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    Wheelers At Large are out cycling again this time cycling in the sun and summer kit on the roads of Mallorca. A flat ride through Albufera to a Cafe in Buger then back to Port De Pollensa through Campanet.
    Help us fuel the rides with coffee ☕. –

    Julie is riding her @LivCyclingWorld Liv Avail with @elitewheelscycles 45mm Carbon wheels.
    Mike is riding a @MERIDABIKES-INT Scultura Endurance with @primebikecomponents2089 56mm carbon wheels.

    Gear We Use On Every Ride…
    Wahoo/GoPro/Light Front Mount:
    Stans Race Sealant:
    Dyna Plug:
    Coloured Bar Tape:
    Parma Violets:


    Please visit our channel:

    MagicShine code: ​wheeler15

    #Cycling #Bicycling #potholes

    This is definitely not Bournemouth for a start it’s not raining I mean that’s the first clue we’re here welcome to mayorca oh bounce bounce right right right right stay right good morning wheelers at large we’re out again and this is not Bournemouth it is not Bournemouth this is

    Meor wow it’s early in the season here so there’s not many people here which is brilliant got the place all to ourselves yes I mean Julie says we got the place all to ourselves but in truth we’ve seen lots of cyclists hotel’s full of them I guess at this time of year the

    Cyclists leave it a little bit later to go out so it’s warmed up a bit and uh I’d be lying if I didn’t say it wasn’t a little fresh but uh it’s easily up to 10° already and it’s set to be about 18 so fingers crossed we’re only here for a few days

    But to be honest after this long wet winter we’ve had in the UK this is just what the doctor ordered loving this that’s blue sky out there actually look there’s a cloud bit of off-roading well I think this is what counts is off-roading in mior actually looking um out the window

    From the plane there are loads and loads of gravel tracks now I don’t know how accessible they are or if they’re on private land or whatever but um it looks like there could be some gravel Adventures to be had to say Julie’s happy right now probably an understatement these are all bull

    Rushes the other side of that there is water very tall scream if you want to go faster yes I’ve just I’ve just been given the hurry up nah he’s not going any faster are you winding it up all winding it up oh okay you’re in the wind I’m not 23 24 Top

    Gear 25 [Applause] 26 that’s probably enough for me mind you I can still talk so maybe not still [Applause] here morning oh classic right that’s my [Applause] top Mike’s in top as well oh he means business he’s down in the drops uh-oh look out [Applause] Julie

    Turning I think we’re going to call this trip a spring training camp but very much in air quotes cuz uh we’re not really training for anything but coming off the winter we’re both sort of huffing and blowing a little bit so we’re not expecting anything from ourselves we haven’t done 100 mile since

    Brighton yeah wow what was that end of September October wow round to the left yeah so uh this is definitely working back towards Summer Fitness puss cat yeah pusscat we’re turning right in a moment the black cat just crossed our path all right yeah I’ve never really played by the

    Numbers before it’s very unusual for me to be you know keeping an eye on what I’m doing oh yeah I normally just get on with it that’s right what’s it called marginal [Laughter] games I think that was old man we time we just gone around sapoa heading towards

    Buger and I can see a pellet on ahead can you see [Applause] this she can’t resist I know what the coffees are not sure about the other two bits but it looks good and that is a little surprise for Le I you want another WI

    That was coffee and a pastry for me felo pastry filled with chocolate so nice nice bit of uh energy campet like KY bit old lady’s not having it is she she’s walking in the road and that’s that total disdain contempt right okay we’re going straight on and round to the right

    Oh yes this is definitely the right Road I’m sure it was downhill and even if it wasn’t downhill this is still the right road because it is downhill I was going to switch the camera off but I’m not going to let go okay there’s a person in the road and

    A car so slowing down just in case hi [Applause] hello lots of cyclists I know yeah what of there was just people cars tractors the works that’s the only thing wrong with New York it’s a bloody cycl so it’s uh past 11: on our first full day in New Yorker gorgeous weather absolutely

    Perfect for cycling and there appears to be a lot of other cyclist out here today this is nice along here I mean there are more exciting roads what have you in New Yorker but this is nice along here really nice undulations Corners you know no traffic I think we’ve had five

    Vehicles in the last whatever 10 kilom yep oh she’s finally guessing it tell me when you’re behind me because and I know to keep pedling and not to slow down it’s funny isn’t it in cycling for some reason bumps for some reason it seems to be the responsibility of the person in front

    While on any other kind of vehicle it’s a responsibility of the person behind all right yo well there you go she’s still there I did have to check though cuz she hasn’t told me we came through here last night in the dark in the coach it looked really scary

    It’s not scary here during the day in fact it’s really rather lovely oh how the tables turn get all over of that free Hub noise it’s usually me that can hear that behind me I’m giving Julie a dose of her own medicine I do recognize where we are

    We’re going to go along here and then turn off to the golf course so we haven’t got long on this road a little bit further I saw that you changed gear didn’t you tramontana that’s the name of the mountains it is isn’t it renting bikes or bringing our own obviously we brought our

    Own the way I liken it is to the bed in the hotel it serves the same function hole but it’s not my bed it’s just different just slightly so yeah I guess for me the hassle is worth it it’s not really a hassle it’s just checking in two extra

    Bags that you fill up with all your clothes so actually you could have get away with just hand luggage I’ll film you climbing this one oh yeah oh well I couldn’t put my camera away in time so I the wrong hang on a minute cycling excuses to right wow where’d that come

    From short and Shar we haven’t had many of those in this Ride saving that for tomorrow I’ve had too mini cakes going to do the lighthouse ride which uh I bonked on coming back from it sorry was your cycling excuses you’re making oh I was just talking

    About the last ride up to the lighthouse a um that I bonked and struggled coming out and back but I didn’t stop for a drink or anything when we stopped at the Lighthouse no you didn’t stop on any of the climbs no I didn’t stop on any of

    The climbs I just struggled with it yeah um but it turns out I had a stuck jockey wheel is that right it was spinning but not very freely and strangely on the same bike that happened again last week so it must be something about that um bike it’s the

    Livin bike gravel bike that either puts all the grit into that exact place or maybe it’s a bit bent or something I don’t know I’ll have to have a proper look at it let yeah the bearings in the bottom guide wheel they’re not lasting very long this is definitely the

    Life this is all right isn’t it if you’ve watched this far into the video thank you for watching us click the like button and join us for the next one we’re going to the lighthouse we are spewing yeah novelty slides in the pool for the

    Kids I don’t think even though I’m a big kid I’d fit in those


    1. Hope you had good weather have been keeping a eye on it – April the 15th – 20th for me so keep the video's coming – the Playa Mar hotel brings back some happy family memories for us with the grandchildren keeping asking me to take them back.

    2. Really missing the summer sun here in Bournemouth. Excellent video.

      As a bit of preamble, it would be great to know a bit more about the preparation involved in a trip like this, for example:

      – What's involved in getting your bikes abroad
      – What equipment you take with you
      – How you choose your routes
      – etc etc

    3. That looks great guys and I'm not jealous in any way 😊🌞🚲 brilliant blue skies and no rain that's a win win in my books 👍🏻 keep peddling…

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