Thank you for watching! This video is to guide foreigners or internationals in Germany who may want to use a bike. Know this and avoid bicycle accidents.

    #studyingermany #livingingermany #studyabroad #germanystudentvisa #meetcharlesshow

    Hi everyone this is another insightful moment of the myth the child’s show right here we’re about to show you something interesting in germany you have to know your lane in the street this is a bicycle lane and this is for the cars when you miss your lane you can get

    Locked down by a bicycle yeah just a bicycle this path you see here is for bicycle and here is for pedestrian so yes the road is there for you one way is for bicycle riders farah as they call it and here is for us the pedestrians so when you don’t know this

    And you miss your way out into the bicycle lane you can get knocked down by a mere bicycle yeah just a bicycle so we’re doing this video to tell internationals foreigners those coming from africa asia i mean all foreigners are all internationals how to note this you don’t use the bicycle lane

    The bicycle lane is always on your left closer to the road that small lane closer to the road is for bicycle and where i am standing on our right is for pedestrians right here you can walk and you will be free from any accident this is the midtown show we do this for

    Our friends and our leaders across the world thank you for watching

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