GCS 2023 PinGolf Grand Final
    Markus Stix, Thomas Berberich, Patrick Pehrs, Sascha Klenke
    Benjamin Gräbeldinger, Lefman Kan, Thomas Berberich, Patrick Pehrs
    3 games, 4:2:1:0 scoring
    Co-commentary with Dina Lindsay
    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:01:13 Dr. Who
    00:17:21 Iron Man
    00:32:31 Metallica
    00:44:20 Tie-break TWD
    Streamed live @ www.twitch.tv/jdl_pinball
    from Bulls & Balls, Fulda, Germany on 17-Feb-24
    Directed and produced by Jim & Dina Lindsay, JDL PINBALL

    [Applause] for 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 one well Paul it’s a great day for racing and a great day for pinball hello and welcome from me Jim Lindsay of jdl pinball uh we are back for the uh finals of the pingul in the mix tournament okay and tournament

    That’s been played during the day and it is now reached the final stages so we’re playing three games here three games again we’ll have a winner of the pin golf in the mix for today what does in the mix mean by the way in the mix just means that it’s a mixture of

    Classic and yeah yesterday we played two separate pin golfs classic one and regular one yeah regular a modern and classic so today it’s mixed together so his a name Toby came up with a few years ago well it kind of makes sense it does do you know why he named it that

    Way so here we go with uh strangely enough or here we ho here we ho yeah here we ho so first Sonic Moon what’s first oh okay he’s learning Sonic the Sonic ho great great Anticipation can you get me can you get me so I’m going to step out of the booth here to play another tournament okay thank um I’ll try to get ano in maybe yeah that’ be good do you want to stay d uh yeah I’ll stay you’ll stay for the

    Final we’ll bring we’ll use ano for the match play later on just check with I’ll make sure he’s okay with that but if he wants to come in I’m quite happy with him the second one starting without the final Al so he’s also playing that probably oh so it okay all right all

    Right leave it to you so you play it so I’ll play okay good luck in your game thanks for stepping in into Co commentary very much appreciated and we’ll see you again very soon and good luck with the uh with the machine yeah cheers the best soon

    Okay so uh bring you back to um single commentator View and leave leave the door open you’re okay uh right let me come back to a different microphone I’ll come back to a different microphone and mute the other one the door can then stay open with the dog which is uh which is

    Okay so okay so I missed that I didn’t see what score uh marker just um right that was just Toby asking if I wanted to join the next tournament but uh no I’ll uh quite happy quite happy sitting in the booth as you all know uh as long as some somebody keeps feeding

    Me beer I’m uh I’m quite Happy uh we don’t have to be but I need the door closed if we’re on the open mic so you choose okay the camera so the people can see me right okay so we are now joined by the wondrous one and only fabulous gorgeous Dina amazing who can not only move rigs

    Around but can also sit in the commentary booth and give us a wealth of information on all the games s about the weth uh so I assume Marcos got the one uh yes I assume he did he was he was shooting lots of Loops last time I saw

    It it has it says it’s 247 million okay that’s probably a bit more than 150 yeah uh thanks for that comment haters uh Stefan is a great guy and uh he’s one of those uh people that never stopped working for pinball I’ve had the pleasure of working with him many times

    Uh one time 200 M up the Alps uh where we did a a pinball tournament up there and he put a huge amount of work into that was a very narrow and windy road straight up the hill and uh he managed to put 12 machines up Y in there like a truck like

    Like a truck load and we took the pinball all equipment up on a ski lift oh that was so sad 48 is uh not too bad so yes Stefan talked to me about the uh EPC and World Championships next year yep uh which they will be organizing so

    Start with the EPC the dates are actually already uh in the calendar as well perfect I can tell the listeners so yes anybody that doesn’t know the uh world championship and European pinball Championship are being organized in Austria next year that’s 2025 uh we will be there streaming and

    Also helping with um tournaments and things yes the um uh European pinball championship sh will be uh from the 29th of May till the 1st of June which is the last May weekend of 25 and then it will be one day quick change over and the ifp 20 will starts

    Um on the 3D yeah which is a Tuesday so and Monday’s a a rest day effectively well it’s a moving day because Moving Day between venues yeah which is f so that’s quite nice and so we uh we will be there um whether people want us

    To be or not well people do want us to be there because otherwise Stephan wouldn’t have asked and also you wouldn’t get any live stream of the of the event so we we shall be there we’ll be driving down cuz we far to much equipment to take on the uh on the plane

    Yeah well it’s always a nice holiday uh in Austria it’s a beautiful country yeah it’s and bless and lovely wine growing weather if anybody is planning on going to that give yourself a little bit of extra time to have a look around grat uh Old Town uh it is really really

    Beautiful yes and the ifpa 20 venue is like 20 minutes away from Grass Airport so um and it’s quite nice that it will finish on Thursday or Friday so that International Travelers uh uh will have the chance to have the weekend there oh nice dig great dig Patrick’s playing really really well

    Yeah oh I spoke too soon but I mean that wasn’t his fault that was just the ball wandering all over the place um in the semi-final therea it was playing out of his skin it was really really uh impressive [Applause] yeah want to show the Puppy Cam she’s chewing on the bone

    Uh we can put the Puppy Cam up we’ll need to uh spin it around slightly okay got a nice little view of a uh a puppy there if you if you’ve seen too many Loops today never have many too many Loops can never have too many Loops I agree oh

    That’s a shame oh wow yeah so I think Sasha didn’t know that he’s better shooting than H and an O rather than uh timing out the W uh while trying to get to it okay he didn’t get H didn’t he he got the H yeah so that was 40 40 million points start

    Again but yeah and uh I don’t know whether the flippers weakened is uh he definitely struggling I think he slightly slightly slightly out with the uh yeah please lower the volume of the machine darling uh cuz I’m can’t understand what I’m saying okay me no matter is that better it

    Is the uh yeah the microphone levels are okay so I’ve just dropped the pinball sound slightly um okay I can do that in post edit later but obviously for this it needs to be uh best for the viewers right so is is my my voice okay

    But Dana is not very good okay way better okay thank you course I can turn you up say something say something yeah you’re about the same level there’s not much difference okay so Sasha is playing a combined strategy now uh s of if he can get

    The uh he L the Escape as well so I can do the second wave of uh mode video mode CU he did the first but he wants to see the cow driving spaceship first yep you ready with the cow button we have a cow button have a cow button there look oh

    Dear nice dig nice dig slash that was good oh that was a nice deflection yeah he didn’t trust it to bounce over did he I nearly finished up in the uh video mode by accident there yeah by fighting fighting that’s Sasha we know and they shoot him for video mode

    Now I think yeah yeah he is so Drop In Here We Go video mode Two and don’t forget to jump in the Box yeah jumps in the taret for those extra points one 12 five okay so uh now he wants another one and I’m sure he will go for video mode three oh no that was time to go to

    W yes it was yeah although to no to be fair if it if it went for the video mode three he would have been fine as well so he would have got enough points there no but he had the ball on his on his left

    So playing the W would have been a an obvious uh thing anyway he has um another B to um that’s a really impressive t-shirt yes yeah um Thomas Bish uh collectively known as Flo y uh is a fan of funky t-shirts and stripy stripy Fish Houses

    Yeah rocking long hair as well I told him he’s going to have to grow up one day and have his haircut why well CU it’s what happens to people like if it happened to you ding it doesn’t mean it happens to other people but it just happened to Robbie

    Hlan is it just the same he that to shave off his Talman beard in case of Robin hman there was a little bit too much maintenance oh he’s now in a responsible managerial position yeah oh that was uh that was unlucky okay uh video mode it’s okay

    It’s lit now but it won’t it won’t start it yet so but he could go back for that if he wanted to video mode is a really safe strategy you can’t lose the ball in video mode well apart from it’s very frustrating if the ball comes out back out of the

    Bumpers back in the middle when you shoot the video mode loop okay going up to oh oh quite enough again More through that’s a shame I’ll just show you the cow by the Way spot the cow did you spot the cow it was difficult not to put it right Patrick needs to um P all the stops so just shy of 150 million so uh Thomas will take a four okay I don’t want to update in between I’ll rather keep it I’ll keep it

    Open and not update then no you can update there it’s just I don’t want to update on here okay so coming up to his uh 20th Loop yeah the bones that was well trusted the bones oh gu a look he’ll settle for that yeah so uh select St two which is uh to

    Do with the H oh it that was as if the flipper didn’t fire I don’t know why I’m there no I think he was um asleep waiting for the um okay so just shy of a four 112 oh he’s got it no he hasn’t he’s he’s 11

    12.4 look he 70,000 short 68,000 short of the four so he takes a five that is really unlucky isn’t it absolutely I mean you know I mean numbers of strange things I know but wow that was frightening right sash what are you doing don’t do that yeah I know it

    Didn’t really yeah didn’t really need to do multiball strategy there it takes a four takes a four though very very nearly gets a three but takes the four so are they all updated now and uh so we managed to get the the rig is 20 kg we’

    Got all all the desk equipment and uh what machine should we be on dror who no Iron Man Okay rig one AR we yeah okay so here we go game two Iron Man is a brutal machine and you can see that from uh Patrick Pi uh should Patrick Pi have been starting

    There I thought yeah okay uh took five points out of it oh okay so uh this is set in extremely hard mode as well to uh bring up the Monga you have to shoot um all of the uh letters here when you get uh Monga up

    Out of the Playfield again you have to complete all of the Mongol letters it doesn’t give you uh uh normally the first three or four are given to you uh by the machine don’t become rough yeah okay so the uh the strategy with Iron Man certainly to get this sort of score

    Uh and I need to change the pick and golf score over as well don’t to Iron Man I was doing too much talking oh yeah um I’ll do it I’ll do it yes I cleared the uh all players and machines yeah okay so pingol score of 15 million

    Points it’s manageable it is it is definitely manageable um but you need to do more than one thing so you need to start bogey or start with blush and um and uh stack it with something else like I am man scoring or uh Ms we’re not going to be able to

    Stream in in Sweden or um LPA Academy or ECS and I’m sure our friends from well income income M are going to stream it would be normally doing that but our income must still uh still operating um this and this isn’t Ms this is his son made made

    Us uh he was he was on earlier arms yes uh we couldn’t take the time out to travel to Sweden this year Well we haven’t qualified for the DCS finals anyway so makes makes it difficult to motivate yourself to go it yeah we do to be fair we like to stream

    Tournaments that we are playing in yeah well not that it always uh uh working like now the other tournament has started and we still St here sitting here running uh running the stream but that’s fine I mean at least you get to play uh prob you did it very well

    Yesterday yes but I did I was extremely pleased with my performance in the GCS yesterday that was uh that was great so okay so but you see you see how difficult this is but with the number of shots that uh Marcus had at the Monga around the Monga orbits there he would

    Normally have brought Monga out of the Playfield and uh how about the IPA open that will be huge event if not what’s the next P Academy um yeah we won’t we won’t be going there either we’ll be watching though we’ll be watching the uh Stream if there is one all right so Patrick is doing well to progress a little bit that was an unnecessary danger it was yeah but when you’re actually on the ball you’ve got to has a sort of a very Dancy uh kind of stance uh when he’s playing

    Is um jumping about a lot so sometimes uh the moves are accidental y yeah he’s playing the bogey strategy and the dog is banging my arm against uh the AR chair okay [ __ ] control yeah I rejected okay try again nice that was a lovely on the Fly oh ramps

    Started oh no that’s that’s a shame just started Bogey and uh lost the ball yeah so but even so four 4 million is uh you know is already uh up at the midpoint in the table so that’s only ball already six so he needs to a little bit more

    But uh I think Sasha is playing the ramp strategy as well by the look of it that’s what uh I decided was the best way yesterday um just oh he tilted oh dear that was sad so let’s start a timer let’s see how long Marcus gives this Marcus isn’t

    Going to touch that thing nope and rightly so y so Sasha just come in front of the window just shaking shaking his head yeah he knows have we got um player order wrong here ah yes oh sorry if you you got it wrong on your side

    Yeah well uh Thomas said he would be he would be second so uh so this is the the strategy if if he’s shooting for whip last year that’s the other strategy we’ve seen players playing over the weekend is to uh St whip Lush oh that’s gone

    Um so uh this is the final of the Ping golf tournament that’s been taking place here today from 10:00 this morning all the way through qualifications it’s been a combination of classic and uh modern machines all the way through and we are down to the second game in the three-game

    Final and Marcus STS about to go with ball two he’s definitely Ming you can’t believe that that was uh yeah I mean he’s not off bringing Monger up but you know it’s he’s he’s need to you still need to um bash it at least with the

    Ramps you get you get in points all the time you shooting them you get nothing for the orbits um anyway oh he got a super skill shot there for 1 million points that’s something that you don’t think of doing on Iron Man but I don’t see why not so we flash

    Started think oh no that was only a shot towards it okay well the animation was sort of uh no it’s uh showing as if it was starting yeah you would know when it’s starting it’s not like that I was straight in front of my nose what do want baby

    Oh yes B and Whiplash would be a good combination yep um well bogy and Iron Monger is not a very good combination cuz you G Can’t Get to the ramps oh that’s right yeah that that’s I mean that was a clean ramp shot but it didn’t go all the way around stop

    It only nearly got another Whiplash hit but uh finishes there on 6.5 6.9 so he will take a six that’s a big gap there is it between those two numbers is you know if it could have just got up to 7.5 million yeah so it

    Will take a six there that will move him to 11 points going through to the final game right Sasha is chasing uh to for overall points yep really that’s not coming back sash so uh again he will take a seven there 4.1 that’s uh disappointing so Sasha goes to 11 point

    Points yeah and that’s not coming back not coming back okay so that’s so Thomas takes seven oh that’s an eight yeah yeah uh I Demarcus is going to play but I actually don’t think he needs to well he’s already going to be uh um well he’s already on seven although score’s not

    Entered yet do you want to update and I’ll bring bring them up okay y okay so that’s the current position so even if Marcus took an eight yeah it doesn’t make any difference so there’s going to be tiebreak between Patrick well it’s second game it’s not going to

    Be oh sorry yeah yeah of course sorry apolog all right I need to uh move the rig to the next machine so put her there she’ll be fine the dog for a bit y okay okay let me bring you back to uh single commentator camera so uh Marcus just playing here

    For the glory he literally doesn’t need to play this game I say even if he trained the ball now it would make no difference I think he’s got uh set himself a challenge to get this Monga out of the Playfield though we let’s give him a round of

    Applause to Bringing bringing the Monga up that’s a huge number of Monga uh hits uh in the you have to bring him up from the center that’s the uh setting that’s on his at the moment so qualify him with lots and lots of orbit shots and now

    He’s up you’ll see that the uh only the M here is lit so yeah is uh now two shots so he’s completed the N now the G so one more e one more for R and then one to complete and M multiball Stars Multiball okay so down to two walls currently on 5.5 million but you see you know I mean the the logic of what he was doing here uh he is uh able to make those points and now plays uh Bogi okay so uh finishers on six point uh

    Something so six takes a six but that puts him on Seven Points which uh will will uh show him a really clear lead in the final okay if he could have got the three it would have been complet safe so you know we had to continue to play that

    And then we will get an update so Thomas starting this uh particular game okay okay Thomas per Bridge 12 points it’s so it’s actually a pretty close game this and it could go to anyone so um Demarcus was actually perfectly correct there playing to uh to get to the Target

    Score what our Target score uh it’s still set to Iron Man yeah I’ll do it let me do it for it’s War okay so Target score for Metallica is 25 million points um which is actually not a huge score like you can get that from a good

    Sparky yeah uh probably a bit low actually for a Ping golf score I would say play lot no I don’t think so well not in the uh condition of this machine cuz it’s brutal and has no ball safe so and the Tilt is incredibly tied yeah wow absolutely nothing sash could do

    About that wow uh okay so pressure on and uh exactly the same again straight down the middle would Marcus play the Sparky uh I would say so yeah I think I think to be honest it’s the only strategy you can play sensible strategy you can play uh uh with repeatability of

    Marcos I would play the right ramp and the fuel Target for exactly this reason wow yeah uh fuel yeah okay um so right ramp and then piston uh over and over again and just keep building the value oh wow and I’m pretty sure that’s what Thomas was playing there you know

    Uh or a snake it looked like a snake snake shot okay I don’t think you’re going to get enough points out of snow no you know uh uh you need to combine it with please um another multi like the graveyard you know you play a good SMY and you will

    Get 20 million yeah but you need to get to it first oh I know it’s yeah and the Machine that you can’t work that well because it’s uh it’s tilty like like like hell um it’s not a safe strategy and the ramps are a safe strategy okay mystery will do yeah

    Million probably for that oh add some fuel okay we have some fuel okay so that’s a Target down uh two Targets down yeah one back on there is probably worth considering I mean it yeah probably more so than more more hits on Sparky yeah see otherwise they’re going to lose those is they

    Yeah okay around I well Sasha is an intuitive player but he doesn’t like figure out strategies beforehand I don’t think it’s not his uh his kind of mentality yeah just go with what the table presents him at the time yeah which a lot of players do that’s uh understandable right okay

    Post transfer is uh relatively easy on this machine not many other things are it’s one of the few it’s a message from Toby saying that uh the round one is finished or about to finish and uh for the start of the next round they’re going to wait for this game to finish so

    All right okay if you want to enter the tournament alongside with the finalists we can do no I’m not I don’t need to enter anything yeah yeah I think we shall go and have a meal yeah I think and then return for streaming the final

    Of it yeah I believe so as well let’s go and have a nice uh meal out in town yeah cuz the dog hasn’t eaten in two days so she could do with the steak Let’s uh she could do with the steak yes it’s probably the only thing she’ll eat right

    Let’s get this game uh concentrated on this game for now uh Marcus uh making progress towards Sparky oh he doesn’t he hit it three times and it’s still flushing on the first leg uh second uh til tilt is going to have to be careful shooting it from the right

    Flipper why would you shoot Sparky from the right flipper I mean it you know it really is I said the the pro transfer is really easy and you know and if you’ve got it on the left flipper why try and shoot past the captive ball um right okay

    So looking like everybody’s going to be taking uh lots and lots of points wow as in lots and lots of eights lots and lots of eights so uh if everybody get then the there’ll be a tie break between Patrick and Sasha yeah w so Sasha needs at least but Sasha’s like

    Two shots off uh Sparky yeah transfer sash okay or not that was it all right one hit and that will start it that’s the most difficult hit let’s go well done don’t tilt now sash yeah please don’t tilt so uh yeah Sasha if he managed to take a

    Three would actually stand a chance of winning this tournament but say to get to 20 million he needs to get the pick targets so he needs to pick off these and a lot of them are currently flashing no all flashing so actually the adab ball is lit at the

    Snake so he needs the snake shot it’s too late it’s already gone so we only scored a million from that uh multi Ball yeah oh nice okay so starts the grave marker now this does give him a chance okay yeah mystery shot that’s always handy uh 2.5 million for the snake for the extra ball can buy a snake wow it’s not the end of multiball that was really quick yeah I think uh he

    Knows that he can’t shake anything anymore oh that’s right is uh is out of uh out of tilt he’s on 12 million soine it’s already it’s already five yeah oh unfortunate okay but is’s uh he’s going to take a five there uh that puts him on 16 points and currently the

    Others are going to be on 181 19 oh no Patrick Patrick is play is next is playing next so he still is capable of catching I no but if he stays on that that score yeah yeah he’s going to be well past Sasha’s number of points second

    Danger not going to get away with anything else so it needs to be very clean and precise that a ramp strategy I’m seeing yeah but you’ve got to get you got to get that that going say just no no movement at all that he could make on

    There wow so uh yeah he takes an eight so even uh well um yeah if uh Marcos takes an eight exactly then it’s a tiak betweenus needs to uh try not to take an a exactly yeah Marcus needs to get himself above 3.75 million points that’s his Target yeah so he

    Needs 1.3 million that’s all okay so 1.3 million um uh super skill shot super skill shot is uh half a million okay it takes a normal skill shot probably sensible uh and even to get you know yeah okay this is yeah this is play Lady Lady whatever lady justce just just yeah I

    Always try to call a lady fantasy because it’s one of my favorite uh Camel songs okay which obviously is the wrong band for that he needs another 300,000 and he’s going to get it in bonus is he not guaranteed nope 3.5 a oh so we are going to a tie break

    Between first and second place between Sasha clink sort out the arena and the Marcus tcks yeah it’s uh I think it’s going to be a full game he’s just put that on three balls and Marcus is playing first I’m using uh stream data I’m using stream data so we’re all update on

    That the dog is in my seat yep you have a seats being being taken Okay so we’ve seen this before Toby seemed to set that to three balls is that right yes it is in three balls and uh uh ball saves are off uh and uh we are playing for the win so

    Um oh yeah the P Ping golf is not there I appreciate that okay so big chance here for sash would be nice to see him uh win this okay starts to clear the prison yard out okay um it’s um sort of prepared for the next ball that’s um always that’s true yeah

    Is it’s made more progress than Marcus yeah uh but uh still not really very much of a lead yeah Marcus is uh likely to play the combination of um prison and drop targets obiously drop targets and prison yeah yeah going for prison at the moment oh that’s targets down targets

    Down and he takes CDC I think that was by accident no he prefers that really so he would take that because the pops are are wine to come out uh so there is the safest oh I see what you mean yeah yeah because uh it’s a feed straight round

    It’s a feed straight round and that’s the only one every other shot comes out of the pops and uh three out of five it will yeah very uh very sensible that when you think about it uh Philip Crow said the same so um nice thing about CDC ramp you can backand it as

    Well come out okay okay nice 12 million yeah he still running he’s making him F isn’t it yeah absolutely so bicycle girl is it still on can’t see the yeah it’s still flushing okay finally got him that was like four or five attempts the machine

    Tried to take the ball off him the me the machine won in the end machine always win wins in the end yes unfortunately that’s true that’s the nature of the game right okay so oh wow why is he playing Marcus’s ball yeah that cles him the

    Game okay so that’s Marcus takes the win that’s unfortunate I mean Sasha uh mistakenly plunge the ball uh that is automatic disqualification so um he thought I think he thought the ball save was on yeah and uh yeah but Toby said said it wasn’t so uh there is no real uh

    No Sasha’s a great Sportsman there’ll be no hard feelings about that uh well done to the players give him a round of applause and some fireworks uh well done to Marcus wins another big tournament here at bulls and balls in fer and really really well done to Sasha clanker uh that’s a great

    Result for him as well and I’m sure sure everybody really really will send their Congratulations


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