Full Low Carb Day Macros:
    P: 342g C: 313g F: 49g 3,024kcal

    Breakfast: P: 110g C: 71g F: 9g 855kcal

    Omelette: 1.5cups egg whites + 4.5oz chicken breast (cooked weight) + 28g fat free cheddar cheese + 30g Dijon mustard + 62g Rotel Tomatoes + spices

    Oats: 1/2cup egg white + 80g oats + 14g cocoa powder + 2g Espresso powder + Sucralose

    Meal 2: P: 62g C: 44g F: 10g 508kcal
    6oz Chicken Breast (Cooked Weight) + 62g Rotel Tomatoes + 62g Corn + 61g Black Beans + 30g Lite Sour Cream + Romaine + Bell Pepper + Poblano + 1 Flour Tortilla

    Meal 3: P: 62g C: 44g F: 10g 508kcal
    6oz Chicken Breast (Cooked Weight) + 62g Rotel Tomatoes + 62g Corn + 61g Black Beans + 30g Lite Sour Cream + Romaine + Bell Pepper + Poblano + 1 Flour Tortilla

    Meal 4: P: 62g C: 44g F: 10g 508kcal
    6oz Chicken Breast (Cooked Weight) + 62g Rotel Tomatoes + 62g Corn + 61g Black Beans + 30g Lite Sour Cream + Romaine + Bell Pepper + Poblano + 1 Flour Tortilla

    Meal 5: P: 47g C: 110g F: 8g
    “Egg white French toast” = 8 Slices butter bread + 1cup egg whites + vanilla bean paste + cardamom + cinnamon + sucralose + Walden farms sugar free syrup

    Supplements: 2 Animal Pak per day, Type 2 Collagen, Nattokinase, Citrus Bergamot

    00:00 Intro
    00:10 Breakfast Breakdown
    02:03 Omelette Assembly
    05:47 Chocolate Oat Assembly
    07:19 Breakfast Plated Up
    07:44 Meal 2, 3 & 4 Salad Base Assembly
    13:11 Salad Dressing Recipe
    17:23 Fully Assembled Salads
    18:10 French Toast Assembly

    #bodybuilding #weightloss #cooking #food #kitchen #diet #mealprep #cutting #protein #recipe #brennaneggers #bodybuildingchef

    All right episode 15 we got same breakfast each day this week it’s a one and 1/2 cup egg whites in my omelette half cup in my oats with 4 and 1 12 ounces of chicken breast on The Omelette that’s the cooked weight uncooked since Meats lose about

    25% of their Mass after cooking um or through cooking it’s six ounces raw so always calculate your weights based on Raw weight we’re GNA cut up an onion throw some toppings in it and uh get this rolling I uh try to find more free audio and once again I was copyrighted on

    Episode 14 what’s funny is it was only the last like clip of music to cover up the leg day noise and it’s really funny cuz I’m trying to not uh let the music in the background of the gym get me in trouble because it’s playing and then I don’t want it to be

    Dead silent and the video gets flagged for the music I try to cover it up with so we got those egg whites going we’re going to throw some oats in here 80 gram with 400 gram of water and we’ll do that for uh five minutes and then I’ll cut up the ingredients for

    The uh The Omelette I’ll make sure I put all the macros and time stamps in the description so if you want to just fast forward to things then you’re more than welcome to so 5 minutes for uh oats when you do one cup with 400 gram

    Of water and then I’ll let that keep going until it’s uh ready to get topped and I’ll catch back up with everybody boom all right so om’s almost done our topping on so we going to put our half onion I don’t use the whole half of the

    Onion whole half I use the rest of it in my salads since it’s a low carb day today the meals that change are my meals 2 three and four they’re all salads with one tortilla so I have a little bit of carbs throughout the day I believe I’ll have all my macros will

    Be in the description but I consume about 300 G of carbs on non-training days I’m not trying to get completely flattened out by not eating enough 4 and 1 12 ounces of chicken evenly spread out across the omelets as evenly as I can get without it hanging off the

    Edges cuz I didn’t do it perfectly yesterday the timing was just a little off but the top of the Omelette was cooked through perfectly and you want to add the ingredients while the omel let’s eggs are still a little bit wet so that way they have uh something to bind

    To so we’re going to throw some cheese on here cheese is like your glue so evenly distributed it’ll hold things together unfortunately I only get 28 grams of cheese so it’s not a ton and The Omelette or the eggs just finished I’ll add some egg to that in a

    Second or the oats all over the place today must be hungry skipping over thoughts so dillweed I like to season with dill weed a pinch of salt nothing too crazy I get about six seven grams of salt day total sodium intake sprinkle of some powdered garlic you don’t want to put too many

    Seasonings and too many flavors on your Foods otherwise you can’t delineate where the flavors are coming from or what they are at all we got that we’re going to put 30 gram of uh Dijon mustard in The Omelette or six teaspoons I figured out that it’s like the perfect

    Amount and this is like my second binder and glue for The Omelette kind of what else holds it together the surface tension of the the Dijon mustard is what sticks the rest of it together like Elmer’s glue and then lastly our Rotel tomato 1/4 cup this breakfast lands me at about 850

    Calories once again that’ll be in the description this omelet alone accounts for like 100 gr of protein love a high protein breakfast and then we’re going to fold this in half perfect she looks great push some of the toppings back in a little bit that’s what you want your

    Omelette to look like so turn the heat off and let the residual heat keep it going in the meantime I’m going to add the remaining half cup of oats half cup of egg whites to my oats I’ll microwave it for another 3 minutes and I’ll show you guys what I do

    When I add my ingredients to finish off my chocolate oats all right so the oats are done cooking I’m going to put a splash of water in here to make it a little easier to mix everything in but what we put in our oats espresso powder 2 G

    14 G of cocoa powder and a metric ton of Splenda two uh two teaspoons is about 2 gram of espresso powder there’s not really any calories in it so not too worried about having to weigh it perfectly and then cocoa powder I didn’t realize there’s fiber in

    This five grams who have known it’s pretty cool and then Splenda you can always add a like a pinch of salt to taste they always say like an eighth teaspoon is like pretty good in your oats enhances the flavor and this is my 850 calorie 100 G protein

    Breakfast so I’m going to mix whisk these eggs in or uh shoot man I keep calling these oats eggs so I’m going to whisk the oats and I’ll get it all plated up and I’ll show you what my breakfast spread looks like on the daily finally here’s the spread got the

    Chocolate oats one cup with half a cup of egg whites we got the 1 and 1/2 cup egg white omelet with 4 and a half ounces of chicken our diet coke that’s also caffeine-free and that omelette looks beautiful if you want the macros they’re in the description you guys meal 2 3 and

    Four prep coming up next all right so we’re prepping meals 2 three and four they’re all salads today with one flow tortilla at each meal just a little texture something to enjoy I could probably do something like croutons but it so we’re going to put a little

    Bit more than one Romain lettuce heart in each uh these Romain his Hearts this week looked a little like small so we’re going to cut up about four of them and get them divided up all right so each meal gets lettuce uh a third of a pablano and a

    Third of a uh bell pepper make sure you wash off your produce I feel like I’m going to say that forever just to reiterate and have your best chance of not ruining three four days of progress by having to deal with uh what do you call it bacterial infection from um

    Salmonella or eoli salmonella is not completely cooking your Foods eoli is uh basically getting fecal matter on your food and unfortunately with produce uh you do have to fertilize your food and it’s veryy easy to get feal matter on it it’s easy to get feal matter on your food by not washing your

    Hands or keeping clean surfaces they find that cutting boards have a ton of eoli on them if they’re not cleaned regularly I clean my uh cutting board every single day soap and water and I scrub it thoroughly so you know if you care about your health that

    Means more than just eating clean food like healthy food that also means like literally eating clean food so we’re going to divide up this Romain big old Handful in each then we got 6 oz raw weight or 6 oz cooked weight of chicken breast which is

    8 oz raw before you cook it so there’s about 60 grams of protein in each meal this bowl looks a little light so I’m going to take out of this one and a little out of this one since there’s like less appe like it’s just not as appetizing to eat uh

    Lettuce than it is to eat rice I definitely eat these meals slower and the extra fiber certainly makes them more filling I thought that these digested fast but honestly this week after having rice meals holy cow those things digest too fast it feels like I’m so hungry

    After I eat them so when I uh start bulking up adding calories in in the offseason I’ll start uh incorporating carbs in those meals two three and four by adding probably 100 gram of rice per meal uncooked weight um it’s more accurate to measure your rice uncooked

    Especially if you cook it fresh every day and that’s a quick way to add uh like 70 grams of carbs per meal and then uh what else I’ll probably add some toast to my breakfast and if I were to like yesterday I ate 3,300 calories I still ate under maintenance

    At 4,000 calories on Monday my high carb day so in the offseason I’ll slowly increase my training days to all be close to maintenance and then my uh my days off from training will still be low calorie so I can you know maintain insulin sensitivity and I

    Can uh get some digestive relief you know let my stomach slow down for a day and not have to do so much you know digesting and then as we get later into the offseason and I’m past the maintenance phase point I’ll start to uh what do you call it I’ll start

    Uh having high carb high calorie cheat days so I want to get all my days I want to get like eating 4,300 to 4,500 calories per day on training days I want my off days to be about 3,000 calories and then after that I’ll just

    See how much food I can add on training days what I can tolerate and my Last Resort will be to add uh calories on non-training days and I’m going to try to keep cardio in in the offseason just to maintain heart health it’ll be more like hit

    Cardio very short just to spike the heart rate and sustain it for a few minutes and then I’ll have maybe like one day of moderate low uh low intensity cardio just to do a different form of cardio for the heart so we’re almost done with the base salad

    Assembly didn’t put enough pablano on this one so I’m going to take some of its friends and spread them out over there all right so that’s the base salad next I’m going to assemble the uh salad dressing okay so the salad dressing is pretty straightforward let’s move some of these

    So I can make some space for a second there we go that’s better all right so we already got that quarter onion in here I measure everything else in grams today so I’ll leave it on the grams side we need 167 G of corn might be this whole container

    Well I’m just going to add a couple extra grams of beans so instead of 63 gram of beans or 183 I’ll add uh 200 gram one gram off 183 you actually I’m not going to be lazy I’m going to just open up another can drain it and then I’ll start the

    Video back up all right corn is drained you don’t want to be lazy you want to uh you know get everything accurate so I had 157 grams of corn I got to add 30 more grams of corn to make it 187 come on baby come

    On there we go all right on the spot so we got corn and black beans so far going to add the rest of that can of rotell tomato 17 71 there’s a little liquid in there that’s four more G than I needed oh no so then we’re going to juice uh lime on

    Here I’m getting a little better at making these videos starting to time stamp and like cut out the parts where I’m just talking too much because I can’t think of someone who wants to just sit there and listen to all that five grams of uh or one teaspoon of Dijon

    Mustard six tablespoons of light sour cream so that’s 90 G there we go 90 gr got that down and next is just seasonings I don’t really need a WAV these but two teaspoons of cilantro dried we’re going to do a teaspoon and a half of smoked paprika this is where you’re going to

    Get your Mexican flavor is the cumin we’re going to do two teaspoons cumin it always smells like Bo to me for some reason but it tastes good just T just smells weird about 3/4 to a half teaspoon of garlic powder and then a dash of GRA black

    Pepper it’s better fresh but I don’t always feel like grinding it and then a large pinch of salt we’re going to mix that all up and put it in the salads and then we’ll cut up the chicken and that’ll be it for the salads all right so here’s meals 2 three

    And four I don’t work out today I do have some tissue work to get done but we got our 600 calorie salads slightly less actually but got salad pablano bell pepper peer the dressing and then 6 oz of cooked chicken on top we got one flour tortilla to eat with each those

    Are going to be the meals throughout the day today and we’re going to try to get about a gallon and a half of water in today since I’m getting tissue work you really need to stay hydrated you want to look at it as similar to doing another

    Workout in terms of something to recover from because of the muscle damage so I’m going to try to get two gallons of water in today and today since it’s less carbs I hopefully lie in weigh in at my lightest tomorrow tomorrow we shall see but uh not sure what I’ll update other

    Than this and then my French toast for tonight but that is my low carb day this week for the carb cycling diet we got the one cup of egg whites 230 gram mixed up with Splenda vanilla extract cardamom and depending on how many slices of bread you give yourself will

    Depend on how much you want to soak them in this if it’s four bread slices for example here then you you can just go ahead and dunk it around all you want if you need to get it in the pan faster because you have four more slices to

    Dunk you know don’t go too slow Square pans are the best because you can cook the most slices all at once and that’s pretty much it just put them in there and let them cook at a medium temp until they unstick from the pan on their

    Own and then flip them you’ll see me dust them with cinnamon and then pretty much it and now they’re all in the pan I poured the remaining egg whites on the slices since this is only for four slices of bread and I’m about to do mine for eight

    Slices but just dust them with some cinnamon flip them when they unstick from your good non-stick pan and then soak them in Walden Farm’s maple syrup pretty good stuff does have a little bit of an aftertaste so here’s a great example you can smell they’re ready but you can just shake them so

    Clearly they are very ready to flip so we’re going to take a look at the other side should use a spatula but we’re going to yep and that looks good ready to FL here is the final reveal booyah

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