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    Question one what color are the reflective studs along the left hand edge of the motorway see red reflective studs are used to help you in poor visibility different colors are used so that you’ll know which lane you’re in these are red on the left hand edge of the carriageway white between

    Lanes Amber on the right hand edge of the carriageway green between the carriageway and slip roads if you want to pass dvsa Theory Tes in first time you can download our eo’s app app contains 2500 DV8 s questions 250 Hazard perception videos 630 traffic road signs and 300 Highway code rules even

    98.5% people pass their test first time after using our app you can find Link in the description download app for free from App Store which contains latest 2024 material licensed by dvsa Authority get 3 days free trial for a limited time let’s get back to the video question two

    You’re in the leftand lane at traffic lights waiting to turn left which signal means you must wait a at some Junctions there may be separate signals for different Lanes these are called filter lights they’re designed to help traffic flow at Major Junctions make sure that you’re in the

    Correct Lane and proceed if the way is clear and the green light shows for your lane question three what should you do when you see an older person about to cross the road ahead D be careful they may misjudge your speed older people may have impaired hearing Vision concentration and

    Judgment they may also walk slowly and so could take a long time to cross the road question four what does a red traffic light mean see you must stop and wait behind the stop line whatever light is showing you should know which light is going to appear next and be able to take

    Appropriate action for example when Amber is showing on its own you’ll know that red will appear next this should give you ample time to anticipate and respond safely question five what does this sign mean B two-way traffic crosses a one-way Road be prepared for traffic approaching

    From Junctions on either side of you try to avoid unnecessary changing of lanes just before the junction question six what does this sign mean D pass either side to get to the same destination these signs are often seen in one-way streets that have more than

    One lane when you see this sign use the route that’s the most convenient and doesn’t require a late change of Direction question seven which sign shows that a tanker is carrying dangerous goods B tankers will display a hazard warning plate on the side and rear of the vehicle details of Hazard warning

    Symbols are given in the highway code if a tanker is involved in a collision you may need to report the tanker’s hazard labeling to the emergency services question eight tell me how you would check that the brakes are working before starting the Journey B brake pedal should feel firm but not

    Hard the brake pedal should provide some resistance it should not feel hard like you’re pushing against a wooden plank and it also shouldn’t go right to the floor when you move off check the brakes before you build up too much speed question nine you’re on a smart

    Motorway what does it mean if a red cross is showing above the hard shoulder and mandatory speed limits above all other lanes B the hard shoulder is for emergency or breakdown use only a Red Cross above the hard shoulder shows that it’s closed as a running Lane

    And should only be used for emergency es or breakdowns on a smart Motorway the hard shoulder may be used as a running Lane at busy times this will be shown by a mandatory speed limit on the Gantry above the hard shoulder question 10 you’re approaching a Crossroads what should you do if the

    Traffic lights have failed D be prepar to stop for any traffic When approaching a junction where the traffic lights have failed you should proceed with caution treat the situation as an unmarked Junction and be prepared to stop question 11 your driving on a wet Road what should you do if you have to

    Stop your vehicle in an emergency B keep both hands on the steering wheel as you drive look well ahead and all around so that you’re ready for any hazards that might develop if you have to stop in an emergency react as soon as you can while keeping control of the

    Vehicle keep both hands on the steering wheel so you can control the vehicle’s direction of travel question 12 in order to supervise a learner driver you need to have held a full driving license for the same category of vehicle for at least 3 years what other requirement must you meet

    B to be at least 21 years old learner drivers benefit by combining professional driving lessons with private practice however you need to be at least 21 years old and have held your driving license for at least 3 years before you can supervise a learner driver question 13 what’s the purpose of a catalytic

    Converter C to reduce harmful exhaust gases catalytic converters reduce uce a large percentage of harmful exhaust emissions they work more efficiently when the engine has reached its normal working temperature question 14 what would be affected if you carry a very heavy load on your vehicle C the vehicle’s

    Handling any load will have an effect on the handling of your vehicle and this becomes worse as you increase the load you need to be aware of this when carrying passengers or heavy loads fitting a roof rack or towing a trailer question 15 you’ve been involved in an argument that’s made you feel

    Angry what should should you do before starting your journey D calm down if you’re feeling upset or angry you’ll find it much more difficult to concentrate on your driving you should wait until you’ve calmed down before starting a journey question 16 tell me how you would check the tires

    To ensure that they have sufficient tread depth and that their General condition is safe to use on the road a check there are no cuts and bulges check the side walls and tread for cuts and bulges you may have to turn your wheels upwards to do this check you have

    At least 1.6 mm tread depth using a gauge question 17 which vehicle will use a blue flashing Beacon B bomb disposal emergency vehicles use blue flashing lights if you see or hear one move out of its way as soon as it’s safe and legal to do so question

    18 where should you take particular care to look for motorcyclists and cyclists B at Junctions motorcyclists and cycl lists are often more difficult to see at Junctions they’re easily hidden from View and you may not be able to see them approaching a junction if your view is partially blocked for example by other

    Traffic question 19 you’re following a long vehicle as it approaches a Crossroads what should you do if it signals left but moves out to the right B stay well back and give it room a long vehicle may need to swing out in the opposite direction as it

    Approaches a turn to allow the rear wheels to clear the curb don’t try to filter through if you see a gap as the Lori turns the Gap will close question 20 what does this sign mean C minimum speed 30 mph this sign is shown where slow moving Vehicles would impede the flow of

    Traffic for example in tunnels however if you need to slow down or even stop to avoid an incident or potential Collision you should do so question 21 you’re following a large vehicle as it approaches AC Crossroads what should you do if the driver signals to turn

    Left D wait for the vehicle to finish turning hold back and wait until the vehicle has turned before proceeding don’t overtake because the vehicle turning left could hide another vehicle emerging from the same Junction question 22 you’re traveling in very heavy rain how is this likely to affect your overall stopping distance

    A it will be doubled the road will be very wet and spray from other vehicles will reduce your visibility Tire grip will also be reduced increasing your stopping distance you should at least double your separation distance to make sure you can stop safely in the space you’ve allowed question

    23 what would you do if you see older people crossing the road ahead B be patient and allow them to cross in their own time be aware that older people might take a long time to cross the road they might also be hard of hearing and not hear you approaching don’t hurry older

    People across the road by getting too close to them or revving your engine question 24 what should you do if the red lights start flashing as you approach a level crossing C stop before the barrier at level Crossings the red lights Flash before and while the barrier is down at

    Most Crossings an amber light will precede the red lights you must stop behind the white line unless you’ve already crossed it when the amber light comes on don’t be tempted to zigzag around half barriers question 25 what can people who live or we back in towns and cities do to help reduce

    Urban pollution levels c walk or cycle using a vehicle for short Journeys means the engine doesn’t have time to reach its normal operating temperature when an engine is running below its normal operating temperature it produces increased amounts of pollution walking and cycling don’t create pollution and have health benefits as well question

    26 why is it particularly important to check your vehicle before making a long Motorway Journey D continuous high speeds increase the risk of your vehicle breaking down before you start your journey make sure that your vehicle can cope with the demands of high-speed driving you should check a number of

    Things the main ones being fuel oil water and tires you also need to plan rest stops if you’re making a long journey question 27 you’re on a smart Motorway what does it mean when a Red Cross is displayed above the hard shoulder D you must not travel in this

    Lane some motorways have been redesigned as smart motor ways at certain times the hard shoulder will be open as a running Lane however a Red Cross above the hard shoulder shows that it isn’t open as a running Lane and should only be used for emergencies and breakdowns question

    28 you’re going to turn left from a main road into a minor Road what should you do as you approach The Junction D keep well to the left of the road your road position can help other Road users to anticipate your actions keep to the left as you approach a left

    Turn and don’t swing out into the center of the road in order to make the turn easier this could endanger oncoming traffic and make may cause other Road users to misunderstand your intentions question 29 what could cause you to crash if the level is allowed to get too low B break fluid level

    You should carry out frequent checks on all fluid levels but particularly brake fluid as the brake pads or shoes wear down the brake fluid level will drop if it drops below the minimum mark on the fluid reservoir a could enter the hydraulic system and lead to a loss of

    Braking efficiency or even complete brake failure question 30 what legal requirement must be met by a newly qualified Driver D they must have valid motor insurance it’s your responsibility to make sure you’re properly insured for the vehicle you’re driving this is the case regardless of whether you’re a newly qualified driver or one with more experience question 31 why should you allow extra room while overtaking a motorcyclist on a windy

    Day B the rider may be blown in front of you if you’re driving in high winds be aware that the conditions might make a motorcyclist or cyclist swerve or wobble take this into consideration if you’re following or wish to overtake a two- wheeled vehicle question

    32 you’re driving on an open road in dry weather what distance should you keep from the vehicle in front a a 2C time Gap one way of checking there’s a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front is to use the 2C rule to check for

    A 2C time Gap choose a stationary object ahead such as a bridge or road sign when the car in front passes the object say only a fo breaks the 2C rule if if you reach the object before you finish saying the phrase you’re too close and need to increase the Gap question

    33 what could you do to help injured people at an incident a keep them warm and Cal comtable there are a number of things you can do to help even without expert training be aware of further Danger from other traffic and fire make sure the area is safe people may be in shock

    Don’t give them anything to eat or drink keep them warm and comfortable and reassure them don’t move injured people unless there’s a risk of further Danger question 34 you’re waiting to emerge at a junction your view is restricted by parked Vehicles what can help you to see traffic on the road you’re

    Joining B reflections of traffic in Windows you must be completely sure it’s safe to emerge try to look for traffic through the windows of the parked cars or in the Reflections in Windows keep looking in all directions as you slowly Edge forwards until you can see it safe question

    35 at an incident how could you help a small child who isn’t breathing B open their Airway and begin CPR if a young child has stopped breathing first check that their Airway is open and then begin CPR with a young child you may only need to use one hand and you shouldn’t press

    Down as far as you would with an adult continue the procedure until the child is breathing again or until a medical professional takes over question 36 you’re driving past a line of parked cars what should you do if a ball bounces out into the road ahead see slow down and be prepared to

    Stop for children be aware of children playing in the street and running out into the road if a ball bounces out from the pavement slow down and be prepared to stop don’t encourage anyone to retrieve it other Road users may not see your signal and you might lead a child into a dangerous

    Situation question 37 how should you rejoin the motorway after a breakdown on the hard shoulder a build up speed on the hard shoulder before looking for a safe Gap in the traffic to rejoin a Motorway from the hard shoulder you first need to build up speed on the hard

    Shoulder you can then look for a safe Gap in the traffic in the left hand lane watch for traffic that may be returning from a lane on the right into the left hand lane question 38 what type of vehicle displays this yellow sign b a school bus b a school

    Bus buses which carry children to and from school may stop at places other than scheduled bus stops be aware that they might pull over at any time to allow children to get on or off this will normally be when traffic is heavy during rush hour question 39 how should you re react to

    Inexperienced drivers B be patient and prepare for them to react more slowly Learners might not have confidence when they first start to drive allow them plenty of room and don’t react adversely to their hesitation we all learn from experience but new drivers will have had less practice in dealing with all the

    Situations that might occur question 40 your car requires an MIT certificate when is it legal to drive it without an mot certificate D when driving to an appointment at an mot Center when a car is 3 years old 3 years old in Northern Ireland it must pass

    Anot test and have a valid mot certificate before it can be used on the road exceptionally you may drive to a pre-arranged test appointment or to a garage for repairs required for the test drive vehicles that are more than 40 years old without an mot test but they

    Must be in a roadworthy condition before being used on the road see government. for more details question 41 when may you use Hazard warning lights while you’re driving B on a Motorway or unrestricted dual carriageway to warn of a hazard ahead when there’s queuing traffic ahead

    And you have to slow down or even stop briefly showing your hazard warning lights will help alert the traffic behind to the hazard question 42 why should these Road markings be kept clear D to allow children to see and be seen when they’re crossing the road he markings are there to show that

    The area should be kept clear this is to allow an unrestricted view for approaching drivers and Riders children wanting to cross the road question 43 what color are the reflective studs between a Motorway and a slip Road see green the studs between the carriageway and the hard shoulder are normally red

    These change to Green where there’s a slip Road helping you to identify slip roads when visibility is poor or when it’s dark question 44 how will you benefit from following the manufacturer service schedule for your vehicle see your vehicle will REM remain reliable all vehicles need to be

    Serviced to keep working efficiently an efficient engine uses less Fuel and produces fewer harmful emissions than an engine that’s running inefficiently keeping the vehicle service to the manufacturer’s schedule should also keep it reliable and reduce the chance of it breaking down question 45 where would it be safe to overtake C approaching a

    Junction you should overtake only when it’s really necessary and you can see it’s clear ahead look out for road signs and markings that show it’s illegal or would be unsafe to overtake for example approaching jum functions or bends in many cases overtaking is unlikely to significantly improve your journey time question

    46 you’re the first person to arrive at an incident where people are badly injured you’ve switched on your hazard warning lights and checked all engines are stopped what else should you do a make sure that an ambulance has been called if you’re the first to arrive at

    A crash scene the first concerns are the risk of further collision and fire ensuring that vehicle engines are Switched Off will reduce the risk of fire use Hazard warning lights so that other traffic knows there’s a need for caution make sure the emergency services are contacted don’t assume it’s already been done question

    47 why is a twoam crossing different from other Crossings D pedestrian and cyclists can use it together two can Crossings are shared by pedestrians and cyclists who are permitted to cycle across they’re shown the green light together the signals are push button operated and there’s no flashing amber phase question

    48 you’re driving a car fitted with automatic transmission when would you use kick down B to accelerate quickly kick down selects a lower gear enabling the vehicle to accelerate faster question 49 an adult casualty isn’t breathing to maintain circulation CPR should be given what’s the correct depth to press down on their

    Chest B 5 to 6 cm an adult casualty isn’t breathing normally to maintain circulation place two hands on the center of the chest then press down hard and fast around 5 to 6 cm and about twice a second question 50 you’re at the scene of an incident how could you help someone

    Who’s suffering from shock A reassure them confidently if someone is suffering from shock try to keep them warm and as comfortable as you can don’t give them anything to eat or drink but reassure them confidently and try not to leave them alone if you want to pass dvsa the r

    Test in the first time you can download our eo’s app app contains 2500 DV S8 s questions 250 Hazard perception videos 630 traffic road signs and 300 Highway code rules even 98.50% people pass their test first time after using our app you can find Link in the description download app for free

    From App Store which contains latest 2024 material licensed by dvsa Authority get 3 days free trial for a limited time


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