Kein Mc Donalds im Frankfurter Nordend???
    Wie ist das möglich???

    Hello everyone. I’m somewhere in Frankfurt am Main, near Niebelungenallee… …and I’m looking for Mc Donalds. I’m hungry!!! Ok, let’s find McDonald’s! There’s supposed to be a McDonald’s nearby. Only 1.1 kilometers (0.684 miles) away. I hope I find McDonald’s. I do not know my way around here! Let’s see. It can’t be far.

    A slide shows me the way. It even shows me the direction. I follow the signs. The cyclists don’t really pay attention to the pedestrians either. Hmmmmm. MC Donalds. It can’t be far anymore. I already have the smell in my nose! Lol. I have to change side of the street.

    There is even a REWE discount store there. This is great! Let’s see if we can find McDonald’s. 1.1 kilometers (0.684 miles), which is not very far away. I am now near the German National Library. The search continues. The entrance to the cemetery! I don’t want to go to the cemetery.

    I want to go to McDonald’s! It’s still too early for the cemetery! Lol. The cyclists drive your ass off. Lol. No McDonald’s in sight! It can’t be that far away!!! 150 meters (0.0932 miles) to the funeral hall! I don’t want to go to the funeral hall! I want to go to McDonald’s! Lol.

    It’s still too early for the funeral hall! Lol. It doesn’t surprise me that this is a cemetery and there are so many gravestone sellers… …there’s nothing to eat anywhere here. People are all starving! Lol. It doesn’t look like there’s a McDonald’s here… …No notice… Nothing! Strange! I found the main cemetery,

    But that doesn’t get me anywhere! I’m looking for McDonald’s. I’m hungry! Lol. Where is McDonald’s??? There must be McDonald’s here! I can’t find McDonald’s! I’m about to grab the navigation system! There has to be McDonald’s somewhere around here! I don’t think I can find McDonald’s anymore.

    I think I’ll run back to the REWE discount store and get something to eat there. I’m not looking for McDonalds forever!… I don’t even know my way around here!… I have no idea where I am!… Plus it’s cold today… It’s early in the morning!

    I now walk to the traffic lights. If there is no sign of McDonald’s there, I walk back to the REWE discount store and get something to eat there. No McDonald’s! This can not be! Really strange! No McDonald’s! Everywhere in Frankfurt, on every corner, there is a McDonald’s, except in this corner! Incredible!

    Am I lost? Unbelievable! Ok, I’ll give up looking for McDonalds… …and go to the REWE discount store. It looks like I’m lost. No McDonald’s nearby! The tram rings. No McDonald’s in sight! OK. Back to the REWE discounter. I’m hungry! The search for McDonald’s is now over! The tram is coming.

    Let’s cross the street and go to the REWE discount store. I’m not just running around pointlessly! The cyclists! Violent! I’m now on Eckenheimer Landstrasse. I walk on to the REWE discount store. It’s not far anymore. I walk on the bike path. Lol.

    In Bad Nauheim you are not allowed to ride your bike on the sidewalk. There are no bike paths in the city center either. I’m about to reach the REWE discount store. There’s another tram coming. I’m on the right track! I’ll be there soon. There wasn’t much activity in this corner of Frankfurt today.

    The peace and quiet is beautiful. The REWE discounter is up there. I will soon be there. I’m traveling in Frankfurt’s Nordend. The cyclists! Lol. I’m running on the bike path again. Lol. Frankfurt and its cycle paths. You have to understand that first. Lol. I don’t understand this traffic system. Lol.

    Just a few meters (feet) to the REWE discount store. Been looking for something to eat for 20 minutes. Lol. Without success. I will then get something to eat and drink at the REWE discount store. Let’s see what else is good there. Let’s see. There, on the corner, is the REWE discount store.

    I’m going to end the video here because I’m hungry. If you liked the video… subscribe to my channel and give me a thumbs up. You are welcome to share the video… and write something in the comments. Maybe the people of Frankfurt can tell me how far away I was from McDonald’s.

    We’ll see you again for the next video. Maybe I will be in Frankfurt again. Ok… see you next video. And bye.

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