Its been a few weeks since being able to get out on the road, busy family life and poor weather at weekends has meant spending some time inside on the turbo. However, with a dry sunny Saturday Morning free it means one thing, hunting for hills and pain!

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    H decisions this one or this one good morning sports fans and decisions were made we are out on Canyon the summer bike because if you can see behind the trees there there’s a funny thing in the sky that us Brits haven’t seen for a while called the sun and it is nice it

    Is nice to get out the roads are dry it’s warmish it’s about 8° and uh it is good to be back out on the road bike we are going to do a sort of 40 maybe 45 mile Loop today I’m going to take you on some roads I’ve not been to before we’re

    Going to just nip in in and out of Rutland which is I think it’s the smallest county in the UK but one of my favorite places to ride a bike so welcome along and uh I hope you enjoy the video and some of the views that I show

    You it is so good to be back out on the bike like I’ve spent the last few weeks turboing and uh just trying to tick over in the week nights whether I get a 10 m in or something like that on the bike on the on the turbo trainer just to uh try

    And up the miles and get the legs shook the sausage legs into working so yeah it’s good to be back out I couldn’t ride last weekend but look we’re getting to the uh the hilly parts of the ride we’ve just come out of a village called nassington and we head further up here

    Into a place called apthorp so I will film it as I get through um but yeah we’re going to head into the uh County of Rutland a little bit today take on a few Hills um it’s going to be a another long ride for me I haven’t really ridden this distance quite a

    While but um looking forward to it and uh seeing how I feel for the rest of the day might be interesting but um it’s what we need to do need to shut the legs into doing a bit further mileage and uh p a ride so we’re out early it’s 9:35

    We’ve done nearly 9 miles We’re into the small little village now of apes or it’s not a lot here we got a church a memorial and somewhere around this corner is a nice Pub which I think last time I cycled this way was actually closed oh it’s toet yep still closed no

    One’s ever no one’s bought the pub yet anybody wants the pub to run there you go to it and just as we got into apop we’re leaving it next Village along the Route Kings Cliffe this is the main road up the middle of uh Kings cliff and as you can

    See it’s sort of Old Stone buildings either side of the road it’s a beautiful part of the world it really is is and like I said as soon as we get into King sliff we’re again at the other side we take our left at the end of this road here we’re back out

    Into the uh B roads of Northampton Shire yeah yeah Northampton Shire ready to cross over into into [Applause] Rutland this section of Road we’re on now is part of a loop that I used to do every weekend with the uh the guys I used to

    Train with and uh the shop ride that I used to to race for the shops Chang names now it’s uh called Peter cycle Hub but I I’ll put that link down below so if you need anything in petur bike servicing or fixing head to them guys

    But yeah this route we’re on now used to be part of their training Loop and if you can see over this wall just here a nice River Lake pond inside here and further further up this road here is one of the nicest views going these boys that just overtaken are

    Actually the ride from the pit of a cycle Hub shop on our race when it was called Green Wheel cycles but they’re on the route now we go around this corner here and it opens up down there over a nice Bridge you’ll see it’s lovely here

    We go look the daffodills are out the sunshine is out you got a lovely Bridge just here lovely bridge and the views of the water across it absolutely stunning one side and then over to the next in the pond beautiful we come out of blck and the

    Road starts to go upwards now but we have to remember Jake what goes up comes down goes down To This is where the ride gets interesting folks we cross over the a43 into Rutland this is where things that go up must come down but the painful bit to the up bit Lon our first Village in mland Shia it’s not called Rutland here it’s just Rutland but are we still Le this year

    Yep this next place we’re about to head into is called harringworth and uh it’s got a famous Vu going across it which I will show you shortly but this hill we’re about to go down is the one that everybody used to come to the Train on it’s quite long it’s quite

    Steep and luckily enough today we’re going down it and not up it cuz this fat boy and these sausage legs ain’t ready for that Yet and that was H with Hill down Hill but the main spectacular thing to see in harworth is This Magnificent piece of architecture here the harworth fire duct here we are I got it wrong we were in leester share or Northampton share but now look we’re in Rutland briefly

    Into Rutland there’s the sign there’s the viaduct we’re going to take a right turn straight as soon as we go through it but it is pretty spectacular the cars are looking at me going what’s this guy doing but yeah we go like we said once you go down you have to go

    Up sports fans look at the view look at the Wellen Valley that is beautiful we are cutting through on a road between sort of baradan and wakeley wood to the base of the next sort of villagey it’s a village not a town a village that we’re

    Going to be going to called colly Weston now colly Weston you can probably see in the distance over that way has a big climb going up to top of it and when we get to the bottom of it or just before the bottom I’ll tell you

    A story about this climb and uh I might have a few flashbacks I think collie Weston so many years ago before I actually did start cycling back maybe in 2011 something along those sort of lines I um was at a party with some friends and stupidly while drinking agreed to go

    Out for a bike ride on the Sunday morning after the Saturday night party bearing in mind I wasn’t a cyclist um no Fitness had done no exercise for many years and uh we came out on a sort of 30 35 M bike ride thought nothing of it thought

    Yeah I’ll be ready to do that easy peasy and then we got to the base of this next clim about to go up colly Western Hill now all I can say is the bloke I went up the hill with was a cycling vet fit bloke and uh he said well go up here

    You’ll be fine and as we started cycling up it just left me bed up here as fast as he could left me left me struggling the H way up it let’s just let’s just say that I nearly vommed going up the up it anyway I uh next cross pass with this

    Chap after I’d started racing uh and 3 to four years after that time I was very fit 70 kg and I said let’s go for a ride so what did I think let’s go up the colly West and uh climb anyway it’s my

    Turn to show off so I uh got to the base of this climb got out the saddle and left him for Dead bear in mind he was still a fit bloke but I was just fit at that time so all I can say is one all

    Anyway we’re at the base of the climb now we’re heading up there towards that church if you can see it with the sunshine so I’m going to clip you back on the bars I’ll see you at the top when I’m hanging out my ass it’s hurting a bit now the worst

    Thing about this climb as you get to the top and you think yeah I’ve done it only to have to go around this corner and got up a bit more can we get a draft off the track there they’re burning now Jake yeah okay that was horrible that was

    Flashbacks to that hung over beginning Noob cyclist time I went up it God God what we done 28 miles into the ride we’ve got about another 15 till we get home well 15 to the coffee stop and then a couple miles home I’m going to feel it

    This afternoon sports fans I really am are 35 miles into the ride we are just coming down into wford which is the town on the outskirts of piz so not too far from home I’m ready for a coffee I’m starting to feel it now now I know 35 Mi isn’t

    Much to some of you uh Superstars out there but to me it hasn’t really Widden much distance especially when you shuck a few Hills in and now a slight headwind I starting to feel it but we continue we have got another about 12 miles to get

    Home maybe maybe 10 so uh it’s going to be a good 40 over 40 mile ride which is which is good in my book I’ll take it into wford Street High Street hok Hotel on the left when we’re going up a hill there and that’s one Hill and then one

    More Hill after that and then we’re done for the day can you see these guys up in the sky jumping parachuting down out of a glider or whatever look here he comes swinging it around can you see that all I can say is he’s got a bigger

    Bigger pair of dogs bollocks than I’ve got okay it won’t get me doing that cuz I’m scared of heights and we are back into Elton one climb left for the day then we can get on with the coffee and the rest of the afternoon a 42 and 1/2 VES in and my

    Body is feeling it my arms my shoulders my back my plums everything is aching we are just cutting through a housing estate not too far from home going to head to Starbucks and grab a quick flat white and that probably be it for our day today I’m ready for this

    Drink this is truly needed but it’s nice out here in the sun quick flat white and then down the bus lane home cheers Jake cheers Tom good I’m knacked oh right that little coffee and little protein snack bar has helped I’ve got about half a mile a mile before I’m

    Home so I’m going to say thanks for watching I appreciate it I’ll post a picture of the route on screen now it’s going to be about 44 45 mile route by the time we finished unless just say it’s it’s not super distance it’s not super far but for me

    It’s a good good achievement today so I’m happy the legs aren’t happy the back’s not and uh Everything feels a bit tired but we keep going tomorrow is a recovery day and I’m hopefully we get some nights on the turbo this week as well anyway I’m waffling so thanks for

    Watching as always if you’ve enjoyed the videos please hit that like button and if you uh keep coming back to the channel and watching the videos hit that subscribe button it’s going to help me out a little bit anyway enjoy the rest of your weekend and uh Happy Mother’s Day to all

    The MS out there see you Later


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