ever would for myself you know when when we first sort of started out and the association with Villa has remained really you know since since I left which is um which is which is quite special in many respects I still go up and do sort of one night

    Stands and that you know do a villa night that a fear with them it’s a long time do you know lads who are coming out the game now would you recommend going into culture and management yeah oh definitely but prepare yourself we we spoke earlier of people that have just

    Suddenly gone straight in it you think you know one you don’t you don’t know honestly you don’t know you don’t know what goes on what goes on in your life you know your life changes you’re just I mean I whilst I was working I’d sit there watching a movie on a Saturday

    Night you know at home we just got beat and it finishes and it’ be like oh what do you think of that then I think oh what happened you know it’s like Brands El no I’m just thinking about training the next day or [ __ ] me we lost

    And [ __ ] I’m going to have to make some changes next week you know on on The Winning Side like I said earlier you know you 10 times better than when you were a player 10 times better and it lasts for a couple of hours Saturday night and then you switch over

    You’re you’re ready for next week you’re thinking oh [ __ ] where we going next week you’ve already started thinking about training tomorrow Monday Tuesday Wednesday whatever um and and and the whole job just takes over your life 100% see that’s why i’ that’s why it never been for me yeah no got job

    Aren’t you John sat here in your pants no socks and shoes on why would you need to do it exactly cheers incredible story appr apprciate sharing it with us yeah good je thank you we Mr John Gregory enjoy it really like them did you very very much so yeah the

    Massages I think we should do that but the team bonding massage each other I don’t know where I got I think I said Turkish baths at the start and the color drained cheek it was a soy one it yeah cuz if you had one of them talking

    Turkish went turkey is quite nice is it yeah is it like mud the mud no no it’s just bubbles SS yeah yeah the end look like just wanging buckets of red hot water on you yeah perfect s you up and then I I think if we going to do it just

    Massages don’t want I’m not bother about getting each other loaded up in that I want in yeah yeah best butter on my back look like a [ __ ] de chicken oven no I’m not you never had a a manager massage you I can’t say I have no I think I might you do old

    Squad you like feel your leg than that it must treatment table that’ be all right that what Saunders used to do it well if if you were injured he played with a worst injury R roll roll his leg up sure you we scars see it’s squ too

    Match it’s good but good one 2 N we need to talk because we F the story that he told us that he was absolutely I mind BL the excitement level were through the roof W it I wish we’ have got it on camera I wish we’

    Have got it so he was saying that he’ he’d come back for a match with his two grandsons yeah so the the services are uh on a way back from a game starving weren’t there he never had a KFC which surprised me why does it look like a KFC

    Man no but everybody’s had a KFC but as he was telling the story he was wanted to make sure that everybody was listening all four of us he kept making eye contact with you m as if like you packing up and he no no listen

    Wait but he never had a KFC and then got to the what he described as a massive iPad I think didn’t he with his Grand was it his grandson with his grandkids it were like it were like it like Marty McFly had just gone to

    2050 and he go flew into the the future and his mind had been blown by the technology that was now available he says it weren’t even at the counter it like 10 yards behind the counter he were tell we’re going and then there’s this big iPad and then you just choose what

    You want I I just and then I’d put a c on I didn’t want to cook and Miss son come on he deled him no problem and then you just they give you a number you just stand there next minute your food comes

    No no I think he said and then all of a sudden my numbers on the screen point it to an imaginary scen on the screen we grand kids are like Grand what what what are you doing before know I’m down into chicken and it were nice

    He said he enjoyed it it was just like as zo it had totally blown his mind weren’t it I’ve got me rece and there’s a number at the top and next thing it’s on the screen I think he couldn’t believe that there was a there was crowds of people but when his number

    Came up it was his turn yeah so he felt like he was Q jumping out the way out the way 674 out the way on the way home after recording him we got a photo didn’t we put it up on screen put it put it in put it in

    Your mind that you wanted one didn’t he yeah got six laughing faces back from him he loved it he loved it but that Villa era yeah some probably 12 13 they had some big dogs by the way you know big dogs up the other day you know when

    He whipped his top off chinola and he’s he’s more ripped than what I remember yeah tan as well I always just remember janola doing uh celebrity stars in their eyes he did raindrops are falling on my head no not watch it no I think he I think he regrets leaving vill don’t he

    Yeah I think he regrets leaving Villa yeah definitely what he would probably taking the Derby job yeah it’s Ming it managers of that that are just always not just on the cusp of a achieving something at a club and then disappear I remember my uh fell they

    Used to p on Big D you know yeah my agent were a villa fan remember him telling me you know apart from the top four Villa were the next sort of big payers in the Premier League back then I can imagine M and they were up there weren’t they under him scandalous

    Really they went went going down money they’ve paid out in the past well Everton have been same aren’t they MH any other news jent going down quiet times you’re you you’ve been on holiday again John you I I don’t know what it is but my M but just just keep [ __ ]

    You’re actually on holiday now wen’t you yeah I’m on holiday I’m me joh myself yeah again outrageous yeah [ __ ] you you a time show no but [ __ ] you I’m really enjoying myself pool’s uh not open still but we found an hotel next door so we’re uh just using their pool very nice I

    Think uh I’ve took I hope you don’t get in cuz saying are we using the saying you I’ve got six are you are you are you a resident here sir I’ve got six different colors all inclusive bands so if it’s not on M6 it’s [ __ ] very

    Unlucky a it thing is I remember you on the phone to Katy trying to say we’re going to have to go up another hotel and your reasoning was if baly and brownie can go to the Double Tree Hilt and have a breakfast every morning when we’re in

    Kat week and go to pill you’ll be pushing come on you got F you got fish you get you going and put towels ones you go first put them towels see you down there in 10 minutes are you going to take you too West the N number

    N West uh I might take it just for lounging around the apartment cuz he did say that she doesn’t like your wearing it no she don’t like me in my vest it’s a beauty as well what more do you want I don’t know from the vest everything and

    It shows you arms off can’t with get on this one yeah it’s not not pretty is it especially it’s got a bit of food down it as well he normally has right how we then yes thanks for watching as always and if you’re not subscribed subscribe

    And if you’re not not yet a patreon get involved to ex rep a month anything else anymore anymore no be clean your glasses why they look pry yeah no they just look clean well I could see through them I can’t


    1. As a cov fan it was hard to like him, not for signing Dublin, but for a dopey quote he made 'Alex Ferguson has made dublin the premier league player he is today' (he played 12 games for them), this was quite a decent listen. Brian Little was a better boss than him though.

    2. One of the best ones yet.
      What John says about wanting Izzit reminds me of our team now where we have Telimans and Bailey who can't get a game and both pushing the starting 11 for a place

    3. Great interview. UTC Missed the time villa were top of the league in November by a few points and after thrashing Southampton 4-1 he got the team together for a photo on the pitch as if they’d won the league then lost the next week. I think from February they went into free fall and finished 6th

    4. Tell ya what, he looks amazing for a 70 year old!!!! Loved JG being our manager, was a blessing. To go from little to him was a continuation of good times as a Villa fan. Great episode lads UTV

    5. I find it hard to believe the Newcastle girls football team had to pay for their kit (Ashley) the owner must have been something else as they represented the club even the highly paid players never chipped in unbelievable

    6. Used to think he was an arrogant, tosser but totally got it wrong. Came across as engaging, insightful and honest. I always check during the podcast to see how accurate the guest is and he's spot on about everything so that tells me he's honest.

      Really appreciate it lads cheers.

    7. Lot of story’s in this are bullshit a il name 2 just off the cuff, the yorke stories bullshit Mark Bosnic moved to United a year after yorkie, so the York stories bollocks and so is the grealish one that’s 2 to name a few.

    8. He was known for being very superstitious. A member of staff from one of his previous clubs was walking behind him in the corridor and JG pinned him against the wall and said "nobody walks behind me!". He was considered a bit weird. But retirement seems to have chilled him he's looking good for 69.

    9. Great interview. Parkin put on a pair of socks and trainers. Better again a pair of jeans with it. No one needs to see a 19 stone half naked whale beside the guest of the podcast!!😢

    10. Just thinking about the villa , who was the player Tony something who was sponsored by a tracksuit company ?
      He wore a blue and orange trackie with black swirls on it … my brother had one

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