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    🎬 Streamed live 02-27-2024 🎬

    #vtuber #vtuberen #vtubers #envtubers #nyanners #twitch #streamer #vstreamer #shashingo

    Okay this is this is a Singo this is a game that I’ve been looking forward to for like all week and thank you so much the the shingo dabs they gave me a free key a freaky free key so I can play this un release day for free thank you so so

    Much I I owe you my life and in addition to that they give me three keys to give away to you guys if if you guys want to play some shingo too let’s learn Japanese with photography I am so behind on my Japanese studies I took like

    Uh I took four years of it in high school and then another year or two in college and I I did like independent study after that but I’m so Rusty like uh if you it’s kind of like working out a muscle if you don’t keep at like studying and like brushing up on

    Your vocabulary and stuff it will leave you so soon okay let’s do it I’m nervous I’m going to be so embarrassed if I get everything wrong the to tell me you were live I need your fun Chill Vibes to help me thank you thank you hey there you are

    Cool yeah I’m I’m back at it again bright and early I’m getting the worm thank you by the way I’m sorry if you do run into bugs I’m the only programmer you’re the only programmer on the game bro nice job yeah I don’t I don’t mind bugs it’s like a this was

    This just came out right so it’s it’s normal I’m honestly a very patient gamer and my chat can attest to this I never get like impatient or angry at video games ever even if they have bugs I unless it’s bugs as in like uh little creepy

    Crawly things then uh I can’t stand that yeah I’m basically an angel yeah yeah yeah yeah my chat can attest to the fact that I am very very patient very Saint likee uh very forgiving my chat can be pretty unruly sometimes but out of the goodness of my heart and my

    Magnanimity I always forgive and I always forget I never hold grudges about anything welcome to ch here you’ll use your camera to create unique photo flash cards for learning Japanese you’re free to explore your surroundings and study at your own pce without any pressure

    Oh oh my God that’s so cool it has like a little popup that it has the fury Ghana too for how to read the uh kanji those are the little uh the hirana written above a kanji to show you how it’s red that is so nice ooh

    Wait this has been disabled until the next patch due to a bug okay okay it’ll be back in the next patch everybody don’t freak out please don’t freak out furry yeah the furry Gana the furry marijuana let’s open up your camera when you’re ready so we can another use it

    You know what’s sad I actually had a uh I had a dream last night that I was playing this game I I dreamed I was the like deposited into Japan somehow and I was walking around like identifying words and [ __ ] wo bro this world is so

    Cute wait you can kind of hear uh music coming from the karaoke bar who’s singing in here a nobody panic nobody panck oh my God we’re in the middle of Japan what do we do we don’t know how to speak ja Japanese let’s take out our handy dandy camera operating the camera operating

    The camera is easy and there are only a few buns remember to take a photo simply frame your subject by adjusting your position angle in zoom and press the shutter button when you’re ready I love photography bro this game combines some of my favorite things weeaboo stuff learning languages and taking

    Pictures for more creative results you can swap between their filters it looks like your camera already came with a gr skill filter and a saturated filter while not mandatory holding the shutter button allows you to lock on to the subject so that you can adjust the comp composition even more freely

    Releasing the shutter button will then take the picture framing the subject correctly oh you got to get a close and personal wait this is a it’s Hao oh do you mean to turn them on here I’ll turn it down I’ll turn it down I’m sorry oh God everyone is literally

    Losing their hearing and having a panic attack cuz it’s too loud I’m ruining everyone’s lives we got to make sure our subject fills the camera up what should we take a picture of first oh a car a tree oh all the like Billboards and stuff are so cute Sakura station

    Eky eky means station I made my first photo flash card it has the the Ki the hyana and the translation than you we love our station no border wait can you put like a frame on it oh oh it’s like scrapbooking that’s so cute if you take a bad photo you can

    Discard it and try again oh so you can just kind of go around and collect literally everything I wonder how many different objects there are to identify your photo album contains all the photo flash cards you make as you master words they’ll also receive star stickers your photo album also contains

    Multiple pages of Japanese lessons that feature dial what the hell I didn’t know they had this in the game this is like an actual Japanese textbook bro I’m about to school you all wait there’s a day night cycle too I wonder if I could take a picture of the

    Moon ski SK that’s the Moon the Moon looks beautiful tonight wow guys Moon looks so beautiful tonight oh balloons you know what I don’t think I know the Japanese word for balloon is there a word for balloon I don’t even know if there Isen hen that’s right Henen testing your memory find mode puts your memory to the test to reinforce your vocabulary knowledge will be given one the Japanese words from your photo flash cards and that’s cool so it’ll say like okay find uh Hana which means flower and you have to go find a flower that’s so

    Cool oh you can make it Audio Only to test like uh listening what the skate correct guess and fine mode will reward you with a coin I want to get coins and there’s oh there’s Goa mechanics this game is Game of the Year already holy W look they got the Goa p

    Oh you need I think you need 30 silver coins for this can you change the gold coin into silver coin wait this is the arcade that’s so cute oh yeah who means wind arcade oh does this mean music game hu oh who’s this who’s this dream booat

    Right here is he like a pop star I want to be A banana oh wait is this an isaka I wonder what this picture would be well wait what’s the word for like this kind of door let’s get a nice cinematic picture this work shut sh sh sh looks like Blues Clues yeah I got to open up my handy ding wait is that

    Snuffy is there like a graffiti laki yeah yeah yeah rakugaki snowy rakugaki I almost got eite let’s get a picture of a really cool car I really love the really tiny small boxy pickup trucks from Japan doesn’t lwig have one didn’t it get stolen from him but he miraculously recovered

    It which one shall we take a creep shot of this one looks cool ooh that’s a nice shot kuruma that means kuruma you can click on it to hear the pronunciation wait you can flip the card over and see all like related verbs and adjectives like uh means to drive and

    Oh is there a bridge wait there’s a train I want to get a picture of the train a who I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever learned the word for advertisement s I’m sending got H by a car in shingo and ended up in a fantasy world is my

    Favorite anime bro bro okay okay okay if the dev is still here you should make like an add-on DLC where you get hit by a van and you get isy into like a fantasy world and just imagine the extra vocabulary possibilities like there’s like elves and like witches and stuff

    And Dragons just for learning like different uh like sci-fi or fantasy words you are oh my God bro bro that would be insane you have to this game is already Game of the Year oh I know a banana is very medoc it’s dog it’s dog it’s tragical wait let’s get a really good

    Picture of him with like the falling leaves in the background like uh that so zo wait doesn’t zo also mean elephant where am I tripping andii means history and Tei means like associated with or like like so REI plusi is histor historical re sheet sexy re sheet wait what is the

    Word for traffic con s oh Sak means triangular so it’s like triangle con Saku Sak t means Point kji means construction and oku me to place ooh wait there’s a business cat over here okay let’s look both ways before we cross the street okay everybody get behind me come on oh there’s a

    Bakery Pon means bread and it’s actually a lone word from French O P Pon on Pon man melon Pon have you guys ever had melon melon bread before it’s pretty good it’s like bread that has like a cookie like a crumbly cookie coating on the top it doesn’t really taste like

    Melon it’s a little too sweet for me oh and this is a chocolate coron chocolo coron coron cor Corona I’ve never had one of these before which end do you eat it from does anyone know what any the chocolate col you eat from I love the like classic

    Baguette F France Pon it’s french bread oo if you zoom in really close it looks like there’s a face on it like this is the eye this is the eye this is the mouth this is the eyebrows pun y y yaku SCU bread SCU machine show shall we

    Oh wait that looks so good o she p p p p from Family Guy wait this is Italian food Mama Maria happens if I take a picture of this Coman is a sign yomu is to read OK Oki is big large repeat after me Oki is big large m is name

    Okay a look at this little guy PA paa that’s the PA son they’re preparing the bread for you do you accept is order adabu is choose yaku is break and Fry and roast will there be a test yes wait I want to see the oh here’s all

    The pictures we took so far the station the moon graffiti got a pretty good set going oh and you can favor stuff wait they have all the the hirana and kakon as like a little key to learn what greetings wait this is just like in a textbook to like practice a conversation

    A good morning goodbye M whoa thank you very much excuse me wait today is cyob kyobi that’s two Tuesday and tomorrow is suii kyobi and soobi confuse me so much in Japanese cuz for whatever reason I associate Wednesday with being like fire I don’t know why and c means fire and

    Tuesday is fire day but Wednesday is water day I always feel like Tuesday is more of a watery day but apparently it’s like it’s based just like in other languages it’s based on like mythology like a uh you know like uh Monday is Moon day and Getsu means Moon getu

    Y diarrhea day everybody’s got to set everybody’s got to set aside a day for diarrhea day once a week just treat yourself a little bit eat something you’re not really supposed to eat come on you know you want to Let’s stopping you me and you wachi wachi we are w tou

    You okay do you guys use Boku or oray you guys a Boku boy are you a broke Boku boy if I was the guy and I spoke Japanese I would say or Kim anata omay you do not want to say oh my unless you’re with friends that is a Yuzu lemon this is Wasabi oh God Nat is so gross wait who did they get to voice act these lines sounds so Good bro they just go through everything this is so nice you get like an entire Japan me’s textbook with this game pretty much oh wow amazing photographers are cool a that’s s Cute you better treat her kindly anyone have any nice words to say for Yuki 5 years old let’s bully her let’s eat eimas oh they all set it together yeah this is like a situation where they’re all sitting down to eat some denden together a it’s not like my family in America

    Where we sit down at the dinner table and just look at our freaking phones and my parents start fighting cuz their marriage is on the [ __ ] rock God damnn it why wasn’t I born in Japan [ __ ] and this is let’s buy a book the cover of this book looks interesting is that hii

    Wow that sounds pretty cool bro you think this guy is hitting on Hana step the [ __ ] off Sam [ __ ] off Sam she just trying to read a book to do and come back I wonder if they’ll get into like really really formal speech oh and this is how you buy stuff

    From a cashier I heard that if you say thank you to a cashier when you’re buying stuff in Japan they execute You by firing squad cuz it’s considered like very very rude you see service staff in Japan are akin to like a robot and you’re not supposed to like appreciate

    Them in any capacity they’re simply there to serve you and nothing else as soon as they clock in to work you’re supposed to they’re supposed to be seen and not heard their job is to just like give you stuff and you give them them the money in exchange and

    You’re done and done you’re not supposed to say thank you to them as soon as you say thank you they might get like a big head about it and realize that there’s more to life than service and then they send like the Japanese FBI and just instantly kill you they have like

    Trained snipers in every Japanese 7-Eleven also when you’re eating noodles in a noodle restaurant in Japan you’re supposed to slurp really really loud to show appreciation to the chef and it can show even more appreciation like if you start like moaning and grunting while you’re doing it too I’m not going to

    Demonstrate you guys can just like do it here you guys practice in front of your computer right now if you want to go to Japan you have to learn the cultural Customs or you’re going to look like a silly Billy you’re going to look like a silly

    Goose so I want you guys to pretend that you’re sitting down at a Japanese noodle restaurant right now into the booth maybe you’re with a Japanese woman I won’t judge you’re like on like a day I’m not judging I’m not judging or maybe a Japanese boy on a

    Date or a Japanese grandma on a tail and here comes the the weight staff with your noodles they drop it down in front of you and you’re like eimas you take your chopsticks and you start eating you have to make really really loud slurps and really really loud groans and

    Moans like uh here let me demonstrate noodle slurping ASMR like this Big L wait this isn’t right they’re not slurping loud enough So that’s exactly how you’re supposed to do it if you want to show respect to the chef you see noodles AKA uh soba or Ramen Ramen is considered an art form in Japan it’s very highly respected and if you don’t show the proper respect to the chef they have trained snipers that will

    Execute you ritualistically they have raw men in there wait Dau Dau can be used both for the feeling of being okay or all right and also as a response for politely declining an offer in a sense it’s very similar to the English phrase am which can also be used in both situations

    Oh yeah the chef actually they won’t execute you they’ll do something even worse they send out the elderly Japanese Chef that prepared your meal and he stands in front of your table while you eat and he just starts crying and just weeping silently doesn’t even wipe his tears the

    Tears just like fall into the table table in front of you and you’re supposed to finish eating while watching the chef crying and then they execute the chef and it’s all your fault ooh t- Kya Kya means clothes shop is to buy Kono means shopping is to work for someone Kawai is cute

    Yeah they put the tears into the soup and then actually the highest form of respect to the chef would be not just like slurping the noodles really loudly ooh y y Yama they send the chef out and you know like in lady in the [ __ ] where they

    Share the noodle together you just I was I wasn’t going to to say it CU I don’t know if the the really nice shingo Dev is still in here and suffering while watching my awful stream they send the chef out and you have to share the noodle with them like

    You get one end of the noodle and they get the other end and you have to gradually slurp it until your lips connect and then you have to marry the chef you can get divorced like immediately after but like the highest form of respect to the the chef that

    Prepares your M and a Japanese restaurant is to get married to them and then consummate the marriage with and while you’re consummating the marriage if you don’t make really loud slurping noises they’ll consider it very highly disrespectful and they will execute youu is to climb you climb the mountain and steep

    Is you could say takai for tall or expensive Tak a tall and expensive lady Yama that’s a nice picture I like that oh it’s night time wait is this like a a castle Sho this is where Ito lives Kai is Ancient K is sing we’re we’re doing sing right now and

    Historical again Rey do you guys remember reyy you remember wcky sticky don’t you is this the the so cute I love the like what’s it called the death of field effect on the camera it’s so nice all the colors and stuff and like Lighting in this game are really soft and

    Cute I like it com com Bend bendy is convenient B is to work parttime that actually comes from the German word arbite hay is also for tall no hay means fast like in an anime where they’re in a fight and the other guy is like this is a w kawawa

    Ka swim would you swim in the the River n that’s a really pretty word n that’s something that would be in like a poem Chapa means Splash and it can also be used as like a like an automonopia in the an interesting kind of manga that you would read

    Cha ooh is this a wait this is a Ramen Shop Ramen and Curry oh my God the fake food display making me so hungry I watched the documentary once on how these are made it’s really interesting they get like it’s like an entire art form they get very very painstaking with

    The entire process of it machia traditional townhouse sumu is to reside some where to live n n is sleep how much sleep did you guys get last night I got 6 hours Maia o I like this picture better of the Maia I like it wait can I get this I

    Canik oh outdoor air conditioning unit I’ve never learned that word in my life this game is so good cuz it’s like it teaches you words that you would never come across in like a textbook naturally is heavy Mau is just spin what about this tree right here sakur Sakura’s cherry

    Blossom so beautiful they’re in bloom right now K you guys want to go Hanam flower viewing Sak is to Blossom much like I have blossomed into a beautiful young woman one time I was writing a diary when I was a kid and I started going through puberty and for whatever reason I don’t

    Know why I wrote this I think I was trying to be funny or something oh it’s raining can you take a picture of like the rain I wonder if you could do that I think this is the Sora soda Sky I want a different picture of the sky when the sun is

    Out when I was like 10 I wrote in my diary the spring is here I’m so excited the flowers are budding and so am I I don’t know why I wrote that Sora you lazy bum come on get up this is ice cream oh no it’s blurry I want a I want

    A different picture ice cream ice cream ice cream am oh this is a very important distinction everybody there’s two different words for cold in Japanese this is meaning like things that are physically cold to the touch like if you touch say in Twilight when Bella touches Edward she would

    Say but if you go outside and you can see your breath in the air and you’re like ooh it’s kind of chili you would say Samu very different things Samui is like the atmosphere is called and simai is like something that’s cold when you touch it to means to melt

    Another really fun way of learning Japanese that I’ve tried before is just listening to Japanese pop songs or like anime openings and stuff and going through all the vocabulary oh [ __ ] I’m in the way of traffic going through all the the vocabulary words and just looking them

    Up there’s a lot of vocabulary words you could find wait oh excuse me sir um that’s so cute he’s so happy to do his job he’s a dog with a job oh he’s a dog on the jump I’m going to take a picture of you a he’s so cute fuu time left click

    Him is the pet or stroke I want to pet him is the own a pet left click you can pet the dog in Singo alert alert alert alert attention all gamers attention attention there’s a dog in shingo and yes hot off the presses you can pet

    It and hearts come out and he loves it he loves you and I love him I got to stop my real life dog is going to get jealous it makes a little scritchy scratchy noise too dogs have to work regular dog jobs in Japan due to the declining birth rate

    Shinzo a couldn’t do his job with uh you know kickstarting reproduction in Japanese fam so sadly dogs have started to take up space in the workforce there’s a very aging population ooh vending machine I wonder what we should get Super Sport melon soda lemon lemon water

    Ooh ooh is this coffee and tea halfy Rich premium let’s take a picture of this that’s a mouthful convenient tan tan means many there are toxon things in this game flower that’s so cute looking Oh e Flowers Yu I am not to be trusted with owning any kind of flower or plant

    Because I forget to Miz Yu them Saku Saku flowers are budding and so am I what is this happy Basu ketto happy basket oh wait this is square melons I saw these at a store in La they are so expensive they’re like a $100 at least they are herea like the sua

    Game I have Juke suited and I am the kai the kai Bei that’s my name wait I just got an achievment for 25 foto flash guards guys guys guys guys don’t panic wait I want to get a better angle this is good this is good no no no

    Fly fly fly up fly up fly up fly just a little bit Jo no I want a better picture Jo that’s pretty good CH Kawaii such a kawaii morning caruru is colorful and tuu is to fly I got an achievement for that catching the butterfly hello sir hello

    Hello hello you’re so happy wait did someone Miss Place their cell phone here oh to make a phone call is charge don’t forget to do that Bongo someone’s going to ask you for your Dena Bongo in Japan if you play this game and learn lots of vocabulary

    Words I mixed that one up with moth a lot oh yeah isn’t moth uh G GA ooh building or maybe I want to like Zoom really close in and stalk someone wonder if I could get like a picture of like the stars Sora if I zoom in really close maybe

    Yeah Sora [ __ ] it’s the Sora Sora Donald Goofy oh the bathroom right now we wait for someone to come out so we can catch them in the a sniff the air around them have you guys ever heard of uh what’s it called again there’s a a really good manga a

    Really good Japanese comic book called uh ketu I think it’s KET musu ketu what’s it called again do you guys know something it’s got ketu musu ketu something in it K yeah the one where the guy pees into the other guy’s butt and makes like poop

    Soup out of it in the the public toilet in the Kos toilet you guys know K kuso miso technique yeah k Meo technique yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah bro there’s like a guy sitting on a bench and he’s like gradually unzipping his jumper and he says

    Y bro bro bro if the developers of this game put in like a guy that’s sitting on a bench saying Yara I I would give them uh I would give them a lifetime supply of me smiling every day I’m not putting in Theo technique they say this a

    Lot oh look at this little piggy oh and bicycle Jena right you ride guys we are learning Japanese ooh I wonder what the word for this is I don’t really know what the word for this in English is post box poo you can say this for sending like

    Mail or sending like an email too ju is a dress you should try find more press F okay I’m pressing F to pay respects word set random word amount let’s go 10 guess attempts one start pa pa I know that I know that do you guys remember wait there’s a sprint button

    How could I have been such a fool okay look what Blaze there’s the PA again I think it was down this way right PA do PA sag that’s not the PA that’s the isaka it’s over here it’s over here I’m very directionally challenged I think if I ended up in

    Japan somehow I’d be more worried about being lost than not understanding the language I would definitely die here it is ponac this is ponac so PA wait SK what I think I selected the wrong thing [ __ ] no no I ruined everything no now everyone’s going to think I’m

    Stupid what have I done what have I done if you understand the language you could just ask for directions though that’s a problem though I would rather get lost and die than ask for directions because I’m too afraid to speak to people I don’t know I can use a phone to

    Find my way true true true but what happens if you don’t have any signal they’re going to deport me out of Japan what am I what oh wait I think I know what I did wrong it was a different word okay now this is AI That’s a

    Plane that scared me so bad I pressed a button in the game and I thought the game was like speaking to me directly like I thought one of the developers was like just logged into the console and was like all right let’s let’s make her regret everything

    Today where’s the Moon is the moon out tonight there it is here it is kuruma kuruma I know what that is let’s find a car here is Kura sh shata I remember that one bro that’s one of the words that we learned I was like what is this word

    I’ve never learned this word before here’s a sh sh a Kawa is River over here over here guys that’s no moon do you guys think the moon landing was fake fukya has closed door where was that again over here over here kuya faked your own man moon landing man

    Landing do you need the man [ __ ] I think I I took too close of a picture of the the shirt Hana is flower not to be confused with nose which is the same word but pronounced slightly different due to the pitch accent I’m not really I don’t really remember how it’s different

    Though Hana Hana Hana it’s like Hashi hash I’m never going to remember how those are pronounced ice cream ice cream I don’t remember that that is I know you guys didn’t fake the man landing that was real you got caught in full K where’s that ice cream cone really big melty ice cream

    Cone delicious big soft man how to fake it okay okay ladies this is how you’re going to bag yourself a man and don’t settle for for anything less if he doesn’t make a million a year and buy you $1,000 worth of jewelry on the first date then he’s just not worth

    It if he doesn’t give you one of his kidneys he’s just not worth it especially if he’s a freaking Capricorn do not even get me started if he doesn’t willingly donate half of his blood to you then what are you doing have some respect for yourself

    Best ladies got to stick together I’m a girls girl so I’m I’m okay with dishing out some good advice to the ladies who is balloon we learned that word too those are over here if he doesn’t sacrifice his firstborn to you what are you doing if

    He doesn’t let you put him on a sacrificial altar at the top of a Mayan Temple and pull his heart out through his mouth and let you eat it in front of him then he is a [ __ ] boy he is a broke [ __ ] boy okay let’s wait to cross the street all

    Right all clear no Chad wait no no no wait Chad there’s a car Coming yeah I love how all the cars are the cute little Cube cars here’s whoan Fen I got 80% let’s play again H that’s bread let’s go find bread Brian look out where were you and Brian from Family guides died here is pwn that’s France pan p i remember that one public

    Toilet so I think it like it draws from your bank of the words that you’ve collected thus far that’s nice kind of test your memory ooh is this Guitar Hero public [ __ ] the public Throne yo miso technique remember that one that’s a good vocabulary

    Word this is what you can say if you go to Japan and someone comes up to you and you don’t know what to say just say y it’s like an a go-to like you know in I don’t know America or Europe you have like those casual greetings like hey what’s

    Up it’s like saying hey what’s up like asking like what’s going on the [ __ ] house here’s the Yama okay let zoom zoom oh is that that’s that’s vending machine vending machine vending machine right here Coman Coman is that sign that’s sign right sign sign sho’s Castle holy crap I’m actually learning

    Today I never thought I’d Su a day sua sua what if you like zoomed in really really far and there’s just like a faceless Shadow entity watching you from one of the windows you sua we have to go find the suas sua is a name of a Toho character who is

    A goblin and she gets drunk a lot there should be a selfie mode in this game so you can like turn the camera around on yourself and like identify parts of like the face and the ass Goblin yeah Japanese Goblin the gu did you know in Japan every phone has to

    Have the shutter sound on like you can’t turn it off like you can in other places it’s because uh Japanese people really enjoy photography and they love the sound of the camera shutter they consider it like a it’s like clapping for them it’s like when Americans clap at the end of a

    Movie why is that they just really like uh the shutter noise so if you take a picture like on a Japanese train and the shutter sound goes off someone’s going to go yeah which means like they’re really excited like oh my God someone’s taking a picture let’s Rejoice you

    Know please don’t take pictures on the Japanese train wait what’s down here oh no I’m getting distracted this is a little oh it’s like one of those little shrines in the alleyway that’s so cute oh tiny Shrine you can leave a little little offering oh my God these are all the

    Different cuts of meat on a cow f r rampu rampu Momo is die you can actually use this to learn parts of like the human body too if you’re going to become a cannibal in Japan here’s a s c there we go that’s a sexy s

    C let’s find the doy I think he’s over here yes oh my God and then the Jena I swear there’s one yeah there’s one right here a little bicycle baggie on it little what’s it called what is this thing called you can identify this one too separate

    I got to get out of fine mode here let’s complete this Hana is flower the basket yeah I forgot the word for basket I think streaming is rotting my brain I think I actually have like a brain disorder because of you guys we did 100% accuracy only took us 5

    Minutes keep on exploring and making any floal flash cards to study with just don’t forget to return to find when you want to practice what you’ve learned and earn some coins gambat gambat means do your best and you’re supposed to say garim Mas let’s see is this like Bas

    Bas o is to take out is to put in a woman hobu is a baby in her stomach for 9 months now you are Japanese there should be an achievement where if you learn every single word in this game it says congratulations you’re Japanese now and you get Japanese citizenship

    Guitar oh wait a minute this looks like a this looks like my laptop it’s like an MSI gaming laptop Pas Noto oh like a notebook that’s cute SC SC get down when my dad always had to go take a [ __ ] he was always taking shits that old

    Bastard he’ always say he was going to download something it would always confuse me cuz I feel like if you’re taking a [ __ ] aren’t you like uploading to the toilet downloading a [ __ ] is when you’re eating I think oh look it’s a super santai a is to watch is act Tech was

    Very say why don’t you piss into my butt oh UFO Grabber G will get you oh there get you it’s fun this game is very tanoshi this is a lantern I wonder word for that is again chin is paper lantern is bright is lightwe like in the one Naruto song

    Wait I can go up here what o ior smile smiling what is the word for like an overpass underpass overpass oh crap I can’t take a picture from this angle what about manhole Manu Manu another thing that was featured in the kuso Miso technique a metal round hole wait I want to try

    Filters how do you activate the filter again I’m sorry developer I’m very stupid but I’m trying my my best we saw the whole of Japan in the camera oh cute wait this is the vibrant filter that’s so cool makes everything so colorful oh and then gray scale if you

    Want to take like a Doomer picture here let’s get a really good one ah just another late night wandering the streets of Tokyo wondering how I got here in the strange foreign land it’s Lost in Translation you know standing here by the egy watching the cars pass

    By thinking about my life up until this point what brought me here surrounded by for in Delicacies that looks like an album cover is airplane Toik Yoko is travel and niku means to like go so to go on a vacation or to go traveling ISU streets are like a bunch of gutters washing away the filth in this Twisted city this city is filthy this is no place for someone like

    Me one day a rain will come and wash away everything Let the Rain Fall Down and wake my dreams is head I’ve never learned that word niwa means Garden there is like a on Japanese image boards there’s like a a place that is like a Reddit or for

    Chan or whatever that was really really popular it still is it was like the first like anime shut in Forum that a lot of people went to just purely in Japan and they had like lots of slang terms yeah two two channel two channel there’s a slang term on there for

    Someone who is considered like a noob or someone who I don’t know someone who’s like fresh faced doesn’t really know all the hip memes or lingo or it’s just like a just a poser and I think they would call call them like a A niwa or something I don’t

    Remember yeah a new a new person we means up or top so hedge might be something like PL that goes upwards wait that makes sense I love learning Kani cuz some of them are like some of them make no [ __ ] sense at all but others are like little pictographs that

    Have they tell like a story like this one the one this character for fire this doesn’t mean fire but this one right here it looks like a a bonfire and then the one for flower looks kind of like little flowers sprouting out of the ground I’m not really sure how the one

    For a cat looks like a cat I guess it’s like here’s the ears or the head here’s the body here’s the tail cat oh my God I want to go to the Cat Cafe so bad skateboard wait this looks like an album cover too skate skateboards are very

    Abun have you ever ridden a skateboard before I’ve never attempted to I’ve always been too scared I was a rollerblader when I was a kid and by that I mean I attempted it once I fell and I skinned my knees and I never did it again it’s too afraid trash can g means

    Garbage and ble means box is dirty by always remember to recy or you’ll be executed by firing squad they take recycling very very seriously in Japan like you have to separate everything into different boxes like literally everything or you’ll get in so much trouble you’ll actually be fined and executed by firing squad

    And they’ll put a tapeworm in you yeah your neighbors will call you out they will get so peeved with you how many coins do I have wait we can do gacha now how do how do I wonder if I can get a word for this gacha gacha

    Gacha ATU like you guys remember NE atum that means cat collector this is the the word for colori is rare oh God how do I activate gotcha do I have to convert my currency free tapeworm tapeworm Goa I wonder what kind of tapeworm I’m going

    To get from this food I wonder if I’ll get botulism is it true that the reason why people get food poisoning when they go to a different country a lot of the time is because their body like their intestinal Flora is not acclimated to like the local Cuisine and the local

    Like bacteria and stuff cuz like locals from countries like that they can eat everything just fine like they grow up eating that food and it doesn’t bother them one bit and the water too yes sometimes nny looks so pretty today what thank you yeah my my cartoon model is

    Looking pretty pretty fresh and spectacular you’re thinking of the plot of war the worlds oh wait so there’s no like aliens that come down and uh catch our specialized bacteria and get sick I have to go but I just want to say a massive thank you for showing shingo

    On stream it also means so much to me no bro bro bro thank you so much that’s so sweet can we give like a big round of applause a big big thank you thank you thank you to the the developer of shingo thank you so much AUM Pioneer thank you

    For making this game it’s honestly such a cool idea I love like language learning I’m just such like a I’m like a linguistic geek and a weeaboo so I’ve been known to do my fair share of Japanese learning and this is just like like a a nice accessible and

    Fun way of learning a language especially like Japanese I love the like photography mechanic and the like the memory mode where you can just like go around on like a little scavenger hunt and find the words that you learned so cute I’m really really excited to see how this game

    Evolves everything about it is so so cute and clean thank you so much also thank you for for giving me a bunch of keys to give away too I’m so excited to give this a l I hope everyone takes their they’re learning very seriously do doy doy

    Mo isn’t that like a cell phone company like doco demo good luck everybody you’re going to need it I’m going to need three people from this chat to learn Japanese for a very special Mission these are AA I forgot the word already oh God hega poster hega poster party

    Room can you guys put a love hotel in the game and then you can like go in and like identify all the stuff around the room like here’s the piss drawer here’s the uh robotic love doll vibrating pickle let’s go to kabuko oh bro yeah there should be like

    A Osaka area like in Yakuza as besto ASB bestus asbest Removal yeah you should encounter a friendly Yakuza man friendly gentlemen involved in organized crime what is this thing is this like an electrical box I don’t know what this is in English what about oo this is such a good pck game center Game Center that’s me I am very uru Shai

    Gayon let’s hit up the gayon guys down bro let’s hit that gayan Later can wait is this uh pharmacist yak yak Y Yak Yak Yak I got it right oh my God I remembered that’s a really important word to have this is where you can get your medicine always member what about elevator matu you wait for the elevator is to enter is to come out

    Like like that you always have to say it like that it’s like really important you know how Japanese and uh Chinese has like pitch accent stuff if you say de like just normally like d it can be considered really rude so if you’re saying like oh I need to like come out

    Of somewhere you have to say like that if you don’t say it like that they’re going to assume that you just don’t give a [ __ ] and that you’re just being flippant it’s kind of like the the vocal equivalent of not handing someone something with two hands as a

    Sign of respect like if you’re being like really flippant you can like hand a business card back to someone by like crumbling it up and just throwing it back in their face be like I don’t even give a [ __ ] about whatever business you’re working for you work for me now

    Ni hi oh you’re little kitty in the rain oh I want to take you home emoi KY look at it look at me so cute so cute I still haven’t gotten a picture of train let’s wait for it let’s M for the train shall we can I get a picture of traffic

    Light sh shingi shingle shingle why the hell does Japanese have coni for single syllables of words I don’t know bro I hate kanji so much it’s the worst part of learning Japanese that and K I’ve had like an aneurysm my like the artist who does my my live stream

    M is a Japanese artist and she is really really sweet and patient and I I don’t want to like type in English to her and make her have to translate it so I I email her in Japanese every time and it takes me hours to figure out like okay what is

    The polite way of saying this and this and this I don’t want to sound rude and I probably sound like a toddler to her yeah there’s so many characters to learn Most Japanese people don’t even know all of them right when is this train going to come your [ __ ] life ends 10

    Seconds from now mother trucker yeah I’m a very polite toddler not when I’m on stream with you guys though that’s when I just let it all hang out I let my hair down I’m a rude little baby I’m going to cause a stink a train

    No take it take it take it take it I can’t take it I can’t take it yes Dena Dena have you ever heard the story of Dena Toco it’s like a I I still don’t know if it was a real story didn’t that get turned into like a

    Movie it was like a story on two channel I think or some kind of Japanese Forum way back in the day about this guy that falls in love with a girl or something I don’t really remember what all happens in it it’s been a while since I read

    It it’s been adapted a couple times was there like an anime oh let’s get this Shrine ging oig is to Bow is to pray that’s when he pray shio’s religion anime is witho shuko anime inor ooh meat meik Nik when you go to a meat store in

    Japan this is a actually a it’s kind of like a hidden menu item like when you go to Starbucks and ask for like the the double chocolate sprinkle frappe or whatever but less annoying if you go to a meat store in Japan bro trust I I heard this in like a Japanese travel

    Guide on YouTube like one of those like Japanese uh travel YouTuber people who are like here let’s go to Japan and this is how you can hook up with tons of Japanese girls go to me store and request the niku Beni trust me bro trust it’s like a special hidden menu

    Item in a lot of meat stores a lot of izakayas in Japan that they keep off the main menu because it’s kind of considered like a really high quality top shelf item so they don’t really have much in stock they always have a few on reserve

    Though next time you go to Japan bro trust trust me as for the chin Chen too it’s really tasty yeah and you have to receive it in both hands as is a sign of respect too when they give you the the Chen Chen bull Bullit one time in Japanese class in

    Like I think like 9th or 10th grade there’s this guy in my Japanese class who’s really rambunctious did not take anything seriously did not take the language of Glorious neone seriously at all and he was the bane of my freaking existence and one day he was making a Ruckus while my beautiful Japanese

    Teacher this really kindly elderly woman named uh megumi was doing her best to teach us everything she knows and I was listening I was an active listener had both my feet on the ground eyes and ears open looking at the Blackboard hanging on every single word that she was saying but this rambunctious

    [ __ ] a few deaths over was like hoting and hollering with his his friends making all kind tons of stupid jokes and he said like chin Chino chinin Dai or whatever just like the usual like uh let’s say stupid sex words in Japanese humor and she overheard him and stopped immediately

    Turned to him and like shot him like the most the meanest coldest glare that I didn’t even think she was capable of cuz she was like the sweetest old lady like she was so patient and kind and like funloving and light-hearted but in that moment the atmosphere of the room

    Shifted completely it was like she could have set that entire room on fire with just a look she looked so pissed and she just said like at him and he didn’t even know what that meant she was just calling him like a perverted degenerate basically she put

    A curse on his entire family lineage yeah and he shut up for the rest of the the lesson cuz he was so scared like for all he knew he she could have been reciting like an ancient incantation at him he was scared silent and he never

    Acted a fool in class again that’s all it took yeah she called him a vulgar boy vulgar degenerate [ __ ] up man and that man was Albert Einstein oo giant robot cool cool oh wait we already got this picture of the same exact one what the hell vulgar Cherry boy that sounds

    Disgusting vulgar little niku Banky Cherry boy wo it’s a different kind of butterfly CH I wonder at night maybe you could get like a picture of like a firefly or something can I get a picture of a leaf what about a normal tree key see

    The coni for tree looks like a tree and guess what the coni for Forest is you’re never going to believe this it’s uh a bunch of the tree coni together show that there are many big large big large and huge gie g g St is smelly kkaa means to sniff sniff

    Sniff when you get your dad’s dirty socks and you’re like dude thank you Liam sort gashi uh gar look at this it’s a hero I like this aage more that’s cute takao camera oo there’s appliances CA PC pots S saho I like saying saho SM this game is pure genius this is like such a good idea I’m like almost mad that I didn’t think of this a she’s relaxing maturi means festival and there’s advertisements for it all around I love that there’s a day night

    Cycle and like rain and different weather and stuff they thought there was so much stuff for this game no rock is unturned Ewa is rock big I Kwa katawa shjo that is me oh toilet paper T toilet never want to run out of this or you’re going to be

    Stuck in a situation where you’re just kind of bargaining with yourself over I don’t know you kind of glance at a towel that’s laying on the ground and you think is it worth it I thought that said the [ __ ] ooh PE for my bung hole my bung hole in Japan Japanese bunghole

    Ooh uh uh oh my God there’s different versions of uh for when you’re putting [ __ ] on like on your body different words for like what part of your body like if you’re putting something on your head it’s different than if you’re putting it on your lower body is to

    Tie tie like a little knot NAU ooh Lady Lady socks ooh wait let me I think I highlighted it I think I did I think I did did it highlight or am I stupid I can’t tell I think something else Highlighted k k that is K what is this type of shoe called it’s so cute these ones right here are these U Mary Jan’s I love them they look so elegant I always want a pair but I never know what to wear them with I I just here’s the thing about me

    I don’t like wearing pants I don’t know if it’s cuz I got the tism or like I don’t know it just doesn’t agree with me if I go out if I absolutely have to wear pants I’ll wear like leggings or something cuz they’re like soft and don’t annoy me like pants or shorts

    Do they still kind of annoy me they’re they’re way more comfortable though I prefer wearing like dresses and skirts and stuff I always have like every single day in high school and College I would wear like either like a skirt and like tights or a dress or leggings with

    Like a sweatshirt on like a I don’t give a [ __ ] casual day oh my God look at this designer bag kabang kabang wait what about mean me me I don’t like my legs feeling restricted yeah me either especially with like denim it just feels so like I hate sitting down in

    Jeans the problem with dueling go is it gives you a sense of progression but in practice it’s not very useful most apps are like that and only useful for vocab but a game like this gives you an approximation of what actual immersion in the country would be like yeah so

    It’s much better for retention comprehension and progression yeah that’s exactly what I said it’s like completely just inundating yourself into the world this is exactly what it’ be like if you’re like walking around and you’re like hm what’s the word for that you were learning as if you were a

    Baby going into the world for the first time babies learn in the the same way it’s the best way to learn cuz like what do you do when you’re a baby or a toddler and you see something you don’t know you’re like you point at it and you’re like what that

    What that means and your mom is like that’s a syringe on the ground don’t tell but it has CHMS and then you poop on it a put a little poop on it little drop a poop a doll a poop a doll Daisy what is the word from prella again

    Oh no I forgot it is it like hold on hold on I’m trying to remember don’t tell me don’t tell me don’t tell me Kasa Kasa Kasa and then thei it does kind of look like an umbrella and it’s got little people under it it’s the people taking shelter on the Under the

    Umbrella the umbrella here you go ma’am you don’t you don’t want to get new Ru do you here you’re taking umbrella is it like a is this just like an anime thing or do they actually do this in Japan where if like two kids in class have crushes on each other people

    Will tease them about it and like draw an umbrella and put them under it on the Blackboard what the [ __ ] is the name of this thing I don’t even know what this is called in English hold on I think it highlighted Ki [Applause] Oh I know what a mirror is but that’s

    Kagami what what is this specific type of mirror called excuse me what else random [ __ ] can we find uh Vines I wonder if there’s a word for this for like Greenery plants St St I’ve never learned that word either is Le no Bodo crawl up that’s cool what is

    This is this an electrical box too I just I can’t fathom how like buildings work and how like electricity works it’s like witchcraft to me I’ll never understand it is there a word for crosswalk h Wu is crossing aruku is walking and there’s a song from the the movie my

    Neighbor tooro the opening song and it goes what Yan we had to watch that every year in Japanese class without subtitles until we understood the movie every single year and it was cool it was like a really good way to measure our progression and learning the

    Language cuz by like the fourth year of Japanese class I understood everything in that movie I had the comprehension of like a 10-year-old Japanese child and I still do get in touch with your inner Japanese child like the one from The Grudge is that a bottle of piss n n mono ooh

    You’ll see this on a lot of uh I don’t know drinks and food and [ __ ] like on packaging so so so good so good ramen is that rocks it’s rock Ramen tono is food if you’re in a hostage situation in Japan maybe you got

    In deep with the yaka you got in a a really really bad situation and you’re just like tied up in a room somewhere and your Capt come in you can Say is that mold is it moldy Ramen it looks like it has been sitting out here for a while is this hak dorak Don boru hope that doesn’t sound familiar to anyone else ooh what about these crates I love how I love how many lone words there are it’s fun

    And you have to pronounce it like that you can’t just go up to someone and be like oh where’s the bottle crate you have to say and then they’ll understand especially if you say it really cutely wait look at all these books what is this this like a romance

    Novel ooh I bet it get spicy manga manga OSI Roy kak is to draw I’m going to draw my own mangas I’m going to move to Japan and become a manga author I love enimies and gaming and smile Decay this is IG Gucci it means entrance but that’s sign that’s a sign

    That says that to the movie theater where’s the word from movie theater again AA yeah yeah yeah PGA is mov that’s the Japanese word for Kino oh and there’s a made cafea this is where you can find all the [ __ ] what language Job d give them a linguistic job yeah the slots like slot machines there’s like gotta machines and made cafes a lot of the time and you can win interesting prizes mezashi party room come into wachino party room English and Korean and Chinese what is the Japanese word v

    China again is it CH Goku why is it that word yeah like as in middle no smoking I’m sure a lot of YouTuber fans probably recognize this word it’s uh what they usually say at the beginning of a really long white background black text formal announcement that one of

    Their talent is being taken out back and they’re going to shoot them and replace them with someone else yeah it’s cool it’s very T andai yeah because they want they want to inform you this sty sty prepare my yacht nice boat ooh here’s another little restaurant little piggy restaurant oink

    Oink oink oink moo moo Zs Z Ming fun a what are you doing are you trying to catch a fish oh this cat looks kind of seductive I like this cat more than the other one this cat’s kind of giv bedroom eyes very cunning Hawaii damn why is that cat giving me

    That look Jesus bro lay off wait are you there are fish there’s fish look that fat ass fish Sakana to cat to fish or to catch suu there’s that CH again middle water you’re in the middle of the water when you’re underwater inside of it and the word for like under

    Construction use is chew too Shabu Shabu isn’t that when you take meat and you like sprinkle it with stuff Shabu Shabu what is the name of the game can I download it from Steam yes the name of the game isingo me turn the station if I save and quit will it close

    The entire game this is Chingo


    1. This is the most calming games and one of the cutest and most clever ideas for an educational game. I hope these devs go far and expand the idea as far as it can go. What they've got is incredible so far!

      Also, if you want a VOD that feels like just a classic one-off from Nyan, this one is perfect. 10 outta 10.

    2. I hope this game makes a good buck. I'd love to see the concept expanded to cover other locations and languages. Even just watching this stream made me feel like I was learning, even while pink cat babbles about stuff. Much more accessible than many other methods. Graphics are cute as hell, and its a super chill vibe.

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