Top 10 Abandoned Prisons Hiding Pure EVIL
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    🔒👻 Dive deep into the eerie silence of desolation with our electrifying countdown of the Top 10 Abandoned Prisons Hiding Pure EVIL! 🚫💀 Uncover the darkest secrets and spine-chilling tales lurking behind the forsaken bars and crumbling walls. From the haunting echoes of Alcatraz to the sinister shadows of Eastern State Penitentiary, these ghostly jails are steeped in terrifying legends and unspeakable horrors that will leave you breathless! 🏚️😱 Whether you’re a thrill-seeker, a history buff, or a paranormal enthusiast, this video is your ultimate ticket to exploring the most cursed and abandoned lockups across the globe. Don’t miss out on the gripping stories, shocking discoveries, and the unnerving allure of decay that make these prisons the epitome of PURE EVIL! 🌍👹 Hit subscribe, ring the bell 🔔, and prepare to be captivated by the mysteries that these desolate penitentiaries conceal. Your adventure into the abyss of the abandoned starts NOW! 🎥🖤

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    And we’re kicking off the list with patac Island prison in Russia so this prison is known for its incredibly harsh conditions and isolation from the mainland yeah stuck on an island prison that’s bad bad for the prisoners anyway just makes it a little harder to escape

    You know so I guess good for everyone else this place has a nickname though that would probably send a shiver up your spine if you were going there and not just because you’d be in Russia it’s often referred to as the alcatra of Russia just not a compliment if you

    Refer to something or someone as the Alcatraz of whatever you are insulting that person or place don’t do that be nice but the name does fit for this particular location this island hellhole holds some of the most dangerous criminals in Russia and they spend 22

    And 1/2 hours of the day cooked up in their cells 22 out of 24 hours that’s a fair chunk of the day oh and if prisoners happen to break any of the strict rules in place they’re sent to a small dark room in total isolation for

    Up to 15 days straight that’s just the tip of the iceberg too next up on the list is what is often referred to as the most dangerous prison in the United States adx Florence was built back in 1994 and is what is known as a supermax prison the place houses some of the

    Biggest and baddest criminals in the country ones that pose a severe threat of violence to staff and other inmates and just need extra security more than you’d get in even a Maximum Security Prison but how do you get more extreme than maximum security maximum means like this is it you’ve reached the wall

    You’re at the max apparently you just add super to the title it’s not just maximum super maximum one step above that I guess would be Mega maximum prison which doesn’t exist yet I imagine that’s when we’ll start putting people in with actual superpowers prisoners here are underwatch though

    247 and spend almost the entirety of their day in single cells some prison ERS here are even barred from speaking privately with their own lawyers or family members cuz I guess that’s just how dangerous they are they could just talk their way out of prison next up we

    Have a political prison camp Infamous for its extreme human rights abuses Camp 22 in North Korea Not only would you never want to visit this place in case you did something wrong and ended up actually being tained yourself but it’s also in North Korea so good luck even

    Getting into the country I mean yeah what can I say it’s a prison camp only time Camp is good in a sentence I’m learning is when it has the word summer right before it pretty much any other kind of Camp is not where you want to be and based on the little information

    That’s gotten out about this place it sounds like hell and remember this is North Korea so there’s a lot kept Under Wraps if the stuff I’m talking about here sounds bad you know there are things going on that are 10 times worse in there so a former prison guard

    Actually talked about the state he’d seen some of the prisoners in and it’s pretty horrific not sure how much detail we can really get into here but according to him about 30% of the prisoners had life altering deformities due to all the mistreatment missing ears faces covered in cuts and bruises many

    Were underfed just complete is just what comes along with living under a totalitarian regime next up we have Attica Correctional Facility this prison is in ATA New York and became famous for the 1971 Attica prison riot the facility was built in the 30s and by the 7s it had become severely overcrowded with

    Harsh living conditions the breaking point came in September of 1971 when prisoners revolted protesting against the inhumane treatment by prison staff and generally poor living conditions the riot lasted for 4 days and it turned violent in the end the New York state police were called in to regain control

    The aftermath was brutal during the retaking of the prison law enforcement officers shot both inmates and hostages accidentally in total 43 people lost their lives 10 hostages and 33 inmates many others were also injured ateka became a symbol of prison brutality and sparked debates about the treatment of

    Prisoners and the incident led to some changes in prison policies but it also exposed deep rooted issues in the US prison system it’s certainly not as dangerous now as many of the other prisons on this list but the the history of the place has definitely left an

    Impression next we head to Syria to explore tadmore prison without actually going there so the wonders of the internet this place is Infamous for its brutal treatment of prisoners definitely has a grim reputation built in the 1960s it’s located in the desert near Palma the prison became rather Infamous

    Because of how bad its inmates were treated political prisoners in particular there was overcrowding extreme abuse in 1980 a horrific event unfolded known as the tadmore prison massacre the Syrian government cracked down on prisoners resulting in the deaths of hundreds maybe even thousands the exact number is still a bit unclear

    Because of the secretive nature of the Syrian regime a paramilitary force known as the defense Brigade entered the prison at dawn and attacked prisoners in their cells after the massacre the prison continued to be a symbol of Terror in 2001 the Syrian government officially closed T War but reports

    Suggest that parts of the facility were still in use for detaining Poli iCal prisoners is a notorious French prison known for its overcrowded in harsh conditions that’s it’s a bit of a redundant I’ve never heard of overcrowding being a good thing so uh from now on if I say

    Overcrowded I’m it’s just it’s bad it’s bad in straightforward terms L Santa has gained a reputation for being a tough Place constructed in the 19th century it has faced issues related to its aging infrastructure and insufficient space for its inmates overcrowding has been persistent leading to concerns about

    About the well-being of these Prisoners the prison has been criticized for tough disciplinary measures as well and reports of violence among inmates is not uncommon inmates have sometimes protested against these conditions drawing attention to the challenges they face inside the facility but the harsh environment mixed with the psychological

    Toll of incarceration has also led to a number of inmates taking their own lives now efforts have apparently been made to address some of these problems including Renovations and updates to the prison but I probably wouldn’t be adding the to my list of places to check out if I were

    Visiting France want to see some dark stuff go to the Paris catacombs or something the dead don’t scare me nearly as much as the living next up is keru penitentiary in Brazil now this place actually closed in 2002 but it’s History of Violence and overcrowding made it absolutely Infamous located in sou Pao

    It has a dark and notorious history that reached its peak with a very tragic event that became known as the KERO Massacre was built in 19 1956 the prison became one of the largest in Latin America designed to house around 3,000 inmates but it often held more than

    Double that number and anytime you have overcrowding on that kind of scale tension and violence is almost unavoidable on October 2nd of 1992 a riot erupted in response the police were called in to regain control but the situation very quickly spiral out of control resulting in what is now known

    As the aformentioned kanduru massacre military police entered the prison and in the ensuing chaos 111 inmates lost their lives most of them unarmed and in their cells prison was eventually closed in 2002 and the remaining inmates were transferred to other facilities taking the next spot on list is black beach in

    Equatorial Guinea this is said to be one of Africa’s most notorious prisons yes out of the entire continent that’s saying a lot the prison was built during the Spanish colonial rule in the 1940s initially and mostly held py criminals but by 1968 with the independence of the country started housing political

    Prisoners as well many of whom died in the prison wonder how the biggest problem with this place is neglect prisoners are often denied basic amenities like Food and Health Care many prisoners are also violently tormented we’re going to finish things off with the room key number three Detention

    Center in dban Chang China this is the largest Detention Center not only in China but possibly the entire world if you think some of the inmates numbers I’ve mentioned so far are a lot this place dwarfs them all this Detention Center holds about 10,000 inmates or

    More if they were really jammed in there like most of the prisons on this list that’s just an estimate based on satellite imagery and from what little reporters have seen from the inside Chinese authorities keep a lot of stuff Hush Hush including the exact number of inmates currently housed there but the

    Place is 220 Acres twice the size of Vatican City that’s sounds like a dystopian sci-fi movie kind of prison the prison also holds what are referred to as vocational training centers which have been described by former prisoners as brutal internment camps and there’s a specific group that is being targeted

    The worst an ethnic minority in China called the yugar who are basically being thrust into these camps to do forced labor which the government of course coming in at number 10 is salt pit Afghanistan salt pit is a secret CIA run prison in Afghanistan is won the several

    Prisons that were set up by the CIA after the September attack New York and was intended to hold people suspected of having links with radical criminals the torment of prisoners happened every day in salt pit and prisoners were often subjected to inhumane punishments and conditions including mock executions its

    Cells are small and without windows or toilets and due to this the prisoners have to relieve themselves in a bucket inmates are also stripped naked and made to sleep on cold concrete floors CIA operatives always kept loud music playing as a form of psychological torture now Dr Garrett bahir who was

    Held at the prison for 6 months revealed that the CIA interrogators tied him to a chair and sat on his stomach another girl raham who later died in custody and Remains the only verified death at the prison experienced more violent punishment he was strip his hands chained over his head while he was

    Repeatedly beaten and drenched with buckets of water G died of hypothermia on the morning of November 20th 2002 and the CIA did not return his body to his family or inform them of his now beginning in April 2021 until the final withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan

    Large sections of the salt pit were demolished by the departing Personnel before the Taliban gained control of the site number nine Camp 7 Guantanamo Bay camp 7 was built in a hidden location awai from the main prison c 7 was so carefully hidden that no one knew knew

    Of its existence for 2 years after it opened in 2006 now Camp 7 was home to 15 Prisoners the CIA considered high value dayanes one was khed shik Muhammad who was seen as The Mastermind of the September attack CIA has been accused of mistreating the prisoners and when its

    Existence was revealed journalists were not allowed to visit the Red Cross was allowed in on the condition that it never publicly speak about what it saw one of its inmates rasmi bin alsia complained that his cell always vibrated and made some strange noises now the US military denied all accusations of

    Psychological torture and claimed he was just hearing things but in 2014 the Pentagon confessed that he was hearing real noises but said it was the result of the prison falling apart number eight the resort North Korea inmates at the resort aren’t radical criminals but blacklisted relatives and officials of

    The North Korean oligarchy it’s located just 30 Mi away from the Chinese border and the resort is believed to hold up around 1,000 people it has so many inmates because prisoners will often move in with their family now while heavily guarded it does not look like a

    Prison but more like a small town prisoners do not try to escape since the living conditions aren’t bad they don’t perform any hard labor or endure any additional punishment and get free cooked meals every dayong a is one of the people suspected of being held at

    The resort she used to be the second wife of the late president Kim ilang another suspected prisoner is the aunt of the current president Kim Jong-un she’s the wife of Jang song Tech who was taken to the resort after her husband was executed in December 2013 but for

    North Korea these conditions seem a little too good to me number seven cat’s eye Thailand cats eye was a secret CIA prison in Thailand and it could still be active today since no one knows its precise location everyone agrees that it is in Thailand and even though the CIA

    And Thai government deny its existence cat’s eye was exposed in a 2014 US Senate report in which its location was listed as country redacted now the prison was heardly set up in 2002 to hold Abdu zuba who was suspected to be one of Bin ladin’s henchmen Abdu was

    Picked up in Pakistan in March 2002 and the CIA was confused on where to keep him they wanted to place far away from us jurisdiction and the Red Cross so they built cat’s eye for several months he was the only inmate held there and he lived inside a box that was no bigger

    Than a coffin and was continuously waterboarded until he fainted CIA used him to test out several of their enhanced interrogation techniques cat’s ey second prisoner was ABD Al Rahim al- nari who arrived there in November 2002 both prisoners were frequently slapped stripped deprived of sleep cat’s eye was

    Reportedly shut down in December 2002 after the CIA moved the inmates to another black site in Poland but who knows if they’re secretly still active today number six Tamara interrogation Center Morocco the Tamara interrogation Center was a secret prison jointly operated by the CIA and the Moroccan government the facility originally

    Opened as a CIA run secret interrogation Center following the September 11th attacks however the CIA soon turned it into a prison but was more interested in detaining political prisoners Zakaria Momi a French Moroccan citizen who was held there for 4 days for political reasons said his Moroccan interrogators

    Told him he slaughter house and that he would leave in pieces another Usama bhar who fought with the Bosnia based islamist matilla group in the 1990s and in 2003 said the Moroccans told him that they were torturing him because the Americans told them to now a report by

    The US Senate revealed that the CIA knew Morocco was torturing prisoners at the facility the CIA complained to the Moroccan intelligence agency but the complaint only destroyed the relationship between the CIA and the Moroccan government the CIA also planned on abandoning the terus site for another

    Prison but later changed its mind now on the other hand Morocco denies all accusations of torture but I think they’re both guilty number five Camp Vladimir jibuti let me start off by saying that jibuti is a small country now the Strategic location of the small nation is the reason the US established

    A military base on its soil from the base called Camp lemoner the US launched drone strikes against Targets in Somalia and Yemen there are also unconfirmed claims that the CIA operates a secret prison at the base the US Congress reportedly has information about the existence of the facility but has

    Refused to declassify it Muhammad Abdullah sahil Assad was one of the inmates supposedly held in the prison he said he was tormented there before he was transferred to another black site in Afghanistan where he was also mistreated mahadi Hashi another supposed former prisoner said he was taken to the prison

    After he was kidnapped by the CIA agents ins salnia he claimed he was arrested because he refused to spy for British intelligence number four Gay prisons chcha chcha is a Muslim majority autonomous region of Russia they have their own head estate rasman kadrov who Russia leaves to do as

    He wishes kadrov has been accused of running secret prisons where gay men are mistreated so badly that they end up dying Russia and chcha do not tolerate gay people and while Russia has introduced laws to keep gay people in line czechia prefers abducting them and keeping them in secret detention centers

    Now some journalists who reported the existence of of the secret prison in czechia have been found dead under suspicious circumstances Novia gatsa the first paper first paper to report the kidnappings detentions and deaths has seen at least six of its journalists die now some of its living journalists are

    Still being threatened and others have even fled the country number three black jails China the black jails are independent secret prisons illegally operated by various Chinese provinces and local government because the governmental structure in China citizens are expected to report any griev EV to their local and provincial governments

    Now if they do not get Justice they are allowed to report to the central government at Beijing now the central government itself uses the number of reports it receives to determine the effectiveness of the local and provincial government now to avoid getting into beijing’s black books the local and provincial governments

    Employed over 10,000 people to hunt kidnap detain and torture citizens who travel to Beijing to make reports the prisons are usually unoccupied homes psychiatric Wards and guest house in 2009 it was suspected that the vinces operated 73 black jails inside Beijing the central government initially denied the existence of black jails but later

    Confirmed that they were real number two Penny Lane guat Bay Penny Lane was another secret prison at guat Bay open in 2003 the prisoners held there enjoyed a life of luxury they lived in Cottages complete with a very comfortable bed kitchen patio shower and television and they could also request for additional

    Luxuries the fact that the mate and Penny Lane and enjoyed a life of luxury shouldn’t be very surprising as the place was exclusively reserved for confirmed R criminals undergoing training as double agents after their training they were released and allowed to return to their C where they sent

    Inside information back to the CIA now this information was used to prepare drone strikes against targets of interest in exchange the CIA gave the criminals millions of dollars in payment the program was not a total success though as some of the criminals rejoined their cells and never reported back to

    The CIA now some also became unwillingly double agents after the CIA threatened to harm their families due to all of this the double agent program ended in 2006 Papa II India in the 1990s Indian military and local gorillas clashed in the Kashmir region of the country and

    The solders methods of finding an enemy could get pretty brutal the ID parade involved rounding up the boys and men of the area and showing them one by one to MK informers whoever the Informer pointed at was taken away where were they were often taken to an interrogation Center where they were

    Tormented or had their lives ended without much delay now if they were really unlucky they were taken to the pap of the second prison camp which was a place you’d rarely walk away from now a 19-year-old Muslim student named Maz Sultan is one of the lucky people to

    Survive Papa II now after he was picked out in an ID parade for reasons he did not know he was beaten up blindfolded and taken away for interrogation now despite his instance that he was innocent sulon was stripped naked eat up so badly that several of his bones wrote

    After that they took the poor nude broken young man and threw him in a Cell of the infamous Papa II which was on an old estate of a local ruler Sultan’s time in Papa thei was short but that didn’t make it any less painful the guards threw cold water at him attached

    Metal rings on his genitals and both his feet and administered electric shock finally he was taken away to a nearby flood Channel where a group of soldiers sh several times miraculously he survived but he was paralyzed for the rest of his life though the soldiers of the India’s border security Force used

    The facility to interrogate and end the lives of thousands of people it was actually just one of seven similar centers in the region and we’re kicking off the list with bodman jail in Cornwall England this formidable structure was erected in 1779 and served as a functioning prison

    For over 150 years closing in 1927 throughout its operation the jail was the site of countless punishments and prisoners being put to to death the belief that the place is haunted is due to the Grim conditions and traumatic events that occurred within its walls over the years the prison housed inmates

    Enduring overcrowding harsh labor and inhumane treatment one of the most well-known Spirits believe to haunt bodman jail is that of Selena wag a young woman convicted of infanticide in the 19th century it’s said that her tormented Spirit wanders through the prison and visitors and paranormal investigators reported hearing her cries

    And witnessing apparitions res resembling her the Jail’s Chapel where prisoners on livings took place is another hot spot for Paranormal Activity visitors have reported unexplained voices and an overwhelming sense of Doom while inside of the area number nine bang Quang Central Prison situated in the outskirts of Bangkok Thailand this

    Place is still operational notorious for its harsh conditions even though some particularly brutal practices have been banned the facility was constructed to incarcerate extremely dangerous criminals and a significant portion of them are on death row one of the prison’s Infamous practices involves chaining inmates to leg irons during

    Their first 3 months of their sentence for those on death row these leg irons are permanently welded onto them often referred to as big tiger bang Quang Central Prison lives up to its nickname as locals describe how it engulfs its inmates and a seemingly Relentless cycle of suffering almost like a death factory

    The conditions inside the prison are harsh with overcrowded cells limited access to Medical Care and inadequate sanitation inmates are often subjected to extreme heat and substandard food quality and while some improvements have again been made to address these concerns the prison remains a place to avoid at all costs the psychological

    Toll of confinement the presence of death row the severe living conditions it just makes this prison a place you dread spending even a single hour in let alone a night strongly advised you steer CLE this prison if you value your well-being and if you’ve committed any

    Crimes in Bangkok next on the list we have holmesburg prison holmesburg prison infamously known as the terror Dome became notorious for being the sight of a number of Highly unethical scientific experiments conducted on its inmates these experiments were so inhumane that it’s difficult to believe that stuff

    Like this actually took place this is like something you’d see in a blumhouse movie these experiments were overseen by Dr Albert cigman a dermatologist who is basically a real life mad scientist inmates often driven by desperation and the promise of earning a meager sum of money volunteered to be subjects in

    These experiments Dr cigman subjected them to a wide range of horrifying stuff like exposure to microwave radiation infection with various skin diseases and biochemical experiments involving substances like dioxin which was used in agent or during the Vietnam war Dr cigman was quoted describing how he felt

    The first time he arrived at the prison and in his words all I saw before me were Acres of skin it was like a farmer seeing a fertile field for the first time the conditions at holmesburg prison were horrific to say the least and the experiments conducted within its walls

    Were a clear violation of very basic ethical standards number seven Las sabaneta prison Las sabaneta prison in zulia Venezuela earned a notorious reputation for its extreme levels of corruption and just deplorable conditions within its walls reports of extortion and rampant violence were disturbingly common the prison was effectively under the control of various

    Gangs and criminal organizations essentially operated by inmates themselves inmates within the prison often found themselves coerced into paying protection fees to these groups merely to secure access to basic necessities like food and water corruption ran rampant throughout the prison with both guards and officials often accepting bribes to turn a blind

    Eye to the activities of the Prisoners the inhumane conditions at this prison prompted outrage from Human Rights organizations and the United Nations leading to widespread calls for its closure and the prison’s environment was so poor that visiting it would have been strongly discouraged in response to this escalating crisis and massive riot in

    Which over 50 individuals lost their lives back in 2013 the Venezuelan government finally announced plans to shut down the prison inmates were transferred to Alternative places marking the end of an era of unimaginable suffering and brutality next up is shepon Mallet shepon Mallet prison in Somerset England is renowned

    As one of the world’s most haunted prisons its construction finished up in 1910 and it remained in active operation until 1990 changing ownership multiple times during its existence at one point it served as a military prison under both British and American control during World War II before reverting to British

    Authority afterward once again the prison is believed to hold the lingering spirits of past inmates who endured unimaginable suffering within it where numerous executions by hanging occurred the prison’s haunting history and the countless lives that were affected by its harsh conditions make it a pretty forboding and unsettling place for sure

    In at our number five spot is the West Virginia Penitentiary established in 1866 the prison operated for over a century before finally closing its doors in 1995 during its long history the penitentiary saw tons of on livings of prisoners both by hanging and later by electric chair inmates also endured

    Overcrowding on sanitary conditions and brutal treatment leading to numerous grievances the prison saw a number of riots Escape attempts and inmate violence was happening on a constant basis one of the most famous ghostly residents is believed to be that of Rd wall an inmate who lost his life during

    A 1929 prison riot visitors and paranormal investigators have reported hearing unexplained footsteps disembodied voices and sightings of a shadowy figure roaming the premisis the infamous Sugar Shack a building used for solitary confinement and corporal punishment is said to be particularly active with paranormal phenomena and number four we have the Ohio State

    Reformatory in Mansfield Ohio built between 1886 and 1910 this ominous building served as a prison for over a century until its closure in 1990 the prison was designed to rehabilitate young offenders but its harsh conditions overcrowding and reports of violence gave it a dark reputation over the years numerous prisoners endured the harsh

    Conditions of the prisons some met there end there the prison saw share of deaths including those resulting from disease accidents and violence one of the most famous reported hauntings at the prison involves the ghostly presence of the former Warden and his wife Helen visitors have claim to experience encounters with these Spirits

    Particularly in the warden’s former office they describe smelling Helen’s perfume and some have reported hearing ghostly voices as if the spirits of the warden and his wife continue to linger arguing from Beyond the Grave these reported encounters have made Ohio State Reformatory a popular destination for paranormal enthusiasts and go Ghost

    Hunters but if you value a good night’s sleep free from specters and Spooks just hit up a hotel instead knowing Ohio though it probably be haunted too or plagued by some weird crypted next on the list is Maxwell Street police station the Maxwell Street police station in Chicago built in 1888 as a

    Response to Rising violence and crime in the neighborhood has a dark history that has led it to being known as one of the most haunted places in the state over time the police force meant to protect the community became Infamous for their own brutality and horrifying stories started to emerge regarding the

    Treatment of inmates housed in the station’s cell particularly in the basement inmates at the Maxwell Street police station endured a nightmarish torture at the hands of officers often for the amusement of those in charge and as these horrifying stories started getting around on the street the station earned a bad reputation being given

    Several unsettling nicknames the old red Fortress bloody Maxwell and the wickedest police district in the world to name just a few many visitors and paranormal enthusiasts have reported these Eerie encounters within the station especially in the basement where inmates were subject to their torment unexplained sounds voices and Sensations

    Have been described leading some to believe that these Restless spirits of the prisoners continue to haunt the building number two the Tower of London one of the most famous haunted locations in the world founded in 1066 by William the Conqueror that has served various purposes throughout the years a royal

    Residence a fortress and a prison the tower’s reputation as a place of imprisonment and execution particularly during the tutor period is what leads many to believe that the place is just brimming with the ghosts one of the most famous ghosts had to roam the tow that

    Of anolin the second wife of King Henry anolin was infamously UN alived within the tow walls in 1536 accused of adultery and treason her ghost is often reported near the sight of her death with visitors claiming to have seen her headless Apparition wandering the grounds another ghostly resident is Lady

    Jane gray the tragic nine days Queen who was held captive at the tower and ultimately lost her life in 1554 her spirit is believed to haunt the tower’s corridors and sightings describe a semi-translucent figure dressed in white warning her untimely fate and the tower also holds the legends of the ghostly

    White lady believed to be the Spirit of Arbella Stewart a cousin of King James the Arbella was imprisoned in the tower for her claim to the English throne and died in captivity in 1615 her spirit is s to wander the Queen’s house where she was held her presence often accompanied

    By the scent of roses but finally we have the Eastern State Penitentiary built on the Quaker inspired belief in the Redemptive power of solitude it introduced a revolutionary approach to incarceration the prison was the designed to isolate inmates from each other they would endure prolonged periods of solitary confinement both

    Guards and prisoners were forbidden from speaking and Extreme Measures were implemented to suppress any form of noise sounds like hell the penitentiary strict rules often gave way to brutal punishments too and mates endured a range of torturous punishments including ice cold water baths in the middle of winter a quote unquote mad chair

    Designed to cut off circulation to certain extrem I then a dreaded basement cell known as the hole where prisoners were subjected to complete and utter darkness that mixed with the lack of sound yeah that sounds uh not good with an absence of basic amenities in there as well a number of people including

    Visitors and staff have reported unsettling experiences within the building sightings of shadowy figures the sounds of eerie whales and even apparitions or faces manifesting on cell walls and we’re starting off the list with Salsbury prison in North Carolina Salsbury prison was a confederate prison camp that began operation in 1861 first

    The conditions in the prison weren’t so bad I mean it was still a prison camp so not an ideal place to spend your time but not a complete nightmare either there were roughly 120 Union Soldiers housed there they were fed decently and were given shelter but that 120 inmates

    Quickly grew to about 10,000 after only a few years it comes as no surprise that the conditions at the camp severely dipped in quality there was severe overcrowding many of them didn’t have proper beds to sleep in there wasn’t enough food to feed everyone sanitation

    Was bad and this all led to the spread of disease and starvation there was a high percentage of death amongst the prisoners and number nine we have Missouri State Penitentiary in Jefferson City Missouri this prison operated between 1836 and 2004 and for long time it was the oldest operating prison west of the

    Mississippi River because of some of the gruesome stuff that went on here this prison garnered quite the reputation becoming known as the bloodiest 47 acres in America the building still stands today and it’s said to be haunted by the former inmates who lost their lives within its walls in the early days of

    The prison neglected mistreatment by guards was Common Place inmates were whipped sometimes for no reason at all as well as enduring far harsher forms of torture a number of executions took place within the prison and violent riots resulted in the loss of life on more than one occasion one of the most

    Infamous prisoners at Missouri State pen was James Earl Ray who managed to escape from the prison by hiding in a box used to ship bread and just a year after making his Escape he would shoot down Martin Luther King next on the list is the Wyoming Territorial Prison beginning

    Operation in 1873 this prison started off hot with a horrible Fire Within that very same year great start within only a few years the prison became overcrowded this meant poor conditions for the inmates and an increase in violence things leveled out uh though by the 1880s conditions were still harsh

    However the prisoners had to remain silent at all times they were referred to Simply as their designated number and endured harsh physical and psychological punishment for breaking the rules the most famous prisoner here was Butch Cassidy the notorious train and bank robber and leader of the gang known as

    The Wild Bunch in the old west today there are a number of ghosts said to haunt the building which now stands as a historical site including that of a former cigar maker named Julius Greenwald Greenwald had landed himself in prison after shooting his wife having discovered her working in a brothel but

    He was in the brothel so he wasn’t going there to see his wife a little hypocritical if if I might say Greenwall died while serving time at the prison and his spirit is said to still be trapped within the building some visitors claim to smell a faint Aroma of

    Cigars wafting through the empty Halls number five Sing Sing Correctional Facility in New York the first prison on the list that’s actually still in operation the land for the prison was purchased in 1825 and Mount Pleasant on the banks of the Hudson River 100 inmates were transferred from Auburn

    Prison to this piece of land where they would begin construction on their new home it was constructed from Marble from a nearby Quarry and the prison operated using the Auburn system meaning prisoners were forced to remain silent at all times and worked through the day performing intense physical labor if

    Rules were broken harsh physical punishment would be inflicted on the inmates and Sing Sing prison became famous for its Death Row Housing the infamous death house where between 1891 and 1963 64 14 executions took place with the electric chair things are definitely a lot better for the prison

    Nowadays though still a prison so I wouldn’t want to go but at least they’re allowed to talk now next up on the list is San Quenton State Prison beginning operation in 1854 this was and still is one of the most dangerous prisons in the United States it houses the only death row in

    The state of California executions used to be carried out through the gas chamber but are now done through lethal injection during its early years San Quenton housed prisoners in deplorable conditions with overcrowding and unsanitary facilities the prison garnered a reputation for brutality with reports of mistreatment inmate violence

    And harsh discipline and the place has held some of the most notorious inmates in American history like Charles Manson and riots and violent incidents have erupted over the course of its operation in at number three we have the West Virginia Penitentiary in Moundsville West virgin Virginia with such a long

    And dark history this place is known as one of the most haunted former prisons in the United States opening its doors in 1876 the prison operated for over a century before closing in 1995 throughout its many years of operation the penitentiary saw countless violent incidents including riots and deadly

    Clashes amongst inmates the conditions were poor often cramped and unsanitary and the prison’s most infamous feature was its use of the electric chair for executions given the nickname old Sparky as well as hangings in its earlier days which were often made public with all the violence and death that took place

    Within this ominous Gothic style building during its operation there are a number of reports of paranormal activity that have emerged over the years the building still stands today and now has ghost tours with visitors and investigators reporting unsettling experiences during their visits in at second place we have Alcatraz I put it

    At number one but this is a pretty heavily discussed haunted location so I just thought that would be too obvious I’m very cool cuz I’m a contrarian Alcatraz a rocky Island located in San Francisco Bay was first used for military purposes in the 1850s housing soldiers and acting as a defensive

    Stronghold in 1934 it transitioned into a high security prison housing notorious criminals like Al Capone and George Machine Gun Kelly inmates here endured solitary confinement demanding labor and harsh punishment alcatra gained a reputation for being an inescapable prison because of its isolated location and The Frigid Waters that surrounded it

    Uh despite that though there are several famous Escape attempts from this prison more so than most prisons to be honest so I think they’re kind of overcompensating with that over the years a total of 14 Escape attempts were made with the 1962 attempt by Frank Morris and the angland brothers being

    Probably the most famous the escapes disappeared and were never found and some say they actually may have made it to Shore and were able to start a new life in secret others believe they might have drowned every other Escape has been unsuccessful though with prisoners being shot by guards while attempting to

    Escape or just being caught before even making it that far one prisoner in 1962 John Paul Scott actually did manage to make it ashore but he suffered from hypothermia and police found him unconscious the building now stands as a museum said to be haunted by the spirits

    Of its former inmates visitors and staff claim to have experienced strange phenomena like hearing whispers and empty cells to even seeing full-on apparitions starting off in our number 10 spot we have Moundsville penetentiary the Eerie echo of evil emanates from the Mountainville penitentiary in West Virginia an institution notorious for

    Its Savage treatment of inmates with hundreds of deaths recorded many a grim tale cling to its damp walls the most chilling among these is the quote unquote shadowman a phantom silhouette that roams the prison grounds patrons claim to have seen this spectral figure believed to embody the heinous Deeds committed within the penitentiary

    Darting across the walls before dissolving Into Thin Air as if this wasn’t enough spine tingling laughter and spectral Whispers resonate through the deserted corridors a disconcerting reminder of the prison’s gruesome past all in all visiting this prison is truly a haunting experience and it’s definitely not recommended in our number

    Nine spot today we have the Kingston Penitentiary the Kingston penitentiary in Canada is the country’s oldest prison and it bristles with horrifying Tales the secret of this place lies in its inhumane past where it was Notorious for its cruel and unusual punishments aside from these stories of savage punishments

    However the penitentiary’s most alarming secret lies in the tragic story of George Huell an inmate killed by his cellmates according to Legend hu’s spirit is trapped within the institution’s chilling Stone confines his spectral presence witnessed around his former cell this Eerie manifestation only intensifies the sense of dread pervading this historic prison anyway

    You spin it this prison is definitely not suitable for your next tourist vacation in our number eight spot today we have patakan prison the patakan prison in Indonesia Infamous for wartime torment holds a blood curdling secret this gruesome establishment is said to house a well were the bodies of those

    Who faced unseen Horrors at the prison were discarded it’s believed that the spirits of the tormented rise under the cloak of Darkness seeking retribution for their gruesome fate and I have to say could anyone blame them there are so many stories of horrifying treatment it’s no wonder these Tales go hand inand

    With the tales of terrifying hauntings scary stories of spectral soldiers and the haunted faces of the deceased give the prison an Ambiance that sends shivers down the spine of even the most Intrepid Explorer in our number six spot today we have the old Idaho Penitentiary the old Idaho Penitentiary operational

    From 1872 to 1973 is steeped in a very dark past the haunted Secret in this one lies in the most unlikely of places however the prison’s Rose Garden its Rose Garden holds a chilling secret and it all starts with the garden being tended to by inmates on good behavior

    This is all fine and well and actually sounds like a modern L nice time all things considered but things take a very dark turn when you learn that this spot was also where several convicts were executed by hanging now this has of course led to strange phenomena being

    Reported around the Rose Garden with spectral figures and ghostly faces appearing among the flowers a sensation of Despair and sorrow often overcomes visitors and it is a chilling reminder of the lives cut short on that very spot in our number five spot today we have free manle prison in the the land down

    Under amidst the Serene picturesque Landscapes and crazy huge spiders lies a monument to Humanity’s Dark Side free manle prison once a fortress for punishment this Stark Sandstone monolith houses a terrifying secret deep within its dark convoluted tunnels the Labyrinth beneath free mantle was forged by the hands of the very inmates it

    Imprisoned with a chilling corridors bearing Testament to the sweat tears and Desperation of those who chivel them from the hard on yielding Earth these tight suffocating passageways eerily lit by occasional slivers of dim light were the sight of countless tragedies numerous prisoners met their untimely end within this Grim maze either through

    Unfortunate accidents or desperate acts of self-destruction however it seems their Spirits are far from being at peace today the chilling Echoes of the inmates despair reverberate through the tunnels unseen figures cast elusive Phantom Shadows their Eerie presence sent more often than seen while an inexplicable chill permeates the air I

    Got to say haunted tunnels underneath an abandoned prison it truly does not get more creepy than that in a number four spot today we have lante prison in the vibrant Center of Paris amidst the iconic landmarks and bustling cafes stands an imposing structure with a Sinister Legacy lante prison this

    Forboding edifice Harbors a disturbing secret that makes its shadowy corners and dimly lit Halls even more chilling its ghostly denisen is none other than the figure of a former Warden ominously dubbed with a nickname I can’t even say Here on YouTube but what I will say is

    The name was inspired by his reign as Warden during which the prison witnessed an alarming surge in inmates taking their own lives a morbid correlation that cemented his place in the prison’s Dreadful lore even now his spectral presence is palpable with visitors reporting the Phantom Echoes of his

    Heavy footsteps clang hanging down the corridors and his Whispers rustling like the chilling wind these Eerie manifestations serve as a stark reminder of the prison’s horrifying past ensuring that its gruesome Legacy is never forgotten but instead hauntingly alive and we’re starting off this list with the PTA Watami County Jail located in

    Council Bluffs Iowa was built in 1885 and is known as the squirrel cage at least it used to be due to its unique design instead of traditional cells the jail featured a rotating circular cage the design was kind of revolutionary for the time it was intended to increase security and allow for better

    Surveillance of the inmates but was ultimately discontinued due to its impracticalities some prisoners were also severely harmed in the rotating Contraption so uh basically there was these cylindrical cages that prisoners cells were located in they each had one opening and the Jailer turned his crank and the cell would would rotate to

    Either face the opening or the enclosed part of the cage it was pretty dangerous and a lot of prisoners uh lost limbs so yeah not not a place you would have wanted to end up in despite being decommissioned in 1969 many people believe that this County Jail is haunted

    The former jail was also featured in uh Ghost Adventures so if you want to learn more about it you can check that episode out at number nine we have the Orleans Parish prison Orleans Parish prison located in New Orleans Louisiana is regarded as one of the worst prisons in

    The United States and was one of the most heavily impacted facilities during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 the prison has a violent reputation and has been scrutinized for being underst staffed filthy probably the most infamous incident at the prison though took place during Hurricane Catrina roughly 650 prisoners were left behind in the prison

    After the hurricane P hit and the conditions inside quickly deteriorated of course as the floodwaters rose and power was lost many inmates were left without food water you know basic necessities and some were forced to drink from toilets in order to survive it’s believed that over 500 prisoners

    Lost their lives the State Correctional Institution also known as Western Penitentiary in Pittsburgh Sylvania this former prison has been left abandoned since 2017 and is known for a particularly dark incident that took place in 1987 a fire broke out in one of the prisons cell blocks causing significant damage and endangering the

    Lives of inmates and staff that’s what fire does it’s dangerous was later revealed though that the fire had been deliberately started by a group of guards in response to a protest by inmates the incident happened when a group of inmates began protesting poor conditions and mistreatment at the facility including overcrowding and

    Limited access basic necessities in response group of guards reportedly entered the cell block and set fire to a pile of garbage causing the blaze to quickly spread throughout the area inmates were left trapped in their cells and smoke and Flames engulf the block many suffered smoke inhalation and other

    Injuries as a result Nevada State Prison this former prison started operation in 1862 and has been left abandoned since 2012 located in Carson City Nevada state prison was known for its harsh conditions numerous executions and some of its Infamous inmates prison’s long history has this association with death

    And despair and it’s led a lot of people to believe it could be haunted numerous reports Paranormal Activity been documented by visitors and employees of the prison strange sounds Eerie voices and unexplained footsteps have all been discussed particularly in the cell blocks the execution chamber visitors have also reported feeling a sense of

    Unease or you know being like watched by mysterious eyes and some have even claimed to have seen apparitions of former inmates or guards one of the most famous ghosts believed to haunt the prison is that of a former inmate who is executed by hanging in the 19th century

    Many visitors have also reported seeing his ghost in the execution chamber or hearing his disembodied voice other reported hauntings include a guard who is murdered by inmate in the 1950s the prison’s Eerie reputation has drawn attention from a lot of Ghost Hunters and paranormal enthusiasts like back bagam himself and his Ghost Adventures

    Crew next up we have the old asex County Jail the old asex County Jail located in New York New Jersey was known for its harsh conditions and again brutal treatment of inmates today many people believe that the jail is haunted by the spirits of those who died within the

    Walls due to the extreme conditions and inhumane treatment of the former inmates one of the main reasons why the old Essex County Jail is considered haunted is the high number of deaths that occurred the Jail’s overcrowded conditions poor sanitation and lack of Medical Care led to numerous outbreaks

    Of disease which claimed the lives of many inmates Additionally the jail was the site of several violent incidents trauma and you know pain that happened Within These Walls some say kind of left it’s an imprint on the jail leading to the supposed Paranormal Activity another factor that contributes to the possible

    Haunting is the the evidence of ghostly activity if you want to call it evidence it’s people saying they’ve seen or heard things visitors and staff have reported hearing strange noises you know Whispers all all your Classics some have even seen full-bodied apparitions including the ghost of a former inmate who is said

    To have hung himself within his cell others have experienced sudden drops in temperature or seen unex explained orbs of light I I always find orbs kind of boring but I don’t know that’s just me I want to see like a ghost you know the point is the site is now abandoned and

    Technically prohibited so enter at your own risk next up we have another Australian prison the old Melbourne go this or or gal this former prison located in Melbourne Australia was operational from 1845 until 1924 the prison is famous for its Grim history with over 130 prisoners executed on The

    Gallows during its operation and today the prison is open to the public as a museum with guided tours offering visitors a glimpse into the lives of the prisoners who were incarcerated but when it was operational as a prison again you would have been warned never to go near

    It it housed some of Australia’s most notorious criminals and was known for its inhumane conditions big of surprise surprise prisoners cells were tiny and overcrowded with up to four inmates crammed into a single cell the prisoners were forced to sleep on hard wooden planks without any bedding sanitation

    Was almost non-existent too with only a few communal toilets available for hundreds of prisoners the cells were rarely cleaned and inmates were often left to live in filth which resulted in the spread of disease and infection and in terms of punishment you had solitary confinement logging or even hanging for

    The most serious of crimes the Galls at the prison saw the execution of over 130 prisoners making it one of the most notorious places of execution in Australian history which is also why it’s said to be one of the most haunted prisoners in Australia the Atlanta Prison Farm is a former Correctional

    Facility located in Atlanta Georgia it’s known for its tough conditions and forced labor practices today the prison is abandoned and many people believe it to be haunted one of the most commonly reported paranormal occurrences at the Atlanta Prison Farm is the apparation of a former prisoner who was killed during

    A failed escape attempt visitors are reported seeing the ghostly figure of a man running through the prison’s corridors before disappearing into the thin air some visors some visitors to the prison have reported feeling a sense of unease or being touched again by people that aren’t really there there

    Have also been reports of mysterious again orbs of light I’m not again not too confused about that but people are really obsessed with like orbs there’s like orb enthusiasts out there figures are also seen appearing in photographs taken inside the prison despite the supposed paranormal activity at the

    Prison the Atlanta Prison Farm remains a popular destination for Ghost Hunters and urban explorers looking to experience the you know haunted history firsthand I’d like to I’d actually like to go I’d check it I’ve never been to a an abandoned uh you know supposedly haunted place before but you know no one

    Wants to go anyone want to go with me let me know in the comments probably won’t happen but you know Garcia Moreno prison located in Kito Ecuador was once home to some of the most notorious criminals in the country’s history it was also violent and overcrowded not a

    Place I would have ever wanted to visit today Garcia Moreno is well known for its haunted reputation many visitors and locals believe that the abandoned prison is haunted by the spirits of former inmates who suffered and died there some of the most commonly reported Paranormal Activity includes strange weird noises

    Voice Es are disembodied and you know just this Eerie feeling of being watched visitors have also reported seeing ghostly figures and shadows moving throughout the prison and the harsh living conditions frequent outbreaks of violence and numerous deaths that occurred within the prison are believed to have left a lingering presence of

    Unrest and suffering and it’s interesting with this one too because apparently was abandoned but a lot of the stuff the prisoners Left Behind are still there it almost looks like people just suddenly disappeared despite being closed for several years Garcia Moreno prison continues to draw visitors who

    Are interested in its maab history and a chance to experience paranormal the shepon Malay prison so we’re going to be talking a lot about brutal prisons that you would have been warned not to visit before they were finally shut down so I figured I’d start things off with a

    Prison that is no longer operational but you may still not want to visit for another reason ghosts located in Somerset England chapon Malay is known as one of the most haunted prisons in the world and has a long storied history it had completed Construction in 1910 and was fully operational until 1990 and

    Had changed hands several times over the course of its operation was a military prison in both British and American hands during World War II and then went back to British hands after that the walls of this historic building are said to house the tortured spirits that were once inmates of the prison where

    Countless hangings took place there are ghost tours now if you want to go go at your own risk all right this is a German word in German I I don’t speak it so this might come out a little janky hoen Shan hon prison is a former stacei

    Prison located in Berlin Germany it was originally built in 1945 but in 1951 the Soviet Secret Police transferred control of the facility to the Eastern German Ministry of State security commonly known as Stasi used it as a prison for opponents of the regime the prison just had terrible living conditions and the

    Inmates were treated of course horribly as you could probably imagine they were subjected to physical violence forced labor but psychological torture was the main method used here they would threaten to harm inmates families sleep deprivation was also big they were held in cramped cells with without windows

    And were often denied food and medical treatment many inmates were interrogated for weeks or months on end often resulting in false confessions despite the human rights abuses in the prison the facility remained hidden from the public for many years it was located in a restricted area so this is one You

    Definitely wouldn’t be visiting because there’s a good chance you wouldn’t have even known it existed inmates were not allowed to communicate with the outside world and were often held solitary confinement to prevent them from sharing information about their Treatment


    1. My step dad (God rest his soul) used to be a prison warden at Fremantle Prison. Also the word GAOL is pronounced JAIL, it's just a different way to spell it. The Australian and New Zealand prisons are fantastic compared to others in the world and I'm talking about now of course, not the past, though there is one jail for youths that apparently needs a lot of improvements. Thanks, I am now thoroughly creeped out and sad of the treatment of these people, especially the innocent ones!

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