YouTube channels that were used in this compilation

    If you have any clips that you would like to put on the channel please e-mail them to me at

    Website link for London Dash Cam Merch

    Enter my Code LONDON
    To get 10% off Bubblefix and Chill products (not my merch and not any sale items).

    The equipment I use is here in
    My Amazon Associates pages

    Insta360 GO 3 (128GB)

    Insta360 Ace Pro

    VIOFO A129 Pro Duo 4K Dual Dash Cam

    VANTRUE E3 Dashcam

    VIOFO Polarizer Filter for A129 Pro Duo

    Insta360 X3 Get-Set Kit

    SanDisk 256GB Ultra microSDXC card

    SanDisk Ultra microSDXC memory card 128 GB

    Software I use is CapCut

    All the music on this channel is from YouTube Music
    Credits go to.
    Silver Waves – TrackTribe
    Electro Cabello – Kevin MacLeod
    Fractal of Light – Chris Haugen
    After School Jamboree – The Green Orbs
    Bunny Hop – Quincas Moreira
    Feelin Good – Kevin MacLeod
    Happy Mistake – RKVC
    Little Later Than He Expected To – Chris Zabriskie
    and the intro and outro video is from
    Credit go to.
    Mike B
    Roberto Nickson
    Roshan Kamath
    Video by Bhargava Marripati:
    Video by Mike Bird:

    Hello everybody welcome to another video a viewers compilation video now this is just me driving at the moment where I explain what’s going on if thanks for everyone that sent in Clips if they’re not on this compilation they will be on one in the future don’t worry I’ve got a

    Ton of stuff to get through um and not enough hours in the day to do it now when I get these videos they come to me in all different forms and some of these where I download them from I’ve never even heard of some people have even got their own YouTube channel and

    Asked me to download it from there as it’s a bit easier to do it that way and that’s fine I can do anything that you want me to do but I’ve got to uh be a bit careful especially with a YouTube channel just in case you are not the

    Owner of that channel and I’m downloading stuff and putting it on my channel and I could get a copyright strike for that so I do have to make sure that that channel is your yours so anybody that sent me stuff from their own YouTube channel their address for

    Their YouTube channel will be in my description down below so what happens is I get an email and normally a brief description uh written by the person who sent it to me about what’s happened um normally typical bloke I don’t read the instructions I just go straight into the

    Video and try and work out what’s going on and try to work out where it is normally I’m pretty good at actually trying to work out where it is and it’s sort of like I recognize that place and I recognize what bloody car’s going to be doing what before it happens

    Sometimes I don’t and then I have to go back and read the email properly it’s also very important to tell me what name you want on the screen if you want any on the screen at all that always helps out if you’ve actually put your name at

    The bottom that you want on there so the first clip was sent in by Peter who does have his own YouTube channel and straight away as soon as I saw the video I knew that it was bethor Green East London I can tell that by the state of

    Their roads and how they drive where the rules of the road mean absolutely nothing so enough waffling from me and let’s crack on with the Clips oh okay it’s not the East End of London this is actual fact is Vietnam where obviously very similar to the East End driving rules mean nothing now we approaching the mountains are now apparently they do drive on the right hand side of the road and if you’re a cyclist out out

    There or you drive a motorbike out there don’t expect 1.5 M I know you don’t expect it here to be honest but out there you’ll see some interesting passes in a minute coaches go around these motor bikes and stuff a bit too bloody close now going by the state of the

    Roads we have got quite a bit in common with them our roads are not much better than this in nature of fact some of the places that I go to they’re worse than this but we have got another common issue cyclist going the wrong way down

    The street they just do what they want the world over don’t they now I don’t pretend to know their rules out there but look how close that is but mind you look at the bike it’s outside of its bike lane and I got to say that thing there would have have to

    Go how do people drive with things like that dangling down from their mirror so over to the right hand side now there’s tower bridge and there’s Tower of London so we’re back home now where all the roads are nice and smooth and we got BMW drivers that one over to the right

    Hand side remember remember him yeah they don’t like being behind anything please take the first exit and continue to follow the b222 not an idiot F an idiot those most in need things get better with hco visit h.o. hco is regulated by the FCA tonight’s EUR I’m special Millions jackp

    Million now that calls for Ace now the next two clips is quite close to where I live and the same thing has happened to me in both Clips in the same place obviously she says why should I give up the job they keep paying me back my disc

    Do a little go my nails to my hair in the between com cing at you je well we are definitely back home and the reason I know why always an AI now in this clip we’re looking at that yellow car over there it’s picking someone up on the other

    Side of the road which I assume is his daughter all I can say is stupidity must run in the family I enemy the street coming back with us he’s getting in the boo [ __ ] H oh my God you [ __ ] slag the back seat Asian boy in the back seat SC that

    Was [ __ ] close [ __ ] are you doing [ __ ] me well we are definitely back home and how do I know always an AI I don’t know how this person has done this there’s nothing in its way this this vision isn’t impaired and yet it doesn’t know where the giveway line is

    And it just decides to hang out in the inside Lane waiting I’m special I’m special [ __ ] oh you [ __ ] now although undertaking isn’t illegal there’s a reason why you don’t do it especially as you’re undertaking on a slip Road off and you’re not going off and the slip Road on there is no

    Immediate rush for you to get out into the middle Lane not unless you’re a private higher driver or shall we call them professional drivers no let’s just keep it a private higher driver shall we now I got to admit when I first saw this clip without reading the email or anything like that

    I just knew what was going to happen I just didn’t know what car was going to do it until I saw that there was an Audi in the picture always an Audi I’m now I’ve had quite a few driving instructors on the channel recently and

    None of them have been very good at all I’ve got to say I’ve got a few driving instructors that follow the channel and I think I’ve even got an examiner retired examiner that follow the channel I’d like your opinion on this one please as you can

    See from the front camera there we let that we were about to let that car go this instructor had other Ideas let us know your opinions on that driving instructors and Examiners now some of you might recognize that football stadium in front of us some of you might recognize the car that’s about to pull out in front of us always an AI now Lindsay who sent this clip in she’s only 18 she passed her test when she was

    17 so she’s still quite inexperienced driver but if you listen to what she says at the end here it’s some very solid advice and it’s something that I should be using actually as well I actually like the saying here that was him cuz that her she’s just looking at

    Me like what am I supposed to do and I’m like well look before you leap look before you leap some very sound advice from someone so Young [ __ ] idiot what is wrong with you you m so now I’m going to hand you over to Rachel [ __ ] Idiots you [ __ ] Idiots oh for God’s Sake just now you can give it but you can’t take so keep on taking it I was worried about that so now he goes on the roads you can give it but you can’t take it so keep on taking it I was worried about that so now he goes on the Road S you need to turn your lights on your lights on your car no forget itri like an idiot you can another Audi today what is with me and Audi’s why are so many people buying Audis there’s lights that way mate just go to the lights you [ __ ] capacity to retaliate we don’t

    Know what a d it’s put in their ability how St try to respond as indeed they are try do they will try to do the more they reveal so that’s it for today guys thanks a lot for watching I’ll catch you on the next one bye for Now


    1. Just to remind those especially in london, you can report bad driving to the met police and see if they take action on it. Some of these drivers especially the ones who cant wait and drive dangerously seriously need something to scare them and reflect on their driving

    2. As an instructor you should have kept your priority and not slowed the traffic behind you forcing this situation to happen. He'll get to turn right when a big enough space comes up. Keep your priority and this wouldn't have happened. So there.

    3. Fuuuuccccckkkkkk Meeee; Tony…….
      That compilation of clips and your reactions really had me pi$$ing myself with 🤣.
      At least nobody got hurt….
      Apart from the cretins that got ButtHurt rofl in which case I suggest Preparation H – well, it works for Piles lol.
      Right; where can I find an old skool – not thrashed – proper Audi 200 Quattro in order to break the Stereotype? Prefer the 20 valve version but will consider an earlier model.

    4. Nice of Olly to give way to the bus pulling out of the bus stop. If 4 seconds isn’t enough time to see them…🤦‍♂️

      The car at 7:28 probably went to enter the roundabout but someone was coming round too fast and then got stranded. Unfair to criticise without knowing the full details

      Wayne, you are heading towards the rear corner of the other car, why? What was your end game? Sit alongside? Get as close as you could to get some dash cam footage? As there wasn’t really anywhere in front to go just leave a gap in case this happens…it really isn’t that hard

    5. Motorcycles all seem to take the racing line. Scary! Darn good thing all your medical is "free" because some of those riders will be needing it even before they lose that "L" on the back of their motorcycles.

    6. Im doing a TLD catchup. VOL 200 "its not the Tour de france, its Bromley!". Your satnav is shite, because it was Sidcup. Oh no😱 TLD drives in my manor, quick put the Audi in the garage and stop wearing lycra!!!!

    7. Kevin did the wrong thing at 9:45 and created a dangerous situation, the traffic ahead is still nicely flowing and so he should still be flowing with the traffic, not stopping dead in the road to let someone come out going across you, it’s absolutely different if the traffic is quite heavy and it would have made sense to quickly let him out but you should always flow with the traffic, I would have continued on as normal all day long, there would have been a suitable gap soon enough for him to turn

    8. Smart Cam, always an Audi, that's my local Tesco at Galashiels! Is there some rule I don't know about, concerning Audi cars? I've had 2 today pull spectacular stunts. But I held one up!! There were hoards of people crossing the road going into Peebles, I waited while they crossed at the roundabout, I couldn't see what might be coming anyway so as well to wait. There was another one behind me and I could see the steam coming out of his ears.

    9. 11:30 “use your mirror” 😂 yeah mate they can obviously see you in their mirror while you’re sitting in their blind spot.. either undertake or ease back 🤡

    10. General comment; on occasion i do think your progress is on the slow side, leaving too much space between yourself and the vehicles moving away in front of you, this could easily give the impression to others that you have infact invited them across or to fill the void.
      Your clips do highlight other issues which lead me to suspect there are more unlicensed, possibly uninsured drivers, including those teaching 🤦others.

    11. When I sent some clips in last year I used Clipchamp from the Microsoft store and it was excellent for clipping out the few seconds of video where the action is. I had never used any editing program before and picked it up in minutes as it's made for editing newbies like me, so if anyone has any worries about it being complicated it's not, and well worth getting if you want to send video clips of anything. There are also some good videos on YT showing how to extract a clip from a 3 minute lump of video footage from a dashcam or camera.

    12. Vietnam has an approach to driving similar to that of the Philippines where I spent a couple of months last year. Road markings mean nothing, roundabouts mean nothing, even an MOT means nothing and they drive where they want at what speed they want on whichever side of the road they want but I saw almost no accidents which was good cos they don't bother with insurance either. On the way back to the airport the coach I was on with my GF actually set on fire and we had to be dumped off in a layby while we waited for a new coach to come get us.🤣🤣

    13. Those ''Always an Audi'' moments are quite mild compared to everything else in the video. I might as well show you a small clip, because from where I'm sitting it's always everyone else. I'd love to take you in for one day, so you see how some other drivers behave when they're on a bad case of fourringitus. Sending you an email in a few minutes…

    14. You mean you never had fluffy dice hanging off the mirror?😅
      I notice your catch phrase is catching on. I notice people say "Always an Audi" in clips on other channels.

    15. 12.00 Rachel's clip. My Hubby grew up on the housing estate seen in the background at start of clip. He says it was a lot different back in the 70's. There was no road off to the left(A331 Blackwater valley relief road), Just the grounds(Rugby/Football/Cricket pitches) of the Royal Aircraft Establishment Sports & Social Club. The Traffic noise must be unbearable now.

    16. Fairview wasn't doing anything to help that situation at all and the transit tipper should have been allowed right of way as it was already IN the road narrowing section already as Fairview was approaching it , as shown by the sign . Instead what does Fairview do ? Maintain speed , almost cause an accident , makes no attempt to pull in a bit and oddly thinks the tipper was at fault. It was a 30 area and the tipper looked to be doing around 35 but still had right of way.

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