Today we take a look at Jewers Doors Ltd, 1 Juno Pl, Biggleswade SG18 8XP.

    We are spoken to by the owner whilst standing outside who we chat to for a while before launching the drone.

    Whilst flying, the owner returns and we continue chatting about many things including his view on this type of content.

    All ended well in my opinion.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    No I am serious do you want me to show you the law it’s not about the law it’s to do with National Security can you turn it off please no please don’t touch it don’t honestly don’t don’t overstep them up so welcome back to the channel guys

    Today we’re here in bigles Wade taking a look at this place jewers world class aircraft hanger doors and Industrial sliding and folding doors yes quite a new building does look very nice the name jewers is world renowned for Superior industrial sliding and sliding folding door Solutions Sorry

    Video that place I own it you own it yeah that’s a big claim ask what you doing yeah YouTube video for what this for my YouTube channel so what’s your channel who’s asking I’m asking the YouTube channel what’s your name you’re being very inquisitive about me you’re videoing you’re videoing my

    Property yes I’m asking why yeah could I just check that you’re the owner jewers your name your surname is jewers yes wow your first name no my first name can I ask who you are and what your YouTube channel is please I will tell you who I

    Am good if you tell me your first name no I think that’s a good deal no cuz you’ve done this many times before who has you you’ve obviously got many cameras and what are you blogging jewers why I’m reading reading that at the minute what you do for a living what you

    Do for a living do you want to I want to know why you’ve got an interest in my compan okay if I just tell you um I don’t know why you’re being secretive about it what Have I Told You So Far So YouTube I tell you the YouTube do you

    Know if I tell you that I’m an industrial estate YouTuber okay is that all right that’s fine yeah okay what’s your channel I do like to give the channel out but I need to know your first name no because anybody then you put me on it

    All and I don’t like being on social media you’re on it oh well videoing me I’m videoing you yeah you’re perfectly entitled I’m not giving you permission to put this on social media okay I am not giving you permission refuse you to do it and

    That’s my wish I don’t want to fall out with you so you’re allowed to publicly put me on YouTube only if you stop and sort of ask me questions no then I want to document it yeah but that’s really infringing on someone’s personal space only cuz you got your phone that’s all

    That’s why I put mine on so but you said you’re doing that one this one’s always on yeah so that’s not really part of the deal is I’ve I’ve asked you not to video me but I’ve proposed a deal if you just tell me your first name accepting a deal

    Okay okay you that legally I’m not accepting a deal so you’ve probably done all the legal side of it and you’re one of these BLS that goes around with drones and everything and goes against all the police and things like that and go all right if you watch that type of

    Thing well I’ve seen it and I know you like it I think it’s a little inquisitive and when it’s threatening public spaces and Public Safety I think it’s a risk okay so am I doing any of those at the moment threatening anything all I did is pull up and ask you why

    You’re videoing that’s all I asked you Mr sewer industrial estate YouTuber so Mr who sewer uh J sorry you need you need to get things properly I’ve only just arrived yeah but it’s embarrassing for you why do you come to this one I’m GNA come in and you’re going to show me

    Around we’re gonna make this video into a positive video for your company is that what you do is that genuinely is that what you do you you mark it free promotion um world class aircraft hanger doors there’s been a recent thing Haven there about aircraft doors yeah coming

    Off oh no that’s nothing to do with it nothing to do with you but it sounds good don’t it no no you’ve got the wrong end of the stick I built aircraft hanger doors like garage doors all right okay so basically sliding doors do you do

    Folding sliding as well yes of course do you want to show me one no well no I don’t I don’t have time I’m really busy to get tender what about your salesman um no no I’m not going to take up time on that moment so with your marketing

    What you’re doing then is are you trying to promote your own channel and then do a video of a of a business and then flog it basically anything that I find interesting on an industrial estate I’ll just do a 20 minute video and then plug

    It back then no I’m not selling out to you oh okay I’m going to put it on now if if the company looks great and people want to to use you but I don’t think you’re in the market for my customers are you is it homeowners or not oh no no

    No no is it industrial units is it Mansions Pard Mansions like big properties that have got a big budget you could say it yeah okay okay okay so maybe 1% of my viewers might have manions I don’t know but anyway your company looks quite interesting the

    Brand new building so is it a couple of years old exactly yeah so that’s all it was I’m not going to come on your land I’ll stay outside don’t have a problem I the question was why you’re filming my piston that was all first my first word

    To you was YouTube weren’t it yeah but that doesn’t answer the question but you do know that any member of the public can have a anything I realiz and they can have a YouTube channel because a Gmail address is what it’s needed I don’t I don’t care what it’s YouTube I

    Ask why you’re videoing the building YouTube’s not an answer well to put on to YouTube you got that didn’t you to put onto YouTube yeah but for what reason okay let’s just say um I had a bad experience I haven’t but say like if I had a bad experience with one of your

    Products and I wanted to come and do a piece on it that would go on to YouTube so whatever the video is about that’s down to me isn’t it so maybe you was asking that you saying what is the video about was you well I think you know and

    And your instant reaction was to be defensive cuz you’re obviously I’m not the first person to have asked you why you were blatantly filming and you’ve got all the gear and everything yeah I just say I just say YouTube and they must know that that just means I’m

    Putting it onto YouTube but if they want to know a little bit more then I just think I need to know who I’m talking to no I understand that and that’s when I says what your name we also need to have you know I’ve got people on the on the

    On the site there they don’t want video they don’t want to go I’m not you know so but you don’t know you’re not oh accidental inclusion what if that’s what it’s called but you don’t know that is your dash cam on I don’t have Dash can right it’s just like you’re you’re if

    You did that’s for your safety yeah but if I’m included isn’t for safety though no no no it’s for a purpose I I know and if someone is accidentally included I don’t know the in and outs of all the legalities of what you’re allowed to and

    What you’re not allowed to fil oh you don’t I don’t report to know that okay I don’t want to know okay not interest right and I feel I feel I told you from the outset SA security you could be bust you could be just staking it out for all

    I know what have you got to Nick out here vehicles I don’t know no no what was you concerned about vehicle safe there no my property you’ve got an open gate there yeah I’ve got cameras everywhere might be taking out I’ve yeah but they’re filming the property not

    Outside it okay cuz you’re not allowed to film outside your property are you you know that you can you can but you’re not allowed to come on you’re not allowed to so if You’ got a security camera at home the actual law states that you and

    All for the GD GD whatever it is you’re not allowed to video off your property as long as you’re not in not allowed to be used but you are someone’s person personal space by videoing off your property right just so you know just so you that’s my personal space if you’ve

    Got CCTV signs and and the data control right of the data is published you can by all means video the foot path and the road if if you’re getting somebody’s like Garden or somebody’s office window in in that that’s wrong yeah but you’re not around here no you’re not overlooked

    So what are you do by getting my office window my property and then putting it on a public space your office windows are reflective so you know I can’t all them well your main front reception’s clear glass isn’t it yeah which is what you refer anyway so I’m Jonathan what’s your name Jonathan

    There we go this is the YouTube channel thank you and I would really I I don’t do I don’t do social media I really don’t I do LinkedIn cuz I have to I don’t do like YouTube and I just don’t do it I’m s i and I don’t want to

    Be on please okay Jonathan what’s your name I think DJ DJ yeah where you base leester what put your hand a sunny Bedford bigles W is it Bedford big Bedford that place that place Co-op symmetry do you follow the symmetries around no just Co-op industrial Estates

    Over the UK nothing personal but I would like to see the product um I honesty I wanted to talk to you see what you’re up to I do have to get okay oh that’s um uniform is it it’s a top you what it’s a top yeah

    No it’s a nice logo has it always been that logo or has it been re revamped recently um maybe 2014 yeah it looks very fresh and where was you before here 400 yards that way all right can you see it from here no we were we uh it’s where um

    Um screw fix and Har okay nice talking to you don’t let me see myself you wor now yeah so that was the owner of what is it jewers what a coincidence eh there filming the place and the owner rocks up we’ll just let him Park his car oh yeah

    Is going into one of the EV Bays so jewers doors based in bigles Wade is a leading company in the design manufacture and installation of specialist industrial doors in 2021 the company moved into a new state-ofthe-art Factory and office space in bigles Wade Bedford share this new facility is

    Located in an industrial park and comprises 60,000 Square ft of manufacturing and office facilities it includes Advanced Equipment such as new panel press Wet Spray blast booes and a powder coating plant ensuring the maintenance of the highest quality standards for their products okay okay so basically the market leader for aircraft hanger

    Doors brand new building 2021 the mark of excellence and innovation many people will have heard of this company but nobody will have seen where they are based and what they look like and look at them Rising bards security is very good here you don’t often see them yeah not

    Very professional there b did mention the Drone didn’t he so he’s obviously heard of this content and it was very chilled I think he handled that very well so the time has come to get David up and let’s see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on

    Drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area at all jewers let’s have a look at you then shall we sorry where hey where thought somebody said you’re taking photos and everything just that’s what sorry ask what you’re doing just YouTube YouTube video all right okay yeah nothing to worry about all

    Right take off home Point updated so it’s easy as that YouTube video okay bye job done back to work so let’s have a quick look down here we certainly can’t get down there can we oh so we have their product on the actual building itself sliding door yeah that’s one is

    It folding as well have they got any more around the back let’s go and check it out got their own Vehicles as well up the installation team nice vehicles yeah even more of the sliding folding doors down the back I think they even have one on The Little Door

    There they just showing off now is there yes and of course all the raw material that you need to make them lots of metal not sure what that is and of course loads and loads of scrap all right you’re not going to antagonize me oh you’re the same guy yeah yeah but

    You’re flying it too low no I’m not no what what what’s the minimum height you can fly that without actually being on my personal there is no minimum there’s no minimum so you could land it there could you not land it no but you can the

    Ca say that the 249 G drones have no minimum distance to property or people but what I’m actually saying let’s keep it positive now do you know that product is that your product there yeah we make those yeah yeah and and you’ve even used it on the small door haven’t you yeah

    This is It’s called our Phoenix ospray well that one is both all of those they’re powered manual powered power phoenix ospray WoW and is it just one motor or two one one motor does a whole lot so does it split or pull goes one way it’s all on it’s all on the website

    I know but I’ve not loed no no well you did you on my website yeah but that was his first page so do you know how that that looks like what they use in when they’re digging out right can I turn you off now please I mean that that I’m serious no I

    Am serious now do you want me to show you the law it’s not about the law it’s to do with National Security can you turn it off please no please don’t touch it don’t honestly don’t don’t overstep the mark don’t you overstep the Mark I’m serious this can

    You not film that place that place please please do not film it right calm down there’s no need for it I’m working I’m working within the law here yeah but when there’s certain things that are are supposed to be here hidden could that thank you no thank you

    Just go up please I’d really appreciate it was it that that you worried about that there no not that man I don’t get it we’re just talking about your manufacturing raw materials yeah honestly do you want me to show you the law just to put your mind at rest no

    No I know I know cuz you you know the law backwards that’s what I’m saying I I Know Who You Are okay I’ve seen you I’ve seen you antagonize the police and fly over over police um areas which that’s why I said I find that really humiliating um not humiliating that’s

    The word I find that you’re putting National Security at risk by putting this public no no I disagree so you so if you absolutely caught something and maybe someone who follows you if in a different part of the world could use that information to benefit what they want to do you

    Disagree that that’s a risk to National Security yes do you know why go then because because the law don’t say no no no no any person what you’re saying is hostile reconnaissance right you’re doing a recer with bad intentions yeah so I would just that’s what you’re

    Providing no this is what you’re you’re implying right so what I would do if I was a bad guy I’d go on to Google Maps right now and I’d say right okay so that’s that’s the front that’s the back that’s they’re the weak points i’ plan my bad intention whatever you’re

    Insinuating using this so I cannot see anything more than obviously your yard empty there but now you’re doing a a a um a three-dimensional view of it and posting it but Google can fly over at any point and get an updated version no but they can’t do it at the angles

    You’re doing it they can I can change that to 3D look you no you don’t get the 3D go on change it to 3D and see which detail you get it doesn’t give you the detail hold on I know it doesn’t done hold on let’s

    Just prove your point cuz you do make a good point uh you you get you get a real angle they get the solar angles Google office yeah Google Earth but that you know it yeah of course I do and does that do 3D at an angle yeah but

    Only certain buildings that have been 3D scanned with a drone mine hasn’t no it’s with the plane no it doesn’t work like that come genuinely doesn’t because when when that satellite goes around the the globe it’s at such a far distance when it’s at the right level to

    See an elevation it’s too far a distance and there’s too much um stuff going too much um mix up with all the cloud he put me back on my bloody tender get tender I knew you’d come and drone it yeah it doesn’t give see it doesn’t give the

    Elevation look told you doesn’t give the elevation or any so all you’ve got is two-dimensional in 3D is so so what you’re doing is giving that full elevation there and enhancing The View which will go public and and you don’t like that because somebody could use it

    Against you no is that right not my no but when you do it on places with national security at stake you know for instance I caught you once uh I have seen you on YouTube What DJ audit I’m pretty sure it was you you were filming

    Over a police station but it was a high security police station where there was armed forces in there and you got the number plates for all their vehicles now that and that goes public so now you’ve made that public and you can see so anyone who wants to use it

    Against the police force they know which armed police force police cars are going around and then they they can locate who’s in them and then follow and see where they live wouldn’t they just go there and capture reg they can use you so but I’ve got to be there the

    Right time the right day and the right time for their specific Target use it they just use it so think think the bigger picture security is so much easier than that I’ll give you an example I did accidentally capture the SAS training at that place right accidentally now want to comment came in

    To say this was terrific wasn’t it no it was um oh no it wasn’t it was important no where were you I can’t remember the location but the one that I’m on about it was a police training center and the SAS were in the car park going to their

    Vehicle that was it but I just thought it was just Army I know so once somebody told me it was SAS I blurred their faces straight the way yeah so I do try I do try a place like this where you make doors you make sliding doors man come on make them

    For right okay well please don’t tell me anymore so just I just want to keep think I don’t want to go into detail I know but this is but people in the know when you if they see jewers doors they know what we do and I have customers so

    The video will be yeah I know desirable but also my um uh my uh competitors they could also come with a drone they could and you’re not always going to be coming back from lunch but then that’s blatantly obvious it myors come and go oh I’m going to video your

    Property if they’re not going to publish it you’ll never know no but they take it for their own benefit but they don’t need to so I’ll do it for them so no honestly I’ve got no hostility against your I know you that’s why I’m talking to you politely well we’re

    Nearly we’re nearly cross the boundary at a moment but listen why why what boundary have you put on you nearly went like that to touch my stuff I didn’t anyway listen you’re the owner you’ve got a great business it’s a brilant business and I’ve nearly finished so so when are you going going

    To do co-op then I’ve already done them I’ve done the whole of that road right at the bottom you’ve got the tire place you really come on the train from Manchester no I didn’t say the train my car’s parked nearby and and that fold that’s foldable bike goes in

    The boot cool how fast that go 15 mph no you not spooked up of no you can’t the police I’m surprised the police have not they’ve been called twice already they’ve not attended cuz they probably described the uniform I wear the same thing on every video maybe

    As soon as they say green bottoms orange bik they don’t come well you’ve watched a video the owner of jewers has watched my video I caught it on something subcribe can you can you bring the Drone in and see whether that’s whether that um G the blue one’s bent

    Bent yeah I have a lot damaged this just peeled off look you see that Che is it some sort of it has come off is it hav seen that that one round there looks much better yeah but it’s it’s still that same blue as CED a bit isn’t it that’s the roof I

    Need to get the leaves off look that one’s not peeling so but it seemed crazed yeah it does actually yeah but no look while you’re here your roof looks AB that gut there I need to do boys there we’re clean cheers right thank you thank you very much

    Indeed lots of solo we’ve we’ve droned it all before by the way when we opened it we droned it we’re going to get another 120 Kow 160 Kow of sailor on there does it take long to recoup the cost of that we reckon 4 3.8 years and then you quids

    In I think it’s worth it because it’s a brand new building with welding and everything we we’re using we’re using a hell of a lot more than we’ve um actually got so right we’re going to get the rush hour now 2:00 in absolute beding is it absolute B okay well I’ll wrap this

    Video up anyway I’ll move on Good Luck nothing personal as you know okay take care cheers buddy so that was that they do work for somebody who if the right people saw what was in that area when he got a little bit touchy then they may want to what copy

    His process or something I don’t know but anyway it’s a sound bloke I’m not going to push my luck I think we’re uh we’re done here let’s just get the 360Β° photo for Google Maps and move on so that was jeers yes a few of the staff taking an interest now

    One down here as well but in general they’ behaved rather well with their amazing spokesman Mr J himself yes and we’ve seen the product we’ve seen the area that he doesn’t want us to film as well and we’ll move on I reckon we’ll just hide a key ring and then we’ll let

    These go back to work because as long as I’m out here they are watching aren’t they and not working I don’t know Mr duer will not be happy with me stopping the staff from working so we just hide a keying where the bike’s parked it’s less

    Uh less obvious is it looks like we’re unlocking the bike so just next to where I park my bike now there’s a big Stone just there under there is the DJ audits key ring so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you

    Do want a key ring good luck with that and jewers has been done if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now


    1. well if its national security he is obliged to make sure he keeps his end of the security tight and if hes failed in that its not your responsibility its his

    2. Mr Jewer sounds like a very interesting person, I would say he is also great to work for, he comes across as a very hands on guy and not just your average CEO/Business owner.

    3. Great lad is that CEO, nice and down to earth. Aircraft doors are never something I'll be in the market for but I do know a friend in their repair and design so will be sure to recommend 😊

    4. National security. BS
      I’m so sick of hearing that.
      Here in the states it’s always β€œsince 9-11” or β€œin this day and age”. 9-11 was 23 years ago and is still a successful terrorist attack because here we are 23 years later and we’re still reacting to that one attack that, while tragic, was minimal in the big picture.

    5. My God, for a man who has no time and no interest about the in's and out's, he spent a long time talking crap. Then he try's to quote GDPR, and gets that wrong as well. Shame, as seemed like a decent guy, then returns and states, 'National Security' after telling you it's all on the website, but realises you're an asset and he can look at his signage and roof condition.πŸ€“πŸ€“πŸ€‘πŸ€‘

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