Sinsheim is a town in south-western Germany, in the Rhine Neckar Area of the state Baden-WΓΌrttemberg about 22 kilometres south-east of Heidelberg and about 28 kilometres north-west of Heilbronn in the district Rhein-Neckar.

    Heilbronn is a city on the Neckar River in southwest Germany. St. Kilian Church dates back to the 13th century, with an octagonal Renaissance tower and a Gothic altarpiece. The Town Hall facade has a 16th-century astronomical clock. North in the Neckar Valley, the late-medieval Guttenberg Castle has a museum and live birds of prey. East of the city, the area around Lake Breitenau has trails and vineyards.

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    You want to listen e up I for I all Che it out experience bycast by night all day hey what’s up good to see you guys two musketeers the front lines of UFO disclosure it is a car if that’s true J I think you guys are I mean you’re

    You’re certainly probably can I get the mic turned up on his backy yeah there’s a little thing right there you can hear your own voice it’s exciting times it is it’s very exciting times I’ve said it a few times and I never thought I would see it

    In my life you know I would just keep plugging away this is my 36th year doing this Jason this crazy story I never thought I would make this much progress still a long way to go are you apprehensive at all that some of the stuff that they’re releasing is

    of course of who were they I mean when you see these these the pentagons talking about it when you know intelligent officials you ever wonder whether or not it’s disinformation yeah yeah so yeah I’ll take that first um yeah I’ve heard you kind of talk about that about you know

    And I think it’s a very healthy suspicion to have have uh my perspective is a little different in that people are always coming at me with fake information like every day all the time but the people in government that we have been able to kind of um interface

    With I wish there was an adult in the room I wish that this was orchestrated through the media it would give me some sort of hope that someone has some sort of control on this and that has not been my experience okay what is your exper what what’s your impression of how

    It’s a big question I don’t know where to start on that but I just here’s what I know I know that there are people in government that want some level of disclosure on whatever this is without defining it just there should be oversight so I know that to be true

    There are good people that think that people are running a muck and there must be oversite not just financially but if these types of Technologies actually exist hos in control yeah ACC I mean we have a history of disinformation and misinformation put out to the public and to Congress uh by

    The intelligence Community by the Pentagon they lie all the time it it comes it’s part of the turf it’s part of the job but for them to then go into closed door briefings with members of congress with the oversight committees who handle their budgets for them to lie

    About that that’s another matter and I I don’t think they would um because they can get busted for it a lot of stuff is coming out now and I I know we get asked all the time who’s behind this push you know it looks like it’s one big movement

    As opposed to a bunch of different things that all happen in approximately the same time it’s kind of been organic different people have come forward and it encourages other people come to come forward as opposed to somebody doing a master manipulation of the whole thing what resistance is there to this

    Information there’s resistance on like multiple levels so despite what what you believe to be true or not true the big question is are we going to be able to verify some of these claims that that’s all I care about right if we’re back engineering some of these craft uh then

    I I believe that we should we should have the discovery process to find out if things like what David grush has said under oath that he has literally put his well-being and his safety on the line for if that is true then we have a duty

    To find out so the push back comes from many levels there’s stigma it’s huge dude like it it is political toxicity for some of these Senators to even you know people don’t want to they don’t want me to say I ever talk with them it’s like a it’s like a it’s like a

    Toxic environment politically UFO thing because everybody thinks it’s or you’re a loon if you believe it it’s not everybody but quite a few people not just that it doesn’t help you get reelected man and then when you start poking the bear and going into the oversight committees and the Senate

    Intelligence committee and the you know all these things they’re like whoo whoo wo this is our territory why are you as Congress pushing on us why are you doing that like this is our job we have clearances so there’s that that kind of perspective you look back at the

    Beginning of the cover up you know why did it happen why did it start well wait if 1947 this gigantic wave of UFOs toly appear you got Kenneth Arnold you got Roswell hundreds of sightings all over we just come out of World War II and our

    Military is faced with a new threat that they really don’t know what the hell it is they start looking at it and trying to figure it out but they so they sort of painted themselves into a corner of secrecy nobody wants to admit if you’re a president or chairman

    Of the Joint Chiefs or something flying in our atmosph atmosphere and we can’t control it we can’t even we can’t even catch it we can’t detect it on radar there’s not much we can do then don’t want to admit that secondly I think uh what was told to me by a viate

    Intelligence guy who was a chief staffer who oversaw black budget operations he had come out to Area 51 looking into the HR stuff years ago early ’90s and he told me look if this is true if this cover up is going on if they are diverting millions of dollars maybe

    Hundreds of millions of dollars from legitimate National Security Programs to keep this cover up going does he suspect that there were then somebody’s going to go to prison when it comes out they go to prison uh I think you heard we heard Dave grush speaking before this house

    Committee uh in L J July in which he talked about special access programs hundreds of millions of dollars being funnel into them nothing ever comes out Congress has no oversight Congress doesn’t even know they exist that’s the kind of thing you can send somebody to prison if given when it comes out and

    Then the final reason uh we can’t really speculate about it maybe there really is a big secret I wonder about it if if I was told here’s the real deal here’s what’s going to happen if this comes out Society will collapse it is so overwhelming so disturbing that it would

    Hit the fan that everybody freak out maybe there is something like that I don’t know um but it it gets Danger dous for us to allow military folks to decide I can know it but you can’t dad can know but Mom and the kids can’t know I don’t

    Like that I’d like to be able to know myself I don’t like it either but why do they think that society would collapse there was a Brooking Institution Institute study that was done in 1960 where they looked at it and uh well let’s say it was confirmed that we came

    Out and admitted that extraterrestrials are here and they speculated looking at sociological matters that social institutions would collapse people would do people want to still pay their taxes do they want to go to work it was so overwhelming uh the the fact that we a ler species have been discovered by

    Something more intelligent we know from human history how that works out when the Europeans come to North America we we know what happens the people who were already here the less developed Society they collapsed they were wiped out um and I think that that was the projection

    Of that study the only way to get around that they said is to to prepare for it over a long period of time to condition folks to get ready for it I don’t know if there was an ever a policy where they instituted that but it kind of looks

    Like it UFO and Alien movies and TV shows next files this and books and reports and children’s cartoons and almost looks like we’ve been conditioned to get ready for it for the last 60 years when people talk about the possibility of these being some sort of Black Ops creation by the defense

    Department some sort of weapons grade drone that moves at insane speeds with some unknown technology that they’ve developed in secrecy that kind of falls apart when you go back to 47 if you go back to 47 and you’re seeing these vehicles that are behaving in a very similar way at

    Least described in a very simle way where they just jet off in insane rates of speed no visible means of repulsion no sound that that’s the one thing that brings me back like God they they seem to act the same at least some of them do they seem

    To be and if we’re talking about 1947 we can really safely assume that they did not have drone technology capable of you know super Hypersonic speeds at that time I’m really glad you mentioned that because that that is some that is a big part of the issue here is like people

    Can just say oh is really special projects that are even being hidden by our own our own government the thing is the UFO phenomenon has been ubiqui it’s been everywhere in the world and it it’s it’s been going on before 1947 so somebody had that technology I I I hope

    I I do hope we’ve had some sort of ability to get derivative Technologies I know they’ve been trying to do that if we believe the core concept that we have craft that’s more advanced than ours and we’re trying to reverse engineer in 3 kilm at the 38 CS weinburg

    Junction use the left two lanes to follow signs for a81 towards stutgart weinburg elen so the fact you bring that up and I want to touch on what you just said the explanation I’ve been given we’ve both been given is that there are true National Security concerns about this

    Technology that the coverup or whatever that it has to do with what will happen if we make a a breakthrough in this technology and that can be weaponized so the secrecy you could say might I mean some people have convinced us have tried to convince us that there’s real true

    National Security issues with this and that once you admit one thing those next questions are going to come and maybe we can’t answer those yet we don’t know so so that’s the fear is like it’s like the AL H removing like you know shit’s been kept pretty secret stuff has come out

    It’s like what happened if we admit the fundamental truth that there are craft of Unknown Origin that are more advanced technologically than ours doesn’t matter where they’re from but what happens if we admit that so people in 800 M at the 38 CS weinburg Junction use the left two lanes to

    Follow signs for a81 towards stard weinburg bhen are concerned for my opinion within government that

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