Full Moderate Carb Day Macros:
    P: 334g C: 438g F: 31g 3,335kcal

    Breakfast: P: 110g C: 71g F: 9g 855kcal

    Omelette: 1.5cups egg whites + 4.5oz chicken breast (cooked weight) + 28g fat free cheddar cheese + 30g Dijon mustard + spices

    Oats: 1/2cup egg white + 80g oats + 14g cocoa powder + 2g Espresso powder + Sucralose

    Meal 2: P: 59g C: 72g F: 4g 553kcal
    6oz chicken breast (cooked weight) + 50g rice (raw weight) + 62g corn + 61g black beans + 22g BBQ Sauce + veggies

    Meal 3: P: 59g C: 107g F: 4g 693kcal
    6oz chicken breast (cooked weight) + 50g rice (raw weight) + 62g corn + 61g black beans + 22g BBQ Sauce + veggies + 132g peach pie filling

    Intra workout: 50g carbs from Nutrabio “Supercarb”

    Meal 5: P: 47g C: 110g F: 8g
    “Egg white French toast” = 8 Slices butter bread + 1cup egg whites + vanilla bean paste + cardamom + cinnamon + sucralose + Walden farms sugar free syrup

    Supplements: 2 Animal Pak per day, Type 2 Collagen, Nattokinase, Citrus Bergamot

    #bodybuilding #weightloss #cooking #food #kitchen #diet #mealprep #cutting #protein #recipe #chef

    Episode 14 of the bodybuilding Chef this week we got our carb cycling today is Tuesday leg day that means I get about 400 grams of carbs rather than 650 or whatever I got yesterday I put it in the description yesterday and I’ll try to do that one today as well my breakfast and

    Dinners are the same each day but I just like to show the routine so cup and a half of egg whites save the remaining half cup for the oats just to add a little texture to them oil the pan wipe off the oil and uh I like the way I uploaded the video

    Yesterday unfortunately the music that I thought I used uh I thought it was free use but unfortunately it was copyrighted music so I’ll try to find some new audio just to cover up the little clips of training I I took some inspiration from the Ronnie Coleman Relentless videos I love

    Old Ronnie Coleman Movie videos of him training he only showed parts of his cooking and not so much talking so it was just really cut and straightforward it did show him eating and I’m not exactly comfortable with watching people watching me eat I think it’s just kind of

    Weird um I don’t know I feel like whenever I watch some people eat they do it weird and then I just don’t want to watch them and I certainly don’t like the sound of people chewing but we got 80 gram of Oats cup and a half of egg whites for The Omelette half

    Cup over here 28 gram of fat– free cheddar we do onion tomato all the seasonings with like French Dijon mustard and whatnot so I’m going to get this stuff cooking up uh in case you guys didn’t know 80 gram of Oats put about 400 gram of water in it or 400

    Milliliters right about 14 o they’re all different ways of measuring the same thing microwave for uh 5 minutes I already started cooking my rice for the day so it can cool down before I put it in the salads and uh those will be up next but

    5 minutes for the oats I’ll add the egg whites put 3 minutes and I’ll catch up with you guys in a moment once I got some stuff on the omelet and it’s looking pretty all right oats just finished their 5 minutes you’re going to put that half cup of egg whites in there

    Whisk it in and then I got all my toppings ready to go for my omelet so 3 minutes for the egg whites and the oats left this covered learned from yesterday when there’s an air bubble you can’t really put your toppings on evenly so so we got

    Our onion it’s half an onion I’m going to put some of it on here and the rest is for lunch meals two three and four lots of onions big onion guy okay then we got our chicken 4 and 1/2 o cooked weight meat Lo about 25% of their

    Mass from cooking whenever you cook them they just lose that water in a dangerous game here the other day I was taking the men uh was cooking steak and I got meat probes for the first time and the meat probe said like 53 degrees that was like

    The internal temperature of the meat I needed to move the steak because it was getting hot too fast my stupid ass was like 53° man that temperature probe is cold and I tried to move the steak by grabbing the temperature probe and burned myself I feel like I’ve noticed I’m

    Always I always got scratches and cuts on my hands like those old people with bruises looks so bad all right so we got our qu cup of tomato as well I’m going to wait to put that on I think I’ve decided to put that on later with the Dijon mustard so I’m

    Going to cover this let it steam the cheese and the last things I’ll do I’ll put on my 67 gam of tomato season it with dilled garlic powder black pepper and I’ll salt to taste I put very little salt in my food there’s enough salt in everything already and then I’ll top it

    With stone ground Dijon mustard and I’ll be good to go catch you up whenever that’s done all right breakfast’s almost done we’re going to do the big fold on the omelet I left the heat on five for too long oh turned out pretty good not bad most of the contents stayed

    Inside The Omelette if you get the uh contents inside The Omelette too soon or soon enough the egg will actually like hold everything if you get it kind of late the egg won’t hold anything so you have to be really careful whenever you plate it or you’ll spill its guts

    Everywhere or if you’re not on a diet or your diet’s set up for it you can put more cheese that works too you’re going to let that just toast up over here oats are done we’re going to put some water in it this dog literally just sits in the walkway at all

    Times all right water into the yats we’re going to put Splenda cocoa powder and espresso powder two teaspoons of espresso powder 14 G of cocoa powder and I just put a ton of Splenda in there sweetened to taste but I’ve said before it doesn’t taste as sweet as regular sugar maybe I’m just

    Used to it or something all right 15 or 14 grams of cocoa powder put a metric ton of Splenda in here it’s almost breakfast time all right so I’ll whisk this up get everything plated and that’s breakfast it’s a 800 calorie breakfast 100 g of protein 60

    Grams of carbs and I believe this is my highest fat meal it’s about 13 grams of fat or slightly less and most of those fats are just from the uh oats and the cocoa powder but just going to whisk this in fluff them up get that air in

    There help them cool down the oats so I can eat them sooner not burn myself and that’s breakfast and the final plating we got egg white omelette chocolate oats Diet Coke with no caffeine in it I try to drink very minimal caffeine now I found uh I’ve had a much better

    Energy throughout the day not drinking caffeine and just prioritizing sleep it’s been a big deal um I maybe consume at most 100 milligrams of caffeine on training days and that’s a I’ve I’ve gone to upwards of a thousand milligrams of caffeine a day and I honestly feel

    Way better now than I have a very long time sleep rest water good food uh you know take care of your body you know it’s your temple and you take care of it it’ll take care of you whether it’s for bodybuilding or just life in general I for one want to be a

    Great bodybuilder so starts with one meal that’s breakfast first day First Step get your first meal in and then get your day rolling and keep it on a high note from there all right so this one’s going to take a bit more detail but we got to

    Make a salad and then we got to make our regular rice and chicken bowls so I’m going to get the components of the salad working and then I’ll catch up once I’ve gotten everything sort of tupp awared up but we got 50 gram of rice in each Bowl

    The first meal one and two and then we’re going to put Roma lettuce fresh bell pepper and pablano and the other Bowl then what’s left of the bell pepper and pablano I’ll put here in the pan to soften up a little bit so I’m going to

    Take a handful of the onion save that for my salad the other part of the onion is going right to the pan on medium heat and we’re going to get that to soften up a little bit I just since I’m going for this Asian stir fry type thing I want to make sure

    That I get the right texture in it’s definitely the pablano peppers my detective work has paid off it is for sure the pablanos that are uh giving me that spice reaction to the food it’s not spice like a spicy mouth but after I cook there’s definitely some

    Like spice on my fingers even after I wash my hands like two or three times before I leave and it gets in in my uh my skin it’s the worst worst feeling ever uh these meals are technically the same or slightly less calories or I think these yeah these are the same

    Calories as last week but the problem with them is uh they’re so fast digesting because it’s just like carbs I’m even eating more fiber this week than I am last week but because of all these carbs I feel like my stomach is just empty but I’m going to get these

    Pablanos chopped up and in the pan I’m going to put that little tin foil cover on them like I like to do and then I’ll get the salad uh prepared a little bit further along and whenever I get the ingredients together in my uh My Salsa dressing type thing then

    I’ll uh I’ll share that so I’ll catch up with you when this is caught up a bit more all right so we’re going to make the salad dressing really quick 61 G of black beans trying to find like a quick way to throw this together for the video and

    I’ll set that aside while I put the black beans on the other thing so I don’t have to just keep washing this 61 on the money another 61 over here and I just opened a new can oh okay just open a new can and let it drain so now we got more black

    Beans okay black beans done the uh veggies have already been softened so no worries there that’s complete did next we’re going to put 62 G of corn on everything didn’t turn that stove off the one tough thing about those electric stoves you don’t always notice when they’re on cuz the heat heating

    Element isn’t always like red when it’s on it kind of just like turns on and off I put some uh Roma lettuce in these chicken and rice bowls I’ll probably just put a spinach in them next week but I have the Roma lettuce so might as well use

    It and it’s just to add some volume since I have slightly less carbs I have half the rice in it today than I had yesterday and yesterday my stomach was pretty empty after eating I’m definitely going to need the uh the volume just to sustain me if my stomach feels really empty it’s

    Like mentally just a wash it’s really hard to like like if I’m working out and I got an empty stomach before I even start I’m like man I feel really hungry and it kind of occupies my mind at some point I’m probably just going to have to get over it

    But you know whatever we put rotell tomato in here put another 67 G or 1/4 cup a little less than that but that’s okay just by a gram actually so that’s good then we got to throw two tablespoons or 30 gram of the light sour cream it’s only 35

    Calories and then we’re going to throw some spices on here it’s going to be cumin garlic powder cilantro powder and black pepper it’s nothing too extreme just that Chipotle Mexican flavor and a little smoked paprika as well all right so I’m going to mix this

    Up get it on there and I’m going to chop up the chicken put it on there as well and that’s uh that’s pretty much the extent of these meal preps for lunch all right and last thing to add so we got two chicken barbecue bowls and then we

    Got our chicken and uh salad bowl this is peach pie filling I have with my pre-workout meal just for some extra gas in the tank it’s like a 100 G of carbs uh all the macros are in the description of the video also but I just use the

    Lucky leaf peach pie filling I like peach pie filling and has real sugar in it which I prefer when I can have real sugar to have real sugar so I’m going to put the lids on these and get my butt to work you have a great day and I’ll catch

    Up with you after the workout when I’m cooking french toast for Dinner Oh [Applause] F He It is use the same recipe every time it’s one cup of egg whites and then you dredge the bread in it with the cardamom and vanilla extract and then you put it in the pan sprinkle the cinnamon on um I added the Splenda late I

    Actually usually end it add it in the uh egg wash and then you know they’re ready to flip whenever you can slide them around the nonstick p

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