Explore the unexplained as we go through the most shocking UFO videos posted online.

    0:00 – Intro
    0:35 – Lowestoft UFO
    1:45 – Gulf Mystery
    2:36 – The Black Object
    3:27 – Chicago Orbs
    5:25 – 1979 Stadium Sighting
    6:40 – Cockpit Encounter
    7:46 – Clermont Lights

    There it is now what is that more than 50,000 people witnessed this incident and somehow it hasn’t been explained to this day hi I’m Matt and welcome to the third episode of mysterious UFO videos from around the internet a series where we take a look and discuss the most intriguing UFO footage found

    Online just to be clear this video is actually a reupload from episode 3 of this series which unfortunately I had to remove for technical reasons so if you haven’t watched the original one stick around I’m sure that you will enjoy it let’s Jump Right In Loft UFO February 12th

    1998 listof England filmed by David Spore this footage showcases a stationary saucer-shaped object in the night sky and I managed to get a shot of it with the camera actually propped on the top our car so it’s fairly steady that kept in that position for around half a

    Minute or so a few moments later the unidentified object suddenly departs exhibiting an unusual acceleration then it suddenly shot off quite a pretty far speed of course there is a possibility that this footage was faked however faking videos back in the 9s was definitely not an easy task as personal

    Video editing software was way too limited back then drones are also out of the question not only because they were not very accessible back then but also because the shape of the object doesn’t seem to match fake footage for a drone The Mystery of the lowestoft UFO remains unexplained to this day Gulf

    Mystery now let’s move on to a place that’s historically known for its unexplained incidents the Gulf of Mexico recorded in 2015 15 this video showcases a pink light exhibiting rapid movements far from the shore the author of this video claimed that the way the object flies resembles the way a drone moves

    But knowing that the platform is about 130 mi from the shore and the object is probably around 8 Mi away from the platform the chances of the UFO being a civilian drone are slim to none since no civilian drone could go that far not to mention the battery power required for

    Such a long trip years have passed since this incident took place however the origin of the object or explanation for this event remains unsolved to this day the black object next we’re taking to Israel on November 21st 2023 where an unidentified object was recorded while being completely stationary in broad daylight

    For a long period of time the author of the video claims that he drove by at once and found it a little bit odd but didn’t give it much attention after about an hour when he was returning on the same road the object was still there in over an hour the

    Object hasn’t moved even a bit taking a closer look at the video a black elongated object can be seen even though it was recorded from AF far it seems to be pretty big probably around 6 ft a military aircraft or an outworld entity the question remains as this mystery is

    Still unsolved to this day Chicago orbs let’s move on to Chicago recorded in June 2023 this video showcases six flying black orbs in broad daylight as soon as the person that was recording this incident loses sight of the objects from his backyard he quickly moves to the front of his house only to

    Witness the unidentified objects suddenly speeding up and departing in the same direction also the redit user who found this video on social social media claims that he took a look at the profile of the original poster to get more information about it but all he found were dirt bike and dog videos nothing

    About UFOs this basically means that there was no prior interest in the topic consequently decreasing the odds of that video being a hoax now to make things more interesting a Reddit user from England left a response to this video where he recalls a similar experience which gives an extra layer of

    Credibility to this incident I saw a UFO like this with my brother about 20 years ago in England I always described it as a coin flipping across the sky it was weird too because the next day on the news supposedly a helicopter crashed in the ocean even though I was like 10 I

    Suspected it was a cover up for the UFO we saw could these two people have witnessed the same object the similarities between the video and how the Reddit user from England describes it or intriguing let me know your thoughts in the comments but now if you

    Made it this far into the video please consider leaving a like and subscribing to this channel you can also support us by becoming a member by clicking on the join button below it will help immensely I also want to take a moment to thank all of the members of the

    Channel a big thanks to Paul Gardner II and Annie Davis for helping to support the channel it means so much to me with that being said let’s jump back to where we stopped 1979 Stadium sighting I want you to explain that to me Dr I’m afraid now let’s go back to October 28th

    1979 a football game between the Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers is taking place however something really odd happened that day the commercial break was suddenly interrupted by the announcers to show two unidentified objects that were hovering over the stadium being witnessed by over 50,000 people the most reasonable explanation

    For this event was that those two objects were actually UFO kites which are commonly sold at football games however if kites are actually that popular during football games I don’t think that the announcers would act the way they did they seemed really confused there it is now what is

    That now taking a closer look they seem to be rotating pretty fast and don’t seem that big probably just around 20 in which would probably align with the size of a kite decades have passed since this intriguing event took place and no defini answer has ever been given while

    People who were in person during the game claimed that those objects were not kites Skeptics stand their ground stating the exact opposite cockpit encounter the next video takes us to a 787 plane traveling from Japan to Canada on November 19th 2023 at around 4:00 a.m. three Pilots witnessed a few objects moving at

    Incredible speeds the objects flashed blue orange and green lights after trying to make something out of what they had just seen the pilots agreed those objects were not satellites or starlink flares since they were not only changing colors but also appearing and disappearing randomly the author of the video also claims that the

    Speed of those objects was around 10 to 20 times faster than an aircraft traveling in the opposite direction so planes can also be ruled out of this investigation given that this report came from three train Pilots it adds weight to this sighting Pilots spend

    Most of their lives in the skies so if a flying object makes them rub their heads like this it’s definitely something that falls out of mundane explanations for that reason this mystery still remains unsolved to this day Claremont lights recorded in Claremont Florida on November 25th 2023 this footage

    Showcases a set of orange lights flying in the night sky the author of the video claimed that he assumed it was just a drone since there was just one light at first however a few more lights started to show up from behind his neighbor’s roof it’s also important to note that

    Claremont is a very small town and according to the author of the video they don’t have drone shows or anything like that taking a closer look at this like formation it seems pretty similar to another video from Virginia that was featured on episode 2 of the series I

    Enough this video was recorded just days before on November 6th 2023 while the one from Claremont is from November 25th could there be a connection between these two events let me know your thoughts in the comments and there you have it a set of mysterious UFO videos from around the

    Internet each sighting brings its own set of questions leaving us to wonder about the Mysteries that linger in our skies what are your thoughts on these encounters share your insights in the comments below until next time keep your eyes on the skies and stay vigilant I’m trapped in my own mind


    1. On the Sol foundation one of the scientists stated that the odd vision seeing a coin flipping is due to the electrical charge causing visual distortion
      which can be corrected by viewing the UFO/UAP through a polarised lens; which he recommended.

    2. i like your narration because you don't try and act all mysterious or spooky or "govt coverup!", it's just like "hey here's another one" and that works for me.

    3. So the object next to the drilling platform looked like a drone. But it was way too far from shore ? Hmmm how about the people working on the Plattform ? All platforms have drones to check for maintenance purposes

    4. I was digging post holes on a farm in the interior of BC, Canada, 30 years ago, when I noticed a small black dot in the sky that didn't move. I thought it was maybe an airplane flying away from me. It stayed there for 2 hours, not moving or changing shape. No lights neither. Then it was gone. Not much of a UFO story, but it has always had me wondering. 😉

    5. When I was in Darwin Nth Australia in 2000, Myself and my girlfriend at the time watched 6 bright orange lights in the late afternoon pass close in front of us. They were in perfect synchronisation in the shape of a fishhook. Estimated distance from us 1 kilometre and just above the horizon. As they got past us they all disappeared at the EXACT same time. No noise, no mess, no fuss..

      I have been lucky enough to see several unknowns in my life. I have a distinct feeling that these "ORBS" are not true UFO's but are a planetary phenomena that we do not understand. Never the less there ARE legit craft of unknown origin..

    6. The Pentagon said there are no aliens. The Pentagon has stated that all UFO&UAP sightings – are sightings of classified military equipment. After studying all the materials about UFOs, it becomes quite obvious that since the late 40s of the twentieth century, a secret project has been developing in the United States for the development and production of aircraft, where the lifting force is created using high-frequency vibration. It all started with James Pitts' "Sky Car" vibrating orthopter umbrella, then the umbrella was closed with a dome and devices appeared according to the scheme of conventional electromagnetic vibrating speakers (membrane + inductance) – fragments of the membrane were found by a farmer in Roswell. Then they created piezoelectric thrusters, or with small dischargers on the surface (they glowed all over the body due to ionization of the air), and now they are planes with plasma propulsion panels (so they are angular – that is, with flat surfaces) . Thousands of discharge cells are densely packed into motor panels – they shoot streams of plasma (railgun architecture – coaxial electrodes). The ionized air of the spark discharge is accelerated in the railgun chamber by the Lorentz force to enormous speeds – a kind of ramjet engine is obtained. Just imagine! – tens of thousands of small ramjet engines assembled in panels and launching plasma synchronously at a huge frequency (hundreds of kilohertz). Plasma jets form toroidal air vortices – this air cushion creates lift and acceleration. See, for example, the MARAUDER (Magnetically Accelerated Ring to Achieve Ultra-high Directed Energy and Radiation) project. My article "UFOs are made in the USA" and the books "UFO Hunt" and "UFO Elimination" describe all this in detail. The technology is quite mundane – it is known in great detail thanks to information leaks. For example, air ionization in the coaxial elements of a railgun is created using radiation (radioactive polonium is introduced into the metal). Devices of this type were used throughout the 50s-60s-70s-80s for secret missions (they took off, as a rule, from special submarines). With the fall of the USSR, their use by the United States was practically curtailed (in the novel "Little Green Men" by Christopher Buckley, speechwriter Bush Sr., a scene is described where the US president decides to curtail the "flying saucer" project). The winding down of the project can be recorded by the drop in magnesium consumption in the United States, since such fuel was used in fuel cells (magnesium strips were burned in forced galvanic batteries), this is 2007-2008. However, later the development of the technology continued in the Russian Federation and China (the technology was restored by reverse engineering methods for downed devices). Secrecy, however, was maintained and there was no civilian use because the technology was not suitable for it – harmful microwave radiation from pulsed plasma thrusters (harm to pilots and impact on electrical appliances inside and along the flight line). The payload is small (but one nuclear charge is enough). There is no radio communication – unmanned vehicles can fly and maneuver only in accordance with the program. Previously, there was a narrow application profile – rare spy missions (so that pilots do not get a lot of radiation). Reconnaissance aircraft of this type were often observed at military bases, missile launch sites and airfields. They were even seen by peaceful geologists in the taiga, where clearings for seismic exploration were laid – UFOs flew there to check whether military construction was underway (I myself heard stories about this))). I think that soon this technology will be declassified, and cargo airships with flickering round plasma panels on the surface of the hull will appear in the Arctic sky.🥶🥶😌😌

    7. I can back up UFOLOGY_RESEARCH, as those two ‘UFOs’ at 5.32 are definitely rotor kites. I bought one in the early 1980s and got another as a birthday gift. I tied one to the other just like in this video. I bought another and flew three together but after attempting to attach a fourth they didn’t fly so well. That could also have been down to the fact that the light breeze that was keeping them aloft died down that day. I flew them at other times though and always had comments from observers. Great fun. Another sighting in this video at 7.55 I would say is yet another item I have ‘flown’ in the past, Chinese lanterns. Im pretty sure that’s what they are, due to the orange glow and the erratic way they are flying. Just my opinion, for what it’s worth.

    8. Regardless of mistaken identity or hoaxes, aliens/UFOs are an absolute reality, but they'll never openly meet us, so it's much easier to just deny all of it, you'll never get answers, ignorance is truly bliss.

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