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    My mom is loving kind and beautiful she’s a role model to me in many ways but one way in particular is the way that she’s so passionate and faithful to Jesus through this passion she sees the gold in every single person that she comes in touch with and that is

    Something that I aspire to be like um I love so many things about my mom but one thing that I would say I love the most is um when she cooks amazing macian food for us and the other one is how um how many sacrifices she’s made for us and

    How she’s always taken great care of my sister and I so I discovered what it means to be a mom just recently about 5 months ago yeah being a mom is such a great responsibility and it’s such a gift and a blessing from God and yeah

    She just fills her heart with joy yeah it’s also obviously challenging um but it’s super rewarding as well and I love to see how Jason is also a great dad to her but obviously we’re just talking about Mom’s today in terms of her being her being existing well she’s Ukrainian woman with

    Three kids it’s it’s impossible to be bad cook in that point I I realized it just now how sacrifice sacrificing were was she when I was a kid like all the thing that she was uh Missing because of us what my mom means to me um she is comfort and safety um

    And I just always love being at Mom’s house um she cooks amazing food and has sacrificed so much for us so much time um she encompasses love and kindness um and she’s such a good friend so what it means to be a mom well it’s a huge

    Blessing um it’s been the biggest joy and that’s come into my life and it’s so much fun um and there’s tears of laughter all the time um and lots and lots of patience I think it means to me personally answer prayer um I love go shopping with her

    Um I love playing with her he always takes care of us and she always does every Job just tell me about your mom in a few in a few words cuz I know you can talk I can talk with so much um my mom is the loveliest person on the earth sorry Dad um she is awesome she is paty she is bubbly and she makes everybody feel

    Loved whether she’s birthed you or not she is your mom so great um I love that she is so real with me uh she tells me things to my face even if it hurts but out of love um and she prays for me and like real intercessory prayer as well um and I

    Think it’s just it’s so good to have a mom who would do that stand in the gap for you even when at times you might not be able to um yeah I think she’s just real and fun and I love her what I really love about my mom she’s so loving

    And she’s so encouraging of me like she’s always rooting for me and always supporting me in everything that I do and my mom’s great she’s a really hard worker she does so much for all of us kids there’s eight of us as well to keep

    On top of and she does that very well also my wife is an incredible mom to my two little boys she works incredibly hard day and day out and still looks as good as she does I love my mom because she’s an amazing person she is my best

    Friend um she is a counselor she’s a shopping partner and we just have so much fun together and I know she’s always going to be there for me the thing I I really love about my mom is that when I was a kid I I thought

    She was really mean and really strict um and she’d always tell me off for going off my own um but I realized now that she was making me the person I am today and everything that I’m proudest about myself and who I am is down to the way I

    Was raised and and particularly because of my mom what I love about my mom uh my mom I just think she’s always been there for us I’ve never had to never had to worry about anything ever I just always got the safety blanket of my my mom much

    Like God isn’t it she’s there she’s always there I’ve never had to worry about any of my mom just always someone I can rely on oh she’s very very patient which is um which is often needed yeah I love my mom because um She’s So sacrificial in her love I don’t think I

    Realized like as I was growing up how how many sacrifices she made um but as I’ve got older I’ve kind of really understood that and really appreciate it and yeah she’s amazing mommy always um is there for me and even Mommy I love mommy how much do you love your mommies this

    SM I love my mommy I love my mommy I love my Mommy good morning Mosaic Church is it well with you isn’t it good to be in the house of the Lord today I believe this is going to be your queue soon but just before we go I’m glad that everybody got to be in here for the Mother’s Day video uh

    Particularly since one of the moms is headed out she needed to be here for all of her kids what she had to say this is our opportunity every month we we take the privilege of honoring someone in our congregation because one of our values here is to honor other people and uh how

    Many of you know you have to demonstrate honor you can’t just say it to honor someone you have to demonstrate that now I love everyone that serves here and and every month we get to the privilege of honoring someone and and this particular month I just want to take an opportunity

    To talk about a gentleman who has given probably behind the scenes more than in front of anyone um but one of those figures that if you’re between the ages of 10 and 17 or 18 you probably have seen this guy’s face so many times and probably sometimes in correction and

    Sometimes in lifting you up but regardless he’s had such a role in helping to shape our young people here he’s involved in ignite he’s involved in our youth department and so we are just privileged to be able to put on the screen I believe you have the book of

    Romans chapter 10 do you or do you not yep there you go this is what we believe love each other with genuine affection now here’s what we’re getting ready to do and take Delight in honoring each other so when I call his name you’re going to take

    Delight are you ready for that okay Don pinegrass would you come please as we honor you let’s come on now Don we love Don come on would you just extend your hand I just want to pray for Don Don we thank you for your service and we display a blessing over your life we thank you for a refilling over your houseold we’re grateful today for your sacrifice and we believe that God is

    Pouring out into you day by day refreshing you causing the favor of God upon your life in jesus’ name amen come on let’s give it up one more time we love you every single month I love this part of our our service because we have the privilege of just delighting in saying

    Thank you isn’t that such a wonderful wonderful attribute as a church and as the house of God for those of you that may have seen me slip in I was with our hillfield campus to start our services today I bring greetings from them letting them know that we love them and

    You love them and they love you there’s all kinds of love going around between this city center and outside the Ring Road and we’re just thrilled that God continues to bless what we’re doing there at hillfields and he’s blessing what God is doing here at War row

    Because we are a global Church who’s on the Move in multiplication amen isn’t that good news isn’t that good news to know we’re on the move today I have the special privilege of I love one of the key elements of my life is probably development I love developing five-fold Ministry gifts I

    Love developing people it’s just part of the call of God on my life somehow no matter where I’ve pastored what I’ve done I attract leaders it just happens and the problem with attracting leaders is is that you got to do something with them you can’t you can’t just attract a

    Leader and give them a high five because they’re a leader so they come to you so that there’s something that’s in them that you can help connect with and Spark and bring them into a furtherance of what God’s assigned to them or what God’s saying and I’m thankful that in

    The midst of that type of development God grounds people in the house he brings people along and he says we want to be pillars in this house with you we want to see it grow we see the vision that God’s given to the church we see

    What you do apostolically and we want to connect with that and I’m so thankful when God does that it’s so refreshing when people sit in front of you and and they’re just Desiring to glean and to grow and you know last year in 2023 we just had such a incredible year at

    Mosaic and one thing we’ve become aware of at Mosaic Church is that we’re growing to the place that we’ve now needed to expand some of our teams I talked about that two weeks ago with our fuel cells were growing our worship teams growing our stewarding teams are

    Growing but it also means our pastors have to grow we don’t only have to grow deep we have to grow in width and there was no better opportunity for me than to highlight people that I believe God sent to me and to you and to this house on

    Assignment I believe they’ve been given to us as a gift that’s what the Bible says five-fold Ministry gifts are they are a gift and so it was my privilege to speak with gee and Lorena and asked them if they would please join as Community pastors of Mosaic Church and they have

    Graciously accepted this assignment thank you I believe we are not a church with evangelism we are an Evangelistic Church so we need Community pastors who are helping to bring what I believe is one of the most foundational and fundamental parts of being a healthy Church which is

    To teach and to impart what it means to share good news don’t you love people that share good news I mean it’s just like they’re infectious and I didn’t want to go today without having the opportunity to allow one of them to speak to us as a congregation because I

    Feel it’s so pivotal for us to learn to receive from the gifts God has blessed us with now you get to hear me every week and I know you’re blessed by that and I I believe in every way that’s meaningful for you and I’m grateful but it’s also my privilege to yield the

    Platform to those that are being developed and those that God has brought to us it’s something specific on our house it’s what we’re going to do because we are a multiplying Church so today it’s my real privilege as we continue on who is Jesus to invite a

    Woman that I know has a heart for God when I met Lorena I was so blessed by her sensitivity to the spirit her goodness in her heart her willingness to serve in every area I asked her to or anyone else for that matter but also just the the sense of strength that she

    Brought in the word she’s a studier she desires to know what it means to know God she wants and to know him more and more each day I can tell by just my conversations with her and she is a fiery dancing Brazilian that’s my privilege to invite Lorena to the

    Platform today to come share now come on get up on your feet and welcome Lorena good morning Mosaic Church such a privilege to be here to be part of our church to be part of what God is doing our house I since the first day that I came here I felt part

    Of I felt part of I remember the day when I I was sitting there and I came here and I felt that I could breathe again the presence of the Lord was here and ministering to our hearts and yeah I just feel part is just a privilege to

    Serve our family church and it’s a privilege for me to be here uh for those that don’t know me I’m Lorena I’m from Brazil I’m married to this incredible man handsome we are Brazilians and seven years ago God called us to this nation and we came answering the call of God in our

    Lives two years ago we joined Mosaic and has been such a good good journey to be on the boat with all of you getting prepared for what is coming getting prepared and living what God is already doing right so last last week we had the the launching of of our Easter

    Series who is Jesus and Pastor Randa is starting us off here dropping a bomb in the platform I felt the pressure of that word on my heart because timing I I always have seen timing against me never on my side and I was a shift of perspective I was like

    Always seeing time as my Taskmaster not as a an agent of God in my favor and that was mindblowing for me that that picture cannot even do that the picture of that bottle being instead of being empty being filled and open overflowing with God’s timing for us God’s presence God’s

    Fullness just make my mind think wow I’m living my time in the wrong way I need to adjust that and that Revelation I walked with the spirit during the week I did some adjustments my husband is like so true I did some adjustments and I believe that the spirit will

    Always be flowing here in this house and revelation will always be available at this altar so our main job is not to store Revelation as we store information knowledge our challenge is not allow that Revelation become rotten and we do that by practicing we do do that by

    Living we need to embrace what we receive but we need to live it don’t wait for tomorrow do it today so today we’re gonna uh read from Luke 24 13-35 and as is the custom of this house please let’s stand to read the word of God Luke 24 verse

    13-35 there we go now that the same day two of them were going to a village called EMAs about seven miles from Jerusalem they were talking with each other about everything that had happen and as they talked and discussed these things with each other Jesus himself

    Came out up and walked along with them but they were kept from recognizing him he asked them what are you discussing together as we walk along they stood still their fast their faces downcast one of the named cleopas asked him are you the only one visiting Jerusalem who

    Does not know the things that have happened in these last three days and he asked what a thing what things about Jesus of Nazareth they replied he was a prophet powerful in words and deeds before God and all the people the chief priests and our rulers

    Handed him over to be sentenced to death and they crucify him but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel and what is more it is the third day since all this took place in addition some of our women amazed us

    They went to the tomb early this morning but did not find his body they came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels who said he was alive then some of our companions enter the tomb and found it just as the woman had said but they did not see Jesus

    And he said to them how foolish you are and how is slow to believe all that the prophet had spoken did not the Messiah have to suffer these things to enter in his glory and beginning with the Moses writing and all the prophets he explaining to them what

    Was said in all the scriptures concerning himself and as they approached the village to which they were going Jesus continued on as if he was going further but they urged him strongly stay with us for it’s nearly evening the day is almost over so he went in to stay

    With them when he was at the table with them he took the bread he gave thanks he broke it and began to give it to them and then their eyes were opened and they recognized him and he disappeared from this from their sight and they asked each other were not our hearts

    Burning within us while he talked with us on the road and open the scriptures they got up they returned at once to Jerusalem that they found 11 those with them assembled together and say it is true the Lord is is risen and he has appeared to Simon then the truth

    Told what had what had happened on the way and how Jesus was recognized by them when he broke the bread Lord Jesus this is your word Lord And We Just Surrender before you today I ask your spirit that your spirit going to come and open us to see giv us heart

    To perceive your presence what you are speaking to us today Lord I pray in name of Jesus that you use me Lord for your glory Lord I pray that our hearts are going to leave this place burning burning Burning For You in name of Jesus I pray amen three years

    Ago G and I we were part of a PL planting Church among the Asylum Seekers and Refugee community here in Coventry and was just part of our routine to go to deliver Bible studies and uh lectures about the Bible as 90% of them were Muslims right so they exploring the

    Faith exploring Christianity and that was our job so we were there for them teaching explaining and letting them ask questions and just as one more normal day I arrived to deliver a lecture on baptism and I was there I start to talk about the waters the meanings and

    Everything else and showing them that was more than S symbols there was a meaning on that and as I was speaking I noticed that one lady from Iran she had tears do coming off of her face and I was like something’s going on there and then she couldn’t contain herself she asked to

    Speak and I gave her the word and she said do you know I was in Iran and I went to a protest and the police the police sorry the police they identified my face and a few days later um my my mom uh they went to my home to arrested me I

    Wasn’t home my mom called me I was at work at the bank and she said run away I’m going to call her Kadija for the sake of preserve her identity okay and she said Kadija run away run away because you know that the police fight the police find you they’re going to

    Arrest you and you know your end and then she left the bank immediately she went to another city City where she had a friend from Armenia there and this friend specific friend she was a underground Christian and as she enter to his house she noticed a beautiful picture on the

    Wall and she asked what is this picture about and her friend told her oh this is the last supper it is Jesus in his last meal before going to cross with his disciples he was sharing hearts with them and as soon as she heard Jesus she disengage of the conversation she

    Doesn’t want to talk about that they had dinner she was going to sleep and the mom of her friend before she goes to bed insisted with her and she came to her and said Kadija I believe that the only person that could find find you a way out of this country is Jesus

    Pray for him to open a way out of the country for you and She thank you her in politeness went to her bedroom she doesn’t want to engage with that she went to sleep only to dream with who with Jesus and on that dream she saw a multitude of people and they are all singing that marvelous song she said I cannot describe the

    Atmosphere they are all singing singing I have never seen nothing like that she told me and then from the middle of the crown a way was opening and a man dressed with white robes extending his hand to me came to my direction grabbed me by my hand and brought me

    With him to a place that look seems like to be a huge pool and he looked at to me and said Kadija is necessary that you pass through the waters and as she was passing through the waters she looked back she saw her whole family coming behind her also

    Passing through the waters and then she woke up as you imagine she has no idea what that swimming pool that Waters means right she had no idea can you imagine that moment for her when she was there in that lecture seated and I started to speak that words

    That was like it was like as if she could click on hyperlink and then a word of information would come out for her what she saw in in in symbols in images in her dreams now I was speaking in words but God God was adding adding the necessary

    Information that she need to unveil Jesus for her a couple of months later I had the privilege to baptize Kadija and in what in a church full of Muslims people that were exploring Faith some came to Faith some not she testified so B boldly about her faith in

    Jesus what I want to say with that is that today we’re going to talk about the unveil of Jesus and based on Luke 2413 and 35 we will explore three points that that would be like hyperlinks to unlock information that would unveil Revelation about who Jesus is for

    Us all the time that I talk about these histories about what Kadija experienced I really felt that the god of God is revealed with that because God pursued her when she was rejecting him on her testimony at the church he said in the morning when I woke up from

    That dream I prayed and I asked the Lord Jesus if you are real open up a way out of the country from me a couple of days later she was out of the country safe and she told my V on that prayer was that if he did that for me I would

    Serve him my whole life and that she stood on that place at that church on her baptism Day saying I’m going to serve Christ all my life and today I’m started to fulfilling my voice how powerful how powerful God’s love encounter us where we are he had the necessary information

    That we need and then he started to unveil Jesus to us in a journey so our first point today is failing to perceive Jesus’s rightful place in our culture and personal life often results in spiritual blindness looking at the Luke’s text we’ll see two devastated frustrated sadden

    Disciples those men they love Jesus they believe that Jesus was the Messiah the promised Messiah that would deliver them but what have happened to this men that they could not see why their eyes were kept from recognized Jesus they were seeing Jesus Through The lenses of tradition through the lenses of culture

    Religion historically Jes Jews they were expecting a different kind of Messiah a different kind of they want a king who would restore them the geographic boundaries the geographic borders that they have in in David kingdoms you know that um when God made a promise for when God promised for them

    The promised land was just in David Kingdom centuries after that that they reach finally the borders that God has promised during David and Solomon kingom they had Glory they were Rec recognized by all the nations they had the temple the presence of God was there they are living their golden

    Age and then the cycle of sin brought them to Exile where they are oppressed by the Babylons and then after that for the medians and then the Greeks and now the Romans centuries of Oppression so Jews were expecting someone that would bring the Revenge that they are

    Expecting they want to their LS back they wanted their Glory back they would they want their Temple back they are expect something else that seems not to be what Jesus was offering them Israeli Kings or leaders are supposed by culture to achieve two things the first one is cleanse and

    Protect the temple from being desecrated destroyed because the temple represent not just the presence of God but the glory of the Israeli people everything was around the temple everything would point to the temple and the second thing was that that the Israeli leader should do should kill all the the Israel’s

    Enemies and that’s a point very important because Jesus was arrested under the condemnation that he would destroy the temple and rebuild it again in three days that was the accusation that brought Jesus that took Jesus to cross they couldn’t understand understand that Jesus was talking about the Temple of his

    Body he was the temple that would be destroyed so the temples of our Humanity could be cleans and then God’s presence could dwell with us again they couldn’t see that that mortal body would be destroyed and rebuilding the third day a clear picture of the Resurrection ction and why that is so

    Important because Resurrection is a victory over the enemies of God’s kingdom sin death and Satan they miss the point their perception will twist by placing Jesus wrongly in our culture their disciples also put un veil in their eyes and how they would perceive jesus’ actions verse 19 you’re going to say he

    Was a prophet powerful in words and deeds before God and all the people in other words he was saying he was perfect for the job they believe it that he was perfect for the job then he died but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem

    Israel the tension in their words show us that those men saw death as an invincible enemy and they saw death as an invincible enemy not because they have not seen Jesus correctly res sorry not because they have not seen Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the death or because they have not seen Jesus

    Resurrect the daughter of gyus the leader of the synagogue do mens they sorry I just had my computer completely stopping those men they cannot they was not they are not seeing Jesus correctly because they were expecting a king that would kill not die for they were expecting a king that

    Would kill not die for and so many times we go in the same direction so there we go I’m back now good and so many times we go in the same direction we expect that Jesus would do things for us and if not meet our expectations like Beck was saying here

    Today we fire him from the job right I want a king that would heal me and if I’m not I’m not healed as I expect then oh Jesus is not faithful as I thought I want a God that give me children oh if he didn’t give me

    Children I don’t think that his faith as I thought fire ahead that means they are living what we do live in our day too sometimes we approach God as if God is our Genie right he need to satisfy our desires they were looking for extension of their land are looking for extension

    Of their power looking for extension of influence they were looking for being greater than their enemies but they not look for for extension of heart not look for extension of BS and that is all the text that support the same idea when you see James and John approaching Jesus and they come

    Jesus does the thing in your kingdom pleas give me a place at your left and your right side that words will full charge with political desire right they’re are not asking oh let me sit at your side because I like you no they are wanting they want position

    Power when we see the disciples in all the texts are arguing many times arguing who will be the greatest in God’s kingdom we are not seeing just a group of friends fighting because they want to see be jesus’ best friend no they are fighting for position because they

    Really believed that Jesus was this kind of Messiah that would come to kill when you see Peter all the time around walking with a sword he thought that he was protecting Jesus for something can you imagine his deception when Jesus put back the mo on ears he probably fall what is what is

    Going on here they are expecting a different King and remain for us today the question are we willing to be frustrated so that we finally have the correct Revelation about Christ in different places in our life is sometimes only when God comes and frustrate our expectations that we can see properly

    What’s going on I had many opportunities in my life that I expect so much something I had planed for something and that didn’t came to happen and it was just when that didn’t happen that I could perceive what God was doing and that’s the invitation today that we’re going to not approach

    Jesus looking for extend of power territory or anything look it’s not wrong God give territories to people God give influence to people but he gave first a extension of heart there is a way to get there the extension of God needs to be your king first he needs to run on your heart

    First God don’t give influence power to people that are going to waste it that will we quick fire Jesus from his job because he didn’t met our expectations like the disciples did is by placing Jesus wrongly that our hearts becomes slow to believe because we got the frustration they expect something

    They about to see the Promise happen and then didn’t happen in the way they expected have you had a promise that you have been praying for that look like never happened have you ever realized that sometimes our heart becomes low to believe because of the frustration around

    It our second point is that the remedy for a low heart is when they reveal Jesus bringing interpretation to to our information when I was a kid I grew up I had the amazing privilege to grow up in a Christian family and my dad and my mom they are

    Really dedicated to show the Lord to us and the thing that I most heard when I was a kid in my house was that God speak to us through his scriptures Through the Bible and the second thing that I most I most heard was that I was to be a friend

    Of God and listen to his voice that was my calling to be a friend of God and although I had so many spiritual disciplines my mom would not take us to bed to sleep without reading the Bible memorizing Bible verses and praying I was a kid full of fear

    Rejection and had face so many bullying at school or things like that and on top of that I had an incredible fear of dark place because I was such a sensitive kid to the spiritual Helms I would see often in h evil spirits and that was very fine

    For kid kids that they by Nature they don’t know how to deal with that right and take to the parents to lead them to Jesus in a way that beig that become my strength instead of something that going to weaken then and I was in that season between my

    Eight 10 years old I can remember properly when I was want to sleep every night in my parents’ bed because I could not sleep in a darking room need to be alone and can you imagine that my dad got uncomfortable with that for sure because I I would not come just to

    His bed I need to be in between them two right in the middle like so yeah so I feel safe in that way and then then was not my problem and then I was there coming to beds their beds and then my dad said Lorena today we’re gonna you going to be

    Sleeping at your bed and you can imagine that fear escalate inside of me me and he was saying I need you to go to sleep to your bed because you have no wage anymore to not face your challenges and I was feeling no D no that please please please please and I

    Had this tension inside of me the first tension was the fear and the second tension was knowing that my dad’s know was actually a no he would not change Always firm and flexible with his nose and I was like it start to cry that cry that cry and the terror was there so

    Huge and I’m I I I I remember the the terror that I had as a kid that I would hear like Doggins barking on my ears the terror was there I start I was crying so much and my mom was crying too and my mom was like L she call me l l

    Sing sing because worship freees from fear I don’t want to sing I was just crying crying crying I went to my bed and as I was hidden under my do I prayed a simple prayer and I said Jesus if you are real I need to know that you are here with

    Me and suddenly I thought was just straight to finish my prayer a thought pop on my mind and the thought was God speak to us through scripture and I got my Bible and I with a faith of a child I open randomly right randomly the Bible and I open my bible in Psalms

    48 that says in peace I will lie down and then fall asleep because only you Lord Make Me dwell rest in safety and as I read that I felt the presence of the Lord breaking into my room that was my first experience with the Holy

    Spirit feel fing the room and I now my tears of of desperation became tears of joy and I start to to say loud so my mom could hear from the other room mom God is here God’s with me there was a Joy inside of me because

    That was the first time that I felt my heart burning my heart burning when God speaks over our place of confusion he brings healing he brings a correct interpretation a COR Revelation for us and that free us why not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and

    Opened the scriptures Jesus is here today in the same way that he was with me in that ruin I got that Revelation so personal that changed my whole life because that child that was try always hiding always always feeling that I was a Target I was feeling myself all the time as a

    Target when Jesus came and gave me the Revelation that I was safe in him everything changed not because I processed that in my knowledge but because I process that in my spirit today I can see but what’s happened was that I start to see a dark Corridor and I would to run through

    It but now I’m in front of a dark Corridor and I’m walking with confidence knowing that Jesus is making me dwell in safety before I was a target of rejection bullying a target for evil spirits but that day the healing that Christ brought for me in my feelings was

    Not just in being safe but also freeing my identity who God created me to be and then that’s a revelation that I understand now but my the the meaning of my name is Princess Warrior can you imagine it that the enemy want me to see that I see myself as a

    Target they want me to be in fear they want me to to be feeling that I’m not enough but what God did with me was that he said no no no no no no no you stand here and look things in this perspective your enemies they are you

    Feel your enemies are too close not because you are easy target your enemies they are too close because I made you a warrior someone that needs to awaken courage inside of you so perspectives change the way that also we receive healing in our lives that we receive Revelation in our

    Lives and God is also inviting us today to change our perspective of what he’s doing you are facing challenges in your life you are facing challenges in your life there are rhythms that are Cycles repeating your life and on these Cycles you know that you are not

    Free and God has a correct Revelation that going to unveil Jesus in this process with you is only when our the center of our Lives become Jesus that we got the expansion of heart that we need we walk in our identity and in by walking our identity we can we can face

    Life in a different way our third point it is it is by identifying with the suffering of Christ that we take part in his glory in the letter to the Corinthians Church chapter 15 Paul was dealing with a group of brothers that they would say that Jesus was their

    Savior but they would not believe that Jesus was resurrect so they say no Jesus died for my sin but they could not see that by saying that actually they are are their sins because there is no sense in Bel that suffering without victory suffering without victory over

    Sin death and powers of Darkness make no sense the salary of sin is death right if Jesus was was is still there how could we be victorious over sin and then Paul start to explain that to that that church but instead of just making the a point to Believe In Christ Resurrection

    Paul says there is a very important way why we believe in Resurrection because the resurrection is not important just to make you see Jesus Jus as Victorious over sin death and Satan but there is a resurrection that we also experience as his followers there is a power that overseen

    That we just can experience when we are in Christ and is is by identify ourselves with the suffering that Christ entered to in that cross that that we can also be in his glory with him what God did was he Vindicated Christ’s life in Resurrection in resurrected

    Power and now Christ is offering that to us so Paul come to these brothers on verse 31 1 Corinthians verse chapter 15:31 and say day by day I die and I protest Brothers I urge you return to sity and do not sin for some have no knowledge of God by doing that so

    Paul by talking about Resurrection he develop a subject that is deeper he’s saying you cannot just believe in Resurrection you need to believe that Resurrection give you power to overcome Senor life was not just Jesus that overcomes him Resurrection bringing powers for you to overcome that but our attention is because we avoid

    Suffering we want to avoid suffering we want to escape from suffering uffing but is only by identify with Jesus suffering day by day I die like Paul was saying that we can experience the power of Resurrection when we are seeing things like we are here today you brought out M

    The grave out of the Grave it means also the joy that we have when we overcome something that was so impossible so difficult for us it is possible to live a life for Christ and not live a life in Christ there is a Victorious resurrection that accomp accompanies our

    Daily life that and in our daily life as we die for sin and I want to finish with that that our mission here is not to to do ministry our mission here is not to sing songs all those things are great take care of our famili is great but our greatest missions

    Here is to bear in us the image of the the Heavenly men is by bearing as the image of The Heavenly Man that we can live a life of dying for ourselves through the power of the Holy Spirit and receive in Christ the Vindication the resurrection of our problems our mistakes our

    Sins the Bible we’re going to show us three Gardens the first Garden Adam s there there was separation Adam couldn’t surrender his will to God he couldn’t surrender his will to God on the second Garden we’re going to see Jesus in his suffering surrender his will to the

    Father and saying Lord your will not mine your will not mine shown us a way open the way for us but there is a third garden and the gospel is going to call that the garden of the tomb where Jesus grave was in the first Garden God came and called Adam by

    Name where are you Adan I cannot recognize you where are you he need to confront him about Sin but at the third garden God himself vindicates Christ from Death in that Garden of Victory Jesus came name and call Mary by name and as he called Mary by name he says

    Come come and tell the good news to your brothers and now my brothers that our father and my father now your father has invited you to a New Life a new season from separation to Unity of spirit belonging blessing fullness we’re going to stand now we’re going to

    Pray today there is an invitation for us I truly believe that God has victory for your life I truly believe that God has separate something Victorious for you I truly believe that the Lord want to free your identity so you can leave the powerful and meaningful life that God

    Has for you bearing the image of The Heavenly Man in your life but in order to do that we cannot just say that Christ is our savior and live a life blind impossible to recognize him there is an invitation for us to live what the disciples lived we have

    One type of disciple in the gospels another completely different ones in the book of Acts a life in the spirit changes everything yes our life in the spirit changes everything it should live a life in the spirit you need to identify yourself with the suffering of

    Christ you need to repent you need to come before God and say Lord I need you I need you I need you I so need you if you are the person that like me in that room need an encounter with Jesus need to have Jesus come and

    Change the cycles of Oppression that the enemy had over you I want you to do this prayer I want you to to say to Jesus Jesus I need to know that you are here with me I need to know that you are here to free

    Me to lead me to a new way of living I want to be be able to live in the power of your Resurrection Lord take me out of the Grave Lord take me out of the Grave I know there are people here that they have been asking God for many things for years but there is all today a invitation that God want not just give you things you want to expand your heart what expansion of heart have you been Avoiding there is a invitation for open eyes and burning Hearts give me chees

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