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    SPEAKER: Apostle Arome Osayi
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    #apostleaaromeosayi #apostleorokpomichael #rcn

    So I got a message from a lady today and she came up with a solemn request that I should remember that my message on altars is not yet complete and that uh I’ve not yet spoken about how to set up an altar on a business platform as an insurance policy to

    Guarantee that the hand of God will be upon our endeavors that he will cause it to prosper so we’ll just take um 15 minutes and respond to her so the idea of the altar is to get and to be able to access the power that the spirit being has and

    To propel that power for good okay to propel that power for good now the Bible says you shall remember the Lord thy God for it is he that giveth the power to make wealth to make wealth it means that Jehovah has meanwhile the Bible also says that the

    Blessings of the Lord it maketh rich and it added no sorrow to it the reason why it adds no sorrow is because the Holy Ghost is the original spirit that is designed to make us wealthy see if you if you access a wrong Spirit to make you

    Wealthy it may be able to make you wealthy but it will add its own it own native his own native signature will be added on your life are you there if it’s originally a spirit of barness a fertility Spirit it will impact barness and bless you with barness in addition

    To what you sought from it but the Bible says that the blessings of the Lord it makes rich and it acts no Sor so the man that is into business the man that is into Politics the man that is into Ministry the man that wants to ascend in his career

    Must know how to set up an altar in his business set up an altar as the heart of his political Endeavor set up an altar in that area of ende devil in order to channel the power of God and to use the power of God as the driving force of

    That establishment now so what happened to oedon was that the ark was deposited in his compound for custody they did not tell him how to relate with the ACT did not tell him how to function with the act in fact he was not educated everyone everyone wanted to

    Leave the scene of the death of usua and go as far as possible he did not have a choice in the matter if not he would have requested that the ACT should not be deposited in his compound now that it was a Royal Decree that was responsible

    For positioning the AR in his compound he now realized that okay I can as well benefit from it so I I told you that the dialect of of of priesthood the dialect of that Spirits can understand is the dialect of sacrifice so I can imagine that that

    This guy OED Edon sacrificed to the ark and he began to honor the presence of God began to honor the presence of God and he was doing it regularly and then the effect of what he was doing began to affect every aspect of everything that he did now I have a friend in

    Abuja and this my friend decided to start a fellowship in his office he’s the MD of his office and his office is in a very business side of Abuja it’s in that it’s a business side what I mean by that is uh there are no residential buildings close to the area because it’s

    Fully a business estate so he set up a fellowship in his office so no matter the business you want to bring to the office forget about it if it’s up Friday and it’s um 7:00 a.m. to 10: a.m. forget about that business in fact he went as far as

    Importing equipment from the United States of America to make the worship experience very fluid the sound is powerful so anytime I find myself in Abuja on Friday morning I hop into that place and and I I tell him I’m not coming here to preach so don’t even look

    At me because they do some some very powerful prayers from that you know so I just soak myself and he has some worshippers I don’t know where he got those those people when they begin to sing is something else so it is easy for me to inquire of the Lord the things

    That I’m asking God about it’s easy for me to get a feedback under that atmosphere so I cherish that Fellowship so much anytime I’m in Abuja so we hop into the place and I hide by one corner and I just enjoy the worship I enjoy the prayers

    And I get answers for myself all right so and that’s all I don’t want to do anything and I told him I don’t want to do anything you know I just I just I just enjoy it then we now started noticing something because in that company part of what

    They do is that they give out loans and then they recover the loans with an interest okay then this ultic woman now shows up and he collected the loan without any intention to pay and the reason for which she had the audacity to do that was because she was

    In League with several demonic altars that were very potent so they went to court and the lady has a relationship with the judges and you know how terrible it can be do you know that that my friend was the only man that lady could not defeat the alter they have been praying

    On worshiping on in that office the presence of the Lord that they reveiled on that in the platform of that office when to I saw it with my eyes terrible woman the presence of God that they’ve been acknowledging in that office arose and I saw the hand of God in court and

    This altar brought that woman down to nothing now the kind of if if you if you ask me I will not do that kind of that kind of business if you ask me but as as terrible as the business looks from your perspective as an analyst as an

    Accountant they are making profits they are surviving not because the idea of the business is tight it’s because there an the day he steps down from that place and say he’s not he’s not running this business again give that business 3 months it no longer exist what is

    Keeping it is the altim so my question to you businessman business woman my question to you if if you sell in the market you have trade trade out outlets here and there is is there any time on that your platform that you shut down and attend to God

    Our cousins on Friday when it’s time for prayer it doesn’t matter the business that you bring because all of their business Outlets submit under the authority of the altar that they respond to so that’s the reason why sometimes they are very strong in business is because they have

    Exalted the altar that they subscrib to higher over and above their business but for a Believer it is difficult for him to have a routine that is going to exalt his alar much more than his business are you there this my friend they bought equip you need to see where

    Is Smith I think Smith you have minister is Smith in this you have ministered there before so that Fellowship is so serious that they invite Smith to come on Friday a very very corporate environment to come and hold worship and do you know because the environment is Corporate the

    Kind of people that you see come there are not you you find the kind of people that is in the shape of the environment and sometimes the attendance is so much that they don’t know where to put people I told him why are you still here move this thing to another location

    And people are looking forward to Fridays do you know that that man decided that okay once a month let them do night viil in that office and corporate people will come do night viil they will stop it almost to the break of day so we sleep for 1 hour and from

    There go to work office they put the name of the Lord on that office and I’ve seen the way God has fought for that business it is not natural it is not natural and I was challenged I’m not a businessman but what I saw in that outlet provoked

    Me to study the Bible because if they’re doing this thing and is working it means it was in the Bible but we didn’t see it then I found out that that’s the same thing that happened when when the AR of God was brought into the estate of obededom the Bible says that everything

    That pertained to him began to prosper are you there everything that pertained to him began to prosper um those of you from the T culture you must have I think this should not be so strange to you because there’s a counterfeit of this matter that I’m speaking about that is in your

    Culture CH Don arm yourself with the microphone and give us an account Of how do they call that again that Al and when it is many what okay now for those of you watching from America from uh uh England um please be patient with us the word in our dialect that is used to depict this special kind of altar that has the

    Capacity to produce demonic wealth there is no English counterpart of that word so please bear with us uh can you call that word again in and that is one that’s singular so that’s the word there’s no English counter even callings dictionary did not anticipate this matter so they did not

    Make provision for it in the English language so we need to make reference to it according to the language in the dialect that had the stature to carry the meaning of the matter that we’re raising here so please bear with us I will try as much as possible to

    Interpret where there is Grace but sometimes there is nothing to interpret to so we have to retain the native presentation okay so um CH donatus yes sir can you give us an idea of how that thing works because it’s in the heart of the thief culture it’s a tool that is used

    Embellished with demonic power and it is said to have the ability to make a man Prosper So and I’ve heard once and again people fight over it people fight in a certain family to be in custody of that material because of the potentials that it has in making his custodian

    Exceptionally wealthy and so can you give us come on stage so that they’ll be see your face because give us an account and I I will ask you a few questions the issue of altars is not so far removed from our context it’s just that the people that

    Have operated in the kingdom of darkness have utilized these Concepts much more than we in the kingdom of God so sometimes we will need to show us the example of that matter in the other Kingdom and how it is practiced just to give us some form of Enlightenment and

    Then we’ll come to the real altar which is the altar of God everything that Satan is doing and everything he does is a counterfeit it’s a counterfeit he saw it done somewhere and he decided to transport and to import that technology into his kingdom and he’s using perverted principles attempting to

    Achieve the same results in his kingdom now so can you give us an idea of this how this thing works okay yes sir well is a spiritual thing the people believe that he the god of prosperity too fast it’s too fast and um an English man a native English

    Man there are many English men that listen to us yes sir the a native English man may not be able to comprehend it was when I started preaching to English people that I realized that it’s another language we are speaking or not so that’s when I started dragging

    Some words I speak because that’s the only way I could get the attention of the English man so the way you speaking now you’re speaking to English te people but what we want now is to address English people so first first and foremost be slow okay sir all right the you people believe

    Thatu yes that thing he called I’m running commentaries just so that you follow yes sir in the discourse that name he mentioned is a name of the Altar and there is no English representation for it Collins and Webster did not anticipate that there was a technology like that so they

    Did not make Provisions in the dictionary for this the name of this altar okay it’s it’s called the God of prosperity Prosperity the way the ark was to Israel they believe that is how is to them the way the AR came to the house of bom and was blessed okay they

    Believe that this is how if an individual or a group or family holds it blessing will be in their custody and wait wait wait this thing I don’t know is it a physical thing or he fell from Hell fell from the kingdom of darkness Satan came and made it transformed it

    From being a spiritual thing into a physical and give her what what what is it like it’s a spiritual reality that is being trapped in something physical sometimes okay the people we are teaching people we are educating don’t have an idea whatsoever of this these issues these

    Terminologies we need to be patient now if you see the rain of questions on my Facebook inbox rain of questions it will take us maybe our lifetime to handle all the questions that have come it’s it’s like it’s a new area of of of truth that we are trying to establish so that

    People the Sons and Daughters of God can become very efficient in this new area of Truth so we need to be so he said it is a spiritual reality but it is trapped in a physical thing now um those of you that are watching online you may have heard of an idol

    Before an idol an idol can be made of wood an idol can be made of mod some idols Are Made of Stone depending on the prescription of the spirit being that is giving you insight into what is required in order to trap its Dimensions down are

    You there okay now um um I want to show you how it looks like can you transmit this picture to where is Philip okay transmit the picture to Pastor Dan and Pastor Dan is going to transmit it to the media people and the will give us a picture of the kind of

    Thing he’s talking about please be patient with us I know you are aware of these things but I just realized when I check the number of people that view our meetings it’s so much so we need to be giving attention to the people that are online and most time when we carry on

    With our in our own way we don’t really reach them out there so if you are watching us now from anywhere in the world this is the physical object that that reality can be trapped in meanwhile Chief what is this thing because this one is physical what is

    This thing this this one is a it’s an idol it’s an idol yes sir you that the picture is not white it’s an idol it looks like this toy that baby play it looks like a baby door B baby door yeah and there are many of them it could be

    Carved wooden image or sometime they use this th bone okay the th bone okay of a human being of a human being so sacrifice and then the reality can into yes they sacrifice somebody that has value the effect of so so listen listen they’ll sacrifice somebody that has

    Value not just somebody walking around the streets then they just catch the person and kill no no no the person is promising he has a bright Destiny they have seen that if they allow him be he will turn out to be a great person so they sacrifice that person and then they

    Use the blood they po it and is activated they put on this Idol yes the reality within it accepts that offering then it is activated and what will be the consequence from that moment an ordinary person I cannot see this one why seeing because the powers have been

    Deactivated can see all right so the reason why we can see this one right here right now is because it’s not yet been activated the moment it becomes activated it is Invincible is that what you’re saying yes sir oh my now so the next question I have for

    You because I believe a,1 people in our audience will be asking the same question how did they discover this technology because it’s not in our physics textbooks it’s not in the chemistry textbook the believe that this came from a tradition I don’t know how it is but it’s a foreign it means that

    The people are more advanced in this technology who man here I don’t know whether it’s that’s true but I came From Pastor what do you know about these things because they said they imported it from among your people um so those of you online please stay with me it is for for most of you that studied in Cambridge and in in Harvard in Oxford um you are not likely to believe

    What we are sharing right now but you are a victim of it even even though you in fact satanic power is more effective when you are absolutely ignorant of his presence and his potency that’s the easiest way to be Perpetual victim your life will be shaped by it and you’ll be

    Unaware and you’re the life of your children and it keeps going on until someone that is knowledgeable in the way of priesthood arises and sets up an altar that has the capacity to contend with the altar of the devil now so uh Pastor yes sir what do you know about

    They said this thing came from a t land not really from the information I have from my father com from the other generation he he told me that he came from the cian cross the people that the called I’m seeing a lady from Cross she’s

    Already we got lady stand up lady yes I know the way you reacted I know you from so he told me it has been imported by the T people from the odam which is cross but the people also got it from the T people it seems that every every ethnic

    Extraction is denying the source of this so this thing you see here is not a small thing this thing is not a small thing this thing you see okay sister from Cross do you know anything about this which part of cross are you from do you know anything about this this technology

    Okay the one I know is not really about Prosperity it doesn’t it’s not prosperous okay it doesn’t Prosper people no but what does it do it’s just giving to a family to be powerful like they just powerful over every other person powerful in what sense powerful politically powerful intellectually powerful financially not financially

    It’s just you can it shows you have power you are not see the product of an alar is not is not an illusion when an auor is brought into a matter there’s there are practical solutions that you see on the ground it’s not an illusion when you say power

    What are you talking about here she’s not the definition is given this because you’ll be powerful you’ll be powerful yes politically if you contest seven corridors of power yes there’s intellectual power there’s Financial power there’s political power there’s spiritual power are you there me I have spiritual

    Power huh and it goes on like a seven corridors of power and what you are saying doesn’t suit any of this this particular one they are the ones that are made the chief of the community is that not political power if you are the chief of the community do you need more

    Money you just come up with a policy and say all of you bring money it depends on what you’re looking for okay depending if you’re looking for money money will come if you’re looking for politics in politics power yes yes um what’s your name Virginia Virginia all

    Right so you can turn in the microphone so you were giving us a very deep they believe so when it is serviced it disappears it disappears and uh it only appears when they want to kill want to what do you mean by that to kill for instance if

    They want to kill somebody and the person is not available okay or maybe the person who want to kill is having some level of compassion for the for yes they you to come in maybe they send you go to so and so place open so and so

    Back and pick something there and they bring for me and as you get there the thing will appear appear and then it snaps you it snaps picture there’s nothing I only know of two people that escape that that okay wait wait I mean Breen I’m unbelievers we already confused we already

    Confused just like Satan carries a cannon camera snapping people yes we have seen the original can yes sir so so he takes your picture takes your picture oh that’s when he begins to look for how to you look for a way to kill you either by accident sometimes

    Some of the accident that happen actually is not accident they already killed you already and then then they just uh circumstances and situations St call accident translate and affect the thing that is already been accomplished in the realm of the spirit yes sir all right so after this sacrifice what are

    The symptoms that you begin to find what is the effect of the sacrifice what uh what happen is that the sacrifice is yearly either yearly depending on the The Covenant is either yearly or maybe after 3 months or four months somebody will go down and it’s them just way you

    Teaching other time they want to choose who should be killed you can’t just go and kill a drunkard they prefer graduates in the midst of illiterate because that will add more credit if a graduate I heard that the value of a graduat is like 10 people put together

    Okay the value of an intellectual the value of a graduate is like 10 no vises put together put together yes sir and once somebody is K at that point we need to say the Lord have the Lord have mercy yes once the blood is poured and is

    Activated what happens is that they make incantation and they choose one person from the family that would be very powerful so they the impact of all of that ritual that is done will be channeled in the life of one person and you’ll be very prosperous

    It just like the AR in house a short period of time that’s the aspect that I want us to really dig into yes sir how that man becomes prosperous the spiritual power to empower him to prosper has been released yes sir now does he just sit at home and prosper no

    No no no must be doing something he must be doing something even if grut is sing even if his grut is selling he will prosper and become big govern you come there to buy yes I’m just trying to open your eyes to see when we say you have set up an altar

    You cannot set up an altar in fact are you there and do nothing and expect that something will come out of nothing that’s not how it was and that’s why the Bible says whatsoever he lays his hands upon to do it shall prosper the spiritual Dimension the spiritual possibility the spiritual potential has

    Been Unleashed but you will need to translate it into Goodwill into performance by laying your hands on something so there is a work aspect there’s a work aspect all right so once upon a time I was in the city of zarya ministering and I met this young

    Man and the young man came for counseling and he told me where he’s from a certain State in Nigeria and he told me that he was in a very remote area and he was going to fetch water from the stream I know those of you in the United Kingdom don’t know what a

    Stream is it’s a small body of water that flows all right and that’s where our Villages drink from there’s no pipe bom water there’s no B hole systems they drink directly from the open stream you must have discovered why we are very healthy is because we’ve been

    Exposed to all kinds of gems and the gems are now at home with our B okay so because the other day my friend came from the United States to Ghana and he could not drink bottled water that the bottled water was reacting with his stomach that there was

    Only one kind of bottled water in Ghana he could drink that’s the voltic voltic bottled water that was the only type of bottled water Hallelujah I don’t want to comment on that but I’m just telling you that God has blessed us okay so this guy went to the stream to fetch water and

    Then a spirit leaped out of the stream and suspended in the air and told him that you see we’ve been looking for you we want to give you wisdom are you interested in our wisdom said oh yeah I’m I’m interested I’m interested so the N gave him three alligator paper to eat

    And the reason why they gave him GTO peer sorry those of you online you may not know there’s one type of pepper that you don’t find in the stores in the United Kingdom in London you don’t find them in Cardiff you don’t find them in New York you find them in

    Wuku so the next time when you show up for I act someone to get to a sample of alligator purppose it’s strange kind of purppose and meanwhile don’t try it out the Lord give you understand so they gave the guy alligator paper to eat and the reason why they gave him the paper

    To eat was because he was in the flesh they wanted him to to to to ascend it’s just like you know they need him high so and the perfect will do that as fast as possible you can also achieve that with taking alcohol you you can Ascend into the frequencies

    Of Darkness those songs that people that are drunk sing they’re actually hearing it the guys are actually hearing those songs so it’s not as if they’re just singing out of nowhere no somebody is dictating a tune the song may not have any relationship with the treble or the b c

    But the song exists and is been dictated to them and they are finding uh finding expression in the midst of that song so they gave him the paper and he he went high in the spirit so they began to dictate to him how to set up a shrine

    And the technology they give him is the kind of technology that mirrors the dimension the realm in which those Spirits are found in the spirit realm so when you can mirror that dimension in the natural realm you can actually trap those Spirits into that place where the shrine is so when chief

    Said the thing is a spiritual reality and they found the technology to trap it in a physical material now so when you see an idol are you there the spirit is not always in that Idol 24 hours a day the spirit only comes into that Idol that Idol is a technology I’m talking

    About and it’s built to capture the dimension that the spirit operates so the spirit can be trapped in it okay so when they do incantations and do enchantments enchantments mean to give instruction to Demons so when they do enchantments the demons now are trapped in those vessels those vessels that are

    Designed to contain them are you there I know it’s on the screen just walk with me for now okay so so those those things they are depending on the spirit the vessels that can trap them are different um most of you don’t know the dwar spirits most of you don’t know that

    You don’t know the Lexicon of spirits and today is not the day for that but there are containers that are used to trap dwarf Spirits uh dwarf Spirits are the most vicious me messenger spirits and most of the people unfortunately in Africa most of the people that go into

    Politics use the services of this Spirits when we when we come to talk about the Lexicon of Spirits at least the ones I have seen in Deliverance in territorial Warfare there are not too many but I’ve seen a few and uh the ones that operate

    Here in this land yes I’ve seen a few of them and the Lord has taught me what we need to do to disarm them in fact some of the breakthroughs we have had as a Ministry is because of the fact that we disarmed so many of such spirits that

    Have been released to hinder the advancement of the kingdom of God but today is not the day okay so what we are saying is that you can trap those realities within a physical context so that there can be interaction there can be exchange and they can be transaction

    Is that clear so okay does this thing expire um a chef life it does not according to what I been told is that an individual does not own it okay even if you deser to prosper you kill somebody or you have an a wooden image you got a

    Wooden image and then you kill somebody and activate it as soon as you activate it it disappears and it’s a community that hold it community of witches what the people call is a community of witches even if you go and buy it bring it and you say you want to run Private

    Practice it might even disappear from your hand disappear from your hand soon as you activate in the community of so they control it they determine who holds it and it’s like this is where the Democratic principles in came from this what this thing they call you are talking to English men

    Okay that Dimension you went may the Lord help us in the name of Jesus Christ amen now listen I’m tempted to talk about witchcraft but I resist the temptation can you see that this type of empowerment is starred is controlled by the community of wies there are many of

    You that cannot understand your welfare and most times you want to fight your Warfare alone you’re not capable and that’s the reason why we hold Corporate Services is because your Ware began from a community of wites it would take a community to contend with a community and that’s why spiritual ware in the

    Book of Ephesians chapter 6 it say we restle I just spoke with a sister of ours she went to study in the United Kingdom and suddenly this this cycle of depression begins to hit her and all of that and then she reports I say sister

    There is a COV close to where you are schooling and the SPs have been casted on the entire Community I know you are keeping your own prayer watches but it seems you pray alone she said yes I said you know your own prayer as an individual as powerful as it is cannot

    Counteract a conclave of witches the context must be the same in the case of the administration of an altar to Shield you from the effect of another altar if it was set up by an individual then your own individual altar you get that and that’s the reason why we come you know

    To come here for 40 days I know I know you are spending money for transport there’s a lot of that that is going underground but um the collective benefit from Gathering like this together and the spiritual power that we can muster on the strength of this corporate Gathering makes it what all

    The while and there are many of us that have come here just for a worship service and you did not know that you already the you were the the photographer the spiritual photographer had snapped you and there are many of them and you can bear witness that we

    Have been able to pick out of the congregation and break that hold of satanic photography for you must understand that there is something called a community of wishes they influence the lives of people in territories influence the lives of people in families and it is always a corporate satanic effort and

    That’s why we need to also have a corporate Divine community that we maintain a corporate altar now so so um the the person must do something yes sir in order for the good will that has been generated to translate into finances to translate into the greatness that uh that community of witches have bestowed upon

    Him now my question is does he pay any form of taxes or royalties to the community of witches that have picked him out of the pool of men and have decided to Empower him that one maybe they doing spiritual is not something I’m aware of but I know

    That and it’s it’s rotational it’s rotational so they can decide that you’ve used it for 7 years uh your time has expired let us hand it over to someone else or another clan yes and normally somebody must die see in order to activate it for that Clan somebody

    From that Clan will die to take it from you somebody must die to take it from taking it to somebody would died there too before all right so you must have heard in the lecture you must have heard in the lecture that that the dialect that the spirit real can understand is

    Called what sacrifice I heard that where he’s been kept sometime they dig the ground and put it there some are inside a tree some are kept they carry it in the body it’s it’s been kept in different places like the one that my pastor went to pray for

    Was praying for uh the man and then his eyes open it was the man that came to him and said that he has he has one and the thing he’s killing people and now he has gotten born again he doesn’t know what to do so the pastor prayed for him

    He told the pastor that he’s been kept his own is being kept inside a mango tree okay and so he prayed for him and after the prayer the got picked him and he was lan and then the pastor told him that that mango tree would die as a sign

    That the powers of the B has been deactivated and actually that was what happened so they have different places where they kept them but what I heard is that if is kept under the ground that royalty thing that you talk about this a kind of money that they come there

    Occasionally to know drop I’m aware that you must pay yes this kind of money that they come there and drop you know and drop yes any other final comment on this matter well this is I said later on some they in animals they hide them in animals no no no something like there’s

    Something they call aayu aou is is a controversial demon that is a manmade actually are is manade is it manade man man yes down here is fish up here is a woman a human being let me say human being up here human being it’s a fish

    Down there fish up here human wait I think we are saying different things is it are you talking about a merid yes is it real it’s real if you go to zoo here this uh Ben Zoo you see the skin where the one that was killed the skin you see

    It I I saw it we going there tomorrow okay sir can I throw some light on that please all the light all the light throw a m is different from manatis okay manate manatis is a fish right but it has this mystery about it that when you

    Get ah head you know it has some strand of hair it has some strand of hair yes that’s true once you get it and make a sacrifice it will have the same effect like that oh like this I’m talking about yes sir so people catch that fish and

    They use the head yes once you go to a fisherman and you know they they have caught this one you will buy but once blood is offered uh on it it becomes very poent in attracting Prosperity yes sir do you know that it’s only when we get to heaven that will

    Know will understand many things but let us have sufficient understanding to disarm Satan while we are here no wonder they killed that one in the zoo yes sir Jesus Christ before we knew the one in the zoo because when I was small we used to go

    To the zoo to to see the manate then only for me to come back when I started schooling the university here there was no more man there it’s dangerous it’s dangerous because anybody can come there and steal it


    1. You want to understand the subject of altar etc… Get Toolbox by Pastor Obed Obeng Addae… And you will thank the Lord. He has taught very deep concepts in that blessed book

    2. You can imagine that obed sacrificed to the ark …..but the Bible didnt says so….by the way is it the massage we are sent to preach? Jesus NEVER preached such ….

    3. Thank God for the wonderful gift of Apostle Arome Osayi and the RCN family.

      This exposé on altars is too good to be listened to once. We must go for all the days and glean as much as possible.

      Thank you Jesus for light.

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