A car sized motorcycle. The perfect bike for a long tour? BMW K1600GTL is one of the biggest bikes I’ve ever ridden. Currently up for sale at @in2moto480 for £7999 I believe this is a used bike bargain. Touring all day would be a pleasure on this motorcycle. Unbelievably comfortable and fully loaded with all the extras you need. Join me for a look around this bike and then I will take it for a ride.
    Big thank you again to @in2moto480 in Warrington, Cheshire for letting me take this bike out. https://www.in2moto.co.uk/used-bikes/BMW

    I can be contacted at Burtonwoodbiker@gmail.com

    #motorbike #motorcycle #bikelife #english #motorcyclereview #bike #england #newbike #bikereview #gillybikes #bmw #bmwk1600GTL #bike #bikelife #review #revit #rev #sound #brumbrum #exhaust #exhaustsound #usedbikebargain #used #usedbike #newbike #new #cheap #cheapmotorcycle #bargain #happy #happyplace #big #bigboy #bigsavings #bigmotor #bigmotorcycle #massive #motogb @MotoGBofficial @OxfordProductsLtd #oxford #oxfordproducts #warrington #cheshire #buy

    I’m back at into Moto and today it’s a bit of a shocker really I asked them for something big I’ve done a lot of one two5 videos recently so I wanted something a little bit bigger um yeah I’m sure they’re having a laugh with this one though they’ve took big to

    The extreme so let’s have a look what I’m On look at the absolute stage on this it’s the k600 GTL it’s a Scurry intimidating looking thing for a little fell like me but we’ll go around it the usual way it’s a Whopper come on let’s have a look just look at the sheer size on this

    So this bike it’s got a little over 1600 cc engine curb weight of 358 kg it’s going to be my workout today just to get on the thing and stand it straight it’s got all the bells and whistles the full luggage it’s got so many extras on this bike including a

    Heated seat buttons Galore it’s everything and more that you would expect out of a touring motorbike fully loaded I’m not feeling particularly strong today so I’m going to give that a mess but it has got one which is good for when you’re store in the bike seat

    Height on this is down as 810 to 830 mil so it is adjustable the seat you can move it up and down there is a rather delightful it’s like an armchair for your rear Pion should you want to take one to add even more weight to

    It but they would be an absolute Comfort there look at the state on that as well as your side bags you do have this back box as well actually looks like a boot with the size of it it’s an absolute Whopper and what I do like the

    Exhaust two cannons coming out the back can’t wait to hear what it sounds like this brakes front and rear cast Wheels tubeless tires buttons wise I’d be here all week going through the buttons but in true standard BMW fashion you have got this menu wheel we’ve got buttons

    Everywhere my thumb is going to be working over time today if I just go over a couple of the main ones horn you’ve got your indicators we’ve got menus electric screen fog lights we’ve got hazard lights we’ve got cruise control you’ve got your flash button and then obviously you’ve got the wheel that

    I’ve spoke about other side lot more manageable engine start mode button and looks like a steering lock there as well you haven’t got any TFT screens or anything to speak of but you do have nice big Speedo nice and clear we’ve got your rev meter there there is a digital

    Display I’ll show you that shortly and there’s the view from the front now it is a couple of years old this bike but I think it’s carried its age really nicely actually that was considerably easier than I thought it was was going to be that was actually shocking how

    Easy that was yeah I thought I was going to struggle with that because of the sheer size of this but now actually once you’re on it doesn’t feel as heavy as you think it’s going to impressive um I’m actually flat foot on this as well not a bad position

    Really comfortable seat and I’m not stretching for the bars sat up straight we’ll see how manageable it is when I’m riding because it is a bit of a Whopper I’m not going to do much filtering today no can’t see me doing much filtering but we’ll go for a ride we’ll see what it’s

    Like try and drop in some more specs if anything comes to mind oh in fact I have got one 26 1/2 L fuel tank apparently it’ll do just under 40 MP gallon limited to 155 M hour I might take it on a couple of roads to get the speed up a little

    Bit let’s go for a ride see what it’s like what an ABS abolute Whopper this has got a stereo on it what I will say is those funny guys at into Moto proper did me and as soon as I switched it on Classic FM was blasting and I’m not

    Joking um it was a mad scramble but I managed to get that off the Asen vac site in speak we’re not saying that this is something we’re going to do overnight but what we’re saying is that we do think it’s bad for the economy and quite

    A loud little stereo on there as well now obviously for copyright reasons I can’t put any of that on while I’m riding however that will be a nice little touch that while you’re riding man let’s start it up for the first time ooh that sounds

    Sweet yeah I like that it’s got a really lovely PE to it now this bike has got 30,000 miles could’ be able to get hundreds of thousands of miles out of something like this as long as you look after it all right let’s see how this

    Performs on the road shall we let’s go for a little ride now first thing is the Cobble test this bike is a Whopper however when you’re actually on the move it’s surprisingly light I’m actually shocked at this I’ve always looked at bikes like this and it’s just put me off because of the

    Sheer size I’ve always thought I’m only a a small we lad at 5’8 and bikes like this have always been a little bit intimidating but now I’m sat on it I don’t know what I’ve been worried about because it’s it’s big yeah it is but it’s really light and easy to maneuver

    Even at slow speeds it is so comfortable I think the weight actually helps the stability of it as well because it is such a big heavy bike when you’re moving even at slow speed it just seems to be really planted I would not like to drop it because it’s a very

    Heavy thing but because the seat height isn’t too high and I’ve got a Bend IN me knee and I’m flat footed it just feels really secure when you are stopped the electric screen you can operate it on the move it hasn’t got the modernday TFT screen you have got quite a few

    Different things on there including uh fuel gauge clock trip computer you’ve got your radio you’ve got different modes as well you’ve got Rain Road Dynamic I’ve had it in Rain mode I’ll try it in Road mode and we’ll see if there’s any difference with that it does

    Feel a little bit more responsive on the throttle the change of mode there not massively but it does feel to have a little bit more power about it a little bit more get up and go it goes through gears really nicely what I will say though is it does feel a little bit

    Clunky just on your foot you just feel that little bit of a click every time you change gear the 1250 BMW GS I find that to be quite clunky as well between gears and this just feels the same let’s give it a go now as expected it does pick up speed really

    Nicely but it’s more a smooth pickup rather than a brutal Savage one as far as wind goes I’m not getting anything from the front I’m getting a slight bit from the side but you can’t do anything about that let’s do a little bit of a overtake again it’s just as you would

    Expect it’s like riding a car that’s what it’s like because it is a big wide presence for the road but comfort yeah there’s just no questions about the Comfort it is just a beautiful bike to ride this really is beautiful bike to ride and when you do twist the throttle

    It picks up speed beautifully does everything it’s supposed to honestly I cannot stress this enough I looked at this bike in the showroom and thought that’s ridiculous I would never have one of those it’s too big and it is it’s a Whopper when you stand next to

    It but when you ride it you just don’t feel that at all a light spritely motorbike you notice the size because you can see the size in front of you but actual maneuvering going around the BS slow Speed high speed it’s just a delight this bike

    It really is a delight let’s just lower the screen nice and easy to do on the move from a a riding point of view this bike is amazing there’s no doubt about it it’s an amazing bike now pricewise I would say for this and its current age

    Mileage and everything else I’m going to put it down as a used bike bargain and it’s only because was if you wanted something like this if you wanted a brand new version of something like this you probably talking four times the price if you wanted a brand new one you probably are

    Talking close to that mid 20s 30,000 type this is considerably cheaper than that so for a fraction of the price you could Tour the World in Absolute Comfort now put the screen down for a little bit but I’ve noticed the wind straight away so no I’ve got used to the luxury of the

    High screen so I’m putting it back up I’m blown away at how my opinion of it has changed just off going for a little ride round from intimidation to admiration to maybe even a little bit of love for this now this has opened up a whole whole new genre of motorcycle for

    Me it it has I know there’ll be people shouting at the screen now calling me a calling me everything because I genuinely would never have considered anything like this I wouldn’t I would never have considered it and yeah even a bit of filtering like this where I said I wouldn’t do any

    Because cuz it’s a bit of a Whopper massive you just get used to it blowing my mind it it really is it’s blowing my mind this thing it’s not a thrilling ride I’m not smiling ear to ear it’s not that type of ride it’s just comfort and

    You could literally sit on this all day long you could have yourself sat here you could have a passenger on the back you’d both be in extreme comfort for mile after mile after mile pricewise if I’m not mistaken it’s something like $ 7999 it’s not cheap you’d have to have

    Stupid amounts of money to refer to something that’s just under £8,000 as being cheap however what I will say is if you compare it to something brand new of this type you’re talking 20,000 plus aren’t you so it’s a third of the price of anything close to it considerably

    Cheaper than a new one so for that I’m going to put it as a used bike bargain now you’ll notice the fuel light has come on so I’m heading back to into Moto before I ask the guys inside to put the bike away what I will say from a

    Downside is there’s no way on Earth I’m walking this bike forward with my feet you do notice the weight when you try and move the bike around manually like that when once it’s moving if you’re moving it on its own power fine no issues whatsoever if I try and move it

    Forwards that’s going nowhere it’s just trying to roll backwards on me yeah you’re not going to do it downsizing this isn’t the bike for you it is a heavy lump to manually push around your garage it’s a Twan job it it genuinely is it’s a heavy heavy bike to

    Push around but to ride to move around on its own steam absolutely beautiful I would definitely recommend it it is available at into Moto so I’ll put a link in the description how long it’s going to be there for I really don’t know because this bike is that good and at

    This price it’s got to be tempting for anybody you thinking about doing any sort of touring that’s going to do me link in the description and I’ll catch you guys on the next one if you’ve got any comments about the bike let me know you know they more the merer let’s have

    A chat [Applause] Laters


    1. I test road one of those monsters and was surprised by how "Perched" on top of it I felt, I thought it would be more like the Goldwing where you are definitely "In" the thing. Reverse gear is handy. Scratch it though and lose £££ drop it and ££££££££

    2. Total antithesis of what a bike should be for me, certainly not got any desire to own something like that no matter how "nice" it is , got a car for the job that would do and it does a lot more to the gallon as well making it a fairly pointless machine, just my opinion

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