November 23 2004. Duane Bertrand was shot in his car in London three years ago. Can you help find his killer? The show’s also hunting a burglar. His name is known but not his whereabouts.

    Welcome to crat UK we’re live we’re waiting for your call First the gang who set out to steal on Halloween and ended up committing Murder Roger Gates has lived in this Farmhouse for over 50 years but the area’s become part of the suburbs and he and his wife Chito are renting out their land as a lorry Park the American government’s been trying to reassure voters they’ll be safe from terrorists when they go to the

    Polls on Tuesday the head of Homeland tror was with me for 13 years specific int our plans were to get married next year at April we were going to build up the business and consolidate it tidy up buildings improve buildings I just been looking at that back field you know I

    Should consider perhaps letting it out next year in other words we had plans for the future all the time yeah good idea we’d have to have a larger sign though jarita was generous to a fault exceedingly kind in everything she did very good very kind everybody loved

    Her a passer by was at the back of the farm in horseshoe Crescent where a metal fence surrounds the lorri park You know I was thinking when we do the new Conservatory by 5:00 3 weeks ago it was already dark and then I can have my pot plants in the way around what the hell do they want what can I do for you boys can you

    Give us a key for the gate the drivers will have a key we’ve lost those sorry can’t help what did you recognize any of I’ve never seen them before in my life like the look of them they Shifty that how they’ve broken the gates I’m not having this I’m waiting till they come

    Back Slow Down slow down slow down it was a brutal cowardly act there was no way she could have got out out of there you simply drove straight at her there great proportion the building was smashed into and it was jammed for interesting to them merciless the cruelty of that is beyond

    Belief you killed my wife the world’s short of nice people they leave very valuable ripples about other people people that leave kindness you can’t afford to lose them nobody [Applause] can this is DCI Dave Cobb and Dave Sharita was incredibly Brave wasn’t she try to stop that line a very very brave

    Lady and what she was doing that evening was acting upon her instincts really to do what she thought was right in trying to get that barrier down and stop that gang from sealing the Lorry and the valuable lad they had with it as well what can you tell us about the game what

    Do they look like well there’s some good details there the first man who was the driver of the Lorry over 6ot tall he’s a white male although his complexion is described as quite dark that may be a stubble it may be grubbiness or it may

    Be because it was dark at that time of night he’s wearing distinctive blue or black track Su bottoms with a white straw and he smokes he was seen to be smoking um I mean it’s worth pointing out when you look at the EIT he doesn’t look particularly like the ACT

    Reconstruction but the EIT is the thing that people should look that’s right the eits people and what about the other twoe the man that was with him he was somewhat shorter about the same age 30 to 40 years old fairly nondescript clothing light brown clothing but he had

    An accent that was described as either Irish or from the traveling Community the third man was only seen very briefly all we can say about him was that he’s much younger than the other two and it’s worth pointing out isn’t it in terms of Clues as to who these people might be

    They also knew how to to handle that kind of equipment heavy heavy digging Machinery the Lorry that’s what that’s what I’m asking people to do tonight put together all the factors here someone that matches those description someone that knows where North Hol is in the Northwest London area but most

    Importantly someone that could drive plants High equipment heavy diggers heavy lores and maneuver them around as they did and what about the Mercedes that we saw the Mercedes speeds round to the front of the farm just afterwards it actually takes a fairly crude three-point turn where there’s some

    Temporary traffic lights which is where the A40 passes over Kensington Road um now that was seen by some people and it was done with disregard to the other motorists so I’m sure other drivers saw that it then collects the driver from the lri and it speeds off I’m obviously

    Keen to trace that Mercedes it’s silver it’s in very good condition it’s a four-door Saloon possibly an E-class and there’s something about the headlights in that they’re described as as um as frog eyee headlights which means that there’s two separate lights on each side of the Bonnet which is a design that

    Mercedes had between 1 and 5 years old okay well there’s a reward of £25,000 for information needed to the conviction of one or more of the gang Roger’s life has been Shattered by sherita’s death if you have any information on the identity of these men if you can put all those

    Clues together call or500 600600 or ring the instant room in Hendon on 020 83582 still to come the night which began with an 81st birthday and ended up in violence bye see you later the Christmas time rape of a child in Mansfield how people in leads might help catch a gruesome

    Killer and who made off with 26 of these we have some truly excellent progress report from our last two programs all of it thanks to crime watch viewers last month we asked for help to identify two men after an attempted burglary in Chester Donald Stewart was

    Arrested on the night of the program and his cousin James mcferson handed himself in the following week both have been charged with two counts of attempted burglary Newport in gwent now where there was CCTV of three girls involved in a really vicious attack on another

    Girl as a direct result of 50 cost of crime watch including relatives of those named three women and a man have been charged with violent disorder and attempted Grievous bodily harm progress on the death of dawn ra a mother of two who was knocked over in a hit and run in

    Tottenham North London a year ago last month we appealed for information two men have since been helping the police with their inquiries progress to from the September program on the violent disorder in Cen in Su that was after England’s Euro 2004 defeat by Portugal we wanted to identify

    12 men thought to be involved in the violence we can’t show you their pictures tonight because they’re now the subject of police inquiries a flood of calls came in after the program and four people were arrested and charged with violent disorder the remaining eight have been identified independently of

    Crime watch and more arrests will follow progress now on the murder of the French student Emily de Grange in Twickenham last August you might have seen quite a bit of this in the papers yesterday and today it’s independent of crime watch a man has been arrested on

    Suspicion of her murder and also the attempted murder and robbery of a 26y old woman near Twickenham in November 2002 and now a request for a witness two months ago we appealed about the murder of a be BBC employee Tom Brown he was stabbed in Southgate in North London

    Detectives have now issued this EIT of a man they want to trace he was seen in the area shortly before Tom’s death that’s the early hours of Saturday the 21st of August he’s described as late 20s medium bills dark brown hair and in a tracksuit with a hood he was seen with

    A woman in Southgate High Street near the bus stop where Tom was found the couple seem to be having an argument who was the woman she’s described as white 5’4 late 20s Slim and with shoulder length curly black hair if you can identify either of them if you can help call 0500

    600600 out of the blue a crime on an estate which has never known anything like it it was obviously pretty well planned in as much as the attack has had balac clavas but the target an 81y old woman seems utterly random happy birthday to [Applause] you I was celebr to me 8 first birthday we was having a sing song in the PO and was really really happy are you getting tired I think we need to get you home it’s been lovely go good night Mom good night dear don’t forget I’m coming tomorrow to

    Take you to Richard I won’t Theo but every year nothing changes police theom worried that people historic ceremony signing the treaty that will bring into Force the new EU this was a suspected safe house where it thought foreign Fighters and give me all your money I don’t have any money

    Money don’t give me that show me where it is go on show me show me all the Mone is in a bad ticket what are you doing there’s not enough no oh no and he pushed me back three or four times in my chair oh I don’t know

    About I couldn’t move I was paralyzed for a few minutes and then when he hit me everything went black let’s go I saw the lights and I just open the door and run off I could that could have killed me all of a sudden I felt as if my nose

    Had bursted and a cut I could feel the cut was he punched me so he must have had a ring on and the blood was everywhere all over the frame all over the floor oh my [Applause] goodness the next morning my eyes was like to blood blister and the bruises on

    My head I couldn’t tell you my day I bang the RS together picking on Old Woman they can’t have no parents of their own that’s what I’d like to do just get them and bang the RS together if I got the strength well she’s a very flucky lady

    Isn’t she but this is di Ron wbank and I would have thought with very little to start this case with uh we do have information we’re reping for at the moment obviously the incident occurred at about 3:30 in the morning near to smic High Street two men dressed in dark

    Clothing possibly a vehicle in the area possible someone’s seeing them uh and so obviously we’re appealing for witnesses to come forward and anyone that was in the air at that particular point in time this is early on a SAT point B three weeks ago yes SM Center and it’s the

    Sort of crime which I mean it’s so appalling I mean as you know if these guys are caught when they go to prison the sort of guys are going to be called nonis for beating up an 81 year old what well it’s a particularly vicious crime against a very uh vulnerable victim um

    I’m sure that most of the uh viewers this evening will have either relatives or people that I know who are in a similar position to Sally who are actually uh living alone and defending for themselves um I’d appeal to anyone including members of the criminal fraternity to come forward and give any

    Information at talk they can do uh in order to apprehend the uh the person who’s carried out this awful crime right well bear in mind whoever did it I mean the the the violence was almost right from the start and and vicious I it seems unlikely he’s behaved like an

    Angel up to then I mean people might recognize someone from that sort of very far temperament and or attacking elderly people s well that is a possibility as you say the uh the level of violence was uh started almost immediately there was no buildup at all um it was aimed at a

    Particularly vulnerable victim but the other guy didn’t take much part in the violence if any no the the other person uh he’s literally held Sally’s arm and the the main offender has punched her about the the face I would even appeal to the person who’s taken the minor part

    In the offense to come forward and give us help all right well surely nobody would want to protect the guy the main guy who really battered her our numbers on the screen or you can call the incident room there are colleagues of Ron there that’s in smic on 0121 626

    9079 Harry simox was 10 years old when he was killed in a traffic hit and run near Thruxton in Wilshire three months ago his father was critically injured tonight help catch the Lorry driver who’s responsible this is Harry’s mother Joe fland as his stepmother Deb Simcox and leading the inquires inspector David

    Watkins David first of all just tell us what happened here what we know at the moment is that just before 2:00 in the afternoon of Tuesday the 31st of August this year that’s the day before the bank day after sorry the bank holiday um silver persio 306 been driven by Harry’s

    Dad who was driving on the a303 between andova and Salsbury when it reached the area of the thrux motor racing circuit it was in lane two of that which is a dual Carriage that road which is a dual carriageway a lorri moved out from Lane one and we believe that lorri struck the

    Rear near side of the perso causing it to spin across the carriageway and strike the rear of a lorry which was parked in the in the layby sadly and tragically as a result of that crash young Harry died and his far the pool was seriously injured now certainly when

    You look at the car it’s it’s a terrible mess I mean there’s no question is it that the Lor driver could have known what happened no we know we’re happy that the Lorry driver knew the crash had occurred it was SE the Lorry after the impact was seen swerving up the road as

    If the driver had lost control the lawyer was then seen once it ring gain control the lawyer was seen driving off at the next exit which is a junction with the a338 now the a338 is a road that leads between the a303 and up to Mara through

    The Villages of tidworth there is a possibility that it may well have turned back onto the a303 back past the scene of the CR crash to see what had happened okay well Jose there a lovely picture we’ve got of Harry here he’s just 10 years old tell us a little bit about him

    I think Harry was one of those people who from the moment he woke up in the morning he smiled um I think his mission in life was to make people happy he always had jokes to tell stories to tell or would just simply fool around just to make

    People happy and to cheer people up just a very jolly little boy very he just started at a new school he was settling in really really well making lots of new friends and doing really well at school okay well Debs what about Harry’s dad Paul what situation is he in now

    Well Paul suffered um a severe head injury as a result of the crash um he’s making recovery but he’s got some damage to his brain and we’re not just not sure what long-term impact that’s going to have um he’s found it very difficult to deal with Harry’s death and obviously

    You know that whole period of his life he can’t remember and uh he is struggling with it well Dave this has had a devastating impact this crash as we can see from from Joe and Debs here in terms of the Lori itself what Clues have you got that viewers can help with

    Tonight in terms of identifying the Lori and the Lori driver we’ve spoken to a number of witnesses and they’ve identified the Lor as being a large Lor it’s a large Goods vehicle with a blue um area the blue had blue sides blue sides at the

    Back blue Sor blue sides and a blue back back um we’re not sure of the color of the cabin this station but we believe it’s probably a different color to the um the loading area and what about the registration plate there’s there’s some indications about that too yes

    Originally we thought um the vehicle May well be a a for registered vehicle um one was seen in the area at the time of the crash and we’re still trying to trace that vehicle but we’re not saying that was the one involved in the crash what about the lettering on the

    Registration plate now that the rear registration plate on that was colored white U with a red surround around the outside um and that had black letters inside black letters on the number plate spelling out the letters a l and then a sort of um there some kind of symbol

    Symbol of some kind and another l l e n um so we’re looking for that vehicle at the foreign registration plate yeah believe it’s a for registration plate and we’re linking in with our colleagues abroad I’ve got an intelligence unit we’re linking in with our colleagues

    Abroad to see if we can identify that vehicle or some something similar to that so presume if there are any transport managers who think that that might that might ring a bell with them they might have had some kind of connection with that law you want them

    To call tonight yes I do also I believe that the driver this vehicle I say I think he would have known about the crash and if he had known the consequence of the crash I would suspect they would have returned back to their base quite shocked and they behaving

    Different their behavior be different to what it would normally be and I would ask for any person in the transport industry or anybody connected with the transport industry to contact us if they if they recognize those signs and their drivers or if they believe that their drivers involved in this crash

    Particularly if they were on the a303 at that time what about Witnesses I mean there’s there’s one in particular is there’s someone who was driving a white van that’s correct a white van stopped at the scene of the crash immediately afterwards um one of the occupants got

    Out went back to the car and then got back in the van and the van then drove off um we’d like to trace that vehicle and speak to the occupants of it and then of course anyone who may have seen anything I we don’t know this particular

    L was involved uh with this particular lettering but anyone who may have seen the L or anything around the area at that time that’s correct the a303 is a very very busy road that time of day um and that time of year it was actually

    The day of the Dorset steam fair so it was particularly busy um we’ve identified some witnesses but what I would like to do is build up a picture of all those people using the westbound a303 between 1:30 and 2:00 and I would ask anybody using the carriageway at

    Those times to contact me please okay well Joe or Debs I mean if if if there are people out there and they’re perhaps hesitating about calling what would you say to me I I think that it’s um it’s very important for us both of our families

    That we can move on with this um and we can’t do that until we get some information through so really for both of our sakes and you know for Paul and for um Chris Joe’s husband please give us some information ring up if you know anything at all and please help us to

    Move on with our lives okay well look Harry was only 10 years old if you were that Lorry driver please call us if you can help in any way the number is as always 0500 600 600 or there’s the operation rufford incident room in Hampshire on 0845 045

    4545 now here’s DC Jackie Hayes and DC RAV Wilding well we’ve six faces for you now they’re all wanted for serious crimes throughout the UK tell us where they are we’re looking for Marcus Wayne in connection with the murder of Timothy mcferson in oldum in July he traveled to

    London after after the murder and was living in Wood Green until 2 months ago now I now have information that he’s calling himself Tony and is with another man known as Drew they’re befriending students in North London Marcus Wayne is fluent in German and has a sociology

    Degree which is something he may well bring up in conversation John Blackstar escaped from prison while serving three and a half years for stealing high value cars he’s now wanted for a series of similar offenses he befriends car dealers sometimes dressing as a police officer or posing as a Marine he was

    Last seen in Paisley near Glasgow in August John blackor is 46 he has a glaswegian accent and tends to use false names incidentally he’s a diabetic and almost certainly receiving medical treatment so watch out if you’re a doctor or nurse Wayne Richards is wanted for the murder of Mark Johnson who was

    Stabbed to death in April in a McDonald’s car park in Birmingham Wayne Richards is 28 and has an s-shaped scar on his right arm as you can see he used to have a mustache he’s often called way pain or Wayne pain he has affiliations with gangs in hansworth and is

    Considered to be extremely dangerous this is Carlos Sanchez kardo but he may well be using different names he’s a member of the South American drugs cartel and he’s wanted for money laundering and for bringing huge amounts of cocaine into Britain he’s 38 stocky and has Connections in kentish town as

    Stanford Hill North London we’re also looking for Russel Muhammad in connection with the rape of a woman in Telford Muhammad is an Iraqi kurd but has been living here for 4 years moving between cyen and wver Hampton he’s also worked at a number of factories in Telford he may now be living in

    Maidstone Kent but wherever he is we really need to find him Richard Osborne is wanted for possession of firearms including a scorpion machine gun which is capable of firing more than 15 rounds a second he comes from Northwest London but his Connections in Bristol and the Midlands he’s 22 and he’s known as

    Richie Buu 0 500 600 600 if you can help with any of these cases to Yorkshire now and our next appeal is a most of all a viewers in leads tonight the gruesome find at a West Yorkshire Beauty Spot police now say it’s a murder hunt lindsy Bourne’s

    Leg is so far the only part of her body to be found by police searching Woodhouse Ridge the 28-year-old prostitute hadn’t been reported missing and until now there seemed few Clues as to what had happened to her this this is sovereing Street just outside the center

    Of leads by day a busy business area during the evening the the scene changes and becomes more or less the center of the red light district of the center of lead this is where Lindsay came she was dropped off about 11 11:30 on Thursday the 9th of September the arrangement was

    That she’d go to work she’d meet her friends again at this telephone box 3:00 a.m. the next morning she never made that meeting take care yes see you later bye all right the most likely thing we feel is that she was propositioned by a client in a car and she was taken away

    From here and we’re never seen her again detectives were alerted after dog walkers found human bones buried in a wood just outside leads this isn’t headed known as Woodhouse Ridge a month to the day after Lindsay went missing from Sovereign Street a local man walking his dog discovered what proved

    To be the lower half of Lindsay’s leg the questions that we have to address now are who took Lindsay from Sovereign Street what vehicle was involved where did she go where has she been where was she murdered where did the dismemberment take place how and when with the two

    Parts of her leg brought to where we are now well a little ear earlier this evening I spoke to Lindsay’s mother Karen porson Karen for any parent to have a child kill is almost inconceivable um the circumstances of this are absolutely appalling for you but perhaps what makes it worse is

    There’s just so little to go on what are you in your heart what are you hoping to find out what do you want to know I wanted to know what happened to Lindsay if she suffered at all um what where a body is what’s happened

    To a body and we just want a body back tell us a bit about her I mean she got into drugs and up to that point have been a perfectly normal little girl perfectly happy at home she yes she’s just went through the normal teenage Tantrums I suppose and

    Um how did she get into drugs I think it’s just the teen teenagee culture really she was she was going dancing to Rave dances and she got into drugs um she said it was speed that she first took and we thought we’d we got assorted when she

    Told us about it we thought we got to sorted out with that um but then obviously she started taking drugs again and I think that’s what led to the prositution and then to a murder what effect has has this had on the rest of the family oh devastating effect um we can’t

    Sleep on a night time we just wake up every couple of hours nightmares wondering where she is what’s happened to her just think about parts of her body being buried that they found and where’s the rest of her you know where is she just want to have her

    Back well let’s hope someone tonight can help okay let’s see if you can help with this um Professor Chris Milroy the forensic pathologist investigating Lindsay’s murder fairly gruesome business you’re in engaging but absolutely critical to this nothing but a leg now what have you been able to Asain from that well from

    Scientific tests we know this is actually Lindsay’s leg so you’ve AB proved that conclusively yes we’ve also um been able to show that it was dismembered from the rest of her corpse in other words she she was definitely dead thank heavens before she was member there’s no question yes and um she

    Almost certainly was killed um within a short time of her disappearance okay so that’s that’s uh what Thursday the 9th she was last seen I think Thursday so we’re talking about Thursday the 9th of September until what the 10th or 11th she was certainly dead by then uh

    Something of that is that order the place where the body uh part was found would indicate the this this man uh is is happy to be in that area he knows that area but of course we’ve only found the leg and there are possibly five or

    Six other dump sites within a three M radius you think research shows that somebody who would do this would take the body into several bits and and scatter them that’s right it will dump them in more than one sight so what we want to know is has anyone smelt anything

    Foul uh since that time has anybody found blood stains in a house that shouldn’t have been there have the man that they know wash their clothing have they burnt anything have they um behaved oddly gone out at odd times would would this be somebody who’s got specialist knowledge as you as as a

    Pathologist as a doctor or is this fairly crude there’s nothing to indicate this person has any specialist skill such as a doctor or a butcher or a chef this but it is somebody you’re fairly confident in leads yes they would know would the place where the the body was

    Parts were found and and probably have dumped other bits within a three M radius you know please help catch this man uh given the nature of this crime it’s really frightening the idea he might do something like this again or if you were a client of lindes inent we

    Promise confidentiality if you call us here if you know anything at all our number is on the screen the instant room in leads is another free phone number that’s 050040 9 99 and there are other officers there waiting for your call over the last year 15 armed

    Robberies have taken place at Aldi and little supermarkets across the West Midlands this is DCI Derek Mason talking about 15 armed robberies here and you’re certain AR you they’ve all been committed by the same group of people yes we are sure that they have been committed by the same people we’ve got

    Quite a bit of video evidence that shows these offenders well let’s take a look at CCTV because now just tell us what we can see here D right we can see the two workers coming into the store followed by the three offenders who we believe to be Asian with Midland accents Midland of

    Course you can’t really see much about them otherwise can you cuz they’ve got ball clavas on haven’t they yes they wear masks at all times when they commit these offenses of robberies now the fighting thing is of course that the they’re armed AR only one of them’s got

    A gun yes whenever they come at these robberies they have a handgun they threaten staff with it here again we can see you see it gleaming there as they they hold it to a member of staff’s head and March them through the store here is one of the offenders marching through

    The store as you can see all masked up but wearing what we believe is quite distinctive clothing and what is it there after is it cash they’re trying to get yes um they’re after the cash from the safe in these Stores um stealing approximately £2,000 here you can see them marching a

    Member of Staff down into the terrifying for that member of Staff oh yes it definitely terrifying verbal threats obviously the threats with the firearm as well and what time of day are we talking about here right they’re going out at 5:30 in the morning up to 8:00 so

    Very early in the morning they’re out committing these offenses at alian little and this is the car that they always use isn’t it it’s a citen saxo a black citan saxo yeah it’s a black citan saxo VTR or VTS where they use fors plates on the vehicle we believe that

    It’s either their vehicle or they’ve got easy access to such a vehicle this is the one they always use they always use this black s and sax out to up these offenses we haven’t got a lot to go in terms of what they they look like but

    One of them was wearing a very distinctive Nike top so we can have a look at that can’t we yes the night top as you can see it’s got a black body with gray sleeves and hood and on the back there is the word Nike with a n

    Tick it is quite a distinctive top that the offender wears okay well let’s see what our viewers can help with tonight there’s a rewarding certainly of £5,000 from Aldi Supermarkets leading to the conviction of any of these men and don’t forget in many cases they’ve been violent towards a supermarket staff

    They’ve even threatened to shoot them you saw them with a gun there help put a stop to them before they seriously hurt someone call us in the studio on 0500 600600 or the instant room in Birmingham on 0121 2000252 now here’s Jack in RAV with the

    Latest on tonight’s call so far yes well I’ve been taking particular interest in the cause coming in on the Chita Gates murder in North North London um we saw three suspects and a silver E-Class Mercedes involved in that crashing of the Lori in such a terrible way but I’m

    Particularly interested callers who can um cast light on who can drive these heavy plant machines that they were trying to steal three mechanical diggers were stolen were they stolen to order for someone in particular that’s a very unusual thing to steal if you can shed some light on that I’m sure the officers

    Here will be very grateful RAV how have you been doing tonight well I’ve just been talking to my colleagues here about that brutal attack up in smic on Sally Skidmore and we’ve had lots of calls coming in but in particular we had one call that a viewer said they heard from

    Someone else that they confessed to the attack encouraging stuff but to reassure those viewers that were a bit concerned saying if we don’t know the identity of the offenders or even a description how can they help well we do know there was two of them we do know one were a black

    3/4 length jacket and the other a black bomber jacket we know it happened very early in the morning between about 3:30 and 3:45 there’s absolutely no excuse for this level of violence so if you do know anything about it you must give us a call the studio number is on the screen

    And if you’re watching on digital satellite TV you can email us directly through your remote control just press the red button and choose cry much it’s not yet uh 25 to 10 we’re getting some really cracking calls in um it’s going to be Christmas of course next month

    Which makes it a good time now for a seasonal appeal aimed at people who live at Mansfield in nosing Hamshire going to ask you to think back to last Christmas and whether you had a relative to stay on Sunday the 28th of December 3 days after Christmas and he must be white

    In his early 20s slim around 5’1 tall with short dark brown hair and back then a year ago he’d have owned a pair of royal blue tracksuit bottoms and a navy blue top now if you know somebody like that well you could help solve a really very brutal crime and the officers here

    Awaiting for your Call Molly come on Molly get in the picture come on love there we go right every smile D ready and family Christmas is are normally happy we enjoy them and we’re all together 1 two 3 smile Molly I want you back in an hour for lunch I’m not that hungry mom well

    You will be we been out for a walk okay but I’m going to ask the others if they want to come as well well that’s all right we just be back in an hour come on then James bye see you later have fun okay see you in a bit bye

    She’s a very bubbly happy gol lucky girl she enjoys school she’s got a big group that she does go out with and hang around with in and out of school which is really Nice oh hi Molly hi it’s CA there please no she’s not she’s gone to the cinema okay no worries I’m just taking James for a walk oh okay well I’ll get it to call you okay thank you byebye come on James on her way she called for three more

    Friends who have dogs but no one was in basically I was just walking father-in-law’s dog and as I walk down here with the dog through this through this edge here a gentleman appeared from the right hand side um it was very hled up looked cold looked completely out of

    Place it’s not a place you come at this time of the year without a dog I was heading towards the woods just over in front in front of me over there the person was probably 3 to 400 yards in front of me I think he turned around once and had a quick

    Look uh but then he was it was just just his way he was walking if you’re coming out for a stroll you don’t walk as quickly as he was walking and then he went round uh the path there into the clearing and then as he got into the

    Clear and speeded up and that was the last I saw him the dog is definitely part of the family and we’ve had him three years and um he loves her and she loves him and she enjoys taking him out for walks uh she’ be gone for quite a while at some

    Occasions whether she called for friends or not go on go on oh boy come on goodbye don’t worried I just need your help what are you doing I’ve got a gang after me and the police are after me too what are you doing I said don’t worry I

    Just need you to go into the woods with your dog just to see if they’re in there shut that dog up no BR stop come on quickly we need to walk faster I need help quickly what do you want if everything’s all right I’m not

    Going to let go of you cuz you’re going to scream oh J don’t hurt me I promise I won’t hurt you how old are you 1 don’t cry [ __ ] I think we need to get down here right give me a jacket what are you doing what are you

    Going to do to me help me what are you going to do just get on your knees you see this the girl was then raped just keep looking at the wall please don’t hurt me just keep looking at the wall please don’t hurt me it’s affected everyone in different ways uh it’s

    Affected them very deeply you know each each one has different feelings about what happened you know everyone’s very angry um you know and so is she she’s very strong very strong girl no woman or child you know whatever like that to happen um and it is it is your worst nightmare

    However strong the girl however strong the family it’s hard to conceive what must have been going through this is D ash Wilson he’s got to find the man responsible he must be wi he’s going to do it again um what makes you think that he’s visited a Mansfield inet rather

    Rather than somebody who lives there Nick Martin Nick Martin put a lot of effort into local inquiries these have almost been exhausted we really do feel now that it may be someone from out of the area now we gave a description earlier we think he’s early 20s he’s

    Slim clean shaven at least he was a year ago he talked a lot to the girl is that was he just worried and nervous or was that a characteristic do you think if you anything to go on this is rare it’s not very often that someone will talk

    That much or for that length of time this must be significant someone with a knife of course so someone who was staying in that area over the Christmas period recognizes the description of the possible attacker what else is there what about Witnesses or have you really

    Exhausted that we spoke to a lot of local Witnesses who were walking the dog in the area on that day the significance is it’s only 3 days after Christmas it’s the first Sunday after Christmas last year yeah now to place it it’s by the local vets isn’t it it’s it’s quite a

    Built up area around there it is it’s um a very built up area a lot of residential housing in the area but the place itself was actually very secluded yeah where there was people noticed in the Reconstruction when he took her into the into the bushes into the woods there

    There was something yellow on the ground what was that we believe this is a fluorescent yellow paper boy or girl’s bag that would be used to deliver papers of the morning um we’ve not traced the origin of this bag and we’d dearly like to so you’re concerned with somebody

    Anybody in the area Mansfield area who who lost one who dropped one who put one there or else is the possibility was taken there by the rapist himself to sort of Mark the area we are examining the possibility that it’s been placed at that particular location as a marker by

    The attacker okay you think he probably knows the area anyway that’s why you you think he was a Christmas visitor to the area rather than someone who’s just there for the day the attacker must have knowledge of that area okay if someone matching that description we staying

    With you or uh staying with someone you know last Christmas or has visited the area or ever came from the Mansfield area give us a ring please no call to crime watch are traced and of course you could prevent this happening to another child 0500 600 600 or the Mansfield

    Incident room is on 01623 483 925 and if you’ve been the victim of a crime you would like to talk to somebody you can always ring victim support line on 0845 33900 now here’s DC Ral Wilding of robbery Ransom and violence all for you this month all of it’s

    Caught on camera give us the names of those responsible and even better where we can find them tonight First Nuki and arm robbery at a garage this man is threatening a member of Staff of a knife to get cash from the Tilt no he’s wearing a Philadelphia Eagles baseball hat which isn’t available in the shops in the UK scar I’m so so know I don’t mean this I just have to

    Do it do you know who he is Kent next this man is counting Ransom money which was given to him for the safe return of a rare BMW stolen a few days Earlier the owner of the car asked the man to come to his Motel to collect the cash can you name him now fraud in Newcastle upon time this man is shopping with a stolen credit card in this store he buys a Camcorder at a jewers down the road he’s able to purchase a man’s wristwatch in total he spent over 2,000 in 2 hours who is he Central London now and an assault on a bus passenger a group of youths get on the N9 bus at Trafalga square and sit in various

    Seats two of them at the back of the lower deck others seen here upstairs threaten a man sitting next to them when joined by the rest of the group they assault Him and after he goes downstairs to escape they follow and attack again do you recognize any of Them and I’m after a rather stupid con man here he is after fently buying a motor home worth £30,000 the previous owner was so sorry to part with his home that he asked the buyer to pose with it for a photo given that the owner has been ripped off it’s

    A rather useful souvenir who’s the crook give us a call 0500 600600 if you can help us with any of our cases now an incredible piece of CCTV that’s only been been released today we think it’s so shocking that we can only show you part of it but you’re about to

    Witness an attempted murder the pictures aren’t brilliant but there are vivid Clues on Wednesday night about a month ago Charles Butler drove home parking outside his home on Green Lane in dagam Essex now we can see the CCTV and he’s going to start walking from the bottom

    Here towards his home as you’ll see there another man who’s actually T timed his walk to coincide with Charles arriving home and he Fires at him chasing him around this car and off into the street that must been terrifying for Charles Butler absolutely terrifying now

    I’d like to rerun this again so you can see our gunman walking down the road he’s got a very distinctive walk almost a Swagger it’s been described at perhaps you can recognize that as somebody you know who walks just like that really very distinctive now we’re going to have

    A look at it from another angle um we’re not obviously showing any more of this footage because it is far too distressing and uh again you can see Charles running away with that very distinctive man can you put together that walk with a very distinctive dark jacket which has white writing on the

    Back perhaps that’ll pin him down now we think after that he went down to we think the Gman got into a red car possibly a Toyota hatchback after the shooting and we do have a partial registration number which includes an m and a p so do you remember seeing

    Anything like this on Green Lane on a Wednesday night 5 weeks ago and was this the would be killer earlier or perhaps you were the driver of the car that turned into Mr Butler’s driveway an hour before and who got out I think you can just see that there here

    He comes do you recognize that man the car was a 1995 silver or gray Ford Granada Cosworth now we need most importantly to find a motive Charles Butler is married with Children and though still alive he hasn’t regained Consciousness in fact his injuries are so serious this could well turn into a

    Murder inquiry if you can help please call us here free in the studio on 0500 6006 600 or you can ring the incident room in Edmonton on o02 8345 4362 now there’s a 20,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and prosecution now a case from operation

    Tried and that’s the big team of detectives tackling gun crime in the black community they know that someone from North London has been bragging about a murder 3 years ago but they also know the killer got the wrong man it’s next week okay his victim was a

    Likable DJ with no enemies who on the night he died had simply been handing out flyers for friend’s band his name was Dwayne Bertrand he was quite gentle you know and a quiet person it’s happening next week okay he wasn’t that sort of um person to get into fights or arguments

    Or anything HTH so same place next week he actually lived you know for his for his music when he was about seven he started saving his um pocket money you know to buy records he used to call himself um selector D and then when he got

    Older you know he changed to DJ destiny for the past few weeks Dwayne had lent his car to a friend against whom someone had a grudge you’re buying I’m starving yeah you Dwayne and his friends went to Leicester Square to get a quick bite before heading home going to buy you a

    Me on me thank you thanks how are you October 3 years ago in McDonald’s in Leicester Square if you were that friend or acquaintance perhaps called Bera we’re not sure give us a call L to go all right take care so how much people are we looking

    To come I’m guessing if you can get 500 then then we’re doing well next towards Tottenham Court Road and out towards King’s cross to drop off one of his friends nearby Dwayne didn’t know it but CCTV proves he was being followed 5 seconds behind him was a

    Black VW Golf and 30 seconds later but catching up was a three Series BMW [Applause] Wrong oh God He wasn’t involved in anything they just had a night out and he went to drop his friend at his home and and he just sat there and his life was taken even now I still don’t believe it I’m thinking oh he’s gone somewhere you know and he’ll be

    Back at least if someone is is is convicted well then you know we can put it to rest because it’s like 3 years now and here I am going over the same thing again you know and maybe next year and whatever every time every year when the time comes around it’s it comes

    Back well police have a strong suspect and quite a bit of evidence all it needs is a bit more to tip the scales of Justice if you know who did it give us a call if you know who’s shielding him or where he put the gun us know what about

    That BMW it was very distinctive a black three series with seven spoke Alloys a beige interior an unusually three rear headrests one call could make all the difference on this one 0 500 600 600 now this is di Scott Wilson and Scott hearing Dwayne’s mother there and seeing

    The pictures of him as a little boy it’s worth reiterating isn’t it that there was absolutely no reason why Dwayne should have been targeted absolutely correct there is no reason at all you should been targeted in this way and we are certain it was a case of mistaken

    Identity and people have been talking about this in the community been bragging about it that’s correct the weeks and months after the Mur we aware people were talking about it and our appeal is directed at Partners ex gang members friends of those individuals to come forward and tell us what you know

    About who committed this horrific crime we saw the two cars in the CCTV there there was the gulf that was leading the way what about the people in that golf well the things about the golf is from CCTV images we know the golf had actually left by the time the Fatal

    Shots were fired by the occupant of the BMW so again our appeal is to the occupants of that golf come forward cuz you could well be significant Witnesses rather than suspects in this case come forward and speak to us and the BMW is that likely to have been stolen do you

    Think we know it’s not stolen it checks have been done and it wasn’t a lost or stolen vehicle and it has never been abandoned so our thoughts are it’s probably been a higher car or a leas car which was then returned the day after or a week later with no suspicion at all

    And the gunman in the car what about a description he’s a black male he’s 21 years old he’s 5′ 10 and he was wearing a Nike T-shirt with yellow around the collar and Nike and 2 in letters across the fund again in yellow and was wearing

    A hoodie top there’s a £10,000 reward on this this case is is what three years old now but it you’re not going to let this go away but I operation tried and has got a reputation for pursuing all unsolved murder cases because people’s allegiances do change and people do come

    Forward and again that’s what we asking for tonight for someone to come forward in order we can conclude this case for the for Dwayne’s family well You’ got strong evidence already 0500 600600 if you can help or call the instant room in henden on 02873 for 704 if you want to remain

    Anonymous you can call Crim stoppers on 0800 51 well earlier we looked at these six faces and asked you to find them they could have been anywhere across the UK all wanted for very serious offenses we haven’t had a lot of calls but uh what we have had could be quite positive um

    There’s been a number of sightings as usual but if you still know where they are please keep calling in there’s plenty of lines here to and officers here to take your calls there is one call I haven’t mentioned which uh actually could provide a result for

    Later on in the program and it’s being made now just as we speak so fingers crossed all of these are names that have been put in as possible for the Mansfield rapist the guy who raped a young girl a child really um obviously too early to say much about them except

    That one of them in particular is is looking very interesting indeed as far as the Sally Skidmore attacks the 81y old was attacked in her home uh two people have given the same name they’re completely different people we’re confident of that so that’s obviously going to be checked out pretty soon um

    As far as uh Tom Brown is concerned we’ve got one name on that Harry simco’s got over a 100 calls in fact well over probably getting on for 150 now a lot of people making a lot of suggestions most of them coming to Spain Germany or Austria remember we were trying to

    Identify a truck with particular markings on it and several people said Germany and Austria have got very similar symbols to that so that’ll be looked into very quickly indeed thieves struck in Wales last month are made off with 26 of these and Di Paul Griffiths is on the trail of the

    Culprit where were they taken from Paul they were taken on Monday the 18th of October from an industrial unit in Ponty pool in South Wales now we’ve got some of the uh some of them here they’re pretty distinctive aren’t they yes we’ve got they’re all children’s bikes we’ve

    Got a a ZD motorbikes we had 12 of those stolen we had nine mini bikes stolen and five quad bikes they’ve all almost all of them have got the dragon mark on them haven’t they that’s correct yeah most of them have got this Dragon Mark which is

    Actually embossed in the casing of the Machinery of the bike so obviously that’s what people should look out for it’s worth saying that these are still being sold legitimately through legitimate dealers but if if um someone is trying to to to flog the ones that were stolen whereabouts are they likely

    To turn up well with Christmas approach and we wondering whether they’ll be sold through car boot sales or through newspaper adverts so we’ll be looking for any help in that sort of Direction and obviously you want to hear from anyone who’s who’s been told about these

    Maybe in the pub or as you say car boot sales that kind of thing yes that would help okay well um you can hardly miss them can you further information about the bices on our website at crime if you think you know where they are our usual numbers on the

    Screen or call the instant room in Newport on 0163 838 tre1 our phone lines are open until midnight tonight and from 7:30 in the morning until midnight tomorrow now next month’s program is in just 3 3 weeks time on Tuesday the 14th of December we’ll be back at 10:35 with the crime

    Watch update if you can’t stay up until then uh we’ll do remember the sort of serious crimes we feature not so much the quog bikes but the serious ones are very very rare so don’t have nightmares please do sleep well good night good night [Applause]


    1. A 41 year old drug addict was convicted of cherita gates manslaughter in 2006.His sentence was 10 years plus 3 years for other thefts.His accomplice got 3 years.both were from the travelling community

    2. Until this episode here are the "missing from YouTube" Crimewatch UK episodes

      ● Thu December 10 1992

      ● Thu October 11 2001 (the first twenty-four minutes are missing)

      ● Wed March 6 2002

      ● Thu June 26 2003

      ● Thu November 20 2003 (the last few minutes are missing)

      ● Wed December 17 2003 (the first few minutes are missing)

      ● Wed April 28 2004

    3. Does anyone remember a case that was featured on Crimewatch in the 80s, where a young man was killed whilst walking down the street in London, possibly Camden. I can't remember how he died, but the police thought the culprit didn't intend to kill him. The victim was a young white man with dark hair.

      It wasn't the one where the Irish suspect followed a man to the public toilet and killed him, it was a different one. I don't think it had a proper reconstruction.

    4. I used to watch Crimewatch quite a lot back in the days,Seen wicked nasty things what Victims have gone through,Can't be nothing worse than this terribley nasty crime what this Victim went through,She was kidnapped by two blokes,Droven out about 70 miles away from her old home,Doused in petrol,Set on fire and left to die,I thought I keep on posting this about,Try and get as many people to try and find her killers,Before they attack any one else,

    5. A lot of women/girls seem to be attacked while walking dogs and the dogs don't do anything to protect their owner. You think they would if they "loved" their owner.

    6. Found this on the man shot in Essex:
      A businessman was shot dead in a contract killing set up by his wife and stepdaughter, a court has heard.
      Charles Butler, 50, was shot near his home in Dagenham, east London, in 2004. He died nine months later.
      His wife Yvonne and stepdaughter Marcia offered £5,000 to have Mr Butler killed because he allegedly molested Marcia, the Old Bailey was told.
      David Austin, from Thornton Heath, south London, and Douglas Johnson, from New Addington, Surrey, deny murder.
      Mr Butler was shot in the neck as he arrived home in October 2004.
      CCTV footage played to the jury showed a man pulling out a gun, which apparently failed to go off at point blank range, enabling Mr Butler to run away.
      He was chased around a car before tripping and being shot. The gunman is then shown running off to a waiting car.
      After the shooting Mr Butler fell into a coma and died nine months later, never regaining consciousness.
      Prosecuting, Mark Dennis QC said alleged gunman Mr Johnson, 27, and getaway driver Mr Austin, 41, later boasted of the shooting while on remand and said it had been set up by his family.
      Mr Dennis said: "The contract had been put out by members of his own family because of abuse suffered in the past.
      "It was stemming from the molestation of Marcia."
      Eight months before the shooting, police had been called to Mr Butler's home over a domestic incident.
      No criminal complaint was made but Mrs Butler told an officer she wanted a divorce, said Mr Dennis.
      Marcia, who is in her 20s, subsequently asked Mr Austin's brother Peter "if he knew anyone who could shoot her stepfather, adding that her mother was going to put up the money," Mr Dennis said.
      Mr Johnson and his girlfriend Caroline Lavender, 27, deny conspiracy to pervert the course of justice by lying about a car used in the shooting.
      The trial continues.

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