Last September, we embarked on a 10-day motorcycle trip through the Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, and Montenegro. This trip exceeded my expectations in every way possible. I hope you enjoy this 19 minute synopsis of this experience of a lifetime. I want to give a special thank you to my mom and dad for making this trip happen. This was an incredible experience that I am grateful to have shared with everyone on the trip.

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    My dad’s side of our family has Serbian Heritage in fact my great-grandparents both migrated to the United States from Serbia for much of my life my dad has talked about wanting to visit Serbia our friend Terry who fearlessly leads riding trips around the globe with good company

    May have played a role in inspiring my dad to organize a riding trip in Serbia my dad hired a guide sorted out logistics and set the dates fortunately he likes me enough to invite me along that that or he just likes my sister enough and she needed someone who could

    Ride a motorcycle to Lug her around the balons whatever the case I left Belgrade Montana at the beginning of September to fly to Belgrade Serbia travel went smoothly overall as I connected with my dad and Pete at the JFK Airport in New York for our final leg of the journey

    There Pete may have booked a flight for the wrong day so after getting that sorted out we were on our way to Serbia to meet up with the girls who flew in days prior to enjoy some time at the spa we had a group of 10 total including my

    Wonderful parents Terry and his lovely wife Annie who I hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting prior to this trip my parents friends Pete and Patty our guides Goran and his wife Reda and my sister and I 10 people five bikes and 10 days of Adventure ahead of us I can happily and

    Honestly say this trip exceeded my expectations in every way possible I gained a deeper appreciation for what family means on this trip developed new friendships and strengthened existing ones with our trip to Vietnam last January completely blowing my mind I figured if this trip was half as good it

    Would be a win well this trip was completely different of course different country different people different bikes and different culture but I can barely begin to express how incredible this experience was as well and I am so grateful that my parents gave me the opportunity to experience this with them

    After a wonderful welcome dinner with Goran and radmila we got some rest before loading up our saddle bags for the adventure ahead I was pleased to learn that we were riding Suzuki vrom 650s as I was led to believe that we would be on older KLR 650s my sister

    Impressed me with her ability to not completely overflow the saddle bags I did it and we actually made our limited space work pretty darn well for the duration of the trip loaded up and ready to go we embarked on day one He W is it beer block sure is let’s go all Right morning mother hi you ready for day two hi yeah woohoo wo the second day of our trip started with some more beautiful riding through the countryside and then we made a few stops at different historic sites with some Scenic views we went on a really nice scenic train ride before finishing the

    Day on the bikes and arriving in Saro here’s a hilarious shot my sister got of me packing up my camera frantically afraid I was going to miss the Train now I did have a problem when we arrived in Saro I was hangry it is not often I find myself at that level but I was upset and unpleasant one more apology to everyone on the trip for my behavior boys got to eat after a delicious meal I was

    Rejuvenated and happy again and Cambry and I stayed out to explore some local bars and listen to live music One Beer just to say hey tarps are optional good buddy tarps are optional good buddy you stumbled a bit bro I am a little stumbly what’s up Levi

    Hey Shay TPS on for hotel entrance we done up a Aon we left our 60-year-old roommates with the keys cuz they go in the lights but um the key also goes in the door uhoh but business hours are 0 to 24 every day hey Hey Ron hello we are outside our hotel but

    We can’t go in uh 2016 hashtag is the password thank you how do you breathe with that thing on I don’t bre I exclusively breathe through my mouth that’s the worst thing you can do I know you told me ask Annie I don’t need to I got the same W length exactly

    All right Cambria what am I going to do our third day of the trip had quite a few surprises in store and was a really special day today oh por we enjoyed a beautiful ride out of Saro and into the Unknown with some incredible twisty roads along with some absolutely beautiful rock formations and Landscape we arrived at a gorgeous lunch spot with some awesome waterfalls where we all earned the meat sweats as a result of this heaping pile of deliciousness just look at the passion Terry has for these

    French fries after lunch here is how aware Annie was that Goron had a surprise in Store T are you going to ride with that toothpick you look you look dangerous we rode to the village where Annie’s grandfather grew up which caught her completely off guard and was a really

    Special moment to be a part of I told the kids down there said wave hello to your family yeah the kids on the bridge look at this beautiful Sharon that was the town Sharon yeah yeah cuz even when we went through um is it Dragon Cena

    Whatever it is that’s near here that is where my grandfather was born but this is where he was raised yes I was like wait a second I go Dragon Cena I go that’s where my grandfather was born and what was your M name again uh pinu but

    It it was changed when they came to America because it should have an h and they put a v in America all the itches end in i here a lot of them is just IC right not IC it looks like a new but it’s it’s a letter ch ch yeah yeah yeah

    This is big I mean that’s huge after visiting the memorial and seeing her family name up there we hopped back on the bikes and made it to moar where we would stay for the night little did we know just how much leg work Goran had

    Done leading up to this trip to make it a special experience for all of us and the days ahead had many more surprises in store we explored mostar which was a beautiful town before enjoying some drinks and Chachi cheese which is kind of a Serbian sausage what do you think

    Mom only a year older pretty damn good I like Mom’s better than I like Mom’s better too I think they’re similar I like the green onions I like the green onions like the green onions still fire though that River the water fountain whatever it [Laughter]

    Was the day was not over until my dad found himself an ice cream cone so after enjoying some ice cream we went to bed in preparation for day four you got music you jamming what are you listening to J Bieber Annie never stopped smiling I know she’s

    Great look how happy she is this music on I knew she would Be Our first stop of the day gave Terry the opportunity to talk about one of his very favorite things rocks so if you had a cake that you know the water is coming through and making would make like stag types if flip it to the next page

    Derish got to try every new energy drink in foreign countries W after this stop we continued on to ride through the village where the paves were originally from and then Goran had an unbelievable surprise in store danan and his cousin wa came here to welcome Us in whose house are we at this is Dam pel yeah yeah he’s petel and you’ll see

    SC yeah yeah right you see as it turns out the pels and paves came from two Villages that were only a few miles apart but my great-grandparents who migrated to the USA never knew each other in Serbia it wasn’t until my bubba and jetto which is Grandma and Grandpa

    And Serbian met in the USA that this crazy connection was made Goran managed to track down our relatives on the pel side who welcomed us with open arms as if we have been a part of each other’s lives forever they had been working on a complete family tree that my dad was

    Able to help finish and we got to see what remains of the house where my Bubba’s father grew up they prepared an unbelievable meal that we shared together and this was a truly touching experience it really made me think about the value and importance of family friends giving and sharing time together

    This was a truly eye-opening experience and seeing the joy that it brought to my dad was nothing short of incredible plus as it turns out Goran made many different trips to this area knocking on doors and asking around to track down this extended family after a seriously unbelievable afternoon I spent the rest

    Of the day on the bike deep in thought at what we had just experienced we made it to trevet where my mom and Annie were feeling a little frisky and ready to go out on the town did you just say way are your shiy seen it oh yeah on going straight back back

    For seconds we are freaking awesome mother mom does a drunk cartwheel I do drunk backflip that’s actually really good I don’t have my oh Mom love you I like a not hey today Mom great I’m not going out with the kids anymore though oh she’s going again I got to keep up with

    Her only only you let’s see those moves no cheese no sandwich we have both of those things God damn woohoo that’s a freaking Castle After a Scenic ride along the Adriatic Sea and a few hours exploring de bronik Goran had yet another incredible experience in store for us he found my Bubba’s first cousin who is still alive and well but was not part of the family that ever migrated to the USA so he and

    My bubba never actually met once again the welcoming we received was astounding and despite the language barrier we sat down and enjoyed a wonderful lunch together sharing photos and making family connections the little boy in this photo right here is this same man sitting right there I never could have

    Expected to have these family experiences on this trip and it was a lot to take in all at once but in such a great way we hit the road once again and arrived in budva where we would spend a rest day enjoying some time on the beach

    Nature wom the nature is so cool you just want to go wow that’s neat nature we arrived at our hotel and my biggest complaint was the terrible views from my room we were pretty tired from the days of Adventure so we did what you might expect and went out on the town with

    Some random guys we met from the UK 15 7 A.M baby no they’re just french fries from Turkish men second time being locked out of our hotel at 2: a.m. on this trip those french fries were fire though and my drunk ass is going to bed the next day in boa Cambria and I went jet skiing and

    Scuba diving before we all enjoyed a wonderful dinner together on the water for our last night in bua we left the following morning to head to our next destination which was a crafting Center on the Tera River this day of riding was absolutely spectacular with some of the coolest views and most

    Absurd tunnels carved into the mountain sides that I have ever seen we even got to do the Terra Canyon zipline which is one of the largest zip lines in Europe [Applause] A come Go We were lucky enough to be able to stream the SMX race all the way down in this Canyon and that closed out our day and we were excited to wake up and get on the River Down Well I’m not drinking this whole bottle by myself oh hold on we woke up to a stunning View and enjoyed coffee while Roda played with this cute kitten before we hopped on the bikes to our final town before our returned to Belgrade after arriving we got up to some group Shenanigans proving

    That old is nothing but a mindset and Goron treated us to some of the most incredible Sundays we’ve ever had I somehow managed to get this whole group to pose for an oace ice cream photo that concluded our final night together as Terry and Annie continued their trip

    Onto Germany and the rest of us went our separate ways home from Belgrade this was an experience of a lifetime and we created memories together that I will cherish for the rest of my life Life

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