In todays teaching discover practical strategies to nurture and guide your children through each stage of their growth, fostering strong bonds and meaningful interactions with Pastor Sam Addo. Gain insights on navigating the challenges and joys of parenthood with wisdom, patience, and love.

    00:00 – Intro
    00:13 – Being Your Children’s Role Model
    04:28 – How To Understand Your Children
    08:01 – Discipline Without Destroying
    12:24 – Increase Their Responsibility Autonomously
    13:27 – Impact Wisdom Into Your Children

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    If the household is in order the society will be in order so the devil attacks the home every home is attack the society is in chaos children are special and because they are special we are the custodian of them on Earth we God has given them to us to nurture them

    So that they will fill our shoes when we are no longer there so parent is a calling every man can be a father you can just make laugh to a woman and produce but to have a title a daddy this is my Dad you need to deserve it or this is my

    Mom so so so it’s it is a calling and when you embrace your calling you work towards it am I right so Proverbs 20 verse 7 make your children your Ro model let them look at you as their role models we’ve had enough of this Spiderman Iron

    Man thing I want to be an Iron Man I want to be how can you be a Spiderman how can that be your role model whilst your daddy is at home or you have a big brother or an uncle or a stepdad or somebody you should look up

    To so so as parents our children should look at us as a role model Proverbs 20:7 can I have it the righteous man walks in his Integrity his children are blessed after him so my question here is do you think your child will be bold enough and proud enough enough to say my

    Dad is my role model or my mom is my role model imagine your child goes somewhere and they ask him who is your role model and then he or she WS stands up with pride and said my mom or my dad andless say you are in the midst of the crowd

    How will you feel you feel that wow I’m proud of what of nature so therefore we as parents we need to lead a life that our children can imitate same way Christ led a life and his disciples imitated we need to train our children for life we don’t just train them we train

    So far as you are a parent you a parent forever that that’s why I said parenting is a calling I mean a p Pastor can be old and retired he’s still a pastor that title can never be taken from him he’s still a pastor so a parent is a

    Calling so we need to train our children like he said in Proverbs 22:6 teach the children how they will live and they remember it all their lives so inspired by the fact that they are in secondary school University we still have things to do with them to still look after them

    There is a saying that when a child leaves home the heart of the mother goes with them the man will be at home but the heart of the mom goes with the children so we Christians this is one of the things we should we should take it serious because when your kid

    Excel people will like to to know how you do it that is where evangelism comes in so the training of your child is another form of evangelism people would like to know who are your parents how was it done that way and the same way if he goes the

    Opposite people also want to know then we need to also understand our children they are in a different generation when we were in Ghana those days the kind of games we play Stay we do thingss different now that is not their generation Our Generation when you see your dad you have to run

    Away my dad has a tone a particular tone when he calls me then I know I’m in trouble so you realize that in our generation the relationship the father child relationship was a soldier officer military officer jior officer relationship obey before complain but in this generation I think we are doing far

    Better than our fathers the men of of of of now we are doing far better than our fathers we are trying no we are trying because I don’t remember the last time my daddy came to came to my school and visit me he can the funny thing is

    He can even come to a funeral in that town but he won’t come and visit me because he knows you’re okay I’ve given you your pocket money your Provisions have pay your school fees go and learn and know story but in this time of generation your children we should understand them we

    Should dive into their world and understand what they are thinking what is their action what is their reaction as soon as we understand them then we can now advise them but if you don’t understand them if you don’t know what what what is happening whatever you say

    Will fail on death years you don’t know them so as parents we should understand our children we should grow up with our children I mean in in England we’ve got a childhood age the preschool the Adolescent and the young adult so every stage of their age should be a different

    Strategy you cannot use uh let’s say a 5-year-old boy strategy for a 16y old boy it won’t work it won’t work work so so when we grow with them then we have a good rapport with them for instance if your if your daughter is is going through something in school like

    Relationship problem bullying and stuff like that if you are not close with your daughter you will never know and some of these things lead to Serious tragedies they commit suicide and then when it happens and they talk to the parents the parents always say I don’t know but yet

    You stay with the girl or the boy in the same house so as parents we should grow with our children sometimes let us watch the programs they watch you will learn from it then you can communicate with them then you can even know what they are watching to know whether it’s good or

    Bad we should also discipline without destroying a there’s a thin line between disciplining a child and abuse don’t use anger to Discipline Your Child you are not doing anything good to that person discipline with love like our God in heaven sometimes use the rod on us and still use the staff to comfort

    Us shouldn’t let your stress during the day be part of your discipline to our children it makes matters worse but when we discipline them with love they will understand the mistakes they’ve done and I think they will not repeat that or even if they do the consequences they know so they will

    Stop keep discipline positive okay because of what you’ve done I want you to go and tidy up your room when you finish come and do mine because of what you’ve done so first of all you start with something cool go entirely up your that one is a

    Right then when you finish come and do mine mine is a discipline B whereby I’ll go there put some things in disorder and tell you to come and do it then after that talk to him or her you know why I let you do this because of a

    B c d what have you learned out of it so after the discipline you are still talking to the person to know whether he has learned something out of it as parents that is our right listen on if the household is in order the society will be in

    Order so the devil attacks the home if every home is attack the society is in chaos there was a there was a survey done I think in 2001 in I think in America they check all the boys from 15 to 21 who are on Meda like who has

    Killed somebody and they realize that 87 % of them don’t know their fathers just think of it those young boys who are who are in prison for life for maybe killing shooting and stuff like that 87% of them they don’t know their fathers so there is no

    Discipline there is no like a father figure in the house that is why mostly Pastor used to say that sometimes we should Mentor some of these kids we don’t know what they going through but if we get closer to them it’s going to help a lot in their

    Lives soon JCC will be 20 years and I have I always say one of our achievement in this church is that 99. 9% I’ll say of our children in education going smoothly and they are exceling and I say that sometime we do pray to God for Millionaires and

    Breakthrough let me tell you something our millionaires are on the way coming seriously sometimes we become the Moses of the generation we pave the way we fight the enemy we destroy whatever we destroy them and when we are old and we lean on our staff

    Then they will help us to cross the r SE they will help us to cross the Jordan after we’ve trained them after we’ve put everything into them and then when we release them we will say we’ve done a good job increase responsibility with autonomy we are training these kids to

    Take over the next generation and therefore when you give them something to do do it in such a way that have confidence in what they are doing if you teach your child how to ride a bicycle definitely he will fall down one or two that doesn’t mean it’s the end of

    The world so autonomy give them some autonomy in the responsibility they are doing go and do this and when we finish let me know as we keep doing that they gain confidence and then especially the ladies when they grow no man will walk over them and the men will become responsible fathers and

    Husbands and when we have responsible fathers and husbands the society G praise the Lord impart wisdom into our children proverb chapter 10 verse1 let’s impart wisdom in our children Bible said even if you lack it ask him it is not what you leave for your children that matters most but what we

    Live in them it is it’s good to give them houses wealth I’m not saying is wrong but what is the chance that that boy or that girl can make use of what you’ve told if there is nothing in him or you will sell everything within a day the day they are

    Putting you under ground they are ushering the houses so by the time they said may your soul rest in peace somebody has also bought the house so then what did you labor for but if we deposit wisdom God fearing how to pray how to be responsible ible in

    Them then they can also take the torch and hand over to the next Generation so let’s be careful it’s not work work work my mom used to say something he said if I have clothes one whole house of clothes and my children don’t have any character in them I am a failure

    Create an environment for all round proof he is not only intelligent or intellectual but spiritual as well let them understand everything if he’s a boy teach him how to cook something in the kitchen if he’s a girl teach him something that a boy can do the reason

    Is that it’s it should be an all round thing so that when they go out they will not lack imagine if your daughter has a a son-in-law who knows how to and let’s say you just visit them and your son-in-law does something push for you to e isn’t not

    Beautiful then there I mean it’s it will be nice so let us create an environment for all around growth let us Rec recognize their gifts and their passions sometime we live with our children but we don’t know the their gifts and their passions because we don’t sit down with them we don’t

    Observe them we don’t talk to them they have their own gifts special gifts given to them by God they have their own passion apart from what you know if you dig deeper into them you will know how can you do this communication showing of Love correcting them having a dialogue with them these

    Are the things we need to do there are good things in our children that they can bring out now that they are young then they will perfect it but when they are old make good use of it amen

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