It’s about to get easier to get to Lithuania. Here’s why you should add it to your holiday hit list.


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    We sometimes call our country as undiscovered gem in Europe and of course uh first uh what you must see in Lithuania is villus is a capital of Lithuania with its stunning um Oldtown area that is under the UNESCO Heritage protection uh also um it’s a troped close to villus only 25 kilomet where

    You can see the beautiful uh Castle uh on the lake around and um Lithuania has a lot of different experiences on nature and nature sites are such as coronian speed or different national parks with a beautiful um path n Town H this is the nature site where you can see beautiful

    Coronian Lagoon and on the other side uh the Baltic Sea and the fisherman Villages that are really very interesting and has this historical Spirit of of the land we have the cycling route uh along the sea and you can travel through uh Palanga resort to coronian pit and have this beautiful uh

    Trip uh by bik pus is the second uh largest Lithuanian City uh so it also now uh pus modernism is under the UNESCO Heritage side and and this is really very interesting for those who are seeking for the culture and who seeking to um to travel and to get more about

    The city Kus is very artistic City it has more than 60 museums on the area starting like from the devil Museum and ending with a different uh basketball Museum that is the second religion for lithuanians the basketball

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