My name is DBX ON THE BEAT, I am a Desi Indian studying in Dublin, Ireland. I came to Ireland from Delhi, India on a student to pursue my Master’s degree in Business Analytics. I try to be serious but it just doesn’t work for me 😉. I am a professional beatboxer and I entertain people!! I share my crazy and fun experiences here and on instagram!

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    Mishra ji’s Irish house, I am going to give a tour of authentic Irish house. My roommate is Italian, both are Irish cricketers. Let’s relate, this is our living room. Irish parents act as if they are parents. What is going on in India? What are you doing?

    Show your resume in your career. I like his book collection the best. Continue with the party place. There is a backyard here. Mishra Saxena’s room is your big one. We share it. Parents’ room is what’s up. This is the one on the beat

    And today I am you. I am going to give a tour of an authentic Irish house, so I have a friend, I have two friends who live here and basically they are house guests, they

    Are paid guests here, so today we will take a tour of their house. Okay, so you see the house behind me. Right now , let’s go, open the gate, let’s go, welcome, welcome sir, wow brother, this is Mishra

    Ji’s Irish House and Devansh ji’s Irish House, let’s go, today they are going to give us a tour of both the houses, welcome everyone, so let’s start. With the living room ok this is our living room where we chill out ok oh quite good Landlords Nene quite we have

    Given liberty so actually what we both do is we make some biryani some comfort food aaram se aaram se [Music ] Cobra from Stranger Things My Favorite Bee Stranger Thing It is true that this living room is common, everyone comes here, brother,

    Our land has given a lot of liberty that you come and sit, it is okay if they are also cooking food then we They would let you sit and you would know their thinking, what is their thinking that

    How much can two people tolerate each other in a room, so whenever they feel like being alone, they would say to us, ‘Come, what is the best part with my land’? It’s Friday night, he’s spending time alone, probably drinking wine, he always says,

    Let’s sit together, how many times has this happened, like four or two times, we’re sitting and we’ve had at least four or five wines. Finished the bottle of ‘You know what the best part is they act’.

    Our parents used to ask what is going on in India. Home, when will you feed us food, what are you doing in your career, show it in your resume and love. When I say, ‘Yaar Yono, I am somewhere ‘ When I am going, he will say to Lovage that man, wow,

    Just eat sugar and go son, eat food and go son, if it is right then I will show you some more room, look, this is the living room and he plays the piano, someone yes brother, he plays the piano, right? Yes, it’s true, we and Devansh practice a lot,

    Playing in it, turn it on, I am going, right, it will take time to turn it on, we will have to make two or three connections in it, we will have to bring it up, right, so look at

    The cycles in front, as told, both of us. It is only our owner’s, it is right brother, the electric cycle is nice, it is fitted with a Bosch bat, nice brother, the heavy bicycle is fitted, it must be at least

    1500 Euros, 1500 three three three, yes three keys brother, it is for my Hajj, so this is more expensive . Ok, I like their book collection the best, you take the books, read whatever you want to read and in this especially a lot of things are given

    About Irish History, so you will get to know a lot about this, so very good things. Hey man, she is a very good person, right, brother, right, let ‘s continue the tour of Mishra ji’s house. Continue with the party place where the party is taking place. This is the living

    Room, actually, right here. Here are our friends. Yes, all these children sitting here cheers continuously, this is the best thing in the kitchen that we can use any of the ingredients we want, I am selling it without

    Selling it, I am seeing in their interest that When the next one comes, take the rent and go away, I have sold the Taj to them, definitely yes brother, I am from Jharkhand, understand the point, I am telling you, rich father, tell me, as if I

    Could not buy even a single stone, tell me. I am rich, he makes so much money, he buys 10 shoes, he has 15 people already, you know, every penny is worth it, come on, show me the house, nothing, brother, this is ours, you are ok, I am ok, you are ok.

    Come on, show me the backyard, first quickly, it can’t be seen in the dark, is it a butt light or a by-chase switch, come on, no one, it is visible till there, yes, it is clearly visible, there is a backyard right there in the front, so almost every

    Irish house has a backyard. So it is back, it is dark now, but it is not visible but there is a table in it, but what happens is that in summers, we install heating system here. Have you been here in summer also? Yes, I

    Came here in August, when I came to this path for the first time. I didn’t drink, this is what happened, it was very good, that means those memories are attached to this table, okay brother, she is doing garage work

    , it is right, let’s go, let’s continue, give me a tour of the house for two minutes brother. Now even you are saying yes and this is the washroom below the kitchen. Brother, you should know that in almost

    Every house there is a bathroom under the kitchen. Mostly if someone comes from outside, he is shown this bathroom. Yes, let’s go up the stairs, there are two rooms here, one washroom is very good, it is very good, Mishra is Sana’s room, Mishra Sana’s room, this

    Is our bed, this is a huge room, which means it is a very big room even according to the size, so there are two beds here. It is very good, one washroom in front, three almirahs, actually, okay, this is our common one, there is garbage in it, they put

    It, this is your big one, no, this is not the big one, this is the common one, yes, it is yours, it is still big, isn’t this the one on the left? Share it, share it, it’s good for [ __ ] and this one is my nice, like you guys are looking now,

    I am saying hard, if you put everything in one cupboard, then this is the washroom, it looks good, let’s go up. Let’s go, this plate is a good place, it is right. Go further to the third place, there is mostly an attic upstairs and a master bedroom. This is our parents ‘ room

    . This is also very good, so it was given because they thought that our voice would come from the love room. They are lucky, they have got very good landlords, the thing is that they are very comfortable, they really love our culture, Italians, there

    Is a very good bonding with us, to be a nest is not a thing, but a good experience, but it did not hurt. I have an Italian roommate, she brings her culture with her. She is Irish, she brings her

    Culture with her. This is a very cultural house. Let me give you an example, when the India and Australia match was taking place, we lost to Australia. They gave the first one two-text text. Don’t worry boys, it’s okay. We’re very sad to have the loss Ireland won the first match okay

    I was the one to text them congratulations and all and I’ll say you just a small little thing so there’s a Joshua Little Karke player and Harry Tector is that Both of them are their relatives or both are Irish cricketers who will be seen in IPL now and they are both their

    Relatives or so, this means that they promised me that they will show it in March, I wish that I bring Divyansh and make a blog, this thing is right. That’s right, I also used to play cricket myself and he said, okay, let’s have some relation

    With Irish cricket, that’s their room, okay, many of them, look at this room, it is also quite huge, this room and this is the attic, basically the attic converted into a room. Hey above, if you

    Are looking like this but it is quite right friend, come down and there is probably a store room here but anyway all in all I have given you a nice house store and especially Mishra ji has

    Given you a house store so yes the title of the blog will be Mishra ji’s Irish house so remember it anyway or obviously our Gupta ji Mir ji and Gupta ji a good combination but anyway so keep following the logs keep watching what more content do you want write in the comments

    This is this is DB one on the beat Signing off I wish I could beat box ten but I’d be nice right now it was almost by the way thank you nice nice let’s go show it off


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