Today we take a look at the Former Huawei Technologies UK, 200 S Oak Way, Reading RG2 6UQ.

    We speak to security who inform us that it is a private road and they rules in place including No Cameras.

    We put forward our counter argument and continue.

    His boss arrives at the end to put the matter to bed.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    Yeah building side not to take the picture building side so building side yeah it’s good thing and photograph no camera video no phra so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in Reading taking a look at this place now what drew me to this place

    Well it looks empty and we have these things here armadillos protecting the place now I wonder what this used to be we have another one just there as well oh we’re being approached you working the Green Park sorry you working green for Green Park am I working yeah you working for Green

    Park Green Park e area no no yeah buildings are not to take the picture building s so building side yeah it’s good thing and photograph no camera video no photograph sir what is that this is yeah is it not allowed to take the building building camera photos any

    Any building in the camera because this is private l no it’s not yeah is that a bus stop there yes bus is stop road but the building is private and oh the building’s private yeah building is Business Center uh this road is no problem bus stop road is no

    Problem but building is private so not to take the any picture security reason if you had any reason to take you contact to management Green Park management you go to um website and then you can uh speak with them and uh what is your reason for too much hassle not I

    Just want to take the video what did this place used to be sorry what business used to be here oh this is the somewhere is on business some some uh medical line some different different different building which one was here at the moment is uh this one is empty currently

    Empty previous previous you know the Huawei chines H yeah Chinese I like to make a video of this building please you have to go to the 100 long water 100 long water or you contact on phone uh better to you go go this way and round

    About go right and traffic light go left you got the um similar big building there is management landlord office and the facilities management office speak to them and you can take the picture or videos anything uh without their uh authorized not allowed to take the any

    The building so I’m sorry um but I need to make a video of this building hawei um for YouTube this road as you just told me this is a public foot path yeah yeah this is public yeah my friend you you can’t really um stop the filming

    From the public foot path I’m sorry sorry about that so green car that must be who managed the estate now yeah they may manage the estate they may cut the grass and secure the site you know to spot threats early so that the police don’t need to be close sometimes they may even

    Deter the threat or chase them off so Security on site like this can be great but they shouldn’t be overstepping their Mark really when people are just doing some photography now I did wonder why the high high security so obviously haawi we know it’s a uh a Hot Topic at the

    Moment so yeah we’re on a public Highway we can launch the Drone from here you know you got members of the public walking around this is a public Highway all day long multiple businesses even a nursery drop off over here that I’ve just noticed and a wh Smith look so no

    Way can they restrict any activity that is lawful of a member of the public up and down here so let’s just do it let’s get David up and see what this Huawei Building looks like from above so as shown on company’s house th there haawi Technologies UK Company Limited was based

    Here likeing and you can also see on Nova Loca that this building oh property unavailable so it may have a new occupant coming very soon 139,000 Square ft offices a headquarters office building adjacent to the M4 so anyway let’s take a look at it shall we as always we’ve checked on drone assist

    There are no flight restrictions in this area at all Hawaii the old Hawaii head quarters so we’re quite near to the stadium nearby so we just had to unlock this area just by entering the phone number in first time I’ve done that on the mini 4 so anyway ha’s old headquarters here

    In the UK let’s have a look at you then shall we home Point updated right next to us we’ve got a turbine wind turbine so we’ll make sure we stay well away from that it’s spinning well today we do have security down there in the van

    Still and we’ve not managed to pick up his walkie-talkie so credit to them for that using secure coms and there it is very well protected with the armadillos let’s just get really high up make sure we are higher than the wind turbine I’m not sure that’s going to be

    Possible we’ll just stay away from it but how weird not only do they pay to have these to secure it but the estate also provide a security van at the entrance so they really really want to look after this one don’t they the landlord has a a large asset

    Here and he very close to having it occupied and for it being someone else’s problem but right now he wants to make sure that nothing happens to this baby yeah you can tell it’s uh seeing better days but I’m sure a new occupant we’ll spend some money on it in conjunction with the

    Landlord certainly got plenty of life left in it hasn’t it oh yes yeah it’s even got a a lowlevel car par There excellent so there’s quite a few buildings around here look Let’s uh move on security haven’t come back out of the van after trying it on with us I don’t know why they even try it on surely some people must listen to them I they would just stop doing it would

    They but standing on the public Highway creating a video about an interesting building not allowed come on so let’s get the whole site in one shot let’s do a 360° photo for Google Maps and let’s move on so just down here we have some stones and underneath the stones is the

    DJ aits key ring it’s next to that yellow Mano cover there so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a key ring good luck with that and that concludes the video from 300 South Oak Way Green Park readed in security he

    Tried it on didn’t he but I believe he remained respectful didn’t overstep the mark really you shouldn’t be saying that sort of stuff but hopefully nobody ever listens to him taking photos from this public foot path where you’ve got a a bus stop and people wondering around

    We’re not allowed to take photos of anything we can see come on just need to adjust that a little bit my friend if we start going on the land that you manage yeah the grass that you cut maybe but anyway here if you’re watching this video and you do know that

    This building is now occupied do let me know who moved in here I would be very interested but for now we’re going to move on if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for

    Now sir I finished my video now okay so I’m just going to carry on to see what else I need to do I’m going down that way because I think there is a um the there’s another big business down there anyway I just need to find uh

    There’s certain places that I need to film but this one is perfect this one so all right thank you my friend thank you hello after you sir oh are you security I am sir yes right what going to do for you no no I’ll just telling

    Him that I’m finished oh okay what you I’m just doing some photography on the on the road yeah but I’m not going to go on onto anyone’s land you no that’s just fine I like to communicate yeah that’s great yeah as as as do we yeah yeah as

    As do we and if we communicate the possibility of me being a threat is removed and everyone’s happy then a they we don’t you know if somebody don’t communicate and what what’s he up to then it’s a bit worrying I can understand well look well let me I’m I’m

    Kenny Cox I’m the security manager for Green Park and as you can see there’s no restrictions to anybody coming on site it’s an open Park it’s an open estate but what we do as people who come on to the site is to communicate yeah as you’ve quite rightly done yeah there are

    A certain amount of rules that we’ve got to do as you say you know don’t go onto the land yeah um this you know um which is fine um but it’s an open pathway um but um drones have you have you yeah oh yeah yeah my mate he’s got drones of

    That size he’s got drones of mine’s a tiny one so when you get a drone which is so small there’s no minimum distance to proper or people yeah and when it’s this small it actually says it on it like 249 G I’m sorry for laughing but is

    That is that a drone seriously yeah you open it up like that and it starts to look a bit more like a drone now it looks like a drone yeah oh Cy and then once you take that off you’ve got the camera oh right yeah it’s so light so

    The idea is if it did fall on anyone it wouldn’t hurt them no no yeah and the LW allows 249 G to fly as close to buildings and people as as you want really you just got to stay away from airports and prisons oh well of course

    Yeah and then that number is obviously a legal requirement if it did come down onto anyone’s building yeah and it caused damage that’s the person responsible for the damage yeah yeah so they’ve thought about everything really yeah yeah yeah amazing really I’ve got my mate

    He’s got oh about 20 of them but he F he flies them in sports you know in races and things the goggles goggles yeah yeah I can’t do that they do get some amazing footage don’t they oh actually yeah and that’s what my videos include the Drone going

    Around cuz this was the whole Hawaii building Hawaii it’s now got a new tenant you know yeah what’ you know about that one a new tenants yeah do he yeah look Nova Loca um property is now unavailable number 300 this is yeah yeah the property is now unavailable it’s no

    Longer no longer being advertise that yeah so well okay some someone’s going to move in soon well it’d be nice to see somebody living in there or working in there or using as it’s supposed to be yeah because it’s just a big beast of a building and it’s

    Just empty and it looks awful it’s got big potential it it’s massive potential and if you look at the building itself right the way it’s cut right in half and it duplicates from side to side yeah you know so whether or not they cut it in

    Half and I don’t I don’t know what they’re going to do with it and it’s got great parking as well around the back everything’s fantastic and it’s it’s local it’s local to the the um Motorway you know it’s it’s great great potential but I don’t know what they’re going to

    Do with it what made them move out I don’t know I don’t know have they still got a UK base I I don’t know um I would imagine so I I can’t see any reason why they haven’t because um I was looking at the um company’s

    House uh was it that one oh no I’ve lost it yeah but yeah this is on company’s house as um I can’t remember what it said now well I would I would imagine so that they’ve got a local T but anyway look um good to spe yeah yeah thanks

    Thanks thanks very much indeed for your um your understanding you can have that that’s who I am okay so that’s where the video that I’ve just created will be published super job okay um so I would ask drone flying on the estate if you can not do it you can’t yeah you can’t

    Say that well I’m not saying that but you just did no it’s a it is a an open Park as we’ve said but it’s private land to Green Park and maple tree cuz it’s got a public Highway here yeah any lawful activity of the member of public is loud yeah exactly so so

    Includes drones so if you fall into that category Fant yeah I know it’s a funny one you just got a road going through your land haven’t you you’ve agreed to certain things by allowing that road through people have got to access in eess yeah yeah all right nice talking to

    You thank you very much so we all leave on a happy note and we give away a key ring and hopefully get two more subscribers so what’s next e what’s next


    1. I understand some of the first guys words but the message he’s trying to convey is pretty damn hard to decipher.
      Much worse than that and I’d just say, sorry I can’t understand you so good bye.

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