Right let’s try this again right let’s try this again right let’s try this [Laughter] Again Way I’m on the ferry and I’m just so glad that it’s here I’ve been planning for like 6 years with one false start I just want a break from responsibility and I know everyone’s got a hard job but I found my job particularly difficult over the last

    Couple of years like but I just want like now to worry about apart from where am I going to sleep where am I going to eat and just watch the world go by so I’m really excited for that I’ve even started keeping a journal um and I’m

    Going to write down what I’m grateful for every day cuz I think you get so caught up in your worries and that you forget to remember that actually we’re quite lucky but I I just don’t want anything to go wrong I’m on a Whitey because of what happened last time with

    The pandemic and I just like I’ve just been thinking what if something happens again what if I break my leg go like when I got into the cabin just there before I was feeling me pulse and I was like did me puss just jump like if I

    Slip back into an irregular heart rhythm I just like just panicking a bit at what might what might happen to get in the way this time I’m determined I’m not coming home until he years old but I I’m Here Call you I thought Holland was meant to be all like Smooth cycle paths and here I am finding myself weeding through the boggy marshlands of fro nightmares hey guys now that I’m an actual real life YouTuber I thought I’d give a big shout out to me m me biggest

    Fan uh Nelly so if you’re watching Nelly I’ve just found a sign with your name on it yeah y like And subscribe below right I need to tell you about the first day um it was an absolute nightmare rained all day ended up going through some National Park which was

    Just flooded then the rain just got heavier and heavier I was just soed through my feet was talking and like I hadn’t seen anybody for an hour a solid hour in this National Park suddenly there was like two women two separate women walking their dogs and my bike

    Slipped from underneath his and I fell and landed heavily on my shoulder I heard something snap and um I was just kind of sitting shocked on the floor and neither woman helped they both just looked are you okay that’s a Dutch accent by the way I was like yeah I’ll

    Be fine but now like my shoulders like really EG and I can move it basically in most directions but I I don’t know if I’ve like fractured something or whether I’ve just pulled a muscle day one man and I fell off me bike on the key side

    As well so that’s two days two falling offs today needs to be a better day flatty meanwhile right I’m just having a little rest by these beautiful reads I thought I’d give you a tour around me bike is is that boring is that boring content I don’t

    Know but some people might be interested so here goes I’ve got a bag on the front here if I undo the bag you can see today I’ve got some sweet raisin bread made with honey tuna paste stro waffles which are the best thing the Dutch have ever invented

    Cheese spliced with herbs and there’s some buns in there as well and the other bike lock I’ve got a phone holder here obviously put my phone in for sat and have and listen to music and whatnot I’ve got my speedometer here which tells us how fast I’m going and how many miles

    I’ve done currently sitting on 84 miles on day three this thing wrapped around there is a tripod the legs are bendy and the kind of wrap around stuff so it’s quite useful I’ve got a bell now this bag here it’s got stuff in like an external battery to charge me

    Phone up it’s got me charger wire in uh flick knife in the chops scers this bag here is where I like to keep me stash of cats or what I call second breakfast I’ve got three water bottles I’ve also got a fuel canister for when I start

    Camping and at the back I’ve got one saddle bag two saddle bag then on the top we’ve got my sleeping bag my tent and my sleeping mat in an orange dry bag hi no I’m good thank you so much I’m good okay sorry okay yeah I’m good I did not fall

    Oh I’m setting up my camera okay so I can video ah okay thank you though thank you so much I’m okay thank [Laughter] You D


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