Toady we visit the Britannia migrant hotel in Wolverhampton, the security guard follows us on public land then rings the police on us.

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    Hello guys welcome back to the channel today we are at the britania hotel in wolver ampton big place migrant Hotel very big place absolutely full up this one is full up uh let’s just see if we can get around the front a little bit there you are flying the British flag anything but

    British I would say anything but uh just going to R don’t think we can get in no no we can’t get in but we can film above I know what we can see there guys uh whatever you’ve picked up there uh um let’s get over there for you that’s

    The yeah so we’re going to have a wander around see what sort of el we can pick up it’s SM bang in sort of almost like the center of wolver ampton here um but yeah it’s massive I’m not sure if this yeah this is the fire exit for the place this says

    Yeah so we’re just going to keep wandering around seeing what we can get I’m not sure if this is part of the place anymore or if this is some some else but I will try in see what the back way is like uh down here is the backway

    Uh but I’m not sure there’s anything sort of going on we’ll just keep walking anyway seeing what we can sort of pick up whilst we’re on us travels uh I would say that them bins over there off of the hotel um this is the hotel here big camera on it I would say

    These bins off for the hotel I would say definitely yeah uh so this is sort of the back way here but you can’t really see much in there nothing nothing much very dirty in there though bit of rubbish in there and stuff well I don’t know why they’ve got all these sort of

    Uh sorts of stuff going on here anyway this is the back of the hotel around here eight more windows open it must be way way too warm in there for them and I’m just going to take you long guys because I’ve just noticed some it

    Um now this isn’t to do with the hotel but I thought whilst I’m here I will get this look at that oh my Lord look at that oh my Lord Jesus Christ so we’re just making us way back around the front there’s nothing really going on around the back to be honest with

    You so making his way back around the front you know what then flying that uh the Union flag on the front is absolutely terrible I think should be taken down right mate he’s the security guard for the hotel having a look at what we’re doing here um but yeah we’re going hang around

    I’m just going to see if I can get sort of a a bigger shot for you show you the the actual size of this hotel yeah and now how big it is it’s absolutely huge I bet there’s 300 or more in here I would probably say so we’ve got the security guard for

    The hotel’s just here and I reckon he’s possibly ringing the police um but as you can see it’s all public land we not even been in we’ve not done nothing so we can sort of do what he wants really but yeah it’s absolutely huge a’t it there we

    Go all wind is all covered up again it’s nice to know that that they kept that warm in there that they can have the wind as open as well look at that hey terrible there’s the entrance again it is and then we have the old security guard there

    Uh just making sure we’re not up to anything another brania hotel chain as we can see the security guard is just hanging around um keeping an eye on us making sure we’re not doing anything but we’re not not doing nothing we just sort of show you how we documented we are on Lichfield

    Street yes see what we can get in through the window guys don’t know what we sort of picked up there it might just be a dirty windy and we’re being followed by the security guard guys but we moved across the road and he’s watching what we’re

    Doing I’m pretty sure this is out of his jurisdiction now and he shouldn’t be sort of watching us or following us there’s a reason why he following us mate yeah I’ve I’ve videoed a whole lot of you following us what you following us for mate we know you work in the

    Hotel I this this is out of your jurisdiction you’re supposed to be securing the hotel not on the public pavement yeah you need to go back in the hotel mate and stop following us up are on display at all times excuse me excuse me Mr security why don’t you

    Go secure the hotel and not follow us you following us mate are us my job your job’s in there not out here yes it is you came out of the hotel got it on video you’re not supposed to be stalking us stalking us guys he’s stalking

    Us so we got some uh we got some police around guys I’m not sure if uh they are here for us but we’ll wander across anyway and just have a look at the police cars obviously see for us he just locked his doors I’m not going to try and get in a

    Police car mate it’s on the red light just waiting the other police car’s just gone down there so uh yeah West Midlands police I think they’re just trying like show the faces to see if they can intimidate us into leaving but we’re not going to not yet anyway there’s the security man across

    There thinks these boys in blue are going to come and save the day and tell us to go away yeah but I don’t think that’s going to happen got another police car turned up here guys I think they’re just monitoring what we’re doing but we’re not doing anything wrong just a bit fil

    Me two police cars two police cars yeah there you go guys B bit of action on this one bit of action oh guys the looks like the police have turned off um just over there is he parked on double yellers no I think it’s just off the double yellers

    But yeah I think they just sort of monitoring what we’re doing um I wonder what they’ve said to get to the police out to them you know when we’re just videoing on a public pavement you know so uh yeah we are two cops across guys you are mate yeah call

    About yourselves causing a bit of issue for I’ve um recorded the whole lot causing an issue what walking on a public footb we’re just doing some filming in public that’s all it is mate doing a bit of documenting on the hotel that’s all that’s what we do that’s all

    That’s Lally we anybody that guy over there the guard that’s yeah he’s the one that’s following us come out and just follow the over engag with as part of my question which I’ve videoed why he was following me on a public foot par he shouldn’t be following people should he

    On on the I think some people get a bit concerned when people start filming especially with the face mask I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with you were protecting your privacy yeah exactly but are you recording yeah yeah aren’t you supposed to tell me no I

    Don’t have to yeah you have to you have to it’s it’s in your policies that when you start recording you’ve got to tell us you’ve got to tell us that I am recording yeah um yeah I think some people just get a bit sort of nervous I

    Guess with face masks and cing I I don’t wear with the face mask though and I i’t M pulled up all the time so yeah like said I’ve got no issue with you filming you do there he is there he told us he didn’t work here but his job’s in there

    Not out here so he should be staying doing his job been there and not coming out here and harassing members of the public this guy’s actually been following us he’s been stalking us all the way around but if he works in the general area he’s he works in there he

    Doesn’t work out here got to follow us and stalk us around well you might be concerned that people are filming him that’s all public not public aren’t we public photography no but if someone still has an issue with it they’re allowed to raise not to waste police

    Time really yeah this is I used to be a police officer many moons ago I would be very pleased this is a complete waste of police time they says are you recording are you recording yeah make sure you tell me when you start recording yeah just laugh it’s funny

    Ain’t it it’s funny we’re not doing anything wrong but we’re getting treated like criminals we got the police rang on us it’s not right that isn’t what what what have you told them to get the police out you told them that we’re doing something wrong videoing in public

    Is not a crime you shouldn’t be ringing the police for that that’s wasting police time that is the police have real issues to deal with not this there you go guys not bothered yeah we just film the car while here anyway film the car yes well there you go guys they

    Thought they were going to come and save the day and get rid of us but we’re in a public space we’re in a public path you know doing nothing wrong we haven’t harass them or anything have we haven’t even spoken to anybody but they think it’s funny and they think they can

    Use the police for whatever they want I don’t like that person standing there so I’m ringing the police to get rid of them crazy that isn’t it crazy so I’m going to leave this one here guys the police aren’t interested just a just a security guard so from the

    Britania hotel uh if you’ve liked this video do give it the thumbs up and I’ll see you on the next One


    1. Who runs the security company,? Not surely English people? Great video JOE, WIFE and COMPANY, Muppet police again.
      University wet behind the ears .wish I could afford to stay in a
      Hotel like that nice and warm ,fed washed bed all pension £ 186 a week have to pay for all of that and council tax
      Unbelievable government establishment let us down big time.

    2. I cannot comprehend why the police are continually protecting illegal migrants and the migrant security as if tax payers aren't paying over the top for illegals to live in the lap of luxury 😢

    3. Great to see the scumbag uk police protecting the illegal scumbags that are now destroying our country….deport these illegals…..👎👎🇬🇧

    4. With regary to the police recording they use a live feed system that goes to the HQ. Another guard who's jacket is brighter than himself just where does common sense ever come in to that job all they hay to do is observe and report not waste police time , no wonder pey who property is brokey into cannot get the police to attend

    5. A couple of things 1 flying the union flag what a disgrace and 2 how did he get 2 police cars if you phone the police if it ain’t a murder you get a crime number I’ve worked in wolves for 14yrs now and it’s been turned into a third world toilet Keep up the good work matey

    6. The scum of the earth being GUARDED BY THEM SELVES .. In luxury hotels in OUR TOWN CENTERS .,.

    7. Hi Joe & Julie Anne sending you a fiver towards your travelling costs also I have joined the awesome zone. Keep up the good work
      Sharon xx

    8. It’s a shame that no one can find out where the owners of the hotels live and then go round to their house and video that to see how they are living and ask questions why they taking the 300k+ every 3 months and firing all but one of the staff (so the Rumour is) and then having to close the hotels immediately to house those “extra non British spongers welcomed by the government for many new votes” so like the government they are selling out the British travel trade but when it’s all done they will moan why they are not getting the customers returning

    9. More spongers being given everything whilst English people have to pay for it. Yet another migrant security guard. Immediate deportation of these drains on society needed.

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