In the downtown area of Nairobi, I experience an incredible barber.
    Kenya, Africa.

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    #africa #nairobi #barber

    Uhuru Park, Nairobi, Kenya – Morning, my friends, from Uhuru Park, still in Nairobi. I’m gonna go back to CBD, and this time is gonna be a barber video time. And you see my hand is still slowly, slowly healing. It’s just two days after the previous video.

    And you see, you have a kind of small fair for the kids here. Nice. – Hi. – Hi, hi. No, it’s okay. It’s okay. Thank you! It’s funny all the big parks here in Nairobi are all fenced, and most of the areas you just can’t go. So let’s find a barbershop.

    – Hello. – What’s up? – Good, good. – All good? – Yeah, I’m vlogging yeah. – Which channel? – Kino Yves. Yes. – From where? – France. – Oh, bonjour (hello in French). – Bonjour. – I just know that. – Merci. – How long have you been here?

    – A month, something like that. About a month. Yeah. Yeah. – Have you done a safari? – Yeah… No, I didn’t do a safari because I… – Why? – I travel by bicycle, so I go slowly, slowly. – Oh, you travel… From where?

    – Electric bicycle. From France. – What do you mean? – Yeah. – For how many days? – It took me two years. – You look real? – Yeah. Yeah, it’s real. You can see my channel. – Let me check.

    So how long are you around? – In Kenya, maybe for three months, I think. – For three months. Then you… – Then I’ll continue to Tanzania. I’ll go to Cape Town. Yeah. – Go on a safari before you go back. – Yeah, maybe I’ll do one.

    I will try to do one. Yeah. – Nice meeting you. – Okay. Have a good day. Yeah. Nice meeting you. Hello. Hello. No, it’s okay. So yeah, I wanted to show you. It’s a bit touristic here. So you see here you have the… This big building is basically the…

    It’s the tourist market. It’s the tourist market of Nairobi. If you wanna find all the statues, you know… – And this is Charlie. He works in the city market. – Charlie. Ah, you work in the city market. – Yeah. – Okay. – Say hi to me. – Hello.

    Charlie? – Yeah. – Nice to… Okay. – I’m a special man. – You are…? – Yeah, I work here. – You work here. Okay. – City market. – In the city market. – Well, you are lucky to find me. – I’m lucky to find you? – Yeah.

    – Oh, maybe. – Let’s look around. – No. No, but it’s okay. I don’t wanna go there. – Hold on. – I know you are not shopping, but you might promote me. – So you have a shop. – Yes. – So we’ve been taken by someone.

    – Hey. – Hello. – I don’t like it. Again, this is my shop. – Oh, nice. Yeah. That’s all the beads, no? Yeah. – Yeah. That, even you, you can wear. – Even me, I can… Oh, this is for males also? – Yes. Males wear. – Males wear.

    – Yeah, but males mostly like without beads like this. – Yes. Yes, it’s true. I prefer without beads. I would… So this is mostly for males. Okay. – Yeah, so make sure you promote Charlie. – I promote Charlie. – Yeah. – You’re Charlie. Okay. – What’s your name? – Yves. – Yves.

    From where? – – Yeah. From France. – Bonjour (hello in French). – Bonjour. – Comment ça va? (How are you?) – Très bien, très bien (very good). Ça va. – Petit français (just a bit of French). – Peu français, petit François (small François). – Petit. – Okay.

    Have a good day. I’m doing a… – Now you are going again. – Yeah, I’m going again because I’m doing something else. I’ll look for a barber now. – What time are you coming back to see the place? – What time am I coming back? I don’t know. I’m not…

    I don’t know if I’m gonna buy things here. Sorry. – Okay. – But at least, they saw you. – You can buy weed. – I can buy weed. Okay. – Tell people in France who smoke weed.

    – Yeah, yeah, people like weed in France. Yeah, yeah. – Well, is it a channel in French? It’s a channel in French? – Channel? No, it’s in English. – English? – Yes, that’s what I speak. – BBC? BBC? – Not BBC. No. YouTube. – YouTube? – Yes. – Okay. – Okay.

    – Merry Christmas… – Merry Christmas. Have a… – …in case we don’t meet before Christmas. – Okay. Have a good day. Yeah. – Merry Christmas. – Merry Christmas. – Happy New Year. – Yeah. – Yeah. – Happy New Year. – Okay. Okay, so let’s go.

    So you see that was the… So this big building behind is the… You see the tourist market. Of course, a tourist market means you have guys approaching you and selling you stuff. Let’s go this way to go to find a barber. – Hello. – Hi. – Hi. Ah, there’s a nice mosque.

    So the problem from what I checked is that… Oh, I don’t know. I need to find a sign because I think in this CBD area, the barbers are not on the street – they are in the buildings. So I need to find a sign somewhere in the street,

    To find which building I have to go in, which is not that easy to find. Maybe here. Let’s see. Oh, yes. So I went to the first floor and I think I found the shop I wanted to find. It’s complicated. Look at that. This is for women, I guess.

    This is the shop I wanted to find. Hello. – Hello, what’s up? – Hello. Do you work here? – Yeah. Yeah. – Do you work here? Hello. Yeah. – Hey. – You cut hair, no? – Yes. – Yes. Is it okay if I film?

    – It’s very okay? – Very okay? – Yes. – Okay. Very good. Okay, so… – I’m Karen by the way. – You are Karen? – Yes. – Okay. I’m Yves. – Okay. – Yes. Like this. Maybe a little bit like…

    So very short on the sides and a little bit longer on the top. Something like this roughly. Yeah. – Okay. – And can you also…? Do you shave? – Yes. – Can you shave me? – Yeah. – Okay, good. So now it’s not the time for the customers. – Maybe, it’s…

    Coz it’s almost mid month or something. – Okay. And people don’t have more money. – Yeah. We have taken alcohol most of the month. – Ah, okay. Everybody went drinking and no more money. Yeah. – Yes. – Do you also drink away all your cash? – No, I don’t. – No, you don’t.

    – But I wish I could. – You wish you could? – Yeah. – Oh, yeah. – Which country are you from? – France. – France? – Yes. – Do most of the people leave France to go to work in other places? – No, if people go out of France for work,

    They will mostly go to, I would say, the US or maybe Australia. – But the numbers are not that big. – Are not? – Of people who migrate. I know that… – No. Well, there are some who leave, but no, it’s not that big.

    – Yeah. – It’s not as much as in Kenya. – Yeah, but still. – But still. I mean, the conditions for work are better in the US or Australia… – Okay. – …than in France. So still, some leave. – Yes, but now… – But less than in Kenya probably. – Yeah.

    Here we all want to leave. – Yeah. – We all want to leave. The conditions here are not good. – Are not… Yeah. – Are not that good. But it doesn’t mean if I go to the US, all my problems are fixed or something.

    – Yes, that’s very true. Yeah. – It doesn’t mean that. – Yeah. – …if I have to go work three jobs. Here I can only do a single job and have a good life. – Okay.

    – In America, I have to do like… – Yeah, you have to do… – …three or four jobs. – Yeah, yeah. – No, that doesn’t make sense. – I could not do that either. – That doesn’t make sense. On the movies and the films and everything… – Yeah.

    – …we get a very beautiful picture of the US. – Yes. – America, France. – Yes, yes, yes. – Everything. – But it’s… – It’s like they just get all money. Or they just get all like… – Yeah, but that’s fake. Yeah. – Yes, now…

    So the people who don’t know that want to go to the US, the UK. – Ah, yeah. – France, and all. – Yeah, okay. – When I researched, I figured out, “It’s not as good as we think.” – No, yeah.

    If you already have a good life here… – Yes. – …it’s a risk. Because maybe you could have a worse life in the West… – Okay. – …than here. – Yes. Here most of us don’t wanna work. So we think… – Yeah.

    – …when we go there, we won’t work as much as we do work here. – Oh. – You know, here you may have to work for… I have to work for at least 10 hours. 10 hours every day. – Okay. – So I can have a… – That’s a lot. Yeah.

    A decent life. – Yeah, like a decent life. And the people who usually go there only show us the good stuff. They buy a new car. – Yeah, yeah, yeah. – They wanna show us only the new… – Yeah.

    – …car. – Yeah. – Man, you look fine. – I look fine? – Yeah, I love the cut. – Thank you! – So when you get there, you’ll only show us the good house that you live in. – Yes. – Maybe here, you didn’t have a fridge.

    Now you start showing us your new fridge or whatever. – Yeah, yeah. – So when I’m here, I feel like, “Oh, I wanna go to the US. – Yeah. – If this guy just went there for those few weeks or those few months

    And he already has… – He already has… – …this and that… – Yeah. – …I wanna go there. It’s easy.” – Yeah. Yeah, but he doesn’t show the bad sides. Yeah, it’s okay. – They don’t show us what they… – They don’t show… Yeah. – They’re groveling and… – Yeah.

    They don’t show that maybe they live in a neighborhood that is very dangerous, maybe… Because the US can be very dangerous for example. – They don’t tell you that. – Yeah. – They don’t tell you that. – Yeah, they never tell you that. Yeah.

    – They only tell you, “Oh, I’m here. I’m having a good life, soft life, whatever.” – Yeah. – So when you hear soft life, “Also, I want a soft life. I want that thing.” – Yeah, but that’s not reality. I mean, in the end, everywhere you have to work.

    – You have to earn your keep. – Yeah. Exactly. – Yes. Which country have you enjoyed the most so far? – So far? – In your traveling. Yes. – In my traveling? In my life? – Yes. – Oh, there are many… There are several countries I…

    – Let’s start with Africa first. – With Africa first? – Yes. – I would say my favorite country in Africa would be Ethiopia. – Ethiopia? – Yeah, it’s very hard to travel. It’s very… It can be very complicated. And I came from Ethiopia before Kenya, and it was… – Okay.

    – Ah, it was very complicated. It was very difficult. – To get in there? – Well, to handle things. I mean, the political situation is… – Okay. – There are often tensions. – Yeah. – But culturally, I find the country very…

    – Intriguing. – It’s very interesting. Yeah. It’s super. It’s fascinating. – Okay. – And it’s my first time in Kenya, and I would say I like Kenya very much. – How long have you been here? – A month and something. – A month? – Yeah. People are super friendly.

    Because you speak good English too, it’s very easy to communicate. – With people here. – Yeah, with people here. I don’t know. It’s just in general… – We pride ourselves on our languages. – Yeah. My hair is becoming… With the sun. Usually, my hair is darker.

    It’s becoming very light with the sun. – Yeah. You said the top should be longer. – Yes, longer than the sides. Yeah. – But not too long. – Not too long. No, no. You need to cut quite a big… – A big chunk. – A big chunk. Yeah.

    – These scissors are not working. Yes. Cool. – I find it funny actually. People love to watch barber videos. I’m very surprised. – It’s rewarding coz you can see the results. – Ah, maybe. Yeah. Yeah, maybe that’s one of the reasons. Yeah. Soissons. – I won’t even try. I will bite off my tongue. – Actually, it was the first capital of France. – Soissons. – Soissons. Yeah. But it’s… Now it’s just a small forgotten city. – The capital went to where? To the part that brings more money… – Yeah. – …to the country? That’s…

    – Yeah. – …the capital city. – Yeah. – So it all goes back to money. – Yeah, sure. Yeah, it all goes back to work and money and… – Money. – Yeah. – And more money. What are you laughing for really? Are you laughing at me now?

    – No, it’s okay. – And it’s all about money. And more money. – Because in Kenya, people are talkative. – We like talking. – Yes, I’ve noticed that. – But I’m more talkative than the rest. – Ah, okay.

    – I enjoy that. – If you like to talk, you like to talk. – You know, it’s nice. I enjoy talking as much as I can… – Okay. – …during the day. – During the day. Okay. – Yes, yes, yes, yes. – So the viewers will have the real experience.

    The real Kenyan talkative experience. – From the one and only Karen Barber. – The one and only Karen. Yeah. – Paul’s Barbershop. – Paul’s Barbershop. Yeah. – Yes. – In… – In Nairobi, Kenya. – Nairobi, Kenya. Moi Avenue, no? How do you call…? – Moi Avenue.

    Yes, Moi Avenue. – Moi Avenue, right in the center of the CBD. – Yes. – You’re waiting for the barber or…? – No, no, no, no, no. – Okay. – He is Paul. He’s the owner of the shop. – Oh, you’re the owner. Ah, okay.

    So let’s say hi to the owner. – Hi. – Hi. Here is the owner. Nice. The first one was Kenyatta, no? – Kenyatta. – Yeah. – Jomo. – Was the country called Kenya because of Kenyatta, or is it…? – No, no, no, no, no. – No.

    – Do you know that the history behind the name isn’t taught in our schools? – It’s not taught in… – No. – Okay. – It’s not. – The history of the name of Kenya. – Yeah. – Okay. So why is it called Kenya? You don’t know then.

    – We get different stories. – Ah, you get different… – We don’t have one actual story. – Okay. – When you go to the Kikuyu, they’ll give you their version. If you go to the Kamba, they’ll give you their version.

    – Ah, okay. So okay, everyone has… – So it depends on who you talk to. – Okay, okay. – You get their version. – Okay, okay. – Yeah. – So what’s your version? – My version? – Which ethnicity are you? – Kikuyu. – You’re Kikuyu. Okay. – Yes.

    If I give you my version, it’ll be a lie. – Ah, it will be a lie. – Yes. – And then, everybody in the video will complain… – Yes. – …”But, this is a lie.” – Yes. – All the non-Kikuyu people will complain.

    – Yes, they will tell you, “No, this is not what we were taught.” – Okay, so we won’t know. – Yes, look. – I’m very surprised by my hair. – The color or… – Yeah, the color. It’s so light. Maybe, it’s the light. – It’s the sun. The Kenyan sun works wonders.

    – The Kenyan sun works… Yeah, yeah. – Works wonders. So which direction do you comb it? Do you put it towards…? – I just… I don’t really know. – You do it with your hand. – Yeah.

    Yeah, I just do it with my hand. But I do like this. Yeah, that’s how I do it. And then, it falls the way it falls. – Whatever it wants. – Exactly. Yeah. – Okay. Oh, it is the way it looks. – Yeah, nice.

    And what is…? – Have you enjoyed any Kenyan cuisine? – Any Kenyan cuisine? Nyama Choma. I like Nyama Choma very much. – What else? – What else? – Yes. – Well, of course, ugali many times.

    I would say I like ugali, but I cannot eat it like you every day, you know? Every day. Every meal. – That’s our staple food. What’s your staple food in France? – It depends on the region in France actually. I don’t…

    – No, I’m asking from your region coz that’s the only… – Ah, okay. I would say potatoes. People eat a lot of potatoes. I was born actually in the south, but I grew up in the north. – Okay.

    – And when I was a kid and I was going to see my grandparents, for example. In the north… – Okay. – …I was used to southern French food. And in southern France, we don’t eat many potatoes. – Like the… – Not… We eat more pasta like in Italy or…

    And so when I was a kid and when I arrived in the north, I was telling my mother, “Oh, there they bombed me with potatoes.” Like, they serve potatoes all the time. I was shocked because, “Oh, I’m not used to eating potatoes.” – Everything, every…

    – It’s like always potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. – Every dish. – Yeah, exactly. Yeah. – Every dish, potatoes. – Yeah. – Like Kikuyu. – So in the north, I would say potatoes even though I don’t really like potatoes in the end.

    – For us, Kikuyus, we do potatoes with… We mash potatoes with almost everything. – Mash potatoes. Ah, okay. – Yes, we mash potatoes. – Okay. – Something called mukimo. – Mukimo? – Yes. – Oh, so I didn’t try this one. – Yeah, that’s nice.

    – Okay, I need to write it down. – Mukimo. – Mukimo. Okay. – What’s the name of your YouTube channel? – Kino Yves. K-I-N-O. – Yes. – Space. – K-I-N-O. – K-I-N-O. – I, not… – I. I. Yeah.

    – Do you know that means something that I’m…? – I know. In Meru. – Yeah? – So okay. So I guess… – They told you not to call people this. – Yes, so… Yeah, someone told me. When I was in Isiolo, someone told me that…

    – It would… – In the Meru language, it means something… – Completely different. – Completely different. – Something you’re not supposed to say in front of everybody. – Exactly. I wouldn’t… With respect, I will not say it now. I will say it… – I know.

    – …at the end of the video maybe. – No, when you struggle to say it… – I cannot say it in front of you. – Yeah, but I mean… Just like yours. – What is it that you are riding here in…? It’s a bike?

    – Yes, it’s a bike. Yeah, I travel with a bike with three wheels. – Yeah, it’s interesting. – Ethiopia is fun. Yeah. It’s hard to travel, but it’s a lot of fun. Yeah. – You can travel. – That’s the only country in Africa… – That wasn’t colonized. – Yes. – Yeah.

    – Yes. And that makes it very unique because the culture is very true in Ethiopia. – Yes, yes. – It’s very raw, while you… Here the culture is influenced by Europe. – Yes. – But Ethiopia is very… It’s fascinating. I love Ethiopia so much. – Yes.

    They are original Africans. – Yes, yes. – But the poverty. – Yes, the poverty is a big problem. Yeah, it’s… Well, it’s very bad. Yeah. – How good, no? – Yeah, it’s good. Yeah. – You’re okay? – Yeah, I’m okay. Oh, that’s the shaving… – Yes. – It’s fine. Sorry.

    – Good. I’m taking off all the beard. – Yes, everything. – I wish most of us, Africans, could travel as well as Europeans. You know, if I want to go to any European country right now… – Yeah. – …there are kind of hoops I’ll have to jump through.

    – I guess it’s very complicated. Yeah. – It’s very complicated, but… – You have to show that you have a lot of money in the bank account, right? – First, yes. – Yes. – Because they think that we will come and not come back.

    – Yes, yes. They are afraid of that. Yeah. – But it’s true. You know, now we’ve already ruined it for ourselves coz yeah, people who usually come there illegally… – Yeah. – …they go and they never leave. – Yes, that’s the reason why they make it complicated now. Yeah.

    – Yeah, because we think your life out there is very perfect. So we wanna come and enjoy that. – Yeah, but it’s… – We don’t wanna do it the right way. We just wanna do it anyhow. – Yeah. – It’s not your fault. It’s our fault actually.

    – But the fact that you say that is already a good… It shows that… It will change at some point really. – The biggest part of the population doesn’t think the way I do. – Yeah. Yeah, that’s the problem. Yeah. It’s true. As long as people will come illegally,

    The governments will make it harder and harder. – They will never open up their borders. It’s easier to get into France as a refugee. Than it is for me to go visit, to go there for a vacation. – That’s very true. Yeah. So if you go through an agency, they… – Travel agencies.

    – They’ll do the visa and all that for you. – Yes. – Yeah, because I’ve seen Kenyan YouTubers actually going to France, going a lot to Europe, so… – For most of us, it’s… – I guess it’s doable. Yeah. – For people, here.

    Most of the YouTubers here, they lie a lot. – Oh yeah? – So we don’t even trust whatever they tell us. – Oh, really? – Yes. It’s getting ready. – Oh, yes. It’s quite hot. – It’s okay. – Yeah, yeah. – Yeah, it’s too hot. Yeah. – I know.

    That’s why I can’t just place it on top… – Yes. – …of your skin. That’s what I’m going to do. – Okay. Usually, I do it myself. – Coz you have to do it more regularly. – Yes, yes, in France, I will just shave myself all the time.

    Because the barber is too expensive, I don’t… – How much is a haircut in France? – I would say just a haircut, if you go to a normal one, not a cheap one, maybe is 20 euros or maybe 25 euros, just to cut the hair.

    So if you get shaved also, I don’t know, maybe you get to 50 or something like that. – If I get there, would I be able to find something to do? – If you are willing to work, there is work in France.

    – And is your population old or…? The biggest population in France. – It’s getting older all the time. – Oh my goodness. – So that’s why there is a lot of immigration because… – Yeah. – That’s why the government somehow, as you say, let… – People come in.

    – They let many refugees come in because if they want economic growth… – Yes. – …to have economic growth, you need population growth. – Yes. – And French people don’t make babies anymore, don’t make enough babies. So you need immigrants to compensate. – How many? – I don’t know exactly.

    I think to renew the population, you need 2.1 babies on average per woman. – But right now on average how many? – I think in France now, it’s probably 1.6. Maybe 1.7. Something like that. – Oh my goodness. So that means most of the population isn’t making kids. – Exactly.

    Yeah, they don’t make enough kids to renew the population. Yeah. Like me, for example, I don’t have kids. – You don’t have kids. How old are you? – 38. – You’re a guy. You still have time. – Yes, it’s true.

    – I like this barber from Syria. – Oh. The barber from… It’s amazing. Yeah. – Yeah. – Yeah. – Very. – Yeah. This barber is like wow. – The guy is doing a very nice job. – Yeah. Yeah, yeah. He’s unbelievable. Yeah.

    – You have to enjoy what you do, so you can do it well… – Wow. – I agree. Yeah. Like you… You enjoy what you do, Karen, no? – Yes, I do. I enjoy it a lot. – That’s good. – A lot. I would love to get into France when you have your biggest film festival. – Oh, yeah. – Or Fashion Week. – Oh, yeah. – I need to cool it off a little bit. – The masking part. – Yes. – It’s painful. – Yes, it’s painful. Yeah. – I can see.

    Yeah, it is not an easy one. – So at the same time as I’m getting shaved, you have the reaction from Paul, the boss, who is watching the… – Yeah. – The Syrian barber, my Syrian barber video. – I’m enjoying the video. – You’re enjoying the video. Good. – Yes. It’s very nice.

    It’s even… The face is red. Very tough, man. And do they speak English? – No, they don’t speak English. – We’re almost done. I’m just trying to feel the… – Wow. New face. – Yeah. – What dedication, yeah? – Yes. It has to… – You do it very carefully.

    – Yes, because if I don’t, I’m gonna skin you alive. – Yeah. – And it’s not nice for my business… – Yeah, it’s true. Yeah. – …if I skin you. You can sit up now. – I can sit up? – Yes. – Okay. Oh, wow. – You’re ready.

    Just a moment. – Just a moment. Okay. So she’s a specialist for the… – Yes. For the massage. – …for the washing. – Yes. – Oh, okay. Yeah. – Like this. – Yeah, it’s good. Yeah. – Okay.

    – Good. Yeah. I can come here? – Yes. – Okay. – You can stand up, sit here. – Let me… – Okay. – …put a towel. – Sorry. – The water is okay? – It’s okay. Yeah. – Oh, you are recording us now.

    – Come, have a seat. – I come, have a seat. – Yeah. – Okay. Thank you! – You have a turn. – Yes, I have something, yeah, there. Yeah. Oh, wow. It smells good. – The oil? – Yes. – Just bend like this. – Okay.

    – Painful? – No, it’s okay. It’s good. Yeah. No, it’s not painful. It’s okay. – She is quite strong, so… – Yeah, it’s good. I like it strong. – She has to ask before she… – Oh, she has to ask. Okay. – Yes. – No, it’s okay. Just… You can go… Go ahead.

    – She can do her thing. – Yes, she can do strong. – How…? – Move forward. – Forward? Okay. – Yeah. Take this one. I need this one. – Oh, you need… Okay. Sorry. Oh, wow. – You need a sport massage. Have you ever done that one?

    – A what? – A sports massage. – Sports massage? – Yeah. Quite painful. – Oh, okay. No, I don’t know if I have done it. – You don’t ask which type of massage. – I don’t know. Yeah, I… Sports massage? – Yeah. – Why do I need a sports massage?

    – Because of cycling. – Yes, yes. It’s true. Yeah. – Yeah. I need both ones. I haven’t done… – Ah, you need both hands. It’s okay. I can… Yes. – You just like holding the camera. – That’s okay. It’s good.

    Yeah, I like… I don’t know. – You like holding it for yourself. – I guess I’m used to it, so… Yeah. – Put your hands like this. – Oh, like this? – Yeah. – Yes. – No, no, no, no. – It’s intense. Yeah. – Yes.

    But it’s quite satisfying. – Oh. It’s very satisfying. Oh, wow. – Yes. – Yeah. – Just… If you want to crack the fingers, I don’t like it if… Okay. – No, I’m just doing like this. – Yeah, yeah. It’s okay. But just if you want to do it…

    – No. – …just don’t do it. But the hand massage – yes. Oh my god. – The feeling? – It’s the feeling, yeah, that is weird to me. Yeah. – You don’t quite enjoy it. – No. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. – Okay, now I see. – Large bodies of water… – Ah.

    – …I don’t necessarily enjoy. – Okay. – No, no, no. That’s not my thing. What else do you fear apart from now the…? – What else do I fear? – The cracking of… – Well, it’s not only the fingers. Cracking of everything – I don’t like it. What else do I fear?

    Heights. I have vertigo. Yeah. – Yo. – Yo. Yeah, I have vertigo. Yeah, so I… – Heights… – I mean not very strong, but… – It’s there. – Yeah, it’s there. – It’s there. – It’s there. Yeah. – Okay. Yes. And knuckle cracking.

    – And I fear the heights. Yeah. – Yes? I’m okay with heights. – So like bungee jumping. I will never do it for example. – What if somebody offered you money and asked you to bungee jump? You can’t? – Maybe I could. – You see.

    – It depends how much. – It’s not an actual… – Yes, yes. – …an actual phobia. – Yes, yes. I mean, every phobia – you could fight against it. – I would also love to go to Mexico. – Mexico? – Yes.

    – I’ve never been to Mexico also. I think it’s very nice. Yeah. – That’s what I’d like. – I would say Mexico is probably much more fun than Europe. Maybe a bit more dangerous also. Yeah. – In Mexico? – Yeah, I mean…

    – I’m dangerous too, so… – You’re dangerous too. – I’m okay. – So you’re okay. – I’m okay. If I tell people I’m from Kenya in some parts of the world… – Yes. – …they will fear me, so… – Yeah, it’s… Yeah, I don’t think they will fear you.

    – If they ask me a question, I’m like, “Where I live is a stone’s throw away from Somalia, and you can hear bombs, going off at night.” I would lie for people to fear me. – I mean, even in Nairobi, you could say, “I come from a very, very bad neighborhood in Nairobi.”

    – But people don’t know Nairobi. They know Somalia. – Yeah, it’s true. – Yes. – The people are more afraid of Somalia probably. Yeah. – Yeah, so I will talk about Somalia. I would tell them, “You know, my mother, when she’s angry, she sends me for sugar in Somalia,” so…

    And now people think I’m this dangerous girl, so… – We are done. – We are done. Okay. – Yeah. – Wow. Thank you very much! That was something. Yeah. – Quite relaxing? – Yes. – Can I try to drying off the hair…? – Yeah, if you want. Yeah.

    Very good. I admire the dedication. – You know, I like… When you look nice… – Okay. – …I also feel nice. – Okay. It’s a passion. – Yes, I love it. I love it when people look nice. – Good. Thank you. – Welcome.

    – So how much is it for all this? – 2,000 Shillings. – 2,000 Shillings. Okay. – It’s okay. – It’s okay. – It’s okay? – It’s very okay. – Okay. One more. Thank you. – Thank you too. Wow.

    – Have you enjoyed it? – I enjoyed it very much. It was a great experience. Yeah, yeah. It was very nice. Thank you very much. Okay, so… Okay. – Thank you. – Thank you very much. Yeah. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Yeah.

    – You’re welcome. – Wow, okay. So let’s go. I’m confused. Oh man. That was quite an experience, guys. Back in the street. I guess that’s the end of the barber video. See you for the next adventures, guys. Ciao.


    1. Defiantly this barber shop is on my bucket list! I will be seeing you soon. The staff is amazing and professional. 👍👍

    2. Can you believe it the chief is actually in his own barbershop instead of at home, well this is clearly different from the rest of the world where the owner is nowhere to be find, only the workers are on scene.

    3. Oh man!!! That looks like one of the best Haircuts I've seen. How relaxing did that look?? Haircut, Shave, Wash, Massage!!!!! Could have fallen asleep right there!!! Seem like truly nice people too. 🙂

    4. Holy moses! I am lucky to get a headmassage for extra charge of course, here where i live!🤯 Without a reservation and they had time for all that?!?

    5. Having recently discovered your channel , I must say this video is a classic which I have watched several times.What a charming lady Karen is , cultured and with a delightful personality, a most interesting and pleasant 40 minutes with the dialogue between you .

    6. wouldve guessed that french people would mostly migrate to french speaking countries
      they seem to have a verry hard time speaking english (at least when i was in france)

      that said i speak english dutch and german but wouldnt be able to make myself understood in french . spanish or farsi speaking countries unless they know to speak english (though i would like to visit cuba some time )

      there a lot of simulairities with the thai way of massage with how she stretches you

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