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    Українська компанія Delfast створила електробайк, що може проїхати на одному заряді батареї довше, ніж будь-який інший у світі. Вони працюють з міжнародними клієнтами та розробляють нові моделі не тільки для розваг, а й для професійного використання.

    Електровелосипеди, на відміну від засобів пересування з бензиновим двигуном, не забруднюють повітря під час руху. Завдяки цьому дедалі більше людей, які переймаються проблемами довкілля, обирають цей вид транспорту.

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    When you ride an e-bike, which doesn’t require pedalling, or spending money on petrol, you can simply take it and go. My name is Danylo Tonkopii, a founder of the Delfast company. Our team has developed an electric bike that can go the farthest on one battery charge. [Green Expedition Ukraїner together with greencubator] [Naddniprianshchyna]

    [Kyiv] This is our electric bike. It is now charging. Connected. It charges from a standard 220V outlet. This is a Top model. One of our first models. It is high-speed. It’s speedy… It is high-speed. Its speed… I apologise. I came from Kazakhstan which is why I do not speak Ukrainian perfectly.

    But this model is high-speed. [What Ukrainian cities can be reached from Kyiv on one charge of the Delfast Top battery?] Its speed is 80 kilometres per hour. This is a Top model, which was a base for creating the Top Cop model, a police modification for the United States of America.

    It has panniers, emergency lights, a siren, and a mount for a rifle. We already sell our e-bikes to the Mexican police. The United States police are currently testing our Top Cop model. So, we used the Top model as a base for creating Top Cop.

    Well, let’s go for a ride, shall we? Delfast was a courier service at first. There was a problem. Almost all of the electric bikes on the global market cannot go for more than 40 kilometres on one battery charge. Our couriers go for 100-150 or even more kilometres each day.

    They are not able to recharge during the day, which is why we had to create our own electric bike. My name is Honcharov Serhii, I am a chief engineer for the Delfast Bikes company. We are in the workshop of the Delfast company, the courier service.

    Here you can personally see all of our bikes: how they started, how they lived and developed. This is one of our three workshops. Here you can actually see what an e-bike is made of. Virtually, it is a battery, an electric engine, and a controller for the engine.

    This is the Prime model, and as I said, it has an on-board computer. It shows speed, charge level, how far it already went and how much farther it can go, and such. We tried selling our electric bikes. We registered at Kickstarter — an American platform for raising funds, for crowdfunding.

    And we saw that American and European customers were interested in our product, in our bike. They were buying it. They were paying $4,000-$5,000 for each bike. To us, to a Ukrainian company. We realised that there was a global demand for such a product, such an e-bike, electric bicycle, that had such high mileage.

    The advantages of [electric] vehicles versus petrol ones are clear — the cost of operation. Because electric vehicles are much cheaper to own and to use. [Electric bicycle vs. light motorcycle: what is the difference?] It is much simpler in maintenance. So, you don’t need a motor mechanic here.

    It is about the number of people that service electric vehicles. And the algorithm is very simple. What do electric vehicles provide? So, there is a system where even the simplest e-bikes have it — Pedal Assist. This is a system that turns on the electric engine to assist a person in riding.

    So, the rider always pushes the pedals with equal effort. Downhill, uphill, whichever way. No matter how old a person is. The pedalling will be always the same. It creates a so-called “blacksmith effect”. So, everyone knows that a blacksmith can work with a hammer for thirty years and stay slim.

    Because the person gets used to the load. These electric bikes finally allowed professional use. After hundreds of tests and experiments, failed attempts, we made a bicycle that could go for 380 kilometres on a single battery charge. We decided to try selling this bike.

    And to prove it can go for 380 kilometres, we took the Zhytomyr highway. We came to Rivne and the battery was still at 20% or 25%. We reached Dubno. It was all documented on GoPro cameras. It was published on YouTube to show the whole world that our bike could go for 380 kilometres.

    It was 10 times faster than any other bike in the world. It was a true breakthrough. After setting this record of going 380 kilometres, the world media began publishing articles: “Electric bike from Ukraine goes farther than Tesla”. Because theTesla 3 can last for only 340 kilometres. and we can go for 380 kilometres.

    We made some noise! Everyone was talking about us. Why have electric bicycles only become popular now, even though they are basically 100 years old? Because without control, constant control over the current, charging, discharging, it is impossible to operate this vehicle. First came computers, then came very small computers — smartphones,

    And only then came efficient electric vehicles. Basically, it is a smartphone on wheels with riding as its main purpose. Efficient and safe riding. This is why these electric bikes are essentially high-tech. Although still quite simple. It happens often: after a while a previously high-tech invention looks quite simple.

    That is precisely true of e-bikes. My father, Mykhailo Sansonovych Tonkopii is the author of this book and over 300 more books and scientific works. [in Russian] “Ecology and Economy of Nature Management” I grew up in Kazakhstan, in Almaty. My dad is an ecology professor. So, I grew up immersed in ecology topics.

    I knew exactly why the city air is polluted and what to do to make it clearer. I knew from an early age that we are responsible for all that we do. [Comparison of carbon dioxide (СО2) emissions from a light motorcycle vs an electric bicycle]

    Compared to regular mopeds that use fuel, petrol, or diesel [an electric bicycle] does not pollute the air. It does not require fuel and saves money. I am convinced that Ukraine has vast potential for global technological projects. Ukraine has plenty of talented engineers, specialists, people who enjoy making things with their own hands.

    But these engineers don’t always have to sell their creations. So we need to learn to sell. Not only develop but also sell globally. Then Ukraine will be able to earn so much money from all over the world. [Author of the project Bogdan Logvynenko] [Producers Karina Piliugina, Natalia Vyshynska] [Director Mykola Nosok]

    [Interviewer Oksana Kuzema] [Cameramen Oleg Sologub, Oleksandr Portjan] [Subtitles translator Kristy Kravchenko] [Ukraїner together with greencubator] [Created with the support of “Climate Innovation Vouchers” project which is funded by the EBRD and the EU]


    1. Те відчуття коли казах говорить українською, а деякі українці і досі не вивчили((

    2. Електровелосипед, як і будь який електричний пристрій від праски до електроавтомобіля, не забруднює екологію, сумніву нема. А електростанція яка генерує цю електроенергію?

    3. Я розумію що все це круто але для початку потрібно надати вашим робітникам спецодяг .

    4. чи є в вас триколісна версія? у мене нема однієї ноги на двох колесах ніяк, дуже хочу купить…

    5. Купили у китайцев двигатель, акамулятор,контролл, раму, колеса, сиденья,руль и сделали украинский электробайк))

    6. Да не все украинцы,знают так украинскую ,так как знаешь ты. Молодец,при желании,все впереди. Слава Украине! Все будет Украина!

    7. Хочу подякувати герою відео зайого українську. Це дуже надихає та викликає повагу.

    8. Капєц… людина з казахстану зробила для країни більше чим депутати. І говорить краще українською ніж деякі депутати.

    9. Только это не до украинец забыл сказать что они ехали 25 км в час а тесла едет 60 км в час 340 км
      Как бы разница ощутимая
      Я когда его слушаю меня аж перекосило от этого перевода


    11. Схоже, що власники електротранспорту не усвідомлюють той факт, що заряджаючи свої акумулятори, вони створюють додаткове навантаження тепловим електростанціям, які генерують електроенергію спалюючи вугілля, мазут, або природний газ. "Зелений" ефект можна мати лише за умови, якщо заряджати акумулятори за допомогою вітрових та сонячних електростанцій.

    12. Какой умный хлопец собрал прототип 🤣😂Китайцы давно высрал то что ты тут отсебячину срёшь в ушил ,а лохмондеи хлопают ушами ,какой талантливый украинец 🤣😂

    13. Бачу багато подяк щодо знання мовы. А про байк буде хочь слово?!
      Аж бiсить все це… Все зводиться до теми мовы та вiйни.

    14. ти мене падабаешься бо ти теж нещадавна перейшоа на украинску або в тебе друг русскоязычный.
      ВСЕ то кайфово

    15. бля а покрасить той байк по европейському шоб блистів перламутром .чи блин якогось смурфіка там забацать .ще скажи що людина має крутити педалі та воду качати ногами коли пожар .
      а почему он так разукрашен ?нет краски .він даже новою красной краской не окрашен .
      такі велики були ще при СОВКу здаеться в школах де були майстерні по розборці чи по курсам вожденія .
      БЛЯ у нас в школі був кабінет вожденія ?🤔🤔🤔
      десь я памятаю той стенд крутилку барабан з трасою рулем педалями деревами розметками …тільки не памятаю як здала …помню шо коньяк взяли бутилку і ще шось

    16. Молодець великий, опановує мову, на відміну від деяких. Можливо саме його велосипед і куплю

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