This is the story of how my friend Ross and I rode from Bilbao to Paris in the summer of 2023, generally following the route of the Tour de France but splitting off to see the best sights and climb the most famous mountains of Le Tour. We did almost the entirety of the journey bikepacking under our own power, but staying in hotels rather than camping. This is very roughly thrown together, first time filming anything like this. About 60% of this video is shot on my Google Pixel 6A, 30% on Ross’ iPhone 10, and about 10% on a handheld digital Panasonic camera. I hope you enjoy our journey!

    Ross mate up took you long enough just met up with Ross in Bilbao and step  one has been to find a bike shop and try   to get a seat post bolt for my tarmac and also  buy some gloves cause it is going to be cold gonna get these ones lovely

    Stage one we’re walking around Bilbao uh it  seems like half of the Guardia Civil will   lay down their lives to prevent us from getting  on the on the road um so we’re having a tricky   time riding the stage but having a blast how  we doing good vibes good times its beautiful beautiful

    You good? I mean pretty epic huh quite epic how we doing comment ca va bien doing well well dude my bottom bracket is fucked  like it’s making some terrible sounds all right Finn how we doing  mas mal muy mal no bueno we got some jet lag issues  otherwise having a good time

    All right Finn how we doing day day  one i’m in a bad place mentally not   doing well legs not really responding  but we’re surviving we will prevail how are we doin how you doing I’m fine how are you  doing the camera should be pointed  

    In you you take the camera say  that again how you doing not good uh we made it though San Sebastian man rough day on the bike but we made  it I don’t know I was chillin

    Start of day three hoping it goes better than the  last one and we’re we’re opening up at a bike shop   trying to get Ross’s cranks fixed it’s not going  well so far we’re at a second bike shop now and  

    Things are going much better at this one it’s  getting work done right now I think we’re good you’re on media duty today how we  doing Ross you’re on media duty   how we doing I’m all right somebody’s  a little speedy little table turning things are going better today venga venga venga venga venga venga

    Hey venga venga venga venga attaque de Ross Kelly there’ll be probably another place to  get water on the way at the top of the   second climb second big climb  of the day 40K of downhill to Pamplona doing good surviving what do you think hmm rolling out

    How we doing Finn we’re doing all  right feeling very meh I’m hoping   the legs come around once I digest breakfast in the middle of uh day three this is technically  day three from bilbao day three of big rides and  

    We’re about 600 meters away from what our map says  is 13% for 600 meters now Ross is in denial and   believes that it’s a misclick on our route and  we’ll be saved we will be saved by a God that  

    Does not know or care for us salvation so we will  find out in about 2 minutes if we will make it so we are here we’re about to  go up and over that into France how are you doing

    How’s it going we’re in the the picturesque  little village of Ochagavia yeah uh it’s at   the base of the port de larrau which  is a climb famous for it effectively   ending the career of Miguel Indurain  by dropping him so hard he wanted to  

    Retire it’s beautiful but uh big climb to go  six 6% for 10 km up there mhm let’s get it officially in France bienvenue a Francia ouais you gotta get a video of this dude what  does it look like I’m doing pretty crisp  

    Tan lines got to shave those how we  doing good uh putting on sunscreen   um yeah we’re we’re about to  hit the col de marie blanque bonjour 1 k to the top of the col d’aubisque Ross   has dropped me but I’m doing  good the cows are my friends allez monsieur

    Woo un kilometer oui oui bonjour baaaa there’s a bike shop like on this road it  closes at 7:00 it’s like 6:40 right now   I want to stop by and just like talk to  them lets do it we are in the right place

    Great shop W shop great shop they did exactly  what we needed them to do shout out cyclin   pyrenees uh €20 for an emergency bearing  replacement and we’re back on the road   ready to go and bonus we got Ross some gloves  for the next time we’re freezing on a descent

    All right Finn where are we so French  police really do not want anyone getting   up uh Cauterets to see the finish they’ve  closed the road they say you have to walk   so we walked and now we’re hiking a  single track trail along with half  

    The population of france trying to get up  this climb Ross you see this dog tornado-ing let’s go let’s go let’s go Egan allez allez allez allez julian allez julian allez allez le bidon that’s me and you better let  it roll get the closeup get  

    The closeup im ready for my closeup there it is yeah dude you’re between greatness how do you  feel I mean I’m pretty stoked on this yeah   that’s a good one yeah cooking dinner here  and we’ve got a Euro chip review this time

    It’s brets saveur chevre piment d’espelet um  really good surprisingly intricate flavor for   a potato chip and I don’t know if these are  boujee chips or cheap chips there’s a little   bit of spice at the end super strong goats  cheese very strong goat cheese flavor I mean  

    It looks they look pretty posh it does look boujee  pretty good I’m I’m a fan and bonus points for the   Ruffles gets a C on the nutriscore I don’t know  it’s got that it gets an A on the finny score we’ve got the first 10,000 foot  day on the menu having breakfast  

    From a from a market so we’ve got um  cheese sandwiches Ross’s has ham big   ass sandwich pain au chocolat candy and  uh monster energy breakfast of Champions all right Finn how goes it 8K to the top steep  hair pins coming up are we doing better how’s  

    The heat the heat has died off my allergies  are really bad I’m not breathing great um my   excuses are never ending obviously uh  no doubt but so is my resolve onwards how we doing good chilling yeah easy mode yeah  I mean my knees are kind of feeling it seeing  

    As I can’t get into my easy gear which is what  uh I can’t get into my 28t so I’m stuck on my so   you’re rolling a 25t 25 tooth leg we are almost  3/4 of the way up the tourmalet pretty much  

    Exactly at 5K to go right there doing good just  got to make it up to there up to that white car legs are burning we’re about to cross  uh 5,000 feet in altitude pressing on it’s kind of small but it’s  calories I mean like not much sauce

    Bob l’eponge we’re uh we’re 3 km 3 km to the  top of the aspin I think Ross is losing it   how we doing buddy suffering dude 2.7 to the  top 3600 feet total left it’s starting to rain  

    Which is a little concerning not for mr rain  pants I do have rain pants it’s also beautiful survived can you hold for a second all right finny finny boy how we doing 1.3  k to the top of peyresourde if we can out  

    Run the storm behind us uh spirits are  good legs are bad yeah we’re nearly there just crested the top of the peyresourde sight of   the historic chris froome downhill attack  now it’s time for the the famous descent   into bagneres de luchon hell of a  ride 10,500 ft now for the fun part

    How we doing oh man nice so we’re trying to find water well I was trying to  find Ross was trying to find water and we found a   friendly man who gave us water and ice cream  he may have been Jesus just another day just  

    Another day he was kind of Jesus like yeah  he was really happy to give us ice cream he   was like thrilled and he was like a cyclist too  yeah he had like one of those rei like mountain  

    Bikes shirts on or something yeah he just got  back from a tour of the pais vasco legend legend base of the portet d’aspet how we doing  wait has the climb actually started yet or   what yeah we we’ve started already right yeah  okay good yeah I mean we have water which is  

    Good yeah we were so close to not having  water but luckily cooler heads prevailed how was that hard dude pretty fuckin  hard back at it again on the lunch stop   this time we got some euro chips these  are uh can you pronounce that not yeah  

    Just just this french word I I I don’t even  want to try and pronounce it where are we that’s actually completely different from American   barbecue no bullshit this was a  meme now this is a legitimate r-

    You want some pizz so we’re at our last stop  of the day the problem is that the market the   carrefour is about 6 k from our airbnb which is  which is all uphill including a couple k at 10% so  

    We’re trying to figure out how to get like dinner  breakfast and snacks for two very hungry boys to   the to the apartment and Ross had an unfortunate  accident with a box of Cocoa puffs not the first  

    Time um that that has resulted in an unfortunate  amount of cocoa pups on the ground we also have   a liter of fresh milk and I’ve got the very euro  baguette in the jersey pocket we’re ready to go oh my god how we doing Finn living the  dream 10 percent is nothing it’s fucking  

    Easy we’re almost to the top of the climb  unfortunately Ross had another incident   with the cocoa puffs and they fell onto the  ground so he had to stop on the hardest pitch   to pick up his cocoa puffs one by one the  poor poor man he’s been through it today

    We have just arrived in our Airbnb in foix  and I’m sampling the lays fromage bugles   now I’m curious if bugles is a separate  company here and they just partner with   lays or if lays just owns bugles or  maybe bugles in the states is lays

    Classic classic bugles very good I’d say  better than the the american nacho cheese   bugles I’m a bugle fan probably an 8.5 out  of 10 right there my hands are shaky because   I’m on the verge of completely bonking so  I apologize for that these are delicious

    How we doing good good having a good  time kind an easy spin day 60 miles   that’s that’s 100 k we’re chilling  having a good time had a lot had   significant amounts of pastries lot of  pastries good coffee no milk no sugar  

    It’s not that hot either unexpected it’s  like 84 yeah not too bad great temperature we have arrived in carcassonne  it is hot it is fucking hot you’re a pirate you’re a pirate  one could say I don’t believe it smooth

    We are on the road to montpellier from  carcassonne we got quite an early start   cuz it’s going to get up to 100° today uh and  yeah it’s it’s hot is it hot it’s hot it’s not   even what time is it it’s like it’s fucking  10:00 a.m. it’s 10:15 10:15 feels fuckin hot  

    And it’s almost like 90 here it feels fuckin  hot yeah uh Ross has gone through four bottles   already one two three four coke and an iced  tea leg and a coffee crankin watts two hours   two hours in oh and it’s 100 miles it’s 160  fuckin kilometers yeah we got survival mode

    152k down 2 km to go garmin is reading 103.5  degrees fahrenheit uh we’re both pretty much   out of water we just got to make it this last  2k but it’s brutal right now it’s fucking brutal in desperate need of a morale boost we turn to  

    The closest thing americans  have to home in france macas we are about 3k into mont ventoux starting this   legendary climb not too hot about 19  km to go you can see where we’re going 5K in Ross has dropped me but that’s okay  I’ll get him later we are 7K in 14k to go  

    About exactly one third done um I’m sticking to  my pacing strategy it’s going well essentially a   lot of these sections are four watts per  kilo to keep moving so I’m a little over   my pacing strategy so far and Ross is way  up the road so I’m a little worried what  

    He’ll look like at the the top but maybe  he’s just on a super day we shall see allez Finn keep going keep going  get the strava segment no bruh how we doing mission failed we’ll get him next  time hardest climb of the trip I mean I went  

    The hardest on it so by that measure yeah I would  say the tourmalet was worse though I had a worse   time well you know the riders make the course hard  not the route like the tourmalet was harder but I  

    Definitely went harder on this climb like I did  more watts by a long way you must have went deep we were up there like 3 hours ago and now only   been hasn’t even been 3 hours  yet now we’re back down here

    Rolling out for stage 12 mont  ventoux to gap 90 miles on the   menu today starting with the descent of ventoux 90k into bedoin to gap it’s been a beautiful day  very much uh transitional stage vibes well 50k to  

    Go uh couple steep but short climbs like 2k at  8 or 9% two of those three of those uh and then   we’re descending into gap but going well final  drink stop right now and then we’re on the way

    It reminds me of lord of the rings I think  it’s either the fellowship or I think it’s   the fellowship where Sam and Frodo are like like  oh my god we we made it away and then they look  

    At like the distance they’ve got to go that  is what this reminds me of there’s gap that’s   uh that’s where we’re headed oh there’s a big  spire in the middle of it wonder what that is how we doing solid uh 10 mile descent  more or less 10 miles flat or descent  

    Descending head in the gap watch the  tour it’s a good day live the dream got the tour got the pizza official prediction  who’s going to win pinot how’s he going to win   breaks up on the climb either he’s alone or a  small group think he wins the sprint I’m going to  

    Say basically the same thing but for alaphilippe  breaks up on the climb alaphilippe and a couple   others bring back whoever ended up up the road  small group sprint julian the glory we shall see he put so much effort into the start  of this stage and that was the kind  

    Of thing that he used to be able to  get away with when he was on tiptop we got our lion cereal and our senseo coffee  I’m doing good day is off to a great start 10:16 a.m. we are rolling out  today we got 106 km on the menu  

    11,000 ft of climbing finishing  up alpe d’huez bring on the day one climb down how we doing yeah I mean that  was kind of a you know sudden start to the   day yeah 2,000 ft right out the gate pretty  busy road too very busy busiest road probably  

    Busiest road we have been on busiest road we’ve  been on for sure might have been like the worst   col we’ve done so far I would say so and then  the end was just like steep for no reason so  

    That was fucking annoying uh but one climb  down out of four three to go three to go yeah 40k in 65k to go basically just  uh two big climbs and then a big   climb called alpe d’huez uh got some  cokes got some ben & Jjerry’s got some  

    Pain au chocolat pretty little town  on a lake pretty nice anything to add I’m honestly tempted tell us tell us what we  got here pizza vending machine what what is   there to say in 3 minutes 3 minutes I I’m  tempted but unfortunately if we had seen  

    This before we got the croissants I  still would have wanted mine it would   have been on like donkey kong my friend  I think you would have gone for it alas how was your uh how was your 25 tooth  up that I was grinding rise and grind  

    Grind set I was grinding big time you got  butterflies on you where on your helmet   its taking a ride look at that little  guy he’s making a cameo what a beaut third climb done of four we may have uh used  our biscuits a little too early as Sean Kelly  

    Would say went pretty hard on that one  but time to descend into alpe d’huez you are a salty salty boy I don’t feel  so good I don’t feel too good mom come   pick me up let’s get the fuck out I  want that as a reminder to never come  

    Here again anywhere else the fuck out of  here but not here let’s get the fuck out our airbnb today is just someone’s  apartment so uh headed up there quick rinse off now we’re headed to intermarche  to go get some dinner success yeah it was in the  

    Door I left the key in the door we’re  a little bit cracked as the kids say we’re out here on our rest day uh  I visited here when I was 2 years   old and my family had some pictures so  we’re out here trying to recreate the  

    Exact picture of my 2-year-old self and  my 5-year-old sister at the time uh at   the at lac noir just behind alpe d’huez so we  hike-a-biked it pretty uh pretty good rest day morning of uh huez to albertville  kind of last day big day on tap  

    Last big day for me um and the  weather is looking interesting brr brr brr third of the way up thoughts ouais base of the col de madeleine now 20k 8%  5,000 ft we’re tt’ing it my last col of   the trip 3K left in the madeleine  holy shit hot steep unrelenting but  

    Beautiful got blown by by someone from UAE  a couple minutes ago that was fun hard day getting ready for our final day  spin to annecy this is easily   the best view that I’ve ever seen  out of a bathroom window top notch

    Emma’s getting on a train in a couple minutes  so we have set off for annecy one final spin   and uh yeah we’re racing the train a little  bit going to see if we can beat emma there I think that was both of our best  effort of the trip definitely for  

    The year and and like the for the year  I’m not kidding I think me too I think   that was my 20-minute power for the year  right there so that’s pretty fuckin maybe   for maybe for a couple years even we’re  stoked I’m very stoked we’re amped bonjour

    Strava just routed us down a staircase  come on strava you got to fix this this   is ridiculous stravaa app routing is  terrible be better terrible be better there’s a lot of people too many people alright man safe travels see you in paris

    Just got into paris um our first train  was late so we missed our connecting   train after getting a new connecting  train we got into paris walked about   a mile to the other train station which  was the only train that had a train that  

    Took bikes on it and then that train uh wasn’t  running so now I am biking across paris trying   to get to where we need to go and Emma’s  taking the metro inshallah we both make it riding the champs right now they’re already  getting everything set up for the tour in two days

    You made it buddy oh I was terrified I thought you  were like I thought you somehow ended up like on   the highway going that way have a pizza google  thought you were like way I was like oh fuck our  

    Epic hero has survived how we doing I’m ready  I’m done done he’s had enough I’ve had enough   the the run in to paris on like the whatever  that is was enough that was enough I’m done cheers mate cheers salud cheers fucking over  its done oh my god dude congratulations buddy

    Surely jasper jasper looks like  jasper he doesn’t look happy   mads versus jasper meuss jordi meuss  johan museeuw just won on the champs yeah its over meuss meuss somebody named meuss jasper not happy he will  leave now bora happy holy shit

    How are the legs they really hurt every  time I bend them like oh my god the quads

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