Full High Carb Day Macros:
    P: 307g C: 659g F: 28g 4,097kcal

    Breakfast: P: 110g C: 71g F: 9g 855kcal
    Omelette: 1.5cups egg whites + 4.5oz chicken breast (cooked weight) + 28g fat free cheddar cheese + 30g Dijon mustard + spices
    Oats: 1/2cup egg white + 80g oats + 14g cocoa powder + 2g Espresso powder + Sucralose

    Meal 2: P: 50g C: 143g F: 4g 799kcal
    4.5oz Chicken Breast (cooked weight) + 100g Rice (Raw Weight) + 62g Corn + 61g Black Beans + 22g BBQ Sauce + Poblano + Bell Pepper + 109g Peach Pie Filling

    Meal 3: P: 50g C: 143g F: 4g 799kcal
    4.5oz Chicken Breast (cooked weight) + 100g Rice (Raw Weight) + 62g Corn + 61g Black Beans + 22g BBQ Sauce + Poblano + Bell Pepper + 109g Peach Pie Filling

    Intra workout: 50g carbs from Nutrabio “Supercarb”

    Meal 4: P: 50g C: 143g F: 4g 799kcal
    4.5oz Chicken Breast (cooked weight) + 100g Rice (Raw Weight) + 62g Corn + 61g Black Beans + 22g BBQ Sauce + Poblano + Bell Pepper + 109g Peach Pie Filling

    Meal 5: P: 47g C: 110g F: 8g
    “Egg white French toast” = 8 Slices butter bread + 1cup egg whites + vanilla bean paste + cardamom + cinnamon + sucralose + Walden farms sugar free syrup

    Supplements: 2 Animal Pak per day, Type 2 Collagen, Nattokinase, Citrus Bergamot

    #bodybuilding #weightloss #cooking #food #kitchen #diet #mealprep #cutting #protein #recipe #daily #dayinthelife #chef #bodybuildingchef

    0:00 Intro
    08:33 Stir Fry
    19:17 Upperbody Workout
    19:40 French Toast

    All right high carb Day meal prep pretty easy just going to throw a cup and a half of egg whites into the pan microwave a cup of oats for five minutes and then put a half2 cup of oats in our or a half cup of egg whites in our

    Oats so I’m letting the pan heat up for a second 80 GS on the money going to put 400 grams of water in here and smell the stove is starting to heat up so I better get some food in here real quick before it ruins the pan 5 minutes for the

    Oats I just put a little oil in the pan and wipe out the o same old routine got down to uh 239 for three consecutive days last week so I’d say that’s a pretty good settling point it’s about a 3 lbs lost last week so this week we’re starting at 242 I

    Went up over the weekend um usually gain weight on my days off even if I eat less and less active it’s just my body likes to burn the calories on the days I’m active and the days I’m not it holds a lot of weight totally normal though it’s a high

    Carb day today so we got 300 G of rice to add to our salads I’m going to take the Romain lettuce out of the salads otherwise the food’s volume is just way too high I’ll put a little bit of uh Roma lettuce in there just to give it some pizos but

    It’ll mostly be a rice bowl this week for my high carb days and then less rice for my low carb days my medium carb days and my low carb days I get no rice it’ll just be tortillas so now I got like three different versions of the day so I do

    Have to be more like aware of what I’m eating each day otherwise I may not have everything so I’m going to let this cook a little bit I’m going to cut up some chicken 4 and 1/2 oz I’m going to put in onion I’ll put some tomatoes cheese and a Dijon

    Mustard and I’ll start the video back up whenever we’re closer to being done all right so we got all the ingredients prepared omel let’s cooking up just right so going throw like a handful of onions on this it’s kind of hard to get them evenly there’s a giant bubble be

    Right probably just pop it there we go home ha should have done that first all right 4 and half o of Chen put some tomatoes on here I never know when to put the tomatoes on earlier or later but I just figure it Out 28 gram of cheese and then this pan didn’t come with a lid unfortunately so mix shift Ste for the cheese and then we just going to add egg whites to the oats yeah going to whisk those ingredients in there it is right are in a whisk do the little eggs Around been trying to figure out how to make these videos a little faster so I figured I’d gather the ingredients prepare them and then you know cook them all at once maybe it’s faster so three minutes for the last part of the eggs and the

    Oats and uh all I got to do is add some Dijon mustard and some seasoning so let’s add the seasoning now looks like it’s good time you still want to do it while the eggs are a little sticky so they can grab the seasoning black pepper garlic love me some

    Garlic we’re going to put some dillweed on everything love dill weed and then a pinch of salt that’ll bring her home 30 grams of uh Dijon mustard that’s six teaspoons it this seems really weird but uh it’s actually quite good I’m not far enough into the diet to

    Have like a really weird pallet like you usually get when you’re dieting really hard all right so we’re just going to let that finish for a second I’ll fold it over in just a moment we’ll reveal and see what the other side looks like and I’ll reveal in just a moment

    All right so the oats just finished just flip the omelette so we’re going to add a little water to the oats and we’re going to put 14 G of cocoa powder some sweetener from sucros it’s my preferred sweetener and two tpoon of espresso powder espresso powder and chocolate go really well together in

    Case you haven’t tried it is a solid solid combo I hate when I drop stuff right 14 grams cocoa powder and then a big heaping pile of artificial sweetener they say this stuff sweeter than sugar but it doesn’t taste sweeter than sugar I don’t know maybe I’m

    Crazy so we’re just going to whisk those ingredients together I add the water to help cool the oats down and also give it uh a thinner texture all right so egg white oats are done let’s reveal The Omelette which is beautiful let’s plate it up it really kills to have a quality non-stick

    Pan all right time to enjoy breakfast all right so we’re going to make these bowls uh I get the onion from this breakfast so I’m going to get that in here uh you can sauté vegetables in a non-stick pan so that way you don’t have to use

    Oil and you know add calories to your food so we’re going to get the peppers cut up onions already cut up so just going to let them be in here and let them make some friends bring the heat down bell peppers are real simple you

    Push the top down and then you split the sides open and that way you can remove the seeds and you’re using as much of the meat of the uh vegetable as possible you’re not wasting the other method is to set the bell pepper on end and cut vertically uh

    But what ends up happening is you end up with a lot of the waste it looks cool though cuz it looks like a little bird cage but something that I think is really cool about like Michelin star restaurants is they prioritize uh using as much of the food as possible right

    Not being wasteful finding a way to make everything something that you can consume So today we’re going to go for uh Asian fusion since it’s not all just Asian ingredients uh if I wanted to make this more like Asian it would just be uh Ginger onion bell pepper and

    Uh trying to think of some other things but I’m drawing blanks right now like water chestnuts and uh bean sprouts but I don’t have any of those things and I have the ingredients I have for my last week’s Chipotle bowls and I would have done my Chipotle rice bowls like I

    Planned for my high carb days but when I was looking in the fridge I realized that the sour cream I have was standard full fat sour cream cream and not the lowfat sour cream that I use so I had to go ahead and make my adjustment to my

    Calories I just substituted an equal calorie amount of my light uh sour cream for this Japanese barbecue sauce that I saw at Costco over the weekend uh I think I’d seen it in my parents fridge before so I took a taste once I got home and it was

    Perfect Asian food usually uses like a green or a red pepper I just so happen to have pablanos and I thought they weren’t spicy but I I removed anything from my bowls that would be possibly spicy this week just to figure out like where the heck is

    Because I didn’t know where the heat was coming from and it’s certainly not spicy spicy but I was trying to make the the plate more dull I was getting in like intrigued and mostly it was because I was I knew I was cooking with something spicy not because of the heat but

    Because I’d rub my face later on and my freaking skin was on fire I was like okay there’s something spicy in my food I thought it was maybe the paprika so I stopped using paprika for one day still spicy I kept touching my skin on accident actually and it kept burning me

    Figured it out there must be some sort of spice in the pablano like subtle amount which whenever I touch my skin it uh pisses it off so I probably should have worn my food prep gloves today while I cook this up but you know oh well I got 300 grams of rice that’s

    Where I’m going to put the the sauce on I’ll put it on at the very end so everything gets a little coating of it but do that where’s my spatula this work I always prefer like a silicone spatula when I’m cooking with uh vegetables because they get kind of stuck to

    Things so over turn do is soften these veggies up so it’s more like a stir fry texture so we’re going for like a Asian stir fry with a Mexican spin on it uh so we’re still going to use the black beans and corn I’m keeping them in cuz the

    Can’s already open I don’t want to waste it they’re great source of fiber potassium and they have some carbs in them as well the tomatoes maybe I won’t put these in I feel like that’s just kind of weird on this dish feel like it’s the only thing

    That’s kind of like offensive to to me uh I won’t put that on there I’ll take that off my calories and I’ll just keep it in my breakfast for now so we’re going to simplify the meal a little bit and I will throw a little water in

    Here actually and that’s a good trick if you put a little water in the pan it can help uh soften your veggies up a little faster and I’m talking like that much that’s all you need and you cover it let it kind of steam itself and it’ll soften the

    Veggies up all right so I’ll start the video back up when I have my 300 grams of rice distributed over three Tupperware and I’ll have everything a little bit closer to being done all right so I cooked the vegetables until they were soft and all the onions are translucent I threw a

    Teaspoon of Ginger to get that Asian flavor with garlic and crushed black pepper I got 62 G of corn in each and then 61 G of black beans in each just to uh go ahead and get those distributed uh since carbs are protein sparing you don’t need to have an excess

    Of protein intake if you’re eating a lot of carbs in order to prevent muscle loss also if you’re trying to diet and grow you should eat a large amount of protein because that’s what your muscles are made out of but you don’t need to eat 500 gram

    And prioritize that cuz you might not get enough carbs in order to facilitate growth as well you need a nice balance so I do 4 and a half ounces of chicken on my high carb days CU I have about 600 gram of carbs so I end up with 300 gram of

    Protein and then or 314 I believe it’s specific and on my low carb days it’s like 330 gram of protein most people recommend about 1.2 times your body weight if you’re dieting and you’re trying to prevent muscle loss in the diet and especially the leaner you

    Get the easier it is for your body to just decide to use protein or the muscle protein as fuel rather than the carbs or fats on your body carbs stored in the muscle and fats stored on your body but also that late in a diet you’re likely

    Pretty low on body fat you have an excess of muscle relative to the body fat and then your body also recognizes that you have very minimal carbs stored because pretty much any carbs that you eat you’re burning off that same day through cardio or training or recovery so your body will start to

    Decide like hey you know burning that muscle look like a really good idea so to prevent that protein turnover from causing muscle loss you usually want to eat a large amount of protein um science will usually say like half a gram per pound is sufficient to maintain muscle mass or body

    Mass um which I’ve definitely done low protein but I just don’t feel like I can recover well from training when I do that low of protein I really feel like I need the extra protein to recover well and I feels stronger maybe it’s it’s more Placebo than anything I think

    But we are going to distribute the cooked veggies over each plate now and because I’m eating the carbs I’m getting fiber you know a material for digestion from the rice so I’m not eating the large amount of romae lettuce that I normally would and I usually use that to just keep the

    Volume of the meal consistent from day to day because if I go from eating really big meals and then my low carb days feel like I’m eating nothing um you know that’s that’s very mentally taxing you’re like man I’m so hungry my stomach’s always empty so it’s good to

    Eat veggies to try and satisfy that full feeling even though veggies digest pretty fast so that feeling is pretty temporary in the end I used to blend like cauliflower into my shakes to give them some volume and that full stomach feeling never lasted long all right so the last thing to

    Do is put 22 gram of the sauce on all of these so we’re going to see what that looks like because I have no clue yet be real careful distributed evenly that was not a lot that’s kind of sad oh well maybe I need to mix this with like a

    Water kind of thin it out a little bit I mean it doesn’t look terrible but I just know the rice is going to be playing at the bottom there we go so we got our Asian fusion bowls I got them pretty Asian um the only thing in it that is

    Kind of weird as the uh the corn honestly other than that this lid felt like it went on a lot tougher than it normally does oh well maybe it’s just a good lid so these meals I definitely am going to want to eat warm and most of it is just kind of warm

    But the corn beans and chicken are cold so I’ll microwave these when I go to eat and my extra carbs is Peaches today so I’m going to measure out some peaches but otherwise that’s my uh 600 grams of Carb Day meal preps some Japanese barbecue sauce with chicken rice and vegetables

    I’ll have these with peaches 30 grams of carbs from peaches with each meal that’s only on high carb days and then I will have my eight slices of french toast for dinner all right yall have a good Day it’s the last meal of the day we got the French toast 25 gram of protein from one cup of egg whites with vanilla bean paste ground cinnamon cardamom and then top it with Walen Farms syrup sweeten it with with um spend I’m still paranoid about the uh

    Stuff getting stuck to the pan so I always put oil on it and just wipe it all off I don’t even know if it makes any difference but then just dunk the bread toss it on have to somehow get all of these egg whites into only four slices so I’m

    Going to have to probably pour them on top and then cinnamon never mixes with liquids so I always sprinkle it on the top right at the end if you get the heat just right it shouldn’t burn but it should toast I always used to make the pan too dang

    Hot so I just dust it flip it when they’re ready this should unstick from the pan when the egg is fully cooked put on a plate cover it in syrup Tada so I usually flip it whenever I see the little egg whites on the edge they get this little crisp and then you

    Just pry them up and flip them out but they’re looking pretty great four more slices to go and then it’s dinner time and on the home stretch French toast is all done eight slices 104 gram of carbs 41 g of protein and this will end my high carb day with

    640 G of carb bars had to recalculate again the day with more accuracy I think like 300 something grams of protein I’ll try and copy and paste all of it into the description but just top it with syrup and boom Shak alaka egg white French Toast

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