Today we take a look at DHL NestlΓ© Purina, 1A Salters Way, Wisbech PE14 0SH.

    As we start filming we are spoken to by staff who are confident that it is not allowed.

    A manager arrives and agrees with staff and decides to get legal advice.

    What happens after even surprised me.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Whether it’s speak to our media team and our solicitor to find out if your solicitor yeah we’ve got to have a legal team involved so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in whis Beach taking a look at DHL now this site it starts down

    There at the DHL whs Beach multi in sign and it comes all the way down here where we have some Works going on to the gate just there but it looks like this site is dedicated to Nestle as you can see up there look Nestle Purina dog food oh and we have some

    Walkie-talkies as well so I’ll just get mine out let’s see what frequency they’re operating on so we do have some electric vehicle charging member of the staff is just checking it out now is this free if it’s free I might buy one or do I have to do something with my

    Keys so this gate here is Goods in visitors and staff will use that gate to the left but what do we think they’re doing then you DJ AUD I am mate what’s your name Richard Richard there’s a key ring mate thanks for watching I watch all the

    Time I said had come around whis yeah oh did you email me yeah all right okay did you mention the incinerator yeah the incinerator is not this this that’s the access road that’s going to be access down there okay okay um so to access the front of it to

    Access the front Al’s way go right down to the bottom okay yeah I’m definitely going to have a look at that have they started construction yet or not no no construction okay okay yep I’ll raise some Awareness on that you wake up take care help M what are you

    Doing can you help yeah you videoing us I think you’re busy enough aren’t you you don’t want another job do you no we want to know why you’re videoing oh that’s is that what you meant yeah oh you don’t want to help I going to say

    You don’t want to take on any more work so we’re just asking what why are your video yeah don’t worry about it mate I’m just making a little video that’s all just doing some filming for what reason sorry for what reason well a video is being published

    In a week so I’m just here to get the the clips for it for the video but by who for what oh it’s it’s me no one’s asked me to do it right so what we’re asking is what’s the video being published about about Nestle purina DHL

    Um logistic sort of operation just the the Going’s on what’s going on and have you got permission to be doing it well I was over there Hy com in please just want to check and make sure everything isy is that all your handle here then just the the Nestle contract ah can’t

    Tell you mate oh Telly we got a gentleman here that’s uh videoing the site while he’s coming in there is there anything been authorized or anything that should be going on yep me good thing this time see with a video camera video and what’s going on yeah yeah okay

    What’s happening I say ops manager come over just to see what what’s about cuz obviously anything like this we need to know what’s being done in for w right it’s only going on YouTube nothing to worry about no but we still should be given authorization for it to happen

    That’s that’s a bit of the moment but I was standing over there we I on that bit of grass do you own that bit of grass over there no we don’t own the bit of grass but the the site is ours therefore you should be getting authorization before you start videoing what’s going

    On on the site but I didn’t want to come on the site I just want to do the filming the same as if you video front storefronts and things like that mate you’re not actually allowed to unless you get permission from them it’s exactly the

    Same you sure about that I used to take photos in um one of the shopping centers and they came over and went why are you taking photos of our shop front I was just like cuz it’s part of the shopping center and it looks nice cuz Christmas decorations were and it’s like oh

    Because it’s like our shop front our logo everything like that you need permission I was just like it’s news to me all right what and you stopped yeah yeah yeah yeah I just wanted to make a little video about the um Nestle purina operation and uh how you guys do an

    Important part of that yeah as long as Tony okay is it that’s all it’s just got to be he just needs to know what’s going on but I thought as long as I don’t interfere with you and just stay off your sight then I can just carry on but

    Am I wrong then I I I that’s what I thought when I was taking cuz it was like I clust it is a public shopping center is a public right away really in it in the shopping center but I got to all difference unfortunately you can’t video our S without

    Permission CU it’s private property right I wasn’t expecting to hear this so who are you working for no like I’ve just told your colleagues I’m just doing it off my own back just wanted to make a little video about the place fly the drone over get some aerial shots and put

    It onto YouTube you certainly wouldn’t be able to fly it over our site without permission from Central but I was standing over there on that bit of grass before I came over to talk to you guys so surely if I’m just on the public Highway filming filming

    Into the property yeah I’ve got to get the the building on on for the video and and who are you doing it for just me I just decided to do it I’m not sure whether it’s um I speak to our media team and our solicitor to find out if your

    Solicitor yeah we’ve got to have a legal team involved anything to do with media and if you’re filming it class as media you sure about this it’s our property in our site rules so but what if your media team say no then you can’t

    But what if I ignore that and just do it anyway I don’t want to be um then they’ll just call the police unfortunately right okay what what will the police do potentially I’m unsure cuz they would sort of arrest somebody if they’re committing a crime

    Of course but is this a crime do you reckon I’ll speak to this list to find out okay okay like filming in a in a a playground or a park in it there restrictions these days are much higher a playground no I’m saying a park or anything like that you

    Can’t even film your own kids now can you because if there’s other kids around you would have to have permission of every single parent within that area yeah School play and I you are not allowed to photograph your own children you got to have permission the people of the people that you

    Actually everyone involved even the school sends us things saying do you acknowledge permission for things so wow well it looks like I’ve opened a can of worms here is’t it just by doing a simple video from on the road good old WX DX 5534 just watch out cuz he’ll be

    Swinging in from this yeah I’m just going to stand back over there where I was all right yeah so we’ve had a safety concern me standing near the gate so let’s get back over here where we was he’s going to talk to the solicitor wow this will be interesting would

    It oh yeah how you doing mate good I recognized somebody before on a YouTube video with an orange bike like that all right okay yeah you got the exact same voice as I’m the guy I’m subscribed to and all I need to give you something then don’t I that’s it brilliant ESD

    Seeing you on a video and there seeing you on uh that’s it real life face yeah a strange feeling that is you been sent out or come out on my break yeah have you had any issues or yeah the operations manager just on the phone to the solicitor to make sure that I’m

    Allowed to film from the outside oh on the public yeah yeah he obviously has never watched he’s never watched it’s going to be great content for people to watch hopefully just watching him go through the motions you know and he’ll he’ll end up knowing that that’s it and

    Then then anybody else comes along in the future though yeah so it’s nothing personal it’s just uh we’ve got a message to portray and as you know it’s great entertainment that’s it get in there nice nice meet you what what was your name Charlie Charlie I’ve shot you

    Around didn’t I cheers Charlotte thank you mate who told you I was out here then I didn’t I see the camera all right and see the in B got you got you that was Chara and this vehicle is still waiting to enter site right let’s check up on the ops

    Manager because a few minutes have passed now we haven’t got all day have we good old transport limited Halifax it’s come all this way look they just cannot get on to sight the chaps have now disappeared no one around is there have they even answered at all no

    One guy just came before you two second job you answer you straight in one of these came just before you and they answered straight the way and sent him around another gate anyway finally answered the intercom for him we have not seen any sign of the operations manager since we left him to

    Call the solicitor solicor uh so what should we do we’ll give it five more minutes and then we’ll just proceed bit rude of him if he has been educated bit rude of him not coming out just to tell us that all is now okay but you’re not entering this site

    Without a reference for the delivery are you oh no and you’re not entering it very quick are here we’ve got Amco is he going to try and tailgate oh dear well the gate is still open and he’s got his nose in yeah he’s been stayed in naughty naughty anco

    And the vehicles turn left upot and go under that canopy that’ be interesting with the Drone but Charlie’s up there having his cigarette I presume yeah there he is hello Charlie but no sign of the ops manager so I’m going to proceed let’s get David up and see what this place looks like

    From above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in this area operations manager still has not reappeared so let’s go and have a look shall we take off so there we are 45 M that’s the gate that them guys were inspecting or

    Maintaining didn’t want to tell me too much once I asked what they do inside or who their sole client is but they want to ask me questions and expect the answers don’t they yeah the staff Car Park area up here and the offices and where Vehicles exit look at that

    So the little Gap here you can see the roof how it’s a little bit newer the vehicle’s pulling on that end as we saw and get loaded from the side and all the goods will be stored in these warehouses to the left and to the right we fully understand how the

    Operation works and a covered staircase so the steps don’t get slippy a bin area push right up to the shutter there that’s not very good actually because if the bins do catch fire then it spreads to the building doesn’t it but we have got a gentleman now

    Coming back to the gate so let’s bring the Drone back around to have a look at this so there he is looks like the site is connected to these warehouses as well so additional storage and it looks like he is heading towards this pallet here some steel on there and a

    Box yeah there’s a bridge over this cette to allow the vehicles to access this other site but he is following The Pedestrian walkways isn’t he a very good so let’s see how these vehicles enter Then Shall we so we saw one turning left about here somewhere and I think I just

    Saw somebody with an orange hi is yeah somebody with orange hi is is coming in our Direction now and this is the canopy where the vehicles enter keep everything nice and dry brilliant you already mate not to be filming on our s yeah there was oh you walking away I’m just going

    To chat to you about it yeah what it is mate um I think that you might be wrong in your I care what you think you told us not to film over our sight yeah I think I’m allowed though so I think the discussion that we had with your colleagues I think they’re

    Wrong in their belief that I’m not allowed we’re telling you we’re not allowed we don’t want anybody filming above our sight yeah but I want to so who who’s rights Trump who you see that’s the question maybe we should leave it to the police they’ve been called possibly yeah yeah we’ll let them

    Decide on it mate there you go in the nicest possible way he doesn’t care he said did you hear that trying to make a nice video about your site if you uh just leave me alone for a minute don’t spoil it so yes down at the back of this

    Unit well we have a gap don’t we and a fence and then some other businesses at the back so yeah DHL they occupy quite a large area plus all This Nestle purina you obviously produce a lot and you’ve got a big boy handling your Logistics it’s just a shame that the managers of such places altitude reached are not up to date on the public rights in terms of Photography and flying drones so anyway that’s enough Drone

    Footage we’ll flip over to the 360Β° camera for the Google Maps image and then we’ll see where the video takes us next let’s see if the police do arrive let’s see if the manager does come back out hello mate you’re the same guy yeah I’ve just not got a green thing in front

    Of you checked everything out have you yeah checked everything out it’s absolutely fine and I I did recognize the voice and it’s DJ audits right okay yeah so I did recognize the voice so why didn’t you click then cuz photography from the public Highway uh honestly didn’t click but yeah you’re

    Absolutely fine the only thing I I would say is just be very careful with the Lor’s Etc look how high it is we’re talking about you not you that that’s fine I I’m more concerned about you being on the public yeah sometimes the lores come up here just pass the curb

    When they’re waiting well they shouldn’t yeah but like is as long as you’re safe was you the one that says I’ll ring the solicitor yeah check with the media media team anybody out here can take the photos we just because you’re filming into the site but okay okay yeah it’s AB

    Absolutely fine how did you know the name you’ve actually watched one of my videos yeah I actually recognized I didn’t know whether Charlie told you cuz Charlie came out and I do know Charlie as well yeah but yeah do you know this B I’m not going to ask you

    Specifics right but it’s this building and it’s all that and it cuz it’s linked it’s absolutely huge and is it a storage have you actually got camera on yes yeah yeah yeah what do you want to see I’ve got a glare if you can tilt it down

    So so this middle section I’ve commented out this middle section here would have been open back in the day but you’ve covered it up so your Lowes go in and you can load in the dry which is great and then you’ve got all this section here you know what having a look

    At that actually makes s it does look you can’t even get it all in one shot let if I come back a little bitow I try and get the whole sight in one shot it does look huge do you actually take yeah images as well the 360Β° photo

    Will be added to the Google Business listing and you can move it around with your mouse I’ve already yeah I’ve already done that but it’s all that is it wow there is there is a couple of bits over there not is there oh some of these no that that’s

    S the corner there there’s another you mean these bits at the back oh yeah that’s there yeah I’ve got I notic you got a gap but yeah I just think it’s a a massive site it’s great out of the vehicles go under the cover there I can see exactly how it all

    Works d the image on that fantastic I caught myself on cand the camera I thought I’d wonder what was yeah I noticed you go in like that it’s all about um do people respect the rights of a photographer and a drone flyer okay I’m going to be the

    Guinea pig so that genuine photographers and drone Flyers don’t get the abuse cuz I C capture the abuse on the camera for the entertainment of the viewer okay your colleague here said something funny earlier I’m going to ring the solicitor which is quite funny find out what our

    Legal standing is so I think it’s not private property the airspace above a private property is that not below roof height you can expect some sort of privacy there okay below roof height cuz you could be looking through the windows and getting information that you’re not

    Entitled to so why I never come below roof height but yeah above the roof height that’s reserved for the drones and the the hot air balloons and the paragliders above 120 you’ve not got one of them then no above 120 you’ve got all the helicopters and planes and stuff so

    Yeah you’ve got no control over the airspace at all okay what about recording of me personally do I have to give you permission for that anything recording from a public place the airspace public can go in there anything I’m going to assume you know this La a

    Lot I anything that you can see from a public place you can film it here in the UK you probably couldn’t do in Korea or China but we’ve got great rights here no it’s very okay and it’s just flexing them and seeing how people react but I

    Am also interested in in the Curiosity to be fair more anything else are you actually local then or no 2 hours from Leicester to get here but you’ve got a port haven’t you’ve got a new incinerator that’s going to be built yeah so behind where if you’ve got your drone if you

    Take it that way you’ll be able to see what is it that mhm right okay so I thought it was aor Road or something mhm but to get there L to get there I’ve got to go all the way around will return to the home point in 10 seconds the

    Access to it is over there is it yeah s as long as you don’t put me on YouTube or anything don’t say no cuz it’s rolling but I’ll find it leave that there I’ll find it cuz I don’t want you endorsing any any sort of no don’t worry

    I’m also trying not to catch people don’t want to get anyone sacked do you know what I mean I know you’re probably high up you do the sacking but when I’m talking to people there’s plenty of people above me I never want people to tell me what they shouldn’t no but I’ve

    Learned something now so did you actually call the solicitor spoke to the media team and what did they say it’s okay then essentially you’re on public highway so what what can we do it where you Landing this is actually on auto um Landing it’s just

    Going to land us there okay I’m going to stand here then cuz I did you hear it it says battery level low returning to home so I’ve not done anything here it’s fantastic yeah so if I’m getting assaulted right now and the drone’s running out of battery it’ll just come

    Back so I have actually seen that that’s actually happen the guy went like that on the controller did you that one the other day yeah I says look it looks really good and he went get off get the off my sight or something like that

    Why now that I know that what you’re doing is not illegal you’re you’re protecting our privacy as as well as keeping to the rights what can I do you’re absolutely fine he also was at that point where he didn’t know so his choice was get advice like you you had

    Or defend your property and he felt like he was defending his property by smacking the Drone controller out my hand in Rage but yeah that’s it my video is uh coming to its end now so thank you very much yeah did I give you a key ring I didn’t did I you did

    Yeah can give me one what’s your name Paul Paul and what was your name Tony Tony yeah thank you guys by all means thank you very much it looks really nice really good site nice and secure nice and tidy yeah you should be proud of it

    Please don’t put me on YouTube oh God you didn’t get my good side it was okay please be safe because it even around here just please be safe with the lores thank you thank you not that you don’t do this every day but no I appreciate your concern so they certainly redeemed that

    Didn’t they but how can somebody who watches this content even go down the road of needing to check with a solicitor a media team and that was that everybody goes away educated knowing all about the rights of a photographer and a drone flyer that was it from Nestle purina

    They specialize in the production and marketing of pet food treats and cat and dog litter right the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video it’s just up there look so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you

    Do want a key ring you don’t even need to get out your car just stop here look at the top left and if it’s there get out and we’ll move on they turned it around pretty well pleasure to meet Charlie but I never would have fought it would you somebody who 10 minutes

    Earlier who’s ringing the solicitor thinking that uh you need permission from the media team would then come out or relax and recognize and ask for a key ring is actually watch the videos wow driv out yet yeah I’ve already done that nice I’m leaving now all right nice

    One mate content or not yeah it’s right are you Charlie yeah yeah same guy I was going have to give you a key ring then yeah it turns out the operations manager has also watched the videos has he but he just didn’t click on that I was doing

    One of them so he just thought I needed permission but he came out and he said uh all was good anyway yeah ended well you got many more places to go around here yeah I’ve just arrived so there’s loads you’ve got a um generator over here being built planning last I knew it

    Was planning I didn’t know if it’s actually being built yet or not well I just looked over with the Drone and the doing all the ground works now doing the oh cool all right yeah so be nice to raise some awareness about that yeah yeah there’s not few

    People they normally have a really tall Chim there the stack to get rid of the fume so yeah you you’ll see It’ll be up there yeah you won’t miss it Charla nice one mate cheers so that’s that if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and

    I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. Its amazing how ignorant or even worse just blatant liars about people's rights, and DHL looking real bad with there lies, who are they to stop people from filming in public, why are people so stupid when trying to deprive other people's rights, get educated about the law, before looking like a complete clown.

    2. I still find it absolutely mind blowing that people still believe it’s not the company or themselves that are responsible for privacy.
      And how employees think a company is the is theirs..

    3. The fella on about schools is completely wrong, my girlfriend works at a nursery and they put up a privacy screen to prevent photos and videos being taken. You have to provide your own privacy from the public.

    4. It always makes me laugh when they acknowledge you can do it but say "just be careful of the lorries" because they just want to have one final grasp of authority.

    5. The operations manager was very professional to be willing to double check with the media team and solicitor about whether or not the drone and camera are ok instead of assuming he's right.

    6. Boy, they do like to waste a lot of time trying to find out if you've got permission without even establishing you need it. What makes me laugh is they think you're not allowed to, but they can't articulate any reason why that might be – they stall mid sentence when explaining it to their superiors.
      5:41 You should have got the name of that shopping centre and added it to the list to visit and educate them.

    7. The one thing i liked about this one was the fact that the staff are kept securely fenced in , very safe for the public, i hope, i wonder what happens if one gets loose?.OOPS the three that got out were tame.

    8. 6:00 Funny how he was in a similar situation but then just took the clerks word for it and then is now passing it on to you as if it's correct.
      Haha what a switch on that guy, good of him to come back and explain it.

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