The day this son lost his vision.
    @fgteev @FVFAMILY and his family decided to get special glasses so they could safely watch the 2017 Lunar eclipse. Unfortunately Mike misunderstood the eclipse being over and took his glasses off staring directly at the sun. This caused him to scarily lose vision for an hour before returning to normal health.

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    He day this son lost his vision. We got like  1 minute, and you guys got to put your glasses   on. If you’re good, why don’t you just put  them on now? Just so you’re safe? I wasn’t  

    Expecting it to be this cool, but I don’t  know. This was just I know it’s visible in,   like, ten states or something. I can’t see  anything. Are you kidding me right now? No,   I’m right here. Stop playing. Please stop playing.  Are you joking? Joking. You’re joking? Are you  

    For real crying? I told you to keep your glasses  on. You looked at the sun. Hurry. You told me it   was over. What are you doing? What are you doing?  What do you mean? I can’t see. I don’t know. Yeah,  

    I think this is for real. I think this is for  real. I feel kind of guilty. I don’t know. I   don’t think I should be vlogging this. I don’t  know what else to do. Why would you do that,  

    Dude? You might not ever be able to see again.  They’ll be here in a couple of minutes. Don’t   understand why you would do this right  now. I can’t focus. We got to end the vlog.


    1. To explain what happened, This channel name of which the video in question came from is Funnel vision. Now, Many fans believed this video to be real. However, if you look at the thumbnail in the top right it will say its just a skit. Poor Micheal tho (The kid who went blind in the skit) Started crying one day when he saw all the prayers her was receiving from the video. he felt bad because some people clicked on the video without paying attention to the thumbnail. They eventually posted an apology video for those who thought it was real. I can understand tho because it was very believable. they proved he was able to see and everything was fine after that. Hope this helps

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