Dock Masters 2024 Finals

    E O Good evening and welcome to the finals for the 20 24 doc Masters Championship we are here at Boulder Hall energy Haven in utre in the Netherlands and we are about 40 minutes away from the start of the finals of this year’s event as you can see the people are waiting eagerly

    To get into the gym we’ve got them behind the rope we’re going to fill this space up in about probably 15 minutes The Boulders on the wall just getting their final tweaks by the root sending crew they run a very short time frame from the end of the qualifying or the

    Recreational round that was on earlier today they’ve got a strip and set all the finals Boulders um they’re almost done there ladders are still everywhere drills lots of talking still going on they’ll have that buttoned up by the time we’re ready to go presentation of the athletes is going to be at about

    6:45 and we’re going to run right into it right now we’re going to head up to isolation and see if we can get a couple of athletes to talk to us about what they’re uh expecting to see in in the final how their semi-final went yesterday let’s go have a

    Chat walk through the gym here a little easier than yesterday because we haven’t let the people in yet we’ll see you guys in in a minute we’ll get the energy up in here it was wild in here last night DJ was killing it light show was killing it and

    Fantastic climbing on the semi-final Boulders yesterday we went from 20 semi finalists down to six finalists climbing tonight six best men six best women from the weekend and I tell you we have some real Heavy Hitters in the lineup tonight so we put them in isolation

    They’ve been in here for a little while they do get to see the boulders when they come out but we don’t want them to have too much extra time so we got them in isolation warming up this is one of the best warm-up areas you’re going to

    See this is World Cup level warm-up facility if you weren’t with us yesterday we’ll walk you right through it over in the corner we got a hangboard campus board Moon board couple of different angles to climb on uh they can set super hard Boulders in here if they

    Need to they want to get warm enough to go ready to climb the thing about finals format is they have four minutes plus to try the Boulder and then they sit and wait for each other climbers so they get about 20 25 minutes rest between each Boulder that lets them work a little

    Harder gives them more rest time so their warmups going to be a little bit different than it was yesterday when they were on the five on five off you got to get that flash pump out of your system here they have a chance to recover after their attempt and before

    Their next Boulder starts let’s see if we can catch a few interviews there’s a few people kicking around you see them all warming up here there’s only 12 of them in here so they got a little bit more space this time let’s see if we can have somewh to have a chit chat

    With Greg can we have a chat with you yeah excellent uh Gregor congratulations for making it into the finals at Doc Masters how are you feeling yeah thanks uh being good I’m psych to be back at comps it’s the first comp of the Season uh so yeah

    It’s always good to be back and the atmosphere yesterday was really good The Boulders were good so yeah all good did you have a favorite Boulder from yesterday’s semi-final I mean it’s got to be the slab right like the last one it’s always going to be the slab for me even though

    It was It was kind of easy but yeah it just felt good I’ll say that your sendup Boulder 2 the white Boulder which was a nightmare across the board was really really clean you looked I mean maybe you didn’t feel solid but you looked really solid on it did you enjoy that Boulder

    When you turned around and saw it what’s the first thing that goes through your mind I mean honestly I was like okay I’m going to have to hold holes which is it’s not my favorite style okay but um yeah I felt all right yeah the the

    Feet the feet were quite good uh the holes weren’t that good but the feet were good so I guess uh yeah that worked for me yeah so you if you want to make World Cup climbers fall off you just have to give them holds to hold on to

    And then they don’t like it they get upset um this is essentially kind of you’ve been resting over kind of the holiday and you’ve started training a little bit you treat this as a tuneup or you have you how far into your training and where do you kind of sit with this

    Event yeah so I started training in the beginning of November I guess I think so um so yeah this is like kind of the first tune up um we have Selections in like a month so this is like a nice get to see what’s missing uh what’s there

    Already so yeah and a chance to maybe take home some euros I mean yeah sure uh I’m excited to see you climbing the final I love your style of climbing I’ve been a fan of yours for a while so I’m excited to see what you can do I’ve seen

    The boulders so I’m I’m ready to see what you can put down uh good luck and we’ll see you in a little bit thanks for the support uh absolute class one of my favorite World Cup competitors let’s see if we can get I know I want to talk to

    Stasha for just one minute um unrelated stasha come here for one second we’re not even going to talk about climbing no uh yesterday I was complaining to Sasha about riding my bicycle here because there’s a big Long Hill from where we’re staying the bridge Hill and it’s kind of a nightmare and on

    The first day and the second day I got passed by like grandmothers and children and then I said I couldn’t get my bike to go from second gear down to first gear and you figured it out yeah because I I had the same problem I came I

    Already know from last year that that Bridge is a nightmare when you don’t cycle it often and I remember that you told me that at breakfast and I tried to downshift and it still kept being in the third gear and I’m like why what what’s

    Going to there has to be a trick and then I just started pedaling in the other direction and then this is how I figured out this how you can downshift then and I yeah that’s the the best thing you learned this weekend right that is 100% the best thing I learned

    Has nothing to do with climbing the best beta from last year’s doc Masters winner was about how to downshift the bicycle on the Long Hill uh Sasha I’ll let you get back to warming up thanks for that and uh good luck I hope to see you back

    At near the top of the podium this year as well on the top man what near jeez I don’t want to jinx anything I don’t like to jinx anything on the top near the top close enough um it’s a real thing bicycles are everywhere here um bicycling from the hotel and back it’s

    Actually been a really good way to get starting your day it’s it’s kind of fun let’s see if we can snag one more person one second you have two minutes to chat with us okay awesome Slava how are you feeling um is this your first DOC Masters and what’s

    Your uh your process been so far yeah thank you for asking I’m quite excited but uh the but not nervous I would say that’s my second dog Masters last time I finished on the semi-finals I I think on the 10th Place something like that so

    Now I’m in finals and ready to fight I hope it it will be amazing you climbed so well yesterday you were you looked in control the whole time do you have a favorite or do you prefer steep do you prefer slab do you like Pinchy blocks

    What’s your kind of if the if you were to set four Boulders that you would crush what would they look like okay for now I would answer the way that uh I’m quite tired exhausted so I don’t like overhang right now so it it would be

    Perfect that uh all the ball will be the slops you and Gregor Gregor said the same thing he doesn’t like to grab anything and pull on it he just wants to use his his technique and his skill um what’s the rest of your season where the the beginning essentially of this season

    What are you looking forward to in 2024 uh actually I’m looking forward into a lot of rock climbing so I didn’t do a lot of rock climbing before so I want to start the season from the fountain blow in March and probably some more trips in the future so just rocks

    And and comps to having fun amazing I mean that’s one of the best way to treat comps is having fun I’m immediately jealous of any time spending fun it’s one of my favorite climbing areas uh good luck out in the finals I’m sure you’re going to climb as well as you did

    Yesterday if not better thank you thank you I’ll do my best the right way to approach competitions is to have that killer Spirit but not have your whole identity tied to it I love that answer I love that competitions are good for having a good time um and focusing on rocks so

    Not everybody at the dock Masters is a professional climber we have a lot of very strong climbers but a lot of outdoor climbers who compete off and on so not everybody’s a World Cup climber in here and I love that balance that’s why an event like this is so cool

    Because you get people with different perspective let’s see if we can catch one more and then we’ll be on our way oh we don’t want to like interrupt too much right normally we’re not in here it’s like isolation is that place where the athletes get to be removed from the

    Media because you know they spend all of their climbing in the public eye so they want to have a space where there isn’t someone with the cell phone and the camera going to post on social media if they’re like taping up an injury or they

    Want to have you know a nap on the mat so this is the kind of we’re in the safe space so it’s a privilege for us to be in here for sure but it’s also really nice to talk to the athletes um in a a more relaxed comp environment so no

    One’s like super super stressed but there’s big money on the line so they definitely want to do well so we’ll see if we can catch elaz just one second El one minute for an interview or do you want to keep warming up okay yeah you’re okay amazing uh thanks for hanging out

    With us uh El uh is this your first DOC Masters or your first comp of the season um for this season yes it’s uh my first competition in 2024 I’m very excited with this too many strong strong climbers I mean you’re in that group of very strong climbers so I

    Think you fit right in here yeah I’m really enjoying climbing with them and I’m in this situation because it’s uh such a getting ready for me because of uh Olympic selection and uh I just want to enjoy and also focus on some tactics that are good for my most important

    Competitions that I will have in uh May and June so you’re using this as a check-in to see where you’re at for kind of climbing and movement and where your training is at this point of your season uh yeah yeah exactly yeah uh and what do you are you planning a schedule around

    The Olympic selections are you going to do World Cups as well or is it mostly completely focused on what the Olympics are going to look like uh yes uh my plan I will have a World Cup in Shanghai bowering and lead and then after that going to Olympic selection amazing well

    We won’t let you uh keep you away from your warmer for too long thanks for chatting with us and good luck in the finals thanks for having me thank you all right I think that’s probably good um we want to let them get to warming up

    Um I’m going to head back to the booth and we’re going to sit down with my co-host for the evening and we’re going to chat for a little bit and then we’re going to bring some root Setters in to talk about the boulders so a little more

    Behind the scenes coming up uh grab yourself a beer we’ll be back in 1 Minute [Applause] [Applause] for know This All the HS exposive we All welcome back we are now in the studio in our little soundproof room just above the climbing area I’m really excited to introduce my co-host for the evening Chloe Costco Chloe welcome to the finals broadcast thank you yeah super stoked to be here The Vibes are good crowds filling in and psych to

    Watch them climbing and uh you had a good look at the boulders while they were putting them up um we’re going to get to that but there’s definitely some excitement to come the final show is generally when there’s no ties from semifinals uh the root Setters get to

    Take the reins off a little bit and you get some showy Boulders some spicy boulders yeah definitely looks like there’s a good mix of styles playing with a lot of the same angles as yesterday so we’ve got some slabs some steeper ones some coordination some more

    Powerful Boulders so I think it’ll be a good mix but really excited to see see what everyone comes up with yeah I’m really excited to see it too we’re going to get the root Setters up here in a couple minutes for sure um to talk through the boulders we’re about

    Probably about 15 minutes away from the presentation of the athletes um we bring them out we introduce them to the crowd and then we give them time to preview The Boulders so 2 minutes to look at all the boulders uh 2 minutes for each Boulder to look at all the boulders and

    We’re going to talk about them in that moment Chloe let’s I know you’re a World Cup clamber in that time frame of the preview in those two minutes what are you trying to learn about the boulder what are you focused on it’s not two minutes seems like a short amount of

    Time to preview and focus on a boulder so what’s your process yeah I feel like a preview for most athletes you’re kind of doing a few different things I mean first and most obviously you’re trying to decide like what your beta is going to be what kind of movements you’re

    Doing and then usually you’re chatting with the other climbers to try and kind of figure out what the options are maybe you’re unsure about a move and you decide oh you could maybe do this or you could do this and then you have some time to kind of go back and and think

    About those but then there’s also kind of that element of getting ready for the style so if you see that it’s a slab and it’s a little slow and Technical kind of emotionally and physically getting ready for that beforehand I think is is really helpful for a lot of people so you know

    Kind of getting that quick quick view of every Boulder gives you an idea of when I go out for the first Boulder do I need to be super fired up and ready to try really really hard or do I need to be more relaxed and super precise and calm

    On my feet and you know moving moving really well that way and so that’s I think a big thing that we get out of the preview on top of you know just the the B and more movement things and it’s a really interesting point that you make

    Is because I think to the the average person watching at home if maybe you don’t follow that many competitions or watch that many World Cups you just sort of think that you come out and all the boulders are your you know 100% effort all the time but the root Setters

    Actually decide they they play around with how they want to set you up across four Boulders so they they’re making a decision about whether they’re giving you the slab first or they’re giving you the slab in the middle or the slab at the end or whether they want to put you

    Uh under physical duress early and then they can carry that s of fatigue through the round so you’re trying to figure out what they’re trying to set you up for over the course of a final yeah for sure I mean it really depends on the round

    But a lot of times we will get something like this lab first cuz I think everyone gets a little nervous like right as we’re starting the round it can be really tricky to kind of bring your your heart rate down calm down a little bit and execute on something that’s maybe

    Not super hard but really requires you to be precise and and really focused and efficient and then sometimes you know they’ll go fully the other way and you’ve got to be really strong and try really hard off the bat which is hard also so it’s like it’s a balance really

    Depends on the round um but yeah I’m I’m actually not sure of the order yet so I’m pretty exit to see uh what what they’ll be doing down there yeah I’m always excited to see even from watching them sort of tweak and for run the once

    They’re down and off the mats and the boulders are set and we bring the climbers in then you you really start to see and the the interplay between the root Setters and the climbers it’s not you know one against the other it’s you know they’re not trying to do anything

    Other than create an environment in which we can decide a winner so um I love to see what their plan is and I love to see how the climers how they solve it um what we’re going to do a little bit differently if you watch a

    Lot of World Cups is we’re going to revert back to the old school finals format which is the time on each Boulder is 4 Minutes Plus so that means that if you pull back on the start holds if you’re established on the start um with 2 seconds on the clock you can finish

    That attempt so the current World Cup rules are that when the clock hits zero wherever you are on the boulder you’re out this sets you up for coaches hate it athletes crowds love it last try best try yeah I mean the I think most of us don’t get an opportunity to climb with

    This format very often but I think it’s fun and maybe a little nerve cracking also to know when you get on the wall with you know 2 seconds left that’s it that’s your last try sometimes you get on with 40 seconds left and you’re like

    Oh maybe if I slip in the beginning it’s fine I’ll get back on and have some more time but this one like you get on 10 seconds left it’s pretty clearly last go but then you can take your time and you’re not rushed so it’s kind of a

    Funny thing to play with it’s not something we get to do so much but I don’t think that people will be too out of their element with it it’s it’s not so different from a normal round but definitely more exciting for the crowd and it’s cool to when it comes down to

    That last try see if people can bring that intensity up a little bit and get some tops out like past the four minutes that’s always super exciting so I think almost every comp that I’ve watched or been a part of that has four minutes has

    Had at least one top out of that four plus time and it is it just adds a different layer to the whole thing so be ready for that um you just never know the buzzer beaters are fun we saw a couple yesterday we saw some people

    Matching it like when the clock at 00 but um pulling on on that 100% last try best try is also going to add a just a specific level of stress yeah hopefully we don’t have any No Hands rests for people to just get on camp out all day

    Good yeah that’s also a consideration we’ve seen a few of those I remember uh the World Cup in uh in Canmore um there was a slab that you could pull on and no hands hang out all day and it took forever to get through and everybody

    Pretty much who hadn’t sent it pulled on was like hands behind their back like two three four minutes of ring that’s the way you need yeah it’s it’s definitely the the right tactics approach for the athletes to do but you know there’s a moment where the judges

    And everyone else is like this is happening right now please start climbing we know you’re like you’re rested one other thing I just want to touch on we’re going to actually go through some sponsors and things before they do the presentation of the athletes

    Who want to kind of get a little bit of time to get through that but I want to ask you one other question about um just finals format in general where you have that that 20ish minutes rest I mean if everybody’s flashing Boulders it’s shorter than that but um you change your

    Tactics in that time frame so you might try the boulder more often than you would in the semi-final rounds or do you kind of keep it the same like your fatigue level is going to be the same no matter what or do you kind of Bank on

    That 20 minutes rest to try a little bit harder I think I mean speaking mostly for myself but I imagine a lot of athletes approach it the same way is I mean when we’re climbing we have our 4 minutes or 5 minutes whatever it is

    Really is one move at a time and and it’s the boulder in front of you is the challenge that you have now and it’s not usually so helpful to think of you know what’s coming down the line cuz at the end of the day this top in front of you

    Or the zone or whatever that’s like in that moment that’s what you can control and that’s what’s going to help you so I think I mean most people I imagine don’t really actually change their tactics too much we do have less time in a in a final typically so four minutes as

    Opposed to five minutes so maybe you give a few less a few fewer goes but in terms of intensity like if you have to try hard to do the boulder I think you’re going to try hard to do the boulder regardless of you know what’s down the line if you have four minutes

    Rest or 20 minutes rest like right now it’s this Boulder and that’s what we’re thinking of and focusing on so I think that I mean that’s a perfect way to encapsulate it and it’s even something that um we teach to sort of newer climbers as well is that um if you have

    To put 100% effort to get to the Zone then you do that because if you don’t put 100% effort you don’t get to the zone so if you’re too tired to finish the boulder but if you don’t do it you don’t get to the zone so you actually

    Have to you always have to take it as what’s right in front of me what can I control um and everything after that is either you know it’s gravy or you know it’s what you’re always fighting for but if you’re climbing at 80% you’re not going to top bers yeah exactly

    Especially at like at a level like this if you’re not really in it focused ready to to kind of bring your all it’s it’s really not going to go your way so I think everyone’s going to be looking at it Boulder in front of them they’re focused on that once the time’s over

    Their attempts are done then they can kind of start to think how much rest do I have what do I need but it’s really yeah one move at a time Boulder in front of you and I think that’s usually a pretty good mindset just keep forging

    That if they if you if they suddenly gave you a fifth bull that You’ just come out and do it anyway like I guess that’s what we’re doing today right we’re still going we’re still climbing come back and start the mall again yeah uh before we get going um I just need to

    Take a moment to address an unfortunate situation that did come to pass um the competition this year so Aela kareim Noah Sharon and Nimrod Marcus were initially invited to and confirmed to attend this event then late this week the organizers were made aware of several initiatives that had formed to

    Prevent their participation as a political reaction to the ongoing situation in Palestine those initiatives gained further media attention causing the reaction to grow and spread even further so B boulderhal Energy Haven did become concerned that there would be violence and that they as a small company a Climbing gym would not be able

    To guarantee the safety of the athletes in question or any of the athletes in the competition so regrettably and after much consideration they needed to withdraw the invitations to those athletes with that decision they tried and unintentionally failed to stay uninvolved in the political side of things beforehand they hadn’t fully

    Grasped the implications that the decision would have in Israel and in the Jewish Community they had contact with the city the government and the local police which gave them the confidence to then reverse that decision and reinvite the athletes unfortunately there wasn’t enough time for them to be able to

    Attend so the duck Masters competition strives to bring people together in a celebration of the sport and does not want to be a political event in any way we feel deeply saddened that this is the way things played out but rest assured that was never the intention at the outset of the

    Competition Chloe we’re gonna talk a little bit about um the overall scene here there is not a lot of outdoor climbing in the Netherlands but there are an awful lot of climbing gyms yeah I mean I I had never been here but haven’t heard of any

    Rocks out here so yeah so most of the climbing around here um is in Belgium Germany Fon Blau is only a 6-hour driveway so there was lots of climbing adjacent but because there’s nothing climbing in here there’s about 50 climbing gyms in Holland this group owns seven gyms so there’s a radium Apex

    Roast KF and kto and of course here at energy Haven and then there’s one more also in t called sud Haven um so I mean seven gyms in a city isn’t a lot but seven gyms in a city owned by one gym owner is a lot so you where you and I

    Like in Canada and in the US it’s basically unheard of to have that kind of density in uh in a city in a country I think of this size yeah I mean it’s pretty impressive given that there isn’t like a community of rock climbers based like climbing here based out of here it

    Seems like you know I’m sure people have climbed elsewhere but a lot of places seem to become a hub for outdoor climbing and then grow into having gyms and things like that and it’s pretty impressive to to have kind of built that just around around the gyms yeah that’s

    Absolutely what’s happened here um you guys need to know that the stakes tonight are pretty high 10 ,000 on the line in prize money so that’s a pretty fair amount of money for professional climers to go hunting after so big Stakes um on the line and we’re minutes

    Away we’re about less than two minutes away from presentation of the athletes we’re going to bring in a couple of root Setters who have been setting all weekend and we’re going to talk a little bit with them about kind of what their intention was um you know and they’ve

    Been here all week setting Boulders so we’ll get a little bit of insight from and Olga and uh I’m excited to see what they have to say about the round that we’re going to put down so uh hang tight we’re going to bring them in in just one minute we have some sponsors Spons [Applause] Alto [Applause] Italy and we Have and [Applause] Alsoon from Austria Jessica and now I give you re and last but not least from the 0s already from Serbia sasia this man crashed all four yesterday up to ter so you recognize don’t you all right we will count down and then you may turn around from three two one start the Timer there are four starting hes indicated by tapes these are obliged to start with so two hands and two feet you have to start with these holes and so what’s the scoring system going to be like Manying with z and we have a top hole and the best thing you can do is All right I am joined Now by two okay yeah yeah I am joined Now by two of the crew from the root setting group this weekend Olga and Roman uh thanks for joining me and hanging out a little bit uh we’re going to talk a little bit about um well

    The weekend and the root setting and the process so first question for you guys um how did you feel that the semi-final went yesterday okay yesterday we decide to uh open the door a little bit like uh to give more chance for all the athletes to

    Get tops so it was like uh we could consider like an easy round because a lot of climber climb for Boulders but I think in terms of Separation it was uh it was pretty good yeah yeah it was excellent in fact and the boulders were all uh they were exciting um there were

    No giveaways all the boulders were I think had something interesting to offer so do I want to ask if you had a favorite uh from the round yesterday from the semi-final so I’m not sure if I had any single one favorite Boulders I consider that the whole rounds both females and males was

    Pretty good and uh as always during the semis beginning it’s quite let’s say slow but after the time it’s getting faster faster and more interested for everybody yeah I agree and I think it actually played out really well that way right in the middle of the round uh The

    Boulders in the middle midle of the wall were just putting up fights so there was lots of action people were climbing right down to the last second of their time and I you know for me and for us watching that makes for very exciting climbing we’re watching the climbers Now

    Preview The Boulders the difference between setting on on-site round and a a round like this where you have a preview do you take it into account or do you change your approach in any way or are you both just sort of setting a final based on the field and based on how

    They’re climbing I think the preview doesn’t change a lot the I mean the level of the boulders but uh in finals we know that the climbers are in a different state of mind you know there is more stress for for them so yeah it’s important to see if they read the bers

    Each other together or not and uh yeah yeah for sure it will it will uh put more pressure on them with the on the final run as compared to yesterday I mean is one of the things that’s really interesting is if if you’re not familiar with a lot of finals formats is that

    They will collaborate a little bit when they’re talking through the boulders so they’re allowed to touch the start holds and then they have this full two minutes to work out you know um what they want to do and as Khloe was saying they want to work out whether they need to come

    Out and be calm whether they need to be at 100% And then the order of the boulders so um you also take into consideration the order that you’ve given them the boulders in um and you sort of set them up for their evening um what can we expect to see tonight um um

    For mens I would say uh we decide to let like two medium Boulders in terms of level and two hard ones okay so we hope to get a good Separation on the athletes uh as always there was four different style of climbing on each Boulder for sure uh for women it’s maybe more

    Consistent uh like no easy problem no medium problem some all the program are quite medium hard so uh yeah we hope to see some tops but maybe less than yesterday I mean the depth of the women’s field everybody on the women’s side is a World Cup level climber so

    You’re essentially setting a World Cup level final for this field um yeah almost almost almost yeah um I just want to ask you one more thing because I know you you guys have just been like you’ve gone flat out you’ve been here a week right you set the finals and then you

    Know work your way backwards through the week this is your time to sit back and have a beer and watch the fruits of your labors um how fun is it to set a competition like this as compared to a sanctioned event is it do you approach it differently or are you basically

    Coming at it um you know it’s the same for you or do you get to have a little bit more fun so personally I consider that it’s really depending of the team um the pressure I would say slightly bigger for the workups because we have different

    Expectations um and uh here it’s more I would say maybe not fun but at least um a bit less uh stressful a bit uh the pressure slightly slower but we are expecting the same show we wants to have a great competition to have the athlete

    To win who to have the the athlete who win is supposed to be the best athlete of deep evening so we try to make a good um good job and um show best Boulders on the world well I have no doubt because I thought the semi-final Boulders were

    Amazing and from what I’ve seen of the finals while you guys were putting them up I thought they look fantastic uh maybe some show maybe some risk so uh if you’re watching at home you should be looking forward to the boulders that we’re about to see um your team Roman

    ELO you had Max assembly Caleb Thomas and fres all from Canada and Mele sagap power from France um that’s a heavy-hitting team as well so you guys really well this the fourth edition for me and now we know each other pretty well because we work on the last uh four Edition together

    Uh Max is coming this year it’s a new new Setter in the team but the atmosphere in the team is really nice and I I think the result of the competition uh yeah is important because of this good atmosphere too yeah I agree and uh you can see I mean I’ve been

    Hanging out all weekend I love watching you guys work and the the camaraderie that goes on and the trust that you put in each other um to set the boulders and for on them and kind of listen to each other and it’s one of my favorite things

    And I would encourage you if you’re ever um are able to sit and watch a bit of the forwarding and the tweaking uh to watch a root setting crew of this level um put Boulders together and argue over a foothold being an inch to the left or

    An inch to the right um for me that’s sort of the source of the whole sport so I want to thank you guys for putting in an insane amount of work and setting some absolutely wonderful Boulders this weekend thank you thank you very much all right go out and have a beer and

    Enjoy getting to watch a competition thank you Roman Absolut uh this is we don’t do anything without sponsors for an event of this size so first and foremost I think we should thank uh the boulder Hall energy Haven they’ve all of their staff have been amazing this weekend the management

    Crew um have coming from other gyms in their ownership they’ve just looked after everybody involved the food has been amazing the atmosphere the service um can’t say enough about it so huge thank you to the gym and the staff um and then uh this event is organized in collaboration with the Royal Dutch

    Climbing and mountaineering Association so that’s the nkbv um they’re super essential they provide all the judges and all the technical scoring aspects uh and also financial support so this is you know a chance for added value and the development in the Netherlands for Sport Club climbing um main partner Las

    Portiva of the event so Las portiva is if you know you know a huge hold or huge shoe company um and they’ve put prizes into the mix and they’ve also put financial support in um mammut also a huge partner with this event and then uh a ton of hold sponsors so yesterday all

    The semi-final Boulders you might not have noticed but if you know a little bit more about the game they were all one hold type per Boulder so we had uh very specific holds per Boulder I kind of love that um so the semi-final holds were uh chapter Unleashed Ram climbing and then rsh

    Holds so they put up um specific Boulders for the semi-finals and then for the final Boulders we have axis unit holds squadra super exult uh and flat hold and they have uh sort of very uh they have a new system the U-turn and we’re going to see those pop up in the

    Boulder uh finals tonight uh Chloe we are just like that that they went from last Boulder preview to First climbers getting ready on the mat Alberto hin Lopez and Julia crudder are going to kick us off Boulder one doc Masters 2024 finals starting in mere seconds from now

    Woohoo exactly um you should be able to hear some of the crowd in the background there was definitely a a a roar there as we finished the preview and got the first climers up on the matuto and Julia in 10 seconds Boulders number one we’re going to get our first look all the

    Boulderers p 4 one and then all two then all all a little bit of everything I think you’re going to see everything back to back to back to back you’re going to get to pretty familiar with each of these Boulders just sort of look right away the the starting position uncomfortable

    Alberto over on the slab on the far left of the wall and Julia just right in the middle on that newly they built the wall in here there used to be a cave uh and they flattened it out Julia’s got that zone already made really quick work in the bottom

    Section yeah like very smooth through there Alberto trying to figure out this corner move yeah we were uh just we were discussing you and I even uh the women’s semi-finals p in that julan not quite getting what’s the stick um they the corner is very good on the inside but

    The aret is not very good to slow down so getting the right amount of pace through this uh sort of slab walk is going to be as he tries to do a a little 180 it’s going to be pretty tricky to get through there yeah kind of like what

    We were saying before this is the type of Boulder where maybe you don’t come out fully guns blazing running as hard as you can into the corner and it’s more trying to be tactical o almost making that 3 180 work but yeah trying to make kind of some tactical decisions what

    Kind of what beta are you trying when do you decide to try something else like spinning in the corner let’s see if you can make that work this time it’s going to stay oh oh super close I I wouldn’t be surprised if he keeps trying that

    Yeah and it’s one of those things when you’re trying alternative or something that’s a bit outside the box if it almost Works you’re convinced to try it more yeah and this kind of like spin around and or just like facing backwards in a corner like that is something that

    We’ve seen in com kind of coming up recently and last year on the World Cup circuit there were a few moves so we’re kind of starting to like get that idea I think before that might have been really hard to see or read and now it’s maybe a

    Little not it’s not obvious but it’s a little more open you it’s in your list of things to try there go yeah yeah see if Julia can make that footwork this time you have to I mean it looks like you put a have to put a lot of pressure to generate up and

    Over um and it no doubt it’s bad oh just missing the foot just missing the foot and one of the things that a boulder like this does um is it provides an opportunity for separation so each one of these Falls um as an attempt is going to create a gap in that

    Scorecard yeah I think attempts will probably be huge I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a few people do this move but I think yeah the attempts will definitely be different across the board so yeah it’ll be fun to see somebody read it right the first

    Time yes work let’s see if he can get the zone out of that so even exiting this move is going to be tricky making it work really nice let see this last move looks pretty precise let see what they can do just lining it up nice really good

    Stuff so taking it down a 10 handful of attempts to get the positioning right across the slab and then the first time getting around the corner making zero mistakes that’s how you want to solve the B like that once you finally got through the slab you don’t want to have

    To do it again yeah absolutely that one had two kind of risky moves back to back you got the first move quick you finally do it get set up for the finish and you really need to be able to relax oh go losing the left foot that time yeah I

    Really need to be precise for that finish move on the men’s Boulder can be hard to stay stay in it for two moves like that back to back but Julia is using the ett that time little bit different but we’ll make that buer work this time she just was unable to get the

    Established in a good position so back on we’re in the the plus time oh bummer that’ll I mean just to give you if you didn’t already need to know an idea of the Precision required in footwork and body position and when and how you weight those footholds it’s

    Not just about put your foot on and go it’s about timing and angles and um you know Jake was saying yesterday as a root Setter um direction of force so you want to push down but the hold is making you push to the left so solving those body

    Positions is actually you know part of the challenge all right so now we have Slava I’m going to I’m going to get better at this every time it’s kopov and then Laura R loraa consistent World Cup climber and Slava saying that he um spends most of his time climbing outside now and he’s

    Doing he’s know in competitions because they’re here and he has a good time with them yeah I mean that’s awesome I think it’s not so often that we see people who mostly climb outside or mostly compete kind of doing so well at the other so it’s really cool to see someone who

    Mostly climbs outside be able to kind of hold their own on these comp moves and and put up a great show yesterday mhm especially yeah because the the styles are so different like obviously climbing outside makes you a strong climber but you don’t do the similar types of

    Movements yeah I’m not sure you’ll see this this men’s move outside anywhere but not very often if anyone knows of it let me know cuz I’d love to try thaty and then we want to not try and trying a little different method that could definitely work as well so it

    Would be interesting to see kind of what people H for yeah some people don’t mind uh shimmy like that kind of that lightning foot swap some people have that um as a as a core skill set I am not one of those people um that kind of

    Boulder I think I would probably just wave to the crowd and the judge and um have a sit down for four minutes oh it work I wonder fired around the corner yeah Corner nice a lot fewer attempts than Alberto not sure how many tries that was but got it done

    Little quicker and then L is still trying to get the Zone over here yeah look she’s not happy with any of the positions and she’s definitely not happy with that left hand rail so just sort of looks unconvinced enough to to Really push in to get that zone move yeah the

    Body position looks quite tricky I’m not sure that oh putting your foot out on the volume that might help yeah it looks quite hard to get up into this under cling you see if she can kind of power up off that right foot yeah you see that left hand just

    Sort of she was never I think she regripped it maybe a dozen times while we were watching just not comfortable in that position at all yeah ulia just kind of cruised that move I think probably stood straight up out the out of the under cling and now we’re kind of seeing

    How how hard that move really is yeah it’s one of those really cool Parts is that um different styles and different uh um strengthen the climbers you’ll be like oh this Boulder is going to be a walk all six finalists are going to crush it and you’re like no no that’s

    Just in that person’s particular core skill set exactly let’s see if she kind of opts for something similar she going to just yeah just for it looked there that she was going to skip the left side all together she is great at lock off so she can make

    That either standing on the volume again see if she can stand up o so had a bit of a a high smear definitely going to try that again yeah she I mean her left foot she must be in a teut I think she’s on yeah yeah yeah she’s trying to get a tow

    Wedge friction popularized uh over the last couple Seasons by Natalia yeah Brook Brook does that a lot as well so all right so Laura’s going to take it down almost to the wire doesn’t have to be down at two seconds makes us more nervous when they do coaches hate it but

    Just pull on with five this will probably be her last attempt so she’s got to commit to One beta she’s sort of been 50/50 on a few different choices I think she just got to dial one in and choose I wonder if she might just stand straight up yeah

    Goodness if the foot can stay that would be sounds like a good option see she can p in oh far the the zone is a lot further than it looks looks on camera and you see that here it looks almost vertical but it actually overhangs um almost 10°

    So you see she just couldn’t quite get that the left she was never far enough to the left to trust the left hand uh and the boulders just a little bit too off balance for her to not trust that left side I think yeah think if you just

    Kind of can lean over the foot to the right a little bit more it’ll help make use of that that left hand but then it’s quite hard to stand up towards the zone so yeah just in case you’re wondering The Boulders are hard we saw that right

    Away now so slap kov uh for the men and elaz rabi for the women yeah it was interesting hearing what the route Setters had to say that the men maybe had two easier Boulders and two really hard ones my guess is that this first Boulder is kind of one that’s meant to

    Have quite a few tops but the attempts are going to differ quite a bit and then the women kind of off the bat were seeing different people kind of struggle different moves now it’s looking pretty good there you just like immediately into the left side lockoff but then has rejected it

    Really pulled in there I wish we could go back and see Yulia through this section cuz she was into the Zone yeah and now we’re seeing Oh Oh locking that down yeah just really trusting the left hand good stuff from elas she can get that foot up and make

    It stick we know it’s pretty bad Julio was struggling with it before oh my goodness and Slavs in the corner there he’s trying to peek around to this sort of blind throw nice the tape is not has dropped this last move so far you got to be careful

    Saying that you got to be careful saying in that excellent work in a handful of tries take a deep breath whenever you tease someone up like that nobody has dropped the last move so far it looks harder maybe than it climbs um the foot is questionable but um they’re pretty

    Locked in it looks like yeah I think this is the type of Boulder where once they have it figured out they could probably get it done kind of over and over dial it in but it’s pretty tricky to find the body position making a decision in the beginning when there’s

    So many options is quite hard and and sometimes that’s the hardest part is just toti stick to um one method or decide when to when to change when to try when throw it out and then even throw it out and then come back you kind

    Of you go through a and then B and then you either have C or back to a again like and you’re you’ve got no help right you have no coach you have no you’re in your own head and you don’t want to make the wrong decision which can be

    Destabilizing yeah so let’s see she’s yeah just smearing on the left side of the wall able to really stay over the right foot it’s really strong work from elz do you think she’ll go back to this sort of aret grab it’s not much aret PS it’s just a flare Corner yeah the aret

    Is I think really bad there a that foot must be terrible yeah we didn’t get a close look at it the ladders were up when we were kind of looking through it’s either um blocked or dualex because she’s not standing on top they’re standing in that sort of

    Piece in the middle it looks like yeah yeah’s a ridge in the middle yeah and if you know anything about but block footholds they’re just infuriating as soon as you wait it you know we’re yeah almost immediately yeah it can be pretty pretty hard like maybe you feel like you’re you’re solid and

    Then as soon as you start to wait the the kind of Gap it’ll it’ll pick so I think whoever is able to kind of just get the enough weight over the right and have the left foot come off start standing the Finish hole does look

    Really good so as long as as long as the foot’s on there I think they’ll be all right yeah you need to get bit of pop out of that yeah if you can stand up really confidently I think uh they’ll be pretty solid on that on that finish B

    All right so this will probably be the last try yeah she like owning that left hand yeah and then nothing we’ve seen will suggest he’s going to try anything different well here now yeah getting a slightly that’s a good now it is blocked nicely blocked yeah she’s coming a little bit lower

    Oh dear and the left hand the crimp is bad it’s not enough you can’t just reef and pull like you see that they they’re not just rocking over that left hand crimp is also going to be better and as we said the ett is this like open book

    Corner you’re not getting much other than maybe a a kind of false sense of belief that the ett’s going to keep you glued to the wall yeah if you can just lean over a tiny bit to the it looks like everyone’s trying to get over to

    The right just a little bit and that foot just keeps picking so we’ll see what the other girls can do on that one so this is going to be your uh local favorite Don vanera um from the Netherlands and then Camila Don’s the only Dutch person in

    This final so I think he’ll have the whole home crowd behind him yeah for sure kind of anything he does is going to get a rise out of the home crowd and uh I hope we uh we’ve seen three different methods of the men uh not just

    Getting across the corner but also how theyve come around the ett they’ve all chosen to do something different heuse often for that 180 straight away they chatted about that in the preview get turned overid yeah everybody’s confident till they stand on the Block foothold Yeah is a technician she is looking little bit much yeah and even just the slightest three I I mean I love ha a boulder like this I love to watch it I hate to try and climb something like that where just the unweight is enough to knock your

    Foot off you can’t wait it too much you can’t wait it too little look at right here she’s just just yeah right as she readjusted it picked so and then the left foot is on you know not a particularly good hold either yeah I think that’s one where you

    Almost almost from dawn I think he’ll he’ll probably make that work in the next next few goes that looks quite close yeah for camil I think if if you can just get it on there really solid and trying not to move that foot it’s definitely the ideal but it’s so hard to

    Keep the weight on a on a blocked foot like that all you want to do is keep readjusting and it doesn’t get better no your in your brain and you know you shouldn’t do it but it’s almost like an an unavoidable movement yeah it’s sometimes just slipping you’re [Applause] Mo get

    Close and do you start sort of In This Moment now 2 minutes of w down when you start slipped off the same move a couple times do you have a little bit of anxiety as you pull on for the third or the fourth time do you how do you keep

    That belief nice from dawn just enough lean back to make that work yeah leaning back into the corner really stay oh he went for the tape yeah so he won’t get won’t get any any higher score for that attempt but how do you keep the faith in your decision making when you

    When you’ve made the that kind of same mistake a few times yeah I think it can be really tricky nice making it work this time see if we can do this to move just a little double clutch confidence yes nice work from John let’s see if camil can make this foot stick

    She looks really strong on that left this time this time come on cam Moroni just catches the bottom super strong work crowd loves it first top women’s Boulder number one right here just had that moment of Fai really able to stay over that foot just long enough that little pop into the

    Finish and was on her way out my goodness she was just caught it at the maybe the last possible reach yeah she really had faith in that foothold till the very last second which you really need for a moon playay kind of and me that’s exactly what I was just asking

    You so she slipped on it twice and then when she once she got her hip over she just put I me you have to put 100% Faith but she went she doubled all in and then and popped off of it after being done wrong several times in a row yeah I mean

    One thing that’s that’s definitely really tricky is when you kind of you’re trying to move and you’re like yeah that feels good like I’m feeling pretty confident that I’ll do it next try and then you get to the next try and the try after that and you still haven’t done it

    And the time’s ticking I think think if in those moments you’re able to kind of take a breath and kind of keep the approach good and and keep the intensity and and the the Precision there I think that’s what makes people really good competitors oh Gregor getting it right

    The first time that is going to be I mean it’s going to make a difference at some point but that’s fantastic it’s good for your confidence too Greer [Applause] vonic [Applause] oh just losing that foot just saved by how good that finish hold is very nice

    Work oh he’ll be happy with that yeah a little smile from the slip but he I mean he just got the slab Traverse perfect yeah that’ll be really nice attempts wise for him we’ve seen everybody give at least like four or five gos on that Jessica PS Jesse I think just peeled off

    Before the Zone definitely capable of doing this move so see if she can make it work o she’s popping off the bottom foot a lot of people are getting their left foot up and kind of smearing before going up kind of lets them get a little

    Higher on the two dual Tech hold so I wonder if she’ll try that or stay with the low left foot um either way it looks like a really really tricky position kind of moving through that section to the Zone yeah the lockoff looks like Stout and the dead Point looks low

    Percentage you know so we’ve seen Falls in both positions and neither one of them has looked better than the other it’s going to come down to what you’re comfortable doing yeah she was quite close there so I’m I’m curious if she’ll try that again or or if she’ll try to

    Kind of lock it down she is a tiny bit taller than than Laura and Camilla so this dead Point might be nice for her just a bit of a second guess and a third Guess the double clutch can be very close very close you kind of you set up and you stop and then you take a breath and you set up and you stop and you take a breath and sometimes you get diminishing returns after the second time that you’ve decided not to go and I

    Mean you see there she looks in a fraction away the foot stays maybe the hips are a little a little bit too far out she’s only missing the crimp by a tiny bit of a time I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes straight away this time cuz she was quite close oh

    No oh second go really hard in the fingers that way with the dead Point going to take a breath see how close she Gets she’s on it for a while and knowing what she’s able to crimp on for her to have been sliding off that that close fraction away it only needs to be a tiny adjustment not talking about making huge changes in style to grab this there you

    Go nice there you see how small those ones are a little Blocked she Els to stay left foot high looking good really nice really good stuff really good work on that foot she didn’t readjust at all just locked down that left frame straight to the Finish super strong trting the whole way through yeah yeah she really locked down that

    Left hand just yeah once she had that foot on there didn’t move it oh wow that’s a really good look at how much work that hand is doing yeah look super solid on the foot there compared to some of the other athletes it’s really impressive and just

    Like that we’re through six so arur T and stasha stasha is your last year’s champion and I was joking with her in isolation a little bit and I said you know we hope to see you back you know near the top of the podium I didn’t want

    To jinx anything she looked right at me she was like the top of the podium so I let her say it instead of me I didn’t want to jinx that at all um but she is a seasoned competitor and all round fun to be around climber zero hesitation went

    For the dead Point super confident in the right hand let’s see if she can make that foot stick looking good she super good wow wow she made that look fundamentally different than everyone else did other than maybe Julia she looked so confident moving through the first Dead point to

    The zone and then kind of rocking over that right foot similar to Jesse her foot really didn’t move very much once she kind of found that position she liked and locked it straight down to the Finish he see even though just the wish she franked her toe on got her heel up high

    And before matching she kind of had the time to to decide did she want a inside flag or no just hang on yeah that foot was not going Solid Rock Solid really nice climbing from stasha and Ur now we can focus on for better for worse at least a few more

    Tries yeah he’ll definitely want to get this one done if he wants to kind of stay in the stay in the field so he’s going to go try that inside way again o the The Hop jump yeah seems like one of the more the riskiest ways or are at least like most

    Dynamic but all the the feet and and the hands are really Z is a bucket right so it’s aing you can get there it’s really nice but it’s around the corner it’s quite far so he was getting he was aiming before the foot even came down so

    This is if he sticks with this this it’ll be exciting when he gets it it’ll be a big Open Swing yeah if he can land the right foot and the right hand I I doubt he’ll drop it but oh oh wow doesn’t even need the foot just a little

    Press just the hand needs to get there careful up to it really well done very nice everyone getting that one done different attempts across the board I think they’ll be pretty happy with that separation there should make for an exciting exciting show yeah and that’s how it’s going to go so that’s Boulder

    One that’s about how long it takes to get through six farmers at around 4 minutes each we had some of them come right down to it uh we’re going to bring the results up for you um when we can between the boulders um the remember that it’s uh comes up pretty quickly and

    It should be pretty accurate we do have uh electronic scoring so on the women’s side uh stasha by nature of flashing the boulder is going to stay ahead of uh Camila and Jesse and then elnaz and Julia with zones and then Laura unable to establish that first

    Zone so you’ll see the green is a top and the number in the green box is a attempts to that top and then the yellow is the zone so uh Greg sitting on top based on his flash uh and slav Ur Slava Dawn and Alberto all separated by

    Attempts to Zone and top um 10 9774 it’s kind of it’s a really cool split to come down that way yeah good Separation on both Boulders I mean this one yes everyone top but the attempts are really different so if it does come down to Tops those attempts will definitely

    Matter quite a bit and then uh for the women we had a little bit of everything so uh pretty pretty ideal for a first Boulder I think I would agree yeah and if uh if you’re not super familiar what we care about is tops first and foremost

    And then number of zones after that and then if if we have ties in the tops and zones we go to attempts to top and attempts to zone so you want to be able to flash Boulders the goal is always do the boulder first try and then after that it’s do the

    Boulder in the least number of tries and then if that fails at least get yourself a Zone Yeah well yeah Boulders zones temps to top temps to Zone all right so back to Alberto and Julia are going to show us Boulder two so the men are going to come out of the

    Cave and the women are going to get a little uh maybe a little CTO little press on the Dual Tech pretty nice both of them quick work to the Zone yeah this looks like just a straight squeeze Boulder and I don’t imagine Berto is going to hesitate too

    Much just sort of pull between the holds although this looks yeah maybe he’s got a little tow hook under there hard to [Applause] see and a nice jump out yeah those holds those yellow holds are quite hard to hold very like position dependent cuz they’re quite spry

    Oh oh he’s still trying to come in for that match he’s not going to want to drop it there we go doesn’t love so the Finish hold there I mean they’re kind of flaring you say pinch but not really it’s almost a sloper yeah they’re almost

    Sloper you can almost kind of half crimp them they’re a little bit they’re yeah very position dependent really not very positive in Cut holds so find that very sort of getting the top of the coordination she didn’t miss it by much um she didn’t you know it’s not easy of

    Course and we’ll back to Alberto here him initially looks strong in compression but then having to release that right hand he didn’t like the position really had to compress there like you could tell his body didn’t come out from the wall very much it was a lot of

    Like there were lot was a lot going on in the hands and the shoulders to to keep that together for the last move did really good job of staying patient to kind of find that position for the end yeah and then all the way

    Back the other way and so we spent a lot of time with the Finish oh just like that sometimes I thought she would take a longer rest and we trying to show your relays because we expect Farmers to behave in a relatively consistent Manner and she must have just

    Jumped right back surprised she made that first go look really close the Finish holds quite good but the one before is not so I think the timing is super important yeah she knew she had it that time looked super confident coming in the finish and a learned movement

    Like that um you know it’s a matter of time you’re like I the bucket is good I can if I get my mits on it I’m staying there you’re just sort of getting dialed in how much pressure you’re putting on the one two how close you can stay to

    The wall it’s whether or not you can learn the movement in the time provided yeah for sure I mean for her I think it was maybe a little bit more of a timing thing like when do you hold the first hold versus go to the finish for Lara it

    Might be a little far so it’ll be a lot in the legs and really trying to get the height there so kind of a little a different challenge for everyone I think which is cool and the Press is I mean I think it’s going to give a few people

    Trouble Julia is a a super powerful climber and got really high you’re pressing on no Tex where Laura’s right hand is if she’s it looks like she’s going to try and maybe climb slower out of it but what she’s matching on right now this looks like

    It’ll work great yeah yeah it will so that’s a no texture there nice solve there might be a foothold we didn’t see I don’t think I don’t think there is though Slava is getting out of the Steep part La got herself situated in that [Applause] corner definitely a little further for

    Her so it’ll be little more Awkward to go out might be a little more comfortable in our Corners super strong right hand nice she is sometimes the definition of slow and steady yeah really walking down the The Zone there oh for a different method yeah I think she looks four in control

    First and then goes to you know her aunti style maybe which is being extra Springy yeah I I think that’s something that she’s probably worked on a lot and that um seems to be paying off I mean yesterday she was super solid on those more powerful Boulders and some of the jumpier moves so uh I’m sure it’s something that she’s working on quite a

    Bit Yeah the more time you spend on the World Cup circuit as well the more your EXP both the boulders that maybe aren’t your natural style so you have to choose to train them when you know you’re going to see them and it can take a season to

    Really get caught up to that style of setting yeah absolutely I think she did the same thing in the beginning she’ll probably do something similar to get out to that big left hold then for the finish I think she’ll really have to get a little higher so she can match that

    Like second to last hold a little more comfortably so we’ll see if she can get the height there um I think if she if she gets her hand on that finish hold she won’t let go yeah I would agree Slava having trouble through here so a huge

    Difference you saw Alberto made it look oh so half a hand closer for La closer for sure if she can get just a little higher I think we we’ll see her get that one done she has enough time for one and a half attempts yeah yeah she’s got some

    Time there I wonder if we won’t see people hang out in that corner for a little bit good point four plus good pointa kind of showing us how hard this Boulder really is those holds are quite bad they’re really really hard to hold and Alberto really good work on that one I

    Doubt we’ll see everyone climb it as as nicely as he did and this angle shows you kind of how far away the first and the second move are and I was like Alberto’s got a tow hook under there somewhere but it’s it’s not a clean movement it’s awkward you see Slava

    Having trouble like making that different complexity so this sort of what Laura’s on is the coordination is complex but also like he the toe swaps and big moves are complex oh she a quick look at the clock she’s immediately going to get back on she’s going to get back on I wouldn’t be

    Surprised if we see her hang out in the corner for a little bit she’s close if she can just get a little higher yeah just half momentum like not really moving up anymore once she grabs that first hold but she’s pretty close all right so that’s really want to

    Get it done here to stay in the race yeah you start to start thinking about your first Boulder and you you can hear the crowd cheering you know there were tops and you’re all together in isolation so if you’re choosing to talk about it she’s going to know that you

    Know almost everybody else to the first bing yeah three Tops on the first one she didn’t get the Zone there so like all or nothing here H about the same as the last two tries close close but not quite enough to get stuck to that hold almost looked like

    She may be considered stopping on the first one it’s kind of hard to tell I’m surprised we didn’t see her hang out in the corner more opportunity to rest a little bit but she’s a a lead climber Fitness should be should be great so maybe maybe she didn’t need it

    I was going to say yeah she like could have recovered but also probably didn’t need to yeah all right elnaz and slav and there uh do you have that Boulder that you previewed that you’re sort of dreading in ISO you’re like oh God it’s this Boulder like it’s my

    Auntie style or do you try and put that you just anticipate every Boulder with positivity yeah I mean I think that everyone has in the back of their head probably the style that’s harder for them or or you know kind of sees a certain hold type or or Boulder and

    Thinks oh no like that’s going to be rough but uh I think at least for myself I like to tell myself in general that that’s probably not a super helpful mindset to think okay this Boulder is going to cause trouble look at SL he’s climbing this super well oh hatching it

    Just in time with the foot slip very nice wow and a little little sneaky drop it’s time for this finish we saw how tricky it was nice little sneaky heel very nice that’s amazing climbing slab just methodically crushed his way through those el el super close I

    Wouldn’t be surprised if we see her do that one that finger was maybe yeah yeah next try I got it I got it a good patience from and he just you could see this moment he’s like I bet you I could get I bet you I could get get a heel

    Hook like yeah my friends are going to be so proud of me with my heel hook right now that’s really as you say patient methodical climbing to get the right position yeah he’s super flexible as well I saw him stretching in his warm up a little bit yesterday and yeah I’m

    Not surprised he was able to get his heel up there tactics I mean it’s not always just about raw power and squeeze you got you can only squeeze so hard and you can’t out squeeze holds like that finish so I mean it’s it’s is again to

    See uh two people who are obviously very strong on that style of hold because the whole Boulder is similar grab the finish and go uh-uh there’s no way I’m just going to step across and match this yeah I think we’ll see a few different ways to match that finish but as long as

    People take their time it it seems like that there’s some pretty good options in there and that’s maybe what they’re they’re trying to show the the root Setters are trying to tease out of you is you relax this is a powerful Boulder but you need to be ooh just a bit of a

    Maybe that that good part of the left hand way to the right kind of before she left left hand she like went to readjust just missed it um I I doubt we’ll see her see her make that mistake again yeah you’re going to shake that

    Off but yeah I mean like we were saying I think kind of goes back to what we were saying before uh before the the round started but um I mean every every climate’s one move at a time and and just because it’s something you don’t like I mean that’s

    The boulder in front of you and and maybe it’s not what you prefer to be climbing on but I think I mean competition ideally you set yourself up for Success whatever that looks like for you so think it’s not always super helpful in around to think oh I don’t

    Like this yeah good point you just you have to have the mindset and even there you saw she just shifted her hips way over right like here the confidence is going to help her out oh she she looks she looks really solid like very kind of settled and ready to

    Go on that hold to I think we’ll see another good attempt from her here little closer on the attempt before though she was able to get a hand kind of near that finish through the Finish but good timing good setup like it’s a big it’s a high foot to rock out of so

    It’s hard to get your hips over so that the drive gets you going in the right direction so there’s uh it’s it takes some concentration to finish B St into the wall for sure on that move this is where it starts to get a little nerve-wracking you’re like I know I can

    Do it but I only have one try left all right El all the marbles you’re going to be a little bit extra careful through this part even you saw the transition from the zone to the sloper she just brought her hips all the way through and didn’t

    Leave the foot behind at all and and locked it in yeah nobody hanging out in that corner must not be as comy as I thought all El [Applause] naabi with zeros on the clock see if she can get it done come on oh my goodness now’s the rest a

    Little second a double clutch a Mas oh a hand that was her closest attempt for sure she backed off missing anything there one two and just wow I think it was just like that kind of intensity and quickness in the left hand it looked like he lagging just a little bit cuz

    Cuz you have to get a little pull off that paddle through you can’t just paddle you need to be moving closer and higher for sure I mean not enough to touch the hold you got you got to hold on but that that was quite a good attempt I think she’ll be kicking

    Herself a little bit for that one definitely wasn’t missing much to stick that finish hold Camila now super powerful athlete I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw her kind of just rip through that top bit but we’ll see what she makes the bottom section and Dawn again wasting when they’ve already

    Previewed the bould there’s the first couple they usually get on within a you know 10 or 15 seconds they remember what to do oh catching the toe dynamically that’s a really cool method very good stuff from dawn cam can do this this time unable to for more static method like

    Laa nice I wonder if maybe they chatted about that together um that’s something we’ll do a lot of the time and it’s cool to see sort of two or three climbers do it one way and two or three climbers do it the other way and you see that they

    People like you’re insane I’m going to match like you’re insane I’m going to cross yeah you get you get to know who who you agree with I mean everyone’s got their style we’ve kind of seen that what method people op for first let’s see if she can pull through this

    Finish measuring it out here oh look at that kind of one and then straight through love it really nice climbing from cam super strong the left hand able to pull straight through and cross the finish yeah that’s a really nice way to complete that uh just looked in control

    The whole way yeah I think it looks like if you can really get the height and kind of pull through that hand that there’s like no letting go of that top bit yeah she was above it basically this is just watch the difference here left hand and then Crossing

    Through yeah yeah I love that super solid on that move powerful and Qui climbing that right hand coming through you got to really speed up your decision making really quick love it good climbing from Camila 2 minutes left left for Don Vena showing again that you need to have

    A ton of power in the bank to get out of this first section through the Zone power and power endurance for this one it’s starting to get little long we’ve got one two three four five six seven moves and every time you do the first two moves here you’re getting a bit

    Sapped but this time getting quicker into the Zone yeah oh he’s already got that zone so every go he’s looking for the top maybe a bit low um never really got his shoulders high enough to press into that high gastone maybe one of the worst positions you can find yourself in

    Is trying to get out of [Applause] this yeah these holds are super they’re they’re quite like shallow almost at the end so it’s really hard to pull yourself into the wall they get worse the harder you pull on them Bic yeah a little bit it’s these ones are a lot about kind of

    Direction and and and what which way you’re pushing definitely super challenging holdes to climb on to I love that look the the beauty of the finals the way we do the format is we have time to hang out with the athletes just that that posture from dawn sort of standing with that he’s

    Still contemplating right you dialed in I love seeing the way they kind of approach their time in between attempts you know are you focused are you trying to relax yourself you see there you had a bit of a smile out to the crowd trying

    To see if the music can get you in your Zone letting the clock wind down and he’s got to go all out here yeah I mean you’ll see for a boulder like this it’s long every move is quite hard you’ll see people aren’t giving too many attempts so and

    The crowd winds up for your last attempt they can get a bit sleepy in between but they’re third maybe fourth go Max here big push from dawn now he tries super hard here oh just about the same as last try that sort of I love the shrug I did

    Everything I could I tried I tried yeah that move is super super hard again just making us realize Alberto and slav um just a completely different level on this type of movement yeah yeah I’m really curious to see how Gregor and AR go about this one because I mean if I’m a betting

    Man and I’m not but sometimes I am if I’m a betting man I say they great and ourour both come through that Boulder and complete it and I think Jesse and stasha um also come through and complete this Boulder definitely it’s in stasha’s style and Jesse’s been also quite

    Explosive this weekend absolutely I mean stasha looks in great form and and Jesse as well so I wouldn’t be surprised if we see them get it done pretty quickly um yeah Gregor has looked super solid as well so see what he can make of it flat

    Only one to flash that that other one first Boulder so he’s got that extra little confidence kind of coming out on top for now and he’s having fun um just chatting with him yesterday and a little bit more today he uh he’s in his element for sure he’s been competing for a

    Really long time and he does he loves it and uh it’s been showing this whole weekend he has that left foot up as opposed to Dom kept the toe and kind of released out of there this looks a lot better yeah nice maybe more time to get it set up

    But really powerfully in control really lock him down she shorted it maybe a pinch yes see making that beginning look really solid picking up some chalk from her pants all right Jesse oh almost stopped almost stalled looked like again as you were saying before um I think it was

    Elaz looked like or she was going to try yeah I think uh it’s just one of those holds where it’s just a l when you jump to it it’s a little better than you thought and so you kind of want to stop and you’re like wait I should have gone

    To late like she was right in the position to go and she’s like wait I’m holding non I can come back and then no I can’t tricky tricky I think next time we’ll see her kind of do something similar and just let go that left hand

    Right at the last second grab the Finish cuz she was super high high and solid on that on that it’s perfect the way you described it is that you get there and you’re like oh maybe I can stay and you’re like oh oh God I should have G

    Yeah and it all happens uh in an instant mm-m Greg I I suspect will take a slightly longer rest having been that close to the top yeah he definitely knows what to do it looks like he was also super solid in the bottom section so it’ll be about about getting it done now all right Jesse can do it Go [Applause] Jessie nice nice so she went she did go with the hey I I can stop and really solidly actually almost no swing through that first time I I think it probably was just a little bit of hesitation like not knowing how good that first one was

    Going to feel and this time knowing she could stop on it and just going with the intention to stop she looks really solid there smearing that little back flag to take the momentum out more technical maybe than it looks to be able to do

    That to sort of stop on a going left on a left facing hold yeah I’m sure that that hold is not nearly as good as she just made it yeah better than she expected but not as good as we think oh Greg you’re not loving that move did

    Something a bit outside the box and then yeah we saw him sneak this right toe underneath or he did before oh there you go just there looks quite hard to go with the left hand I’m pretty sure the others went with the right hands they probably

    Had their feet over the other side all right s are quite hard to so chlo you’ve you’re project yourself back into the finals you got one try left you’ve tried a and just missed you tried B and just missed how do you decide which one to go

    Back to they were they looked almost identical in terms of effort to success I think at that point it comes down more either to what you think the setter is intended sometimes there’s a more obvious solution and you maybe tried to break the beta and it felt

    Equally as close but in theory whatever the Setters have intended it probably works so I think for me that might be kind of where my head goes there’s also just which one is maybe more in line with your style and how you typically climb but it really it really depends on

    The boulder oh then that left foot just sort of letting them down maybe of course it’s a powerful Boulder so the third try not quite as confident but you see that just a little slip on the volume he’s got it quite far out and then yeah I think energy wise this is

    The type of Boulder that slav and uh Alberto will have been really happy to flash cuz it is not easy to give two three really good solid goes where you’re progressing the whole time I mean you’ve got four minutes here so and just an interesting nod back to what you were

    Saying about like Laura has root Fitness uh Alberto a very accomplished root climber so maybe a little bit more power endurance in the bank to climb through a boulder of that level of strenuousness yeah definitely I mean he didn’t really need it on on that one getting it done

    So quick but uh I think the longer Boulders shouldn’t really be an issue for him and fiding out of that dual Tex one get a little higher here oh straight over a slightly different method then everyone still oh o catching the Zone let’s see if he gets that left foot up

    As well yes this looks like definitely the better option for getting out the shoulder already a lot of time spent on this Zone all right anasha now electing to stop and chalk up here yeah I’m thinking she’ll like this move we’ll see yes fantastic from stasha so not a flash

    By missing the first move but climbing through the the coordination part of the boulder flawlessly on her first effort yeah she’ll still be ahead on on attempts from that first Boulder as well so I think she’s probably feeling really confident now and uh and that’s textbook yeah she’s probably pretty psyched for

    For Boulder three and four really definitely looking really dialed in here it’s cool to see and our two um I think these last two climbers really showing us kind of how hard this folder is for sure we know how strong they are we know how powerful they are

    They belong in the finals and then you think how good how bad is that hold Like Ur sort of went left hand right hand left hand on the Zone um and then maybe run out of gas but he like sort of swapped around a lot Greg looked really

    Solid on it but had trouble getting out yeah this one’s a lot of that that grip grabbing that Gregor was was kind of me he doesn’t like to grab grip hold hold he this has a lot of holding holds really position dependent a quick look at our standings

    Right now stash is sitting at the top and our two are just getting a little Shake get some blood back in the fingertips and the forearms force yourself to rest sometimes your instincts throw you want to get back on the boulder you want to sort of rehearse that learned

    Movement right away yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if we only saw one more go from him I mean two at most but at this point you kind of know what to do you know how the holds feel and I mean like I was saying earlier it’s really hard to

    Give more than than two three goes on a boulder this style in in that short of time so he might I wouldn’t be surprised if he runs it down doesn’t look like he will but he’s getting uh he’s giv himself a good minute and change to

    Rest which is it’s a it’s a balance between confidence and maybe knowing you need to get something back as well one minute yeah I think at this point he’ll probably run down the clock oh okay enough for if enough to jump right back on if he slips small

    Window though yeah it’s a small window I guess if you’re yeah if you fall to the Zone oh my goodness the tow hook this time right and then this sort of so much hand positioning to get back in and around the Zone a little better that time yeah wow that’s so so

    Strong and he extricate two going rocking it down yes he is going to go he that right foot out for that move oh un aable to hold the compression he’s got N9 seconds Crow wants to the crowd wants him to but I don’t think he’s going to have any gas

    This was so close Tolo oh this is he’ll be kicking himself a little bit there it’s frustrating to make progress like that not have a any more points to show for it having gotten the Zone earlier yeah and um I mean it’s an awkward position to jump out of for sure the

    Foot is way far away I wonder if he’ll have thought about you know as he’s walking back could I have brought my left foot up but here we go after two uh slab sitting at the top based on attempts Alberto behind and then Gregor Artur Don and Slava taking three to six

    So uh slav excellent work and Alberto hopped himself back up to the front front um so many attempts on the first Boulder but topping the second Boulder critical difference yeah absolutely now we have stasha sitting at the top um just ahead of Camila and Jesse and then

    Uh Julia with one elaz with two zones and Laur with one zone it’s looking like attempts to top for the the top three spots in the women right now but wouldn’t be surprised if we see that kind of change with the next two Boulders let see how those ones go

    So it’s it’s cool to have listened to um romance say that the men kind of got two medium Bowlers and two hard Bowers so I supect that was one of the hard Boulders so now we’re wondering are we going to get we get a medium one next or another

    Hard one back to back and Julia staring down as uh hinted at I mean four hard Boulders yeah I think we’re kind of kind of seeing it well for the women right now like every Boulder kind of looks somewhat doable for everyone but quite hard as well so we’re seeing like kind

    Of different attempts and people struggling on different moves which is cool this Boulder looked really cool I liked the look of this one you’re looking at solving the beginning and getting to the zone right away oh and then sort of ejecting quite hard on the shoulder you really want to stay into

    The wall you only getting that zone oh she’s looking really good here sight very nice very nice sort of extended but powerful through the whole thing yeah super quick work on that one for her yeah some Landing in her style maybe yeah I’m curious how that one will look for the other

    Girls no mistakes at all really I mean just great composed climbing from Julia yeah super confident going to the Finish hold all right we get to focus on Alberto a little better look at the angles sort of the top down doesn’t show you how spread out and how awkward the foot

    Positions are at the beginning block getting himself a Zone yeah really coming into the wall super hard on the the right tricep right shoulder oh just loses the foot just immediately grabbing the right side and the foot’s pressing out so much weight between the right side and the left [Applause]

    Foot remember that the the Precision required is one thing and then being able to maintain pressure all the way through something Jake and I talked about yesterday is that it’s not just about getting your foot somewhere and then standing on it if the movement requires you to hold like near maximum

    Pressure the whole way through as you’re shifting or moving away or moving above a foothold um the focus required if you stop thinking about the foot for half a second it’s off it’s gone yeah yeah this appears to be that kind of movement at least for Alberto um you know looked

    Really solid and then as soon as he sort of shifted the tiniest bit that left foot just immediately gave way yeah like the the stems like this where you’re pressing with with both shoulders both triceps a lot of the time it’s something where you suddenly feel the hands are a

    Little better so you start to wait the hands more forget about the foot it pops off so yeah lot about probably keeping that foot for as long as he can maybe he can even reach that next hold from the foot see he’s kind of using a a footo

    Hold to make this transition it looks like yeah this little nubbin right there really want to get into the wall keep the way through the left foot PRM in the volume in the volume oh my goodness goodness oh oh just unable to trying to get his right foot maybe it

    Looked like he was trying to get his right foot either through or higher yeah maybe match that lower foot and if he could get the left foot up I think that would be really nice but oh really hard with the left hand crimping the edge of the volume like that yeah definitely not

    Not a comfortable position by any means no and maintaining like really really high tension throughout this whole section oh fundamentally he’s already got the zone so [Applause] oh hunting a really gnarly drop knee there yeah very crimpy crimpy methods he’s he’s oped for there and he’s going

    To give the last try go for [Applause] Alberto is he going to go back to the right hand press or the right foot high just adjusting that position before he goes over into the press and now right foot over sooner blowing so adjustments and progress and adjustments in progress but unable to unlock anything past the Zone

    Yeah I wonder if some people will not have so much trouble with this move or it you know it’s it’s kind of always hard to tell like do the shoulder Mobility is that what’s holding holding people back is it the pressure in the foot it will be really interesting to

    See how other people kind of fit into that box and and also just like height um just see if other other people kind of fit in that position a little better yeah because the positions and there’s so many options for positions so you immediately see here you see Slava going right

    Hand triple match so maybe a little bit taller a little bit lankier because he’s taller he felt a little better there but then this might be a little more awkward being told oh looks quite good though it did yeah he was able to keep that left foot on a

    Little longer for sure wasn’t really looking to to move it up any higher and so as you say even though he’s taller he looked like he fit into the smaller compression box a little bit better so maybe better hip mobility shoulder Mobility could be you know a string of

    Combinations of those different things um and that’s why you know that’s why it’s fun to watch um six different climers work out the same problem because you’ll you’ll get subtleties across the board absolutely Laura here yeah we saw Julia get the left foot up and kind of stand

    Up straight to that left hand um I think La will opt for something similar but it’ll be interesting to see if she’ll be able to do that the same way he’s looking a little bit uncomfortable with what she thinks she has to do here just not making a a final

    Decision about how to get in and out of out of the Zone Slava getting right back into that position here wow nice yeah so that volume’s also closer it might be a little more awkward in the box but that volume’s closer for him making that work super nicely

    Excellent work and just sort of stuck it at full extension finish maybe a little damic we’ll see we’ll see what he opts for on both yes oh wow Slava ni will want to take his time for the finish here oh he’s just trying to make a decision about balance oh very

    Nice that’s excellent crowning from staro Wow and then immediately so comfortable in the finish position right once you make a decision to commit over there that was really really nicely solved very nice he be psyched with that one that woke the crowd up a little bit

    And now see if Laura can tap into some of that energy in the room just never looked comfortable um deciding Left Foot Right Foot left hand right hand she sort of went worked through two or three different options but never stood up into the Zone hold yeah it looks like

    Once she gets stood over up and left I think you’ll be able to make more use of the of the Zone but that transition is really hard at this point it’s really hard to make any use terrible yeah it’s not come on L nice able to get the left foot up that

    Time let’s see if she can stand oh brought it back down oh you can see the Grimace like the amount of effort Boulders like this where you don’t have you’re not going very far and it looks you sort of in the cowd you’re like why doesn’t she just stand up or

    Lean back I mean she’s putting 100% effort in just to basically get into the right position yeah I think if if you’re a little shorter on this one it might be easier to bring the left foot all the way up but it’s also harder to get your

    Left your weight all the way over to the left um toally interesting to see if she can make that transition work and then even just yeah rushing the start a little bit and not having a quick [Applause] slip I mean the opening it’s a barn door the opening move is basically set as soon as off the ground you’re going to want to swing around to the right yeah that foot is definitely not very positive I think uh establishing on it it’s probably pretty finicky

    Uncomfortable move so just showing you a little bit more the the power that Julia brought to the show to have stormed up that Boulder like that yeah definitely I I wonder how the other girls will fair slav and elaz I think slave’s probably feeling pretty good now knows

    He’s he’s towards the top of towards the top of the ranks right now so I think he’ll he’ll go at this one with a lot of effort intensity and I mean sometimes Chloe you talk about the boulder when you get back to ISO yeah sometimes you’re like people like hey did you do

    It you’re like yeah I did it but you don’t talk about how many tries but people definitely know where they stand in this format for sure I mean in a final when you have 20 minutes or so between Boulders there’s usually a bit of talking and people kind of saying you

    Know oh I I had no idea what to do here or or people just kind of a nod of of uh of like under mutual understanding you did it I did it and that’s it like it kind of depends yeah we all agree it was really hard

    Yeah yeah it definitely depends but I think in general you have a decent you at least know uh which folders have been topped and and by who for the most part but it goes back to what you were saying at the beginning is that you’re looking

    Ahead almost the whole time so you kind of leave the the boulder you just did in the rearview mirror almost immediately yeah I mean if it’s not helping you to kind of think back to to the other Boulder you definitely oh option to go straight from the low foot yeah I mean

    If it’s not helping you to think back to the old Boulder then uh then best best move on but I think for someone in in slav situation maybe just taking some confidence and being like I’m doing well I’m in it killing it uh crowd loves me

    Be a little self hype goes along way look at me in the finals at Doc Masters I mean same way as when you haven’t done a single Boulder and you you’ve been beaten down on one two and three it’s quite hard to kind of stay in it until

    The end like am I good enough all right El that’s sort of um she looks really comfortable swap there so she jumped um s that left hand but from really low position yeah off this low kind of bar start foot um I believe we saw Julia get the left foot up and

    Then she was just able to stand and reach it there you go very nice making it stick both on yeah looking super comforable oh and slav quite close as well El that’s I mean once you once you get out of that awkward position uh if

    You own the last move if you can get to the second last move yeah it looks like from The Zone it’s awkward awkward awkward and the second you kind of jump if the foot and the Hand land then then uh Julia and El looked quite comfortable there and your body language changes to

    That last moie like oh it’s a little bit of relax see them grab the finish and just like really relax and and they know that they’re they’re going to match it there’s no more problem there SL was quite close both attempts getting his hands on this dead point that piano match working the

    Fingers over trying to generate the power here oh so close I think we saw slaba get quite a lot higher into the press and the he had his left foot much more extended before he popped and slav here whether he’s a bit shorter or just less comfortable on that right side is

    Jumping from quite low yeah Slava looked like he really kind of committed to fully almost jumping and kind of holding that Scorpion and slav maybe trying to do it like fully static and stay on the foot it’s hard to it’s kind of hard to decide the pacing on a move like that

    Cuz there’s usually it’s you can go slow go slow go slow and there’s a moment where you kind of have to pop and and it can be hard to get that timing right yeah if you wait too long through your press you run out of power you fall out

    Of the boulder just in case you thought it wasn’t enough to be um strong enough and have good body position um and explosivity you have to time all of those movements or it doesn’t go in your favor either he did have one attempt where he looked quite Close this is it clock’s at zero definitely wants it slav to really put himself in a good position can he get it little pop there oh not quite I think even the left foot released on the way up so really really tough position to get out of this

    Is full effort it’s strong work from Slava getting that move done this R up here looks really not very good I think if it were better we’d see them just hanging on to that thing but oh yeah just sort of tapping across it Alberto unable to establish enough to

    Even get there uh Slava crushing and then slav showing you that uh even getting towards it it’s not enough Camila now and Dawn yeah Camila a little bit shorter than uh than than Yulia see if if she’s able to kind of make that transition work similarly will be interesting feel the

    Base coming up through the floor yeah the energy out there seems really really good so that’s definitely something that’s that’s helping these athletes all right nice coordinated starts that’s so smooth wow both of our athletes Don looking in complete control really trying to get her hands

    Up as high as she can on that lower hole o on going to the jib which maybe was intended to do the Finish that’s crazy H Mobility that was really really solid climbing he can just keep it together that’s one of the tricks now I think this last move is not

    So really need to yes nice a flash from Don C C looking to do the same also flashing her Boulder keeping that energy I love a top followed by a top the crowd just Builds on itself that’s really really good stuff from both Don and camaa I mean this move here yeah that

    Finish is just risky enough it kind of you have some time underneath you’re like okay all right you got to you’ve got to psych yourself up for it yeah but he looked so solid on that bottom bottom bit it helps to to I think doing a move

    Like that you’re like I can do that over and over just get this finished done and cam once she jumped to that left hold she looks super solid as well yeah she was careful in the setup um and then just locked it in yeah did a good job of

    Like kind of staying in it and experimenting with the position and kind of found that maybe this there wasn’t a good static way for her to do it and once she jumped she was full commit to that very cool so Gregor and Jesse will know that the boulders were flashed

    Because they were only in the on deck chair for a minute and a half yeah so they know that um there’s been a slow burn to this point and then they they’re well aware that Don and Camila just smoked these Boulders yeah they’re maybe a little more cautious with attempts

    When you when you know they’re getting topped um Greg getting into the match looking I didn’t make any mistakes yeah IM immediately up in that right shoulder Jesse Jesse taking her time see that right hand kind of pressing on the bottom of the volume for a little bit of

    Balance she’s going to go from low commit to the jump nice oh wow that full extension off the right toe solid yeah so a different method again yeah very nice work it was pretty cool that she was able to keep that that right foot on I think that helped quite

    A bit yeah I wouldn’t have thought she had the height for that um but this definitely has the power for it Gregor just doesn’t love the position ah she’s walked up that thing I the check over the shoulder for the judge even though you know you’re

    Hanging on a bucket it’s like it’s un so it’s ingrained in you it’s uh it’s your yeah your instincts kind of kick in you’re like I need to need to check the judge judge says top Gregor’s going to do CL I love it sha Mcall used to do

    This quite a lot too just have a sit down a forced rest take a seat yeah although yeah I think he’s probably thinking quite a bit like what he was doing with the foot really didn’t seem to work well for him so I’m sure he’s kind of trying to decide if there’s

    Another option um definitely not obvious to do what what Don did getting that foot up so I wonder if he’ll see that or not and even you see like a press like that it’s hard to establish the right side if you can’t shift your weight over

    In and compress the shoulder so if the left foot isn’t there you’re just left with this really extended right side press that as you see doesn’t have enough power he’s got to get to the right to get that elbow bent if he doesn’t love the the right foot and he

    Can’t get the left up I really doesn’t like that position he’s got his right foot on that little jib but can’t shift it just looks more Awkward for him than it did for slva and uh well Dawn just went completely outside the box yeah I wonder

    If there even is a a jib on that volume I don’t know if there is that could just be a weird Shadow and he’s going to try and go way outside the box we saw Alberto Alberto yeah once you got the Zone established you can climb around it

    If you think you if you think you’re capable um but it also shows just the tiniest bit of desperation to be trying something that you know isn’t intended because you shouldn’t be standing on the Zone yeah I mean I think he really probably didn’t feel super close trying

    It that other way but I think we’ll probably see him try to use the zone for his hand again of specific movement fatigue is a thing as well Chloe the more you try one move the more you feel weaker just in that in that one locked in position oh

    Absolutely I mean it’s hard when you I mean we go you learn the move a little more but you’re also more tired it’s it’s quite hard to to kind of space those attempts out right and that’s why it really pays to get the boulders Done Quick right

    Away ah Gregor is going to give us one more Crow will pick it up can he make this shift into the right shoulder that’s the difference regor vonic needs to make some magic happen here back to the Press oh just and should be shoulder out every

    Time he’s going to be faor and he’s he’s walking out favoring that shoulder still disappointing from Gregor super physical like deceptively physical kind of press sequence there yeah and I love the way you describe that because a of course we saw it God a couple different ways um but

    The position is so dependent that you think of course the Boulder’s physical but the you couldn’t he couldn’t even shift across and and use the left side to push into the right side so that’s like near the top end of the power scale and just getting all the positions

    Right really good technical climber so I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw him get this one done but we’ll see it might be really hard stasha likes to to hop around if given the opport Unity so again I I think she’ll be looking forward to getting uh once she has the

    Zone I don’t think we’ll see a lot of hesitation out of the explosivity smart move from her uh establishing the way she did oh my goodness D very yeah just I mean smooth to stand up into it almost no dead Point even T showing you the difference in sort of

    Techical position and then not even needing to do the jump that we saw Slava do and Dawn both of them giving us a oh under sold it and stasha meanwhile yeah a strong flash stomping Boulders yeah off the low foot the low foot as well it looks like either way

    Works really well if you have the kind of confidence standing up to the left fold as we saw Camille and elnaz jump more Jesse and uh Sasha and Julia kept the foot but but as long as they go with that confidence it seems to work pretty

    Well yeah just looking to kind of too confident maybe yeah I think that’s the the type of move where once you’re there you’re like okay it’s working it’s working and as soon as you start to shift I mean I’m sure you knows he’s like oh I wish I had my right hand

    Higher a little closer to this finish but I think this could have worked so it’s It’s tricky to uh kind of decide I wonder if next go will see him in a similar position but then just bump that hand up a little or even Palm like I

    Looked like he was crimping the space uh which can be just a little far yeah off of the bottom volume I think the Palm is just a little too far so I think now that he knows the position he’s kind of felt what it’s like to be in that corner

    He’ll he’ll be a little more decisive um one way or the other but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see him go for the double Palms he did look so good on that yeah my goodness he just he walked through that like he done it 10 times

    Already which I I love it’s a Hallmark of technically strong climbers is reading position and knowing they got it right immediately you saw no second guess no readjustments even like I love That really staying into the wall a little bit definitely looked harder that time he’s oh trying to get locked in and he’s got his foot just he’s got his foot a little higher but still crimpy see he’s just going to take his time a little more nice so a little press on

    The way by but elected to stay with the low crimp two out wonderful stuff to top that Boulder like that really good knew what to expect up there that time I think had a little more confidence in the feet and in his hip position um looked really solid barely stuck that

    That other move though I think he probably very glad he take a deep breath I think yeah and then he just uh here got a little extra push out of the right hand justed into the hips to the left able to kind of sink over a little bit

    More with that left foot and a half bump yeah just barely using that other volume super nice yeah climbing a powerful Boulder technically uh and also showing you like I mean that’s Max end range fingertip to fingertip excellent stuff from our just like that Boulder number four I know

    We’re three down one to go um yeah goes quick sometimes so here just have a quick look at our results so for the ladies aasha is sitting still in front of Camila and Jesse based on attempts it’s close though um not far enough ahead that you don’t want to be careful

    On the last Boulder and then Julia able to fight for a Podium position based on how um the other ladies do elmaz and Laura I think are off of Podium positions at this point and then we have SL the men is I mean my goodness they everyone except

    Gregor with uh two tops so yeah two and three two and three two and three Slava just missing that Zone on the second Boulder he would have liked to have that one to stay in the game that would be a difference so the men’s field I am not

    Even try and play a scenario out for you there’s way too much math involved on the men’s side on the wall Yulia immediately like not even having a second look on Alberto getting the jump done straight away yeah swinging around on these yeah this Boulder looking super interesting these crazy U-turn holds

    Love them like like jump down and back up very cool oh Julia trying to get that inside out there another powerful wer over there for the on hips like brush that for me and that one and that one and that one she made quick work to the

    Zone so I wouldn’t be surprised if we see a rest quite a bit um she’s really rning for the top there Alberto is looking to do move on this one I think I think we’ll see something pretty cool over Here the launch out of this position is a bit unnerving the first time you tried it and then just cuz you’ve done it once doesn’t mean it’s not unnerving the other yes I love when the Setters play with Direction like that for the jumps it’s really cool we saw him stopped the

    First time on that dualex hold and and now that he kind of has felt the position and the swing I think using that swing straight away is a lot easier to generate and see go straight up yeah this the playground Boulders uh I love it um I know people love to say parkour

    I think that does a disservice to parkour if you watch parkour those those guys are Next Level I like to think of it as sort of playground Boulders swinging jumping exploring movement patterns what’s capable what’s possible swinging [Applause] in just but he’s got to psych himself up

    Every time it jump jump jump yes yes and it’s still a Cordo press Alberto HZ Lopez hand up to kind of press that time tricky finish move that was only the zone so I would imagine that this last move is got some to it as well expensive

    Move to be one the zone as the second last hold this will take some effort it looks like oh my goodness doing well to take his time here kind of feel out the position he’s looking to get his left foot down nice and nice patience the position of that big hold

    It presses your hips away from the wall you want to be glued and that’s pushing you out see oh the left foot it’s in just that position where the left hand is a little further than you can reach you got to give it a little pop but it’s hard to tell how far

    Over you need to go you don’t want a barn door either so yeah everything there basically everything setting you up to be uncomfortable the whole way through uh and then wasting no time jumping back on this is one of those Boulders where you could probably get on and hang out so maybe he’s

    On this one if he doesn’t get through it yeah that’s what I’d assume I think psych himself up for this jump and if it doesn’t work he’ll probably try it again yeah I I would imagine he might rest and give it one more solid go it’s a big jump coming

    Back and then a lot to control you saw the left hand had to come out and press behind him a lot of things happening yeah and we heard I heard a cheer we don’t see we Julia on the wall one last try Alberto jump oh trying to

    Get the swing back Julia kind of got diminishing returns from the first try she didn’t get back up to the crimp yeah she’ll want to do it now she wants to limit last goes from both of our climbers here oh that and Alberto getting oh getting back

    On the wall she did that’s exciting see what the judges will have to say Alberto and then julus I mean sometimes back on but you’re out of gas but taking it down full effort last Boulder you leave nothing behind yeah I think it’s it’s the fun of the comp you know you it’s

    Last Boulder there’s you’re not saving yourself for anything might as well U would have been quite impressive to get back up there and Alberto only getting that jump once mhm sort of hard to repeat maybe it’s definitely not there’s some moves that once you do them once

    You do them repeatedly and there’s some where you think I got away with that I don’t know if I can repeat it yeah it looked like quite a big jump when he did it the first time so I can imagine it’s a hard onea stop looks really hard to control

    The oh my goodness using his height really well there fundamentally different method lava wow for someone who’s claims to be primarily a rock climber he’s killing all these coordination yeah coordination slabby moves and he’s a little bit lankier than Alberto so he might be more might be

    Able to reach I don’t think he will there’s a press and a pop required do a little pop maybe even catch the toe exciting finish lur going up right side only where Julia had gone all the way left to the Zone trying to get get those points for the Zone God the Dual

    Tex I mean just look how un comfortable that position is to get out of you could stay here all day but you cannot leave yeah FL getting the Zone nice work fin getting over there he’s finally popping no oh what more do I need to do is what

    That expression says both hands on the finish getting in there opting to press pretty differently from Yulia but looking really solid yeah wouldn’t be surprised if we saw a top here wow yes not enough to do um to change much position but you love to leave a cal getting through a boulder

    Like that locking a top down yeah she looked really solid was able to get into that press really well and then was quite close to the wall when she was crimping that one yeah I even think she used that left foot um yeah we saw Julio

    With the right hand low and the left foot high and and uh Lara opt in for the other way kind of pressing with the left hand right foot out looked to work much better for her Laura’s one of those climbers that if once she’s got her

    Fingers down on a crimp yeah she won’t let she’s not coming up she does not let go super strong climbing from her see if Slava can do this again I think that’s a good I think that’ll be a good method for him so I wouldn’t be surprised if we

    Saw him up up at the top again and it’s one of those moves where I mean the root ciders have have given you a bit of a window and what he’s doing is just as difficult as what Alberto was trying so even though he’s slowing it down he’s

    Still got to go back and press on a dual Tex um it’s not comfortable yeah he needs to be in the corner just enough to to not have to wait the dualex too oh dear just going to Lo going to lose a little bit of uh skin along your shins

    Try not to let that get your head too much play that one I little flinko on the way down on that one oh nice yeah he knows what the top feels like now he knows what the Finish hold feels like and kind of that that position was a little bit more finicky

    Than you may be expected so I think we’ll see some kind of adjustment with with the pacing yeah May yeah to just press instead of trying to go so slowly is just get set up to be able to to out of it maybe he’ll be a little more intentional switching the

    Feet Within Reach Within Reach oh oh my goodness thank you so close twice both hands on the finish so close you do not get yeah you can’t get much closer than that and it tells you you how bad the Finish hold is that he had he was essentially matched I think wishing he

    Had that right foot where it just comes up and over if it had been down I think it would have stopped him enough but it’s even more coordinated even more tricky and jumping with a low foot is weird because you might drag it too early yeah and I think he just thought

    I’ll squeeze more this time and not carry my momentum all the way through and um so fractions of degrees away but excellent climbing from he should be very pleased with the round that he’s put down definitely I think we have slav next from this Boulder yeah he is a

    Little bit shorter so the jump is maybe going to feel a little far but also super good at coordination moves I would love to see him uh on the top of his Boulder cuz I think he could definitely get something done there El is so powerful and strong I wouldn’t be

    Surprised if if she got something done here there as well yeah she’s uh really good at shifting between positions and control for sure yeah super super strong I love slap the other guy sort of stood in backwards and he’s jumped in to spin back around no issues getting to the zone for

    Elaz let’s see if she tries to press out op in for the way yulio is doing it oh what a slap Ling here no no way oh no way that would be great if he gets the right B he gets the hand up slap oh unable to CL out that very close

    Pretty close I wonder if he’ll try that again or not it looked like if he got the right hand just a little higher might have actually been enough to keep him into the wall ela’s not loving that press no kind of made a liar out of us there

    Yeah so he won’t get have gotten any zone for for that though so I wonder if he’ll try that again or not conf yeah he was quite close but just the hip angle his knee was behind his shoulder that makes me feel like I would need to see

    My chiropra in the morning but as you say interesting will he try that again should he go secure his Zone because if he falls off going to the finish for four minutes yeah and it’s not enough to climb past the zone you need to establish the zone you can’t just sort

    Of get further on the boulder yeah I wonder if he’ll put a toe on Instead This Time can pull himself into the wall just a little bit no I staying on that heel getting wrapped over I mean what’s the end game here really fighting guys

    His did get it oh it’s looking good kov looks to be locked in position can he get out of this right oh my goodness he’s just trying to see if he can shift he’s got to let go with one hand a oh my I I it looks like it needs to be

    The left hand to come up but the left hand is doing most of the work to keep him on the boulder yeah it looks like if he could just shift his heel to a toe it might be enough to to be able to take the left hand off that’s going to be

    Exciting trying that same press again opting for the heel up uh yeah it’s kind of a funny stack of holes there you’re not sure which ones are are blocking which ones are more meant to be used looks like she’s got enough to take a hand off it does it

    Looks like she should be able to just reach out but the angle I think that what doesn’t come across on the screen is that it sort of it tips away and to the right so it looks like clean angles maybe to you like at home but the wall

    Angle is not really doing her any favor slab is sticking with it very very intentional about sticking the foot up straight away that time and we saw the bend we saw B toe up yeah we saw him on Boulder to get the high heel so you know

    He’s bendy and is he he’s going to throw it out yeah that he’s hanging on to that dual takes one for a while I I wouldn’t be surprised if we see him kind of stick to that heal method he was quite close with it I I mean the zone is a

    Difference Maker at this point zone is a big one for if you can get that zone if he can get that zone it’ll put him up in first for now but he did look closer uh my goodness this is it slap kid up time is going to run

    Out now take a breather maybe elnaz getting one last try is she going to stay with the beta that she’s been with oh all right SL is going to go all in El is looking super comfortable to the Zone still I wonder if is she changing yes she’s changing her

    Approaching really the right hand not enough slab a ruul wave to the crowd sticking with that heel yeah this Crim is really far to go to without uh without being able to push the change the right hand into a palm I think it’s a deep lock off on a on a

    Slow not enough and that the rock over isn’t there because of that the sort of put his block so elmas getting yeah she was looking for a knee bar there but it didn’t look like she was able to get as much out of that as she wanted yeah got

    Shut down just a little bit by sort of sequencing in position and as you were saying maybe if she could have flipped the right hand to a palm it would change all the angles on enough but you can only get so high on your wrist fingers

    From there yeah yeah that’s a very as we say that’s a small box hands and feet very close together trying to generate some power and momentum um and the crimp is quite far away um you saw Julia getting twisted out and then even being able to not control it on the return and

    You’re not jumping to it that’s for sure Don is a little taller I think might opt for Alberto’s Methoda super powerful flash attempt on the last boulder oh John gun sort of static static I mean is it doing you any favors to go static when you have to swing back anyway oh no my op for oh my goodness they talked about it someone said hey I wonder

    If oh look at this cam off the low foot yeah cam opt for oh not quite Fall’s getting the foot over I think she knows that was a mistake just a little slip she kind of maybe I mean relaxed is the wrong word but she sagged out just a shade too far

    She let her let her body come out of the wall just a little bit same method as you Julia though but able to stay into the wall just a little more have a little more power in the in the right shoulder Dom really got his hips over

    Super far left looked pretty quite good there but we saw slav have his left foot turned out a little bit more I think it helped him kind of lean over that one yeah just changed the position just enough let’s see it seems like he could almost jump to the Zone straight from

    Uh that press that he was in early [Applause] oh oh my goodness option oh wow looking to go back to his original starting position almost just working through and now cam maybe getting a little nervous here knows she can do the boulder maybe a tiny bit of fatigue at the end of a

    Round a little bit nervous um currently sitting at the top so that’s maybe she’s thinking about that like you don’t want to lose a podium this is crazy how long I mean that it’s good but it’s not that good yeah the one hand is is pretty pretty

    Impressive I think we’ll see him kind of stop in that in that positiony I would think so the way slav was able to hold that tall position oh Camila maybe getting a little frustrated here that body that hands on hips kind of stalking around oh don’t know he goes back to the

    Back to the heel all right Don boy blurting with the toe yeah he got his hips over really well last time but he looks super physical to rock over oh maybe he could Rock the other way oh wow and he’s going to go into this position is going to be wild look super physical there’s always

    That doubt as well of like am I trapped right now there to stay into the wall until the foot comes up just has to get that right looks strong here be confident yes wow a kind of success out of the what looked like it was going to be a

    Fail on this Boulder yeah super kind of stuck almost under the crimp a little bit you’re wondering if it if it was going to be kind of hard to come out of that position and she went really confidently super strong to the Finish to that Crim I mean she it’s in

    Basically a plank position to not seg away at all and then here as you say that right arm at 90° Bo super love that super strong there we to sort of gather herself as you said maybe a little frustration maybe a little fatigue um in her last try best try was

    Able to top the boulder last go for Don all right crowd you can maybe hear them in the background getting wound up a little Zen pose this is going to be a moment Don Vana oh a ruul shake of the head do I have it in me let’s find

    Out maybe going for the Zone this time no just lost the hands a little bit there Yeah you sort of swinging to create the coordination you’ve only got so many swings in you before you run out of grip really hard on your swinging like that to time it right to you often

    Want one more swing or just to get it just right but the hands are sliding um you have to talk yourself into letting go yeah you’ve got to be like this is the one cuz the next time I’m going to go backwards my hands are going to go

    Out in front of me I think I liking it too cuz I mean this kind of move we’ve seen a few times in World Cups um if you’re ever playing on the swing set as a kid and you’re like I’m going to swing and jump off your it takes you your your

    Son it comes up into your throw like okay I’ll jump off on the next one you swing back okay and but you’re getting bigger and more swing and the risk is going every time you choose not to let go the risk is going up that’s this kind

    Of feeling right there here there’s a chance both hands fly out in front of you at the same time F face first just a reminder a good look at the steepness at the start of this Bower yeah absolutely it’s taking some gas I wouldn’t be surprised if if she made quick work of

    This one but they’ve been they’ve had a really powerful round so far looks quite hard and Gregor made really quick work of the coordination earlier but he’s sort of now looking like he’s going to go oh look at this from Jess Jesse Pils Jesse got her knee up there a little

    Stuck with the knee coming up that GRE right pal he get the toe over let’s see if Jesse can get that right foot up can’t really unlock this hand she’s on a knee right she can’t J hand Jam under there oh that’s the Alpine knee is great until it’s not

    Yeah she was I mean she was on that crimp forever but you can’t jump off your knee not really no it’s yeah but she got that hand Jam in there to move the foot up which is really nice then it looks like that and then hand blew right

    As she was on the CRI for a very long time yeah Gregor almost jumped straight to the Zone there yeah definitely tricky in in Gregor’s position do you keep trying to jump over left and rock over the ball or do you try to get that zone cuz for now I think

    Only Alberto and Slava have the Zone um even though Slava was maybe the first try oh there we go I like it I like the commitment to sort of as intended even though it’s not your favorite thing uh I’m I’m a fan of that

    I’m a fan of just sort of digging in and being like all right let’s do what needs to be done done for [Applause] sure still lots of time Jesse Pils [Applause] see Gregor into the job yes it Gregor all right Gregor what can you do now Jesse til’s going going right hand to the this time still going to be quite hard to unwind I think going to the Finish oh but does it

    With style gets a little tow maybe on the left side Jess super strong work from Jesse oh Gregor measuring realizing he needs a little bit of Pop Let’s see if he can if he switches that foot or goes goes for it like Slava did tries just to hold the Hands come on Gregor oh look at this a I love this a little crowd engagement yeah a smile I don’t know that I love the right foot no no way no I don’t think I don’t think he’s got it he’s smiling is it worth the P ham lose the

    Foot clock is starting to be a factor if he doesn’t top he’s going to be having a huge rush to get back on the start of the B Gregor bonic f is in his hands just go oh my goodness you got to wonder if he did that immediately if it would have been

    Different you see Jesse Jessie unwinding which own that right Crim here we go GRE bonic probably perched on the start while we watch watch The getting Crow hyped up oh my goodness he was up here for so long his time trying to make a good decision I want looks like he tried to catch a right toe on the inside there and just couldn’t quite make it go oh oh I’m guessing he maybe fell off

    The Jump miss the jump oh that’s a bummer I would have loved to see another go there from him yeah he uh put everything into the top of that Boulder yeah and I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw um AR get this one done so yeah just

    Unable to make the jump that time we’ve got we’ve got one more shot to see see if someone can do this Boulder yeah this I think Jesse took a few too many attempts to get ahead of Camila so yeah Sasha will be looking to top R

    She’s got a few tries but uh got room three four tries to get this one done definitely capable of doing this Boulder so we’ll see if she can stay in it and ourour can put himself um at the top of the podium with the top here and even oh my goodness we’re just

    Doing math on the Fly I think our tour with a Zone will also put himself in position to be at the top of the podium so bait in his hands and S looking super confident that press let’s see if she has any troubles getting the right foot

    Up we saw Jesse get the knee nice this problem no problem the Inside Out match super strong work from Sasha Sasha is going to be your back to back doc Masters champion uh and did it by just absolutely stomping through the finals only one attempt and it was just on that

    Second Boulder the Dual Tech’s little slip but otherwise perfect climbing from stasha today Ur going through the going for this press method oh this was so if he knew that all he needed was the Zone he might not have opted for for that method but look at

    This sort of the the mobility to do the splits and when she had that foot up she was not letting go making really making it look from stasha like she had done it before just the the confidence in each decision can be the difference we saw a

    Couple of the women earlier kind of go back left and then right and then kind of shuffle a hand and Shuffle the foot and stes this one this one this one done yeah a yes establishing the Zone he doesn’t know it super solid but that has put him at the top of the

    Podium I’d love to see a top here Chloe what do we what do we think he’s he is tall he’s definitely capable we saw we saw him kind of take his time on the other Boulder here it looks like you do need to be a little quick he might be

    Able to reach it but I don’t think so the crowd is slowly picking up in the background it would love to see a top of this Boulder we saw Slava get close no he just dropped it he’s got time though compared to the other guys tons of time

    Looking really similar to Slava up there kind of got both hands on there hel it and then just out at the very I was I was just ready to say we got ourselves a top because he was so slow but he shifted his feet out yeah I think it looks like that hold

    Is just good enough with the left hand that they kind of hit it and then have the confidence to just kind of jump into the right hand and just as they swing back it slides out from under themo spicy I saw him brushing the top of that left disc which maybe he’s going

    To go back now that he’s established Zone he’s going to go try and climb out the left side I think that was so close I’d be surprised to see him do something different I mean he was really now that he knows what that finish hold feels

    Like I think usually that helps to kind of figure out the timing oh wow just a little bit too exuberant on the little bit clock is winding down uh I mean it goes by so quickly we are we’re 30 seconds away from the finish of the 2024 doc

    Masters what do we have from our F yes a little more spring this will be his last go up there it would be really exciting to see this one get done and also a benefit of the four plus is that we get to see him finish the boulder we get to

    See him take his time if he can finish the boulder we’re going to get to see it can our tour take us home in good Style by topping the last Boulder No it does not get any closer than that but that is your winner our Tour by getting that zone is going to stay ahead of Alberto Lopez so let’s just look at how close this is getting shifted Over is finding that position getting locked in it looked like he almost kind of rushed as as the beeps were going I wonder if he just kind of got excited or got in his head a little bit maybe maybe he forgot about the four plus for a second there I know that’s

    Happened to me at at a competition like this right there it almost feels like if you keep a tow hook you would be fine but yeah not quite as close as the triy before but excellent climbing um Ur TNA is going to be your men’s Champion abto

    Hin Lopez in second and slav kov in third on the women’s side it’s going to be stasha backto back doc Masters champion Camila and Jesse Pils all three of your Podium the only three to Top Four Tops really nice separation there for for both both groups I mean the men was

    Quite close but we kind of got Tops on different Boulders um yeah a little bit of a mixture and then yeah the scatter plot version of men they said two really hard Boulders uh and they did they were so close to getting unlocked I I mean we

    Got the result we were looking for it would have been amazing to see that fourth Boulder get topped it really would have been cool but we saw tops you know on the other three so good stuff I’m going to head down and interview the winners so hopefully they haven’t

    Strayed too far from the edge of the mats um and then I’ll run down interview them and then we’ll come back and wrap it up so uh just give us a second we’ll hear from the winners [Applause] d For For okay let start with price ceremony for tonight Master24 L ton will International Event right here on the third place from Austria Jessica [Applause] bills [Applause] Yes wow enjoy this moment on the second place from Italy CA Moroni C Cil Cil congrats and lost but not least the same winner last year Sasha G yeah she really dress to competi tonight wow yes go please give it up for these three

    Ladies I when I say give it up I mean give it up for these three Ladi yes they deserve this stage all right you can go back to the seats we will call you again and now it’s my honor to announce the best male climbers of

    Theight on third place I present to you slav kov hey so close on that last Boulder and then a very nice third prize man congrats and second all the way from Spain Alberto Jos Lopez wonderful [Applause] performance and then first place just barely barely missed that last one AR and these are the dog masters of 2024 R3 Alberto and arur give it up for the best of dog Masters 24 and we want to have another picture with all the athletes all the Masters tonight all the athletes you can get on Stakes now because yeah you know what we’re going

    To do you know what we’re going to do get on there speci and and while you come BR your colleagues come as well I think we need everyone on stage oh no don’t go away my friends we want all everyone on stage yeah but then everyone

    We can get yeah Julia’s here as well Alberto’s here laa El Julia jessia stasha everyone on stage Everyone [Applause] everyone also for the men’s gold slav and Arthur everyone on stage this will be the champagne shower ladies and gents some instructions as to how to open the bottle and I think we’re ready for the picture ready for the champagne Julia you ready go out of the way now

    Photo yes yes yes yes woo ladies and gents these are the masters of Ton N

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